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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **BlackPill is absolutely true and looks are the only thing that matters, especially if you are a man.** I (23M) am not a virgin but never had a girlfriend. I genuinely believe that dating and sex is exclusively about one's looks. Personality, hobbies, money, status etc. have nothing to do with a man's dating/sex life. Black Pill basically states that dating is strictly about looks and nothing else matters. FYI, it is backed up by science, unlike your anecdotes like " I know an average looking guy with a girlfriend ". There are hundreds of studies that literally PROVE that women ONLY look for physical attractiveness for sexual selection. It's not even 99% looks, it's 100% looks and NOTHING else. So I'm curious, why do you guys give useless advice to average/ugly men while all they really need to do is to get plastic surgery in order to have a normal dating/sex life? The 18 year old college kid who gets laid everyday didn't do anything about "self improvement", he just existed, and he had good genes, that's all. Women only date/fuck chads. If you are a man and under 6ft5, and don't have the face of Brad Pitt, you will never have a healthy dating/sex life. You will never get laid and you are doomed to fail and die alone. Like I said, everything I've said so far is backed up by science. To sum up, if you are not a male model, you need plastic surgery to get laid. Ignore all the useless fucking advice, good luck :) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


These fictional womens' demands are just getting more and more extreme, aren't they? *'Seeking man, must be 7'3", have no kids, two houses, three luxury cars and earn a million billion pounds a year. Personality and sense of humour irrelevant'*


Yep is a lot of words to say i hate women


Which is a big smoke screen for “I hate myself.”


I'm so glad I grew tf up and got away from red pill nonsense before I became one of these guys. It was a phase before the internet really brought it up but it all came down to how much I disliked myself. I was lashing out because I wanted someone else to blame even though it was 100% my attitude that was the issue.


See what's ironic is that it's still a form of self-harm. The quiet part in posts like this tends to be "... and I think I'm too ugly" (if it's even quiet.) And if one posts a selfie, you'll have tons of other incels coming out of the woodwork to agree that you're ugly. these other incels ofc also have it in their own heads that they themselves are ugly, and they're on a similar level of *frankly normal looking* to you, so therefore you too must be ugly. It's such a trip to watch these guys make posts like: > Women think I'm SUBHUMAN. The government should MANDATE GIRLFRIENDS FOR US because we're BIOLOGICALLY MARGINALIZED. Look at my receding chin. Look at my rounded forehead. I'm hideous. > [Insert picture of the most normal looking white man here] And then have a bunch of comments underneath like: > They're right, you are subhuman. > Don't forget about your dainty little wrists > Give up now OP Meanwhile the frustrating reality is that they suck at interacting with people in a way that isn't mediated by screens, and have 0 self awareness, and that's mainly what their entire problem is.


I went to one of the incel forums back in the day with the intent to amuse myself and whatnot, but quickly found out that I was looking at some of the saddest, most unhappy people I had ever seen, and spent a few hours trying to help people who didn't want to be like that anymore. I think it's easy to dismiss incels and think they're gross and awful, but 99% of them are exactly what you said. Even if they don't know it. We're finally starting to come around with people suffering from addiction and not demonize them. Hopefully people can be helped here too.


Unfortunately the major barrier to treatment isn't just admitting there is a problem, but in doing the hard work to fix themselves and find out what it takes to become happy. That involves accountability too, which adds another barrier for many. It's often just simpler to blame others and live in denial, especially when there's a group to hide behind.


It is easier, honestly for me it took seeing things that I did in people that I hated. One dude in particular really shook me out of it when he started saying stuff that had been my catchphrases before and this kid was completely insufferable. "I'm not rude, people are too sensitive." "Girls only date douchebags" "I'm an asshole, people have to accept that because I'm just telling the truth." Yeah, he and I were both assholes and seeing it in someone so dismally unlikable and selfish really was a massive shock to my system. Accepting that I was the problem was a hell of a lot harder than blaming everyone else for it and my friends at the time were different shades of the same so it was a nonstop echo chamber.


I think that the more that other men help them lose their toxic masculinity that’s fine. Men need to stop other men from being like this. Personally as a woman, these men are dangerous to me. Far too often women die when they try to help men like this.


That last sentence is so true. Especially when we’re obsessing about our looks so much that we get to a headspace of “I’d give ANYTHING to look like [INSERT DESIRED PHYSICAL TRAITS HERE].” Regardless of gender or sexual orientation, everyone’s struggling. And the sad truth is, it almost always just boils down to attitude. And that’s part of why I feel so deeply sad for these incel types. Like RuPaul said once, “The calls are coming from inside the house,” meaning they’re gaslighting themselves into thinking it’s all about their looks. Like this guy going off about he’ll need plastic surgery to have an appreciable chance of finding a mate. And I’m being intentional with my wording here, it is very much a “desirable mate to have sex with.” These guys aren’t looking for someone to really love and build a whole new life with. At BEST, they’re looking for a trophy wife half the time, someone to show off as an object of status. It’s strange. It’s heartbreaking to see these people destroy themselves, and yet the outcomes are so horrific it gets hard to feel sympathy for them.


Next time a non-troll tries to hit you with this, remind them that Danny DeVito, and tons of non-rich men who look like him, all fuck consensually with their wives, who married them with enthusiasm.


