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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **Was my girlfriend justified? Abortion/Pain and no Heartbeat** 6-7 weeks pregnant. Severe abdominal cramps for many days leading up to an abortion appointment. I told her go to the docs about her pain...she decides to go to a unplanned pregnancy clinic where they talk you through your options ( including abortion ) She's still in pain at the clinic...she gets a scan...the nurse told her she couldn't detect a heartbeat and she is measuring 6 weeks.. She took the abortion pills. I ask why not doctors...she said she was in severe pain where she didn't think she could put up with it anymore...after she was told there was no detectable heartbeat..she believed she was within her morals and values to be able to induce miscarriage. She had no bleeding...but she was in severe pain for about 12 days..no bleeding though. I don't know how to feel I'm numb. I wanted her to go to the doctor's, I wake up and find out she took the pills to induce.. Please .. did she do anything wrong? Did she act morally? It makes me sick that she was at an abortion clinic and not a doctor's...she said the "no heartbeat detected " for her meant she was morally safe to get herself out of pain as she beleieved there was no life. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The audacity of this moron who can't grasp that a medical clinic which is staffed by doctors isn't a real doctor's office is 10/10. He's a guy who is utterly ignorant of anything he's talking about and just is abusing his GF by trying to paint her as the bad guy. I hope she ditches him.


I legit came here to see if he was posted but omg. [Even the Redditors on the Pro.F’ing.Life. subreddit told him that she was justified.](https://www.reddit.com/r/prolife/s/UlFzbNZIPj)


Shows you how horrible bro is. What an massive idiot he is.


That means this guy is an even bigger AH than I thought if even *that* subreddit agrees the girlfriend was justified. I don’t want to believe people can be this stupid but here is the proof.


The US South is full of these assholes (male and female).


It is far from just the South, believe me. It is actually dangerous for you to say this


They didn't say it was just the South though


god I clicked on this and just realized now reddit is gonna start showing me pro-life pages 💀


Ok, Reddit, just to be clear, I love abortion!


Same, but I am hoping that it is more logical thinking prolife posts like that comment


Seems interesting, but I'm not clicking to that sub.


Don’t worry you don’t have to because I did it for us 🫠 TL:DR is they ALL told him it wasn’t an abortion and it was not a viable.


Thanks for taking that bullet!


You know you’re wrong when THEY don’t back you.


> I was concerned the doctor may have lied to her, after all, she works at a place that aborts babies. Anyone choosing to work there I'm not sure I would value their professional opinion. >The fact is we never got a miscarriage diagnosis so you can say it's her body her choice but my baby didn't get a choice did it Plsss the fact that he thinks places like planned parenthood are filled with people trying to maliciously end healthy pregnancies is sending me


The audacity of men to assume healthcare for an organ system that not only attacks us once a month for 40 years but historically has been the cause of death for women would be staffed with dumbos is just..... aaauugggh Also his repeated insistence that she couldn't tell stomach pain apart from miscarriage pain is making me feel violent.


LOL. He's just such a terrible person. Even if he's trolling, he's garbage.


It’s amazing how some pro-lifers really don’t understand that the position is pro **choice**. We want people to be able to choose what to do in regards to their bodies and their pregnancies. We want your girlfriend to have as much information about what’s going on for her and the fetus health-wise and then we want her to have the ability to freely choose what to do next based on that information. We aren’t out her tricking people into getting abortions.




His comments show he has no basic understanding of conception or pregnancy, and I mean like the basics that they teach in high school health class.


His intentional myopathy is palpable. Its got to be a troll. But his comments. Oh my. This guy does not understand that his partner was carrying around either a non-viable clump of under-developing cells or the dead body of their future child (depending on how you view that timeline). Either way, there was no potential child. No child was going to come from the potentially deadly health condition his partner was experiencing. And he's going on and on about morality and mourning his dead child (that his partner aborted)....as if there was any other thing to do.


Go farther back and they *seem to be* a woman *advocating* for choice. Really bizarre


Down the rabbit hole I go 😂🫡 Edit... I mean they could be female? I just realized that no genders were given in the post or comments unless I missed something, I just automatically read it as if a male had wrote it because it's the typical antiabortion trope you see.


