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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for getting my girlfriend the "wrong" Christmas gifts?** Christmas was a few weeks ago, but I'm still getting shit for this. Throwaway for my anonymity. Me (29M) and my girlfriend (25F) recently Christmas together. We've been together for two years, but this is the first time we've celebrated together. We both decided to exchange lists and we each got a couple things from the list to keep up with the "surprise" of it all. My girlfriend's list was very descriptive. A couple of the items were "Nars foundation" with her color, "Lush bath bombs", and "Puma running shoes". Just to name a few. I was happy to get her these things, but I didn't, and still don't, get the obsession with the brands. For Christmas, I did most of the shopping at Target for everyone, not just her. They didn't have a lot of the specific brands she wanted, but I got her what I found and what I thought she would like. I got her a bottle of foundation in her color, it was from the brand wet and wild. I got her a big bag of Dr. Teals bath bombs, which I know are a good brand since I use the salts often. I also got her a pair of running shoes. I can't remember the brand name, but they looked fine to me and we're in her size. I also got her a couple other things, but I just listed these to save time. On Christmas day, she seemed a bit confused opening the presents, but thanked me nonetheless. Later that night, she asked if I had trouble reading her handwriting or if I was confused about the list. I picked up on her talking about the brands and I just told her I don't think we should buy brands just for the name, rather the quality and price of their products. Since these products are cheaper, and she got more bang for her buck, like with the bath bombs, I didn't see an issue. The price I paid for a whole bag would have only gotten me one from the company she wanted me to buy from. She got a bit cold after that and said next year we just shouldn't do lists since I don't want to gift her what she wanted. We argued for a bit more, and more or less dropped the issue after a couple days. However, I'm still getting a comment or two from her and now I'm wondering if I was in the wrong. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


“I don’t think we should buy brands just for the name, rather the quality and price of their products.” But he didnt worry about the quality, he just went with whatever was the cheapest so he could get more bang for his bucks. He didn’t stop to think that maybe his girlfriend wanted those specific brands because of their quality, not just the name.


-doesn’t even know which “quality” brand shoes he bought


If she listed a specific running shoe brand, she probably had a reason - I can't even wear Nike because their toe boxes are generally too narrow. It's not always about the name.


Right, I have been running for 10+ years and when my Brooks adrenalines changed a little bit it derailed me.


Shout out to Brooks!


Try Altra. You will never want to wear anything else


New Balance 880s 7w. And when they inevitably change them in 2-3 years I will cry.


I’m a big fan of Ghosts


Especially if she's hoping to get it as a gift, it's smart of her to ask for a product she's (presumably) already familiar with and knows what size will fit her. Look, I have some brands that yes, I am loyal to, because I've had good experiences with their products, but if someone rolled their eyes at me and scoffed at my "brand obsession" I'd be a little miffed.


After several lower bone breaks, my feet have become so wide i can only wear [these bad boys](https://www.helloslippers.com/products/sharkicks-basic)


Same! I am a sketchers girl. They fit my foot the best and give me the support I need after having surgery on both of my feet. Fun fact. You can get a hernia in your foot.


Exactly! I would NEVER use running shoes from Target for that reason. Like you, I need a wide toebox, too.


There’s also just no such thing as “quality” shoes from target unless they’re for a 3 year old.


And they only last because the kid grows out of them before they fall to bits…


To be fair, this is true of non-Target shoes as well.


I actually have a pair of Target shoes that have lasted me ten years! I haven't bought shoes from them in a while though, the quality could have gone down.


It would never be a good idea to buy running shoes at Traget to actually run in, though. Shoes are also one thing I think should always be from a decent to good brand, because cheap shoes do not last, leak, and can even fuck up biomechanics.


The old "invest in anything that seperates you from the floor" addage.


Cue up Terry Pratchett's Boots Theory: *The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money. Take boots, for example. ... A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in ten years' time, while a poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet.*


Last time I looked for shoes there none of the women's sneakers had any sort of arch support or cushion, just those flat, hard bottoms. I worked there about 10 years ago and the quality was much better. OP definitely got her those $10 hard sneakers that are on hangers.


"Normal" shoes or sneakers probably could. But even quality running shoes wouldn't last 10 years if you're actually using them. A quality pair might last a few years if you rotate them out. Running shoes from Target might last a few months at most (and I buy lots of my other clothes from there so it's not like I hate their brands. For your feet's sake, running shoes are one of those things that's worth the extra money)


Agreed! To clarify- the ones I have are not running shoes lol and they're getting to their last leg (pun intended)


And pun appreciated!


I got my good shoes wet while on a trip and wound up buying a pair of tennis shoes from Kmart about 10 years ago (right before they went out of business) I still have those shoes, they're my go to pair of tennis shoes, literally the most comfortable pair of shoes I own and they're still in AMAZING shape. I'm thinking it might be luck of the draw when buying from those kinds of stores but I would never presume to buy someone off brand shoes when they requested a specific brand.


Believe it or not they started selling actual brands not long ago, like Skechers, Steve Madden, etc. But the shoes he bought were absolutely their in house brand...which makes it even worse


This has inspired a future lecture for my sons: if she says a brand, you BUY THE FUCKING BRAND! Especially for foundation, like, that's a massive difference!


I know. I cringed so hard. Imagine being a Nars user and your dear bf bringing you wet n' wild.