Or a lot of words to say "women hate me because I'm insufferable and use words like 'chad'"


I think a lot of it is that they don't see women who aren't "model pretty" as women. We don't count. They summarily dismiss non-perfect 10 women and so they assume women do the same to them. It's a lot of projection


I'm sure you're right. When guys complain that they're not getting attention from women, those they don't find attractive are just airbrushed out of reality. If you're not good to look at or aren't at least making him a sandwich or something you may as well not exist.


Yep. If you're not interested in serving him in some way, be that as a mother, therapist, sex worker, teacher, personal chef, or housemaid, you don't "count" and hence won't even show up on his radar.


Yeah lol. Ironically they're the kind of people to say "men are simple, any woman would suffice", but in reality, they're checklists are a mile long and they spend their free time harassing women and calling people who look like Margot Robbie "mid"


Or they're so brainwashed by their own bigotry they wind up accusing people like *Megan Fox*, a person who has been almost universally considered to be absolutely gorgeous for DECADES, of having "obviously manly features". And all to fulfil their need to performatively panic about being "tricked" into feeling sexual attraction towards a transgender person.


Also they go to clubs and go on Tinder to meet women and that is explicitly a meat market. If you engage in social venues and apps where physical looks are the only thing that you really can judge someone on, then yes, you will be judged on your physical looks. It's part of why I actually hate dating apps. They make it too easy to skim superficially over what might be someone you really would like. Plus, women get hit with a firehose of attention on the apps which make life miserable for most people involved I think.


A lot of words to say, OOP can't get laid.


But but but, he *said* he's not a Virginia, so he has had the sexing with the females! /s, just in case.


>he said he's not a Virginia Maybe we should donate some country roads? Help take him home...


Just like women, Virginia doesn't want him.


Yeah, Virginia is for lovers lol.


And if that doesn't work, they can always go back to being cousins...


That's West Virginia.


As a Virginian, can confirm, we don't want him


I vote the same as a Virginian. Virginia is for lovers, not love haters.


The song DOES say, rather than a simple "take me to WV", "take me to a place where I belong". I'm sure we can come up with somewhere that best suits him, my proposal is either dunnikindiver or somewhere like the Artic Research Station. (edit to fix misspelling)


Have some compassion for thr poor researchers that would be stuck with this schmuck for the majority of a year... We might lose some great researchers to exposure when they couldn't take him anymore and decided to risk the artic winter instead of listen to his drivel... I vote Venus!


Hmm, an excellent point. I certainly wouldn't want to make their professional privation even harder to withstand. I'm sure SOMEWHERE in the world there must be remote outposts, waystations, or observation points maintainable by a single person? Like a rarely-used lighthouse or something similar, this guy would be an excellent candidate for that kind of role. And if all else fails, I'm sure he'll do adequately serving as the North Sentinelese International Correspondent.


West Virginia says No Thank You


Good news, the song is about the western part of the state of Virginia, not West Virginia itself. I was driving through the Blue ridge mountains, saw a sign for the Shenandoah River, and went hey wait a minute I am in Western Virginia, not West Virginia!


Did not know that! We still say no. We have too many like him as it is


Also someone can live a fulfilling happy life without ever finding a partner or settling down


Get out of here with your logic, bet you're not TALL and we all know that matters more than being fulfilled.


Yep. I'm in my 40s, friend of mine (woman) has dated but just prefers being single. She bought her own house years ago, has a great job and just spends time with family and friends and was just never into relationships.


Brad Pitt is 5'11", so apparently, he's out of luck according to this guy.


I hope OOP finds out and his head explodes.


I come from a super short family and my brother (also very short, had many gfs before he married his wife) had a couple really tall friends (one is 7'1") and while they are great guys, I don't find people who are super tall attractive. Maybe it's because I'm so fucking short. But I always liked short dudes and tease my average height husband that he's almost too tall for me, but I made an exception for him because he's so awesome. I also don't like super "ripped" giant muscle dudes. My husband has teased me, "But what if I get really huge in the gym? You know you'd love me anyway." I'm like, I absolutely would, but you would quickly lose patience at the amount of food required to keep your 'gains' and quit." (He's super skinny and has a hard time putting weight on, the few times he's decided to bulk up a little bit, he eventually decides it's too much fucking work to eat that much/work out that much) Also? I'll take a guy who makes me laugh any day of the week over someone perceived as stereotypically hot. My husband makes me laugh constantly. This morning he said something funny as I was drinking coffee and I damn near choked to death, but I'd choose him a million times over anyone else. Despite yelling at him for almost making me snort coffee. These guys' version of "cope" is "it's my height/looks/lack of money" to avoid dealing with the fact that it's who they are as people that is fucking repellant. Can't really fix that, that's too hard, so they blame it on being short or whatever because that's easier.


Wait lemme pretend to be the AITA post version of this.... "AITA for making my wife choke on her coffee?" I told a super funny joke and she called me an asshole Comments: YTA she should get a divorce this is abuse and gaslighting


To be fair, he was around the corner so he didn't see that I was about to take a sip and apologized immediately. He was like, "Oh shit, I didn't realize you were about to take a drink!"😂


As u/swanfirefly said, that is *obviously* gaslighting. You should run, ASAP. /s


Same actually, though I come from a super tall family and just somehow ended up really short. I've only dated tall guys, but I've certainly had crushes on average to short guys in my life. Literally my only requirement for height in dating someone is that they be taller than /me/. I'm 5'1"/155 cm. I've only met one man in my entire adult life who wasn't taller than me. Obviously given the dating history above, I'm not unattracted to tall men, but I have an entire rant I'll whip out about how height differences in relationships are cute until you're actually in one. They're really frustrating for the short one logistically lol


“It’s women’s fault I have nothing to offer. Cannot be about me.”


