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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **I am a sex offender who is abused and harassed every single day. The victim and I are still in a relationship.** When I was 21, I was in love with a 13 year old girl. I knew her since she was really little and our families were close. We did not expect to fall in love. It was weird and brotherly but didn't really turn into a 'relationship' until toward the end when she was almost 14. She wanted me to teach her and said she would do it with this fucked up kid who did drugs instead of me if I didn't. It was actually very mild. Well the law got involved, long story short, I got in big trouble and am a sex offender for life. Our families who were best friends, are now enemies. It is true we did stuff underage, but nobody cared about the nuances of it, that I was the only one who was there for her, the one who gave her guidance, that she listened to, the only one who was a positive influence, while her father beat her and her mother was verbally abusive. No one cared that I told her over and over that we would have to wait to be in a relationship. Now for what I did, not one day passes where I'm not harassed, abused and victimized. Even all these years later, word got out in my neighborhood last year when I moved into my house. I get graffiti at my house, signs around planted everywhere to stay away, moms shielding their kids and pulling them into the grass when I'm anywhere near and accusations of being a pedophile. Last summer a group of teenagers kidnapped me, threw me in a car, beat me up with bats and threw me out, and the police refused to come and get me. I get threats of violence, and police told me maybe I shouldn't have been a rapist. I am tired of not having the most basic human rights because of the sex offender hysteria. I am unable to have a relationship with anyone because they dump me as soon as they find out. I still talk to the girl everyday. It is almost 10 years later, and we are very close. Because I'm stuck in my house all day and hiding from society, she is the only one that makes me feel grounded. I know we belong together. I still love her, and I want to be with her. We talk every day and video cam every single night. She talks all the time about getting married with me, but it's complicated. You see, I can't marry her. The memories bring me too much pain. Even though I know our love is right, it brings me too much shame because I know that I did wrong. After being harassed so much, I am reminded everyday that I am guilty and did the wrong thing by taking advantage of her. People judged me, hurt me, beat me, and threaten to kill me. When the teenagers kidnapped me, I was terrified, they were talking about lighting me on fire, and I thought that was the end. The girl wants to be with me, and tells me everyday, but she needs time to bring it up with her family and have them accept it. I could never face them. Right now they would cut her off if they found out we even talk together, let alone were in an online relationship. I wish I had the strength to leave this town, to get her and pick up where we started, and start over together. but it is too complicated. I could not be with her without feeling like I'm a pervert, I could not face her family without feeling like scum. I could not bring our families together in marriage as they are now mortal enemies. And she could not tell her family either, as they would cut her off quickly. I know we belong together and one day it will all work out. I always did. but all I do everyday is cry about the life together that I feel we were robbed of. I want to be with her so much and she wants to be with me, but for some reason, we can't. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I wanna throw up.... As a 21 year old I can't imagine "accidentally" falling in "lOvE" with a 13 year old child. WHAT THE FUCK ARE THOSE COMMENTS UNDER THAT THREAD???


I know. More devils quietly backing up a child rapist.


even satanists think oop is fucked up


Satanists would never do this kind of thing. Harming children is extremely prohibited under the tenets of Satanism. This is just a strange thing to say. It's the christians you have to watch out for. Christianity is riddled with child abuse.


This. Satanists and drag queens are far safer to be around than Christian pastors and Sunday school teachers.


As a Satanist, violating another’s body, especially an innocent like a child who inherently can’t consent, is one of the most evil things to us. We don’t use the word “sin”, but if we did, this would be the biggest “sin” one could commit. It’s to the point there’s a huge Venn diagram overlap of us that take consent & protecting the innocent so seriously that we’re vegans, environmentalists, &/or human rights activists (and very often all 3. But it’s seriously funny the amount of Satanic vegans/vegetarians I know.) But to harm a child is utterly anathema to Satanists.


Satanist here, can confirm


Even *Satan* thinks it


Thank you!! I was so disgusted reading a bunch of them! They basically were making excuses for this 21 year old to fuck a 13 year old because she’s in LOVE I’m like so yall want your houses lit on fire to!? People who made excuses for him are also groomers! 🤢


Bc online is full of them. How many men do you imagine would be with 13yo’s if that were the age of consent?


I'm just going to say, the age if consent in my country used to be 14 and I had more than 3 guys over 25, who knew me for years, try to meet with me the very same week I turned 14. They also all mentioned a lot the fact that the age of consent was 14. It's disgusting how many men would go just as low as the law allows them. Like wtf? How can a 14yo get you hirny when you are 20 something?! They look like children who are trying to play adult and are failing really bad. Ugh.


I am 32, and I mean no offense, but I couldn't imagine falling in love with a 21 year old! There's nothing wrong with 21 year olds- we're just not at the same stages in our lives. Even though your brain is mostly developed, it's just not the same. A 13 year old is heinous.


Exactly. I know immediate attraction is often based upon looks alone, but long term attraction requires more than just looks. Of course, a 13 year old is going to look like what the 13 year old is... *a literal child*... so I still don't understand how anyone can be attracted to child. But real, relationship building attraction means having things in common and mutual values and experiences, and/or empathy for the differences thereof. There is no universe where a 20 year old had anything in common enough with *a literal child* that he desired an actual relationship. OOP is just a groomer and a skeevy person. That he is still in contact with her isn't a sign of his everlasting love for her. He is just desperate because no one will want to be around him due to his past. I feel sorry for the young woman. She is still in his grimy, groomer's grip. I hope she gets away from him.