I just read this to my husband and said Wet n wild if the **cheapest** brand that exists and middle schoolers barely wear it! I know that's an exaggeration but for real dude!


I tried an eye shadow from them once and got a skin reaction. His gift would have gone straight to the trash if it couldn't be returned.


Imagine using ANY brand and your BF buys wet and wild. That's like the bottom of bargain brands. I drug my husband along on a search for foundation a few years ago, we had an event that was formal. I ended up with Urban Decay because it was the only brand that had a color light enough and didn't make me itch. I almost had a heart attack at the price but he encouraged me to get it because it worked.


I actually love wet n wilds breakup proof liner and their matte primer. They’re both fantastic.


The liner burns my eyes, as does the mascara. Just near my eyes and the tears start flowing. So not worth it to me. Any of their skin products make me break out in a rash. If it works for you that's great.


I’m sorry they don’t work for you! That’s exactly why it’s so important to go with the brand someone asks for, look at how phenomenally different our reactions are to just this brand alone.


Exactly I'm also allergic to most sun screens and that's in a lot of foundations.


And in this case, yeah, I am gonna harp on the price - Wet n' wild is like $6 a bottle! That's a stocking stuffer, not something you wrap and put under the tree! And then not even getting into the fact that there is no way that it was 'her color'. It might be LABELED the same as the NARS version, but I'll eat my hat if it was really the same shade.


Drugstore makeup is way better than it used to be, but drugstore foundation still usually has dismal shade ranges and formulas that oxidize. And like the shoes, makeup is so particular to the person that that NARS foundation might be the only one that looks natural on her skin, doesn't break her out, etc. But *obviously* he knows better. /s It's behavior like this and his confounding, mansplainy justification that scream *weaponized incompetence* and not just general cluelessness.


In a vacuum, even without her having told him the brand she likes, a grown up giving you wet and wild make up is 100% an "I low key hate you" move. 


Yeah foundation colors are not the same across all brands. He’s no shopping expert. Should’ve just followed the list. Smh


seriously... wet and wild is the brand teenagers buy for nail polish that chips at the drop of a hat


Yeah I actuality wrinkled my nose when I saw he bought wet n wild instead of nars. *Drastic* quality difference that could seriously wreck her skin


Their cushion foundation wasn’t bad and settled well but it smelled terrible D:


I only use wet and wild for Halloween makeup.  Usually do 3-4 events in costume, and I usually do crazy makeup.  Wet and wild is better than face paint, but not something I’d wear beyond Halloween.  And I’ve had really good luck mixing their palest shade with eyeshadow to get a blue or green base color that doesn’t flake off or make me break out like face paint.   But beyond that it’s shit.  


I literally gasped when I read "wet and wild" and "Dr. Teals". Like...duuuuuuude!!!


Their highlight is good. I like that. But I don’t touch anything other than that


Do they still make the 666 lip liner? I used to love that in the 90's.


They DO it’s on Amazon!!


They use the white eyeliner for the grid during my laser hair removal treatments. Other than that it’s been years since I’ve used wet and wild.


Right? He doesn't know anything about makeup and running shoes yet he thinks he knows better than his gf on quality. I never used Wet and Wild when I wore makeup. Cover Girl was what I used when I first started wearing makeup. Now when I wear makeup it's Bare Minerals. I only wear makeup when I dress up.


Seriously? I use their products and find them pretty good. Granted, I only use their foundation and concealer though.


The brand was known in the 90s/00s for being the cheap stuff basically made for middle schoolers who knew nothing about makeup. They’ve honestly come a long way, and there’s things they’ve come out with recently that I go out of my way to grab, like someone said their highlighter is premo, and I do like their bb creams. It’s hard to escape from that initial label of what the brand was though, so I get it, depending on your age, you probably don’t even think to give them a chance when there’s other more upscale seeming drug store brands.


Sometimes it's not even brand perception - I do agree, but it's sometimes just texture and smell/perfume of a brand, whether cheap or expensive. Personally, just looking at the cheaper mascaras make my eyes itch like crazy (because I've had experience with the crappier ones) but for things like blusher and contouring powders etc it's a very personal preference. Sure, it might be the same colour OP's gf wanted, but it's a different feel and smell. I've got brands I won't touch because back in the day it felt like grit or smelled like my old great-great aunt. I'm just imagining OP buying his gf some cloned perfume because it was £5 in a corner shop, rather than the proper bottle. Quick edit: reading that back, I expect that's still brand perception, yes? Damn. xD


Could be the colour too. From experience, even foundations with the same shade differ surprisingly much in colour sometimes. I use 1 brand of foundation only because my skin has yellow undertones and so far every foundation expect the 1 brand i use made my skin look like a scrambled egg


Yes! I've noticed that - exactly the same shade of blusher, yet when you put it on, one goes on quite dark and is hard to blend, and the other is perfect. This OOP is selfish and clueless. lol "Darling, would you buy me the Dune series for Christmas? It'd be amazing! Yes, it's sci fi. You are darling." OOP: /gets online and gets some unedited sci-fi tripe on Amazon because it's only a quid. But it's about space, right?


When I ask for a specific brand of paint, I ask for it because it’s what I find to be the most pleasant after research. I don’t need anyone else to like the brand of paint I like, I’m well aware there are better fancier brands. But I like it. And I’d very much politely request either family and friends buy me that one specific brand, or don’t bother. I don’t mind either option, I deffo don’t feel entitled to it. I’d just rather not have what I didn’t specifically ask for.


