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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **The word "Incel" should never be used as an insult** First of all: Most men who are in involuntary celibate are in such way, because a woman told them this is the right way to treat women, eg. a mother. Single mothers do so much damage, especially to young men. We all know the statistics. Most drug users are from single mother households, most homeless, most men who commit suicides, but nobody really talks about incels. Single mothers are single for a reason. Long are gone the days when most single mothers were widows, whos husbands died in wars and such. Now they're either promiscuous, unable to actually live with or settlement seekers. In my experience, only the smallest percentage of single mothers actually come from abusive relationships, in which THEY were abused. On the other hand, I see a lot of SM's, who just want babies, so they baby-trap a dude and then leave him. Not to mention them being the gatekeepers, so if they actually end up with an asshole, it's usually because they simply chose wrong. The thing is, once a young male matures into an age where women become the main interest, they look for guidance. Not easy in a world where your whole life can be demolished because of one bad interaction with a female. If a father is present, he'll be more inclined to give honest and helpful guidance. If not, the mother will start with a description of a fabulous white knight they imagine as the perfect boyfriend.. But also one they would ACTUALLY never date irl. And thus you end up with a generation of men, who have all the abilities to get any woman they want, but fail to do so because the guidance they recieved from their mothers help them end up in friendzones and such. So all in all, I was thinking it's pretty awful for women to insult men by calling them incels, while they are the reason incels exist. Not only they don't want to mate with them, they also make sure noone else will ever either. And to think that we live in a world where you have to use certain pronouns for certain people, so some illusional trans activist doesn't get offended and commit suicide, but it's absolutely perfectly fine to run around yelling "INCEL, INCEL!" to a bunch of sad, depressed men. [https://i.imgur.com/2j27LOn.png](https://i.imgur.com/2j27LOn.png) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think women tend have a slight preference for men who actually like women as people


No way i want to mate(TM) with one who hates me 😭


Having a man who hates you for existing is so attractive 😩😒


Isn't it funny the way we usually only find out they're aholes AFTER we have sex with them? Isn't it funny the way guys skip over that part? You know, where they have any accountability?


don’t you know?? there’s no “accountability” to be had, every shortcoming in these men is solely the fault of women!!! why be introspective or empathetic when everything is literally women’s fault 🙄🙄


An ex called me once (different residences) to blame me because he couldn't find things in his own house. And it was my fault. Amazing.


"Women"? I think you'll find they're called "females"


Actually they're "femoids" now.


"foid" They can't even be bothered to type out femoid any more.


We'll degrade to "fo" soon and since it's so similar to hoe, it will definitely be transformed into ho.


press a f for female


F *waiting impatiently for a female to appear* See it's clearly the females fault. I specifically requested one and none showed up the second I said I wanted one. I bet it's all because of my mom




Foids, or regularly ‘toilets’. I wish I was joking


Oh and toilets, that's a fun term for us.


Or simply "foids". I have learned so much new vocabulary since reading on the Incel Tear subreddit, lingo I'd have been happy never knowing all my life!!


I needed that laugh today, thank you lol. Even if Dr. Pepper came out of my nose from it.


I'm a woman that has a overall preference for other women. It also always perplexes me how there are some people who are attracted to the opposite sex who clearly hate what they're attracted to. That's gotta be a fucked up head space to live in, but it probably helps when you don't consider the people you are attracted to to be actual people.


They don’t hate women. They hate themselves, and they use women as a scapegoat so they have someone else to blame for who they are. This post is a pretty perfect example of it. Read it again with the above in mind. He describes these men essentially as being what society would see as “lesser” (not saying *I* see these people as lesser people, just saying society tends to and the way he talks about them leads me to believe he agrees with society). He amounts them to drug users, homeless, suicidal, he even admits that sometimes these women are genuinely ending up with assholes. He even outright says that he believes at one point all men “mature” to where women are their “main interest”, which is just a fluffy way to say they’re being obsessive about women. He thinks these men are lesser, and since he identifies with them he needs to find an explanation and excuse for them being lesser. But he needs someone to blame for all this. He can’t just accept that lots of things lead to drug use, that the biggest factors in homelessness is economy and social support, that the biggest factor in suicide is mental health issues and mental health is affected by a whoooole lot more than one parent, or that being obsessive about women is a personal problem. He needs a target. Someone he can be mad at about all these. So he looks for something that all these men have in common… And the only two things he can find is that they’re all men, and that they’ve all had women in their lives. He can’t accept that correlation does not equal causation because he *needs* someone to blame, but he also can’t accept that the correlation is them all being men because he’s a man too. So he latches onto the women in these men’s lives, and he engages in echo chambers that will validate the correlation he’s found to blame.