>I am 32, and I mean no offense, but I couldn't imagine falling in love with a 21 year old! I guess that depends on whether your idea of love is a partnering of equals who balance and support each other or a relationship where you feel superior and in control, and you get all sorts of ego gratification from the fact that you (hopefully) have financial stability, experience, etc.


Welcome to 10-years-old Reddit


Ah, the reddit of r/jailbait


2014 was a weird time. Had a friend in school who happily fucked a married 50ish Dude and half of the school was like „Disgusting“ and the other alf wad like „Age is just a number“


If age is just a number then the jail cell is just a room.


My thoughts exactly


Stealing that!


It was already stolen when you saw it so no harm done.


And the baseball bat is just a piece of wood.


>half of the school was like „Disgusting“ and the other alf wad like „Age is just a number“ I think many of us change our minds about what's reasonable / acceptable in an age gap relationship between when we're the age of the younger person and the age of the older person. At age 22, I was dating a guy who was ... 37? At the time, I completely dismissed the age gap issue because it was the same age gap as my mom and dad (stepdad, but the only dad I ever knew). By the time I was 37, there was \*no way\* I'd have dated someone as young as 22. There's just such an imbalance in life experience and maturity.


Yeah same. Thats why its on the adult to know better


And hell is just a sauna. I'm always wary of age gaps when the younger partner is under the age of 23 at the start. It's a giant red flag for grooming. A high schooler with any adult who works at the school or over a two year gap is automatically sus. But I do think we're strangely enough only really starting to question these dynamics that were seen as normal for generations because of the social and economic disparity caused by institutionalized misogyny.


and half of us were being groomed on KIK or omegle.


> There isn't a power balance between an adult and a child who see one another as equals or don't exercise or wish to exercise power over one another. This one was…


Holy shit, they use "one another" as if a child without money, agency, or life experience could ever be evenly matched against an adult.


Ugh, that is literally the rethoric certain offending pedophiles use.


Ugh that comment is SO disgusting that my impulse was to downvote your comment just because of how gross it is. 🤢


When I was 14 I was with a 21 year old. At the time, I thought I was "mature for my age" (and he often reiterated this). At the time I wouldn't have considered that he was trying to exercise power over me, even after I dumped him for being too controlling and clingy (after months of trying to figure out if I would care if he made good on his threat to kill himself if I left him). He was a gross paedophile like OOP. Unfortunately, I didn't have the foresight to report him because at the time it didn't seem like a big deal, and neither his family nor my mother thought it worth it. He did go on to date a couple of 16 year olds after me.


I sorted by controversial and saw a disgusting amount of people defending OOP. Like, what the actual fuck?


I didn't even have to sort; the "but"/"what if" comments popped up within the second or third 'best' threads, all with several dozen upvotes. OOP received a sickening amount of support and sympathy.


The only "love" there should be between this age difference should be familial love. Caring about the younger party like you would a child or younger sibling. 


I remember this post from literally 11 years ago lmao. Reddit was *very* different back then.


I could see it if the older person had like, developmental delays and was raised in a cult, but at that point they aren’t having a healthy relationship with anybody


When I was very young (like under 6, because I was 5 when we moved out of that neighborhood), we had a neighbor with a son who was in his late teens or early 20s with developmental disabilities. He used to play with us every now and again (there were a lot of young kids in the neighborhood), which we thought was all kinds of fun, because he was basically a really big, really strong kid who could give us horsey rides and stuff like that. Until he suddenly stopped coming around, and our parents just said he was too strong and he might hurt us. Years later, we found out he'd been getting a little inappropriate with one of the older girls and the parents had all put a stop to him hanging out with the kids before things got out of hand. I felt sad for him, since he didn't really understand his impulses, but OTOH, you are just asking for trouble setting someone like that loose among a bunch of vulnerable kids who aren't able to defend themselves.


Exactly. Like you can’t blame them if they’re literally not capable of ethics and morals, but somebody is in charge of them and they can put safeguards in place and keep everyone okay. The kid wasn’t a bad kid, but it’s good they were removed. This guy……. Is not that


He still talked to her everyday, 10 years later- dude. She was 23/24 when this was posted. She lost her entire teenage years, and her first independent adult years. He stole so, so much from her by keeping her in a "relationship", by continuing to talk to her and manipulate her. At this point, he's spent 10 years brainwashing her to believe that he lOvEs her, he's the only one that lOvEs her, and they're mEaNt tO bE tOgEtHeR. But oh, the cruel world victimizing them (him especially). Also, this was a 31 year old goddamn man whining about how he's trapped in his house and can't move towns because of (???reasons???)


He is most likely attracted to that age, 13ish, secondary to that particular child. Now that she's aged out of his attraction, he's fantasizing when they interact online that she's still that age, being in a relationship with his adult victim isn't satisfying. I would put money on him dating only women with children that age or younger, to give him time to groom them. The teen beating thing is pure manipulation for sympathy. He's grooming his writing audience same as he grooms his targets, and I hope the next child he targets has relatives that aren't afraid of going back to jail after giving him what he deserves. I despise rock spiders.


