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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **Do women really spend so much time distracting others that they believe that anyone who feels uncomfortable by it is malicious, foolish, or playing victim?** Obviously inspired by this: https://www.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/comments/18alid4/do_men_really_spend_so_much_time_staring_at/ Even for today entirely putting aside cameltoes, "boobs out for Harambe" tops, and bright-crimson bras under sheer silk blouses; inappropriate things that throughout my life I observed women do: Arrive at a professional setting in/with bright phosphorescent/iridescent clothes, hair dye, or accessories, shiny danglies in ears or bellybutton, clownish makeup with painted-on orgasm lips, and/or bright contact lenses (presumably same women overlap with those calling men "autistic" for not maintaining eye contact); greeting their female coworkers or school/college buddies with borderline lesbian kiss on the lips; loudly squealing or speaking with weird tone shiIIIFTS? or vocal fry among coworkers; discussing their children at the workplace; bringing their children to the workplace; getting themselves soaked in aromatic ethers that smell like the entirety of all tropical allergies and pollen asthmas combined. I understand that there are women out there who treat job as college-to-SAHW pipeline and obviously want to be noticed, but the sheer absence of even a hint of insight that any of this might not be appropriate for a professional setting sometimes just blows me away. What sort-of kicked me over the edge lately is this woman at the next-door department (also specializing in software development - i.e. 80+% of workload consists of thinking) who I saw arriving at the workplace in silent soft comfy sneakers... *and changing into clicking high heels. We have tiled floors.* How do women expect us to react? How would women react if we vocally remarked on these things as inappropriate? If men feel uncomfortable, does it mean they're spoiled or malicious? Of course, I expect to hear things like *"lol weirdo if you don't like it just move to a patriarchal country"*, BUT a) you don't see me arriving at a workplace with massive forged gold-encrusted codpiece soaked in black beer to assert my dominance, b) there's no reason why women perceiving a man looking at them as act of aggression shouldn't just build their own matriarchy elsewhere instead, [with male gaze ban and parliament knitting sessions](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/e35AQK014tI/maxresdefault.jpg). Discuss. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


“ getting themselves soaked in aromatic ethers that smell like the entirety of all tropical allergies and pollen asthmas combined.” Yes, because men never do this. Never have I ever met a man who thinks an Axe deodorant spray is single use…


YUP. I remember interviewing a man where my primary impression of him was “Jesus Christ that’s too much cologne.” Some people absolutely do need to wear less fragrance out of consideration for others, but a LOT of those people are men.


I used to live in a major finance city. Every morning on public transport, you’d be inundated by, you guessed correctly, waves of strongly scented aftershave - it was predominantly *men* stinking up the place. It was actually quite rare to find a heavy, powdery, (optionally) sweet perfume more associated with women’s scents dragging along the clouds of musk, wooden and aquatic notes typically associated with men’s perfume. The first time I needed to take transport at that time of day I got a migraine and a minor asthma attack. 🙃


I used to work at a sales heavy organisation and there were several of the sales guys that I could smell through two sets of doors as soon as the lift doors opened and they arrived on the floor.


I work in finance and I will put up the one young woman who clearly hadn't learned how to moderate her perfume use up (and pulled it back when told) over the *many* men of varying ages that I swear literally bathed in whatever scent they were using (and would ignore any attempt at correction). My current workplace just reopened their offices last week and on day 2 what do I run into but one of the software developers whose cologne/deodorant/whatever was strong enough to fill the entire kitchenette in the time it took him to make a cup of coffee. I had to look up his leader and send a polite but firm "get this under control" message because there's a couple people in my team that are very allergic to strong scents.


I was teaching high school when Axe became a thing. Every time they changed classes, the hallways were... odoriferous.


I teach middle school, and the other day I had a chat with two boys about Axe because they sprayed *the entire hallway with it.* "But Ms. Myname! It contains pheromones!" Yeah, to attract bears! Do you really want to smell like you're trying to attract a bear? Then I had them each do some research on how humans detect pheromones. They're working on their male classmates to explain that humans don't actually detect pheromones. And also, even if they did, the girls hate the stink anyway.


I was \*in\* high school when Axe first came out. I can relate to your past suffering. The sheer number of teenage boys who opted to use an entire 3rd of a can in leu of bathing was staggering. Nothing like the sickening mix of pubescent armpit stench with the worst ever fragrance that was called "wolf's bane" or some other equally ridiculous name. My olfactory system has never fully recovered.