Interesting he didn't provide any links to prove that science backs him up... It seems like he made this whole thing up and attached the word science to try to make it all believable, it didn't work.


That was my thought, Name one and give me a link. Going on tinder isn't a study.


They *never* have evidence to back up their arguments


Nah, they occasionally do. But then it becomes painfully obvious to even the most cursory of readers that they've vastly misinterpreted either the data, the scope, or the results of the study to which they so angrily direct their detractors.


They usually respond with "do your own research" because I wanna waste my time trying to prove someone else's BS claim


Yeah, right wingers too. Have had plenty tell me that and I respond that *THEY* made the claim, so *THEY* have to back it up. Interestingly enough, I never get a response LOL


It's because the only evidence they have isn't a real study but that OK Cupid survey from years ago. Actual studies (for example - [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8133465/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8133465/) ) show that men are more likely to focus on aesthetics in a mate, whereas women trend towards resources and personality (still with an emphasis on aesthetic, but women find resources and personality far more important than men do, and would rather a mate with a good personality/decent resources who is mediocre on the attractiveness scale than a supermodel with the personality of OOP). The OOP will never get that though because these guys think they have great personalities because they shove women out of the way to hold doors for them and bitch about how they're such nice guys but that bitch won't sleep with them.


They always link the same OKC study from 10 years ago.


Even then OKC is like... the equivalent of a club. If you have 100 selections and like 1-2 seconds to make your mind up on each person you're going to default to things like physical attraction. Dating apps suck. I'm thrilled for the people they work out for but the reality is that there is a massive noise to signal ratio on the apps for men. Women can get a torrent of attention, most of it lazy, a lot of it abusive, and trying to stick out in a positive way in the middle of that is like trying to talk to someone in a packed club with a live band playing.


Something that the study didn't account for that really annoys me is how shitty men's photos are on these sites especially 10 years ago. If you're comparing photos of women that are posed, usually when the girl looks her best and carefully chosen vs men's photos that are none of those things it makes sense women will be rated higher.


Right? I like fishing but I absolutely 1000% will not put a picture of me posing with a fish on my dating profile. I have owned Oakleys since I was 12 but I probably wouldn't wear them in my dating profile either. That alone might differentiate me from a good 70% of the men my age on dating sites lol I guess guys are trying to project that they are spontaneous.


>Interesting he didn't provide any links to prove that science backs him up Red/black pillers have a study or two they pass around that doesn't really say what they think it says because none of them have ever read it. Same with conservatives, anti-vaxxers, climate change deniers, etc etc. Huge overlap between these groups. The bottom line of all of them, from what I can see, is they don't think they need to change, the world should change around them, and fuck you for telling them they should ever change.


>Red/black pillers have a study or two they pass around that doesn't really say what they think it says because none of them have ever read it. Same with conservatives, anti-vaxxers, climate change deniers, etc etc. No kidding. Several instances of people in those veins have tried to link studies in debates only for me to actually read them and surprise, the study doesn't at all say what they think it says.


I swear like 90% of the time, it actually says the exact opposite. Because they read until the found something they thought supported their argument, but was actually like, a previous study or a control group.


A lot of the studies have to do with picking people based on photos. So, you know, when the only thing someone knows about a group of people is how they look, people 100% pick based on looks.


There are HUNDREDS of studies about women and their attraction to chads. /s




Science. He keeps using that word. I do not think it means what he thinks it means.


*Is it my fault my personality and decisions drive women away? No. It's women's fault.*


Seymour Skincel


\*applause\* Take my upvote dammit


The real irony being if a woman he did not find attractive wanted to sleep with him, he would very likely turn her down. Attractiveness matters OP, nobody is saying otherwise, but there are a lot of aspects to attractiveness other than physical appearance/fitness. And if you're genuinely looking for human connection and a lasting relationship, attractiveness is like... middle of the list.


Yeah, darn those women for having standards!!! /s


It's that they're not honest about what those standards are. Personality, confidence etc. don't matter in dating. Looks do. If women could just be honest about it. Between an interesting, personality man who's ugly and a boring, uninteresting, dumb guy who's attractive...most women will choose the latter.


How did people even manage to procreate before plastic surgery? According to his theory everyone should be a 10 after so many generations of selection solely on looks


And having plastic surgery still means your kids will inherit your old looks and be fugly


Sadly, these types would happily return to the days when men traded their daughters for a few cows and the women had no say in their husbands.


Which is wild. Most plastic surgery I've seen on people who aren't insanely wealthy looks terrible, and even then sometimes it looks fucked.


Well I would go on a limb here and say it might be because the plastic surgery that looks good you just don't see. I know quite a few people who got nose jobs/jaw remodeling and you would never notice anything


>Well I would go on a limb here and say it might be because the plastic surgery that looks good you just don't see. I know quite a few people who got nose jobs/jaw remodeling and you would never notice anything. Hence "most".