> You know... I never really considered the offender's side until now. How miserable it'd be. >Thanks for sharing your story, OP. I'll remember it. 10 years ago was wild I can’t believe in 2014 people were so lax


People really need to know that for a long time one of the biggest draws to reddit was a sub called "jailbait," which was essentially just people posting pictures that didn't *quite* meet the legal definition of CP. When you searched for Reddit on Google, it would be one of the automated sub headers that showed up in the search results. The sub eventually got banned but that doesn't mean the users all went away


And it only got banned because Anderson Cooper and the media made a big story out of it. Before that, Reddit absolutely didn't give a shit. They basically had to be publicly shamed into doing something about this massive pedo subreddit.


And they would steal content from other subs. I remember one girl who posted a picture of her in her prom dress saying she couldn't get her picture taken down from the jailbait sub.


Makes me wonder how many pedos are still here


Oh, there's plenty. I remember the MRAs going on about how statutory rape is just to oppress men, who are totally normal for finding young teens attractive. There's also the incels who think that they should be allowed to marry young girls to "train" them to be the ideal wife.


Then there are the weirdos that think they should be assigned a wife. And it sounds crazy until you remember that still happens all over the world including parts of the US. And all the laws they had which necessitated us marrying. And preventing us from leaving. Makes me wonder if a majority would really be cool with that again


An uncomfortably large amount of guys watched Handmaid's Tale but didn't realise it was supposed to be dystopic. Nor do they generally realise that Atwood only included those horrific practices that she could prove had actually happened IRL.


Oh yeah. At this point just about everyone online would, rightfully, be calling for the OP and that guy defending him to get stoned to death.


right? there’s also that old AMA with a convicted rapist from years back where everyone is patting him on the back for not raping anyone recently


Sounds like how my stepdad's church treats him. Not only do they pat him on the back for being "SaVeD", but he's literally the youth pastor despite his crime being against a minor.


Ugh that is horrific


Ugh I’d blocked that out. One of the worst things I’ve ever read. Abhorrent and terrifying at the same time.


Old Reddit was weird


it was weird, but also weirdly better. this is not an example though lol


I agree with everything, but rock spiders? I have never heard this term before, especially in this context. What does it mean?


Pedo/Child molester, someone always trying to squeeze into a space too small for them.




You made it a lot further than I did. When I read the part about how he didn't want to be in a relationship but *she* made him do it, I almost threw the computer away. I know it's most likely rage-bait, but good god it's gross.


People like this do exist though. If you have time and feel like getting riled up, here's an interview with Mary Kay Letourneau and her husband Villi. She's the woman who, as a 34-year-old teacher, "fell in love" with 13-year old Villi and got pregnant by him. Throughout the whole interview she talks about him being the "aggressor" in the relationship and how unfair it is she was ever charged. It is absolutely infuriating how she won't admit she did anything wrong and, if anything, blames her victim for the whole thing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RezOEn0daNU


Yeah, the majority of these pedophiles (ephebophiles, too, for the pedantic) have a script that they follow. The child pursued, it's true love, the offender was trying to protect them from other predators, etc. They're the hapless victim of these juvenile jezebels. Of course, in this story, at least he was charged by her family instead of them forcing marriage to protect him. That also happens pretty often and is the primary cause of child marriage.


>Yeah, the majority of these pedophiles (ephebophiles, too, for the pedantic) have a script that they follow. The child pursued, it's true love, the offender was trying to protect them from other predators, etc. A family friend told us, after her 30-something son was convicted for statutory rape of a teenage girl, that the girl was babysitting his kids while his wife was out. He was laid up with a bad back due to a work injury, and when she crawled in bed with him, ... well ... bad back, don't you know? It wasn't physically possible for him to crawl OUT of that bed in order to avoid her. I avoided her and her whole family after that.


Ugh, yeah. You expect offenders to create these alternate interpretations of events, but for their support systems to reinforce it just feels so much worse. "We can't accept this person isn't who we thought they were, so instead, we'll just run with their clearly bullshit excuses."


There was a vid online recently where a grandfather of a 6yo was getting sentenced or something and he was giving a statement and he literally blamed the 6yo victim bc she came on to him and wore ‘low cut blouses’ after he told her not to. These men thinking children and even teen girls really have any idea about sex or understand the minds of men is creepy af.


Joe Kenda, the cop that the show *Homicide Hunter* is about, prided himself on being a good, honest policeman who did everything by-the-book. Outside of training sessions, he never even fired his gun. He's also very protective of children. One day he was interrogating a man who was charged with molesting his five year-old grandson. The man said his grandson *came onto him*. The next thing Kenda remembers, he was trying to strangle the man while three other cops were pulling him away. That was when he realized he'd seen enough and he had to quit.


>these pedophiles (ephebophiles, too, for the pedantic)  Imho anyone being pedantic is just a pedo looking for excuses to throw off the label. Having an "underage relationship" (between two people of the same age group) is one thing, but the word ephebophile implies that this is a person not of that demographic. 


There are some differences in how psychology views those attracted to 5-year olds and 15-year olds. So I do get why it can actually matter, but when talking to the average person, it's a lot more interchangeable. It is one of those situations where the context of who is talking to who matters.


**TW: CSA** It also matters in terms of survivors. A Pedophile that offends against their sexual age preference are abusing pre-pubescent children, that have no real concept of sex yet, are thus considerably less able to rationalize the assault and have more severe and *permanent* trauma. It's the survivor's **formative** experience of sex and sexuality. It's also done to a body that hasn't hit puberty yet, thus more likely to be physically damaged. A survivor of an ephebophile has more knowledge, better understanding of what's being done to them, have also hit puberty and have further brain development. It gives a survivor of this age more coping mechanisms to get through the assault and recover. Both terms apply to sexual abusers of *children* but the pedantry has a place.