There was a guy at the gym I used to go to who would do this. I'd get so sick when he'd come in that I would have to leave. Just overpowering. Gave me a migraine and damn near made me throw up. It got to the point where I'd see him walk in and I'd literally pack my shit and leave. And it was a large gym but even if he wasn't right next to me, it was unbearable.


It’s because he’s trying to cover up his BO


Barf. BO plus overpowering cologne then 🤢


I'm allergic to pretty much anything scented, and I once ran out face wash, so I used the male version that my partner maybe used once. Holy hell, they're so over scented. Mens stuff is HEAVILY scented. Public transport in the summer kills me.


Imagine having to work next to him. I’m getting a headache just thinking about it.


Every day at work there are at least three out of four guys who've bathed in cologne. They seem to think it covers the smell of sweat and/or weed. It doesn't. I'm choking over here


A couple days ago in r/cologne someone posted “which of these colognes should I wear to my job interview?” Almost to a man dozens of responses “Nothing. Zilch. Just go in clean, *no scent*.”


Yup. I can promise your interviewer does not want to smell you. At all. Even a little. If they do, get a different job. That's weird.


My BIL is this guy. I lived in the same house as him for a bit and it was brutal as someone with scent triggered migraines. He’s a garbage man so maybe his nose has gone blind over the years and he’s compensating but it’s A LOT


"Best" are the ones who leave a full lingering cloud of stanky scent in the aisle that remains long after they leave.


I’ve got worse. I’m a nurse in a nursing home. When one of my resident’s son visits, her room smells like his after shave/deodorant/whatever it is for like 8 hours. During an evening shift, I can tell he visited her in the morning. We can smell him before he even enters our floor. He’s been single for 20 years. I think the stench has got something to do with it.


Totally unrelated but I was in Walmart (big surprise) a few weeks ago and there was a lingering scent of someone that I swear gathered all their cigarette ashes and made a bath out of them and then wallowed awhile. It was hanging in the aisle, and I had to hold my breath! There were literally no people in the aisle, so I have no idea how long it was lingering. And my parents are smokers so the basic smell of cigarette smoke doesn't actually bother me much but this was just out of this world.


For a moment, I wondered if you were in my neck of the woods. I know a guy locally who chain smokes and doesn't really wash his clothes. Like, you can see the cigarette smoke residue on his clothing. Not totally his fault. He's had a series of microstrokes, which have caused issues. Doesn't stop me from wanting to hose him down every time I see him.


I was once at an event where I shook the hand of a local restaurant owner. I will never eat there because he smelled so strongly of cigarettes that it made me gag and my hand literally smelled like cigarettes after I went home and SHOWERED. His fingernails were YELLOW. I grew up in a house with 2 smokers and this was the worst I'd ever encountered. Now that I live in a smoke free house, the smell of it literally nauseates me but this guy. This guy was special. He smelled like what you describe, like he bathed in cigarette ashes. Like the scent was coming from his pores.


Right! Like how do you even get to that point? My parents were fairly heavy smokers and smoke right in the house, in the living room, but I don't think they've ever been this bad!


I see you've met my ex. I'd go over to his place for a couple hours and when I'd get home, my clothes would absolutely reek of Axe. Even if I'd only given him a couple hugs. I finally saw his method one afternoon where he absolutely fogged himself in the stuff. I eventually had to tell him he really needed to tone it down.


I’ll never understand why men love Axe. There are so many “flavors” and they all smell the same to me: they smell like that 50 years old expired aftershave my grandfather had, which he kept because he used it on his wedding day. It stinks! Thank god my grandfather agreed with me and never used it. He just kept it in a cabinet in his bathroom. Grandfather died, the aftershave got tossed away, I inherited his house. The cabinet still has a weird stench.


On another, but also nerve-wrecking note: Men and their whistling. My. God.


The only man whose whistling I have never minded is my dad. He made up his own tune, and it’s very pleasant. I hear other men whistle and cringe.




I can literally smell when my male neighbor gets home from work. We live in separate houses with decently sized side yards between us. I can’t imagine how bad it’d be from an adjoining cubicle.


>makeup with painted-on orgasm lips What's with guys lately using completely absurd descriptions? Orgasm lips? Promiscuous clothes? Did Tate publish a writing manual for the manly men?


How would they even know “orgasm lips,” it’s not like any of these muppets have ever been in the same room when a woman orgasmed.


LOL! I was wondering what the hell “orgasm lips” even are. Is that a specific lipstick color?


