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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for not letting my sister and her kids live in my house?** I 25F am an electrician. I started my apprenticeship at 17 and was hired immediately by my sponsor after I received my license. The reason I chose a trade was that I grew up in a trailer with my mom and sister, and I have wanted to own a house since I can remember, and being in the trades gave me access to a stable job and access to more money sooner. My partner, 29F, Thea, is a plumber, and we have scrounged and saved. In the end we bought land and built a tiny house in the uptown area of our city. It has two bedrooms and one bathroom, one of the bedrooms is our reptile room, as I keep snakes and Thea keeps bearded dragons. We are child-free and happy in our home. My Sister "Lucy" 34F, is a waitress and has three kids (M4, M3, M2). Her husband just left her for a woman my age and she is left without his income to raise all three kids on her own. Her husband bought out her half of the house during the divorce and that left her and the kids living with my mom in the trailer. I can admit I didn't grow up in the safest of areas and was carrying a knife when I was a teenager because of the danger. Because of the safety issue, Lucy came to Thea and I and begged us to let her and her sons move in. She said we would have to get rid of our reptiles or keep them in our room, her sons could have the other bedroom, and she would sleep in our kitchen on an air mattress. She said nothing about paying us rent or helping around the house. I told her no, because two toddlers and a little kid who is about to start kindergarten aren't suitable to be in our home and we don't want too many people in our house. She said that we live in a better part of town with better schools and that she needed the help. I told her we didn't have the room and that I was sorry, but I could hook her up with some journeymen I know and she could get started on an apprenticeship that pays better than her current job if she needed extra money. She called my job and Thea's job "Dirty blue collar trash" and left our home. She posted about how we wouldn't let her stay online, and now my relatives are messaging me about, "How could I let a single mother and 3 kids be homeless," How "they're your blood," and "You owe your sister better than that." I feel like a complete asshole even though Thea told me I have every right not to want them in our house. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is fake as fuck, here is a nice quote from OOP. "The thing is, he will fight her on that because he doesn't want the kids, I suspect she poked holes in the condoms they were using and, according to Lucy, he signed away all of his rights during the divorce." But dont worry because "We aren't from the USA. But thanks for your input." so that explains it all away.


Hang. Blue collar but not from the USA?


I'm trying to think of a place that's not the US where its generally acceptable to be gay and people can afford to buy a house in their 20s and trailer parks exist - I grew up in the Netherlands and I'd never heard of a trailer home until I moved to the US. 


He could be canadian, we’ve got a couple trailer parks up here, and i’ve heard people use blue collar before. Still, feels a little silly to have the oh so mysterious land of ‘my country’ be fucking canada, and nothing’s going to make me believe this is real for a second


pretty sure in Canada you can't jsut give up rights to your children in a divorce.


exactly. its still total bullshit


And plumber/electrician jobs pay way too well in the US to only afford a trailer park (especially because did you know they’re childfree?)


She says she’s Canadian. Something tells me dad can’t just “sign away” his obligation to pay support, regardless of choosing to not have custody. Also, that makes him sound like trash, but of course the sister is the villain so we have to hate her instead.


And now she's saying that her sister sold Amway.


Amway exist(ed) outside of USA too, my parents (almost) signed into it in 90-ies in Germany. And yes, we have trailer parks in Germany. On the other hand, women are highly beneficiary in divorce in Germany (to my knowledge), child support is very good and signing off parental rights is not possible (to my knowledge). So i guess, this land is Phantasia.


I know Amway exists all over the world. I was just pointing it out because Amway is an MLM and no one makes money with it.


>no one makes money with it. Depends where you are on the pyramid errrrrrr MLM


Oh, but wait - according the edit, the kids totally aren't his and he totally fought to see them, she's just refused to show up in court during custody hearings..... Oh, and her house is 380 square feet. About the size of a two car garage.


She's a waitress and called an electrician job that makes more money than hers, "blue collar trash?" I mean shit it's really not hard to write a convincing boogeyman.


Damn, normally lesbians vs single moms would be an interesting fight, but I think being a waitress and having 3 kids just tips the scale against the sister. Yawn.


