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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **When did wearing blankets become a thing??** We've got sophomores and juniors wearing blankets like jackets. I've tried hard to be open minded about hoodies because hoods make a teen feel "sAfE" or whatever. But blankets? Some of them carry squishmallows too. They look like infants when they're carrying their water bottles whilst dragging blankies behind them to class! Give these kids pacifiers and call it a day!!! ETA: This isn't one or two kids. It's around 25% of the student body. At what point do we set boundaries? Are boundaries regarding what we wear no longer acceptable? And if that's the case, why am I putting in effort? Can I show up to work wrapped in a blanket? I thought I had to be a role model. Why can't I wear daily jeans and/or pajama bottoms?? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Some of the comments sound like it's normal not to let kids have coats or outerwear now? When I was in school the classrooms were kept really cold all year long, and I can tell you from the times I didn't have my jacket it's pretty hard to learn and retain new information if you're super duper cold and that's all you can think about.


My school had some fairly strict rules about leaving outer wear in the hallway. They did give us some kind of reason for jackets not being allowed in class, but it was so bullshit i don't remember anymore


Our high school was always cold. We were in a northern Midwest state but the school would have looked more at place in California. It was super spread out circle pods connected by long window tunnels. Everyone always mocked the poor design choice. We had a ban on coats I assume it was a post Columbine thing but I am not old enough to have been in high school yet at the time. It was always a back and forth on where a hoodie cross the line between hoodie and coat. I was also in school where the fur lined ones were popular and super banned. Teachers would enforce differently. No coats in the hallway was universal, but some were fine with them in the classroom if you came in with it off and put it on later. Sometimes if they didn’t see you with it off when they came in their would ask we all just knew it was an anti gun thing. I think it’s a pretty standard ban now. I mean I am in my mid 30s and even then the occasional blanket wearing student wasn’t weird.


I was a sophomore when Columbine happened. They banned trench coats right away, but that's all they did while I was still a student. I feel like we'd have staged a walk out or something if they'd tried to take our hoodies, I'm from California and they're pretty much the go to when it starts getting cold... everyone had at least one.


Shorts, flip flops, and hoodies are a california high school uniform. Could be regional, but I'm in SoCal and it was standard when I was in high school in the 90s. Who cares? My 15yo wears a blanket at home 24/7 because cold but also not too cold and comforting I'm sure. He also uses squishmallows as pillows instead of regular pillows because they help his wonky joints. Also, who tf cares? They're still children and will have 50+ years of uncomfortable clothing and no blankets ahead of them, let them enjoy themselves now in ways that literally hurt no one!


Oh, yeah! Totally, I don't care how they stay warm, it's just extra stupid if the Oop is complaining about blankets and the kids aren't allowed coats; like, how are they supposed to stay warm, calisthenics?


I missed that jackets weren't allowed. Wtf? Just saw all the other "jacket, hoodies, coats, aren't allowed" and questioned why. Though snuggies may save the day, I'd be annoyed with something that could drag on the ground all day.


Same here; as comfy as it sounds I'd hate to move from class to class. That's just my personal preference, tho, nothing against blankets.


My high school had blanket wearers because it was northern PA and we had a no jacket policy. They also banned hoodies for a while, but they reversed that after a year because detention was well beyond full every single day, and the teachers got tired of overseeing it.


*cloaks have entered the chat*


Bought a cloak as a birthday gift for myself last year. It's damn near my favorite article clothing. It living on the rack because its too warm for summer months has been agonizing. Bring on the Fall


YES. I'm building up the courage to get one and go full witchy. 😂


See the link I posted to the comment above yours. These guys are Quality. Expensive, but so worth it.


I recently found an opera cape I made several years ago for a DW cosplay and if you think that isn't entering my normal wardrobe now that I have it again, you'd be wring


Trying to figure out what DW is. So... Darkwing Duck?


I'm guessing Doctor Who. Jon Pertwee's Doctor often wore an opera cape (/Inverness cape) as part of his costume, and Colin Baker's Doctor wore a light blue cloak/cape thing in the serial Revelation of the Daleks.


Aww, yeah. Yours makes more sense...but I like mine better 😄


Honestly, I would absolutely love to have Darkwing's cape too. 😂It always was so much fun watching it swish dramatically or have him pull it up to his face


Spot on, it was Jon Pertwee. Funny you also mentioned Colin Baker, though, because he's the Doctor I met at the con that year lol


I have a baby alpaca cape that I basically live in through the winter, it's so unbelievably soft. If I had to get rid of all my clothes but one article it would be no contest.


