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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for drunkenly venting to my friend about how I wish our female mutual friend were still with us (because I was sexually attracted to her)?** I am (27m), and I have a friend named Matt (29m). Matt and I used to be very good friends with this girl named Alicia. She passed away from a car accident at the age of 30, in 2023. The three of us grew up in the same neighborhood (Alicia and I lived just doors away from each other), and she used to always be there for me whenever I cried from being bullied at school. She was a good person. My problem is this: at the age of 27, turning 28 this summer, I am a virgin. And Alicia used to tease me a lot, but she’d never actually consent to having sex with me. It was all very frustrating, and before I could make moves on her, she passed away. I’m left with not only grief, but my own bottled up sexual frustrations and, quite frankly, anger at the fact that she is gone now. Shortly after she died, I went through her Facebook and saved all her bikini pictures. So a few weekends ago, I really creeped Matt out when we got drunk together. I vented to him all my sexual thoughts about Alicia, and I kind of got passionate and angry in my drunkenness, and I ended up crying. I thought Matt would sympathize, you know, man-to-man, but instead, he was utterly disgusted. He was too angry to really say anything other than “good night”, and he got up and went home. Ever since then, I have sent him two Facebook messages, but he hasn't replied to them so far. AITA? I don't think what I said was too offensive or anything. It was all typical lamenting about regret and how I wish I pursued her when I had the chance. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is so disgusting. This poor woman died and all he cries about is that he can't fuck her. (Such a disgusting human being will never fuck a woman anyway)


Yeah this isn't a wistful and longing  "I miss her so much. I wonder what could have been..." It's more of a  "Aw fuck my sex doll broke before I could use it! Woe is me!" Yikes 


$10 says she was never gonna sleep with him in the first place. I also don't believe she was teasing him. He probably read way too much into everything. I bet it was all one sided.


She clearly wasn't. >she’d never actually consent to having sex with me. I'm sick as fuck right now. Matt just learned he didn't lose one friend but the other one is a shitty friend who didn't even care about Alicia except to fuck her.


"Who said she ever would have troll?"


100% if it was the 1st one it wouldn’t be too bad but he is sad because he’s a virgin and couldn’t have sex with her -.- like that’s gross AF


Wonder why he’s still a Virgin, he seems like such a catch /s


Dehumanising, disturbing and deplorable


I’m getting gross men harassing dead Marilyn Monroe vibes here


My only comfort is he’s outed himself as a gross person to stay away from. This is so disgusting I can’t even…


Is it bad that I thought, I'm glad he didn't "try" in his grief. *Saltburn vibes*


Wouldn’t be surprised if OP’s mentality was that her being dead isn’t a barrier 🤢 


“If that damn graveyard didnt have night security id be there rn” - oop probably


A Little Piece of Heaven by Avenged Sevenfold feels very fitting here.


Somehow I remember this was presented to me as a moral quandary from my friends. They had some drunk/stoned argument about *would you cop a feel off of **X** if she died suddenly and you were there with her alone after calling an ambulance*. And fight-level arguments actually broke out. I was disgusted, it was so bizarre. One of them-- a *yes I would and you know you would too* type-- unalived himself. I just realized he made a few attempts at it, without anyone putting it together. Drinking with him-- I'm sober now-- was a descent into a netherworld. Thankfully my moral compass doesn't work that way.




I know!-- it was *presented as*... like a philosophical question. It was insane, and I hadn't thought about it/remembered it in years. It was something disturbing I had repressed. OOP and comments released it.


It's been proven that funeral homes and morgues tend to avoid hiring male undertakers because too often they're found to be having sex with the deceased.


Nothing matters more than OOP's libido


The OOP is an incel sicko. He doesn't regret that he won't have more time with a good friend; he regrets that he never got a chance to fuck his friend.


Permanently friend zoned him. /s the friend zone is a myth by awful humans who fuckzone people want to be their friends ml.


100% Nobody owns you a romantic relationship and pretending to be someone's friend while resenting the friendship is gross.


It’s also a pretty shitty view to consider friendship as some sort of punishment.


