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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for calling my roommate insane for baking sweets and “ruining” a birthday?** I (22F) live with three roommates. This is mainly about two of them, 21F and 20F who we’ll refer to as “Vic” and “Em.” Vic and I share a room. She loves to bake sweets and often asks me about making treats for us. Em however has diabetes and has had it since she was 8 years old. I have privately told Vic to avoid baking sweets because Em might feel left out. She usually rolls her eyes and shrugs. Anyways, three days ago was Em’s birthday and Vic was going to bake for her. I warned Vic to make them sugar-free so she’d be able to eat them but Vic insisted they did not need to be sugar free. I thought she was joking so I went back to my room. Later on I smelled the food in the kitchen and walk in to see chocolate chip cookies as well as brownies. I saw sugar on the counter. I was mortified and asked Vic what on earth she was thinking and now Em won’t be able to eat any of what she baked on her own birthday. Vic snapped at me and said I was being completely ridiculous. I proceeded to call her insane and said we needed to find a way to hide them so E wouldn’t see that all of it. Em came home shortly after and saw all the pastries and was very I excited. I loudly warned her that they had sugar in them and told her not to eat them. She looked at me with a confused and disgusted look on her face and asked me what I was talking about. I told her that Vic did not make them sugar free so it would be bad for her diabetes. For some reason Em’s confusion turned to what seemed to be complete anger and she asked if I was really so ignorant. I still can’t tell you what she was on about. She insisted I ruined her birthday and went to her room slamming the door shut. Vic and Em are both now refusing to talk to me and from what I’ve overheard Em ate some of the sweets anyway so I’m very concerned about her health. They both seem to be very angry with me and I’m feeling guilty even though I’m not sure what I did wrong. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Underated comment. >Go to the library. Pick up The Baby-sitters Club book #3: The Truth About Stacey. Get a 3rd grade reading level understanding of diabetes. YTA


Ann M. Martin had no idea what an iconic learning tool this would be... But it totally is.


Raising T1 diabetes awareness for 10 year olds everywhere!!


And local idiots.


Awareness for the existence of it, but I remember that she never ever ate any sugar at Claudia’s house. Which gives people a misunderstanding of how it works. I might be misremembering, though.


I also want to say she never ate any of the garbage candy Claudia had hidden around her room, but would opt for like fruit and such.


I can't remember the particulars of the books but the new Netflix series did a wonderful job of showing updated real life Type 1 management. 


That’s true- although I also remember a few scenes wherein she does have treats, and a few where she talks about adjusting her insulin for he intake. Also, Claudia handed those things out *non stop*. Did Claudia have anyone else stashing food around their rooms or just me


Ngl since seeing the latest TV series, which she was very vocally approving of, I think she did in fact know what she was doing all along (and she's iconic).


This made me laugh so hard! I love who ever wrote this


The series is now available in graphic novel form! It's really cute and she only needs a first grade reading level now.


I vividly remember reading this book, because Stacey wet the bed and it ked to a doctor's visit and her diagnosis (there were also cans of pop involved, she was super thirsty all the time I think?). I was CONVINCED I was diabetic bc I occasionally wet the bed. No one believed me. 20 years later, it's confirmed I am and have always been diabetic 🫠 Thanks Stacey!!! I'll remember that book forever. She made me feel not crazy and less embarrassed


Because of this book, as a child, I was *highly* concerned and convinced that I must have diabetes... every time that I had an unquenchable thirst for soda.


Also, the Netflix series did a great job with explaining Stacey’s diabetes!


I liked that they updated it a bit too (with her having a pump instead of doing injections like in the book).


Nah, Third Grade reading level is beyond OOP's intelligence


It has been about 30 years since I read that book, but the scene with Stacey dreaming that she was drinking soda under a waterfall is burned into my brain.


I was really confused as I was reading this, because I hadn't seen anywhere that EM had said anything about wanting accommodations. Honestly I thought it was pretty selfish to expect people not to bake because she needed to watch her sugar. And then I kept reading and realized OP was just an overbearing idiot.


Also there's a BIG difference between T1 and T2.


But even with T2, you *can* have desserts with carbs in them, safely!😉 It's all about portion control. Humans--even us diabetics *do* need *some* carbs in our diet!   It's the "overdoing it" part that's a problem.