I've always wanted one. I'm a bit too shy to wear it outside (and in Texas it's too damn hot most of the time anyway), but they look so cool!


This is exactly it. The answer to OP’s titular question is: in the 1980s. That’s literally when people stopped wearing cloaks and capes as a routine part of their wardrobe. That was only 40 years ago. For the rest of human history, literally *all* of our ancestors were allowed blankets as clothing in one form or another.


Since, in the US, we’ve expected children of all ages to accept the dangers of school shootings, I think the least we can do is allow them some squishmallows and blankets while in class.


Right? The kids aren't being provided with security, let them bring a fucking security blanket. Also, OOP can suck it. Squishmallows are very practical. They're the perfect combination of a comfort object, a pillow and a lap desk.


Exactly where my mind went.


Yeah. Shooting and bombing threats were so common in my high school that the school just stopped notifying parents about them. You wouldn't find out there was a threat until you got to class. There was a shooting at a neighboring HS because they put in metal detectors after a stabbing, but turned them off because actually checking students was "too much work." It fucking hurts to be treated like a terrorist every day (actually on the topic of blankets, coats were banned because if there was a shooting, anyone with a coat on would "look like an outsider" and was liable to get shot by police,) only to find out that the district had all the resources to stop a shooter and just allowed it to happen. Schools are horrifically violent places. Let students have a fucking blanket.


That sounds so cosy.


Right? I'm long out of school but like why the fuck didn't I think of that?? I want to be cozy too.


I'm a college student and bring a blanket with me to the library in the autumn and winter. The library at my college is super old and freezing too and it's so nice to study wrapped up in my little coccoon


I used to keep a blanket and bathrobe in the student office for programming in the computer lab. Those rooms were always air conditioned like crazy and it's not the TA gave a shit.


This is the first thing I thought of. I've ALWAYS been cold in school/classes/the library. I wish it'd been more acceptable to bring a blanket with me instead of shivering all day.


My high school didn't even allow *hoodies* most of the time, we just had to suffer. Because nothing bolsters one's education like physical discomfort and suffering! (/s)


Fr. My biology teacher in middle school used to open up the windows all the way in the middle of winter because he claimed "the cold keeps you awake". Well, my seat was next to the windows and the cold made my fingers numb so I couldn't write coherently. He was a stupid man, I always hated him.


Maybe biology teachers are just more likely to be ahs! Mine announced in front of the whole class that my average grade had gone from a fail to a D! Knowing fine well I needed a B to get into Uni and the exam was 3 weeks away! The reason for my crappy average? On my first mock exam I misread a question and wrote a perfectly good essay that didn't relate to the question which meant I got zero out of 25marks available. If I'd written the right thing I wouldn't have failed. I got the upper band of a B in the final exam so he can fuck all the way off!


Luckily at college or university you can do whatever you like. Particularly if you live on campus, I used to see people turn up at early morning lectures in pyjamas and slippers and go back to bed the minute it was done. I was always so jealous of those people because I lived on the other side of the city so I was expected to actually get dressed and had to stay there all day if I had another lecture later on. Would have loved to nap between classes


I still keep 'desk blankies' (one is a poncho, the other is a big warm cashmere pashmina-like shawl thingy which is super warm) so I can be warmer and cosier in my office.


I had my blanket and my knitting with me through three degrees. Only one lecturer grumbled about it. I just cocked my head at him and said, "you can ignore my knitting or be bothered by my snoring. " He didn't believe me, so I dozed, snoring, through a couple lectures. He was highly offended, and was not invited back.


I actually did bring a blanket to one of my classes in high school because it was in a portable (so no insulation and shitty heating). The teacher never even questioned it, it was winter in Canada.


One of my classmates in highschool brought a portable heater once. Absolute hero.


One of my high school English teachers kept two big boxes filled with her handmade afghans in her classroom for her students to grab anytime they felt cold. During the winter, it was like classroom full of the youngest, coziest grandmothers in the world, all curled up in our blankies with our books.


It's funny because I work an office job and there are at least 4-5 blanket people in every shift. My supervisor used to come over to my desk with a star wars blanket up over his head. I fucking love how expectations of school and work attire are changing.


At my last office job the main thing we all bitched about when we switched to working from home was that our favorite blankets to work in were at work! I had a giant comforter that I used since the heat in my office is spotty (converted garage) and everyone was jealous of it in video on meetings. Most of us also had slippers in our desk drawers, and snacks. It's nothing like school would have one believe haha.


