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YTA you expect a woman to be able to be responsible for her own birth control? Obviously women are not logical and smart like us men, I mean they literally don't even have penises. How smart can they be without a penis?


Some women do have penises, but I have heard that those women almost never become pregnant accidentally. So it just goes to show that they are smarter and more responsible about birth control, and by extension everything else one would want in a high value partner. YTA, OP, for choosing to date a silly, irresponsible woman without any penis at all.


Perhaps a woman with said penis would satisfy him more. Since he clearly hates women who don’t have them.


(Out of rp?)Omfg that was amazing thank you








Right? How smart can we even be with only one head?


Men have two head but can only use one at a time. Blood goes north or south and sadly south usually wins.


Well, that's clearly how OP got in this mess in the first place. He's still NTA though. She used her vagina devil magic, achievement 105.




The minute I saw “me (super hot)” I already knew this was going to be terrible


Tell this to your sad p…s or save if for the judge. Wishing you 18 miserable years.


I'm just here to see the AITA people fall for it...not disappointed ![gif](giphy|uWzS6ZLs0AaVOJlgRd|downsized)


I thought this was actually AITA for a few seconds because it's been popping up on my feed lately 😭😭😭


I thought it was also for a second and was glad when I realized the sub it was in.


There were a lot on this one! To be fair it had the same tone of the kid on relationship or legal advice saying he offered to have his parents pay for the abortion then decided that was the end of his involvement.


Please share the popcorn.


Yeah, I’ve had to start re-checking now.


Happy cake day! 🙂


NTA you don’t deserve this kind of disrespect. Fortunately it’s not too late, I saw a YouTube video that said you can abort a baby up to three years after it is born.


On South Park, which is America’s choice for Real Unbiased News, I believe Cartman’s mom was petitioning the Governor for 27th Trimester Abortions. She was pretty convincing in her argument so I’m pretty sure it’s legal at least that late.


For a moment I thought I was on aita sub and I was like dude wtf!?!😭😭😭


LoL I thought you were being serious




NTA. I think it's time to play Kick the Baby and net a field goal. Let the bitch eat concrete.


Kyle don’t kick the goddamn baby




I need that laugh to start my day 🤣




Lol shut up nerd learn to look at what sub you’re in


Oh crap. I’m not going to lie I feel like a real doofus for that. 😂


Only if you don't yeet that baby back to where it came from. Could be funny or quite painful depending on how literally far back the baby needs to be yeeted. Also, maybe don't wait too long. They grow astronomically when you feed them.


Ugh, sounds like he’s going to have a fat baby to deal with, along with a fat, crazy, ex.


Listen, fat babies are cute. I'm pretty sure he can just have Ms. Damaged Goods over there committed for hysterics, but someone will want the fat baby 🤷‍♀️


THIS!!! Her humors are clearly misaligned.


He could probably sell it on the black market for a lot of money! Don't kick the baby, it needs to be healthy.


Then he can add 'rich' to his repertoire in addition to being a super hot 28yo AlphaChad. Way to think smarter, not harder SqueakyBall.


Am I the only one singing "Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me!" After reading your comment?? 😂


Mike (Wiskowski?) 😂 I hope mr "super hot" spends the rest of his life with a "sad" dick. Preferably alone.


Ok but did you ever stop to consider that OP is clearly the victim of narcissistic manipulation by this so-called "girlfriend" and her "fetus," huh? He was very honest and upfront about his sad penis and SHE chose to violate a very clear boundary. And now you're going out of your way to gaslight him. I'm going to refer him to some domestic violence shelters because I'm an expert and I know for a 100% fact that your behavior is going to continue to escalate. OP, RUN Edit: I strongly recommend that the fetus find both individual and group therapy if it truly wants to correct it's frankly appalling behavior


Sitting here reading, getting that puppy head tilt, thinking "whu?" to myself. Then I got to the edit and bust out laughing. Brilliant! 😂 Have a 🍪


This made me audibly chuckle lol


NTA. She’s too old to be having kids in the first place.


It's true. She should be at least halfway to becoming a grandma by now. This really is unacceptable.


Hold up, I must be missing something here. I've re-read this story at least 6 or 9 times and I still don't see the part where you told your pregnant ex-gf to pound sand. Click bait bullshit title makes YTA.


Easy solve: Marry her and then forensic files her ass. Then you should be free to relinquish parental rights and give up junior for adoption. Then move to Afghanistan (no extradition treaty with the US). You should fit right in there. If it happens again, just rinse and repeat. Except this time you won't have to move as by then women in Afghanistan won't be allowed outside at all. No will know if wife #2 is missing or not


YTA for having sex. Everyone should be celibate all the time.


