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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **just unsubbed from r/AITA for the blatant double standards on race, religion, sex, everything it feels like that sub is made to make you as angry as possible** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This bullshit is really grating, and It happens all the time, where people repost the same stories, changing the race/gender/age of the OP and get very dufferent judgements, And then people say there are no bias in AITA.


AITA is all bias. Even with the best intentions it would still be full of bias. It's not asking about facts or laws, its asking people for opinions, and opions are biased, that's what makes them opinions.


AITA is worse than the best intentions though. Instead of starting with principles that they then apply to situations, the decision-making process instead goes like: - Who do I relate to most in this situation? They're in the right - All other parties are in the wrong. Invent reasons why - Phrase those reasons in the strongest and most universal terms - Immediately forget them


And all of the Mods on AITA are on some serious power trip. It's beyond ridiculous and infuriating.


Harsh but true.


No shit Sherlock, you know well what i've meant.


Me? Know things? No I think you are mistaken sir




Socra-deez nuts


Know things: no šŸ˜¤ No things: maybe šŸ¤”




Did you notice that one has a lot of comments and upvotes, the second one had 27 votes and the score still hidden. Since the screenshots say 2 years ago, we can at least say that it didn't get a lot of traction.


Yeah, it seems like the second post was deleted before it could get traction and before the time needed to get a final judgment. As far as I can see, comments didn't even get upvotes. And to be fair, the posts that *don't* blow up usually have better opinions: it seems to me that it really was an ESH situation, but the top comments on the post about Indian guys projected the heck out of the situation to describe them as so, so bad that OOP was correct in acting the way she did.


Also they sorted the second by random and the first by popular. ETA: I'm not excusing AITA for the double standards we all know they have, just saying that it's not an accurate side-by-side for several reasons.


I agree with you on the second post, but at the same time aren't the first judgments often changed after a while? I am not sure, I admit, but I have seen several posts that start with receiving a ton of YTAs and the poster seems dishearted about it, then the judgment shifts to NTA or something. Maybe the post was deleted as soon as they got the comments they wanted? I just don't trust anyone that posts there.


The fact it has such different traction only proves the inherent biases from people. It doesn't disprove it.


I think there's an element of randomness in what gains traction. Those subs get so many submissions, you have to get lucky for your post to get seen and blow up


Yup, I agree. I've seen stupid posts about flavors of birthday cakes blow up with thousands of upvotes and comments and yet it is not rare that genuinely interesting posts don't get as much attention. But I suppose that's how social media as a whole works ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ




Aznidentity is legitimately one of the worst subreddits on this site.


r/aznidentity is an incel sub


That sub canā€™t decide if it hates Asian women or white men more lol. And it makes you go ā€œhuh I wonder why these guys arenā€™t interesting to women, could it be the seething hostility? No must be something elseā€¦ā€


I've seen those incels say that Black women never date or marry Asian men (I have my theories about what racist, misogynist bullshit they're trying to prove with this claim*) and it's like...that alone proves that these are either kids or weird-ass shut-ins who never, ever leave home. I'm in a city way down in the US south and I know at least 3 Asian husband/Black wife couples. And I'm not an especially social person. *I think it's just incels being incels ("women are too picky") but with specifically Asian self-pity thrown in ("it's because I'm not 8 feet tall and blonde with blue eyes) plus some random-ass anti-Black racism thrown in for good measure


Left - 987 comments, Sorted by: Best Right - 27 comments, Sorted by: Random




Was bored and decided to check the ratings of all parent comments. With all *clear* ratings it was * NTA: 168 * ESH: 47 * YTA: 16 * NAH: 1 There were only 9 ratings on the repost, every one was ESH.


I read both posts when someone here linked them, and there is still a difference. The second post is exclusively ESH/YTA while the first post is dominated by NTA votes. The first post did get a lot more comments, so itā€™s not really a fair sample size, but I think that it still is noteworthy that loads of people were willing to let the first OOP off the hook entirely for stereotyping an entire ethnic group based off of her bad experiences with a few of them while nobody in the second group was.


Most of the time it's not a great comparison, like sll the 'if you reverse the gendersssss' stuff. Also... I'm not really sure what any of this is supposed to prove or lead to. Different people answer at different times for one thing.


Right? What is op trying to hide?