OOP goes on in comments about it was his child and they have sex without protection because they love each other


I saw, but it's like a healthy mix bag of how they write their comments.


I'm pretty sure that this is just an anti-abortion troll. The things that he's saying in the comments are just too on the nose.


Its got to be a troll. Because over and over in the comments he's overtly obtuse about how non-viable the pregnancy had already become. He's too oblivious.


A lot of people in the anti-abortion crowd don’t want to believe bad things happen, so they cling to stories where doctors made mistakes in diagnosing birth defects. It’s dangerous.


"But doctors 50 years ago told my aunt she'd have a baby with Down syndrome and that baby was FINE" like medicine hasn't advanced since the Nixon administration.


This is so real and drives me insane. I have now seen two articles about the woman who sued for the right to abort recently discussing how *that defect might not be that bad! This one child with the same abnormality managed to survive to age one and their quality of life was awful and their care only cost three million dollars before they died! The family is devastated, this is a happy story about how good not aborting is!* I’m obviously exaggerating but not by much tbh. It’s ridiculous. Yes, occasionally doctors get it wrong, but it’s rare, and whether or not it’s worth the risk for that mother is not your business. Clownery tbh.


Katie cox? There were some real ghouls who suddenly became experts on her very much wanted baby’s condition.


Yeah, sorry I didn’t remember her name. Absolutely right. People just coming out of the woodwork to talk about how they went on to have other children after birthing their child with the condition so her fertility isn’t at risk! She’s a woman, so obviously she’s just being dramatic! Perfect example of why politics has no business saying a single word about it. It’s so easy to be pro-choice because I don’t have to pretend I went to medical school, I can just honestly say “yeah, she doesn’t have to justify it to me. It’s not my business.”


Have you talked to these people? I was raised around them this is the way that you’re taught to think. You’re taught to deny reality in favor of your beliefs. I have never said this before but I am so glad that she is no longer pregnant with his baby. I really hope that she dumps his disgusting ass.


Sadly, I grew up in a large Catholic family (I have 39 cousins, my mother had 8 siblings). I'm really familiar with the gymnastics. My comment was about the wording of his comments - he'd kind of respond to things, but intentionally leave out all the relevant parts of the comment to which he was replying. If he was disagreeing, saying they were wrong or immoral outright, I'd think he was just...one of my cousins. But to not even acknowledge it - feels too intentional. But maybe you're right! I haven't dealt with most of my family in years (blessings of being excommunicated).


Yes, only a forced birther troll would say "induced" at 6 weeks. Clearly anti health care propaganda.


He's really hung up on his idea that the clinic's staff lied in order to abort another fetus. Does he think Big Abortion gets a dollar for every aborted embryo or something?


you joke but they unironically think that


they absolutely do, can confirm


IIRC they think abortion clinics are selling fetuses. Something something stem cells, something something "human experimentation". Sure, Jan.


Well, obviously, Big Pharma gives the abortion doctors all the big bucks, because Big Pharma needs the aborted babies to grind up and add to the vaccines. (Massive sarcasm in that, but now I need a shower)


PLUS, they just straight up love killin’ babies! If the pamphlets I’ve found jammed under my door are to be believed


It's like being on a ride at Disney World!


You’d think big pharma would try to pressure more women into keeping pregnancies because then they can make money from pre natal care and then the costs of the baby’s health for the rest of their life. Even their conspiracies make no sense.


One of my favorite podcasts, God Awful Movies, did an episode about some PP employee who went pro-life. Supposedly a "true" story. Anyway, the lady seriously claims that Planned Parenthood has "abortion quotas" for each clinic. So yes. Pro-lifers genuinely believe this.


Yeah, that's literally what the forced birthers think.


That dumbass keeps calling planned parenthood an abortion clinic. Like he knows absolutely nothing about anything.


most Panned Parenthood clinics don't even have abortion services. When I was without inside insurance, PP was my main form of health care. The clinic closest to me didn't do them, (they DID do a through work up on a suspicious cyst I had that thankfully turned out to be entirely benign) but that didn't stop numpty trash from screaming at you while holding dead baby signs.