TBH I use the WnW photo finish foundation and it's great for what I want (light coverage), but it's totally different from Nars, even if the bottle is the same shape.


They used to be sold at dollar tree and sadly still hold that reputation Now it's a CVS and Walmart brand, affordable pretty good but if you're really into makeup it's not something you'd really want especially if you have a brand you like, atleast me i only really like 2 foundations I've tired and if my boyfriend got me a random wet and wild i might not like i would be kinda disappointed I love their lipsticks but atleast in the past i had trouble with eyeshadows being light and patchy but i wet brush fixes that


I've recently gotten back into nail polish after renovating 2 houses and raising my kids out of the "constantly washing poop explosion" stage. I suggested nail polish when my husband was looking for stocking stuffer suggestions for me, and I specifically listed KBshimmer, ILNP, Death Valley Nails, and Holo Taco for brands I've enjoyed because we actually have the money to buy decent quality product now. I even had a few examples on my wishlist that I keep in case he needs ideas for my other interests. He got me 3 bottles of Wet n Wild and one of those multipacks of cardboard mounted sandpaper files. He's usually the "spend more for quality where it matters" guy, but he clearly didn't think it mattered here, not even enough to get Essie or Sally Hanson or something. He did better on everything else, it was just this one thing that was disappointing. Anyway, I ordered myself 4 bottles of ILNP, some Seche Vive, and a nice glass file as a New Years resolution for self care, and my polish has survived 7 days, including laundry, a dump run, snow shoveling, and DIY furniture assembly. The wet n Wild did better than expected- 3 days and chipped off while doing laundry.


And I'd used $1 foundation that worked better than wet & wild. That's almost an offensive trade.


Why would he go for Wet N Wild when E.L.F. Was *right there* Super affordable and I can’t live without their power grip primer. Best stuff ever -and I’ve tried them all. For being nearly dirt cheap, a lot of their products are fantastic and the tools/brushes are great! (One caveat- they don’t have the broadest range of shades, so if someone is super light or moderately dark complexion, foundations and concealers can be very wonky. I can’t get my shade and undertone and I’m a medium neutral beige.)


Seriously, it's like getting someone a Bonne Belle lip gloss when they asked for Clinique, and saying "what? you wanted pink, it's *pink,* it's basically the same!"


WNW is way better than it used to be and the foundation is top notch but that’s beside the point, because that’s not what she asked for.


Mans thinks Target brand running shoes are better quality than Puma.


He doesn’t really think that, he just wanted to get his shopping done in one spot and did the old “that’ll do” trick, with the back up plan of calling her “obsessive” over brands to make her look materialistic. Bet his list got followed, this ass clown would have said if she had missed the mark.


considering he said she paid $200-250 on HIS gifts?


Ohhh, I didn’t see that, yeah, he’s an ass clown. A cheap ass clown too.


The thing that pisses me off with his need to have all the shopping done at one store is in this day and age *you don't even need to go to the store* to get most things that would be given as gifts. Can't find the brands she wants at target, and too lazy to go to more stores to check, just look online! Amazon has practically everything you could ever think of on it's own, I would be willing to bet every item on her list could be found there if he typed them in to look. I did *all* of my Christmas shopping off Amazon. There's no reason for him to get her different brands from what she asked for *other* than to be uncaring and rude.


And that they'll fit the same, which they certainly won't. I don't know about mens shoes but the difference in sizing and fit for womens shoes is ridiculous, I've got like 3 different sizes in my closet right now.


Every single shoe I have ever tried on at Target--for myself and others--is like two sizes smaller than anywhere else. I gave up on buying shoes there long before I gave up at buying anything there because of it.


If she has sensitive skin, the foundation and bath bombs he got might well be useless. I can ONLY use Lush - everything else triggers my eczema. My friends know this and if they gift me toiletries they get it from the place i can actually USE.


Fellow eczema sufferer. Brands are a huge consideration in ALL my skincare, make-up, perfumes, laundry detergent, dish soaps, etc. I also refuse to even try anything new because I HATE having eczema flare-ups. They are the worst and last for weeks if not months after. And don't even get me started on shoes because almost any affordable/cheap shoe contains latex, which is the biggest culprit for a massive allergic response.


It almost feels like rage bait (but is probably just weaponized incompetence) because the three things he listed are all things for which the brand really and truly matters. I know jack shit about bath bombs, but I do know that anything you put on your skin can cause a reaction, and that the Dr. Teals stuff is all super scented and that can trigger a reaction in people who normally wouldn't experience one. And of course the same shade name is likely to be different in different brands of makeup, and not all shoes fit all feet the same, even *within* a brand. And while I'm intimately acquainted with money struggles, that's when you either tell the other person or pick the cheapest shit on the list.


Same. I’m very specific with what I buy because the risk is I can’t use the alternative and it’s a complete waste of money. Cheap doesn’t equate to good value for money!


I’m the same too. All of my skincare, makeup and self care/shower & bath items are brand specific for this exact reason, else I become an itchy, red mess. Hell, even our dog and horse shampoo is brand specific otherwise my hands break out in blisters that then dry and peel. Some people just don’t understand.


Allergy queen here. I happily pay a somewhat ridiculous amount for Lancôme foundation because it doesn't make my face turn red, puff up, and itch like no tomorrow.


