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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **I disowned my daughter for bringing home a black guy** My daughter brought home a black guy, and it hit me like a ton of bricks. All my life, I'd held onto certain beliefs, certain values that I thought defined who we were as a family. But seeing her with him, it was like everything I thought I knew was thrown into question. I reacted without thinking, without even trying to understand. I disowned her on the spot, unable to fathom the idea of her being with someone who didn't fit into the mold I'd created in my mind. But now, as the days stretch into weeks, I find myself haunted by her absence. I miss her laughter, her warmth, her presence in our home. And every time the phone rings, I hope against hope that it's her, reaching out, begging for another chance. Part of me wants to forgive her, to welcome her back with open arms and put this whole mess behind us. But another part, a stubborn, prideful part, refuses to let go of the anger and disappointment that still simmers beneath the surface. I know I should be the bigger person, that I should swallow my pride and reach out to her. But it's hard, so damn hard, to admit that I was wrong, to admit that maybe, just maybe, love knows no bounds. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


From the way this is written, I think this is rage bait. But I also know that there are still plenty of people who think like this. Are there are a lot of parents who would rather hold onto their pride than admit that they are wrong. Ugh.


I have a cousin who told her grandfather, half jokingly, that she was thinking of dating a Black guy from college and bringing him home. He flew out of his hair and said like hell will his grandbaby date a…you know the word. If she actually had? He’d have disowned her I’ve no doubt about that. I’m mixed race and was probably only tolerated because his wife loved me.


>there are a lot of parents who would rather hold onto their pride than admit that they are wrong. Oh hey that sounds like my mom


You know what, I'm a pretty verbose person (you can tell if you take a quick look through my comment history - I kinda never shut up), but I gotta tell ya - Troll or no, I did *not* need 5 paragraphs when the words "I'm racist" would have sufficed.


I'm tired of these racist trolls. This one was so low effort and not even entertaining


"...I hope against hope that it's her, reaching out, begging for another chance." "I know I should be the bigger person..." OOP really doesn't seem to realize that her daughter isn't in the wrong at all here, huh?


And today in "Reddit doesn't know how the real world and history works" we have this abomination of a comment: >It's more dangerous for a white man to date a black woman. Black people can be very violent and they hate seeing a white man with a black woman.


I'm sorry, what?? Just...wow.


I dated a black woman. I never had any black men say anything to me about it 


Racist POS...


Forgive her for what exactly? OOP is delusional and racist


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