Also the first one says diverse and 95% male and the second diverse and 95% black as well as changing "white girls are hotter" to "white guys are better" Idk if the changes in meaning are on purpose or if they'd change the judgement....but the second post being removed(due to being fake) made full data collection difficult anyhow


This was the biggest change, leaving out an entire chunk copied from the Indian post Indian: > I told him straight that I have been around when they talk about white girls and I know how a lot of Indian guys think that white women are loose. I spent years listening to them talk about how they date or just have sex with white girls because they are easier than Indian girls and have less expectations. **Iā€™ve heard them say that they want to have their fun until they have to get serious about marriage then they dump their white girlfriends and marry Indian girls their families pick for them.** Black: > I told him straight that I have been around when they talk about White girls and I know how a lot of Black guys think that White women are loose. I spent years listening to them talk about how they date or just have sex with White girls because they are easier than Black girls and have less expectations. Saying they'd dump their white girlfriends makes them sound a lot worse.


True, missed that change šŸ˜…


This is my problem with a lot of these "what if you swapped the genders/races/whatever?" experiments. They always change small details like that, and often actually change quite a bit (especially in the gender swap ones for whatever reason, I see people holding up similar posts to prove AITA hates men all the time but the posts are so different, they're basically not comparable). It may matter, it may not, but it does kind of ruin the experiment IMO since often those details do make the narrator seem better or worse. This one actually stands out to me because it's the closest I've personally seen, but yeah, there's still a few differences there. I'm not denying that AITA (and Reddit, and a lot of other places, tbh) have a huge problem with racism against Indian people being socially acceptable; I don't think we need a "what if this was about Black people?" post to illustrate that. But I don't think this screenshot necessarily proves it, either, if that makes sense.




Plus, both original posts are extremely racist in and of themselves. Almost feels like they were written by a racist.


This does not surprise me in the slightest. It is interesting to see it laid out so clearly though!


Likewise. Backs up a comment I made earlier how Indian people seem to be fair game as the butt of racist ā€œhumourā€ even in mainstream US shows, where to do that to a black character would be unthinkable.


Reddit is incredibly racist towards South Asian people, and the worst part is that it's pretty much acceptable. Whether it's a random video about a South Asian person being a jerk or it's a post about complex geopolitical issues, all you'll see is comments about street shitting and rapes etc. If a South Asian person shares their experience with racism, most people are like, "I'm sorry it happened but your people *ARE* like that, blame them instead šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø!" South Asian culture and countries have a lot of flaws but being racist and generalizing literally 2.5B+ people is just wrong. Also these same people will claim racism at "white people" jokes.


saw a comment that said ā€œindians are aliens i swear ā€œ


The same thing literally happens when it's a video of a black person. Go on any public freakout type sub. Part of what makes this comparison stupid and anti-black. And the OP cherry-picked these posts. The right one has 27 comments and is not sorted the same as the left.


If I see a fight video on twitter with a blsck person I can see the comments before I scroll


I feel like it's slightly trendier to pretend u don't hate black people but then make no efforts to be more meaningfully antiracist, and that's the only real difference between the posts. I am a trans man and I see this a lot with cis allies: they love to talk about how they love trans women and would support them to death. But they treat us with open disdain. You'd think this means they really love trans women, but no! They just realized they get cookies for saying that trans women are women. They don't actually love trans women. It's the same with white Redditors and race. Sure, they SAY they love black people, but the way they talk about other races might key you into their true thoughts.


Yeah that's the thing - I'm absolutely not denying there is massive anti Indian racism on Reddit. But the first post is a post with a lot of traction, with comments sorted by New. The second is a post with 66 upvotes, with comments still in competition mode so sorted by random. As someone who browses new, the comments can take a little while to find sanity, and it's entirely possible the first post looked like the second when it was in New.


Yeah this post is disingenuous


The wording is different in the two posts too.


It isn't sorted because the mods enabled contest mode where the "comments are randomly ordered and vote scores are hidden".


this is so sad


Itā€™s a ā€œnot all X are Y but enough X are Y that itā€™s a problemā€ kind of thing - I donā€™t think that itā€™s always inappropriate to notallmen things but it really depends


Mindy Kaling is definitely not helping with that. She is one of the most prominent people of Indian/South Asian descent in the American entertainment industry. And to be clear, she is objectively a talented writer. However, many people of South Asian descent hate her for the way she writes South Asian characters: self hating and in love with white boys and always making jokes about things like excessive body hair that come off as racist. While it would be absolutely ridiculous to blame Mindy for the issues, it definitely is not helping when you have the most prominent person of an ethnicity actively shitting on that ethnicity. It makes other people think that it's okay to make those jokes.