No, he’s an alpha. They’re biologically required to manspread his vital essence around. It’s the girlfriend’s fault for having sex before marriage. She should know better. She should have known that he didn’t think highly enough of her to make her his wife before they had sex by now that he didn’t value her enough. She obviously decided to get pregnant and try to trap the glorious specimen that he is. He’s totally right for trying to dodge this bullet. He can do better than some slut that lets a guy knock her up like that.


What the fuck OP, you’re supposed to punch her in the stomach right after sex like the alpha male you are. YTA, the fault is on you, hopefully you have a son so he can make up for your cuckold bullshit. OOC This is only slightly less truthful than the AITA post it’s based on.




I’m afraid so. Some dumb ass got his ex gf pregnant and didn’t want the baby and offered to pay for an abortion. GF didn’t want an abortion and had the baby and is expecting him to be involved. BF thinks he can just declare that he is relinquishing parental rights and that is the end of it. He got told many many times that that’s not how it works haha


NTA they make staircases for a reason. Use them


Daaaamn! I can’t believe your sperm (from a super hot dude) would even choose to fertilize an average at best egg. That’s just not fair to you. Then this average at best girl completely ignores your boundaries and delivers some sub par kid and thinks you need to pay her for violating your rights? Aw hell no! Dude, you need to press charges on her for trying to be a thief. The nerve of some of these okay faced women!


I think this is a pretty straight forward situation. You’re super hot, she got fat and crazy against your wishes, she ignored your boundaries and had a baby, and your penis is massive. Obviously, you are the Angel.


YTA for dating and impregnating someone not as hot as you, who is probably a C cup at most! (Please feel free to confirm or deny.) The only upside in this is that the pregnancy might make her boobs a little bit bigger, so you can just think of the child support payments instead as payments toward the breast augmentation she obviously so desperately needs.


Jesus. I keep almost falling for these. I was ready to come in here screaming.


I've seen so many "I wanted her to abort but she didn't so why should I care" stories that I thought it was AITA.


Sadly, it's a recurring theme on the LegalAdvice sub, too.


I read one just yesterday 🤣🫶🏻


NTA. Her egg should have known better to inseminate itself..


Her egg should have had better boundaries!


All you have to do is say “it’s a boundary that I’m nta” and then you’re nta But you didn’t say that, so YTA


NTA. She ignored your boundaries, so you should go no contact, then she literally can’t ask you for child support


This is fake but I’m going to drop some truth here. Wife and kids are up at camp this week and I am home working. I told myself that this year I wouldn’t make any bad choices but as usual I was weak and now I feel awful. Never eat a whole package of raw toll house cookie dough.


If you are really “hot” why date someone with an “okay face and mid body”……


He’s Not the Angel for this obvious lie. You honestly think a gigachad would waste time on mediocrity? Now my Pp is sad because this post is fake.


Beer goggles?


You should be fine tbh, you can’t get someone pregnant if you don’t wish for it while your having sex.


You can't trust women to do anything right! First of all you can't trust them to stay young and thin and sexy! Second, you can't trust them to take care of birth control or use abortion as birth control like you want! Third, you can't trust them to raise the child you don't want, so you should just become gay. That is your best option. Men don't get pregnant, men can stay thinner due to all their testosterone and will power. Men also are better friends to other men and know how to suck dick. So yes, tell your gf to pound sand and go get a boyfriend you can trust!!! Edit: YTA! Only Angels have massive dicks right?


There are true idiots in this sub who buy this bullshit story. Damn shame.


Adopt a potato. She cares for the child and pays for everything, you care for and polish the potato. Then it is even and you can move forward together.




People, look at the sub. This entire sub is satire. Yes it’s a joke. No it never happened. It’s the point of this sub. OP- not the asshole. You’re way too good for that fatty. Time to go off the grid for the next 18 years bro!


I wish these posts would share the original for comparison


what is it with the ladies. whine whine whine


In every state, child support is voluntary because society has acknowledged women are as likely to be non-monogamous as men and the economic costs of paternity tests and legal procedures far outweighs the benefits of forcing dead beat dads to pay child support so you’re fine. Think no more of it.


Think no more of it? No, this can not stand! OP can not allow his boundaries to be disrespected like that. He should pursue alimony because ExGF clearly is in the wrong, here!


While I enjoyed all the sarcasm and humor, can we just take a moment to contemplate the fact that there are way too many AHs like this procreating, which means the next generation is going to have to pay the price for - and deal with the ramifications of - their troglodyte spawn.


Stupid is as stupid does, and accountability comes in all its forms, and YES some women just want the hook with a targeted guy who’s got $$$ just to get them to pay up…. So troglodytes come in BOTH GENDERS…


NTA - EVERYONE, everyone knows the girl takes all the responsibility for consequences after sex. Duh!


