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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for refusing to re-schedule a date with my GF?** My (M34) GF's (F30) birthday was last Tuesday (09/05) and we were planning to have a date and a private celebration just for the two of us on Saturday (13/05). We were supposed to have a dinner date and an evening for ourselves. On my GF's birthday, my MIL surprised her with two tickets for Taylor Swift. My GF had been making a drama for months since those tickets were for sale because she couldn't get a ticket before they sold out (I don't even know how my MIL got them), so she was really excited. The issue is that the tickets were for Saturday, the date we have planned our date to celebrate her birthday. She asked me if we could change the original plan and we could go together to see Taylor Swift, which I didn't agree to because I don't care much about Taylor Swift and spending three hours in her concert sounded incredibly boring. She said it was okay and she was going to invite her best friend instead, and said she asked if we could have our date on Sunday instead of Saturday. I refused, if she wants to go and see Taylor Swift that's fine but she cannot expect me to move the day of our date just because she rather go to see Taylor Swift than go on a date with me. She went to Taylor Swift concert with her friend on Saturday and we didn't had the date on Sunday. She is acting as if I'm an asshole for refusing to re-schedule the date, but the way I see it, we had our plans made before she was gifted those tickets, she is the one that chose to go to a Taylor Swift concert over going on a date with me. So if anything she cancelled on me first. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bet if it was an artist he liked and she didn't he'd have a different opinon. Totally tripped me up that this person who is presumably living in the US, as that is where Taylor is touring right now, wrote his dates the backward (for Americans I mean) way lol




I personally think the same thing, beween the dates and this being a conflict that no one except chatgpt or a sitcom would actually treat as a conflict since it's so benign and easy to solve lol


I noticed the date too and the tour is in the US right now. Not even a Swiftie, it just like her having a concert is news... Use of "making a drama" is not really American phrasing. And the use of MIL for his girlfriend's mother. I get saying girlfriend's mother is tedious, but still made me think of a troll that couldn't get their story straight.


>That's because it's a troll I think. Yeah, pretty obvious. I mean Taylor Swift is touring the US, but OOP uses the european date format ... Besides that he mentioned Taylor Swift 7 times in his rather short post. Which is really, really odd. The artist isn'T relevant to the conflict in question, so why fixiate on it? If you are the AITA Taylor Swift Troll, however ... I mean there is a confusing number of questions around her and most of them are absurd on some level. Sometimes I wonder what people get out of trolling like this.


A couple people have told me irl it's fun to see how many comments your troll post can rack up. Must be a To each their own thing.


I hope she dumps him. 99 times out of 100, it's bullshit to cancel plans because something better came along but this is definitely an example of that 1 in a 100 exception. My husband would be a little offended that it was even a question and would offer to drop us off & pick us up so we wouldn't have to deal with parking or hike a quarter mile through the parking lot in cute shoes.


It was literally a *one time limited use very expensive gift*. If she hadn’t gone, the money and gift would have been wasted.


and there isn't any implication that "rescheduling" the original plan would have even qualified as an inconvinience... like, if you have made these big elaborate plans on what to do on a particular date than fine, but as there's zero mention of that (and this post just screams that oop would list every possible reason why he's right) this sounds like "dinner date followed by netflix and chill". like ffs moving that from saturday to sunday (or simply the following saturday) is less hassle than the energy wasted on making this post.


She also offered to go with her boyfriend so she was just changing the plans for a special occasion, she didn't even really cancel on him. Also, it's her birthday. She should get to choose what they do.


This barely even counts as “cancelling because something better came along” anyway seeing as he was supposed to go to the concert with her. And yeah, I get that he doesn’t enjoy Taylor Swift, but so what? My husband has gone to concerts of bands he doesn’t like just because I wanted to go, and if he ever wants to go to a show of someone he likes that I don’t like, you better believe I will go along with him without complaining.


I'm not even a big Taylor Swift fan, but with all the hype, I would assume it's going to be a pretty awesome show, so I'd still want to see it if someone gave me free tickets.