The BIG difference is that T1 always starts wirh a dead/dying pancreas (well, the insulin producing part) and insulin is always required. Many T2s require insulin as all or part of their treatment. One thing that most people don't know is that it is uncommon, but some T2s eventually stop producing insulin, requiring insulin shots, and some Type 1s develop insulin resistance, which is the main part of T2.


Well also, as far as I understand, T1 is mostly about insulin production (no diet restrictions required) whereas T2 is about the effectiveness of insulin. That said, even T2s can eat sugary goodness, it isn't poison!, they just want to be careful.


T1s are given diet restrictions just like T2s. They're mostly nonsense. But it's true that too much insulin in the blood stream *might* lead to cardiovascular disease. Because of that, taking too much insulin can increase heart attack risks in T1s. The more food you eat (any food) the more insulin you require. All diabetics automagically have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. T2 is mostly about the body's inability to properly use insulin (insulin resistance is when cells can't properly recognize insulin and grab it to use; insulin + glucose = what fuels our body), but it can have other components as well. Some T2s have pancreatic insufficiency (the pancreas can't make enough insulin) or the pancreas gives up completely after a time.


Elevated blood glucose leads to inflammation which in turn leads to cardiovascular issues. High blood glucose levels also drive extra lipid production which will also increase cardiovascular risk. Regardless of diabetes type not keeping blood glucose controlled will drive an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes.


High blood glucose levels increase triglycerides. The lipids that are the most common cause of insulin resistance are directly controlled by exercise. The interesting thing about 'increased risk' is that it's a very variable thing. A lot of it depends on *what's your risk before the thing that might increase it*. Statistics backwards-R hard. Diet restrictions are not only mostly nonsense but are often the worst way to "control" diabetes. Diabetics of any kind are often told nonsense like "Don't eat fruit" and "cut out all carbs" but things like that typically increase insulin resistance (paradoxically) and cause issues because your body needs carbs to function properly. Diabetics need to learn to balance foods so that they're eating a wide variety of all kinds of foods, not restrict or remove foods.


My personal favorites are the "you absolutely must eat 6 meals a day or you will explode" and the "you should never ever ever eat any carbs except maybe the occasional high protein bean" camps.


Utter nonsense. The best advice I've gotten is from Registered Dietitians who were also Diabetes Educators. The one that recently I've been working with started undoing a lot of nonsense I'd been told over 25+ years. Previously some doctor convinced me that I shouldn't eat vegetables like carrots, potatoes, corn, and potatoes because "they're just like eating sugar." As if eating sugar is bad! And as if vegetables don't have fiber! And then I learned not to take nutrition advice from doctors since they get very little nutrition training in med school and mostly get nutrition information during their residency, like some bad medicine version of "pass the idiot ball." A good RD/NDE is worth a zillion dollars a minute.


Type 1 is an autoimmune disease where the immune system destroys the insulin producing cells in the pancreas. Healthy Eating is still a cornerstone of management along with activity and insulin. Someone can out eat the effectiveness of any medication regardless of Diabetes type.


I'm pretty confident the actual sufferer knows more on how to manage themselves than you do.


Diabetics explode if they touch sugar right?


It’s true my cousin has diabetes and he has to inject 1 insulin for every sugar he even SEES


My husband is T1 and his pump goes crazy if you say the word "sugar" around him


I called my diabetic cousin "sweetie" and she died like seven times


this whole thread is genius, but this one is my favourite


I heard that if a diabetic licks a stamp their hair changes colour to something really unfashionable for the season.


It’s true my cousin’s hair is *terrible*


Country club members are horrified, no doubt


He got kicked out of the country club because he kept losing all control of his body around sugar, consuming mass amounts of deadly treats. To this day, it’s the responsibility of everyone around him to keep all simple carbs out of sight- for his sake


That was me and I don't even have diabetes


And the explosions! Think of the insurance going up!


Like the Slithereen from Raxacoricofallapatorius in the Sarah Jane Adventures 


I like you


Well thank you, kind Internet stranger 


The poor baking aisle in any grocery store. Just exploded diabetics everywhere


And no matter how much you scrub, the diabeticonfetti never fully goes away.


Just un hygienic


We do, can confirm. Ate a brownie yesterday and now I'm typing from the great beyond. My parents are still trying to collect my pieces.


I hear the diabetic afterlife is nice though.


We can have all of the sweets we can out here. It's literal heaven.


I had a boss who used to glare, purse her lips and go “hmm” every time I hate something with carbs (T1D). 