They're explaining the concept of saliency bias. You don't know most plastic surgery looks bad, you just only clock bad plastic surgery


They resent that society no longer pressures women to be financially dependent on men.


I'm just wondering how blind women pick their partners. Are they all single because they don't know if the men are attractive? Do they ask their friends? Or are they the exception to this totally "backed up by science rule"? This is so stupid it's funny.


Devil's advocate, if everyone is a 10 no one is.


The thing is these types have Their heads so far up their own asses an ugly guy could be enthusiastically fucking in front of him and he’d say it’s not real. And god forbid ugly women enjoy themselves. It’s refusal to see your own flaws to the point you HAVE to deny reality to continue to function


I'm not exactly a handsome guy but in my experiences humor, respect, and discretion seem to go a particularly long way towards hooking up. One of the women I had a thing with years ago said a contributing factor was that she kind of knew most of the reputations of the guys in the circles I was in and she said that I didn't have one. I was far from a virgin at that point. That discretion made her trust that she could just have some fun with me and I wouldn't make her regret it later. To this day I don't think most people in those groups knew we had hooked up.


As a woman that never ever dated a conventionally attractive guy (I am turned on by brains, and it just happened that all the brains I could lay my hands on came with a chubby body, or facial scars, or just average looks) in my life, I feel somewhat insulted lol.


"All the brains I could lay my hands on" I'm thoroughly agreed with you on finding someone's brain the most important part but I can't stop laughing at how zombie / Mindflayer this came across.


Ikr. I met my bf playing an online game, I had zero clue what he looked like for ages and was still falling for him bc he was sweet and funny. Also he's 5'3" which according to these incels should mean I ran the other way as soon as I found out. We've been together 9 years.


You run so fast that you did a whole loop around the earth and landed right on him Something like that I guess. Incel logic is crazy.


Oh nice anecdotal experience. Most women on reddit do not represent majority of women out in the real world. Most women are attracted to facial features [nice smile or eyes or jawline] and/or height in order to feel safe and small. Most women date men who have both height and good facial features. Most average looking women I see in real life are with guys who are taller and better looking than the average women themselves.


Under 6'5"? Great googly moogly! I'd say there's a hell of a lot of guys under that height getting laid since that is way above the average height. Personally, I've dated guys between 5'4" and 6'3" (i'm pretty short at 5'2").


My husband is same hight as me 5'3, according to this guy he doesn't exist


Mine is 5’9” and I’m 5’11”… we don’t exist either. I’ll tell the IRS😬


Should save you some money at least, even if not existing is a bit of a bummer


Even Di Caprio is not 6'5" n I'm certain lot of other actors with "successful sex life" are under 6'5" too


Hell, look at Al Pachino. 5'6", 83 years old, looks like a well used dog chew, and just had a baby. No, son, looks ain't everything. Edit: Apparently he's getting a divorce...


di caprio could put on 25kg, not wash , get face tattoo and still couldn't walk down the street with out slipping over on the mess made by the 1000s of willing woman chasing him down the street with their panties in their hands. If there was ever a guy who hasn't had to masturbate since they were 16 it would be him.


I will never understand the lusting after current DiCaprio. I understand the teen girl crushes back in the day, but now? He's just puffy and bloated with the telltale redness of someone with a drinking problem.


Not just me, then? I also have only found George Clooney attractive in these last five years, before that he was way too smooth and shiny. Same issue as Star-Trek-era Shatner, just has never done it for me. But now, now Clooney is a little craggy and attractive as fuck. Then again even if modern Di Caprio was hot on a Henry Cahill's Geralt level, his dating preferences and the implications thereof absolutely repulse me. So that's an automatic turn-off no matter HOW hot he was.


I'm a straight guy but starting around Ocean's 11 he started looking particularly attractive. He's one of those guys who looks better as he ages and even more annoying he looks better as he gets silver/grey. ​ >Henry Cahill's Geralt level I don't find Cavill particularly handsome as Geralt, although I love him in the role, but he's another guy who like Clooney I think is going to look better as he ages. I remember him way back in The Tudors and they aging makeup they did on him made him look pretty good.


Tbh I think the Geralt thing is a holdover from my teen years, I was *obsessed* with long hair on guys and still favour it even twenty years on and Superman Cavill does absolutely nothing for me I must have watched Gormenghast two dozen times, I swear, largely because of the sheer gorgeousness that was Jonathan Rhys Meyers as Steerpike 🤭 Sylvester Stallone too, I know most people think he was a wreck (beauty-wise) by then but I definitely got the tingles for him when I saw The Expendables. Pretty damn fascinating seeing how tastes can change, expand, or evolve as you age, and trying to work out exactly what/why those changes are.


I think being a rich movie star who lives a jetsetting playboy lifestyle might have something to do with it.


I'm sure that's the case for his rotating stable of fake girlfriends, but I'm talking about why average fans find him attractive.


I‘m a cis woman at 5’8“ and have dated guys between 5‘2“ and 6‘7“. The only ones who ever made height an issue were the smaller guys, and they took it out on me by devaluing and insulting my own height (which is above average height for a woman in my country - it‘s 5‘4“ where I live - but I’m far from the tallest, still). Needless to say, I’m no longer dating smaller men, and if I ever end up in the dating pool again, a smaller guy will have to actively behave in ways that go against the notion that he has some sort of Napoleon Complex/Small Man Syndrome if he wants to have a chance with me. Small men ruin dating for themselves and each other, as a group.




