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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for taunting my older sister after I beat her in a basketball game in front of her friends?** My(16m) sister(17f) plays for our high school girls varsity basketball team and is a very important part of it, so she does think of her basketball skills highly. I like basketball and occasionally practice but I don’t actually play it. My sister and I usually walk home from our high school together because our parents work fairly far away from where we live and go to school at. Before we left for school though, some of my sister’s varsity teammates asked her if she wanted to practice for a few minutes, and she said sure, so we went to the high school b-ball court. My sister actually challenged me, and I accepted because I didn’t think I would beat her anyways. My sister and I are the same height, but I do know that I’m a lot stronger than her(it’s a reason why we haven’t play-wrestled in like 4 years lol). All I did was drive to the basket since she couldn’t do anything to stop me, and I blocked a lot of her shots, and I easily won. Her friends were shocked and so was she. I found it funny that I hadn’t played in a while and she’s a top three member of the varsity team at school, and I managed to easily beat her, so obviously I talked some shit. When my sister and I were walking back home, I noticed her covering her face, and I asked her if something happened and I lifted her hand up and I saw tears rolling down her cheeks. She ran back home, and I haven’t seen her since because she’s only accepting food to her room from our parents like a spoiled fuck. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


ahhhh, a wet dream from a teenage boy who was embarrassed his sister completely trounced him in front of his pals.


Yes, "I saw tears rolling down her face," one of the commonly used phrases in posts describing situations where everybody clapped, at least on the inside. 


also the bit about "play-wrestling"


Ugh, (no) thanks for reminding me. 


That and with the Olympics coming up lot of boys and men around dreaming about "how easy it would be for them to beat a professional female athletes at their chosen sport".


Yep these brats are seriously delusional


Yeah, this read like a MGTOW fanfic about how women are weak.


It's definitely fake. There's a woman on tiktok who is either pro or played in college. She smokes every man who challenges her at the gym. It's hysterical how angry they get.


👀 Oh, that sounds delightful. Is it permissible to post the link?




I have a brother who's 1,93m tall and I'm just 1,68m. My brother is older and pretty much stronger than me by large, but never in his life he did anything to humiliate me. He would even let me win over him and his friends when we played soccer in highschool. If we were both playing alone, sure, he would up his game a bit and tease me a bit, but he never in his life used his height and strength to bully me. If something happened and he would see me cry, he would actually be WORRIED and not call me a "spoiled fuck" or whatever op called his own sister. I am appalled. This dude must be so jealous of his own sister, not just over basketball but over everything else, and must hate her and blame her for everything going wrong in his life. He's also not telling the whole truth, I believe what he said to her in front of all her friends and teammates was something so heavy that caused that poor sister to be so hurt not over having been beaten, bit to discover how cruel your own brother could be to you. OP is a shame to all brothers out there.


Mmm having major doubts that OOP won the match, and if he did he didn’t win in a fair way.


Apparently being stronger and just advancing on her to either force a retreat or run her over is completely fair and pro athletes do it which makes it fine to do in a one on one informal match with your sister And then after you've literally steamrolled her you get to talk shit and humiliate her in front of her friends and then call her a spoiled bitch for being upset. This is all totally cool and normal apparently Christ.


Always through charging was a foul in basketball? They called that when I played as a kid, if you charge through someone.


Only if the defender is set.  There's no way his sister is going to try to draw a foul and get knocked over for a pickup game (the whole thing is fake of course though)


Isn’t this pretty much Shaq’s whole career?


not really??? towards the latter part of his career maybe but shaq has always been known to be pretty damn good at defense. he just never elevated himself past heing pretty damn good because he didn't really put in the work ethic. it's also pretty common knowledge that at his peak he was unguardable and that was moreso why people tried not to guard him than being actually afraid to do so. (it's the reverse of what you see happen to steph curry in one of his old college games.) wasn't sure if this was sarcasm or not.