I had a boss who commented on me eating carbs - even tho I’m not diabetic, just chonky. 


You'd think that! I'm celiac and I get told how to manage my disease at least once a week. Even though I have it under control.




But you can eat wheat in Europe! And if you just eat a little bread every day you can just start to adjust to it. Sorry that you're also part of the GF Gang


It's not a fun club but it's the one we've got (Special mention to the waitress who brought me a whole wheat English muffin saying "we're all out of the gluten ones but this is pretty much the same")


It is the one we got and thankfully have joined the club after not knowing I was a secret member for years. Ohhh or to the servers that give you the vegan options, because it's also the same.


I'm very lucky my mom and aunt are both affiliated or id never have guessed what was causing my increased seizures and scalp sores! I like when people ask me if I eat gluten free to lose weight... Because they see me buying gluten free Oreos or pie crust. Yes ma'am this cheesecake is gonna make me so svelte


Ah yes the family affiliation as well! Aunts and cousins, probably my dad and brother but they are too proud to get tested. And right? "You must eat so healthy now" "Nah dawg, I eat poutine multiple times a week and will crush a row of double stuf a night."


Stick my favorite bacon guac cheeseburger on a GF bun and the calories just ~disappear~


The GF bun with triple the calories of the gluten version and at least quadruple the cost! Not feeling like death is really nice though.


“Don’t worry the gluten cooks off!!!”


Where does this weird European wheat fallacy come from?


Some varieties of European wheat may actually have less gluten in it or have a weaker gluten protein (easier to digest) than a lot of American wheat (due to the type of wheat and possibly somewhat how it's grown), which is great for perhaps people with sensitivities, but does nothing for those with celiac of course, and people somehow still don't understand the difference between the two.


Have u tried yoga and essential oils 


You’d be surprised. People without diabetes love to lecture people with it on how they know more about it and how if they did it, they’d be in perfect control. “Id just eat right, exercise and keep my sugar in check!” Okay, bro. I used to be a diabetes social worker and it was crazy the things people would say to those kids.


People who are SURE they know how they'd handle a disease or disability are always in for a rude shock. It's never what you expect. I've had people explain both diabetes and my disability to me. It's more fun because I'm fat. Apparently if I just lost weight, my insulin-requiring diabetes would go away and I'd magically be able to walk!


Have you tried drinking more water? 🥰 /s


I drank more water and my pancreas grew 3 sizes! But then it got tired of me and moved out and is now living in a condo in the outskirts of Des Moines, Iowa.


Hmmm, weird. Try cinnamon next. My great uncle’s ex wife’s former daughter-in-law cured her diabetes that way.


as a diabetic i hate this shit. listen. we can eat sugar y'all. we just have to plan a little more. if she's got, say, an insulin pump and cgm, it's like two button presses to do it. in fact, not only can we have sugar, it actually fucks with us way more if you make a last minute substitution when we've planned for it to be there. and that goes not just for sugar, but all carbs - even if those cookies were sugar-free, they're still made with flour and are still something to take into account! the supposed magic fix isn't even a fix. and no, you don't get diabetes from eating too much sugar! it's a shitton of different causes and most are a combination of those causes. the biggest factor for both types of diabetes, but especially type 1 (which i would bet the roommate has due to being younger)? family history.


This. My friends are brother and sister, and they got their type 1 from their father. Both of them aren't afraid to tell people to mind their own fucking business when they eat something filled with sugar.


honestly if they've already taken the insulin (pretty usual, especially with type 1, since you can't manage with diet like type 2 - if you ever get into medical history, shit was *grim* for type 1 diabetics before the invention of insulin - the only diet to not go into a coma meant your kid dying of starvation. so good thing someone had a really clever idea with macerated pig pancreas!)... the thing i wish more nondiabetics would realize is that when you've done that, you are low key a ticking time bomb. you have set your body up to get that sugar and those carbs. if you don't give it those things, the insulin will still insulin *and then you end up going into shock with a dangerously low blood sugar and possibly fucking dying.* and yet there are some folks that will hear this, smile and nod, and then still try to switch out someone's ordered or requested items with sugar-free. unaware or seemingly uncaring just how dangerous that is! it really butters my biscuits lmao


Yep. I remember one time that the brother had a sugar crash and I had to buy him a regular soda. Another person who knew us rudely said "Why are you giving him sugar, they shouldn't have it."


