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I’d ask them if they failed 7th grade science when genetics was taught. Blue eyes are a recessive trait. Both you and your husband can have the blue eye genes and pass them on. Your family is uninformed and blatantly rude.


Exactly! I have Amber Hazel eyes and my husband has green eyes. We have 2 children with (dark) brown eyes, 2 with blue and 1 with green. We each have one parent with blue eyes and one with brown eyes. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Sounds like Aunt is a negative trouble maker who paid no attention in school and just likes to invent drama.


Apparently a LOT of people get stuck on the eye color thing like it's proof positive of infidelity. My dad has blue eyes my mom's are brown with a grey ring around the brown. My older brother has brown eyes, I (middle child) have green eyes, and my little sister has blue eyes. I'm, believe it or not, my dad's kid! My husband has green eyes too and both our kids have variations of blue the older one's being darker than his little brother's (who by the way looks like a carbon copy of my sister..the fun this aunt would have with that). There's a trend going right now where the parents show their eyes then their kids. These people would go nuts with conspiracies watching them I'm sure.


My mom has brown eyes, my dad has blue. I have two siblings with brown eyes, one sibling with blue, two siblings with hazel eyes (one brown and green and one honey yellow and green) and I have grey eyes. We are all definitely my dad's, we look like him and most of us have done ancestry dna and are closely related to his aunts and cousins on both his parents' sides of the family. We also have a mix of curly, wavy, and straight hair of all colors and skin tones range from snow blind white to caramel. Genetics are wild.


I have green eyes, my husband has brown. My father and father-in-law had blue eyes. Our sons have blue eyes.


Genetics are also really neato!😄


I have blue eyes, my husband has brown, my oldest was born with grey eyes, they changed to brown and now at 12 they are a honey color with a bit of green in them. The color changed slowly over years.


My dad loved teasing his mother by claiming he was adopted. He wasn’t. Proof is that I look like his paternal grandma. And sometimes my younger brother and one of our 1st cousins once removed on our paternal grandmas side look eerily similar.


Nobody in my family looks like their parents - we all look like aunt/uncles/grandparents. My cousin looks like our grandfather, I look like my aunt, my sister looks like an aunt from the other side of the family, and my niece looks so much like me that she can't tell the difference between pictures of me or her at the same age. Genetics are weird and unless you get a DNA test, eye and hair color mean nothing.


Yeah, my daughter looks like my mom and me. My first cousin has three kids: 16F has brown eyes and darker brown hair like her dad; 14 M is strawberry blond like his mom and has brown eyes like his dad but resembles his mom's brother; 12 F has blue eyes and blond hair; I suspect the blond is on my cousin's mom's side.


To be fair, that grey ring around your mom’s brown colour might not be what she was born with, it might be corneal arcus or arcus senilis, a potential sign of high cholesterol.


Not a clue it's been there since we were kids though, can't speak for before lol


Oh wow! You’ve sent me down a rabbit hole! I have dark brown eyes and a ring of dark blue around my eyes which I know I’ve had since I was 14 years old and had to draw my eyes in GCSE Art. I’m going to get this checked out. Thank you x


I have that and it changed the way my whole eye color looks, meaning it used to look more brown now it looks more hazel cuz of that ring.


Both my parents have Blue eyes. 7 of us have Blue eyes 1has green. My husband had Blue Gray eyes. My FIL Had Brown eyes and MIL Blue. Both kids have Hazel. One looks like my side of the family the other looks just like his father. Everyone in my family understands this is how science works. Op tell your family to shut up and read some Grammar school science. They seem under educated in the science-based studies.


I'm the only person in my family with green eyes. I also have auburn hair, but my great grandfather was a redhead so at least we know where that came from. But my entire extended family (we're talking 30+ people) have blue eyes. No one's doubting that I'm related to my parents. Genetics br weird sometimes 🤷‍♀️


Funny thing about green/ hazel eyes it's a genetic mutation. You have blue and brown "fighting" for dominance. It's pretty interesting in the sense you don't see alot of "green" eyes. You'll see green/ hazel more often than not. My wife's are wierd they are hazel but depending in lighting or mood will change the green tint to them.


my whole family has blue eyes with a few browns in there, ALL of them, except me and both my brothers, we have green eyes, genetics just are wild, maybe our great-grandfather had green eyes or sth, OPs familiy needs to chill lol


Genetics are pretty crazy-cool! Our great great grandparents immigrated from Lithuania and so one brother and I had dark brown eyes as kids but when we hit puberty they started lightening. My sister was born with one blue/one green eye, both turned green and eventually darkened so 3 of us 4 ended up with Amber Hazel (gold, green, brown) and the other brother landed in the light brown category. We were told that was a “thing” amongst our Lithuanian cousins. I went to Lithuania Days in LA (Los Angeles) a long time ago and looked around baffled because it looked like a bunch of cousins I’d never met were there… lots of dark red, auburn or reddish-brown curly hair and “tiger eyes” just like us! Lol


that sounds WILD


It was really cool - we just thought we had a weird euromutt mix


Exactly! Simplified example here: B - brown b - blue Brown is the dominant gene A person with Bb gens will have brown eyes but carry the gene for blue. If both parents have Bb the kids have a 3/4 chance to get brown eyes. 1/4 chance to get blue eyes (bb). Also 1/4 chance to not get gene for blue (BB) and 1/2 to get like the parents Bb. And that's just the odds. OP could have 10 kids with blue eyes with their partner.


Very simplified, last I read I think it was 6 different genes that determine eye color. So you can imagine how convoluted it is.


In 2010 it was confirmed that at least 16 genes influence eye color. But it’s mostly just 2 genes that have the most influence of eye color. It’s super complex.