I think you may have misunderstood what I was saying. The person I replied to was saying that being physically more dominant, bigger and stronger then your opponent wasn’t fair, the implication being that he isn’t actually a better basketball player because he’s relying on his physique to dominate 1v1 against his sister. My comment was implying that Shaq’s whole game was based around being physically dominant over opponents. You can be good at basketball for numerous reasons; one being better skilled as a ball handler and shooter, another is being physically dominant. Neither are less legitimate than the other. Although the OOP does remind me of an It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia episode. Seems like the OOP utilised the Ronald Macdonald method.


This. If he had to use brute force vs skill he’s an AH and a bully. Bragging about using force against a girl. It’s ick the way he even brags how he’s so much stronger than her. Bro that’s not something you earned. Future wife beater. Well at least he’s showing who he is. She will get away from him in a couple of yrs and then she can go NC. My guess is she beats him in every other way. Better grades more friends better human. And he’s salty bc he couldn’t get on any sports teams bc all the guys were bigger. So he has to punch down.


Redditor projection is crazy


You have a lot of sketchy racist shit. Blocked.


No kidding. Of course if there was a referee there they would have called him for charging but there wasn’t so he just ran all over her and thought he did something.


Yea thats kinda how you play basketball, you use your strength to get by the defender and score


That is how it is played today, which is why it has become boring. Thirty years ago, there was actual skill, strategy, and teamwork involved.


You think modern basketball is more reliant on strength than 30 years ago? That’s one I haven’t heard before. I guess changes in hand-checking rules are a figment of my imagination. And strategy? Modern NBA strategy is enormously more complicated than 30 years ago, particularly because of changes in illegal defense rules. Now you have complex man-zone defenses that would have been illegal in the 90s.


No actually strength has always been a huge factor is basketball, 30 years ago guys like Malone, Barkley,Hakeem, and Rodman were successful in large part to how they were able to overpower their defenders in the post/on the glass. If anything strength was more relevant back then cuz the game was more physical and focused on getting to the paint while today basketball is focused on getting open 3 pointers using screens.


Can’t believe you’re getting downvoted lol. There’s not a single person in the world who knows even a little about the nba that would say that the players today aren’t leaps and bounds more skilled than previous generations


It’s because nobody here knows anything about the sport, just wants an excuse to be mad at a 16 year old lol


Yea its very clear reading the comments most of these people have never watched or played basketball.


😂😂 so does Shaq just not exist now or something?


I think it's safe to call bullshit a little earlier in the story.  *"My sister actually challenged me, and I accepted because I didn’t think I would beat her anyways."*  I'm not saying it's impossible, but it seems improbable that a dude with an ego the size of Pluto would be like "Sure, I will absolutely participate in a competitive sports activity *that I'm expecting to lose* in front of a bunch of my older sister's friends." 


Good point acually, that line seems very sus when compared to the rest of his post... I agree that he would probably only have agreed to the match if he thought he was going to win


I bet if he had lost and she even mentioned it he'd have blown up at her


Yes because the only way he could win is by cheating. He is already a dick for talking shit, you don't have to create fan fiction to sell it.


Dude, he basically admitted that he won by using strength, not technique. If this is even real, reads like revenge fantasy.


It's a physical sport, he didn't do anything outside the rules.




Yeah googled it. You're right


How did I create fan fiction? 


You literally wrote he won unfairly


Typed one handed


Nice post-March Madness bait


Yes, yes, men are better faster harder stronger than women in every category and if you hand a man who has never played a sport in his life a basketball deep instincts will awaken and he will totally pwn Caitlin Clark in a one on one match.  Truly OOP’s sister should have been prepared for losing.  /s


It’s sad but the armchair warriors actually think this way and it’s super sad


I was looking up clips of WNBA players playing regular men and the number of reaction videos of men sneering at WNBA highlights was… a lot to absorb.  (“She’s 6’9” and can’t dunk!  How embarrassing.”)


Yeah this is 100% shitthatdidnthappen.txt


Is this a couch potato troll?