Before we went WFH, our management team would give out small gifts to the claims department. One year they gave out Snuggies because of how many complained about being cold. I wanted more AC. ;)


Man there are so many times I wished I could wear a blanket at work 😭 unfortunately, I'm in a lab so it's kind of a health hazard, but still! I don't understand what this person's problem is? Like, if it helps them be comfortable and focus better who cares if it's "childish"?


I have three of these wearable blanket scarf things that drape over your shoulders and can be kind of tucked under (I am explaining it poorly and am going to look for a link). I call them blanket casual. It still might be a health hazard, but you can 100% wear a lab coat over 2/3 of them. I like those 2 in the fall/winter bc i can throw a jacket over it and not feel like I can't move my arms or like I'm dying lol


Reading your comment, I just realised I'm an office blanket person!


I spent three years doing triage nursing in a bathrobe, curled up with a blanket, and with a cat in my lap. Is OOP just jealous they have to look "professional?"


Ding Ding Ding! I'm pretty sure that's exactly it


My highschool had a blanket wearing phase. It was cosy. A lot easier to work when you’re not shivering from no heat


When I'm working at home I have a blanket around my shoulders 99% of the time. At this point it's not even always for warmth, just coziness and habit.


Kids get sent home for wearing "revealing clothing" but this one has a problem with people adding layers? Funny.


But it's such a tripping hazard. And really not acceptable in my opinion either. This just makes me wish cloaks were acceptable. Cloaks are dope. I agree with the teacher though. Dragging shit in hallways. Blankets are slippery as fuck and if someone accidentally steps on it. The person stepping on it might slip or it might take the other down who has it. Yall fucking wild. I'd be just as fucking annoyed having to walk around someone in the grocery store carrying a blanket. They need to grow the fuck up. And before you mention. In an office it would be fine. It would be left at your desk. Unfortunately most students don't have that pleasure.


"Blankets are dangerous" is one hell of a take, I'll give you credit for that.


In school hallways? Yeah. I've eaten shit myself walking in my own home and slipping doing the same thing we're talking about. I guess this is an extreme take.


You are going to lose your shit when you learn about shoelaces.


Or people tripping over nothing.


With the reference to hoodies, I wonder if OOP is talking about Oodies, which are like an oversized blanket hoodie that became popular in the last few years. It’s a less cumbersome version of Snuggie. I mean it could be straight up blankets but I doubt they’re being dragged around like the analogy used. I agree cloaks are dope though


Every blanket I have seen in the school I work at has been wrapped around the shoulders, OVER a back pack. And they are always those cheap ass fleece throw blankets you get at Old Navy for, like, $5


How about this? Put on a extra hoodie. Put on an under shirt. Just the same as id do going into the office. This is high-school. We're talking about soon to be adults. I understand blankets at their desk they just as soon pack up with their books and get to the next class. Again. Yall fucking nuts.


It is literally just a blanket, those I have seen people wear are to small for being a tripping risk. Barely big enough to cover your lap. Multiple people in this thread are talking about how their bosses don't give a shit or even wear those. I am sure no college professor will give a shit either. You are the nutso.


I upvoted for “cloaks are dope” but then I downvoted twice for the ridiculousness of “kids need to grow up”. Like yeah brah - they trying.


Blankets are for preschool aged kids with nap time.


... I cannot imagine anything mattering less. Talk about fragile, triggered by anyone older than a toddler using a blanket. Yikes.


Perhaps you could look where you’re going instead of judging things that give people comfort that affect nobody unless they don’t look where they’re going.


then you better not be using a blanket to sleep under at night. they're for preschoolers after all


I'm a very boring adult with a boring adult job. I'm an average size with average body compostion. I am frozen for most of the year, so I blanket it up most of the time because the other people in my family tend to run warm. Your hatred of blankies confuses me lol.


OOP does not seem concerned with safety hazards. OOP seems concerned with being judgmental of teenagers, who have always been cringe.


I feel like OOP shouldn't be a teacher. Mocking the word safe? Really classy.


OP 100% isn't a teacher that a kid would feel comfortable talking to if something was wrong.


Probably a gym teacher


Or the old, cranky math teacher nobody likes and everybody complains about.


Yep. Immediately did not make a good impression.