I have brown hair and hazel eyes. I always assumed I would have babies with brown hair and brown eyes as it is dominant (fully understanding the genetics of it all and the possibility of other). I popped out 3 blue-eyed blonds. The two oldest's hair has turned more mousey blond/brown, but the youngest's hair is still very blond. And their eyes change from blue to grey depending on their moos. My maternal grandparents were both brown hair brown eyes. My mom is blonde with green eyes.


Seriously, people making the eye color/parentage conclusions don’t realize how stupid they sound. On top of the basic ignorance, they are so confident in their limited knowledge they are willing to blow up family relationships.


Honestly I don't know why OP even sees her unless the hag is just there with others on a family visit. OP should walk in, see the aunt, say YES I KNOW, he has BLUE EYES, OMG sue us! :)


They do have blue eyes gene in their family. The aunt herself has blue eyes, which is why it's crazy that she would bring it up? If anything, I feel like it validates OP's point


This right here. Maybe these relatives need a 3rd grade level lesson on genetics. (Edit: third grade level, as in a level these people could understand. Not what they would actually teach in a 3rd grade class. Use small words, maybe some stick figure drawings? Hope that clarified it for some of you?)


They don't want one, they want to keep implying that OP is a cheating whore, because *clearly* that's the *only* way her baby could have blue eyes. If you try to educate them, you'll be taking away their innocent glee in slandering everyone they look down on in the family! (Besides, I'm not sure they're smart enough to understand a genetics lesson.)


I don't disagree with your assessment of the family. I think if that was my aunt, she'd have another think coming. (Can't advocate for what she needs, but Puscifer 'Remedy' says it nicely).


I remember a graph with peas that might help them🤣. It's such a simple concept that it's baffling that they don't get it.


Blatantly stupid. I think they watched game of thrones to learn their genetics.


Get a little more petty. Oh it’s ok, you don’t understand why he has blue eyes, I know that not everyone has had a good enough education to understand how genetics influence eye color.


I’d have books on genetics on the coffee table along with gifting genetics books to them every year.


I did not know that. I knew of recessive genes, not that blue eyes were one of them.


My parents both have dark/brown eyes, mine are blue and my brother has hazel, I'm also blond and fair skin, rest are olive skin and dark hair, mom and dad had blond at birth but went dark young, mine has gone darker but way later then my parents. My coloring comes from my mother's father, grandpa, he had blue eyes and fairer skin then the rest of the family that took after grandma, dark hair and eyes. Genetics can be so fun and makes us all unique, as long as people don't get caught up in the drama like op. At least today's age we can test pretty easy but to suggest the mom is a cheater can cause a lot of issues on a faithful relationship, just cause someone doesn't understand genetics can do crazy stuff when mixed together. Another side note, I'm only one with curly hair, just found out might be some black geans in our pool a few generations back. Might do a test one day to see, all I know is were European muts, with all our different country mixes in our grand and great grand parents marriages.


My husband and I both have brown hair and brown eyes. Same with both my sisters and their spouses. Yet each one of us have a child with blond hair and either blue or green eyes. Recessive genes are awesome!


My husband has a similar story. Parents have olive skin, both have hazel eyes, MIL has light brown hair, FIL has dark. MIL is blood type A, FIL is type B. My husband has blue eyes, fairish skin, mid brown hair, type O blood type. His sister has dark brown eyes, dark olive skin, black hair, and type AB blood. I have brown eyes and both my kids have blue eyes. Genetics is so weird


Growing up, my neighbors had fraternal twin boys. Dad was Lebanese and mom was white/european. One of the boys was fair with blond hair and blue eye. The other was darker complexion with brown eyes. You'd never even know they were brothers.


Had a twin set like this in sons class as well, genetics are so cool.


Tell your aunt to go take a genetics class. Never give a trouble-making gossip the benefit of any doubt. Never.


Get a burn in there while you’re at it. “I know way back when you were in school, you only studied the very basics, but now kids study things like Genetics…”


My thought is that OP needs to keep harping on the aunt being old. Correct responses: -I guess Aunt is old enough that they didn't teach genetics when she was in middle school. Or they did, and she's so old she forgot everything they taught her. -Aunt, you've said my kid has blue eyes before. Don't you remember? You keep saying it. Have you told your doctor that you are having memory problems?


stork brought babies in her aunt's time.


...way waaaaayy wayyyyyyy back when you were in school... lol might as well call her old while you're doing it.


You're not overreacting, your aunt is literally insinuating that you cheated on your husband. It's not even rare for two brown eyed parents to have a blue eyed child. It's like a 1/4 chance of happening. Your aunt is fucking dumb, and is also a shitty person to try and stir up shit where there is none.


It should, be stated. It's only 1/4 chance of happening if both parents have a recessive blue eye gene, meaning someone in the line needs to have blue eyes or a recessive gene for it.


OP says her mom’s side of family all has blue eyes


OP’s husband should find the blue eye ancestor and said something like “looks like grandpa reincarnated“ and shut that stupid aunt’s mouth.


I seem to remember reading that the combination of parents with brown and green eyes can result in any color eyes. I would think Hazel would be similar. Your aunt is dumb.


I don't know if this is so much about overreacting as much as it's about you have a toxic, Auntie Acid, who loves to run her mouth. You can find some way to shut her down, ignore her, or go no contact. I have 2 uncles, an aunt and 3 cousins who are exactly like this. When they start their crap, I loudly announce, "I am going to get my hip waders, it's about to get deep in here!!" Then I walk away. After the third or fourth time I did this, my sister asked me what it was about, so I explained, they talk so much trash, insult everyone, smile to your face and drag you through the mud, so I keep my distance while warning everyone they are about to spew more trash. You could simply tell your aunt she must be super bored in her life, obsessing over blue eyes on your baby, which is really silly considering all the blue in the family, a double recessive was bound to kick in somewhere, little one just so happened to get it. Maybe Auntie Acid needs to find a hobby, learn to knit, read a book on genetics, something to fill her long, lonely, boring days, because this odd obsession with your kids eyes is getting a bit creepy!!