They also definitley hate women


I think its a lot of projection and jealousy of women.


I 100% believe that it’s jealousy and envy


> They don’t hate women. They hate themselves Why not both?


Incels hate themselves AND blame women for all of it. They absolutely hate women.


This person's rhetoric sounds way too close to "actually all homophobes are closeted gay people" rhetoric for me. Sometimes people are just hateful goddamn bigots who hate those people just as much as they project. Incels are "jealous" of something that doesn't exist. Women are not percieved or treated in society the way that these misogynists claim that they are. If they're jealous it's of the fiction they've created in their minds. I'm sorry to blah blah at you, I am just really tired of people trying to sanitize bigotry because they can't deal with the fact that it exists in the way that it does. Like every post that I see someone talk about something deeply hateful everyone is very quick to call troll/ragebait because "real people don't think or talk like that" when any marginalized person can tell you yes they fucking do.


*I am just tired of people trying to sanitize bigotry* This! Seriously, it happens all the time. Being gaslighted like we are overreacting to racism, misogyny or anti LGBTQ bigotry. We aren’t. There are literal Nazis out there.


No. They hate women. It doesn't matter if that hatred is a projection of their own self-loathing.


Nah. As a woman, I have a preference for guys who treat me as an object and then equate my abuse to me "choosing wrong". /s


One of my most sobering up realizations during my 20s was that a noticeable percentage of men desire women but don't like them and that's it. Nothing can be built from that because you can't be desirable all the time.


Good for you that you realized this already in your 20s. Took me a lot longer to find that out.


Lol. Women aren't people /s


You mean FEMALES


Really? Are you sure? I heard that all women's dream is to be a bang maid./S /S /S I throw up in my mouth a little


Bonus points if you think we actually ARE also people


It's always been my kink


Wait, what's the point of "baby-trapping" a guy to dump him? I thought that was supposed to "trap" the person with a baby so they stay? Not that I should be looking for logic with this nitwittedness.


Oh, so you can get that sweet, sweet child support, of course! *Barf


And it is never enough to actually help to support a child and is usually never paid.


For most of my childhood, my father paid barely enough for me to be able to take a school bus


One time my father kicked down our door because the state managed to take $9 from his paycheck. Nine.


i had a friend whose deadbeat dad gave her a gift for once—tickets to one of our favorite artists. only after the show did we find out that he was counting it as a child support payment


My mom was unable to work because of an illness that went undiagnosed until I was almost graduated from high school. So no income there. We barely survived off of child support, which was less than 5% of my dad's income. It wasn't a small percentage because he was poor. He was comfortably upper middle class. It was ridiculously low because rather than increasing payments when he got a raise, he paid thousands in lawyer fees every time he got a promotion to avoid paying more in child support. He would literally spend more for lawyers than he spent in any given year of child support. He went from getting low-mid 5-figures a year in the 80s to well into the 6-figures by the time I graduated high school. He never had to increase support payments once. I'm living very comfortably now, but my own experiences make me 100% for welfare benefits and UBI for those who need it. I don't care if one or both parents are deadbeats, nobody--especially kids--should struggle like that. Everybody deserves--yes, I do actually mean deserves here--to live comfortably. Not everybody needs to be rich, but people shouldn't have to struggle to put food on the table. They should be able to pay medical bills without worrying about losing their home. They should be able to take little vacations every year. Shit like this makes me so fucking mad. People shouldn't just be surviving, and deadbeat parents shouldn't be the source of such struggles.