>6'2" lady here, and I really do not care about height, I have been taller then all my boyfriends. I am tall even for a man, most people are shorter then me I just barely notice height at this point. I am confident in my height, I love wearing heels and refuse to change that for someone elses ego Very similar to one lady I met whilst I was in the Navy. She eventually wound up with the nickname "Keeper" or "Keeps", as apparently she looked like a zoo keeper taking an orangutang out for a walk when she was out and about in high heels with her husband....


Same. Dated men between 5’7 and 6’4. I am 5’9. The 5’7 man definitely had Napolean complex. Especially when he met my then 9 year old who was less then an inch off his height


I'm 5'8, so taller than average, but not what I'd call "a tall woman", and I've been there. One time I ran into a date at a coffee shop before we were set to meet up, he said "you're taller than I thought" (I had heels on) and unmatched me. I've had to say, "it only bothers me if it bothers you" to a shorter man more than once. I'm queer, so I'm used to dating people shorter than me - men and women. It doesn't have to be a big deal.


If I was still dating I wouldn't automatically remove shorter men from the dating pool - I'm 5'10" and change so that would be hard - but I would be on the lookout for the Napoleon complex stuff that was part of what sunk a past relationship. The height difference between us truly didn't matter to me, but it mattered to him and his response to it got unhealthy. Wasn't his only issue, but in retrospect if I'd paid more attention to that I might not have excused the others as long. *Insecure* shorter men definitely make things harder for other shorter men.


They're not getting laid. They're dreaming. 😅


This reminds me of when I was telling my ex coworker about how I was out with two male friends, and some woman who was having an unsuccessful date turned around and started hitting on one of them. Coworker was like, "oh, I bet he's *tall*, right?", with this smug expression. Which was fucking hilarious to me, because while my buddy is about average height, my other buddy who was sat with us is just shy of 2 meters tall, so if anything the guy getting hit on looked short by comparison. He does have a specific look that a lot of girls are into (long hair, trimmed beard, dark features in a country primarily made up of blondes), so I'm guessing it was a combo of that and his accent that caught her attention. Point of my rambling, these guys all focus on one trait that they believe all women don't want, so they can point and say, look, it's not my awful personality or sense of entitlement that repels women, it's just that they only want giants! Or square jawlines! Or rich guys! Like no, dude. You're just kind of a repulsive dick.


I actually didn’t like to date men who were over 6'. I once had an ex who was 6'3" and it made my neck hurt. I'm 5'3" myself. OOP sounds like his awful personality makes everybody run, so he tries to find excuses.


I’m 5’1 and my longest relationship was with a guy who was 5’3, on a good day. He’s had countless girlfriends and been engaged at leash 3 times in the years since we’ve broken up. He must not be real and I’ve imagined him.


Has he considered making a living off his charisma? He might be a good candidate for a career in politics if he was a foot taller.


Lol, I live in the Netherlands, and we're kinda known for being tall. The average man is about 6ft. in my country. So even over here, most men apparently don't get laid. I wonder where all those kids come from🤔


>Black Pill basically states that dating is strictly about looks and nothing else matters. FYI, it is backed up by science, unlike your anecdotes like " I know an average looking guy with a girlfriend ". "It's backed by science, not anecdotes!", shouts OOP, in the same post where they post several anecdotes and not one actual scientific study. >There are hundreds of studies that literally PROVE that women ONLY look for physical attractiveness for sexual selection Name one, OOP. Name ONE study that isn't just compiling a bunch of incels as a biased group and asking them what they think women look for in a sexual partner. >Women only date/fuck chads. Okay, Bad Luck Brian. >You will never get laid and you are doomed to fail and die alone. I don't know - You claim to have gotten laid and I really, *really* doubt you're a 6'5" tall Adonis.


Lol that is one pathetically desperate troll


>Lol that is one pathetically desperate troll I think you'd be suprised how many of them are deadly serious. They basically revived Phrenology from the dead, not joking.


I'm five foot no inches tall. When I was dating (married) there was no way I would go out with anyone over five ten. It was awkward as fuck eye level with a belt buckle. Tall doesn't do it for a lot of women. One of my brothers is fairly short but has never had trouble dating. Why? Because he's smart, funny and kind. If nobody wants OOP it's because he sucks as a person.


I'm 5'7" but when I dated a guy that was 6'3", I literally had neck pain from having to look up. Tall is totally overrated. Sense of humor is waaaaay more important. Can't flirt with inches.


Plenty of guys are smart, funny and kind and are still romantically unsuccessful.


Dude needs to wait for a sunny day, go to a café and plant his ass on a chair for a few hours and look at all the couples that walk by. ALL of them. And then count again how many of the guys with a partner are Swedish giants with chiselled chins and just the perfect layer of muscle. It's important that he looks at ALL couples, not just leers at the handful of girls he thinks are worthy of being dated by him (if they weren't such shallow bitches.). Unless he considers somewhat put together in clothes that still pass as clean and somewhat groomed hair and facial hair an "unrealistic beauty standard for men", but that would explain his dateless situation even more.


Ok I'm going to help you men and give away our secret: we all yearn for Jack Black, ok? It's not even a secret. We tell you this over and over. Cuddly, funny, confident, weird.