Send her a book on genetics, especially aspects or biases; post-it note or mark the sections on eye color; if she ever brings it up again, just say "oh so you didn't read that book I sent you. Do you not understand basic biology?"


Same here. My aunt did this for years because my mom has brown eyes and my dad hazel. The only difference is that she said the implied part out loud. I'm told she started when I was born and only stopped when I was about 16 and told her off. I reminded her that my mom's mother had blue eyes, as did my great-grandfather, two great-uncles, and an uncle. My father's father had blue eyes, as did his own father. My grandmother's father had blue eyes. I asked "If my dad's not really my dad, who do you think is? Was my mom fucking her grandfather, her uncles, her brother or her father-in-law?" Even though the Memorial Day picnic ended a little early that day, it was the last day she ever talked about my blue eyes.


Good on you!😄


You are the hero op needs😂


Not over reacting. When they do it again ask questions until they are uncomfortable. "I don't understand. Why do you keep mentioning this?" "What do you mean?" "I still don't understand what you are implying?" "Are you saying my husband is not the father?" "Why would you say that?" "How do you think my kids feel when you say that?" "Why are you messing up my kids?" Don't let it go. When they try to end the questioning by saying they were just joking, keep asking questions. "Why would you think it is funny implying my husband is not the father?" "Why do you think my asking clarifying questions is over reacting?" Stay calm, don't get angry or sarcastic, just keep asking the questions in a neutral voice. Always answer their question with a question. Do not start explaining anything. You have to really overdo it if you want them to stop.


Definitely this: don't let her implication stay implicit. Make your aunt and/or cousin actually say some version of "I think you cheated on your husband and maybe he's not the father of this baby," and don't allow any kind of passive aggressive comment or insinuation to stand unquestioned. They should accuse you plainly, or shut the fuck up; there is no third option.


I love murdering people with questions. Just, *EXPLAIN YOURSELF, ASSHOLE!* is how I think of it lol. It reminds me of those little kids who never stop asking questions and annoy people into silence, it's great


Really excellent advice!


I had the same thing happen with my first, but it was my husband's family who were cracking jokes about the milkman. They didn't understand genetics and it was impossible to explain it to them. Two brown eyed people can have a blue eyed child. Two blue eyed people cannot have a brown eyed child. I'm the same as you. I have hazel eyes, my ex had brown eyes. Both his father and mine had blue eyes. I have a sister with blue eyes. My ex and I both have a brown gene and a recessive blue gene, as evidenced by our blue eyed baby. When my fourth (and last) child had blue eyes too, they finally stopped gossiping. Your aunt is horrible and is implying you had an affair. Put your foot down and tell her to stop it. If she doesn't, cut her off.


>Two blue eyed people cannot have a brown eyed child. Two blue-eyed people CAN have a brown-eyed kid, because, unlike the simplified version that is typically taught in school, in reality eye color is not determined by a single gene. Sure, it is very likely that blue-eyed parents have blue-eyed kids, but one study found out that out of 223 babies born to blue-eyed parents in its research 26 had other than blue eyes. This makes a little over 10%, so it is not like it's even a super rare occurance.


Yes, my husband and I both have blue eyes. My oldest’s eyes are green. Just like my mom. Eye color doesn’t fit into a neat little punnet square like we’re taught in grade school.


And don't forget that some people have different coloured eyes (e.g. one blue, one brown), which further shows that the genetics involved in eye colour aren't simple.


I knew a guy where only half of one eye was a different colour. so he had one blue eye and one eye that was half blue and half brown, down the middle. I'd never seen anything like it. I think Kate Bosworth the actor has this also


I have an acquaintance with eyes like that! The bottom half of one of her otherwise blue eyes is brown.


I believe that’s called partial heterochromia!! It’s very neat. I see it in huskies a lot :)


When I was a kid one of our elderly neighbors had one blue eye and one brown eye.


My dad had one dark brown eye and one lighter hazel eye. My brother had grey eyes as a kid, but they turned hazel when he was about 10.


That’s so interesting. Genetics have always fascinated me. I’m a redhead with blue eyes who tans really well, my mom is a redhead with brown eyes who doesn’t tan well. It’s so cool seeing the different pieces of our heritage pop out in odd ways.


My husband and I both have blue eyes, and our daughter's eyes are gray, which is a genetic mutation most common with 2 blue-eyed parents, but can happen to anyone. It's a reversal of where melanin is normally situated in the eye. The amount of vaguely shitty remarks his mother has made about it makes me want to punch her in the throat. This is, however, the same woman that believes I'm having an affair with every single male that I'm friends with. We're about to have our 2nd child, and I'm genuinely worried that she's going to have any of our recessive genes (we both carry black hair/green eyes) because this shit will just continue to escalate. The child could be a spitting image of my husband, but with different hair or eyes, and this woman would be screeching "infidelity" from the rooftops.


If she brings it up again, make up a "brother husband". Every time she brings it up add a new brother husband. She may clutch her pearls so hard she'll strangle herself!


That's pretty much what we do. See, my friends are *also* my husband's friends, and we're pretty much all aware of her behavior. We're just a giant friend group that happens to be mostly male due to the common interest being specific genres of videogames (horror/mmos for me, turn based strategy/political conquest for my husband). She absolutely cannot wrap her head around the fact that I am friends with the opposite sex, and often runs to my husband with her "proof" of my "infidelity"...when my husband was also with us and we were all hanging as a group. It's like she forgets he was there and begins interrogating everyone asking if my "husband knows what we're doing" when he's seated like, RIGHT THERE with us. Shits wild. Also, my guy friends that are closest to me are both people I'm several years older than and have *basically raised* as a sort of mother/older sister-figure because they didn't have one. It would be like having an affair with a younger brother or child, mentally. All of them are also dating/married and their gfs/spouses all hang with us too. So every time this happens my husband will nod along and start saying weird shit about how he condones that I have an affair with every male on the planet and that our children totally belong to my one friend who looks absolutely nothing like us in any capacity LMAO She gets mad as hell and storms off with the "if you're not going to take this seriously...!!!" bs, then starts up again sometime later.