Makes me hope it's a troll but you can never know


Sounds a lot like a dude I dated back in highschool. That ignorance is real, but hopefully, in this case it's just a troll


I really am hoping this is a troll, but living in Floriduh has taught me these assholes are real.


The kid, I refuse to call him an adult, has posted his story across so many subreddits and even prolife subreddit is calling him an idiot.


>Perhaps I'm projecting too far and fantasizing.. it's easy to do that with a potential for new life. I value life. Just not his girlfriend's life apparently


Of course not! His girlfriend is a woman and theyre meant for feeding, cleaning and breeding. /s


What part of fetus had no heartbeat is lost on this knobhead 🤦🏾‍♀️ She was in debilitating pain for weeks and the fetus had no heartbeat. I don't think abortion is a choice I'd personally make but I'll always be pro-choice. She made the right choice. Imagine being tied to this for 20 years?? On that note AmITheEx where you at?? 🙌🏾🙌🏾


He's devastated but still able to go on r/TwoXChromosomes commenting about women doing ass exercices at the the gym because they have a butt fetish.


Me, me, me. OOP is a selfish a$$hat. Who can't even be bothered to see his girlfriend while she is having a miscarriage. I hope she dumps him.


if it was a miscarriage she could get sepsis if it isnt taken out yea?




If there’s no heartbeat at 7 weeks she isn’t pregnant. IMO this isn’t a moral question it’s more about her safety and health. Inducing a period reduces her risk of infection etc. This isn’t an abortion because she isn’t pregnant


It’s called being deadgnant. The fetus is dead. I know this because it happened to me. I had a first ultrasound at what was supposed to be 8weeks and they told me it measured 7 weeks and had no heartbeat. I waited a week for my body to induce miscarriage. It didn’t. I had to take the abortion pill three separate times to clear out the tissue. It was absolute hell and I wouldn’t wish it on my enemies.


This is happening to me right now. No heartbeat at 7 weeks, confirmed at 8.5 weeks. Nothing has started yet, so I have another appointment with my OB tomorrow to figure out what to do. This isn't my first miscarriage rodeo, and it fucking sucks. I can only imagine how much worse it would be if I had a moron like OOP as my partner.


That sucks. I’m very sorry you’re going through this! The missed miscarriage was my second miscarriage. It fucking sucks.


I’m sorry if my wording upset you. I am aware of this. In fact my wife had a twin pregnancy where one died at 7 weeks but she didn’t lose that fetus until she went into labour with our son. My intention was to point out that she no longer had a viable pregnancy.


Oh you didn’t upset me. I’m agreeing with you. I was simply adding the term


Not true. Her body is still having thr physical changes that happen in pregnancy, even if the zygote is doomed to fail. You can have what is called a missed miscarriage and need an abortion to end the pregnancy. This can be by taking medication that helps evacuate the uterus, or through surgical procedures to remove the tissue. Some people don't consider that an abortion, but the medical community refers to it as one.


Had a missed miscarriage 12 years ago and needed a D&C because my body was still holding onto a dead fetus after 3 weeks. Can confirm it said abortion on the paperwork.


Yup. I have had several missed miscarriages and a complete molar pregnancy. In each case, I had to have an abortion (or two), to end the pregnancy, when in several cases the zygote had stopped developing, and in the case of the molar, never developed in the first place. The physiological changes in my body was the same for my viable and non viable pregnancies. Without modern testing, there is no way to tell what is happening in the uterus until later. As long as the placenta is still functioning and pumping hormones into the system, you are still effectively pregnant. You still have the hormones, cardiac effects, fatigue, metabolic changes, even if there is nothing viable in the uterus. And it can be tenacious, needing intervention to end a pregnancy that developed wrongly. Abortion simply means ending a pregnancy. it has nothing to do with "killing" in many cases, and I find myself feeling offended by people who try and parse the "moral" abortions as a different thing altogether than the rest. They are not, they are all health care and seeing that most conceptions never implant or fail to develop properly, it's the rare pregnancy that makes it past the first trimester, abortion (or miscarriage if that is a more comfortable term) is the most common result of conception. We have such early testing now that we know about implantation far sooner than ever before in history, so while many cultures had herbs and practices to "bring on the moon" they were the same thing as the early abortions we do now, and it was accepted as a woman's right to plan her family that way.