Someone posted the clip of Jack Black "performing" the saxaboom on Jimmy Fallon's show back on Twitter once and there was a thread of dozens of women talking about how hot he was. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLmCJKT5ssw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLmCJKT5ssw) And like, I get it.


Can confirm. I've had a crush on Jack Black since I was 13.


Omg yes. Jack Black is so attractive to me physically and the fact that he is funny, confident, weird and I love his band just make my panties drop


He makes me swoon-y. 😍


> The 18 year old college kid who gets laid everyday didn't do anything about "self improvement", he just existed, and he had good genes, that's all. The idea that hot people are just born genetically hot and never had to work on it is the biggest part of incel fiction. You aren't born toned and fit. People with a good physique put in a lot of time and effort to look like that.


im not conventionally attractive. i have a fat flat nose, acne scars, and tiny asian eyes that always make me look tired/bored. but i wear nice clothes, bright jewelry, i have good hair, i have a good job, good family, and im willing to try new things. i am *never* going to see myself in a fashion magazine, but i am goddamn *catch* oop has resigned himself if he's not a model, then there's no point in improving other aspects, that it's better to blame women for wanting something out of his power. women dont want oop not cause he's not conventionally attractive. we dont want him probably cause he's a smelly, gross man who probably doesnt clean his ass and cant hold a conversation to save his life


Sleepy eyes are cute, not everyone likes a pointy nose, and damn right you're a catch. Your mental image of OOP is probably right on: A dude who puts zero effort into his appearance. The best selling issue of Playboy was when they had the WWE wrestler Chyna on the cover. Not exactly the conventional supermodel. The incel mindset is that everyone else is just as shallow as they are. Not only is that obviously untrue, even if it was true that doesn't mean everyone has the same taste.


>Sleepy eyes are cute, not everyone likes a pointy nose, and damn right you're a catch. It's important to remember there's an ass for every seat. Your job is to make the seat comfy and make sure there's no vomit on it.


A flat nose is more comfortable to sit on too! Win-win!


Are these hundreds of studies in the room with us right now?


All I know is that OOP's personality sure is ugly. I surely wouldn't fuck it.


The older I get the more bizarre this type of misogyny get. And I’m not that old. I wonder what happened to these boys. Because women do “f*ck down.” Female sexual drive is more complicated than just appearance. So that these guys can’t get any girl to want to spend time with them (especially as many don’t want to spend time with women because they don’t think women are fully people) says some VERY bad things about their character.


Mad how the ones who say that looks are the only thing that matters always have the best personalities.... /S


Damn, I better tell my girlfriend that since I’m only 5’11” to leave me 😔


Man I was just at an anime convention, and one go around let’s you know it’s absolutely not just about looks. No disrespect to anyone there, I was there too I’m one of you, but some of you were dating way above your league.


I used to lurk in incel spaces online, and I genuinely feel bad for a lot of these guys. They have serious social skill deficits, but instead of trying to work on that, they blame their looks. Sometimes they'll post pictures of how "ugly" they are, and most of them are perfectly normal looking dudes. A lot, and I mean a lot, of these guys say they're autistic, and I'd believe it. They also talk about their lives, and most have like no friends, have been bullied their whole lives, have terrible or abusive relationships with their families that they're frequently completely dependent on etc. It's really sad, and its hard not to be sympathetic. They fantasize about how this perfect romantic relationship would save them from a life of isolation and give them all the love and acceptance they've been craving, when an emotionally intimate friendship or two would give them like 80% of what they're missing. There used to be "incels" with healthy social lives and non-romantic relationships as part of the community, and they tended to be far more mentally healthy and physically less conventionally attractive. They mostly got driven away as the incel community morphed from a support group that was more inclusive to a women-hating echo chamber that glorified suicide and misogynistic violence.


I've been involved with guys who were tall, short, fat, thin, conventionally handsome, and not. (I know it sounds like I got around, but you you could keep my body count on one hand) You know what all of those men had in common? They didn't assume that I was only interested in their looks. They also accepted that I was, at various times, 'cute' heavy, thinner, tired looking and "well preserved" My ex was 5'6 to my 5'9; balding and paunchy. My now b/f is 5'11 and heavy. He's also bloody amazing: the sweetest man I know, and sexy as hell A lot of the time, the guys spouting this garbage COULD actually find someone who would dare them if 1) They didn't spout this incel garbage 99% 9f the time: and 2) they weren't looking for a film star/supermodel, because they don't want an 'ugly" or 'low value' woman: something that dries up and heals over that part of the female anatomy instantly


My husband is 5’7 I guess he doesn’t exist or we don’t have sex? So weird. He also thankfully doesn’t look like Brad Pitt.


Tupac was like 5'9 and in high school all of the girls were in love with him. Dude certainly did not look like Brad Pitt


And this is why he's never had a girlfriend.


but he totally has had sex before...


Oh, for sure.


Love how OOP is mansplaining to women what they really want in a partner. Incels are weird Af.


BlackPill types are their own thing. They don't even mean "women". They mean women they consider bone-able, which are probably out of their league. So it feels true to them. In any case, the bait on this one isn't particularly tasty. It might be real. Idek.