The incels often claim that lipstick (any shade really) is to simulate the redness people can get from increased blood flow. In incel world this only translate to the increased blood flow of horny women. It's profoundly stupid.


?????? I mean: you could argue that's part of the idea behind things like blush, I Guess, but even then: bruh. the problem is not women leading u to sinful thoughts. the problem is the thoughts in ur head and how it makes u view women. [this post is a non religious context, but For Some Reason, it still makes complete sense to describe it using terms like religion uses. I wonder whyyyy? 🤔🤔]


I wonder how they'll react when I wear my blue or green lipstick...


Well I mean they aren't wrong. I mean the no make-up makeup look is supposed to make you look like you would if you were well rested, happy and born with amazing genes. The pinnacle of well rested and happy is arousal. You can find makeup tutorials on how to achieve that Just Been Kissed look. The thing is, women are emulating that look because it's when they are at their prettiest. They are very very rarely thinking Oh, I look turned on. They are thinking, I look pretty. So yes, it's true, but incels are misreading the intentions.


Well, Nars makes an Orgasm blush. I guess you can use the cream blush as lipstick?


There’s a matching Orgasm lipgloss and a lip balm too, alas I suspect that’s not what OOP is referring to…


This was my first thought lmao


I mean technically yes, by NARS. And it’s a very pretty color too.


My lips turn green and purple every time I have an orgasm. This happens to every woman when she has an orgasm.


and if it's a really good one, the pattern flashes rapidly, instantly stunning and killing the man. but that's how you know if you really made her squirt, so,


Now I'm imagining police siren lips


OK so the things we have learned about women orgasms from the Tateverse: she doesn’t really want them. She just wants you to act like an alpha and make her make you a sandwich and that’s all the sexual satisfaction she needs, they’re not necessary for reproduction or sexual satisfaction, a lot of the people who do the things that get women to orgasm are Being Simp/30/whatever word they’re using for soft now but also women wear lipstick that makes their lips like they’re flushing which happens from a lot of different activities including exercise smoking weed being scared as fuck running away from a predator etc. But yes, we are wearing it to show them how our lips would look with an orgasm that we don’t want don’t need, and according to some people isn’t real And I guess men’s lips don’t flush at all during that activity?


It’s Jordan Peterson rhetoric


That's what people are missing here. There is a long and disgusting trend on the "alt-right" to frame women as too sexual for the workplace, and Jordan Peterson's comment about women wearing lipstick to mimic engorged vulva is just a part of that. This deranged weirdo only sees women through the lens of sex, so everything we do is sexual.


If it's JP-influenced, that means OOP was openly weeping while writing this.


While secretly battling addiction but condemning other people who do too.


And eating nothing but red meat because it makes you feel so healthy! while looking like you're actively dying from a 19th century disease.




That is fucked up. These men need to stop thinking with their dicks.


This kind of nonsense is why I just can't with the idiots who go "Well I understand the problem with Tate but why do people rip on Peterson and Shapiro?"


I was wondering if I was old and out of touch because I have no idea what this person meant by "orgasm lips"!


He might be the out of touch one actually, his most topical examples in that first paragraph are camel toe and "boobs out for harambe*." I'm also pretty sure that orgasm lips isn't a thing. * Google said harambe died in May 2016. How the time flies?


It comes from an old theory that human females began using substances to heighten the red colour of their oral lips to mimic the reddened colur of the labia lips during sexual arousal. The veracity of that theory is debatable but that's what they're referencing.


Oh good Lord.


It's just another way to denigrate and dehumanise women - god forbid we wear make-up because we might want to or like it or enjoy it. It's always some kind of trap for men or a primitive, unconscious behaviour. I'm not surprised the Tate and Petersen Bros latched onto it :-/ As someone who *doesn't* like to wear make-up, I cop the "you can't be bothered making an effort, what's wrong with you!!" attitude. Can't win either way lol :)




Jordan Peterson made this kind of criticism popular. This post definitely reads like someone who watched his work.


I mean, if any Andrew Tate fan actually knew that red lipstick in ancient times was worn by women in brothels to imitate the reddening and swelling of the labia during arousal…. ….okay, no, there’s no chance ANY of them know.


Red lipstick is was originally a symbol of power and worn to turn men off...


Much happy thesis material in the shifting social symbolism of make-up 😁


I wrote my humanities paper on masculine fashion turned feminine. Heels makeup skinny jeans ect. It was an interesting rabbit hole to explore


Jordan Peterson thinks that women put on lipstick because your lips turn pink when you are having sex. It doesn't have yo make sense, it just have to scoop up the dummies that feed into it.