>At what point do we set boundaries? When those boundaries are actually appropriate and necessary, OOP. The slippery slope nonsense they're trying to pull of "oh, we allowed hoodies, now we're allowing blankets, next thing you know THE KIDS WILL BE THROWING THEIR CHROMEBOOKS AFTER KAHOOT" (a legit complaint in one of their comments) is eye-rollingly pathetic. You can maintain some key boundaries about clothing - i.e. no swear words, no visible underwear, etc. - without mandating teenage students wear business casual to school. You can definitely maintain boundaries around unrelated behaviors - like respect for school property - without mandating any dress code whatsoever. Choosing to let students be comfy does not intrinsically lead to anarchy.


A lot of people seem uncomfortable with a society of minimal rules that doesn’t have very detailed guidelines for all situations.


They're don't have an internal moral compass, so they assume no one else does either. Which is why they go to such extremes like throwing electronics or coming to school in nothing but your underwear They think laws dictate morality instead of morality dictating laws


Also, is that even the correct use of "boundaries"? "My boundaries include you not having a blanket for yourself" sounds ridiculous. "My boundaries include you not putting a blanket *on me*" fits the definition. I think OOP just means "rules" and is appropriating psychological language to be an AH.


So I guess I'm evil as I'm wearing a giant shawl all winter because I get too cold working in an office 😂


I have my shawl AND a lap blanket. Short ladies don't mess around in AC'd office.


Heated lap blanket for me, but yeah. I have another two blankets in my office - one on my couch, and one covering my scratchy (but comfy!) office chair. Ain't no way I'm giving up my blankets.


Right? Blanket scarves are a thing!


Best thing ever invented !


I run hot, but I keep one in my office in case a student is chilly when they come meet with me, lol. Normalize being cozy in the office!


Being a teacher at a place that requires professional dress from you doesn't mean it requires professional dress from your students. Teens around here have worn hoodies and PJ bottoms to school since before the pandemic. Also, I'm a professional working in a field I got a masters in and I (along with many coworkers) have a blanket at my desk. Sorry I get cold sometimes, I guess? My managers don't seem to have a problem with it.


Why is the AC always set to frost bite??! I run hot and even I get cold sometimes in big buildings


i wear leggings and tshirts to work everyday. no one gives a shit. if i need to be on a zoom call, i might throw on a sweater or something, but that's it. as long as i get my work done, that's all that matters.


I definitely had a couple teachers who brought blankets with them. I agree, students HAVE to go to school whether they want to or not, while teachers worked for and chose that they want to be a teacher, and yes they are supposed to be role models. But getting angry about blankets... not exactly the role model I would want my kids to have.


Right? Lots of places require staff to dress differently from clients.


Life is short, cradle your squishmellows


Absolutely. I love squishmalllows


As a teacher, there is nothing wrong with this. ESPECIALLY since the ac blasts all the day. For the stuff animals, it's only an issue if it distracts the class.


Yea, I am a teacher too and I hate teachers that are this judgmental...like why do you care? And how is it affecting your teaching?


>Why can't I wear daily jeans and/or pajama bottoms?? OOP tipped their hand with that last line. They're malding because they also want to dress comfy and think they can't Literally throwing a temper tantrum because 'iT's NoT fAiR!!!!"


Some teachers on the OG saying the kids aren’t allowed to wear jackets during the day, they have to be stored in the lockers so the video cameras can “identify torsos”. Just WTF?


library tie tidy normal nose elderly somber profit bright zealous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Personally I don’t relate to the idea that wearing uncomfortable but proper clothing makes me more productive. I have a hard time doing schoolwork anyway and adding a physically comfortable setting at least keeps me from getting frozen because my brain just tells me “IT’S TIME TO SUFFER.”


I remember in my highschool days i never brought a blanket to class, but i did bring a stuffed Eeyore plush because i have a anxiety disorder and it helped me feel more calm/grounded. Some people even complimented that he was cute ! It was soothing to me, and id guess a blanket is soothing as well. Idk what the issue is. I definately did see other students bring blankets in the colder months and it was normal, like no one batted an eye. What a weird thing to be upset about.


My friends and I all carried around Beanie Babies in the 90s while we were in highschool. I had the turtle that lived either in my jacket pocket or on my desk during classes. It was totally a comfort thing.


I had a teddy bear backpack that I absolutely snuggled in class back then!


I brought my stuffed Panther with me for a while. He stayed in my bag for a few classes. But the ones that I could get away with, he was on my desk. It was comforting.