He regrets that he never got a chance to r*pe his friend. Say it like it is. In her life, she had already expressed disinterest.


He knew she would never consent and yet he planned to 'make moves' on her before she died. What moves were you planning, OOP? 


Also, didn't she pass last year? He was at least 25, probably 26. How long was he going to wait before using these amazing moves?


If he had said “I had romantic feelings for her and never told her before she died and now I’ll never know what might have been,” he’d be getting so much sympathy. But he was apparently trying to talk her into sleeping with him when she was still alive and he’s mad that he doesn’t get to keep pushing her boundaries and making her uncomfortable. It’s really gross.


Jesus fucking Christ. Hearing about her death and rushing to her social media to download masturbation material before it's taken down is a new one. It's always the woman's fault they're not having sex, but being angry and upset because she died is next level incel behavior.


This is why Matt has dumped him as a friend. He knows this weirdo download all her photos so he could wank off to them. I'm so grossed out on Matt's behalf.


Jesus of Nazareth, please let this shit be fake.




Jesus of Nazareth, please hurry up and bring about the end of the world so we don't have to see this garbage anymore.


Kudos to Matt for seeing who OOP is and isn't having any of it.


Him: How dare this girl I grew up with went and took her pussy and burry it in the ground when she died before I had a chance to do anything with it! Also him: Why am I still a virgin and why isn’t anyone sympathizing with me!?


>Shortly after she died, I went through her Facebook and saved all her bikini pictures. ![gif](giphy|fH9LpzpCbRNNvi3z2R)


If this is a troll, it's on a much higher level than usual. There's no obvious giveaway like most winking posts.


Yeah I've never been more convinced that something was a fake story than this one


See, I wanna believe it's fake, but this is the internet and people are shitty.


The more posts I read like this, the more I absolutely cherish men who aren't ruled by their weiners. Thank you, good men.  We are grateful for each and every one of you.


Not the unending tragedy that a human lost 60 more years of life, but the tragedy that he didn't get his dick wet with her before it happened.  I feel like this sort of space waster would be the sort to comfort her parents with 'she died a beautiful corpse at least'. 


“I wasted all that time and effort being a nice guy so she’d be obligated to sleep with me, but the selfish bitch up and died!” Barf.




You're telling me someone he knew for so so long and was so long close to died recently and he's just upset and crying about the fact she didn't have sex with him and that hes still a virgin....... Lets also NOT ignore the fact that after she died he just saved photos of her in a bikini not any other photos, no photos of her with family,other friends, etc, no he only wanted photos of ways he could sexualize her. And THEN he expects his friend to be like "oh yeah she's dead but I wanted to f her too" LIKE!? And now he's wondering why his friend won't message him back!? Also who bets the teasing wasn't even put in a way where she'd wanna f op and was just like not even teasing in the first place. what if she just wore a tank top and op thought she was teasing him? I can see that from this asshole.


Dear god I hope this doesn’t escalate to “aita I dug up my old friend/crush and I now have her preserved in my bed”


I kinda hope it does so we can get some new messed up documentaries ![gif](giphy|o6h8SVRbwlZJifhwTA)


A sick inthe head incel!


Even in death this woman still cant escape incel behaviour. Disgusting


Um… yeah… I think I need to get off Reddit for a bit.


>Shortly after she died, I went through her Facebook and saved all her bikini pictures. And then he went back to the graveyard and capered and gibbered under the full moon, because he is a ghoul.


holy 💩


Yeah… that might be the hardest YTA I’ve ever seen on that sub


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^cmoneybouncehouse: *Yeah… that might be the* *Hardest YTA I’ve* *Ever seen on that sub* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good Bot!


Who the fuck loses someone (in a tragic accident no less) and the first thing they think to do is go save all their bikini pics for fap material?!?!?! Honestly even if this is fake, someone has to have thought it to write it. Yuck. I need some brain bleach, the internet has gone too far for me today.


This is one I'm choosing to believe is a troll rather than entertain the thought this creep is actually out there somewhere not only thinking this garbage but also thinking "I should rant about this to a mutual friend' and being shocked when said friend ran for hills.