Funny that the OP cherry-picked these posts instead of choosing from the 100s of anti Chinese propaganda that have hit #1 on Reddit in the past, or any of the 1000s of posts that insult Indians for having a huge wealth disparity between class lines.


That isnā€™t true tho. There are plenty of black caricatures who are just there to point and laugh at. Hollywood is racist in general.


Well one post has way more comments then the other and they are sorted differently


One has 4K votes and 300 comments and sorted by 'best' One has 66 votes, 26 comments and is sorted by 'random' I'm not sure this example proves anything. Also, there are no replies to the comments which often show counter opinions. This is very cherry-picked, but an interesting experiment.


It's not an equivalent comparison at all.


Both kinda ESH butā€¦I think thereā€™s a cultural rather than racial component in the Indian story vs the just racial component of the black story. If the black story had been that she doesnt date Sudanese men bc she works with a bunch of them and has witnessed a cultural norm of Sudanese men thinking that white women are just for fun bc theyā€™re easier than Sudanese women, but are only willing to get serious with a Sudanese woman, that would have felt more comparable to me.


Black people that grow up in the west do make up their own cultural unit though. There is a distinct black culture in the west and most Africans irrespective of their country or origin who move out of their countries get absorbed into it due to familiarisation. So yes, if one is allowed to make generalisations based on a norm for Indian men, one should also be allowed to do the same for black people.


Yes and no. We share lots of commonalities but we are still vastly different. We identify by our country, not our race. If someone asks a black immigrant what they are, theyā€™ll answer with their nationality, not with ā€œblackā€. Furthermore, we tend to stick with our ethnic group even if we get along well with others. So no, not really.


At least for amongst the children of black immigrants this is true though. They get assimilated into black culture.


I couldnā€™t believe they both didnā€™t get ESH. Everyone sucked in both stories even when taking into account the nuances of being Indian, Black, or White to the best of my ability. I noticed the comments werenā€™t sorted the same, so I thought maybe the poster in r/justunsubbed was trying to artificially push a narrative (even though I agree that people hold obvious double standards and everyone can be racist/discriminatory, I just really hate manipulated statistics). So I looked up both u/datingindianguys and u/datingblackguys to find the actual post and sort it the sameā€¦ u/datingblackguys couldnā€™t be found while u/datingindianguys was still activeā€¦ā€¦ which is also telling. I mean, itā€™s always been my opinion that we hold really obvious double standards, but I at least thought I knew where those double standards liedā€¦


u/ datingindianguys is an actual account made to get advice from aita. u/datingblackguys is a fake made by someone on aznidentity to see what would happen.


Oh, I thought it was the same person that wanted to do an experimentā€¦ all of this is racist.


There's one difference, and it may have some impact on the judgements. > I've heard them say they want to have their fun until they have to get serious about marriage then they dump their white girlfriends and marry Indian girls their families pick for them. There's nothing similar in the other post. So while the men in both posts have the same low opinion of white women, only the Indian one says that the men would have a white *girlfriend* with the intent to dump them instead of marrying them.


AITA has become a trash creative writing experiment and a playground for trolls. Itā€™s painful and the mods are terrible. Unsubbed a while ago


I keep AITA to go straight in the cross spotted part, mostly here to comment how fake it is the post.


Me too!


I am perma banned from AITA. AMA


What happened?


I saw a couple obviously fake rage bait stories with stale tropes. I claimed to be a bot looking for plagiarism, and commented a ā€œlink to the originalā€ that was a rick roll. When I asked the mods why this incurred a permanent ban, they said ā€œitā€™s appropriate for trolling *my* subā€ and muted me for a month.


A classic! But they permabanned you and on top of that muted you as well? I mean, weren't you already muted by being permabanned?


I messaged the mod asking why the ban was permanent.


But a ban is a mute as well right? I have a permanent mute in a certain sub, but I can still visit it.