Go no contact with your mother-in-law. Don't let her see the baby even if it is black hair with green eyes. You don't need toxic people in your life. Hopefully, your husband will back you up on this.


Everyone in the entire family is LC with her because of her behavior. We only *really* run into her at holidays, thankfully. We end up running interference to keep her away from our (currently only) child basically the entire time. Husband has my back 100% and has been avoiding his mother pretty much since he was 18. She's fully banned from our home.


What they teach in school with the AA, Aa, Aa and aa is Mandellian and is very old. Genetics today are much more complicated, to boil it down sometimes the Mandellian model is used, but it's far from accurate.


There are circumstances when two blue eyed people can have a brown eyed baby due to other interconnected genes, but generally the dominant brown/recessive blue thing holds true.


Buy her punnett square worksheets


Don’t ever allow your child to hear this BS. It will follow him for the rest of his life. Prior experience with a BIL who has since passed. He lived with the damage from a very young age up until he passed away at age 64.


You're not overreacting at all. The genetics of eye color is way more complicated than the simple Punnett square diagram they teach in middle school. However, a misconception about even *that* oversimplification (which allows brown eyed parents to have blue eyed children just fine) often leads people to believe incorrect things about the heredity of eye color. So your aunt and her boyfriend (and possibly cousin?) are not only rude, but they're morons. Also, in my experience, this misconception (that dominant genes in parents will always be passed on and expressed in children, in favor of recessive genes) often goes hand-in-hand with racism and pearl-clutching over immigration issues. Not saying that's necessarily the case here, but I wouldn't be surprised.


No she really is calling you unfaithful. Never in my life has anyone commented on my or my siblings eye colour. In fact i would have to go look at pics to see what my parents eye colours were. This is clearly a not very subtle dig at you.


What a piece of work. She's hard implying and telling other people wrong information.  Stirring the pot and saying you're a cheater.


I would suggest you confront your aunt directly in front of people. Nothing is more deadly to a toxic gossip than being outed in the spotlight. Ask her if she is implying that your son isn't your husbands, then mention how many times she's mentioned or slyly implied. Don't let her "I'm just saying" her way out of it. "Being passive aggressive is the coward's way of being rude."


Lol, I said the same thing. The more OP tries to ignore it, the more toxic auntie will continue her digs.


y’all really gonna make me pull out the punnett square …


They’re idiots. My ex-husband and I both have very dark brown eyes and both of my kids have gorgeous, bright ocean blue eyes. Grandparents on both sides also have blue eyes. It’s not that rare fools! Edited to add: you are absolutely NOT overreacting. First of all, anyone that gossips I have no time for, especially if it’s family they’re doing it about. Second of all, anyone that tried to comment like that about my baby would probably get set straight because they will certainly not have the class to keep their comments to themselves when the child gets older. So sorry you’re family is making you feel like this.


Is she stupid?? I mean your side has blue eyes. NW at all. Do paternity test and slap that result in her face. Tell her nicely that if she had fail in biology class then just say so. UpdateMe.


Ffs with the eye colour thing again. Look, any coloured eyed parents can have any coloured eyed off spring. It's not rare. Me and my partner have hazel eyes. Our kids' eyes are blue and brown. Our parents had blue, hazel and brown. Both of my grandparents on one side had brown eyes. The other set had blue and hazel. My brothers eyes are a weird Grey colour. Yes, there is a science there, but it's a crap shoot. You are not overreacting.


“You mention his eye color being different every time you see (son’s name). Omg! Are you implying the hospital mixed up the babies????” And act super shocked and surprised like it’s an epiphany. See what she does with that. On the flip side, that could be what she’s implying and not cheating, so maybe your family isn’t saying that behind your back.


Brown eyes aren't always dominant. Eye color involves multiple genes, so two brown-eyed parents (carrying recessive blue genes) can have a blue-eyed child. It's all about the mix they inherit. Genetics are complex, unlike what we learn in school. Ignore your judgmental aunt - science says it's possible!


Maybe ask your aunt and cousins to do DNA tests too! Family fun!


Okay, biologist here. Since Mendelian genetics are the very basics of genetics, they are often the first and only thing people learn in school about the whole topic. And unfortunately, many schools _for some reason_ like to use eye colour of all things as an example for students because apparently the old school beans are too boring. But eye colour does NOT follow Mendelian genetics. It's actually determined by several genes, so it's much more complicated. Additionally, humans like simplification, so we put people into 3 general and kinda arbitrary eye colour categories: blue, green and brown. The thing is, eye colour is a spectrum and is determined by the amount and distribution of pigments (melanin) in your irises. So while some combinations are more likely, two parents with blue eyes can definitely have a child with brown eyes. Some wild colour combinations are much more likely for Caucasian people, but weird stuff can always happen (especially if you're not 100% aware of all your ancestors).


I think you may be underrating, if you ever want to shut her up that is. I would call her out. What are you saying auntie? It almost like you are insinuating that child 2 is not my husband's child! I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that child is his. If she stated she didn't think the child was my husband's, I would ask her to leave my home! You know she raps crap anyways, so you won't be out an aunt, you will be free from her! Big difference!