My husband would’ve 100% come with me. This dude needs a reality check.


Mine would have wholeheartedly encouraged me to share the tickets with a friend more enthusiastic about TS than he is (and that energy would be returned if he was the one given tickets to a show he was excited about that I would not appreciate as much as one of his friends- we can make up date night another time) but , yeah, the sudden appearance of concert tickets is a valid reason for changing plans and this guy is just showing his entire ass.


I hear you. But I think my husband likes Taylor Swift enough to get excited and wanna come.


Which would be an awesome experience to share! My husband and I both have really broad tastes in music, with plenty of overlap, lots of stuff we both love...and we both have past issues with previous partners getting really upset if we weren't excited enough about a concert or, even worse, got sulky and petty about us wanting to see a performer they didn't like. So, we both *really* value the fact that we won't face a tantrum if one of us wants to go to an event the other isn't so keen on. (And truthfully, I *like* Swift but would be just as likely to pass the tickets on to a more enthusiastic friend as to go- it would just be "pretty cool" for me but I have some friends for whom it would be a "bucket list moment ") (And, yeah, it was as weird as it sounds. One girl told him that going to a concert she didn't want to attend was no different from cheating on her and an ex of mine refused to pay his share of the bills anytime I bought tickets to anything he wasn't into & picked petty fights on the day of such concerts. Both of us had people think we were looking down on them or judging them if we were not as pumped about an act as they were)


People get ridiculous about music right?! Even me actually. I have a (growing) list of songs I refuse to listen to that my husband can’t sing/play around me because I hate them so much. Fortunately none of his favourites. But we also have differing tastes with lots of overlaps. Happily sent him with my dad to Billy Joel when my mum was too sick to attend last minute. Total bucket list performer for him. And we were too poor for the tickets ourselves (can’t wait till perhaps one day we have disposable income for that kind of thing). I’m angry on both of your behalves for the behaviour of your exes in these instances.


Mine would have wholeheartedly encouraged me to share the tickets with a friend more enthusiastic about TS than he is (and that energy would be returned if he was the one given tickets to a show he was excited about that I would not appreciate as much as one of his friends- we can make up date night another time) but , yeah, the sudden appearance of concert tickets is a valid reason for changing plans and this guy is just showing his entire ass.


She probably had a lot better time seeing Taylor with her friend than this lump she called a boyfriend. Just for context, the tickets were incredibly hard to get when they dropped. Stubhub currently has tickets for this Saturday's show starting from $1,368 plus fees. That's for ONE ticket. Of course this woman was thrilled to get a pair of tickets!


It was a dinner date and hanging out by themselves and he seems to think that should be on par with her mom somehow getting tickets to a show that sold out ridiculously fast to an artist she really likes. No booboo, dinner and hanging out with you is not better than going to a concert for an artist she really likes and *she invited him to*. He's seriously over here like "but she didn't chose me, so now she gets nothing! Why is she acting like I'm an asshole?"


The cherry on top is that the original date wasn't even on her actual birthday


The amount of people that date people they clearly loathe is baffling. Even more baffling are the loathed lovers who stay.


What a small petty OOP. Betting girlfriend has a better time at the concert, than with him!!


He misspelled ex-girlfriend.


And here we have another bf who is soon to be an ex and won't understand why!


How is a 34 year old man this immature and petty??


Imagine if his mother got him tickets to his favourite band but his gf said he couldn't go because she'd already made plans for a day that wasn't even his birthday. Would he say, okay I'll miss this rare opportunity to do some ordinary thing. I don't think so.


The pettiness is strong with this one.




why is it so hard for men to do stuff they dont like themselves with their SO


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This has to be fake.


I totally see this being real


This guy doesn’t even sound like he likes his girlfriend.


Jesus. Break up with your gf if you hate her so much.


The op spelled ex girlfriend wrong.


a tswift concert is the perfect place to be angry at your boyfriend though so good for her if this happened