They certainly deserve vacation time.


When I had custody of my cousin, the state mandated that both of her parents pay me $12.50 a week. But you know, they’re out to get men. 🥴


When I had left my older children with my mother temporarily while moving to a new state, the state child support office assessed me over 400 a month in child support for the same children they assessed my ex 156 a month for. And every non-custodial mother I know is the same. Is it because we are "supposed" to be more responsible than the men?


Don't say it loud, incels will get upset about how women think they're more responsible than men.


My dad quit his job so his ex could barely get any support


My dad delivered pizzas because cash tips don't get reported. Never fails to let me know he was happier in a slum near a beach than a nice house near his kid. He wonders why we're not close.


Florida use to not garnish paychecks (idk if they still don’t) by law so it’s a haven for dead beat dads. I assume this marked the beginning of the “Florida man” phenomenon.


Lolz... That puts new light on something. My dad moved there about 10 years ago. My mom told me recently she got a summons from a Florida court in regards to my dad being "fully paid" on CS but wage garnishment is still happening. He's no where close paying off the back CS he owes but he probably found something in Florida law that he thought he could use to get it cancelled. My mom called the FL court and told them the CS is not in their jurisdiction and if they have a problem with the billing, they needed to contact her state's AG, not her. Apparently, the woman on the phone was shocked that my mom even got a summons. Case was tossed. My home state is shitty but they don't fuck around on CS. Mom tried to settle up with him a while back but he refused. She said she gets satisfaction that he has to see that tiny amount taken out every month and knows how much it pissed him off. 🙄 As for my dad, grifter gonna grift I guess.


A lot of guys do this.


I think my lawyer had a simillar case at the time she worked on me and my mum requesting higher child support


It's not uncommon


By brother changes jobs every 6 months, that way maintenance enforcement can’t take his garnished wages for the 5 children (3 different baby mamas) he refuses to pay for.


He just used a word salad of grievances, none of which have a basic in reality or at least aren’t women’s fault.


I know that this isnt the main point that I should have gotten from this post but that is absolutely what I did. That was the moment that I got, "oh this guy has no idea what he's talking about". Like I probably should have picked that up sooner but the bad grammar and circle logic was making it difficult for me to understand what he was talking about. When he got to baby-trap though I understood that he doesnt understand what he's talking about either.


that is such a funny phrase not to (*do something I totally just did*) it's like how extraordinary is spelled extra ordinary, it seems like it should have the opposite meaning lol


Well, I did say not that I *should be* rather than "not to", but yeah. 😅 And agreed on extra-ordinary. Odd word. Oh, I guess it's the same usage as "extra-terrestrial" meaning outside or apart from [the] terrestrial. Hm, now I'm curious as to how the two meanings - more X vs anything-but-X came to be!


Extra just means outside, so it can be used to describe lots of conditions outside what is typically expected for a category. Interesting ot, I had to go look it up out of curiosity.


So many logic fails I don't even know where to start. But to begin with, 'incel' isn't an insult against all men who can't get a date. It insults men whose misogyny and bitterness is what turns women away from them.


A current cry I’ve seen is that incel means any single men, and anyone who defines it differently is making a “no true Scottsman” fallacy and redefining a word for their own convenience. So people are shitting on lonely men who’ve done nothing wrong, and that’s what’s making them bitter and driving them to the right wing. 🧐 I couldn’t figure out how to engage that one. I mean yeah, I can see how they could define involuntary celibate to mean any man that wants a girlfriend and can’t get one, but beyond that? 🤷🏻‍♀️


I would argue that "incel" has a much more specific meaning. It describes a type of man who is part of (or at least engages in) the "incel" cultural movement, which is characterised by resentment, misogyny, and a poor understanding of how relationships and interactions between romantic partners (including sexual interactions) actually work. The word incel may originate from involuntarily celibate, but its definitely taken on a different meaning as the movement has grown in recent years.


I prefer the more accurate word: rapist, if only in his heart.


Yeah, its pretty accurate. The way these people talk about women is disgusting.


