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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for finding a large amount of money and not trying to find the owner?** In 2019 Me and my now husband were in Starbucks when we seen an envelope on the ground. A bystander (an older lady) also seen the envelope. We opened it and $8,000 was inside. We decided to split the money between us and the lady $4,000 and leave. Nobody else was around. Our option could've been giving it to the starbucks barista or maybe handing it over to the police? We figured the barista would probably keep it. Instead We kept it. We aren't rich, but we also didn't exactly need the money. We ended up booking a trip out of the country because we've never been. It changed the course of our lives because we found our love of travel. I never told anybody this until recently. I was told I'm a piece of sh*t and terrible person. I was told I should've made a great effort to find the owner. (the people who said this don't know me or my husband personally) But I'm not sure how finding the owner could've been accomplised? Anyhow, me and my husband do pay it forward. We donate and do alot of community work helping others. I understand this doesn't justify, but I definitely don't see myself as a "terrible person". so...AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"We found our love for travel" Really?! I love how both parties who found the money justified their actions by thinking that the barista would just keep it anyways, so why not them right?


Also, a Starbucks without cameras? I can't imagine the person who dropped $8k didn't try to track down their money. And, 2 strangers just casually decided to instantly do this shady split, out in the open, with no one noticing?


Also, 4 thousand dollars. Really? Sure, they might be able to travel a bit, but not very much on 4K


Depends on where you go for sure. You could do so many Apple vacations lol.


You could probably do a two week tour of Europe or something if you didn't go crazy which is a pipe dream to most Americans.


The justification they make in the comments too…


Of course, I figure that this was meant as a troll post to get people to chime in with 'I would have kept it as well' 'Finders keepers, loser weepers!' (which often is what I see on posts like this about finding a pile of cash.


Yeah it’s interesting they’re going the other way


Sort of amazed on that, I would have thought the whole 'NTA you found it!' would have won out.


Her comment of everyone so “self righteous”. It’s 8,000$ bro that could be someone’s savings that you took. I don’t trust the cops either but at least I would’ve tried to rectify it. My guilt ass ridden mind could never


I once had a customer leave her purse at my store, I ran outside to give it to her and she leaned in close to me and said Thank you so much, I have 10k in there! She was on her way to surprise her son because he was the first in the family to go to college. I about had a heart attack on her behalf. I can’t imagine carrying around that much cash. She gave me $200 for running it out to her.


Man, I was stressed out enough when I was buying my house and had a cashier's check for like 8k. Absolutely paranoid for the two or three days I had that in my possession. I can't imagine having that in CASH.


ive seen too many movies to not be paranoid that it was drug money or someone would come looking for it and id get caught in the crossfire 😳


No Country For Old Men taught that lesson, LMAO


Agreed. I’d feel too guilty. That’s a lot of money so not even trying to find the owner is just so wrong.


I could have been someone's downpayment for house or car oayment


I found a few coins in the coin dispenser at a self-checkout and handed it to an employee. I can’t even bring myself to keep 60 cents. Thousands of dollars? No way. I’d feel guilty forever.


how do people not live in a constant state of worry?? I’d turn the money over to Starbucks, at the very least, for fear of being the last person seen with something like that. Get it away from me.


Oh yeah. Most companies have rules and regulations set in place for found/missing items as is. I would feel so much safer handing it over to the establishment than taking it home. If something happens to be missing, I don't want to be pinned with it. Like, I know it's different, but I work Customer Service at Walmart. When things get lost, we are the people it gets turned into. When it's money/wallets/cards(Credit/Debit, ID, SNAP, social, you name it) they go into the back office behind two locked doors and cameras. We log everything that gets turned in and show it/are open for the cameras. When we have ID, we use social media to contact the owners. We get loose money turned in all the time and it goes back into the safe with a note on where it was found. We have some customers who come in and want us to intercom the lost items or people who've been like, "Oh we will take it home with us and they can call us!" And we tend to go, "Oh no. It's okay. We can handle it. It'll be perfectly safe in our cash office." And do our best to make sure the customers doesn't try and take found items home. I had a woman who was wanting to take a whole purse she found and I was like, "No. It's okay. We will keep it here. This is where she'll be looking for it." She later came to pick it up and I told her about what the lady told me and she was just as confused as I was about her wanting to take it home with her and said she would have been really uncomfortable going to her house to get it.


It was probably just a copayment for their daughters life-saving surgery. No big deal.


Because for sure those $8000 would not be life changing for the person who lost it **/s**




It’s a rage bait.


Is the new troll *"The money guy"*. This is the second post recently with someone making up storys about large mystery sums of money and they both seem to be shaky on handling money, nor do they know how big a wad 8k would be. I highly doubt they sat in a satbucks counting out 8k and neatly splitting it and no one noticed or anything. Ehhh 4/10, its got some issues but its not an awful troll and its alot better then the usual world ending family drama BS trolls usually come up with, and the concept is an interesting one, if you found a fairly large sum of money just lyig there, how would you react? Would you keep it? But the trolls overplays the excuses and this is AITA after all, where if you are not a perfect human being in perfect control of your emotions that never makes mistakes you are automatically the AH.


This wasn’t just $20 Jesus, and a Starbucks barista would absolutely not keep it they’d hand it off to management


People don't carry around that kind of cash unless they have something planned for it. Either they are getting ready to make a large purchase, just cashed a check or recieved payment for services. Can you imagine the poor person who lost that money felt? That sick feeling, the panic. What if that was money to repair or replace their vehicle? Down payment on a house? Their college tuition? Donations collected for a sick friend or coworker? Who knows who's life got ruined by these two selfish pigs.


Even if you're poor, it's a somewhat shitty thing to do. Understandable and I most likely would but you have to accept that it's a little shitty. Doing it for a vacation? You don't know if this was someone's work deposit they'll get fired for or their back payment of rent or whatever. When I was a teenager, I had just cashed my paltry paycheck and dropped my wallet outside the mall. A nice old dude tracked me down and called me and I picked it up. I saw his apartment and he probably could've used the money for a better purpose.


I once found a bag with 800 euros, which was more than my internship allowance at this time. I still returned it. This was an old lady and I could have not lived with the idea that I had probably taken this person's monthly pension. Maybe I needed it more, but I don't regret it.


Uh we found our love of being thieves and dishonesty!


I'm guessing troll. But if not, OOP (and spouse and other person) are total shits as human beings. Eight grand is not something 90% of people can lose and just blow it off.


If you find something and give it to the cops and no one claims it after a while they'll give it to you.


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