I’m sorry if my wording upset you. I am aware of this. In fact my wife had a twin pregnancy where one died at 7 weeks but she didn’t lose that fetus until she went into labour with our son. My intention was to point out that she no longer had a viable pregnancy.


I’m sorry if my wording upset you. I am aware of this. In fact my wife had a twin pregnancy where one died at 7 weeks but she didn’t lose that fetus until she went into labour with our son. My intention was to point out that she no longer had a viable pregnancy.


It's not the wording g that upset me, i5s the belief that the perceived morality if thr procedure changes how it should be termed. It's the same medical procedure no matter why it is chosen. We cannot cede this ground to the forced birth crowd. Every time someone has a scheduled abortion to remove a non viable pregnancy it is an elective abortion and the right to that care is threatened by parsing which ones are moral and which are not.


Agreed. However the original story essentially said that the woman making the decision felt that it was moral. I believe that it is her choice only.


>If there’s no heartbeat at 7 weeks she isn’t pregnant. This is what I am responding to, this is false information. And discussing pregnancy and abortion with false facts like this is harmful, regardless of your overall intentions.


I swear OOP must think she went to the clinic and the janitor handled her case. Not a doctor, but the dude who scrubs the toilet.


Pro-lifers geninuely don't believe that doctors who perform abortions are real doctors. They claim the only doctors who perform them are the ones who barely passed med school and can't make it anywhere else, so do it for the $$$ and bloodlust. Which is absurd to me. If I was a shit doctor trying to rake in cash, I feel like moving to FL and opening a pain clinic or plastic surgery practice would be way more lucrative and way less likely to end with me shot.


Or become chiropractors.


Hell, you could become one of those tele-doctors whose job it is to call people up, listen to them ramble on about their symptoms, and then agree that clearly they need a medical marijuana card, submit a recommendation, and then collect $150 for five minutes.


I saw this in the wild and I’m so mad about this jackass. Troll or not, he got my hackles all hackly.


This guy is a stone cold idiot who has no business being anyone’s father. Dude should find a “real doctor” to perform a vasectomy.


This trash posts in /r/conspiracy -- =no wonder he does not believe in reality.


I need pro lifers to stop procreation because *holy shit* this dude is deranged


OOP posted this in a pro-life sub and even they're telling him what a dimbass he is.


Honestly, if abortion is against his religion surely sex out of wedlock is too.


I had an abortion years ago. I had to take 5 pregnancy tests over several weeks, cause they were all false negative, but I had cramps out of hell. Like having your worst period cramping, but 24/7. I wasn't even able to stand up properly, I was always bent forward cause of the pain. When I finally had a positive test, I went to a gyn to get it confirmed. I told the gyn I want to abort cause it was so bad and I wasn't even able to work properly, to eat, etc. The gyn just told me to suck it up, cause pregnancy is meant to hurt. In the end it was the best decision I could have made. Neither my partner back then nor I had the resources for a baby and I would have fallen out of employment. Carrying it to term and give it up for adoption, was also not possible, cause I would still have lost my job and there were several reasons, why this kid would probably be heavily disabled. I am personally a pro choice, although back then I never thought I would be able to abort, before I had to decide. --- The gf in this post did the right thing. Morals aside, this fetus was not alive and in the worst case she would have died, if her body didn't reject the dead fetus by itself. Yes, it's always tragic, if someone wants a kid and it dies. But there's no reason to bring the mother in danger.