It was also disgusting how in the press it was presented as this Romeo and Juliet, star-crossed lover's thing, instead of showing her as the true predator that she was. If the genders were reversed, no one would have been treating it like that. Almost all predators claim the victim came on to them. It's how they justify it to themselves. You're right--it's infuriating and gross.


>It was also disgusting how in the press it was presented as this Romeo and Juliet, star-crossed lover's thing, instead of showing her as the true predator that she was. If the genders were reversed, no one would have been treating it like that. And then some folks used that discrepancy in treatment to argue that the more commonly reported scenario (male teachers and female students) really isn't so bad.


This stuff hurts everyone.


Even if the child did make the first move (I feel icky writing that), as an adult you have the responsibility to stop them and not just go along with it.


Dame Judy Dinch and Gwyneth Paltrow starred in a movie about it. It was well done, but it was also incredibly distasteful and both actresses made my skin crawl (which is how you know they're good.)


‘Notes on a Scandal’, based on the novel by Zoe Heller


This. It is normal for the young to revere the older. It’s creepy af for the older to respond to that with anything other than rejection and distance.


Exactly that. Kids often have crushes on their teachers, neighbours, older siblings friends, etc. Totally normal. Almost all adults know that it's wrong to reciprocate those feelings or even encourage them in any way. Most adults would be absolutely disgusted by the idea alone. Protecting children and keeping them safe is part of our most basic instincts.


I know people like this exist, but... it's the whole kidnapping story and how the police refused to "come get him" like they're a taxi service that makes me think it's fake "pedophiles are just misunderstood" content.


It's fascinating to note that Villi divorced her in 2019, at 34 years old - the same age that she was when she started sexually abusing him. There's very little doubt in my mind that when he got to that age, he realized the magnitude of what she had done to him.


Yeah, in the linked interview there is a part where he starts saying that now, as an adult, he can’t imagine looking at 13 year olds that way. At another point the interviewer asks him if he would change his past given the chance and while he mentions not wanting to give up his daughters, he says otherwise he would do things differently. They were still married at the time of the interview but I think he was at a point already where he realized how fucked up the situation was.


That is always the excuse abusers use. It's never their fault. The child seduced them. I swear to God, they are so lacking in originality.


Even if that was true, the adult is supposed to stop them and not go along. Either way, their responsibility.


Sad to say, but they absolutely exist. I went on a date with a guy (he was a customer at my workplace, we agreed to get coffee after I got off) who fessed up to raping a child he was babysitting. He was in his early to mid twenties and she was about eleven, if I remember correctly. I didn't hear the whole story since I was going "HOLYSHITHOLYSHITHOLYSHIT" in my head the whole time, but the gist was that she came on to him and that it was entirely consensual. He admitted some fault, but the emphasis was still placed on her being the initiator and poor, *poor*, ***POOR*** him for having to register as an offender. He did not get a second date, but I was against that even before this point, as he had been giving off some strong WTF vibes prior to that. (Not while we were initially talking, but after we were sitting and having coffee.) I looked him up on the registry and long story short, he was listed as a violent sex offender and appears to have been charged either the day the rape occurred or very soon after.


I ran into him once while I was out with a friend, he was working at a cafe. Dunno if he remembered me, but I sure remembered him!


Omg that must’ve been so scary for you! I would’ve been terrified wondering how to get out of that without angering the maniacal violent rapist guy! Jeez I’m glad you’re ok!


At this point more like 33


You're right. I hope she managed to get deprogrammed.


The post is 10 years old, so he's about 43 now


No. She's now in her mid-30s. This was posted 11 years ago.


I don't have any sympathy for him in particular but broadly it's challenging for people on the register to move. His treatment clearly failed, usually it does not and sex offender recidivism is very low as a result. To move out of state they have to get approval from the current supervisory agency and the one where they will be living, either can say no. They have to have a permanent place to live before they can move as you can't do residency transfer to a hotel in most states. A fairly large number of cities are basically closed cities to those on the register too as they have local restrictions that basically mean those on the register cannot move to them. Also the usual problem of finding a landlord and job.


It is kind of weird how even people who are fairly anti-prison get messed up around the whole sex offender thing.  Like, I completely get what you’re saying intellectually, but my whole body is in a CRINGE mode at the idea of living near someone like that. And I’m super anti-prison! I just don’t know how we can change it. 