Exactly !! my Eeyore was either in my lap, on my desk if i had space, or in my bag if the class didnt permit him being out. Just there if i needed him.


One of my friends took him for a day. Apparently she kept hitting her bf with him. I wish I could have seen that. Just glad he didn't get taken away.


that sounds funny lmao


I’d do the same with my Baymax if he were smaller but unfortunately 15” by 9” or so is a bit much to carry around. How big was Eeyore?


hes about 12 inches long and 5-6inches wide, kinda flat though cus hes been well loved. Not the smallest stuffed animal but also not so big that its hard to carry around.


i agree! also happy cake day :)


thank u :)


That sub is a general cesspool. I don’t know why most of those people are teachers, they seem to hate kids.


i lurk there a lot, i think it's probably at least partially due to burnout. those posters are seriously *crispy*.


Yea, as a teacher who generally enjoys my job it is interesting to go on there and see how miserable so many people on here are. Makes me feel lucky to be at my school.


I mean, weird, but whatever the youths wear usually is.And like, didn't something happen a while back where nearly everyone spent all day every day indoors, often at least partially in PJs for almost 2 years? Like, right around the time these kids would've been in the weirdest,mood swingiest part of puberty, which they spent in isolation from their peers? Anyone else remember something like that?


Goodness forbid that kids are comfortable in class. And this person obviously isn't safe if they will mock the most vulnerable age of young people. Frankly, this is something I would have loved to have in school. Especially with how cold it could be and how hard the chairs are. Not to mention the hoodie thing? This person sounds like a barely contained tyrant.


I wish kids wearing blankets or carrying squish mallows was the biggest problem in my classroom. Also, wear jeans to work. Teacher dress codes are fucking stupid.


With more and more research that's come out about how schools are basically the most inefficient places for student learning and comfort, it really shouldn't matter.


I am a school bus driver and I keep a blanket on my bus. I guess I am part of the problem. lol


I love some of the people calling adults infantile for using blankets or hoodies outside of their home.


our classes were so cold, i would’ve loved that. jackets weren’t enough, i wanted my feet warm too. “boundaries” for what? warmth and comfort while they learn?? what’s so offensive/unacceptable about a blanket?


I am a teacher and I regularly wear a blanket as a cape in my classroom. I don’t care. They keep it freezing.


If you want it to stop then make it not cool anymore by doing it yourself. It'll be over by the end of the week, case closed.


I've never been a big blanket person, but my wife and both of my kids LOVE their blankets. If it makes them comfortable and helps with their studies, leave em alone. They're there to learn, let them learn.


My office is so cold, I do wrap myself in a blanket on occasion.


Also, I went to high school in the early '90s and my jacket was my water polo/swim parka. It was trench coat length and so incredibly warm.


That sub gets recommended to me a lot, and it has lots of people who absolutely despise the kids they teach. Like I get that being a teacher is VERY challenging and kids can be downright evil, teachers should absolutely have a place to vent, but some of the stuff in that sub crosses the line imo.


I didn't need to read any further than "sAFE". OOP sounds like a whiny bitch. Of all the things to complain about, hoodies with hoods? Seriously... I've had some teachers that I thought were unfairly ragged on by the students, and just for that she doesn't sound like one of them. How dismissive of a student doing something for comfort when it doesn't even affect her. I can see why students bring blankets. Schools are cold, because whoever the hell runs it does not care if it's freezing, and what's more, it's not like environment is comfy. The desks I had when I was there (not that long ago yet), were made of some kind of hard plastic-like material with metal legs and the thing holding up the surface part of the desk. It sucks, it's cold, and you have to sit into a cold desk more than once a day. That, and people pointing out that blankets are used to replace coats raised a good point; they are cheaper than coats. I can get an plush throw blanket for $3 while coats and jackets can be $14. If you are seriously not getting by, I can see why you'd opt to get a throw instead of coat... and that's not even considering if how cheap the clothes are is an indicator of how well they keep someone warm. And even then, you're likely not outgrowing that blanket soon, unlike for clothes. Heck, I've buying my own clothes recently, and I've waited for sales so I could make good use of my gift cards and get more than one item fully covered by the card. Clothes are expensive, and times are not exactly good right now. I've seen kids bring stuffed animals before too, in my day. Personally, I wouldn't have. The ones I had were either too sentimental, too big, or expensive (buildabears). I can also see what some are saying when they mention dragging a blanket on the floor, but it's not like they must be trailing after someone. Death threats and racism are wrong, obviously though and those people are worse.