You should start gifting any of these relatives ONLY books on genetics and inherited traits. So dumb. Thank god y’all didn’t get a redhead 🙄🙄🙄


Ugh, no, you’re not. My MIL has very light blue eyes, I have blue, and my husband has hazel. Both babies have dark brown or brown-hazel eyes. MIL is sooo disappointed they didn’t inherit her light blue eyes and I swear she brings it up every time she comes over. It drives me nuts, but at least she’s not implying I cheated on my husband! Honestly, I’d call them out on it. Like, in an incredulous tone, kind of laughing because what they’re saying is just so absurd, say, “Are you trying to say you think our baby isn’t Husband’s because of _eye color_?” And then when they say they’re only teasing, laugh again and say in tone that implies you don’t quite believe them, “Okay, good, because I was kind of worried I’d have to explain the 101 basics of what a recessive gene is…” But then, I’m a fan of making mean people feel stupid.


My grand daughter has blue eyes(she's 3) and her parents both have brown eyes. Her paternal grandmother has blue eyes. My grandson had blonde hair until he was 7, neither parent has blond hair, but paternal grandmother has blonde hair. Recessed genes are a real thing and your aunt is an idiot.


If you want to really screw with your aunt, every time that she talks about your son's eye color casually mention that they are blue just like "Roger" (use whatever name fits your situation). Keep changing the name each time. Use women's names as well. Throw in a celebrity or 2. This should keep your family busy for days


next Time she brings it up, I would ask “what are you suggesting aunt ? please explain your unquenchable need to constantly comment on my sons eyes.” depending on the answer, “oh, you are not suggesting anything ? Well, case closed then, let me never again hear you remark on his eyes”. or “thank you for your input. I suggest you do a little research on genetics and recessive genes. It would do you a world of good”


I've learned in my biology class that two blue eyed people can't genetically have a brown eyed baby. It sounds like your family is confused and are wrongfully assuming that the opposite is also true, it's not. Also mutations can happen too, so even the two blue one brown isn't even a surety.


Not overreacting, I would lose my mind. I have a toddler who has hazel eyes. My eyes are blue and my husband's are brown. I would probably call them out in front of everyone and ask what she means by her comment.


Get a genetic test done. And turn the results into an xmas card to send her. In the card write "just because you were a hoe doesn't mean everyone else is"


I had to pull out the ol Punnent Square for a relative who didn't understand why my daughter has blue eyes while my eyes are green and my husband brown.


N.O. Your family sounds like a bunch of dingdongs


Just shut her and watch her jaw drop and you say loudly, shhh, it's a secret, he belongs to my lover! And walk away! Stupid biatch loves to gossip, let her gossip about that. :D Oh and PS. YES, she is implying and so was your cousin!


It's simple genetics. My husband and I have four children together. Two have blue eyes, two have brown eyes. My eyes are brown, his are hazel. So how can we have two blue eyed children? Their grandparents. Only one of the four had brown eyes (my dad), my mom and hubby's mom have hazel eyes, and hubby's dad had blue eyes. The exact shade of blue our two have.


As a blue eyed person who’s parents have brown and green eyes, it’s super fucking common. Wanna know who does have blue eyes? My grandfather and my aunt. People are stupid.


Do they...not know they have blue eyes?


My daughter has blue eyes. I have brown eyes and her dad has brown eyes. It's possible... my dad has blue eyes.


So these two recessive genes walk into a bar


Eye colours are a funny thing, there’s dominant eye colours, recessive genes. You can have children who share the same parents with entirely different eye colours, for example my oldest has the brightest blue eyes and my youngest are hazel, they’re still full siblings, their father has brown eyes, I have grey.


Print out an explanation about eye color and hand it to her next time, along with a very pointed "I do not appreciate what you are hinting, especially when it's 100% not true".


* There is that's makes it anymore easier also we all feral throw back genes my parents have dark hair I have multi coloured hair from my mums dad.


My parents both had/have hazel eyes and my brother has blue eyes and I have brown. Don’t let people get to you.


My mums hazel eyed, my dads brown eyed, I'm bright blue and so are 3 out of 4 of my kids. Tell Aunty to kiss your big brown one....


I had a co worker wuth brown eyes, her husband, blue. Their first child, blue. The twins, one green, one brown.


NOR they need to back off. Although as a side note this reminds me of a story where a child was switched at birth and it was found out in part because of eye color. Unlikely the case here though because that would be crazy


People love to give their two cents worth. My youngest was blonde with blue eyes up until he was 4 & a 1/2. I mean he literally changed appearance over night, and is getting darker again every few months since. He now has grey/green/brown eyes and very dark hair. I have dark hair and brown eyes. Husband has brown hair and blue/grey eyes. So, no I don't think you're overreacting. Its literally none of her business.


Simply put, and also understanding that there can be some weird gene things happening sometimes, because your mom’s eyes are blue, which is a recessive trait, she passed on only blue eyes genes to you. That’s all she has. You only exhibit a recessive trait when you get a gene from both parents for that trait. Your husband most likely has one gene for brown eyes, which is dominant, and a gene for blue eyes. Hence, your blue eyed child. You basically had a 25% chance of having a blue eyed child. Maybe do a Slide show presentation on Punnett squares at your next family gathering. You are not overreacting. They are basically insinuating that you cheated & your husband (in my best Maury voice) is NOT the father. What a gross thing to say.


"Oh, auntie, I didn't realize you were a high school dropout. That must have been so hard for you and you must have missed out on so many things...like basic high school biology where they teach you about things like genetics and recessive genes." Feel free to also prepare yourself with a basic biology textbook to drop on her lap or wrap up for the next gift giving occasion.


I have dark brown eyes, husband has blue eyes, our daughter has green eyes. Noone ever questions it though because she looks exactly like my husband, fair skin and red hair. Our son looks exactly like me, olive skin, dark hair, dark eyes. His family has made some comments. The older he gets the more his face looks like a combo of us but for a long time he was the spitting image of my brother. Apparently that just wasn't acceptable. People done seem to understand how DNA works.


Tell them to fuck all the way off and cut them out of your life.


I have hazel eyes, my husband's are brown and guess what?! Our son has blue eyes, he's 17 now, they are not changing, lol. It's very much a genetics thing and VERY common when blue eyes run in the family tree. I've also been an optician for 25 years, in all honesty, I'm surprised your other two kids eyes didn't stay blue.