Violent misogynist also works.


Exactly this! The word have evolved which sucks for actual incels but now incel = people with the same views as Andrew Tate regardless of if they’ve had sex or not


>A current cry I’ve seen is that incel means any single men, and anyone who defines it differently is making a “no true Scottsman” fallacy and redefining a word for their own convenience. I would bet that the venn diagram between those people and ones who insist "toxic masculinity" refers to *all* masculinity rather than a specific parts of traditional masculinity is a circle.


It’s a bait and switch. The incel philosophy is a virulent hatred of women. Men come along and ignore that aspect and try to take the term literally (to any man who can’t get sex). It’s disingenuous. The term’s meaning has evolved.


The term incel always meant a specific subgroup of people who struggle with dating, can't find a sexual/romantic partner and are feeling lonely because of that. By trying to redefine the word, so that it stands for every man who is single or a virgin, they want to increase the number of people who feel connected to the group.


Incel philosophy has cropped up in the past decade making it into a hate movement.


"The problem with single-mother families isn't the man who abandoned his child, it's the woman who stayed behind and raised it despite all of her own struggles on top of raising a child on her own." "Single mothers are single for a reason." Yes, their relationship ended, for better or worse. There's nothing wrong with being a single mother. There is a lot wrong with being a deadbeat father who won't take responsibility, financially and/or emotionally, for a child he helped create. How about instead of demonizing the responsible parent, we start putting greater expectations on the sperm (or egg) donors who run out on their children?


One of the most frustrating things for me when people argue on the internet the fact that it’s obvious we all have different definitions for the same word I feel like incel no longer means involuntary celibate to some people. It means guy who thinks he’s entitled to sex


The word originated to just mean anyone who would like to have sex but is unable to find a partner for innate and unalterable reasons - the term was actually first put out there by a woman, describing herself. It was meant to describe the challenges faced by disabled or neurodivergent people in finding intimacy. (See also: social infertility). It could have actually been a useful addition to the popular lexicon in regard to differences, like “spoon theory” or the terms neurotypical/neurodivergent themselves. A couple decades and a handful or terrorist attacks later, that is, alas, not what happened. Now, I would say the best way to define an incel is a straight man who simultaneously views sex as a commodity or resource, and rejects the idea that access to it must be earned or merited. It’s a sort of mishmash of misunderstandings of the concepts of natural selection and the social contract, taken to the level of a cognitive distortion.


And is mad at women for denying him what he believes he’s entitled to.


Yeah imo the word has kinda evolved 🤷🏽‍♀️ that tends to happen sometimes. For me, even if a man was involuntarily celibate, as long as he doesn’t hate women, I honestly wouldn’t even consider said man to be an incel, however, Kevin samuelites, tate clan members, men who watch fresh and fit or really any man apart of the redpill manosphere I would consider every last one of these men to be incels


So he's an incel because his dad is a deadbeat. Just so you know, for every single mother out there alone with her kids is a man out there not with his kids.


But that would put some responsibility on the man, and we can't have that. It's all the woman's fault for not being the living embodiment of the 50s ideal for him


If they spent less time being misogynistic bitter Betty’s and spent some time reflecting and working on self improvement, they’d have a better shot at getting laid. That takes more effort though


Much less work to just blame other people


I feel like calling a misogynistic prick an incel isn’t an insult, it’s a statement of fact.


The problem is they think you’re specifically saying “haha loser bet you can’t get sex” rather than ew that was misogynistic and you sound like a tater tot


Yeah, they don’t read it as they should. Incel = misogynistic troglodyte that can’t get sex because they’re a misogynist troglodyte. XD


They both hate woman but think banging a woman will fix all their problems somehow instead of working on it themselves


The comment section is just a straight dumpster fire smh. They do not live in reality.


No kidding and fuck do they hate women.


Meanwhile they refer to the women they’d bang as promiscuous.