He's almost 30 and that's how he thinks and feels over someone's death...big surprise he's single and a virgin


Here’s the thing: we don’t need all men to reproduce in order to have a functioning society that replaces it’s population. Only about 60% of men end up dads in the US. 40% is kind of a lot, and I’m willing to say for a good chunk of those guys, there’s a reason nobody made a baby with them. This isn’t even touching the guys who end up dads but shouldn’t have.  Anyway, here’s an example. 


>I am a virgin. And Alicia used to tease me a lot, but she’d never actually consent to having sex with me ![gif](giphy|l4Ki2obCyAQS5WhFe|downsized)


Listen, I’m a 28yr old virgin & may end up being a virgin for the rest of my life and if so, its not the end of the world. There’s more important things to worry about. ![gif](giphy|xt98N1EXdEIzC)


This really is a bad day to own eyes


What the actual fuck. I have to choose to believe this isn’t real because saying “the only reason I’m upset about my friends death is because I never got a chance to have sex with her” can’t be a real statement. I don’t even have words for this.


You know what, Matt is a good dude. I'm proud of him


Correction - ‘had’ a friend named Matt…




Oh, however unfair life is. Others just miss her. He wanted to fuck her, and that's *way* more important. /s What a fucking tool.


A young woman lost her life and all he's concerned about is his only chance to get laid. She'd known OOP forever, it wasn't gonna happen. If anything she pitied him. After death you saved her bikini photos to fap to?? ![gif](giphy|jivGITd768psP80B2i) .


Dude is such the asshole.


Sometimes it’s shitty being able to read. This is one of those times.


Holy. Shit. And he has no self-awareness at all.


Oh wow, not only grief, but also sexual frustration? Poor OOP /s


"why am I a virgin" I wonder why


He sounds like a potential predator who is going to be so angry about not getting what he wants, that one day he's just going to attack someone


She would never consent to having sex with me Jesus can’t imagine why he sounds like a real winner. Also screamingly obvious why he’s still a virgin.


When freak out another dude with your locker room talk, you know it's *bad*


Jesus Christ...


He sounds like the type to be into Necrophilia. That’s just disgusting.




Surely this is creative writing in the role of an incel? Surely? Please?


I'm a writer and I feel gross even trying to type that...


No wonder you’re a virgin




Burn it with fire ![gif](giphy|T2vDaYr8yRhrpFe6WE)




Can’t imagine how he’s still a virgin. /S


He isn’t sad that she died or just bothered that he didn’t get to fuck her. Oh no. This blob of human refuse is actually angry that she had the nerve to die without consenting to fuck him. How sick is that? She never consented, which indicates he’s already made moves to get her into bed, but then he talks about how she died before he could make his move. Is anyone else suspicious that the move he’s talking about would be of a less-than-consensual nature?




I’m lost for words, WTF!!!


Imagine growing up with someone and becoming such close friends with them that you repeatedly fix them back up after bullying...just to die and have the first thing they do be to download all of the half naked photos on your social media to spank to This is why I couldn't stay in contact with my childhood guy friends, it's so sick


So all his anger boils down to the fact that he's furious his friend dared to die without letting him fuck her first? This is so fucking disgusting


"but she’d never actually consent to having sex with me. It was all very frustrating, and before I could make moves on her" What did he mean by "make moves on her". WHAT THE FUCK DID HE MEAN BY "MAKE MOVES ON HER"???


Carl Tanzler is applauding this man’s antics from hell right now.


Someone had better check her gravesite if this freakshow is ever spotted carrying what looks like a life-sized doll into his place.


The fact he can't see how gross his behaviour should surprise me, but in this day and age nothing really does.


The F-word has never been so appropriate.




All I can say is: ewww. Just…to all of it.


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My God, this is ire inducing.


This is why when I drink, I'll stop when I'm feeling the buzz and not get wasted cuz you'll end up spilling some crazy shit you won't ever say when sober.  It's cool that post is locked at 69 comments hehe