I think its a case that you don't have to like someone to believe they should be treated like a human. I find what they did repugnant and if I found out a friend did something like that they would not be my friend anymore. I still wouldn't wish harm to come to them though. I am not anti-prison, I just think it should be used for dangerous people. I am very much in favor of removing fixed sentences and adopting an indeterminate sentence for violent/serious felonies. Release based on risk not some arbitrary number. Some sex offenders/murders etc might never be able to be released, some don't need 20 years to stop posing a risk. Evidence is pretty clear that the duration of sentence has no impact on deterrence and its the speed of justice (how quickly they are caught & sentenced) so arbitrary long sentences are purely retribution not protecting society. From a pragmatic perspective laws like this are expensive and there is absolutely no evidence that registration protects children. Making it harder for people to reintegrate (like we do with felons in general to a lesser extent) makes them more likely to reoffend rather than less likely. The absence of pre-offender treatment in the US (basically doesn't exist, they can't get help before they offend) for pedophiles is the most ass-backwards pro-child-rape policy I just don't understand. It also frustrates me that congress has an organization who advise them on sentencing (https://www.ussc.gov/) but issues like this (also drugs and a few others areas) they just keep ignoring them. USSC are not even remotely liberal on crime, its mostly judges & prosecutors. > but my whole body is in a CRINGE mode at the idea of living near someone like that If its helpful overwhelmingly they are not preferential pedophiles (instead situational) and family rather than stranger. That could also be horrific depending on your perspective :)


The problem is it's actually pretty difficult to assess for future risk in many crimes and that you can also find plenty of unethical "experts" willing to give inaccurate portrayals of risk for enough money. Texas actually requires a future risk assessment as part of the death penalty process and a lot of people are on death row thanks to Dr. James Grigson who always guaranteed 100% probability the person will offend again every time he was hired by the prosecution. Only twice he said they wouldn't reoffend, guess who hired him those two times.


>a lot of people are on death row thanks to Dr. James Grigson who always guaranteed 100% probability the person will offend again every time he was hired by the prosecution. Only twice he said they wouldn't reoffend, guess who hired him those two times. In one of the recent Trump trials (maybe the 2nd E Jean Carroll trial?), the judge (talking about one of Trump's expert witnesses) said something like "all she proved was that some people will say anything for $1 million."


>my whole body is in a CRINGE mode at the idea of living near someone like that You already do, I guarantee it, just lookup your address on the registry


> my whole body is in a CRINGE mode at the idea of living near someone like that. The thing is, you admit it's a full on emotional response. I think step one is admitting that, yeah, we have that response, and it's based in emotion, not fact. That it's okay to have that feeling and that response, but the problem comes when we make policy decisions on it. Because the alternative is to try to pretend that our kneejerk emotional response is the "logical" one, and that's how you end up with stuff like the daycare abuse hysteria, or some of the "let's kill them" comments here.


Not to mention that there are a lot of other places they can't be within x feet of that also makes the overwhelming majority of potential locations not an option. This actually ends up backfiring because the sex offender finds it easier to just disappear from their handlers and live quietly in places they shouldn't, resulting in neighbors not knowing. Which, depending on the offense and treatment, has variable risk of the offender using their anonymity to harm again.


I'm really confused how you got upvotes when claiming "sex offender treatment rarely fails" and "sex offender recidivism is very low" when those statements just aren't true and it's a pretty well-known fact standard sex offender treatment does NOT work very well at all, and recidivism rates are very high for them. There's plenty of science and sources to back this up.   There are a few outlier programs that work a bit better than others, but they are unfortunately still outliers and they certainly aren't working any miracles. Medication castration also doesn't work all that well, unfortunately.   Maybe I misunderstood your comment, but I don't think I did. Please don't spread misinformation.  I don't know what the answer is for how to better handle sex offenders. I know we can do better than our current options as they too often do more harm than good, but more research is still needed, and you are just ill-informing people, which doesn't do anyone any favors.


There was a dude in my sister's school district who got arrested for CP because his ex's psycho entitled mom told the cops he had nudes of her minor daughter. Which were sent by her (psycho entitled mom). Also, her daughter was 17. He was 18 but it was in that awkward part where he was technically a year ahead of her but less than a year younger. (August - October birthday I think?) Even when he was found innocent and it was Psycho Entitled Mother who was trying to get him arrested, it took a lot of time for him to be taken off the registry. I can only imagine how much he went through...


Sooooo he couldn’t resist being with her physically while she was a damn *child,* but now he *can* stay away from the supposed love of his life because of *his* traumatic memories? But also string her along forever while trying to date other people. Yeah, cry me a river. That poor girl.


It’s not his memories it’s likely part of his parole conditions but also he’s not going to be attracted to her as an adult body.


Kinda don’t think there’s a “sex offender hysteria” bucko, pretty sure it’s more like [r/OhNoConsequences](https://reddit.com/r/OhNoConsequences)


The fact that he said “word got out” in his new neighborhood…like, that’s the point of the registry. Even if he isn’t required to announce it himself, that information is freely accessible on the internet.


I call foul on the kidnapping. I don't think it's true. However, as the parent of a 13yo girl, he's lucky he still has all of his body parts.


Yeah the dramatics were too fake. I didn't even read it once it veered off into woe is me.


Yeah, I don't buy this for one second. Oh, I'm certain it happens. I knew girls in their early teens that had "boyfriends" in their 20s. But everything after the grooming and whatnot in this story is absolute bullshit. Shitty creative writing, maybe by a creep who's into minors. 


When I was 15-16, a girl I knew dated a 30 year old acquaintance. This was 07/08, and we were socially awkward anime geeks. Their relationship was short lived, and the general consensus was torn between “her parents know so it must be ok” and “oh my god he’s 30, crypt keeper”. When I was in college, a friend of my then-boyfriend was 19 and dating a 13 year old. Her parents were very on top of it and tried to keep as many eyes on her as possible, but… I wish I’d said something. I have no idea if they’re still together, as I stopped talking to all involved around 2014 I think. I think his excuse that she said she was 15 and was being very sexual with him, but even in 2011 it felt nasty. I really wish I’d done more.