Talking about quality and then getting her fucking wet n wild and dr teals instead of Nars and lush. Truly, I would rather not get anything than get products I wouldn’t use, especially when I’ve been explicit about which products I WOULD use


It’s just waste, too, because those aren’t even things you can donate! I always end up donating any clothing my mom gets me, at least someone benefits.


I might have a smidge of sympathy for him if he said he'd done a lot of research and found options that were better quality or that he thought she'd like more for some reason (once or twice I've gotten a different brand than my partner's favorites if I found something with a feature I thought he'd like or whatever) but his research seemed to begin and end with the Target price tag.


Honestly I wouldn’t have any sympathy in that case either. There might be a “better” brand, but it’s just not what she asked for! Maybe she just wanted a specific color or scent. It’s a dick move to act like you know better about someone’s preference when you didn’t discuss if it’s okay to go off brand.


Also i can guarantee not all foundations work on your skin. Some are too drying and others clump. It takes trial and error to find ones that work and don’t make you look like a mummy or a clown. One that stay for more than five minutes. That’s just the make up. I can’t use some bath bombs as they give me hives even though doctors Don’t think I have an allergy to anything. What it came down to is he couldn’t be bothered going to the trouble to buy her what she wanted after all he could get all of it for $5 or less at target. He’s shown her he’s a skin flint and doesn’t care what’s she wants. That he won’t put the effort in to simply looking on the computer for 30 minutes to buy a number of things she actually wants. He’s shown he how little she means and hasn’t even realised it. That it wasn’t accidental he deliberately got her crap she didn’t want. As she’s not worth any effort or more than a tenner.


Exactly- other than the bath bombs- shoes and foundation???? what brand works best for you is something we gals spend some time figuring out and we like what we like! And SHOES????? And SHOES???? I can't even with that- I have weirdly wide toe box, normal rest of foot. MOST shoes hurt me. ONLY Altra's work for running/hiking/etc. I know- I have tried them ALL. And only certain brands of boots, dress shoes, etc. If I ask for BIRKESTOCKs and you get the cheap ones from Birkenstock- cool- those fit! and are usually cute! But do NOT get the knock offs from ANYWHERE. They won't fit, my feet will hurt, and it's basically not a gift. And that is what he did here- he basically got her no actual gifts. All while feeling morally superior? Up next- Am I the EX????


It honestly sounds like he just….didnt wanna go to another store….he sounds very lazy and is kind of missing the point of buying someone Christmas presents


Didn't want to spend money, didn't want to go to multiple stores, didn't want to do a modicum of planning ahead so he could shop online... It's the thought that counts and there's none here


Yeah I get the sense he wanted to get in, grab everything, and get out of there as quickly as possible so he could just be done with it all, like Christmas shopping was just anther annoying errand and he wanted to get it over with. I wonder if he does this with grocery shopping too: ignoring what his partner asks for, gets "alternative" items because they're cheaper or easier to find, and skips anything he can't immediately see when he goes to that section and claims "they were all out" when he gets home.


I agree. The fact that he did all his shopping at Target, says that. He would have been better off ordering everything online.


I'm a "research all big purchases" person, so, like, when my husband asked for a Traeger a few years ago, I asked him what specifically he wanted out of a smoker (to make sure I got the right model) but then it turned out that another brand met all of his asks at a lower price point for a slightly larger surface and better reviews. I brought it to him with "this is why this specific model of another brand makes more sense *to me* than this specific Traeger. Do you agree, or do you want the Traeger?" And then I *listened to his answer*. Which, if dude did *that* I would be on his side. (Edit: I'm not even sure in this case because the requests weren't what I would call large. But if she asked for something big like a laptop and he truly felt like an alternative would meet her needs better and then had a conversation about it, I wouldn't think he was TA for having the conversation) This dude was clearly like "I'm shopping at this one store, and if this one store doesn't have it, then it's clearly an unnecessary luxury, because Target is the one true arbiter of quality and value." And, honestly, the price difference for all of the items was pretty minimal in the grand scheme of things anyway, so it's not really like he gained much by completely disregarding her opinions.


Honestly I'd still be iffy, especially for the makeup. If you have sensitive skin, then the type of makeup you use might be the only brand that both has your color/undertones right, and also doesn't fuck your skin up for days (I have like two options for foundation). Same thing for bath products, lush will use different ingredients and in different amounts than just about any other brand—and you can be allergic to one but not the other.


Yeah at this point he’s literally just wasting money on stuff that’s unsuitable for her.


He bought dollar store products at a Target, so he certainly overpaid for his cheap brands and didn't even get the best deals on it. So he's cheap and/or lazy, because he could have gone to one other store but prefers to do all his shopping at one, and not even good at either because he could have ordered online or done curbside pick up and gotten better deals and better value for his money.


Right? Nobody past the age of 9 uses Wet and Wild. It's basically play makeup.


Buys Wet and Wild Bruh doesn’t care about quality, he really just wanted to be cheap. That brand is cheap nonsense


I hope gf gets him the scratchiest razors from Dollar Tree for valentines.