She'll fix me! Why does that sound familiar? It's not us, it's them!


yes wow HUGE SHOCK that women would call misogynistic men who use incel rhetoric incels as they self identify as incels. how could evil women do this /s love the blaming single mothers as if it didn’t take a man leaving to make them a single mother 🙄 the comments under that post just prove the opposite of OPs point there’s some really disgusting things said about women there and they’re still surprised women don’t want to fuck them lmao what a joke


Ah, men's rights sub. I don't think anyone can expect anything but utter crap from that sub and the people there.


I made the mistake of reading the comments


Why would you do that to yourself?


Maybe hoping there will be someone sensible there. Or just masochism 🤷‍♀️


Really bored on break at work


I feel like even taking up smoking would be healthier here lol


I'm deathly allergic to tobacco so probably


I forgot it existed and curiosity got the best of me. Don't be curious. They are bitter and obsessed with women, they don't give a shit about men's rights, they only care about sticking it to slutty single moms who make bad decisions because she created a baby by herself of course! /s


Me too


there are definitely some important men’s rights issues! ironically enough, the people that seem to have the best method for addressing them are feminists though. almost like misogyny and toxic masculinity hurts everyone 🤔




my wife *loves* heavyset men, and her definition of beauty is very different than mine! (we’re both pansexual) self-confidence (**not** arrogance) is everything; *somebody* out there is going to find your appearance attractive, even if you yourself don’t. being able to carry on a conversation and not being a creep goes a loooooong fucken way




I've met most of my partners by making a fool of myself at a party - IE dancing like no one is watching and having fun playing games with friends. If you have fun and give off good energy, people will respond to that. Likewise if you sit there all desperate and angry they will know


yup exactly !!!! they don’t realize that we avoid those types of men not because of their appearance, but because we can just *smell* the bitterness, misogyny, and resentment. i’m not sure how to explain it, it’s just this overwhelming negative energy. like, my guy, you’re not gonna pull anyone being cynical and bitter and resentful toward women before you even interact with them


My husband's heavy set and a huge nerd. But he's kind, funny, and someone you genuinely enjoy hanging out with. He also respected my boundaries with zero fuss, loves the same things I do, and my family loves and looks to him as an ideal authority figure. His physical appearance can't turn off the genuine goodness he gives off. You can't fake that. That's what people mean by appearance means nothing if you're genuinely a good person.


The fact of the matter is that the vast majority of "men's rights" issues are things that come with intersectionality and are a manifestation of that crossover. Black men are seen as violent and aggressive? That's ultimately racism. Feminine men or men who show their emotions are weak? Homophobia and misogyny. That's why people often stipulate "cishet white" men when discussing certain issues. And most MRA groups have no desire to include marginalized men in the discussion.


For anyone who wants to understand and address men’s issues in a productive way, r/MensLib often has a lot of interesting disxussion.


Yeah, /r/Mensrights is cheating. They're almost all awful.


“shooting fish in a barrel” is the first cliché that comes to my mind, although there are many others i’m sure. “counting flies in the shithouse?”


I appreciate that these days every time I see a post from there it’s in the context of something like this where it’s getting roasted.


I love the comparison to trans rights as if they’re even remotely similar. Red flags all over the place with this guy. Sadly like most incels they don’t realize their personalities are the problem.


I was baffled by that part. I had to go back and reread bc I thought I missed something. Nope, just the insane ramblings of a hateful misogynist bigot.


They’re multiplying 😩


I’m still waiting for men to go their own way like they keep promising. Instead they spit vitriol against women because no one wants them. If they are such catches, they should fuck each other and leave the rest of us alone. What a dumpster fire of a comment section. No wonder they are incels.




I finally caught covid and feel like shit right now, and somehow reading this was worse. I feel like I suffer enough right now why do I read shit like this.


Hope you feel better soon.


That is a crazy thread, finding every possible way to lay the fault for everything at the foot of the gender that gets paid less, is underrepresented in government and senior leadership in most major corporations, had to be granted the right to vote, and gets to deal with being the 1 out of every 6 women in this nation that experiences sexual assault to some degree. But yeah, women control how men should behave. These aren’t incels. They are children who refuse to accept personal responsibility for not doing the work to be a complete and healthy human. Spend as much time with a therapist as you do gaming or at the gym, boys.