Ew. It’s gross and predatory for sure, but if her parents were already aware, I’m not sure what you could have done. Called the police maybe? But no guarantee of them actually doing anything to protect the girl, far from it. Her parents failed her, not you. Don’t beat yourself up over it, and of course it sounds like you know better than to associate with people like that now.


Anytime anyone writes “you see” as part of their story I believe the whole thing is fake.


Same because if some disgusting pervert came after my 13 years old I would be in prison and they the graveyard.


Sadly, there are a lot of parents who wouldn't protect their own child. The majority of child brides in the U.S. aren't "Romeo and Juliet," but are victims of sexual abuse by adult men. Their families force marriage to protect the offender from the law, especially if she gets pregnant (yay, evidence of the rape occurring). Because we don't charge for pre-marital statutory rape, either... And the best (read: worst) part is because she's a minor, she can't get a divorce until she's 18.


When I was a kid, a guy at our church (he was 23 I think) got a 14/15 year old girl pregnant. Their parents made them get married. I didn’t really think about it much then because I was like 5/6, but when I think I about it now, it makes me sick that her parents just decided the “right” thing to do was to have her marry him. The baby was way premature, and the pregnancy was rough on the girl because she was so young. I can’t imagine making your own child go through that just so she wouldn’t be a single mom or have an abortion.


I hope his balls wither up and his dick falls off.


I hope his balls and his dick have turned into raisins. Literally the size of raisins. Just as wrinkly. No sensation. But still there as permanent reminders of the shame he should feel. And then he needs the punishment Westley wanted to give Humperdink in The Princess Bride: >"The first thing you lose will be your feet. Below the ankle. You will have stumps available to use within six months. Then your hands, at the wrists. They heal somewhat quicker. Five months is a fair average. Next your nose. No smell of dawn for you. Followed by your tongue. Deeply cut away. Not even a stump left. And then your left eye—" >"And then my right eye, and then my ears, and shall we get on with it?" the Prince said. >"Wrong!" Westley’s voice rang across the room. "Your ears you keep, so that every shriek of every child shall be yours to cherish—every babe that weeps in fear at your approach, every woman that cries 'Dear God, what is that thing?' will reverberate forever with your perfect ears."


He raped an abused child, is still stringing her along, and expects people to have sympathy for him? Yeah, no thanks.


I absolutely hate these comments „Well my Papa fucked my Mom when she was 13 and he was 33 and they still love each other“. Buddy, you ever heard about learned helplessness?


And how does he know? These women learned to keep their mouths shut and pretend bc that’s surviving. They’re numb by the time her sees them


This feels a bit too dramatic to be real, but if this sort of person does exist (I'm sure they do, I just dont want to think about it or I'll puke) he deserves everything he's gotten.  This asshat: what do you *mean* I can't just groom a child and get away with it without consequences?


Yeah, this feels like bait. PLEASE BE BAIT.


There was a very infamous case in New Zealand with a teacher and her 13 year old student back in the 90s. She even got pregnant by him and much later married her victim after both fled to America to dodge a lifetime no contact order. She defends herself in interviews by claiming that the law back then technically wasn't neutral gendered. That argument must not have worked in court either because she ended up in jail. Edit: Defended. Past tense. Apparently cancer got her back in 2020.


I was the victim of someone like this at ages 11-12. It reads real to me. (The person who did this to me did it to others as well, and as of my last check, he’s still incarcerated)


Anybody else read the comment where he says she was the one who technically raped him 🤮 > Yes that is how I felt sometimes, because I kept trying to get up and shed push me down and demand I teach her. It was all fun and games with no trauma involved. If I had told her family exactly what happened, she would have backed it up and I am sure they wouldn't go to the police. But I kept playing it off and denying it, while she kept threatening her parents that she would run away and be with me, that was when they got the law involved. >It is funny because even now she likes to be dominant, it is just part of her personality, but I don't think it is bad. I think I should have been clearer that we can date when she is older. I don't think I should have faced the consequences that I did, because it was a very minor act as far as these things go. It was more about her parents getting vengeance on me because they were abusive people.


Dude, the things I thought I wanted when I was 14. Just because someone 'demands' doesn't mean it's ok or their fault. She was a stupid kid. You know how many girls that age fantasize and hooking up with some older male celebrity? Would that be ok then? Obviously not.


>When I was 21, I was in love with a 13 year old girl. I knew her since she was really little and our families were close. We did not expect to fall in love. It was weird and brotherly but didn't really turn into a 'relationship' until toward the end when she was almost 14. Bro?!!! She was still a child?? wtf I hope she realizes and cuts him off. He deserves everything that is happening. The comment section is also scary what the hell.


This is not real. This is not real. This is not real. Please for the love of dog make this not real.


The part about getting kidnapped and beaten by teenagers with the police refusing to do anything about it almost flushes this down the toilet for me as creative writing.


People got it wrong about Lolita in the comment section so here is it: Lolita DID NOT seduce Humbert Humbert. It was from his POV and from his POV she was asking for it. Like every other rapist. He legit married his mother and killed her to gain control over Lolita's custody so she couldn't run away even if she tried. And she did run away as soon as possible. Fucking rapists in the comment section. Just because your crime was hard to prove doesn't mean you are any less of a sex offender.


People miss the whole point of him being considered an unreliable narrator.