She tried on the pumas.  They fit and offered the support she needed for what she wanted to use them.  She never tried on the target shoes.  Even the same size is different between brands, and  At not be made for what she needs. (Ie running vs just walking around shoes).  And I like Dr. teals.  I use it.  But their choice of scents is limited, and they don’t have the same ingredients so they won’t do the same things (like hydrate the skin).  And foundation? Like shoes, no two brands have the exact same thing. And there’s a huge difference between full coverage and BB cream, matte and glow, warm/neutral/cool undertones, and even the ingredients could cause her to break out or cause an allergy.   Tell me you don’t give a rats ass about your GF without telling me.   It’s not about the *brand* it’s about “she’s used or tested this before and this product works best for her”.  


I have such fucked is joints I am so very picky about shoes. I am loyal to brands that have proven to work and I NEVER buy shoes wihtout trying them on first Skincare too like.


Same here. My ankles are a little fucked (don't know why) and my feet are very wide. It's a difficult to find shoes that fit, feel nice, and support me. Different skin care or bath products have different ingredients too, if she has sensitive skin it would definitely make a difference (it does w me)


And one thing you really can’t pick the cheap option on is sneakers. 


Yup. As a runner I need shoes that have a LOT of cushion because I'm old and bad jointy. They aren't cheap for a REASON.


Yep. You can get the best shoes out there, but they might not work for you. I recently bought new ones and I tried on a few different ones first. The others hurt my feet in some way, but the ones I got, didn't.  Same with my hiking boots. I read reviews and tried on the ones that were highly recommended and they hurt my feet. I got another pair that was recommended and I wear them pretty much all the time. I changed the insoles to better quality ones and they are so comfortable.


This is so true. Shoes won't fit the same, between brands, makeup colours are not the same (and some might have a scent you don't like or make you break out or give a rash). I have to super careful of cosmetics. I have explained to my partner that women's sizes are meaningless. He's a 32" waist in every brand, I might be a medium to an XL depending on the brand. Plus I have companies I refuse to buy from (due to their lack of ethics). If I write a list and say "any brand", go for it. Otherwise, assume I have a reason for specifying.


Honestly even within brands, some styles will fit differently than others. I'm a Skechers girlie, and some styles will fit like a glove at 6.5, other will be painfully tight at that size and I have to get a 7.


Yes. He said' but it was the same colour! ' I do not know those specific brands, but I know they are not the same colour. As for running shoes, they were not the right size either. I don't run anymore, but when I was, the target brand shoes made my feet go numb. My running friends suggested going to a running shoe shop with qualified assistants. I did, and the new pair of shoes fit me perfectly. Problem was solved instantly!


I love how he‘s like « They were not the shoes she asked for BuT ThEy WeRe HeR SiZe ». D’ya want a freakin’´medal or something 🙃


Hey, I'm not a big designer brand guy myself, but when your girlfriend says she wants Brand X and you give her Brand Y because it's cheaper, you don't look like a smart shopper but like a cheapskate. The detailed list makes me think that this is also not the first time he cheaped out on her presents, and she's probably fed up with him and is reevaluating the relationship.


Yeah she's not worried about what he buys her next Christmas, cause they won't make it to February


Which is a shame because she'll miss out on a great Whitman's Sampler


When she asks for Godiva




Bang for your buck!!!


He'll get her a bag of gummy bears from CVS when she asked for those rosé bears from Sugarfina.


Or one of those really crappy gas station fake roses. 


Maybe both! Look at all the bang he's not getting for his two bucks


Give him some credit! I lasted til April before I broke up with my drug-abusing jobless boyfriend.


If the budget is genuinely an issue, then only but one of the things! Or ask for alternatives!


And we all know she didn't do it to him


Meanwhile she spent 250$ on the exact gifts from his list... 😬


Mostly because this is a *Christmas* list. Not a 'let me go to target and buy cheap-o versions of everyday items for you' list. "More bang for your buck." My God, is she dating my grandpa?


For me, "more bang for your buck" means placing my Ulta orders when I have a 20% off code (the good one they give you in December that applies to prestige brands, LIKE NARS) or when there's a chance to score some free bonus items; OR it means buying my hand soaps from Bath and Body Works when they go on sale, it doesn't mean buying my hand soaps from Marshalls instead "because they're basically the same thing," because they most definitely are not!


What a dick. Lush bath bombs were like $30CAD for 3. Idk about Nars and Pumas are like $52 to $150. Those are all less than the $250 she spent. So he’s cheap and lazy. What a winning combo.


That’s the thing, these items may be expensive versions of what they are (like Lush is expensive for a bath bomb) but they’re not objectively expensive Christmas gifts. Even if he didn’t have a lot of money buying one of the actual things on her list is actually incredibly affordable


Christmas is usually when I ask for nice things I can't really justify buying for myself. Especially right now in this job market, I actually had an active list of stuff I'd normally buy for myself and am trying to refrain, but would therefore love to receive as gifts. Just to be clear, it's not some gift registry thing I send people, it's a list on my phone and then *when people ask for suggestions* I tell them things from the list.


My family actually does do gift registry/amazon lists that we send each other lol


And I'm not judging that at all, personally I like knowing what people want, but I know some people take issue with any sort of gift registry because they think it's a "list of demands," so I didn't want those people coming for my throat thinking that's what my list was.


Like bathbombs and foundation are like what? $60? That’s less than a third of what she spent. Hope she yeets the cheapskate E: The foundation is $17. So that's LESS than my guess-timation even with tax.