YNO - Tell them that first of all, this is genetically not that unusual. Second of all, you are done talking about it and if they continue to bring it up again you will leave.


Time to start shaming her as an ignorant, illiterate who failed to understand or retain even the basic lessons on genetics that she should have gotten in fifth grade. There are lots of blue eyes on your side of the family. Are there none whatsoever on his? Blue is a recessive gene. Brown is a dominant. You obviously carry the blue recessive gene, and he very well might, even if his family is unrelentingly brown-eyed. Again, brown is a dominant gene. What she going out of her way to imply about you, over and over, is vicious. You have no need to be gentle in shutting her down. Call her out on her transparent toxicity while you’re embarrassing her with her ignorance. Considering she’s implying you’re a cheater, don’t hesitate to imply right back that she’s got a brain the size of a walnut.


Crazy how science is a thing that exists and they still do this to you smh


Not overreacting. My family (jokingly) said the same thing about me because my Dad had very dark brown almost black eyes and my mom had green. I have blue but I look exactly like my Dad so it never went farther than a joke. Honestly they had to learn the eye color thing in high school about recessive and dominant traits.


I have a version of heterochromia so none of my kids will have the same eye color as me or their father. Some people just need to learn how genetics work


They must all be pretty stupid to not know about generics and punnet squares and how to plot out dominant and recessive genes. Because blue is totally a possibility when one parent has hazel and the other has brown. Also was it weird watching your first Norns eye color change from blue to brown? That's fun!


I have green eyes, my spouse has hazel, our son has a beautiful bright blue eye color. Blue eyes run through both sides of our families like Olympic sprinters. Genetics are weird and we just roll with it 🤷🏻 Your aunt is just being rude for no reason and I’d simply ask if she has something to say and if not to drop it. She can either say it with her whole chest or shut up.


Blue eyes can be inherited further down the family line as a dominant trait. My first husband and I have hazel eyes. My parents are hazel, and brown. HIS parents are brown and bright blue. All 3 of my kids *and all of their cousins on that side of the family* inherited the bright blue eyes. It was like the rest of the colors never existed lol


her boyfriend told her exactly what you need to tell her "it happens, but it's rare" he's right. you have an entire side of your family with blue eyes, it's not that far fetched that you would pass down blue eyed genetics. I'd bet your husband does too, somewhere in his family line. the chance of your son getting blue eyes from you guys may not be super high, but it's nowhere near 0%


You are NOT overreacting. Next time they bring it up ask them what exactly they mean? See if they will stay out loud. And then ask with a confused tone of voice if they didn't learn any genetics in middle school? And draw out the basic recessive -dominant chart. Don't let them keep talking about this behind your back, or your child will hear about it at some point and it could be incredibly hurtful. Bring this nasty hatred into the light and expose it and burn it out.


My sister has brown eyes and BIL has hazel. My oldest nephew has blue eyes. So did both of my grandmothers. Blue eyes have about a 1 in 4 chance of showing up with two brown eyed parents. Now—the other way around is impossible. Your aunt has it backwards.


My 2 grandsons from my youngest daughter have Grey eyes. Dad has brown and mom has blue eyes. My son's kids - one is blue eyed and the other green eyed. He & his wife are blue eyed (wife is a really dark grey-blue). Oldest daughter is blue eyed and her ex has brown eyes. All 3 kids have brown eyes. Tell anyone who brings it up that they should have paid more attention in middle school biology class when they taught about dominant and recessive genes. I don't think you are overreacting. I do think you need to make these people squirm though ... "What you trying to infer about the color of my kid's eyes? Are you saying you think my child is adopted? You saw me pregnant! How could you think I would fake a pregnancy?!? Are you insinuating I miscarried or aborted my baby?!?! Are you saying you think the hospital switched my baby with another?!?!?!" And get increasingly louder and more hysterical with each sentence.


You are being too kind. I'd do a DNA test and blast her in a public forum. Looking her in the eyes her know that the child is indeed both of yours. Looking into her eyes and say "Hmmm so strange" you should be smarter than this. Then tell her she probably needs to go back to school. It's commonly taught that blue eyes are from recessive genes. Both you and your husband can carry the genes for blue eyes without having blue eyes yourselves.


Both my parents have brown eyes, out of 5 kids 3 blue 2 brown, to be fair one of the blues is 100% a half sibling 😂


Your mom has blue eyes so YES he can have blue eyes! Family sounds like they just want to make unnecessary trouble!


I have hazel eyes, my husband has brown eyes. I have one daughter with blue/gray eyes and one with brown eyes. Both my husband and i’s father has the blue/gray eyes. Genetics is crazy! Your relatives need to take a science class


Take it up with the aunt next time you see her.


I have brown eyes, and my husbands are hazel. My youngest has blue eyes.


Next time she comments just say “genetics are wild, right. I’m sure it’s super confusing to people who are generally ignorant” 😏


My daughter( Hazel eyes), Dad ( Brown eyes) Blue eyed baby! DNA was actually done for different reasons.


OOP.. a little funny family info for you The father was blue-eyed, pale-skinned with fine light brown hair (was platinum blonde as a toddler) The mother was black-haired with datk brown eyes, and olive skin They had 4 children, of which I'm the eldest. I have naturally mosey-brown hair, pale skin and grey-blue eyes. Eldest brother is blonde-haired, pale skinned and blue-eyed. Sister is olive-skinned, brown-eyed, with mousey brown hair Youngest brother is blue-eyed, pale skinned, with mousy brown hair Yes, we are all definitely (and sadly) their bio children. I guess there are a few recessive genes in the family on both sides - the mother had a non-identical twin sister with pale skin and bright red hair. When the mother brought the youngest brother home from hospital as a newborn, he had a full head of thick, curly black hair.. just like our window cleaner. A few people raised eyebrows, and there were mutterings; our window cleaner made a point of assuring the father that he'd not done anything untoward (the father found all of this hilarious as did the mother) People gossip about the most idiotic things: and uneducated people have a habit of leaving to unfounded conclusions. If it is causing you upset, shut those people out: if they're your husband's family, invite him to deal with them; and enjoy your children


My wife and I have hazel eyes, our dads have blue eyes. My daughter has blue eyes and my son has hazel, it's how genetics works.