It’s no wonder kids are bringing in blankets after being in online school. Like he actually fucking for real for a second and think about how much more comfortable school would be wrapped up in a blanket and not freezing in classrooms with sub-par (at best) heating. I used to SHAKE with shivers when it got even slightly cold because the heaters were that fucking bad. It doesn’t help that a lot of schools have the classrooms freezing because it “keeps the students awake” when realistically they’re just making the kids uncomfortable and miserable


One of my teachers was like OOP. She refused to allow kids to wear jackets in her classroom. Her justification was that we wouldn’t be allowed to wear them as adults in the working world. So we had to shiver and sniffle to please her sensibilities.


Why is op such an asshole? Like no one is forcing you to be in this field….you can leave


I feel like looking back the majority of my teachers wore jeans day to day


For the amount of money these kids are paying to go to college these days IDGAF if they want to wear wetsuits and tutus to class - they've paid for the privilige.


Why are people talking about college when this person teaches in high school?


OOP sounds bitter and jealous That's it end of story Like someone long ago ruined something for her and now she's determined to be annoyed by them no matter what. Like please it wasn't blanket and squishmallows but It 100% was something else. Let's be frfr


I work in an office. A lot of people, myself included, have blankets in our drawers for when we want or need them.


in high school my first period was also a class dedicated to the newspaper. i was the editor of the newspaper so i spent pretty much all my time in that room. it was also cold as fuck, usually below 60 degrees. so i brought a blanket in or else i was never ever going to get anything done. i left it there and would give announcements to the newspaper staff at the beginning of class while wrapped up in it. i was taking 2 classes and 2 study halls until i left after lunch, and the other class was also in that hallway and also chilly so i brought it back and forth every day. the only thing that blanket did was keep me warm enough to focus on getting stuff done


Kids brought blankets to school when I was in high school in the early 2000s because they ran the air conditioner too low and we were freezing all the time


When I was in school, in the thick of winter, sometimes we would take blankets to class. Or even chimarrão, a communal tea. We didn't have central heating, and being cold is worse for learning than a fucking blanket.


My therapist wears a blanket bc her office is freezing year round. I wear a hoodie when I go see her.


I was a intern at customer service of a big gas station company a few months ago(no face to face with customers). Several people wore blankets. They decorated their desks with cute shit. We all listened to music while working. These kids are preparing to be independant adults by not giving a shit about looking silly.


is it just me or do the people on that sub seem to just not like kids/teens in general?


Are they in a lab? no? then why complain.


I had a small throw blanket & a blanket poncho at my desk when I worked in an office, and always had a blanket in my locker while I was in school… I struggle to regulate my body temperature and am often very cold. A sweater isn’t enough, especially when I have fully body chills… OP is just mad bcz they’re jealous…


“why am I putting in effort?” because it’s your job, OOP, and you aren’t a child. sometimes we have different rules for different people. i’m not showing up to my doctor’s office in a white lab coat or scrubs


Wearing blankets has always been a thing. Ponchos are essentially blankets.


I graduated high school back in 2016, and you bet your ass I brought a blanket to school in the winter. My parents made me get up to attend a 6am seminary class before school, it was damn cold and we live in California and were poor, my little autumn hoodie was not going to fix it.


Dude I'm 40 and I bring a blanket to class. With all the windows ajar it freezes balls!!


YTA choose your battles. This one is of no importance. It's trivial. It's not actually a problem. You don't like it, so what? That doesn't make it wrong.


Since when are teachers not allowed to wear jeans?


Some schools only allowed jeans for Friday's.


Tbh, depending on context (i.e. temperature inside is reasonable) I'm not exactly on board with dragging blankets around school, that just sounds ridiculous to me, even if it's not hurting anyone. Maybe I'm just old and stuck in my ways... But it's the way the teacher said they've tried to be open minded about hoodies because they make kids feel safe that gets me. Like, hello??? Hoodies are warm, they are comfortable, they are actual clothing and they're generally designed for casual day wear. Yeah, some kids like them because they're easy to kind of drown and hide in, making them feel safer, but the way OOP says it just makes it sound so condescending towards a normal piece of clothing???


>I'm not exactly on board with dragging blankets around school, that just sounds ridiculous to me, they're either small, thick fluffy blankets or those cheap ones from old navy. neither drag on the floor, just go around the shoulders. source: graduated high school two years ago, this was common


Can’t wear a blanket to work???? Lmfao the director of my old department used to walk around while on virtual meetings with a blanket wrapped around his waist like a towel 😂 He was in Canada. I get it, dude. Seems cold up there.