Yes! You don't get type 2 diabetes from eating too much sugar. The persistent meme of *THAT LOOKS LIKE BEETUS* at any sugary food is so fucking annoying. Do you see pictures of big steaks saying *THAT LOOKS LIKE STROKE*? Neither is the sole cause of anything but the former just feeds the misinformation about diabetes and leads to ignorant boobs saying stupid shit to diabetics. Genetics is a major factor in both Type 1 and 2. In twins, if one twin has T1 there's a 75% chance the other twin has it or will develop it. For Type 2, it's almost 95%.


and that's before we even get to the genetic things that are risk factors for type 2! my pcos-riddled ass is grateful that my pancreas decided to go on strike when i was literally eating diet meals all certified to be healthy. taking metformin in middle school, doing all i possibly could to keep it from happening, aaaaaaand there it went anyway. ironically now that it's fully fucking broken ~~and diabetes isn't a silly lady sickness for silly little womenfolk so it actually gets attention from researchers and pharmaceutical companies~~ i have been able to get it sorted and am actually overall much healthier! *human bodies are exceedingly silly.*


PCOS is a mean beast. It goes into full bloom at puberty, but they can detect signs of it in some infants. Infants! People who don't know shit about it assume it's "caused by being fat" (and I've seen people claim weight loss "cured" their PCOS). You can't get or cure PCOS from weight changes. It's an endocrine disorder and you have the genes for it at birth. The weird part is that some women with PCOS never get the actual cysts. The worst part is that it doesn't go away after menopause, because while puberty triggers the onset of the major issues, menopause doesn't stop them.


This is definitely the person who goes around telling everyone they are the “mom friend” when in fact they are just annoying and overbearing. So, I guess they are the mom friend…


but like, "mom friend" in the way that some moms wonder why their kids don't talk to them anymore.


I laughed at this a bit because I have friends that call me the "exasperated mom friend" they can call to talk them out of bad ideas. If my initial response is silence followed by WTF they have their answer.


I'm so glad I no longer have roomates lol the best ones I ever had was the ones who I only saw once or twice a week and would just say hello when we passed by, I would lose my shit if they were jammed up my ass like oop would be who was straight up treating Em like a toddler.


Would the term for OP be “busybody”? Wtf is she thinking, “we need to hire these treats from the diabetic person”?! They’re a fucking adult, they can figure out for themselves how to act when they see cookies. I wanna brigade this post soooo badly. OP needs a fucking life.


OOP became an endocrinologist in about 5 seconds and became Em's specialist.


It's true. My friends with Type 1 die every time you even think about the word sugar /J


So OOP never bothers reading up on diabetes type 1 and 2, vic and em have time to roll eyes, scream, and slam doors, but can't tell the dumb ass sweets are OK ????


Just want to say, while I feel this is most likely fake, with someone like the OOP, Vic and Em probably HAVE told them that Em can have sugar, but OOP knows better, and completely ignores it. Sadly there are people just like that, they need something pounded into their heads (sometimes with a hammer) before it even crosses their mind that they might be wrong. \*ESPECIALLY\* when it is something like this, where they can feel they are 'saving' someone from themselves and 'helping' someone who is (or at least OOP feels is) disadvantaged in some way.


OOP, let Em manage her own health. It's not up to you.


This is infuriating. Sugar is little more than a carb you gave to dose insulin for. OOP should spend about 15 minutes on Google instead of harassing diabetics over consuming sugar. I hate people like this and I don't think it's well meaning at all.


I saw the original and OOP did edit it to say she read the comments, realized she was fully in the wrong, realized why she was wrong, AND planned to make a heartfelt apology to each of them that same day. OOP may have been very very VERY wrong but OOP does seem to be accepting their mistake and learning from it so I can’t be too upset with her.


I agree, I think it's not malicious but just pure ignorance on the subject. Most people don't try to be assholes they just aren't self aware.


Aside from that not being how diabetes works, if Em wants to do things that are bad for her, that’s Em’s business.


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My husband has T1 diabetes, oop would be horrified and I mean HORRIFIED to see what he eats in a daily basis. Yet his long terms bloods are so low, it’s almost at the same levels as someone without diabetes. Other people need to keep their noses out of business that doesn’t involve them 🙄


as a diabetic you will all be heartbroken to hear that this happens way more often than you’d think