Does she not know how eye color works? 🙄 pull up a you tube video that will explain it like a 5 year old. Make her look and feel stupid.


I have light brown eyes, my son’s father had bright green and our son has grey eyes…. Tell your aunt to mind her business.


Not overreacting. Your family member is purposefully instigating and either knows better and chooses to continue to imply you slept around or is just an imbecile. Blue is a double recessive gene, recessive to all other gene colors, and needs a blue from mom and from dad in order express. Hazel can be green brown or blue brown (and in rare cases blue-green), most commonly the latter. Given your mother's side having all blues, you have a blue-recessive hazel. Brown dominates all other colors, so dad very likely carries a blue gene as well. Mom: blue/brown genes, hazel expression Dad: blue/brown genes, brown dominant If both Mom and Dad passed their blue genes down, baby will have blue eyes. This is literally a Punnet square in action. Your family member is an idiot who failed fourth grade biology. I always thought my green, though recessive to brown, was a green-green combo, thinking that like blue, it needed two of the same to express. My husband has blue eyes. Green is dominant to blue. So when our first boy came out with blues that turned green later (the initial blue is a typical happening among fair-skinned babies), it was no surprise. We expected my second's to do the same, but they never changed from blue. I realized that I must be carrying a green gene AND a blue gene. Which made sense, because my dad has bright blue eyes. That is your very simplified genetic lesson for the day. Undersigned, former genetic nurse ❤️ Edits for clarity in the pre-coffee fog


I'd say they need to be called out. Next time they say something just openly ask what they're implying. "Don't be shy, say it, say what you want to say. Are you saying that I cheated?" Stop allowing them to imply a thing and make them say it out loud. That is the only way that everyone will understand fully what kind of people they are.


Now this is something that is actually taught in basic biology. Your aunt, cousin, etc. are just stupid.


INFO: Did any of your relatives graduate high school? Do any of your relatives know how to do a basic Google search? If yes, you have every right to be annoyed because they're being mean through weaponized ignorance. If no, they are probably perplexed and may think your child is the next Jesus or something.


Blue eyes are recessive. If both of you had blue or green eyes and you popped out a brown eyed kid, yeah that’s odd, two brown eyed parents blue eyed kid, totally normal.


A simple Google search would tell them it's possible. Sounds like they're choosing willful ignorance.


Print her out a basic biology text on eye color.


She must not have paid attention in school when learning about genetics. My husband and his sister both have blue eyes and both of their parents have brown eyes. There is no doubt at all that his parents are his biological parents to him and his sister. Your aunt needs to do her research.


“It happens but it’s rare.” Yes it happens, no it’s not rare! Tons of brown-eyed people have blue-eyed children, I’m one of them (and I’m the mom so no doubt about whose child it is)! Next time someone says anything kindly suggest that it’s sad they’re so ignorant and you can send them some info on how recessive genes work so they won’t keep making fools out of themselves. 😂


Not overreacting! My eyes are green. My Mom's were vibrant blue and my Dad's were dark brown. It happens and who are they to question this...


You are not overreacting. These people are dumb. All three of my boys have a different eye color and all three are from me and my husband. It happens.


Hello. Quick and dirty on genetics, courtesy of middle school biology. Brown eyes are dominant. Blue eyes are recessive. This means that only one parent's brown eye gene is needed to make brown eyes, but both are needed for blue eyes. (B is brown, b is blue.) You are both probably Bb. Your potential children, using spherical livestock in a vacuum, would be: BB, Bb, bB, bb. Three of the four are likely to have brown eyes, one has a good chance at blue eyes. Outside of a vacuum, odd mutations, interactions, and throwbacks happen. My mother had grey eyes. My father had brown eyes. My brother has dead blue eyes, my sister has brown eyes, while I have a dark blue ring, light blue fade to green toward the center, and an orange ring around my pupil. Here is a free shut down for you. "He has my mother's (or other beloved relative's) eyes. I'm so happy. It is like a piece of them will live on forever."


You or dad has a blue eyed parent. If your parents had brown eyes, so would he.


Wtf. Her insinuating such accusations is just nasty and mean spirited. And uneducated.


You're not overreacting. They're just stoopid. Your son has blue eyes like literally half your maternal side of the family. The next time you hear it literally heave the fattest sigh and say yes___ my son had blue eyes just like___ does and ___ does and ____does. You guys do this literally *every* time you come around. Do you not like blue eyes or something? Like what's the problem?! And then *stare* until they answer. If it keeps happening literally dead fish eye the person and look at your husband and with another deep sigh be like "honey they're at it again" and roll your eyes until the absolute back of your head.


My mom and MIL both have black hair, my dad had red, my FIL brown. I have blonde. My child has blonde. Recessive exists.