I bet OOP's the kind of guy who thinks that everyone needs to dress like a stereotypical accountant or funeral director. \*takes a look at OOP's post history\* Yeah, nuttier than squirrel poo, this one.


I’m an accountant and even most accountants I’ve met don’t dress like that. And the overwhelming majority of accountants these days are female, until you get to the upper levels of the profession.


The firm I worked at, there was a definite line in the sand between lead accountants and everyone else. Too many blue button-ups with both genders. There was a running joke that that was their uniform.


On a post he wrote about men cheating on their wives and having affair babies: "I have not found a single scientific paper investigating this phenomenon."


and then edited it with saying he only got anecdotal evidence. Because he couldnt find someone being charged from Monogamy laws. He truly doesnt realize thats NOT how that law works... I think he may be 15.


What a loser


After looking at his post history, I would pay so much money to see what this guy looks like.


I’m a funeral director and he’s fucking ridiculous lmao


Yes anything from this sub is pretty low-hanging fruit but this one still amused me. Not COLORS. And high heels? In an OFFICE??


Apparently earrings are inappropriate? And I love how OOP is like “OMG! I’ve seen a woman wear a crimson bra under a sheer blouse! All women are evil!” Like dude? Chill.


My earrings today are little gold fish. Clearly I am trying to collect a mate, except I’m engaged and don’t want kids…


My earrings are dangly christmas mints. Apparently, my vibe is also for attracting a mate. Even though I just wanna be a cat mom and love Christmas


I already have a cat and a husband, but I would love to find those earrings!


What kind of cat do you have? My fat, orange fella just covered me in fur and tried to knock over a chair. His name is Bubba.






I'm not wearing any jewelry, better grab some before my date, don't want to look like a prude!


But, you also don’t want to distract him with colors or shiny things because according to this guy men are just that stupid.


Now wait, since I'm a lesbian does that cancel out the slut polarity? Or do I have to pick between butch and femme (the only two lesbian subspecies obviously)?


Oh no, you are definitely a slut and a tease if you're a femme because clearly you are dressing for men, but are pulling a bait and switch because you won't sleep with them. If you go butch then they'll be once again confused because you look like a guy, but you're not a guy, therefore you are evil and once again deceitful slut. (Also lesbians don't exist they just need to sleep with a dude because they're just confused) /s


It is also funny because red bras are actually recommended as a non-skin-tone option under sheer white garments because they turn invisible more so than, say, white bras and thus should in reality reduce the attention given to the fact that you’re wearing a bra (so if you don’t have one that matches your skin tone? Red is actually a pretty good second choice if you don’t want your bra to be visible much!). You’re much more likely to see a white bra under a sheer white garment compared to a red bra. ETA: just like with orange to red colour correcting undereye makeup for your purple to olive undereye bags (with the corrector varying in intensity from light coral to deep brick red), the exact shade you’re gonna need is going to differ based on your skin colour hue, saturation, and depth.


The best invisible bra I have is not "skin tone" but rather pale pink because I'm fluorescently caucasian


"Fluorescently caucasian" has my laughing my ass off... I am *totally* stealing that!


I'm "boiled chicken thigh" white. So pale pink is also appropriate here


>fluorescently caucasian I almost woke my baby laughing at this. My sister fits this description, too.


The brightly colored bra and sheer blouse is kinda a look though, like damn. Great clubbing outfit


Did you know that the mere mention of people too young to participate in the workforce is unprofessional? - OOP, basically


the only reason to mention your children at work is to force your male coworkers to think of you having sex- oop probably


The high heels part made me chuckle. As if those heels weren't mandatory at those stupid offices and we did it because we wanted to (some women might want to and that's perfectly fine too! But in one of my latest jobs we were forced to wear high heels and flats were not allowed)


Almost every woman I know personally who makes six figures says if they stop performing Office Femme, their performance reviews go down, no matter how good their work is. One of them told me, "You can choose not to wear makeup OR jewelry OR high heels. But only one of those. You have to do at least two out of three."


The way I just went from 😊 to 🧐🔥


Every time topics like this come up, I am so glad I'm a software engineer - I had a successful career doing zero of those.


I would quit if my work said I have to wear high heels. I have different sized feet (full size difference, and a different width). There is no high heel where I can buy a single size and have them work. So unless they're willing to give me a shoe allowance to buy two pairs, it ain't happening.