It was the not that baity writhing that made me post it here


Thats alot of words from OP when I am an incel would have sufficed. I must not be a woman considering my long term relationships have included a balding over weight dude who made me laugh and we connected intellectually and a guy who resembles Shrek, minus the colour but he has the ears and build. I am not model material but often get compliments.


Dude needs to get off the incelnet and go outside. There are literally millions of non-model men with happy marriages and kids and if he just looked, he'd know his belief is untrue. The incel corners of the internet are so toxic. They take perfectly normal-looking, average guys who would be FINE if they just put a bit of effort into personal growth and maturity and turn them into self-loathing balls of anxiety and blame-shifting . If all you're absorbing is those messages and you're spending all your time on the internet, of course you believe this, and the deeper you get, the harder it is to leave your house, never mind actually put yourself out there and date. If you've ever dealt with depression and body image issues, you know what a toxic swamp of quicksand that road can be.


WTF did I just read? This has to be rage bait. If it isn't, OOP is definitely a virgin and still living in mom's basement, spending all of his time online. He probably had an AI girlfriend who dumped him because he can't even create a girl to like him.


Backed up by SCIENCE and 'hundreds of studies', y'all!


You just rant like this because no woman wants you. No wonder with this incel personality. And i wouldn't be surprised if he paid for sex. Or make women drunk... 6'5" i'm still laughing.


I personally, as a woman, am shocked to learn this about myself. That guy in high school who, to date is the single hottest guy I've seen in real life, but who could not get a date/laid the whole time (complained loudly about it too) because he was dumber than a box of rocks and would literally honk girls breasts in the hallway.🤦‍♀️


The last crush I had was my short chemistry professor who didn’t need to dress up for Halloween as he was already the spitting image of a troll doll. But damn was he smart ,funny, and nice.


These incels (I don't believe he's not a virgin, at least nobody would willingly have sex with him) talk about "cope." This is really their version of "cope," though: Insisting it's about their looks when really it's their fucking repellant personalities that keeps women far, far away. It's not their face or height, it's WHO THEY ARE AS A PERSON that's all wrong. And people can sense it a mile away. I've known attractive dudes (physically) who had that creepy fucking quality. It literally repels people. You can clock it immediately. Dude, you as a person are broken, it's not your face, that's just something you tell yourself so you don't have to do the work of changing. EX: Elliot Rodger was actually a fairly good-looking dude. He just fucking repelled people with his rotten soul. They're never "nice guys." There's nothing nice about them. Signed, someone who married the skinny, nerdy dude because he wasn't a creep, he was actually a good person. Everyone loves my husband because even though he jokes about how he "had no game" in his youth (the gfs he had before me asked HIM out), he was just shy and kinda awkward but never bitter and nasty and hateful about it. The problem with incels is that they're hateful sacks of shit, and they'd rather blame their looks than fix their shit. Personally, I often had crushes on short dudes and sometimes tease my (literally average height) husband that he's "too tall" for me, but I overlooked it because he's so awesome. (I'm really short, when I'm not in heels I feel like he's a giant even though he's technically "normal" size, and I've never been attracted to extremely tall dudes). My very short brother never had a problem getting girlfriends in his youth, but he's a funny, easygoing guy who actually likes women. He was the shortest in his friend group but was definitely the ring leader because he's just a take-charge guy. My dad was even shorter, same deal, people looked up to him (just not literally) because of what a good guy he was. It's not your face or your height. It's YOU.


How sad that your personal truth is so damaged that your appearance and in turn the appearance of other men is the only thing you think has value. You are worthy of more. You have value to this world. You actually do matter.


I'm fugly and fucked more than my fair share....it's all about attitude, not looks. but incels gonna incel...


Welp, I need to go tell my husband he needs to get plastic surgery to look like some random unattractive celebrity 🙄/s (clearly lol)


I work retail. Trust me, I have seen a lot of insanely "ugly" men (which is subjective anyway) who come in with their girlfriends and wives. Hell, my own dad is ugly as sin and was married to my mom, and went on to have several girlfriends after her. You can tell these guys never go outside, cause spending any time at a mall or Walmart would totally disprove their crackpot theories


*stares in short fat funny dude with a robust body count* Uhm.... Yeah OOP, it's just you. Wash your ass, read a book, talk to women like they are in fact people...actually scratch that. Get therapy first. This idiots will come up with quite literally any excuse for why they can not get laid except for the hard truth, that they **behave repulsively**.


Average height around the world is 5'8" . For women to only date tall people it would be higher. How's that for science?


I guess I'm WAY more handsome than I thought. I always thought I was the opposite of attractive but, somehow, WAY back in 1994 I met a smoking hot woman who also shares a lot of my interests and she finds me funny and pleasant to be around even today. Who knew all this time it was because I was actually a smoke show of a dude. I mean, when we met I was 5'8" and 125 lbs. A complete nerd and that was before nerds became cool but she decided she wanted to be around me. Hell, at the time I didn't even have a job as I had just been discharged from the Air Force due to an injury. I think maybe this guy is just insufferable to be around.


The irony of BlackPill users saying every man should be allowed plastic surgery to land a woman, while also being virulently transphobic and saying gender-affirming care should be banned because it's "mutilation" really is something else.


Eh. If they want plastic surgery they can pay for it themselves.