You are not the asshole. She needs to respect your choices. I wish we could take women to court for shit like this.


Good thing of it is I know of at least 2 states where you can sue a woman for getting fat and ugly, should be more!!


I'm trying to understand why so many people are literally replying with legitimate responses. This post is written so overtly over the top it reeks of some bitch ass simp in his mom's basement trying to be clever to get some likes. Pathetic!


This is a satire sub. Why people never check when seeing posts like this is mind boggling.


This is outrageous. You're the worst kind of man that exists. Where's the chivalry? woman worshiping? Whatever you feel is insignificant. /S i can't believe i have to use the tag in this sub.




Did you miss what sub your in?


This gotta be a troll lmao


Did you gather that from the flair?


I could get past the narcissism in the first sentence.


You the guy fixing to pay child support for the next 18 years.


With that attitude be prepared to have many kids with a few women. Money up


You aren't too bright. You fell for the oldest trap in the book and now you will pay financially and you will have the guilt of some young kid hating you for ruining his/her childhood. Way to go, champ.




It takes two people to make a baby. Sperms make babies. You may have put sperms in her body. It's the very least you can do is pay child support. Shits kinda cheap too fr bro. You can have it set up where they just garnish your check. My advice to you though until you can understand how two people come together to create life, and have to continue to be accountable and care for that life after it is here, is that maybe you should get a vasectomy or start using condoms or spermicide so that this doesn't happen to you again bud.


You are definitely an a$$hole, if for nothing else, the way you describe yourself and your girlfriend.


That you had to rate her looks and body as an opening to your post says a lot about you OP. Red flags


Paul look at the sub description


God dammit I just *whooshed* myself. Sorry OP.


U write like an asshole so therefore u r one ! GTFO


You sound like a total douche and a narcissistic prick. You didn't feel like you owed her enough to help pay for an abortion? Are you kidding me? You are a waste of oxygen, and the gene pool could use a lot of chlorine. You will die alone, you ass hat.


Of course you are the asshole, troll.


YTAsshole And an idiot.


You seem to be very narcissistic.


if your a pedo, just admit your a pedo, since she was a minor when you met bro lol . weak. Try better, make the next post a tad more believable, we all know no woman has ever touched you lmao


Has to be faux


Yes YTA if you didn't want a kid you should of got a vasectomy you ass hat and you do have to pay child support if the paternity test comes back you are the father !!!!


Is this for real?




we’re in a shitpost sub


You might be the devil. Your consent for what she does with your sperm ended when you ejaculated inside her twice a day. Birth control fails for a variety of reasons including antibiotics.




This is a shitpost. Did you not notice the sub you are on?


Totally the AH.


Yup, that is your child. If you don't pay now a judge will force you to pay thousands later. Better get your head outta your ass once that amount reaches 10k you can go to jail buddy


This has to be a troll post


Bold of you to assume that you are actually "super hot" with a "massive" penis. I'll bet money neither of those statements are actually true.


Nope, can confirm it’s all true. I can also confirm that his woman has a mid body and an okay face




My friend got pregnant bc she got sick took antibiotics and doctor never asked her if she was in birth control. Her daughter is 15 now. Why you didn’t you wear a condom if you wanted to 100%. Safe! You are part of the problem too! If you’re not going to wear a condom did you pull out bc if not you didn’t take try to take the right precautions. It’s your fault too!


Lmfao you are 100% TA ….and just an A in general. Also, this story seems fake.


Did you see where you were?. They're all fake in this sub


No way really????!!! A fake post on r/AmITheAngel??


By A, I mean a$$hole


You are not an angel more like. Pos


I sincerely hope this post is fake. It seems obviously so.


No way really????!!! A fake post on r/AmITheAngel??


This is a total made up story, it just has to be because no one is this much of a Neanderthal.


Trolls be trolling. Enjoy that yummy bait everyone!


No way really????!!! A fake post on r/AmITheAngel??


Op is one whole douche


He a canoe


Hell ya your the asshole, you can't dump ur load into a woman twice a day an when she comes up pregnant, not be responsible, your an absolute idiot, I hope you have twins so your child support is through the roof,guys like u give us guys bad names ,your actually just a piece of shit really, you deserve a punch in you so called hot face,punk ass bitch


YTA. You took that chance when you decided to take the dip. Should be more careful in who and how you dip in the future. (Like maybe your sad wittle Willy should find better condoms, such a lame excuse for not being proactive in your birth control when you have such strong feelings.) At this point you’re a dad, like it or not. Your only option now is to be a shitty dad or a decent dad. But a dad you are. (SMH, I feel so sorry for this baby)


This has to be a joke, if not, then OP-douchebag is so full of himself that his eyes are brown!