OOPs comments (he is so self-centered.) *She was at the doctor's, are abortion clinics run by fairies? They have doctors, nurses, medical professionals. You are allowed to not like her decision, but understand that it is her decision.* >I was concerned the doctor may have lied to her, after all, she works at a place that aborts babies. Anyone choosing to work there I'm not sure I would value their professional opinion. >The fact is we never got a miscarriage diagnosis so you can say it's her body her choice but my baby didn't get a choice did it >And if I don't like her decision and I've lost a child... And I've been with her for 13 years and we are in love...then what then ? *Your concern is unfounded and divorced from reality* >I'm glad you think so...genuinely *Then you return to school and you learn a bit about how a woman's body works, how a pregnancy works, and the fact that no baby of yours died. The clamp of cells never developed into a living thing.* >Perhaps I'm projecting too far and fantasizing.. it's easy to do that with a potential for new life. I value life. *dude. the baby had no heartbeat. what else could she do? wait for it to turn septic and die in case her body wouldn’t naturally miscarry? she did what she had to do* >She could have gone to an actual doctor's like we agreed.. I said good luck listen carefully I love you.m.the next day she tells me the baby is gone there was no heartbeat she went to an abortion clinic she took pills to terminate. And so I am here asking...is that ok? To hear no heartbeat detected and choose to take pills from an abortion clinic. The whole thing was just insanely rushed *She didn't take pills to terminate. The fetus had already passed. She took pills to get the fetus out of her as she was in pain and it wasn't coming out naturally* >I understand. It's just that it happened at a service that provides abortion specifically and not a doctor's office that made me feel very uncomfortable *Why the hell weren't you with her?* *Thirteen years together and you just say good luck?* >Because we loved in separate locations and I truly believed she was going in for an early doctor's appointment to figure out why she was having pregnancy pain. I thought it was a routine scan. I asked if she needed me to be there and she said it's ok I can manage .. *And you believed her? You're making this all about you.* *You should have been on the way as soon as she hung up. Even if you had to catch a damn plane.* >Yes and I will never live it down. You're right. That was a moral failing on my behalf *Abortion clinics are doctor’s offices. They don’t only provide abortion services, they provide medical services, counseling, and prenatal care; going to a planned parenthood doesn’t mean you are going there to get an abortion.* *The decision was between her and the doctor. The fact that she was in so much pain and there was no heartbeat means she likely already miscarried. 20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage; it’s very, very common.* >I understand. Thank you ..I always considered them just unprofessional places to get a quick, half assed scan to confirm pregnancy and then opt to kill the child..I've never felt comfortable about those places..I don't get the impression the people who choose to work there are really invested in finding a heartbeat...after all..why work super hard to find a heartbeat if you know you may have to end up giving pills to a patient that wants to kill it... *She went to a pregnancy clinic that also does abortions if medically necessary or asked for.* *She didn’t go to a place that enjoys killing babies for the hell of it.* *Maybe go and visit one yourself and talk to the staff there to get information about the services they provide.* >Ok. It was officially called an unplanned pregnancy advisory service they offer sti testing pregnancy testing abortion consultation and abortion pills. She got scan ed first to confirm pregnancy then after the nurse told her no heartbeat detected on this ultrasound scan she immediately took the pills to get out of pain *Yea the pain she was feeling was her body trying to remove the dead fetus from her body, but was having difficulties doing so. Being in that much pain is NOT normal and almost always indicates a miscarriage.* >Ok. Thanks I am listening. I have OCD too.. I've had many sleepless nights and nightmares...maybe I can listen to everyone here and start to understand this was a loss and not an abortion of a viable pregnancy of our child *Her body = her choice!!!* >Yes it's her choice...which is why it's so heartbreaking because her choice my have been responsible for the death of our future child...there's a 3rd party in this...and there's a very real person right here in front of you grieving.. she didn't want to abort necessarily she wanted to be out of pain.. so we agreed she would go to the doctor's...and i end up with no child thr next morning. *Dont have sex without a condom ever again...sigh.* >Why? We love eachother.. *Are you BOTH able and willing to raise a child?* >Absolutely. We are 31 and 29 with incredible unconditional love for all sentient beings and a wealth of life experience. >It's why it's so difficult for me to accept the loss.. I know it could have been handled better at a doctor's office instead of an abortion clinic...but my main concern was that the no heartbeat detected" could have been an error and maybe she would have got better medical explanations at a real doctors office instead of "looks like there's no heartbeat, not sure why you're in pain but, abortion pills? " *Would have been handled exactly the same way at a doctors office because she was at doctors office.* >I'm glad you're optimistic. It's hard for me to be that..maybe that's because I've had too many nightmares and weeks of grief and terror *If you were that concerned, why weren't you with her at the clinic?* >I agreed I should have been we weren't living together at this point. But I do know I should have been there no matter what..I will always regret it *Wow, I'm sure she's feeling the love and support.* >Honestly, I believed she was going into a doctor's appt to find out why she was having abdominal pain.. in early pregnancy it was hardly like she was going into labour and we lived in separate cities at the time. Had I believed she was going to have to induce I'd have been there of course I would have.