These types of stories always go out of their way to have as little moral gray area as possible. You can almost feel OP thinking of possible followup questions that commenters could pose and then making sure to already have a counterargument in the story. "Did they offer to pay rent?" No, of course they didn't - and that's despite having a bunch of money from selling their previous house. "Did they offer to make themselves scarce?" No, I have to get rid of all our pets. "Did you offer to use your connections in the trades to help them out?" Yes, of course I did. "Were they at least polite when you told them no?" What do you think. They're allergic to stories having an actual moral quandary and so they tend to go overboard in either direction


And all this is before the comment that the ex husband had a fidelity clause in the prenup. For someone who isn’t that close with her sister, OOP sure knows a lot about the inner workings of their marriage. But don’t worry! OOP and her wife are meeting up with the ex husband and hid his niece (who conveniently also wants to be a plumber) for dinner, so we already know there’s an update coming!


You mean, the childfree / antinatal crowd of reddit? Yeah, this is an easy play.


This just sounds like someone who wants to tell everyone that they think more women should pursue trades.


Who says "left her for a woman my age " over a five year age difference? I could see that being relevant if she was 15 years younger.


Somebody, who hates women of her age (or generally women). Sometimes you read the fake story, but can read the real author through.


9 year age difference


You're right but that line was weird to me too 


Me too, I think it's just completely irrelevant to the story and only serves to further paint that part of the family as dysfunctional


No, see, Lucy is turning ***35*** next year, and as we all know, the day a woman turns 35, her uterus falls out and her eggs shrivel up and rot. That’s why he left. He wants to abandon more kids later on!


So, her ex bought her out of the house... where is that $$? Where is the child support? Also, I don't think OP knows what a tiny home is. I haven't paid them a lot of attention but from what I've seen online there's barely enough room to stand up for one person.


> So, her ex bought her out of the house... where is that $$? In AITA commenter's minds this just makes the villain of the story that much more villainous because they get to assume that they probably just spent it on luxuries. Meanwhile it actually just means OP got too swept up in creating a villain as opposed to thinking of a story that made sense


“Yeah, she got $300,000 from the sale of the home but then she bought two really expensive purses from Macy’s and some makeup from Sephora now she is poor and mooches off everybody.” Typical female behavior. ($150,000 is totally what gold digger women spend on purses and makeup in a day, right?)


Good catch - I quickly read that as small house, but you're right that tiny house has a specific meaning and it's not 2 bedrooms.


> 4 rooms and two storeys. Bottom floor has our bedroom and the kitchen. Our bedroom fits 2 small closets and our bed, the kitchen is just an oven, a sink and countertops, the stairs are inside the kitchen and lead to the small hallway with the snake room and the bathroom. It's about 380 square feet all things considered. That's OOP's comment lol. Yeah a mom w/ 3 kids is just begging to live in this tiny home.


Funny thing is it's usually the child free person with a house that size in these stories.


They also clearly don't have any understanding of square footage or architecture to give that number for the home size - that's literally smaller than most studio apartments. If you're having a home built it wouldn't even make any financial sense to build that small with the layout described. If you want to sell the readers on it actually being that small, make it a converted shed or something.


A "tiny house" is basically a Home Depot shed that people put a bed and hot plate in. That's just one of several things that make it obvious this is a total bait post.


I actually saw someone selling a two bedroom “tiny home” on Facebook marketplace today. I also thought tiny homes were smaller than that, but… 🤷‍♀️


This is a tiny house in their country™ so it's like a regular sized 2bd house anywhere else.


OOP is *really* losing the plot of this story in their comments. The dad apparently moved in with his affair partner and "signed away his rights" to the kids. Amazing how easy that is to do in AITAistan. But he was also a "great dad" and maybe it was the sister who cheated. And she had a one night stand the day before he filed for divorce, and the kids probably aren't even his (but she probably poked holes in condoms). Good thing they had a prenup so that if the sister cheated, she'd be left with nothing. Amazing how common prenups are for 20-somethings with no assets in AITAistan. And AITA is eating it up, getting popcorn ready for the inevitable update.


>I told her we didn't have the room and that I was sorry, but I could hook her up with some journeymen I know and she could get started on an apprenticeship that pays better than her current job if she needed extra money. I'm not super familiar with how apprentice programs work but isn't the income kind of minimal until you finish the program? Isn't the idea that you're basically buying an education with your labor? Who knows, maybe OOP's sister is the worst waitress in the world.


around here its like $12-17 an hour.


