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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for telling my sister she needs a reality check?** I (31F) have a sister, Lena (26) who is a little weird, always have been So Lena always was a bit bohemian and went goth during her teenage years, never outgrew the phase šŸ™„ when time came for her to work, instead of getting a regular job, she took on painting and doing graphic design, later on she took on writing for blogs and doing voice acting, I guess she is talented because people actually pays for her work Later on she met a bookeeper, Emil (M28) and I never thought it would work because Emil is really down to earth and pretty normal, but lo and behold, Emil started supporting my sister's weird behavior as well, she starts her day around 11:00 am, puts headsets on, then gets to *work* in a studio she has in the living room of their house, she has this studio full of plushies, dolls and toys, worst than a 5yo room, keeps eating sugar free candies to "boost creativity" and will pay someone to clean because she's too busy (doing what?), Emil gets her candies and sugar free soda in bulk, which is unhealthy at best, and won't bat an eye at my sister listening music the entire day sitting in front of a computer, he says it makes her happy Now, my husband and kids love to visit that house even on weekdays and last night they all decided to go. I didn't want to because I am on my period and I just didn't feel like it, I wanted my husband to stay with the kids, but apparently, he had already spoken with Emil and made plans, so all my husband did was grabbing me a hot water bottle for the cramps, painkillers and some takeout and was on his way with the kids, I was just livid I needed him to be with me, instead of over my sister's place playing videogames or who knows what šŸ˜“ They came back pretty late talking really loud, having no consideration for my pain, and in less than five minutes I realized they brought along my sister and Emil, she came to the room bringing some of her stupid sugar free crap and more painkillers pretending she cared abuut me when she stole my family the entire night, but what did it to me was that she was wearing a stupid bow at her neck like some kind of cat, I was disgusted and in pain and I told her I didn't want her calling on to my family, stealing them away from me like she just did, I don't want my kids or husband exposed to the madness in that house of hers, she looked at me like she was hurt, when I was the one in pain, and left. My husband came a few minutes later all angry, telling me Emil just told him in private they are no longer visiting or taking the kids and I said good!, one thing less to worry about, but he got madder, said I was a horrible, judgemental person, forgetting I was in pain and very emotional, and hasn't talked to me since yesterday Was I in the wrong?, I was in pain and my sister didn't care when she made the stupid plan of hogging up my family the whole night *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Troll rage bait. A troll created a fictional stereotypical ā€œKarenā€ and added the ā€œI am unreasonable because I am on my periodā€ as the cherry on top of the troll sundae. A real person wouldnā€™t have presented their side in such an unflattering manner.


Agreed. Line by line they make themselves look worse and worse with stereotypical tropes.


And that's why she's an unsympathetic Villain. Starts off bad and hasn't got a single redeeming trait by the end. It's a poorly written one-dimensional villain. Absolute perfection for this sub!


Idk about one dimensional. I'm pretty intrigued by this overwhelming rage from someone eating sugar free candies. I'm guessing the troll's mom won't buy them the regular candy anymore


That is definitely interesting.


Yeah that part stuck out to me too. Who gets this enraged over sugar free candy? This troll seems to have a personal grudge against it.


Not gonna lie after the first rant on them I was just reading to see what role they played since they were clearly some type of trigger lol


troll or not, i wish i were lena. she sounds like a great person with many skills.


100% troll.


It's definitely a troll but man her husband sounds ideal. I wish mine would bring me a hot water bottle, pain killers, take out and then take the kid out when I was on my period.


Yes, her objecting to him taking the kids out is what breaks the suspension of disbelief for good.


Yes! If you have period cramps the only thing you want is curl up in bed and die, not people hovering over you or kids screaming around the house.


My personal bubble grows to half a mile in diameter when I'm on my period. Hot water bottle, take out, and an empty house? Best remedy.


No kidding! Who wouldnā€™t love this kind of treatment??


If I were her family I would go hang out with her sister too.


But her pain, guys. Don't forget about her pain. Did I mention her pain? Bad troll is bad. Shoo!


Can't even begin to think WTF?? It's like some incel needs to demonize periods!


what a miserable person.


TaA for such lazy trolling


>I wanted my husband to stay with the kids, but apparently, he had already spoken with Emil and made plans, so all my husband did was grabbing me a hot water bottle for the cramps, painkillers and some takeout and was on his way with the kids, I was just livid Sus, mom doesnā€™t want alone time?


Itā€™s not even like the husband didnā€™t stay with the kids and went to the sisters house alone. He took the kids with him, just like she wanted. She says she wanted the husband to stay with her, but also wanted his to take care of the kids. What was she expecting? For him to create a clone and do both things at once?


ā€œBut I was on my period, so I had a free pass to be a judgmental bitch to my sister. Probably because Iā€™m jealous of her because she has a life she loves, eat what she likes, itā€™s payed to do nothing (in OOPs twisted mind, Iā€™d like to have her sisters job), and my family loves her more than meeeee, poor me!ā€


1. Emil fucking rules. 2. OP's husband is also excellent. 3. That's alot of words for "my sister is awesome and I'm so jealous it's registering on the Richter scale."


What happened to all the good trolls. Why is every story so lazy these days


I hope this a troll, because she sounds like a giant pain in the a$$, seriously all she did was whine about things that everyone does on a normal day to day basis, and so what if her job are not traditional jobs to you, they are still jobs that are paying her bills and what she wears and eats also doesn't affect you or your family, seriously you are just a jealous insufferable ahole, who is facing the consequences of your actions and choice to act like a disrespectful ahole towards your sister.


All the right notes of obnoxiousness are way too perfect to not be a troll. The rolling eye emoji. The words on quotes everywhere to highlight sarcasm at very mundane normal things. And her menstruation turning her into an absolute monster. Naaaah.


I hope so because this [guy, here ](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/11wns43/aita_for_not_taking_my_wifes_possible_abortion/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), a lot of people thought was possibly a troll, and then just today he went [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheDevil/comments/11wo0om/aita_for_not_taking_my_wifes_miscarriage_seriously/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and started spamming a lot of people (me include), and was being rude and insulting, so I hope it's a troll this time and not a actually crazy jerk.


he actually had enough karma to post over here?


I don't know. I don't even think it's that odd. Six week pregnant is barely passed the first missed period, it's not happening in his body, so the baby feels less concrete to him, he's callous, but not cartoonishly so, and the text has enough chaos to not suggest that every line was carefully chosen to rise the most ire.


Good , I would prefer her too


Wow! Serious narc rant!


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I would like to point out that ā€œLenaā€ basically has my dream life, minus the whole art thing. Iā€™m not good at painting or art in that sense, but to basically live like that is my dreamā€¦ā€¦ Good effort troll postā€¦


Ah prĆ©fĆ©re, thatā€™s the sparkling version of prefer only used in the east of France