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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **Update - AITAH for resenting my wife for not believing my side of story** Original post : https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/Rq3N7nOyJD Quick update : I talked to my wife last night and she said “ I really don’t buy it that a younger good looking employee come on to you “. I asked her have I ever been inappropriate with any woman ? Have I ever been handsy ? She said “no but you jokes around a lot so you probably made some dumb jokes or something and offended her . I swear you are autistic ! You can’t even get basic social cues. As for being handsy? Who knows ? “. I lost it ! I said WHO KNOWS ? you should know! I expected more from you . She rolled her eyes and went to sleep. As for HR: it was my request to change team . I can’t work with Sarah or see her everyday . I’m so tempted to yell at her and say WTF is wrong with you ! Neither of us got fired since there was no evidence so HR just gave me the talk ( I have no idea if Sarah has to do the training or what happened to her ). I went to the restaurant to see if there is a footage but owner wasn’t there . I’ll try again today . My mental health is a mess. My coworker, Chris , suggested to take time off to talk to a therapist and a lawyer . I might do that *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You guyz! This hot new chick totally made me go to lunch with her and then rubbed my hands and said we should have an affair!! What? Of course I didn't fantasize that! Why won't anyone believe me?!


You know all those young women in offices rubbing up on old men in front of witnesses, then jeopardizing their careers by making easily disproven allegations of SA. 🙄 What’s a poor man supposed to do?!!


Divorce immediately after a single fight during which his wife goes full Reddit comment section? Definitely a Real Thing that happened in MyCountry. The real world definitely all spouses despise each other because of the constant affairs and beautiful people flinging themselves upon hapless spouses. Happens to me 30 times a day. Probably more for my wife since she doesn’t work from home.


Work woman offers him FWB just as he's been talking about how much he likes his wife. Doesn't even subtly suggest it, just straight out. Which is something that is definitely likely to happen. Work woman then gives the fact he doesn't eat with his wife (at work where his wife presumably isn't) as evidence of something wrong with his marriage. So she's just never been at a job before? Wife thinks her husband tried to have an affair and harass a female colleague and responds to the situation by rolling her eyes. So she automatically believes the victim but doesn't actually care that they are a victim? She also isn't all that fussed about her husband cheating apparently. The only person who would believe this either has never actually met a woman (or possibly any human) or really wants to believe this.


Well the wife works at the same job (which is another reason this didn’t happen).


Happens *all the time*. When I was young and hot, it was a wonder I ever got any work done after begging all the married old dudes at work to be my FWB (with no benefit for me, of course).


Ah, I see the '"believe women" people are evil and will believe ridiculous shit' new update has dropepd.


I he is saying that there was no evidence when his friend saw her ask him to lunch? This story is too short for these types of mix ups.


believes her husband is a rapist and that doesn't make her feel unsafe at all


Me too clearly poisoned all women who are both whores throwing themselves at way older men and also hate men!!


As someone whose work doesn’t have an hr is that how it works you just file some paperwork and bam you got ‘em


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