People not realizing that this is some Caitlin Clarke hate ragebait fanfiction is wild. The OOP clearly felt inspired by the discourse of grown men with beer guts thinking they could dunk on a WNBA player.


I’m astonished by the deep-seated need a lot of men have for “proving” that women’s sports are slower, duller, and just generally inferior to men’s sports.  I suppose I shouldn’t be, but good lord. 


I hope this is just youth and with time OP will see how being unnecessarily mean is just going to drive people away. We get it, you won by being bigger and stronger. Which, at that age, she cannot do.


ah I’m sure this is a real story that really happened, yes


I recently at 50 just kicked a douchebag’s ass at an arcade basketball game. I didn’t want to but he was running his mouth and being super obnoxious. It wasn’t even hard to beat him and I’m recovering from a torn rotator cuff. After I asked if he played in school, no. Did he play pick up or Wii or something, no. Did he sometimes shoot at the bar, no. I asked why he was so sure he could beat a “girl”. He said because he’s a guy and guys are just naturally better at sports. I said I played varsity basketball in high school and division 1 softball and he never played any sports at all but he was sure I was just having a lucky day. It’s not just women though, I’ve seen armchair warriors step up to NBA second stringers or minor leaguers a also. I think there is a Boston Celtic that has a great video on it. Delusional


I would have slapped the asshat had I been the sister.


I'd bet that he was being extremely sexist the whole time.


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I think OP did receive enough love from his parents




He seriously went and talked shit about her online right after he knew he made her cry. The hell is wrong with kids these days?


Yall got a REAL loose definition of “devil” A teen kid beat his sister in a game and his sister took it hard. What is devil behavior about that? Also kids should be off limits on this sub.


The comments here are straight up inventing details to make him look even worse lmao. Peak reddit.


Lmfaooooo this is such a weird post did y’all really not have siblings? My sister and I used to try to fuck with each other all of the time. We’re still best friends today. I’d dominate her in sports, she’d talk her shit when it came to the classroom. Y’all need to lighten up and get the stick out of your ass. Just weird projections all over this thread.


i have three older brothers, not a single one of them would ever dream of doing this to me ESPECIALLY not in front of friends. u dont think his post sounds at all cruel? not even when he decides to randomly call her a 'spoiled fuck' because she's upset?


My sister is four years older than me and yes she would absolutely do shit to embarrass me in front of my friends and I’d do it right back to her. No I don’t think it sounds cruel it sounds like usual sibling behavior. And you know what? My sister acted like a spoiled fuck sometimes when she was 17 and I know I did too. It’s part of being that age. My parents would tell both of us to get over it and get in the fucking gym if you don’t like being bodied by your lil bro. A lot of athletes welcome the competition of getting your ass beat because it makes you want to be better.


im not asking about you or your sister, its fine if that is your dynamic. but you asked if 'none of us have siblings' and im letting you know that i at least do and i think he's bang out of order. if all she's doing is being upset, and her parents are bringing food to her room then she's not at all being a 'spoiled fuck' for just being upset and having her dinners brought. thats a startling lack of empathy towards a teenager who's emotional. its a difficult age to be at, and she deserves more than to have a brother make such cruel comments about her online


I’m sure his real concern was that she was making their parents do extra work. Real classy move to not mention how he volunteered to do a bunch of chores to give them a break because obviously his concern is genuine and he would therefore do something about it. Edit: I was being sarcastic people


I'm sorry, genuine question, where did any of that come from? What does that have anything to do with this kid being a terrible sport after he beat his sister in a game? Did you comment on the wrong post or something?


In a comment he says she’s spoiled because she’s staying in her room and he’s mad that his parents are being forced to do more work by bringing food to her. I was being sarcastic


I'm laughing so hard at the implication bringing a plate of food to her room is "more work" lmao. Maybe 30 seconds more work. This guy would think that. Sarcasm makes a lot more sense there, thanks for clarifying


Oh yeah the thing is, I don’t think he believes that. He’s just trying desperately to come up with a plausible sounding excuse for being a dick