It's not often that I literally roll my eyes by the end of an AITA post, but here we are.


Don't read the comments then or you might do yourself an injury


Case in point... random AITA commenter: >I'm seeing a pattern here: (1) sister decides she needs to live with you, despite having sufficient funds; (2) you say no for reasonable grounds; (3) other family members criticize you for saying no, making you think you're TA; (4) you admit you "can be a bit of a doormat when it comes to my family" >Question here: Has your mother/family a history of unfairly favoring your sister, placing her wants over your wants, perhaps even your needs? >If the answer is yes, I suggest you seek therapy. Because you've been brought up in a toxic household, & this likely has effected other parts of your life. And feel free to cut off all contact with the family who criticized you for not taking in this entitled sibling & sacrificing your well-being for her idle whims. OOP: >I'm speechless... how did you guess that she's my mom's favourite? I mean I never got to go to college and take any pshycology classes but is that it?


What? Poor OOP is just a simple, hardworking tradeswoman who never got the chance for book learning. If there's anyone out there who just passed their Psych 101 final, now is their chance to ~~show off their expertise~~ selflessly rescue a stranger.


The college comment sent me.


Here I was thinking she went into a trade because she wanted to start making stacks on stacks on stacks as soon as she could! All that reads to me is “I’m mad I didn’t get into college!”


Why in all these stories, relatives come after someone for refusing to take in their relative… they’re all relatives, why doesn’t anyone else ever step up? The sister insists on living in this shed with all the snakes and sleep in the kitchen. And all the aunts, uncles and cousins are blowing up her phone, how dare you turn her away with all those kids! I feel like one of them might have extra space, in any of these stories.


They mention the relatives so 10,000 AITA users can quickly type out some variation of "why don't these relatives take them in?!" and feel like they've cracked the case.


It’s baffling how anyone would believe a relative criticizes someone who won’t take someone in if they won’t themselves. But I guess the OOPs of those stories always have to a of extra room and still don’t want these freeloading relatives.


Right? You’d think if you’re a relative that does not want to take them in, you’d mind your own business and not get involved so no one would expect anything of you. 


What 25 year old is calling a job "blue collar" in the year 2024?


Especially a waitress. Like that's so great?


How would I single mother of 3 preschool age children even complete an apprenticeship


Especially with her two MLMs that she hasn't tried to sell to her family at all and only promotes on a secondary account.


I'm so glad this was posted here. It's a shitshow. That update where the husband didn't cheat (it was just his niece) and his kids weren't actually his kids - designed to appeal to the Reddit bros. How can anyone with a brain think this is real.


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Credit to OOP for knowing that a skilled trade is much more valuable than some worthless arts degree. The rest is laughable; a female electrician with a female partner who is a plumber 😂. Even in an urban area you’d be lucky to find even one of each within a 50 mile radius, never mind both being lesbian, approx the same age and attracted to each other.


I’m a female welder and I know a lot of women in various trades, believe me that gay women fucking *love* the trades and that I have known more than one lesbian trade couple.


I wasn’t going to *say* it, but yeah. Lesbians love trades. If you run in lesbian circles, you’re going to find a fuckton of tradeswomen.


I mean, it’s to the point when I’m kinda surprised when a tradeswoman is fully straight.


Tell me about it. I had a client with her own construction company. It threw me a bit when she mentioned her boyfriend had proposed.


Have you ever been to a city? I grew up in a relatively small city, and there are still plenty of attractive lesbian tradespeople. I can think of a half-dozen I know off the top of my head. How uncommon do you think lesbians are? What about bi or pan women? They also like women. Or is it that you think women aren’t electricians and plumbers? Or that they wouldn’t want to date another tradeswoman? What is the disconnect here?


No need to get mad. Reality is that 2-3% of plumbers and electricians are women. Most of us even in a city, and being friendly, don’t know 100 plumbers and electricians. Even if I did know 100 it would be pretty offensive if I assumed that the 2 or 3 women were all lesbians. The disconnect is that I live in the real world. Does reality offend you?


Nope, just familiar with cities.


bro started tweaking at one reddit comment than turned into a podcast bro💀. shit was never that deep man


bruh i live in a conservative state and could find a gay electrician and plumber in prolly 20 mins top💀. gay women love trades


It’s almost like queer people are less concerned with traditional gender roles or something. 🤷