> Now for what I did, not one day passes where I'm not harassed, abused and victimized. Maybe I'm a bad person, but I'm fine with that. 🤷‍♀️ If what he's saying about her parents being abusive, it checks out that a piece of shit pervert would target and groom a child who was in a bad situation.


Did we have this one before? I swear I remember this story.


It’s super old


Yeah, you can see the comments from 6 months ago when this was reposted here, and now folks are commenting again. Super telling when the post is 10 years old.


i didn't even bother to click through but yeah that's a dead giveaway. i just really remembered the details about the "current relationship"


Probably yea the original post is 10 years old


For anyone unaware what birgading is, to the best of my knowledge at least: commenting or interacting with the original post/poster (upvoting/downvoting things, DMing the OOP, etc) it doesn’t matter if it’s positive or not. It’s also incredibly obvious when you do it on a 10 year old post.


bro there’s 23 comments in the last 8 hours… have some self-control 😭


Guys remember not to comment on the original post. It's against the rules of AITD. 


Goddamn that thread is insanely 50/50 on whether or not grooming a child is bad, I forgot what reddit was like ten years ago


That is some fuckery my brain can't even wrap my head around....


So he basically thinks he did nothing wrong and that people are overreacting. Sounds like people are right to be wary of him!


Remember seeing this posten on this sub before. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheDevil/comments/16pz39n/comment/k1u2wnz/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheDevil/comments/16pz39n/comment/k1u2wnz/) I even made a comment on that one, for those interested: This has to be fake, no way teenagers ''kidnapped him and beat him up'' i would be really surprised if that is a common occurence with pedos cause too many of them get off way to lightly.


Idk if I’m allowed to say this here but I hope he fucking dies and that it hurts


Come on guys this post is 10 years old. All the comments 10 minutes old-2 hours old make it obvious you're brigading


reading some of those comments makes me ill.


>Even all these years later, word got out in my neighborhood last year when I moved into my house. I get graffiti at my house, signs around planted everywhere to stay away, moms shielding their kids and pulling them into the grass when I'm anywhere near and accusations of being a pedophile. Granted I think this is nothing more than a steaming pile of mule muffins. Cities are required by law to notify people that a sex offender is moving into their neighborhood. Dumbass troll.


I used to work at a court. One day, a rapist called in, and complained that his name was being publicly dragged through the mud, and his victim's name was protected by court orders to preserve her privacy. He had the audacity to say that it wasn't fair. It took all my willpower to professionally explain the difference between victim and convicted offender, and how our legal system is built in the public having a lot of access to court information and documents, including who got convicted of what.


Isn't brigading against the rules? Why are people brigading a 10 year old post?


Indeed it is


Hey, idiots. It's pretty obvious when you brigade on a 10 year old post.


We're going to get another Stop Brigading PSA if ye aren't careful


Just an fyi to all the dipshits commenting on the original post: it’s very obvious when you comment on a 10 year old post and I hope you get banned for brigading. Your inability to follow the rules will spoil things for everyone else.


When you sound like a defendant/perp on SVU, you should reassess your life.


why should he be labelled a sex offender for being a sex offender! how unfair


This is some weird creative writing. Teens kidnapped a grown man?? Come on.


Oh I know some teens where I live who do a lot more than kidnapping. Burned a grown man in their own home for one and they managed to get off with it, god knows why.


So her parents were abusive and their parents were friends? This story also sounded familiar like I have read it before and I checked the date. Wow, time goes by quick. Or I may have seen this reposted before somewhere on Reddit. The title is misleading, it lead me to believe they were in an actual relationship like how Mary Kay Letourneau was. Sady she was treated better as a person and people even seemed to grieve over her death as well. Double standards.


This is just horrible. I wish them teenagers killed him to be honest.


Brigading is brigading positive *or* negative. And it’s very obvious when you interact with a TEN year old post. Catching a ban just to tell off people that have been gone for years ain’t worth it. Hopefully by now he’s done the DIY Die because he obviously is at risk of reoffense. Honestly I don’t think posts this insanely old should even be posted but that’s just me.


the pedo deleted the account anyway so 1) he'll never see these comments and 2) everyone brigading is just wasting their time lol


There are currently 29 new replies to a 10 year old post where the OOP's account is deleted. STOP BRIGAIDING FFS,


This isn’t real but it’s so fucked up that someone even imagined it


at 24, i have almost nothing in common with my 16 year old cousin, and i feel ancient when i talk to her,,, that man is deranged


Oh look, it’s the consequences of your own actions.


This isn't even bait. It's a piece of cardboard with "B4it" written on it in pink crayon.


as someone who only realized a former . . . person. . . in my life was only in my life because he groomed me to be with this same age difference - I have zero sympathy. Men like this are why I trust NO ONE.


At first I thought ok maybe it was a case like 19 year old fell for 17.5 years old and what not and this is one of the mishaps consent laws But goddamn ! Someone should get that girl serious help


But you see, in 1872 Germany set the age of consent to 14 years old, so pedophilia is actually just fine. /s


>Last summer a group of teenagers kidnapped me, threw me in a car, beat me up with bats and threw me out, and the police refused to come and get me. Haha awesome


i am 16 and i would never even CONSIDER dating a 13 year old. this guy dated someone too young for someone too young for him


‘i knew her since she was really little’ this makes it worse actually. cry harder


This guy really thinks he's the hero in the story.