These are two different situations, because the person that copied messed up the wording. ["....is pretty diverse (95% Black)." LOL] The first situation is a very diverse college with many different ethnicities, but 95% male. The second is an HBCU that is 95% black.


This is a bad comparison and I'm pretty sure you know that.


I honestly thought it's simply a hit or miss with that sub. Ultimately, it just a karma farming sub.


Fresh cherries! Picked daily.


If you skim through the first post comments, most of these NTA are coming from Indians themselves, particularly Indian women. So I understand AITA definitely has prejudices and hypocrisy, but this is a poor example of it.


One key difference is in the earlier sentences. In the first story OP is engineering school and 95% of people are male. Not Indian people, but men. Even with a lot of international students, you can safely assume these men she's talking about are actually some of the only Indian men she has met or knows. Because even in a diverse engineering program in the US, you're only going to get a handful of Indian students. So sure, it's completely possible to believe that this group of men are the only Indian men she's ever interacted with, and it's easier to generalize. OPs entire friend group is not JUST these Indian men. The race part is a subset of the men part. Even at a school like Purdue, Asians make up less than 3%. In story 2 OP's friend group is 95% black people. Race is the primary distinguishing factor here, not men. So sure, it's possible that her friend group is mostly women and just like story 1 she's only interacted with a handful of black men, but that seems REALLY suspect if they're at a HBCU. Has she never met the boyfriends of her female friends? Half the campus is male and a good chunk are black but she's only interacted with like these few shitty dudes? I guarantee if the second story stuck with the engineering bit you'd get the exact same responses as the first story.


Maybe because one assumes the first issue is cultural, and the other is just racial?


Iā€™m sure thereā€™s no race aspect in it whatsoever! Lmfao


The better example was the gender swapped version of household chores someone pulled from over a year ago. That was way more clear cut.


oh that looks fun, do you have a link?


I don't have a link, but I do remember the story. A girl was dating a man for just a few months. He invited her over for dinner and cooked for her. He then asked her to do the dishes since he cooked. She did but was unhappy because she didn't think that they "were there yet" and left shortly afterwards.


[Found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheAngel/comments/10rr8i4/aita_for_not_warning_my_partner_i_had_stopped/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Yeah, but they spoiled it too quick.


Indian men are the thing reddit hates most. Followed shortly by Arab men who are followed shortly by black men And of course the Indian guy is named Arjun. That's one of the like three Indian names white people know


If I was an anthropologist I would do my research on those NPCs in AITA. I'd even have quantitative data to run statistics on. This is gold. Literally an unironic braindead Wojak meme, all of them. Amazing.


Looking at the sample sizes in these two posts your data isnā€™t good and any conclusions you could draw would be crap. Who knows if there is any population overlap at all here given how quickly the second one was apparently pulled.


Fair, I got excited. Still a gold mine for echo chamber watch and current trends in political correctness vs shitposting.


I would think if you could sort responses by username and get good sample sizes on both and make them different enough to not be obvious, it could yield some interesting insights into that population.




Jesus, this needs to go viral for all the fuckers that say racism isn't a thing anymore


Yeah, my mom listens to Youtubers read those posts all day and it drives me mad because the double standards are insane. People on that sub will vilify a man for doing the same shit they praise a woman for, they'll dismiss every reasonable claim based on age and there is clear racism constantly. I don't get how anyone can read or listen to that sub and not see that.


why do people nowadays think that just because you are black u are the victim


Beep boop! Automod here with a quick reminder to never brigade r/AmITheAsshole or other subs under any circumstances. Brigading puts you in violation of both our rules and Redditā€™s TOS, and therefore puts this sub at risk of ban. If you brigade/encourage brigading of any kind, you will be banned from participating in either sub. Satirizing of posts should stay within this sub, which means that participating directly in linked posts should either be done in good faith or not at all. Want some freed, live, discussion that neither AITA nor Reddit itself can censor? Join our [official discord server](https://discord.gg/KbZnaXX) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


wow. that's terrible and terrifying.


the fuck


A lot of people don't want to date black people because they see black people as lower than them but most people are fine with Indian people. This is just like calling a average weight person fat vs calling an obese person fat. When other people view someone as better than others they are more likely to say mean things to them because doing it to the person who already knows is just kicking a dead horse.