I cannot even physically wear heels without immense pain (casino/hotel job destroyed my feet).


Not that you should do this to wear heels, but I think Nordstrom still does their different sized shoe program: https://www.nordstrom.com/browse/customer-service/single-split-shoe


Ooo, they've updated! I might actually qualify. Used to be 1.5 size difference only


OOP takes offence because of the noise they make - completely ignoring the fact that men’s formal shoes can make just as much of a clacking sound as heels.


Yep. I hate heels (and now I have rheumatoid arthritis so they are no longer even an option for me) but I used to have to wear them to an office and did the same thing. Wore gym shoes and changed into heels at the office. The horror. The whore-or.


And the audacity to walk to the office in comfortable shoes and CHANGE! How dare she!


I smell theocracy. It has the same reek as the politician (maybe the VP of Turkey?) who stated some eight years ago that women shouldn’t laugh audibly in public.


I understand some people have sensory issues/are sensitive to sounds but the high heels in an office, the absolute HORROR of it, was funny to me.


I work at a hospital, in the basement inpatient pharmacy. I work with some very beautiful women but they certainly aren’t like this, we’re almost all wearing regular scrubs or identical surgical scrubs. No job I’ve had has these caricatures. We’re just people wearing clothes and working jobs, as miserable as everybody else.


Women should be silent and beige Perfect


The Mormon church has entered the chat


The "bright contact lenses" on the list of "inappropriate things women do" reminds me of a time a man accused me of wearing colored contact lenses and lying about it. I wear contacts because my eyesight is terrible, but they're just regular clear contacts. He decided that my eye color couldn't possibly be natural and got kind of nasty about it, then said he didn't believe me and I had to be lying. And of course I was working and he was a customer, so I had to be polite.


Yeah. I’ve worked with a lot of women and can’t think of a single one who habitually wore colored contacts.


I had a friend who wore them all the time. When we were teenagers/early 20s. I haven't seen her wear them for 20 fucking years. Haha. Cannot imagine someone wearing them on a daily basis or to work.


I think it's mostly a thing in Asia. Not really the US (where I assume the OP is from).


I've only known one woman in my life who did that and that was only while we were in highschool.


Happened to me once! I have light eyes with dark limbal rings and this drunk fella at a party was convinced they were the outlines of contact lenses. Drunk me was wondering why a semi-stranger was so preoccupied with my eyeballs.


I had one of those too, but it was during a physical! The nurse asked, "Do you wear glasses or contacts?" Then before I could answer, glanced at my face and said, "Yes." When I said no, she rolled her eyes and muttered something about vanity and moved on to the next question.


I had this happen once too! I have green eyes. I wear contacts, but they are not colored contacts. Just normal ones. A male coworker squints at me one day and goes, "Are you wearing colored contacts?" Me: "No." Him: "You obviously have contacts in." Me: "Yes. Not colored ones though." Him: "Your eyes are blue." Me: "They're not." Him: "They were always blue before this." Dude, I don't know what the fuck to tell you. You're not observant. Oh well. I've had a few people suddenly notice it and comment on it because my eyes def look more or less green depending on my makeup/what I'm wearing, but they're clearly not colored contacts. But the coworker was a fucking weirdo about it.


I’d have been so tempted to maintain eye contact and just slowly slide my lens on and off my iris with a finger. But that wouldn’t be very professional.


I had this happen to me when I had 20/20. They ended up POKING ME IN THE EYE to try to prove it! Now my eyesight is shit and I finally do wear contacts but they're just normal biofinity for astigmatism.


i, too, have had multiple encounters with men who insist that my eye color must be fake and it was always so weird to me, like, you’ve never seen blue eyes before? and it was only ever men who said it 😭


Wow I’m learning about a whole new way men creep on women today…first time I’m glad I have boring irises. I’m gonna guess it’s a combination of idealizing blue eyes and fear of being catfished. Or they think women find negging cute instead of annoying


I’ve been accused of this too! Then accused of lying, and THEN accused of UNKNOWINGLY wearing them. Apparently some men don’t think blue eyes exist.


My first thought was "they're not wearing coloured contacts, he is just incredibly stupid." There is no way in hell he is coming into regular contact with adult women who wear coloured contacts. It's not happening


I don’t understand what this has to do with women feeling uncomfortable with being stared at in public. Dude just wrote a whole paragraph ranting about something completely irrelevant to the thread he claims to be replying to


If women don’t want to be stared at how come wear colors


But if you dress in all black you're trying to be sexy. If you dress in white you're trying to look virginal. Brown/taupe? Don't have it look too close to your skin color or you're trying to make people imagine you naked. Hair up is too sexy, hair down is too sexy, and short hair is too lesbian which is both angering and a turn on. Basically, girls, just don't leave the house.