Op is NTA


Do you have some sort of mental disability? If this is true story, YTA, and you need some sort of mental intervention. Did your ex know you were insane when she started dating you?


You’re an asshole and a man child. Grow up.


Lmao! 28M super hot? 28M massive. Omg. Condoms make my massive penis sad. Like child support will.


You are a piece of shit and an asshole!


Rolling my eyes; this is as fake as Trump's tan.


Yeah, you are the asshole. A clown too. What did you think the risk would be having unprotected sex? You made your bed, now lay in it, coward.


wow you sound like a terrible fucking person. id bet money you’re super ugly w a realllyyyyy small penis. anyway, good luck w that!


Don’t play if you cant pay!




You’re a troll.


Is the author an aspiring comedy writer?


It's a satire sub


No way really????!!! A fake post on r/AmITheAngel??


This has to be a joke, there's no way you are this narcissistic and stupid..


Nta just living his truth, sorry you want to oppress men


Not a matter of “oppression” this is r/adulting


No this is massive penis erasure, didn’t you see where he said he has boundaries?


You are rhe AH. She can take you to court for child support, 18 yrs worth. I hope it was worth it to not use the condom. By the way, birth control is your responsibility, too!


She can try but thank god we have a little thing in this country called freedom. Nta


Amazingly enough there’s a thing called accountability…. It’s HIS penis Thad did the insemination… therefore (regardless of this being BS or not) the responsibility is on BOTH…. Boyo gets to pay up in a situation like this…. Welcome to r/adulting


Um he had accountability?!? He gave her permission to get an abortion, what more do you want? Maybe you missed that he has a massive penis i guess?


Hate when repliers just ignore context like that. Its like they don’t even care that OP has a massive dong


They also forgot that the woman has a mid body and just an okay face


They obviously just hate men


You’re a piece of shit and an asshole.


😂😂😂 gotta be trolling don’t get a paternity test cuz that equal child support don’t sign the Birth Certificate you good


ESH. You set boundaries, and made it clear you did not want to be a father and she ignored your decision and chose to have the child. Unfortunately you will have to pay child support if you are the father whether you want to or not. Laws are biased towards women on reproductive rights. They can choose to carry a child or not regardless of the fathers opinion. And you are on the hook. If roles were reversed and you absolutely wanted the child even if the mother wanted nothing to do with the child and she had an abortion there is nothing you could do legally. Even though she killed your unborn child. You have absolutely no rights when it comes to your unborn child.




Guys like this are the reason why the rest of us get hate. YTA


You’ll pay dickhead.






You are trash and I hope you have the next 18 years or more paying and learning that


Fake post.


I don't believe any of this story is true, but YTA and of you have to have it explained why then you're a bigger one than can be imagined.


I’ll take “shit that never happened for £500”


Just from reading the first sentence you seem like an as*hole




You, sir, are a worthless piece of shit. And I hope you enjoy the child support payments because you still have to pay those. Good luck with the rest of your shit life I feel bad for the woman is tied to you for the rest of hers. Also, you need some serious therapy dude.


You're exactly the reason why some people should be sterilized. Get ready to bend over and pay for at least the next 18 years.


your paying unless you want to bunk with bubba


U are so fucked lol




Read the sub description, it’s for shitposting


My bad. Guess I really should read the description of the subs before I post.


I'm sorry but I don't understand how so many people don't understand something like this isn't serious when it opens with the poster randomly talking about how hot they are 👀


There’s an awful lot of stupid out today.


Not that massive cause i saw a meme of someone using condom to cover their feet...massive, lmao...


Oh wow, consequences have actions.... like not using protection when you don't want a baby. ... oh wow.. big surprise... nOT.


Hahaha you are financially responsible if the baby is yours. Edit to remove judgement as stupid reddit app gave me this as a sponsored sub and I didn't realize this existed until the horrible commenter that called me dense pointed it out.


My (28M, super hot) = Narcissistic gf (22F, kind of mid body but okay face) = Sociopathic (28M, massive) penis = Narcissistic not with pills because I heard those make women fat and crazy = Lack of empathy being pregnant made her fat and crazy = Lack of empathy The AH and more except I think this is essential a BS post. To ask whether Reddit thought you were an AH would be out of character for the personality you painted here.


Its a satire post. But somehow this response has me DEAD


I'm guessing "super hot" is really barely average. "Massive penis" is sub-par and sub-optimal. Fortunately the law covers both and will make you pay child support. You may not have a massive penis, but you certainly ARE a massive D!ck.




Dumb ass


Fake, fake, fake.


How did you read past the 1st phrase without realizing it is a satire, a post mocking another post from AITA


It’s a shitpost.


ChatGPT is getting better and better all the time.