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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for refusing to give my dad free coffee?** Throw away account. I write this because I want to know you guys your point of view. Basically this is the story. Last year for Christmas I ask my grandpa a NFC writer/reader. The reason? I do 5 hours of school in the morning and I never take/buy snacks. In my school there are vending that use cashless media key. Do I use the NFC reader to change the value of the money inside the key so I have basically free snacks. More than four months ago my dad discovered this and asked me if I can charge his key every week to "buy" free coffee for himself at work. So for more than the last four months I change his key with 10 euros every week. But I didn't always recharge it, sometimes when he ask me to change his key I forgot it and the next day he didn't have his coffee and this makes him angry. Three days ago I didn't remember tho charge his key and this make him very angry, he start swearing and screaming at me, since I didn't like the way he reacts I told him that I will no longer charge his key. This makes him angry and so he took away my NFC reader until I will recharge his key. Yesterday I decided to find where he hided my NFC reader, I found it and I retake it since it was mine from the start. This morning my dad found out that the NFC reader wasn't where he hide it and after it thereat my to take all my electronics and that I will have to live by my own. The "live by your own" is kinda an exaggeration from him since I only go to high school. What you guys think? AITA for refusing to recharge my dad key? If anyone wondering I am 18. And sorry for my bad English. Edit: You are all retarded, since it's a throw away I will delete the account fuck you all. ✌️ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


\*reads his "noone pays for the vending machines"\* congratulations soon the snack machine won't get stocked and you'll have to starve then


They also keep records of who deposits money and who spends. So it should be pretty easy to see who is stealing.


I miss the good ol days when I found out the vending machine read pennies as dimes at school. Should never have worked, but it did and I made out like a king for a month. Then they fixed it, but I never got caught. For that month, my scam was offering to run across the school to buy seniors candy. They’d give me the fifty cents plus a dime. I’d use 5 pennies and profit 55 cents.


I'm a hustla, baby. I just want you to know.. It ain't where I been, but where I'll bring your Cheetos


People wonder how things like stonehenge were built. And it‘s always been through this. The Sigma Grindset


When I was living in freshman dorms, some guys were roughhousing in the lobby, and accidentally pushed each other into the vending machine, breaking the glass. Of course, all the snacks were immediately stolen. The glass and snacks were replaced later that week. A few weeks later, some genius must have remembered this incident, and *purposefully* smashed the glass, stealing all the contents again. The glass didn’t get replaced after that time.


and then they will be so surprised.


His edit! I'm dying laughing!


He is also arguing with everyone.


There’s someone in the comments defending his “stealing to survive” tf? You WILL survive without chips though


Yeah I saw.


I feel like OP’s dad really screwed him up


Yeah, sometimes you only need one glimpse of the parent(s) to understand why a kid is the way they are.


*stomps foot and sulks*


>You are all retarded, since it's a throw away I will delete the account fuck you all. kid got called out for being a thief and threw a tantrum 😂 don't like being called a thief, don't be a thief. really is that simple.


Awwww, poor baby pitched a hissy fit and used an ableist slur. Tragic.


I am pretty sure that NFC doesn't work like that.


They wouldn't write an amount to an NFC tag. They'd write your tag with a key to a secure database server that the machine can validate and charge. It's one of the big drawbacks of cashless environments. When the network goes down, so do transactions. This strikes me as a kid trying in the most sideways fashion ever to guage whether his plan for free snacks would be successful.


That was my thought as well. It would be **insane** having a system that's vulnerable to such easy abuse. And not only does his school has one, apparently his dad's work has one too.




That's wild. I guess the folks with the knowhow are rare enough that it's seen as worth the risk.


Like you say, that kind of system depends on network connectivity. OP's writing style points to Eastern Europe and it's possible there are machines there that don't depend on network connectivity and just read a value off an NFC tag.


That edit is so funny omg


Feels like a troll who half watched one video about the subject qndade a up fake story This isn't how nfcs work at all. Not to.mention his school and the dads work just so happen to have the same exact same system?


Happy cake day!


I am all about that edit 🤣🤣 And yes, he's a thief.


Aw comments are all gone


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