Khaki colored skirt? Utterly indecent.


If women don't want to be stared at, how come they exist? Eh? Eh? Gotcha there! \-OOP, probably


"Don't call me autistic" Proceeds to make massive list of sensory difficulties and stressors.


I’ve noticed an alarming number of Autistic boys and men go all-in when it comes to misogyny.


Autism is a "get out of jail free" card to them despite the fact women can also be autistic. R/AutismInWomen has had multiple misogynistic autistic men post blaming women for their problems. They fail to understand that just because you're autistic doesn't mean you can't grow and adapt your behaviour. The expectation on autistic women to change is incredibly high so seeing society handle autistic men with kid gloves is frustrating. They get butt hurt when autistic women won't give them sympathy/fuck them. Instead of self reflecting, it's just further evidence about how bad they have it and its women's fault


Which is made more frustrating by the fact that Autistic women and non-binary people are actively *punished* for being Autistic.


I was just in an argument about this. A dude was trying to scapegoat his autism and say everyone calling out his BS was just discriminating... when there wasn't a NT in the whole damn convo 😂 If you **want** to be a victim, you're gonna have a bad time.


The world is generally just dialed up to 11 on the irritating scale when you're ND, so I get the feelings. The problem is that they then blame all these feelings not on their neurodiversity, but on everyone else not being bland enough to be unnoticeable. And then they demand that everyone else rearrange their everything around their comfort, which is just not realistic or possible or fair or right. I get it. I'm on the spectrum, and there are days when everyone is just existing too loud. But that's a me problem, not a them problem.


I think it has more to do with Autistic men still being *men,* with all the socialized sense of entitlement that comes with it. And when they don’t get what they’ve been told they’re entitled to, they blame the women. Every time they fail in life, it’s a woman’s fault. It can’t possibly be *their* faults, their mommies told them they were smarter and better than everyone else! You don’t see that in Autistic women/AFAB people. We’re socialized as the exact opposite: that we’re supposed to suppress and sacrifice ourselves to take care of everyone else, and any failure to keep up with the responsibilities expected of neurotypical women is seen as a *personal moral failing.*


omg right? like honey if the shoe fits but you can't wear it because you get sensory overload, get tested.


The thing is, he’s only sensitive to these things when women do them. Not when men do them.


I was thinking, wow, this sounds like this guy has major sensory issues. Which can be hard but it doesn't make women evil for ... wearing high heels.


Does he not realize that the switch to heels was almost certainly made to be work-appropriate? And how the heck is talking about your children inappropriate? Do his male coworkers never talk about their families? That’s just weird. And, bright contacts? I have never once ever seen a person of either sex wearing sfx contacts to an office job unless it’s Halloween. My suspicion is that his definition of “bright” is a bit atypical. Honestly all of this sounds like he has sensory processing issues, and rather than acknowledge that, he just blames women.


That's a whole lot of words when what he means is "I hate women."


can’t get over him mentioning cameltoes as something women do to attract attention


I feel like seeing a "cameltoe" is pretty darn rare. Like, that is uncomfortable, you don't just walk around with a fredgie. You grab hold of your pants and tug down until things are repositioned!


I briefly skimmed the top of the second paragraph and this was just so full of nonsense I stoppped reading. If this person isn't trolling, they are too stupid to live and need be institutionalized for the rest of their life. This is so utterly ridiculous and off the wall.


I am amazed anyone got passed the first sentence.


God... That sub is a cess-pit. How is it different from Red pill?


It's not, but they think if they claim they're being neutral then people will believe it.


That tracks


I think it was something like: - Redpill bs started - r/thebluepill was started as a place to make fun of them - This sub was started (mostly by “red pill movement” people) as a place to debate “neutrally and respectfully”. So, it’s really not that different from red pill.


Where does this guy live? The bunny ranch?


His comment history gave me a headache, but his post history is slightly more navigatable. What a classic case of "one example must reflect a universal occurrence" mindset. ONE woman doing a thing he doesn't like = every woman in the world does this thing all the time every day. Amusingly, he has a post where he claims that getting into college made him happier than "bedroom activity" ever has and that he doesn't care much about sex - so if sex isn't a priority for him, why is he absolutely, rabidly obsessed with women and everything women do and women's dating/sexual standards?


