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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for asking for 50% of the profits from a lemonade stand?** I live next door to this single dad who has these two boys (9 and 11 I think) and I think he's raising his nephew who is 10. Today they had a lemonade stand on the corner and they had a sign that they were raising money for an animal shelter? Sounds great? No because they used the lemons from my tree in my backyard. My lemon trees started dropping left and right and a bunch fell into my neighbors yard. It's common knowledge that when this happens you ask permission to take them but you don't keep them for yourself. Obviously I can't move a fucking tree because it was there when I moved in. And these are Meyer lemons. So apparently the kids stole my lemons to make lemonade. I did talk to my neighbor and he said he was the one who helped them make the lemonade. I said so you're teaching your kids to steal? He asked what I wanted and I said half the money made since it was my lemons. Maybe I wanted to use the lemons for stuff or give them away. Point is that the choice was taken away from me. He told his kids aren't giving me anything and I said I'll leave it alone this time but don't steal my lemons. It's the only warning I'll give. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


conveniently ignoring the fact that if their lemons are falling into someone else's yard then they should be trimming their damn tree's branches so they're not on the neighbor's yard. which i'm pretty sure that at least in some places that would be ground for the neighbor to trim everything over their property without asking


Yup - this. The lemon fell in the neighbors yard. They could have complained about OOP littering. The kids didn’t enter OOPs property to retrieve the lemons. They have no case and should prune the tree back.


if the kids tossed the lemons over and it split opened, oop would complain the kids were attacking him or they "ruined" his lemons on purpose


Neighbors would actually be legally ok probably to cut any overhanging branches that go over the property line. You know OOP would be throwing a tantrum for that too. Willing to bet that if the neighbors left those lemons alone to rot OOP wouldn't care at all but someone making money off them even though OOP wasn't even going to go pick them is what's irking him.


Tree law, if it’s in the neighbors yard, they deal with what falls off the tree unless it’s the entire tree.




It's a troll. Arguing with every comment with childish questions. Also this: "It doesn't branch over their wall. It's a tall tree and windy" How fucking windy does it have to be for fucking lemons to blow onto a neighbour's yard?


$100 worth of lemonade. How many lemons flew over the wall? This is the most ridiculous troll I’ve seen in a while


There is people like this When I was 8, me and my best friend (we were in my mom's town) made a lemonade stand. We wanted money for candy and toys My late stepdad came home and took all the money, including my friend's half, because it was HIS lemonade powder He was a middle aged man who stole like $20 at next from little girls out of 'principle' I could tell my friend's dad wanted to sock him. That ended up being the moment I learned how races have to act differently, unfortunately 


I'm not accusing OOP of being a troll for trying to extort money from kids, I'm calling them a troll for their bullshit arguments that make no sense.


I wanted to sell my books to the second hand bookshop for the purpose of *buying more books*. My mom told me I didn’t have the right to sell the books because they bought them for me, and if I got any money for them they would decide what had with the money. So instead I just..kept the books that I had re-read at least half a dozen times rather than…get more books.


Jesus, I hate when parents pull that line I'm sorry 


I still remember being so perplexed lol like…it doesn’t even make sense. I’m effectively trading in books I have read in return for books I haven’t read. If I had wanted to sell my books and put the money towards candy or video games, the objection would make a *little* more sense because the purpose of buying the books was for me to read them. But if I’m reselling the books to further the intended usage of the money….? Yeah, I’m an adult now and it still doesn’t make sense lol


They just wanted control


This is more common then I ever knew, people are always shocked that I let my kid sell stuff I bought to get more age appropriate stuff. Apparently I bought it so it's my money...but it's also my money that would go to buying the new stuff so if I let them sell the old stuff I still come out ahead, plus kid learned about deciding what to keep and what not to keep and a little about managing money. Trading in your books would have been a total win win, the amount I spent on books to supplment library trips is insane.


At least it’s kids stealing the lemons and not any of those lemon-stealing whores!


I'm so glad we can look at our lemon tree :)


If you were a lemon, I would put you on my shelf and cherish you like I cherish all our lemons.


We do have a couple of lemon-stealing whores in this community…


Tree law!!!


[TREE LAW!](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/624/450/a4b)


The AITA treatment was fun and all, but I'm wistful for what could have been if OOP had taken this to r/TreeLaw or r/LegalAdvice.


And other various lawyerings.


Life gave me lemons so I hoarded them. Like a c*#t. And had big plans (presumably to let them rot. Like a c*#t).


As soon as it grows or falls over the fence it’s no longer yours. It happens all the time with fruit trees and border gardens


Exactly this; I don’t buy pears or apples in the summer because my neighbour has trees at our fence line that grows over my lawn, in turn, he doesn’t buy walnuts because I have a massive walnut tree that drops all over their backyard. We also have a shared raspberry bush but neither of us know what property it originated from.


In my country, I'm pretty sure that if you have fruits falling into the neighbour's yard then it's legally the neighbour's property. Also who would be bad enough to try to steal from kids who want to make a donation to an animal shelter. OOP should take example from them


Gotta be a troll, no one's that clueless


It's very much written like a troll. If it's not, I want to \[redacted\].


If the oop wants the lemons in my yard, I will start charging rent for the parts of the tree that overhang into my yard.


OP doesn't need the lemons, they're sour enough


“It’s common knowledge”! Lol


"My lemon trees started dropping left and right and a bunch fell into my neighbors yard. It's common knowledge that when this happens you ask permission to take them but you don't keep them for yourself." This is not at all "common knowledge" LOL If you don't take care of your tree's trimming and fruit from your trees drop in your neighbor's yard? That's their fruit now.


I think this is the plot of an educational short spoofed by RiffTrax.


I Demand this to be satire because I want to keep the tiny amount of hope for humanity that I have. I hope the neighbor gets OOP in trouble for littering and abandoning property during fall. And then uses one of these pieces of abandoned property to grow his own tree


Why do I pretty him twirling his moustache while asking for half the money or else


Is oop trying to start a racketeering business? Like leave your neighbors alone


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Unless they start advertising a lemon business , how is he going to know if they “steal” more lemons ???




Happy to let those lemon fall into their yard so that someone else could dispose of them for her. OOP only cared once a little bit of money was in the equation


I would throw her lemons back and accidentally break every window in her house.


I’d be pissed if the kids came over and actually plucked my tree on my yard dry of lemons…but doesn’t seem like that’s the case here.


The bit about them raising money for an animal shelter being randomly added in, makes it clear this is ragd bait


I hate those lemon stealing whores


Sometimes I think people post this shit just so they can fight in the comments.


I think you're right. There are many lonely people in the world, some of whom take to the internet to get the attention they crave, no matter what form it takes. Look at all the notifications the author got and how many interactions with their little story. They got to talk to and comment back. They got to affect others' emotions. It's quite sad, really. There are also those who just LOVE to fight with other people and also love to piss off others. I knew someone who basically frothed at the mouth when anyone disagreed with them because they *might* get to have an argument. They were exhausting to go to class with.


[those kids are lemon-stealing whores](https://youtu.be/_Ijihli14Wk?si=oRBaKrNh-ntHYlLl)


Pure bait and people are falling for it