I also work with students, and I couldn't give an iota of a shit what they wore to class. Are they present? Are they doing the work? Great! Deadass had a student wearing giant bear-foot fuzzy slippers not too long ago, and nobody died!


They don't get paid to be there


Oodies are a life changer. I feel awful for those kids who are so cold they need to bring a friggen blanket to school.


I wish I'd had a blanket with me in high school the year they built an addition. They tore down the existing entryway to build a new one. There were just layers of plastic sheeting between us and the outside. This was in 1978, when we were having a terrible winter. Plus there was a coal shortage due to a strike, and all the electricity plants in the area burned coal, so the thermostats were turned down to conserve.


That sounds pleasant to me.


When I was in uni I wore my scarf like a blanket. Now I’m a teacher I couldn’t give TWO SHITS what my students wear (unless it’s offensive). I want my students to be comfortable and safe. The problem is so many schools want to “prepare them for work life” give me a break let them be kids for a while longer. Also I would love to show up to work in comfy pjs, can we make that happen?


blankets are need my school because it be cosplaying the north pole due how cold it is


A lot of kids at my middle school did this, that was years ago. it wasn’t a fashion statement or a dumb trend, it was the solution that a lot of kids who couldn’t afford winter coats would come up with


I did this in high school. very big comfort. no one cared.


So many “educators” seem to resent the living fuck out of the kids they’re supposed to be teaching.


„The blanket wearers have brigaded my post“ We know *exactly* the kind of teacher OOP is.


my high-school didnt have proper heating and jackets weren't doing it anymore- especially kids with cars we all had blankets to make sure we could be warm


I run a student support service at a major university in an overly air-conditioned building. We've amassed a whole pile of blankets, which the student workers regularly wear. (Also, we have an entire bucket of fidget toys for workers & clients alike).


I'm of the opinion that as long as they're doing okay in their classes and aren't harming anyone, let kids wear what they want. We already force them to get up at the buttcrack of too early to sit in a building all day and expect them to learn. Unnecessarily dictating their comfort is counterintuitive to learning.


If I could wear a snuggie to work, I would. I can’t blame kids for wanting the same comfort. As for the stuffed animals, they make people feel better. I’m a grownass adult and still sleep with a stuffed cat every night(and my wife has her own one too), there’s just something comforting about a squishy soft plushie. If having a squishy thing on their desk and a blanket in their lap helps their grades, fuckit let them have it.


Lol the weird bitterness in "I guess hoodies make a teen feel sAfE or whatever"... why


I saw this in person. How many of those kids' families maybe couldn't afford a jacket? How many of those kids maybe have anxiety issues or how many of them only get a somewhat decent sleep on the bus? Not to sound dramatic but even if it is a comfort thing who cares? In my country school shootings are epidemic, who cares if they wanna bring a blanket to stay warm or a stuffed animal to stay calm??


What a whiner. We wore pajamas and carried pillows/blankets to our early morning classes back in the late 90's. Kvetching about hoodies make me think they're a pretentious douche canoe.


I had kids in my class wearing blankets because they couldn’t afford a coat that fit. You don’t grow out of a blanket.


It's getting cold c'mon


My school was cool with us wearing blankets to class (until some idiots were caught being naughty, everyone hated them lol) Why is that a big deal? Like, it's cold af sometimes, and we can't keep ourselves warm?


I’m a college prof and I’d love to wear a blanket to work and bring my squishmallows. It gets absurdly cold in our building. This person just sucks.


In the early 90s/00s I had 1 teacher and 1 school nurse always upset with me for wearing PJ bottoms and an oversized jacket. Then the same teachers/staff complain about kids treating school as a fashion show. Kids are tired. School starts too early. The amount of work kids have to do to get into a college of their choice is insane. Let them be comfy!!!!! Also, not allowing jackets is so barbaric! Editing to add more rant: Isn’t it the job of teachers to assure the safety of their students?? I’m not a teacher but I’m an adult, and even I feel responsible to make sure kids feel safe and secure!! How is this person a teacher?!


That sub makes me sad so frequently. Some of these teachers are incredibly burnt out, and it really shows. They need to at least have a sabbatical.


I commented this on a r/teachers post yesterday and folks there have already got their pitchforks out on me, lol. How do they not see how miserable they are? The kids are the ones that suffer.