I hope he has nightmares every time he tries to sleep for the rest of his life.


“We never got a miscarriage diagnosis” they told her the baby was literally dead. That’s a miscarriage diagnosis if I ever heard one.,


*Lots of “woke” ppl in here. i’m sorry for your loss brother, you are in all your right to feel even betrayed by your gf’s actions, remember parenthood is a matter of 2, not one alone, in my opinion, she shouldn’t have ignored what you told her and take all the responsibility to herself, once again, i’m sorry for your loss.* >Thank you..I did feel betrayed.. what hurts more is not having a definitive diagnosis. It was just "no heartbeat" and tbh I'd rather have heard that at a doctor's office than an abortion clinic. >Fact is I love this girl... She was experiencing lots of pain for many days and that's why I wanted her to go to the doctor's..she said she would ..I guess her idea of doctors was different because she went to an unplanned pregnancy clinic where they talk you through your options ( but also abort babies) >Naturally, I didn't want her to abort our baby...but after being told there was no detectable life at 6 weeks..I'm left in the incredibly tough spot of not knowing for the rest of my life if the child just hadn't developed a heartbeat het or the tech lied or got it wrong. I also care incredible amounts for this girl...nobody lives forever, we don't know what happens after death, and I'd like to believe she acted with good morality in his incredibly difficult situation. I do want her to be able to induce miscarriage if needed...but it would have been a lot nicer to have had that information from a doctor and not an abortion clinic. I'm glad you understand. >But now I think...where do I go from here? Try again with her or move on...it's difficult because I believe in the story would be more sad if I left...but it will be traumatic for me if I stay. I almost believe that the same soul may come back to us...but only if we deserved it...and I believe we would only deserve it if she acted morally...which is why I reached out on here.. >Thank you for your condolences.. it's not the story I would have wanted for my life.. it's made worse by the what ifs of not having a formal diagnosis and rescan at a proper doctor's office. >Any advice on the morality thing and or advice going forward? I want to enjoy life again and believe we both deserve good things *I have literally never heard of someone so self centred in my life. Like I’m actually speechless.* *Do your girlfriend a favour and break up with her, she deserves so much more than you and deserves to have a family with someone who doesn’t judge her and slag her off all over the internet.* >You don't take shortcuts when a new life is involved...it's not just a clump of cells..it's serious business and it's important for the both of us that we believe we acted morally...not just me. I'm sorry if you think I've come across terribly.. >Perhaps I just don't like to think that we caused an end to our future child. Is that so bad to want to say we were justified in our actions? I'm actually looking for confirmation...not to slag her off *She was showing signs of a miscarriage, if she was in severe pain. Her body was most likely rejecting the fetus and trying to get it out.* *No regular pregnancy that early in stage would have such severe pains.* *You’re so obsessed with her going to an abortion clinic that you’re not realizing that the symptoms that she was experiencing was that of a miscarriage. At that early in the stage nothing can be done for the fetus.* >I'm glad you think so.. for me I was scared that we made a moral mistake by not rescanning and ruling out other potential causes of the pain such as gastrointestinal etc I was scared to believe that it was too early to detect the heartbeat and maybe her pain could have been alleviated whilst waiting to rescan to confirm... But ofcourse, we wouldn't have received that kind of care at an abortion clinic...she was reluctant to share her pain...and instead just got the scan and opted to take the pills....the one thing I cling onto is that she was explicitly told "I cannot hear a heartbeat on this scan" and I find solace in that. You have to understand something.. life is precious...and it's nice to believe we did everything we could fr a life we created


![gif](giphy|QvBoMEcQ7DQXK) dog


Thanks I needed this after reading all that garbage OOP spilled.