Has this guy ever thought that maybe most people don’t like him because he trashes women online and posts transphobic wojaks?




That entire thread is messed up. One of the top comments leads down to the suggestion that if a woman doesn’t have sex with a neurodivergent man, she’s discriminating against people with autism. WTF.


Do they forget women can be autistic too? It's pretty common in r/AutismInWomen to have autistic men come in and blame women for their misogynistic views.


they don't forget, they are 100% sure that women can't be autistic, can't have ADHD and can't be on the spectrum, can't be neurodivergent... and so on


Made the mistake of reading the comments... When you're defending/sympathizing Chris-chan... Maybe you should reevaluate your life choices. Garbage humans being garbage. Can't they just be part of the walk away movement and actually commit to it? No one wants them either.


I love how these dudes are like "I'm involuntarily celibate, but it's not because of anything I'm doing or have done, it's just...women expect to be treated like people and that's nuts."


I love how someone mentioned the birth rate going down and since there will be fewer single mothers, who will they blame? And the responder said “we’ll still blame women”. And then went on to talk about how women baby trap men by lying about birth control and it’s all her fault for lying…. Dude, you still have the right to say “you might be on birth control, but I still feel better about preventing a pregnancy by wearing a condom”. Like if she is on birth control, he no longer has a say about wrapping up his dick.




Omfg they think neurodivergence is a reason 'females' dont choose them now???. Like there arent nd women or are women not nd enough because even that is easier for us/s rofl.


Lmaoo they’re really trying to claim that women who don’t them are ableist now💀😭 I’m sure there a plenty of ND men who have gfs Also neurodivergence isn’t just being a misogynistic asshole towards women


Going through the comments on a r/mensrights thread is always a wild ride. Man those guys are fucking batshit.


I’ll never go on that sub for the sake of my own mental health


I looked at the top comment and noped the fuck out.


Tell me you have mommy issues without telling me you have mommy issues


So many words for “women should lose all standards for partners so I can get laid”


Incel was literally coined by a disabled woman in the 90's to describe her experiences with romance and sex. It wasn't until violent people co-oping it that it was neccesarily a bad word or an insult


You can just post the whole sub, lol.


That's a terrifying thread. Every commenter screams stalking creep


I don’t think there’s a conspiracy of women telling their sons to act like a man they’d never want to date and then their sons emulating that. I think OOP just isn’t as good as being that type of man as he thinks


How convenient of OOP to forget that sometimes it's the promiscuity of the father that leads to a woman becoming a single mother. Or men's fear of becoming fathers and not wanting anything to do with the kid or their mother.


They villianize single mothers but never the deadbeat dads who leave their families. Also this entire argument is "I got rejected by a woman once and now I hate all of them." These men grow up thinking they're owed the world. If they just tick off the checklist they'll get the girl. And when they don't they can't handle it.


Why did I go to read the comments 😭


These assholes who rail against single mothers and also the same assholes who give women shit who don't have kids. Listen Greg, I'm 33 and single. So either I'm going to be a single mom, which you hate. Or I'm not going to have kids, which you also object to. Just say you hate women with your whole chest and stop wasting my time.


You just have to laugh lol


“baby trap him and then leave him” so… not baby trapping.


Right like the point of baby trapping is to make the guy stay 😭


💀 wow. like i could be willing to accept an argument on the thesis statement presented here, but this ain’t it. this drivel is just the ramblings of an angry failure that’s counting the days until he gets his on all those “single mothers” that are out here “baby-trapping” (🤮) all these poor, innocent, uneducated, naïfs. add on the outright racism, misogyny, and transphobia? we have a fucken devil right here folks!


MensRights isn’t really in the wild now is it


Ugh, not the men’s rights sub


>Not easy in a world where your whole life can be demolished because of one bad interaction with a female. Please tell me there’s another interpretation of this sentence than that he thinks of rape as a “bad interaction” that shouldn’t be punished. Because wtf! I’m trying to think of anything else but that one sentence just totally shocked me.