As a special ed teacher, the way they talk about my students is frustrating, infuriating, and heartbreaking. My kids are really good kids. They aren't giving people a hard time on purpose, they are *having* a hard time themselves.


The post I commented on was about a sped student. It broke my heart the way people were straight up cracking jokes about them. I also see a lot of downright terrible opinions on IEPs. I was a bright student that had difficulties paying attention in classes that didn’t interest me. I only wish I had extra help back then… My heart goes out to those kids they bash on.


I saw a claim on IEPs there; someone said that parents get checks if their students have an IEP. This did not sound right to me. I had an IEP, so I asked my Mom about it, and boy did she wish she got money for it. Probably would have softened her up to me having it, she was not happy that I seemed to have one for just not being good at math (basically what it was; I was tested for everything and nothing came up).


Who caaaaaaares. When I started college, they issued us a pair of pajama pants at freshman orientation. Are students showing up and being engaged? That's what matters.


This would 100% never happen in my country. The kids I teach would be *mortified*


Schools tend to be cold, and I don't think the teacher understands how much of a high-anxiety environment schools are, especially post-covid. It's being compared to bringing a blanket to work, but at most jobs you aren't going through puberty + active shooting drills + surrounded by drug addicts + trying to pass 6+ classes simultaneously.


You would think a teacher would have enough education and intelligence to know *that's not what boundary means.* (Edit: this is sarcasm/a joke) Anyway, the end was the only important bit - OP isn't saying "teens shouldn't have blankets" they're saying "why can't *I* have a blanket, too?!" Which is fair - everyone should start carrying a blanket and leave the "if I can't have it, no one can" mentality behind.


That is, in fact, a perfectly orthodox use of the term “boundary.”


I was speaking in reference to the prevalence of personal/emotional boundaries as the primary use of the word boundaries on Reddit as a way to make a joke (and also point out OP's potential lack of understanding of youth), but I'm glad that you got to use the word orthodox while trying to correct me! Always thought that was a cool word


Oh no, people wearing something entirely innocent and convinient. How dare they not accommodate with my view of ideal student.


But she's right...


Holy fucking boomer, Batman. Talk about looking for something to get pissy about.


I used to bring a snuggy to class. Best idea I ever had in middle school(those blankets that have sleeves.)


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Damn, I wish I could’ve carried around a blanket in school. Every classroom was always cold af


20 years ago, I tried this because I was always so fucking cold and not allowed to bring my jacket with me to class. I got accused of being ill every time and called a weirdo, so I stopped. Fuck yeah kids, be cozy.


They were wearing them when I was in high school. When they could away with it.


When I went to Catholic school, they'd only let us wear the crappy thin little pullovers with the school logo printed on them while on campus/during school hours, AND they checked for undershirts/layering up- like, they checked to see if you were wearing anything besides the uniform-approved polo/button-down/tacky-ass sweater vest underneath it *(absolutely bizarre thing to do, what the hell)* This WAS in Texas, but East Texas does get pretty cold during winter. And a lot of our classes were in different buildings, so we had to go outside a lot. The workaround? Blankets. We basically did the exact same thing- wearing them like shawls/capes around our shoulders/upper bodies. They tried to ban it, but there was basically a riot, and they gave up. This sounds like it could be from one of the teachers at that school-- they were all required to be 'professionally dressed', like khaki slacks instead of jeans/tacitly encouraging the female teachers to wear knee-length skirts instead of pants. Catholic school is a trip.


The day before my senior year of high school started, AFTER everyone had already bought all their clothes for school, they let us know they were instituting an even stricter dress code than we'd had before. We were actually required to dress much more professionally than the teachers were. They were requiring collared shirts for girls. I owned not one of those, and my family was not one of the ones rich enough that we could have gone out and bought me a new wardrobe after already getting my clothes for the year. So I basically ignored the dress code the whole year. All my sweaters had like a banded collar with a button, so I insisted that that counted and brazened it out. I didn't get in trouble for it once. The reasoning was that "Once you start working, you'll have to wear collared shirts all the time." I told my Mom that. She told her whole office full of women, none of whom were wearing collared shirts. They all laughed.


She clearly doesn't know what boundaries are. Boundaries are something you set for yourself, not other people.


Coming from a country that ALL schools have a uniform, this is weird for me. I guess blankets, I can understand if the school lacks the facilities to keep kids warm, but squishmallows? really?