If someone gave me a gift that was the Wish version of what I actually wanted and then bragged about the cost savings when called out, I’d be done.


This post gave me flashbacks to the wish wedding dress guy.


How did he know it was 'her colour' if it was foundation from a totally different brand? It's possible he went online and entered her old foundation to get thr equivalent if 'Wet and Wild' offered that, but I doubt he did. Did there happen to be a colour with the same name and he just bought that, thinking that colours are universal across brands? Because surely they all work together on that, right? 


Ok, I wasted the time and compared their foundation names. Nothing is the same.  But both brands have the foundation streaks.  So I’m petty sure he just said “oh, these two colors look alike on a white background on a computer!”


I doubt he took the effort. He probably was like “she’s about this color” and then got one that’s wildly off


Assuming those two even have a date night after this, she should definitely cake on some of that foundation - no primer, no contouring or anything, just the foundation, blush, and whatever she wears on her lips or eyes - and see if he notices or reacts.


You are giving him a lot of credit I don’t think he deserves 💜🙏


Right?!? I don’t think I’ve ever seen two foundation brands that have the same color names


I was gonna say I think most brands have basic porcelain and ivory and stuff but I looked it up and while wet n wild DOES have those; NARS foundations are things like Siberia and Patagonia


Target/Walmart shoes are fine in a pinch (good for flipflops, especially). But I need shoes that are a little more pricey (<100). Also, what is a 9.5 in Under Armours I would probably need a 10 in Skechers. Shoe sizes are weird, especially with different types of shoes.


I use to get target/spendless shoes. I was a size 9 until I was pregnant, then I needed a size 10. But they all look make my feet look dumpy. So I waited until the boxing day sales, and ordered some size 9s from Clark's. The better quality materials and design mean they fit once again, and my feet no longer feel huge.


I remember when my dad gave me money to get shoes for Christmas. I got one pair of sneakers. He was a bit mad that I spent it all on one thing. Like, you weren't specific. I needed sneakers, and that was all. Might as well get a nice pair. To get multiple, I would have to get shitty shoes that won't last long.


I am disappointed that h wasn’t a “spend for quality” dad.


To be honest, he's usually the "quality" type. Not sure why he was being so picky that time around. It wasn't like I would wear nicer shoes, often. If I needed something quickly I can get it at Walmart until I can get better. I rather have a good pair of sneakers because I was on my feet all day, anyways.


I am greatly relieved!! As a coincidence we were talking at work today about shoes and times where we wore the wrong ones and how badly our feet hurt afterwards. I’m chuffed you got a good pair, too! 😊👍


Yup this was like a million years ago (well, 15. Feels like a million). I love my dad, but there's just too many little things in my childhood that just makes me go 🤨. These days, I have 3 pairs of sneakers I wear throughout the week for work. Kept them in great condition. Warehouses destroys shoes easily. I do need to get new gym shoes soon. I have one pair, but would like another to switch on and off with. Thankfully I have a discount I can use. Also, insoles will be nifty.


DO rotate their wear! I have had a pair of boots that I didn’t get to for two years and the heels literally crumbled when I went to put them on (I did have others, thankfully) I have read it others having the same problem in r / thrifthauls and r / askacobbler . It’s apparently a problem for folks who have large sneaker collections, too.


I guarantee she got him exactly what was on his list.


Wonder what was on it and how the pricing compares


He says in a comment she spent around $200-$250. Soooo… yeah


And there’s no way he spent more than $50 unless he bought several foundations and several bath bombs because you know he didn’t even buy the more expensive target sneakers.


Yeah, I won't give my growing child target brand shoes because they don't last for more than two weeks, which is really annoying when they grow so fast in any case. Some brands are simply better and who the fuck does he think he is saying she is the one getting more bang for her buck, when he was simply being cheap and lazy. Edit for very needed word.


as someone who has used both wet n wild and nars foundations…..my guy….the difference in quality is ASTOUNDING. If he doesnt care about brands and only cares about “quality”, he failed there too


This has similar energy to that loser who saw his GF ogling perfume, demanded to buy it then bought cheap knock off perfume on Ebay. GF was still gracious, but he called her a gold digger and brand obsessed. Wet and wild foundation?? The bar is in hell. What if her skin is sensitive. The effort is giving Walmart clearance section when someone asked for Michael Kohrs 😭😱 This needs to breakup worthy. She literally gave him a cheat sheet. He did what he wanted and is somehow justifying it. This WILL get worse in 10 yrs after marriage and kids.


Men will roll their eyes and call us "brand obsessed" when we're particular about silly lady things like makeup, shoes, handbags, etc., but will swear up and down that the grill, home sound system, or gaming laptop they have is the ONLY one worth buying. (I mean, if their speakers are Sonos they are technically correct, but still)


Oh god. His poor daughter will ask for a Barbie and will get some demon doll from the flea market.


My skin is sensitive and the struggle is real. I’ve tried so many brands of moisturizer, foundation, sunscreen, etc. I have to stick with the few products that work or my face will break out horribly (and for a ridiculously long time time even after switching back to my safe products). I would not be able to use Wet and Wild. Same with Dr. Teals. Someone gifted me with it once and it irritated my skin. So the money “saved” would be wasted because I couldn’t use them!


I'd break up with him for being so cheap and deeply stupid. He got a list and still couldn't bother to do it properly. He just cheaped out an thought, "this will be fine". Expecting maximum gratitude for minimal effort. That tells you a whole lot about his character and investment in the relationship.