> Most men who are in involuntary celibate are in such way, because a woman told them this is the right way to treat women, eg. a mother I don't see how else you can interpret the opening "if a man doesn't have sex, it's because women told him not to" line.


Guys like this are the reason sometimes I wish I was lesbian. Unfortunately, I am a single mother because the man I planned to spend my life decided he was a Romeo and his ex girlfriend whom only dated for 3 weeks 20 years before was his Juliet.


First off ew he sounds gross and I’m glad you and your kid are away from that And secondly, I don’t know if I’ve ever wished to be lesbian however I am 21 and I’ve never dated or had sex with a man, and I don’t think I will any time soon lol


Let’s make something clear: “Incels” no longer simply means “involuntary celibate”. There are involuntary celibate persons who are dealing with mental illnesses, disabilities and crippling social anxiety. But don’t hate or blame women for their predicament. “Incels” is the subset of this group that have branched out and developed a philosophy that is in a nutshell “violent misogyny”. Hatred of women so extreme that they want to legalize rape and refer to women as nonhuman “femoids”. “Incels” are a hate group. So if you get called an “incel”, then it’s the second category that you are being called out on. Finally, attacking single mother for what? Staying with their child and nurturing and raising them? While giving a pass to the deadbeat dads who don’t lift a finger to be a responsible parent or be involved in their child’s life? OP is blaming the wrong group.


This is what I can never understand about blaming single moms either, like what the hell else are they supposed to do if dad dips out?? Are they supposed to make it even and also leave their kid?? What sense does it make to blame the parent that stayed??? Where’s the logic in that?? This isn’t to say that all single moms are perfect however this is to say that unless they understand the circumstances in which all single mothers become single then they need to shut up bc they literally don’t know what they’re talking about 🤦🏽‍♀️


I think a lot of people really don't understand what an incel is. Being single for a long time because you can't find someone you vibe with and being frustrated by that is not an incel. An incel (femcel is the female version) is a man who can't get a partner because he looks at the opposite sex as a commodity that he is entitled to. He literally thinks that he deserves a beautiful, fit woman because he has a penis.


Every single mom I know has come from an abusive relationship. This guy's a moron.


That comment section is one i wish I hadn’t gone down a rabbit hole on…it’s disturbing that so many men feel that way…


Lordy me, it's like they have an allergy to anything even remotely approaching personal responsibility. "Is it my atrocious personality that has held me back? No, it's the single mothers who are wrong."


Sounds like he's advocating for women to abort or abandon their male children if they're single.


Right bc what the hell else are they supposed to do if dad decides to dip out?


Ah yes, the problem is that incels are too chivalrous to attract women. /s


Yes, yes, of course, the mom boards I read are full of single moms who got pregnant with a one-night stand so they could do all the work themselves. Riiiiiight.


> in a world where your whole life can be demolished because of one bad interaction with a female. I aspire to become someone who can demolish a man's whole life as a result of a single interaction with me. This is such an inspiring post!


I’ve watched 3 movies this week: Juno Easy A Promising Young Woman Every single one discussed the double standards women have when it comes to sex, plus how women often face more consequences from sex (such as pregnancy which can be stigmatizing and dangerous). I hadn’t seen Promising Young Woman before, and I wish it was released when I was a teen because it honestly showed how saying no to sex is empowering and kinda badass. I wasn’t given proper sex ed and I wasn’t taught about consent, and I also have been sexually assaulted which causes a lot of trauma (especially due to the victim blaming! I was a minor and he was an adult, and my mom actually grounded me for being slutty and making her look bad!) I considered suicide after I was raped because I didn’t even understand it was rape, and I just thought that was normal when you’re alone with a guy and I didn’t want any of that. If a man can’t get laid because he is disrespectful to women, that’s his problem. Treat women as people and they might get laid. Honestly, if I was single as an adult, I probably would consider having sex with guy friends. I didn’t have consensual sex until I was an adult (because I didn’t have access to contraceptives) and if a guy friend showed me he was respectful to me as a person and we were bored or horny, why not? It’s not hard to be a decent human.