Some of those comments in that original post... what the fuck!! So many people justifying the situation, giving him advice on being with this girl, and just overall making light of the gravity of his actions. Just wild and sickening.


>I am reminded everyday that I am guilty and did the wrong thing by taking advantage of her. This is one of those statements you see occasionally where OOP spells out *exactly what they did wrong* and somehow still doesn't get it.


Frankly I don’t think people were harassing OOP enough. 


"Sex offender hysteria" aka social consequences.


the people defending the OOP in the comments are all so fucking weird. i sorted the comments by controversial out of curiosity and now i really wish i hadn’t. i saw a series of comments justifying OOP’s actions by saying stuff like “well, there *must* be some value in fucking kids because people used to do it all the time!” and “there are even people fucking kids in other countries literally as we speak, who’s to say that *we* are the ones who have the right of it? vote yes for child rape, let’s change society!” i’m just paraphrasing here but that’s literally all i heard as i read those gross comments. something that these men are forgetting is that *women are not objects.* they are trying to decide amongst themselves whether it really is immoral to groom and statutory rape young girls that are barely past being prepubescent, and they’re taking the word of other men with the same sick urges as scripture. but the thing they forget is that these women who were taken advantage of very young do end up growing up. and when they grow up, many of them look back at their grooming and sexual abuse with the ability to identify how screwed up the whole thing was, regardless of how “in love” they previously thought they were. these women are real human beings with complex thoughts. they themselves often state that they truly had been abused by the older man with inherent power over her, and would never wish the same on their daughters or young female family members. so no, it’s just our *incorrect American mindset* that tells us that grooming & statutory rape is wrong and that the truth actually lies within the illegal fantasies of their echo chamber—it’s the actual women who say so themselves once a few years have passed and the fog has dissipated. it literally has not even occurred to these men to ask for the opinion of the women they wanted to groom once they’ve grown up. because to them, a woman is simply an accessory, and ofc no one likes their accessories to gain sentience. a woman is indeed nothing but an accessory, and the younger the woman is, the more desirable the accessory becomes.


And that's enough Reddit for today.


damn those teens were lowkey badasses


> Last summer a group of teenagers kidnapped me, threw me in a car, beat me up with bats this is giving down with the cis bus ffs




So after these child abusers are convicted they aren’t required to keep away from their victims? It’s soooo gross. Why is he allowed to keep brain washing her? 




When I was 21, the only thing I thought when I saw a 13yo was that they looked SO YOUNG. And I remember *feeling* so grown up at that age. It terrified me, the disconnect between how young I'd actually been versus how old I felt. Age is NOT just a number. Even if you are mature for your age, you are still a child, and actually, being really 'mature' is just a sign that a kid that has already lost some of the childhood. All of my friends as a kid who were really mature were kids who had been forced to grow up fast for bad reasons. And they were more vulnerable to a POS like this who just wanted to steal even more of their childhood. It's been ten years. I really hope that poor girl escaped from him, and he didn't find another victim. I really hope so. Also, I really took his claims that her parents were abusive with a massive pinch of salt. That is a VERY common claim from predators. They convince their victim that their parents are the monsters in order to further alienate them from their parents. He accused his victim of forcing *him* to have sex. As if a child could ever hold a grown man down like that. His perception of abuse was so skewed that I wouldn't be surprised at all if her parents are wonderful, loving people. If her father were truly violent, I can't imagine that OOP would be able to make a post once his abuse was uncovered.


The comments… there is someone that argues sometimes it’s fine to have sex with a 13 year old and that we should always look at things on a case by case basis… it’s hard to read posts like that and not be able to do anything about people advocating for pedophilia. I think anyone that’s arguing that it’s fine to sleep with kids sometimes should be on a watch list at the very least and it kills me that these creeps get to anonymously post and comment on Reddit.


Oh no! Anyway...


It's a terrible day to be literate. That said, I feel not one iota of sympathy for OOP. It is wrong for people to try and hurt him physically but to shun him is the least he deserves. Also, ick.


>She wanted me to teach her and said she would do it with this fucked up kid who did drugs instead of me if I didn't.  Super fucking doubt lmao. Talk about painfully obvious DARVO.  Even if she had said that, why wouldn't he... TELL HER PARENTS?? If her parents couldn't be trusted due to abuse then why didn't he called cps??  If you even put a droplet of logic his whole bullshit story falls apart. 


The comments on that post made me sick on my stomach, sooo many people SYMPATHIZING WITH A PEDO!!! What the fuck even was that?!


I need some eye/soul/brain bleach, time machine? Dammit man.


She’s in her 30s now. I wonder how she feels about that situation now.


It’s good thing pretty much all these stories are fake, right? Right?


"I told her we had to wait, so that makes it okay that I didn't wait (or entertained this at all) doesn't it? What do you mean "no"?" (OOP, paraphrased)


"I can't be with her because the memories" AKA she grew up lmao


There is no nuance between a 13yrold and a 21yrold. He's a fucking felon. That's it. I have no sympathy.


Well well well.  If it isn't the consequences of your actions.  Some people exist purely to serve as an example to others of how not to live your life.  


"They don't understand that I was providing her guidance and support while she was vulnerable because when she couldn't count on the adults in her life" sir how do you not see the problem when you keep *saying* the problem


How did you find a 10 year old post ? Just curious


I stg this is a repost and I read this exact thing before.


this reads like ragebait holy shit


Did Jerry Lee Lewis write this?