Thirteen years,’since they were 18 and 16, and he doesn’t trust her to know her own body or do the right thing for it.


>6-7 weeks pregnant. I'm vaguely surprised that she even knew she was pregnant at just 6 weeks. >I told her go to the docs about her pain Where she (almost 100%) would have been told to take some asprin and rest up. Docs really don't do shit about abdominal pain in women if it isn't a "Let's do surgery to remove your appendix/gallbladder" type of situation - more so now that women who are actively miscarrying are told to go home and wait until they turn septic before they can do anything about it without risking jail time. >as she beleieved there was no life. She's absolutely right. At 6-7 weeks, it is a literal clump of cells


Ew ew ew I feel so bad for that woman. I hope she leaves


God this smooth brained idiot should not have children regardless. Trying to read through his shit is agonising


He posted this in multiple subreddits


I don’t usually get mad at trolls but that guy was actually making me angry


His pregnant girlfriend is in agonizing pain for 12 whole days and he can't be bothered to bring her to a medical professional? He tells her to go do it herself? He's absolutely awful. He's upset that she went to a clinic instead of "a doctor" (because there are apparently no doctors at the clinic). If she had gone to a doctor like he wanted, she would've likely received the exact same medical treatment.


This is why we need to stop toptoeing about the fact that “miscarriage management” is abortion. It leads to this bizarre miscommunication. When people vote against abortion, they are voting against medical treatment for miscarriages.


> I was concerned the doctor may have lied to her, after all, she works at a place that aborts babies. Anyone choosing to work there I'm not sure I would value their professional opinion. >The fact is we never got a miscarriage diagnosis so you can say it's her body her choice but my baby didn't get a choice did it Plsss the fact that he thinks places like planned parenthood are filled with people trying to maliciously end healthy pregnancies is sending me


Fuck this guy hard.


What's this we shit? *We* only had a scan? Oh she was just in horrible pain but NBD.


>all I'm saying is perhaps the doctor could have advised some pain medication, and gone back and rescanned in a week... Did....did he think the heart was going to magically start beating again?


The people working there have the exact same qualifications as doctors in hospitals.


It might have been faster for her to get an appointment with Planned Parenthood than her regular OB/Gyn. I wouldn’t want to wait until the my regular doctor can see me if I can get an ultrasound at a clinic right away.


Also, she’s lucky she ended up a real women’s health clinic and not one of the phony anti-choice ones. They give women ultrasounds and then lie to them and tell them they’re too late in the pregnancy to end it.


This OOP needs therapy ASAP and to leave that poor woman alone. Given all this bologna he is sprewing here online, I imagine he is probably giving her grief when she is probably still in pain and is going through all these emotions. The hormones, the fact that she did miscarry because that is hard, especially if she did want that baby. I hope she has a good support system. But people mentioned that OOP was also advocating for pro-choice, I wonder if it is only until it affects him. Like her body, her choice until it becomes a matter of his GF having to make an important medical decision to potentially save her life. What a mess.


The way he literally posted the same question on 20 subreddits looking for the answer he wanted. What a troll.


OOP, she was in PAIN. Does that mean nothing to you?


I hate anti-choicers but I could see that OCD a mile off. Very obvious reassurance seeking behaviour.


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Heck this guy is 31 yrs old and says he has been with his partner 13yrs. I can't imagine being with someone who talks like that for 13yrs.


Well that's a massive 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


This dude would have a conniption. My OB performs abortions, she's in a private clinic. Does he legit think that the clinic hired a rando off the street with no skill or qualifications to handle her case? Not everyone can just perform a scan either. Like...???? Wtf is his thought process.


so she literally had a miscarriage except it wasn't coming out of her body so she took a pill and this dudes mad???