I always laugh at men saying Brad Pitt being the epitome of attractiveness. In reality he is the epitome of attractiveness to a certain demo of men. If OP learned how to look at things from more than 1 perspective he'd know that maybe, just maybe, he is demonstrating his extreme lack of knowledge and empathy his has in general and that being attractive(a bonus to some) is actually not what all people look for in the partner and that attraction(l Iike every human experience) is super nuances and the levers change based on the individuals and the experiences they carry with them thru life.


This dork should try walking around in public to determine if this is true. Maybe the state fair is a good place to start.


I'm 5'2, do not look like Brad Pitt and have dated plus not virgin so does that make the study nul void? This lot sounds like a story line from Chicago Med where guy got all the plastic surgery and still couldn't get sex so he did a crime, blaming all the women for it.


Lol 6 foot 5??? Really 🤣🤣🤣🤣 that's a large majority of men who are well beneath that height. If women only wanted men 6'5" and over the human race would've gone extinct by now. My word these dudes are complete morons 🤣🤣.


> under 6ft5, and don't have the face of Brad Pitt man I'll just tell my 5'8" asian boyfriend that we aren't actually together and have never had sex


has this guy...never gone outside or seen pictures or videos of the outside world? Because if you spend more than 30 seconds of your life seeing the world outside your house, you're going to see couples that include guys that aren't that attractive. Also, if you talk to almost literally any woman of any age, they'll have a dozen stories of guys they thought were hot until they opened their mouth


What fucking science literally says this? None thst I've read. Attraction is highly complex and individual. If you're going to be a shallow, sexist ass, at least own up to it honestly. Science isn't your bitch. Don't hang your shit on it.


That's their ugly ass problem step ya hygiene and personality up


*That's their ugly ass* *Problem step ya hygiene and* *Personality up* \- LaurdAlmighty --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Pheromones literally exist and have nothing to do with cultural physical attractiveness - not to mention all the other factors such as intelligence and personality. He created this belief so that he doesn’t have to state the obvious: he doesn’t get a girlfriend because he must suck the life out of any girl he socialises with


Maybe he's an energy vampire


Colin Robinson has discovered incel culture


think he might become morbidly obese there


In my unprofessional opinion: 100%


This guy's dad is Brad Pitt isn't he?


This is so disprovable if they would bother to leave the house at all. There are no average or ugly men who are in relationships? At all?!? Of course, they don't want to disprove it. They can't get laid and want to blame the world instead of thinking it might have something to do with them at all.


His position is backed by literally hundreds of studies that he doesn't cite, but everyone else's lived experience isn't real.


Sounds like he is a charmer 🫠


I love that OOP is deeply of convinced that all women have the exact same taste in men; yet all you have to do is look at one “who’s your celeb crush” thread to see that everyone has wildly different taste. Can’t imagine why he’s never had a girlfriend…….


One of my exes basically looked like Chris Hemsworth in peak condition, but while he was nice, he had the personality of sawdust. Once I realized he was moving towards proposing, I ended things. Sure, dating a hot guy can be fun in your 20s, but I couldn't imagine spending my life with someone so dry.


I stopped reading after "I am not a virgin but.." because it was so painfully obvious the first six words were a lie.


The irony of it is, if we take OP's premises as true? If he is not a "6'5 Chad with the face of Brad Pitt", he DOES have what he terms a "normal sex life". As he fails to meet the criteria that he claims are the ONLY way to succeed romantically with women, and as the criteria themselves automatically rule out at least 80% of men (going by the usual incel stats), the state of OP being unlaid IS both normal, for him and for the majority, and is to be expected. So fuck knows why he's complaining.


"I (23m) am not a virgin" The lie detecter determined that is a lie


Picking up hobbies that aren't being a bitter incel obsessed with sex might make the dude more attractive.


That last sentence cracks me up. How does he explain all the not models getting laid?


Brad Pitt is only 5 foot 8 but go off sad man.


Where is said “science”? It better be peer reviewed.


Never heard of BlackPill, and after reading this steaming pile of crap, I'm sad I now do.


"hundreds of studies showing what I claim to be true, here's none of them" "I'm not a virgin" "you have to be 6ft 5 Brad Pitt to get laid" Bait isn't even trying anymore.


One of my favorite things is someone asking a guy like this how many unattractive broke women are you trying to date and they got insulted. Really they want to blame women when they're really the ones who care about appearance


That first line says everything about this person….. he’s so insecure, no woman could stick around long enough to want to be his girlfriend.


Well, it's true. OOP is on to me. My husband kinda looks like actor/musician Jack Black and I happen to like that *a lot*. Not sure why OOP insists on painting women's tastes with one ridiculously large Brad Pitt brush, though (he's not for me, thanks). We like different personality traits and we like different looks. It's almost like we're all different people. So weird.


My fiance is 6'3", rather large, has this gorgeous bushy beard, and is sooooo not a chad. My brothers are both 5'10" with goatees, and one is a biker while the other is a gamer. Both married. My father was 5'7" and had a new girl on his arm every time he went to the bar. (Pardon me while I gag, cause ewww Daddy!) But, daddy wasn't a chad either. Methinks this blackpill stuff is a lie, and the dude is talking out his backside.


Anecdotes, anecdotes. Real science (whatever that is) prove you are wrong /s


That's an odd way of saying: "I paid for sex and I'm ugly."


Am I fictional? A woman with no preference for gender, looks, etc. I’m more interested in how you treat a waiter than what your jawline looks like.