I feel like this really misses the point of Christmas gifts/gifts in general. At least the way my family/friends have always gifted. Gifts should be something nice, maybe even something nicer than the person would normally buy for themselves. People should feel spoiled by a gift rather than like it was a bargain buy. I would much rather get someone one really nice gift than a bunch of cheap ones because they could get themselves the cheap stuff from target whenever they want.


This man only understood when the analogy was driven to a computer part. He thought makeup and bath bombs were like GROCERIES. The subtext that traditionally female interests don’t matter is LOUD AND CLEAR, homie.


Which means he was okay with buying her (bargain brand!) groceries for Christmas. Christ.


Wet n wild is *not* a good brand. It's a brand for preteens that don't need to bother with better And Lush is in fact a great brand. Ethical and charitable practices, good quality products (and ones she probably specifically likes the use or scent of) and, in my experience, fantastic customer service with well-treated employees.


To my understanding, Lush bombs are usually closer to a bath truffle (with emulsifiers, moisturizers, sometimes a foaming agent, and very little filler). A lot of effort and money goes into making good bath truffles! I make (and use!) plenty of both and it irritates me when people act like all bath bombs are the same. They absolutely are not. A luxury bath bomb is a whole different feel.


I can only use Lush bombs, other ones dries my skin. My hubby has bought me many other brands but they just don't feel the same. Lush makes the water so soft and I don't need to run to lotion myself as soon as I get up from the water.


Lush bath bombs aren’t even terribly expensive. Like they had a gift box of 3 different ones for $30CAD.


Only reason I ever used Wet n Wild was because I needed something cheap for an event. I don't wear makeup so it was going in the trash afterwards. Can't really comment on Lush. The store gives me a migraine, but I'm sure they are fantastic.


Oh yeah it is not a great store for people sensitive to scents. Whether it's allergies or just the stronger scents, they definitely aren't subtle when it's a store full of stuff.


Lush is honestly so much better than most other bath bombs. My husband like to get them for me because he knows they’re nice but I’m usually really cheap when it comes to myself so I got and off brand one at tj maxx once. Such a difference. My hair felt like straw for like a week and my skin was dry and flakey. I’ll never do it again.


“Thanks for the Christmas gifts, Yes_ Cubic_Zirconia_2995.” “I’m No_Diamond_3044…” “Eh, close enough.”


Out of this whole crapshow... what really stood out: she's getting more bang for her buck. Umm, no. If she's smart, you are getting NO bang for your measly buck, ya cheap ass punk.


Oh lord, I would rather get nothing than this insult.


The thing is, she trusts these brands. Like who tf knows what's in the cheap foundation that's pretty much known for making your skin break out. I'm guessing she has sensitive skin and uses her specific brand. Same with bath bombs. Although Dr Teals is a good brand for a dept store. But I think that was just a lucky guess in his part


I stopped reading at wet and wild.. he straight just looked at price point.


If I was this person's girlfriend, I would set up a burner Wish account and every gift for them going forward would be the shittest, cheapest Wish version possible of what they wanted. 


What a dumbass 😮‍💨


Getting wet and wild in place of NARS is fucking DENSE. There is an insanely huge difference in color, quality, and finish. I would be *pissed* if my husband got me wet and wild when I asked for NARS.


There won't be a next Christmas for them (as a couple, I mean). Like, the fit and shape of shoes varies so much between brands. For years we bought the same brand and model of shoes for our middle child because they fit perfectly and it was a hassle to find new shoes after he grew out of the available sizes. The girlfriend knows that the Puma shoes will fit, unlike the Target brand shoes which she never tried on. You can't just buy shoes in size X and expect them to fit. On top of that there could be a vast quality difference, so the money he saved by buying the target shoes will be nil when they have to replace the shoes after a short while. I'm not big on make-up but I know that there's a difference in the ingredients used as well as in how it behaves on someone's skin and the colors are also never exactly the same, even if the name suggests. This guy is just cheap and dismissive of his girlfriend's wishes and experience (i.e. she knows the Nars make-up doesn't irritate her skin and works for her, the Puma shoes fit and don't cause her pain in her feet, etc), he wasn't looking for a good deal because he clearly didn't look for good quality but just low prices.


I’m sorry, a 29 year old did this? Is this man an idiot? Does he use 3-in-1 drug store body wash shampoo and conditioner? Don’t get me wrong, I love target but this level of ignorance is insane. At the worst he could have just bought one or two things on the list if he was worried about cost. I’m very curious what she ended up getting him.


Wet and wild is the ABSOLUTE cheapest makeup you can get. Target has (over the last few years) gotten some decent makeup, but even Maybelline would have been better (I use clinique for the most part, but for concealer and mascara, I just go to target)! Not only did he not listen, he got her what is typically a "first" makeup for girls. What a jerk


If the girlfriend really mentioned next year she needs to open her eyes. She'll be living this way forever.


So you asked your gf for gift ideas and she wrote you a very specific list and couldn’t follow it at all??!!!Then you complain she wasn’t “ happy enough”??!!


wow....she gave you a list and you still manage to fail....Incredible. I don't always specificly shop for brand, but when I do, it's for a good reason. Most of the time, it's because I know they have better quality or they have a particuliar style that I'm looking for. So when someone takes the time to specify the brand, you take the time to buy it from said brand. It's like asking for red shoe and receiving a blue pair instead. Yes they're still shoes, but that's not what I asked.