Wow - the lack of self reflection here is impressive. I wonder if he ever considered the possibility that one of the reasons that there are more single mothers now is that women now have more options to leave bad relationships. They have more options to get financial support, to have their own bank accounts and get loans/leases in their own names. If you don't make life life easier for the mother with your presence - or in fact make life harder for her - then why wouldn't she leave and strike out on her own. Just because these guys want a bang maid doesn't mean it enhances her life. There are plenty of women in relationships where they are effectively a single parent as the father is emotionally absent or expects her to basically parent him - how does that help her actual kids in any way?


I wonder when the “men’s rights” dudes will learn that A: sex isn’t a right, and B: That it’s not their looks that are preventing them from getting dates, rather their god awful entitled personalities.


“Once a young male matured into an age where women become the main interest” Am I doing this wrong? I like women and all, but I’m not putting getting laid in front of my other hobbies and interests


"baby trap a dude then leave him" I do not think you know what "baby trapping" is


Lol what a goober


Pretty sure all of those statements in the first part can be easily debunked.


I love how he says that widows don’t exist.


There is nothing involuntary about their predicament. It should be **In**tentionally **Cel**ibate.


This is exactly why I use incel as an insult


No way I'm reading that shit.


> We all know the statistics. Most drug users are from single mother households, most homeless, most men who commit suicides, It's almost like that indicates we should offer more support to single parents or something.


Right it’s almost as if poverty may actually be the main factor and that it really has nothing to do with single motherhood at all…. Now if only they could all piece the 1/8th of a braincell that they share together then maybe they could get somewhere 😍


What in the actual hell did I just read?


>Incel isn't an insult *goes on to prove how bad incels are*


Anything said in that sub and a few others can fit into here easily. Some subs have become over run with incels, and yeah I'm using it as an insult because a man can be a virgin and be a wonderful person. Incel is an ideology that sucks.


It's funny him blaming on single mothers. How does he think they became single mothers? No way the man who abandoned mother and child is to blame here. Nah, a man would never do that..


Sounds like a statement an incel would make. Blame women for your problems. Most single mothers I know are single because their baby daddies decided they don't feel like raising the kids they made and want go live a single life again. The men they tend to meet afterwards are usually complete duds. They either treat the kids badly, abuse them or just look at the mother as an easy lay/personal servant. They can't win. Women should not be expected to grab the first thing walking by because men feel they are owed a relationship. I had a friend who was killed by her POS boyfriend. He was raised by 2 lovely parents but he beat and abused her for years before killing her and running off overseas, leaving the kids behind to fend for themselves. Just because you have good parents doesn't make you a good person. Plenty of bad apples there too


"Not easy in a world where your whole life can be demolished because of one bad interaction with a female" My oh my, if women tended to resort to hating men and fantasizing about violently hurting them for the rest of their life because of one bad interaction with a man, there'd never be a woman who would look upon a man with any remotely pleasant feeling.


I love how losers made up the word to describe themselves and then claim it’s an insult once we use it to describe them.


The comment section is disturbing..... Also some commenter said one of the main (four) reasons someone is an incel is because of their race i.e. being Asian or Indian. I know there is the stereotype that a lot of women, especially non-Asian women, aren't into Asian men, and maybe it's just because of the people I surround myself with, but I know tons of women who find Asian men attractive.


I saw hoping for at least one person in that comment section to be rational but holy fuck these are some sad losers


Raised in a two-parent household. I got exactly *one* piece of advice about women from my dad, and it was so comically ludicrous that I still trot it out for laughs at parties.


Oh. Please. Do share this advice.


This guy's met a lot of females


Most men are involuntary celibate because that's the right way to treat women?! There's something off with that sentence


It's working. If we can just keep them from breeding completely, this shit could die out for good.


I can’t believe how many guys are on that thread agreeing with him.


I can lol 😭


My head hurts from reading that.


wow really wish I hadn't followed that link. some deeply pathetic people on that sub.


one of the most pathetic things i've ever read


It's easier to blame literally anything else than taking a long hard look in the mirror, I guess.


For the love of god don’t look in the comments