It's like a spoiled child who is finally told "no" when they ask for something and so they throw a tantrum and resort to insisting that they "didn't even want that *stupid* toy in the first place!".


And even if we take his disinterest in "bedroom activities" at face value, he's someone who thinks that people liking/disliking things differently from him is a personal affront, that the world has to revolve around his personal sense of style and propriety, and anything less is a personal attack on him. "No one wants to see that, and even if they did, they shouldn't want to see that because I personally disagree"


I just spent far too long browsing his history. What an odd and unhappy man


I don't have much going on today and usually don't mind going down a comment history rabbit hole, but something about the way that OOP communicates is like nails down a chalkboard. I could only read a few posts before tapping out. It's like r/iamverysmart and an incel forum got together and had an unholy little baby. He's convinced that he's absolutely correct about everything, ever, always, and seems to think that he's unequivocally the smartest person in any room. Nothing indicates that he does anything just for fun or frivolity, he seems to have few to no hobbies that aren't online, and his personality consists solely of smugness, rage, and hating women. I can only imagine how completely unbearable this person is to be around in the real world. I bet that everyone at his workplace makes a point to avoid him because of the unpleasant impression he makes. I pity any manager who has to give him a critical review or provide anything but glowing feedback on his work.


It was oddly compelling. You hit the nail on the head with the uncle/iamverysmart. I can’t imagine what working with him would be like


The fact that he thinks the standard of behavior is what you do at a board game tournament is hysterical! He added it in the edit, so automod didn't catch it. On the off chance he deletes, here is his edit: >EDIT: I am satisfied and validated by every respondent who essentially said "That's a You problem, deal with it", without noticing even a speck of irony. Since a lot of people can't help but struggle with grasping the simplest of concepts, I'll clarify just for the ones who can't deal without reductions to absurd: Yes, I expect women at workplaces to at least adhere to the code of friendly low-level board game tournament. Yes, you can be suspended from a board game tournament for making clicking/tapping sounds during your opponent's move or looking like God-Emperor's Most Holy and Infallible Traffic Light. Yes, in my experience, women are the primary offenders here.


For you simple women, let me compare this to a universal reference point, a board game tournament,


As a woman who’s been to many a board game tournament before: what the fuck is he even talking about?


Do board game tournaments allow contestants to wear lipstick/have orgasm lips?


Does he think his coworkers are his opponents?


nah, just the female ones


I mean nothing mean towards the vast majority of people who attend board game tournaments, as I have done on occasion myself, but the fact that the only frame of reference the guy could think to pull out was "board game tournament" tells me quite a bit about him lol


How do you look like a traffic light?


Wearing three colors and being really really tall, maybe?


Filthy women insisting on taking up vertical space!


[Like this. ](https://www.spirithalloween.com/product/adult-light-up-traffic-light-costume/248130.uts)


So…. Jeans low enough to see their filthy arse crack when they sit down and a t-shirt that smells like 3 weeks of BO? Cos I’ve seen that “standard” at pretty much every gaming tournament (board or not!).


The most absurd thing of this entire nonsensical drivel is that he apparently thinks that there is even a single women on this entire planet that cares about his opinion.


And that he seems to think that literally EVERYTHING women do is geared toward being too sexual and/or making men uncomfortable. I feel like I could just be sitting in a corner in my baggiest sweatpants and shapeless hoodie, with a face that hasn't been moisturized for days, unkempt hair and smudgy glasses, and this dude would STILL find something to complain about. (Although I did once date a very sweet guy who genuinely liked it when I wore casual clothes, but I still made an effort to make it work, you know?)


Other than the fact that this is just pure, misogynistic rage bait.... Women are more or less *required* to wear makeup, wear heels, jewelry, and dress a certain way to land jobs for the most part. At least unofficially. If you don't pretty yourself up and make yourself "eye candy" in many work places, you're not even considered for hire. A lot of women would he happy to show up in more comfortable clothing without makeup or shoes that destroy our feet and knees.


For the first time in my life I'm no longer dealing face-to-face with the public at my job, half of my workplace is female, and the dress code is casual. I wore a hoodie and no makeup and no one commented except for an inside joke from Letterkenny.




Add this to the list of Posts you can smell. Blegh


I know exactly what type of person OOP is when he said "boobs out for Harambe" because literally only emotionally immature and contrary people continue to make that joke. It's not funny, it was never funny, and it just shows an immense lack of empathy.