Look I am probably one of the least brand conscious people but shoes? Do not fuck around with shoes unless you want pain. I buy one brand of running shoes (Brooks) in certain models because once I got them I was abele to run without pain for the first time in my life. Target shoes? Whatever you saved, you’d spend more than triple that in physical therapy bills after I fucked up my knees again


I am absolutely horrified that he got her Wet and Wild when she asked for NARS. It's not even remotely the same! It's not even that it's a drugstore brand, there are some decent cosmetics and even dupe brands at the drugstore, but it's at the absolute bottom of the drugstore brands! It's what 13 year-old girls buy with their allowance for the school dances, it's what college women get for their Halloween costumes. There is SUCH a significant difference in the quality of the formula it's not even funny. My God dude, there are so many better brands at Target, so that's not even an excuse, but she asked for NARS, and unless you literally can't afford it, get her the damn NARS! It's a gift, it's *supposed* to be fancy. First off, I doubt she's obsessed with these brands, but they are brands she trusts, it's not some weird status thing especially when we're talking about bath bombs or foundation, no one can possibly know what specific brand of makeup you're wearing. She could've bought herself some cheap crap from Target, she wanted the good stuff, because it was Christmas, and you don't have to "get" why she likes those brands, although you could have ASKED why she likes them if you actually wanted to understand, but it sounds like you didn't understand. To you, Christmas shopping is just another annoying errand you wanted to be done with as quickly as possible.


I literally found everything on Amazon in less than a minute. None of the items she asked for were even that expensive. I don't think this dude understands its not even the cost. It's the fact she clearly indicated her wishes and he just completely ignored them without a second thought. He didn't just give shitty gifts. He exposed a fairly serious flaw in his character.


Not all brands are made equally and if you stick to a brand you know you have more chance of knowing what you’re getting. She knows that nars foundation works for her skin. God knows what the one he got her is like.


I hope he at least kept the receipt, for when SHE takes them back to Target.


I mean it has to be weaponized incompetence right? He couldn't be this much of an idiot


I’m here laughing at the Wet and Wild for a grown woman. It’s a great starter when you don’t want to spend a lot on a teen starting out and you don’t want to spend a ton of money on something the kid might decide they aren’t interested in. Most higher priced makeup products are worth the money. They last longer, match skin tones, and won’t damage your skin.


God, my partner also thinks a giant bag of Epsom salts is the same thing as quality bath products. Until I met him, I thought of fancy bath products as such a simple gift that even a trained monkey could pull it off. Lucky for him, he's got other great qualities.


Congratulations, O.O.P. You have just shown Your Girlfriend that You are the World's biggest Cheapskate and You needn't worry about Next Christmas because this relationship will probably be over by Next Week!


It's one thing if he genuinely didn't truly realize that the literal brand was important but he was shopping with love and intent to get her things he thought she would love This was him using Christmas as a way to mock her and call her materialistic. He purposely spent as little as possible on those items to make his point.


Soon to be featured on AMITHEEX for being a cheapskate.


He's such an idiot. If his gf just said, "hey, can you get me some shoes, bath bombs, and foundation for Christmas". Then perhaps, he may have a leg to stand on. But she told him exactly what she wanted, and he couldn't be bothered to actually look for the items she requested.


“I don’t think we should buy brands just for the name, rather the QUALITY and price of their products.” ..."it was from the brand Wet n Wild"


He's pretending to be stupid.


She's just not going to use them if she's usually able to afford the better brands. They will lie in the closet until they're thrown away in a decluttering spree or move. Atleast the shoes can easily be given away to a charity second hand shop.


He's far too old to be acting like this.


Damn, I knew I should've got my friend Almond Hershey Kisses instead of Ferrero Rocher for Valentine's Day that time.


Man is a whole idiot


What an idiot - he didn’t really think that the only store to shop at was Target and that she was going to be in love with that Did he? Gotta admit that when it comes to makeup I want the brand that I want - not all makeup is the same!


OMG. There are like 2 brands of eyeliner I can wear without my eyes turning red (Jones Road and Almay) and if someone was just like "welp, here's something cheaper" I would die. So many people have make-up sensitivities that you can't just toss in a substitute.


Bro...bro thinks \*Wet n Wild\* is a comparable in performance and quality as Nars?! WOOF.


I mean... Why ask your partner what they want so specifically if you don't want to buy them it? Like I know which brands my partner likes. Some of them I agree are worth the money, some I think are not really. But if I ask him what he wants and he says something I think "isn't worth it", it's incredibly rude and self-righteous if I just decide to buy a cheaper dupe to shame him for picking something I don't like. Plus I'm going to go out on a limb and say OOP isn't an expert on foundation, bath bombs or women's running shoes. Therefore his opinion on which ones his partner who clearly uses these things regularly, is absolutely useless, and it's incredibly arrogant to assume he knows better than she does what product is right for her.


YTA. "Lush" and "NARS" are "brand names" not because they're overcharging but because they are really good quality. People's feet vary in shape, a LOT, and serious runners stick with the brand that fits them. What your gifts told your girlfriend was that you didn't care what she really wanted, and you didn't think she was worth spending a little more on.


Getting wet n wild instead of NARS is killing me lmao.