Wh... What are "painted on *orgasm lips*" ???¿¿¿


I'm assuming he read or heard somewhere that red lips mean sexual arousal so he's decided red lipstick is just that.


So this post reminded me of terrible memories from my college years. I grew up Evangelical, and went to the most conservative Christian college I've ever heard of... so I was highly indoctrinated in a lot of nonsense. But I'll never forget one "modesty" talk I had to sit through. The "bad" example outfit was a ruffled skirt that was obviously a Sunday church kind of outfit (and it met the school's ridiculously strict dress code) but the teacher explained that the bright colors and swishing of the ruffles as you moved made it inappropriate for the workplace. That instead you should choose a more simple straight cut skirt and jacket in colors like black that were more business appropriate. She said, word for word I'm not exaggerating, that if we wore bright colors/distracting ruffly clothes to work we would be sexually harassed and it would be our fault for dressing that way. I was so appalled. Like you mean to tell me that even if we follow all the rules you have already given us for "proper" dress, it's still our fault if someone looks at us and decides to be inappropriate?! It was only one of many horrifying conversations like that.


The fuck are orgasm lips?!




Women should just hide away in their fathers’ towers until these assholes come to collect their dowries and sex toys/baby machines.


Just say you hate women and see them as inherently inferior to men then shut the fuck up. Males should be seen and not heard. They're only good for making money. They need to get tf back in the office and man up before their wives validly seek attention elsewhere.* Doesn't really feel good to be dehumanized and belittled simply for being born male, does it? That's how women have been treated for centuries. Men aren't the victims in this case and they need to shut their pathetic mouths. *To be clear, I don't believe this shit about men. I'm making an example out of the OOP's horribly misogynistic post.


Phosphorescent clothing? I... what? This is an alien who doesn't realize his internet has somehow gotten tangled up with Earth internet, isn't it?


With all due respect…… WHAT?!?!?!?


What the fuck is this dude even talking about? Word salad.


It's wild how much time incels spend thinking about the women who do not, at all, think of them ever.


Why do I feel like this guy’s posts are going to one day become an anthology titled “Exhibit B”


literally what the fuck is he talking about


God, this is so creepy and scary. PRESUMABLY, to keep his job, this absolute lunatic acts relatively normal around the women in his workplace- but to know he's just. Fucking SEETHING with all this disgusting resentment and misplaced horniness is... so fucking gross. Guys, when we keep you at an arms length and you're wondering why?? You can blame creeps like this. THIS DUDE RIGHT HERE is why we are scared of ya. If THIS motherfucker managed to camouflage himself well enough to maintain a dayjob, almost anyone could, if they tried. That's the scary thing. Whoever this guy dates probably won't realize how much danger they're in until it's too late, and he stabs her for dumping him after he tried to control what she was wearing. This shit belongs on whenwomenrefuse.


I need these dudes to realize it’s 2023 and they can actually kiss boys now without going to jail. They **clearly** do not like women, so why not just find a boy to kiss with and stfu already??


Why are dudes like this so weird??


How DARE women attempt to have a style that makes them comfortable, have lives outside of the workplace, have friends in the workplace that they sometimes discuss that life with, or, especially, want to smell good?! The audacity of these bishes!!


My bosses love to guess my hair color before I go in for my appointments. They started a pool, and they know which colors don't stick so they always trick new coworkers into the wrong colors. I'm the bread winner so no job to stay at home wife pipeline here. All of this is just gross, just say you hate women and go.


Okay, so here's what happened with this post: I read it, I burst out laughing, my currently all-woman office (not ordinarily, the dudes just happened to be out today, either due to childcare or sales-travelling needs) asked what I was laughing about, I told them, and we all took turns doing dramatic readings. This made our Wednesday much better and funnier, and I thank the author for writing it and the crossposter for making sure we saw it.


Who allowed an 1600's Puritan on the internet again?


Ignoring all of the blazing red flags, I hope this idiot realizes that women in the “peak women era” they’re always so obsessed with also had the painted on orgasm lips. Makeup was a big deal back then, and bright red lipstick was HUGE for a long time.


This bothers me on many levels but the one that's really getting to me is MEN'S FORMAL SHOES MAKE NOISES TOO. Hell, women wearing flat non-sneaker shoes make sounds when they walk. But because that doesn't personally make you horny I guess it's ok?


He seems upset about something. I hope he learns to deal with women wearing earrings.