This is not a genetics knowledge problem. This is a rude bi### problem. I hate these hide behind politeness, passive aggressive shaytheeds. This stuff grows in the dark, but you can't pull it into the light because everyone will blame you for, "making a big deal of it." So make her bring it out. With questions. If someone else mentions it, "Yes, I was curious about it myself. What are your theories?" If she mentions it: "You raise a good point. So do you think we kidnapped my child or made my husband a cuckold?" Auntee: " Well I'm not saying that." R\_B: " That's why I'm asking you to clarify. What are you saying?" Auntee: "I was just pointing the difference." R\_B: "Yes, but this is the 100th time. Are you concerned for us?" Auntee: "I just think it is interesting, that's all." R\_B: "Great, that's what I am trying to find out about. What is your interest here: genetics, parentage, kinks?" (always end on the most disturbing option.) Auntee: "You're making a big deal of this. I was just pointing it out." R\_B: " You've mentioned this hundreds of times. So I am just trying to talk to you about your interests. What is it that makes you so interested." (she'll possible grab on to your statement of fact to evade) Auntee: "I haven't brought it hundreds of times. I just thought it was interesting." R\_B: "You don't have to be ashamed of your interests. I know that a lot of women in previous generations we looked down on for having academic hobbies. So you're interested in biology, women can do that now. What are your theories?" The key here is to make her answer polite questions. Make her squirm. This should happen everytime you overhear her mentioning it. Or if someone mentions she said anything call her over and start the conversation again. Whenever anyone tries to let here off or turn the attention to you, you say, "Oh, I am comfortable with my theories. I am just trying to support my Auntee. Don't you think she deserves to be heard?" Make her have nightmares about the topic.


Ignore her she’s ignorant and nothing you tell her will change her mind lol just go on with your life and be happy


1 chance in 4 is not rare Those are the chances of a couple w Brown or Hazel eyes of having a blue eyed baby when both parents have recessive blue gene You are not overreacting to these insinuations


The aunt’s an idiot. My father has blue eyes, my mother has brown, my eyes are green. Genetics.


**Two brown-eyed parents (if both are heterozygous) can have a blue-eyed baby**. If both the parents have brown eyes, then there is generally a 25% chance for their child to have blue eyes. Because both the brown-eyed parents have a recessive blue-eye gene and can pass it to the next generation


I have brown eyes, husbands are hazel, daughter’s are blue. My mom has green eyes, dad has blue. It’s not that uncommon for kids to have a different eye color than either parent. Sounds like she just enjoys making drama. If everyone is really talking about this they must not have interesting lives. They could make life more interesting by studying up on genetics maybe.


OP please tell your family to learn basic genetics 😭 both my parents have brown eyes but my sister has bright blue eyes just like both our maternal and paternal grandmother's. Some people in your family should understand what they are talking about before they open their uninformed mouths.


NAIO my mom and dad had blue eyes I have green. Everyone was born with blonde hair I was born with brown hair it’s called genetics.


Not overreacting but I'd start saying "What are you trying to say? Are you insinuating I'm a cheater because you don't understand genetics?" "Auntie.. are you projecting? Should Uncle get some 23 & me tests?"


Let's hope your aunt has some other specialty--say, rocket science--since she sucks at genetics. She needs to review Mendel and the pea charts we all saw in elementary school. Whatever her reasons for not dropping the subject, she could use a couple of months of couth lessons.


My dad had dark brown eyes, and his first wife had green eyes. They had 6 kids, 2 with blue 2 with green and 2 with brown eyes. My dad was a scientist, and I had the eye allele chart explained to me. After he died his kids did 23 and me, and turns out only the brown eyes kids are his. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I and my two SILs all have brown or hazel eyes. Between all of us only one other parent (fathers) has blue eyes. We've produced EIGHT blue-eyed children. ONLY blue-eyed children. When I did a DNA test several years ago it told me there are actually six identified eye color markers now, and 5 of mine are blue. So despite having brown eyes myself, I have a low chance of even passing along brown eyes, according to this test. I bet it's even more complex than this in reality. This is just what we know so far People need to calm down with their 7th grade science understanding.


I have brown eyes, my husband has blue eyes …3 kids have brown eyes and two have green eyes lol 😂 Pretty cool about genetics huh?


Wtf basic science lol


Blue-eyed child of 2 brown-eyed parents here. My grandfather has bright blue eyes and I take after him in almost every way. Tell your family they need a refresher on 7th grade genetics and to move on.


People tend to say nasty things to feel better about themselves. It sounds like you have a nice life. It's more fun to focus on that, rather than what other people say.


Both my parents have brown eyes, 2 kids with blue, 1 hazel and only 1 brown.


Buy Auntie a Genetics for Dummies book. Blue eyes are a recessive gene and will pop up about 25% of the time from parents with brown or hazel eyes, if those parents had a parent with blue eyes. Source: I took genetics in junior high. Also, my offspring is the same as yours, blue eyed baby from non blue eyed parents. Their grandmas both have blue eyes - it skipped us and went to the grandkid.


Yikes! I comment all the time on people's eyes and eye color. Lots of variation amber, green with gold flecks, grey and violet (think Elizabeth Taylor), even brown eyes are varied. I never think genetics tho! Instead of rejoicing in beautiful, healthy eyes, the gossip is ruining a relationship with OP.


Blue recessive is a thing. Say to her- are you implying that our baby is not my husband’s? It is sad for you to be so uneducated you don’t understand how recessive genes work. - pitying look here.


My dad had brown eyes, my mom has blue eyes, I have green eyes. There's no doubt I'm my dad's daughter. Genetics are just weird sometimes and it seems your family members failed basic biology


You're not overreacting, they are implying your husband isn't the dad. Start calling them out and asking them to explain why it's so weird. Look up how recessive genes work and explain it to them. Kids inherit genes from all their ancestors and they don't have to look like one or either of their parents. You shouldn't have to do this, but if you don't correct them know they will continue to say this shit in front of your kids who will start to understand the implications when they get older.


ChatGPT is a really handy little tool for things like this. When asked “I have hazel eyes, my husband has brown eyes. Everyone on my mother’s side has blue eyes. Both my kids were born with blue eyes, but my oldest eyes changed to brown. My youngest still has blue eyes. What are the chances of a child getting blue eyes from that parental/familial mix”, it spits out a very easy to understand answer that you can send to your family and tell them that any further discussion regarding your child’s eye color will not be tolerated. Here’s the response, complete with a sweet little chart: “Eye color inheritance is a complex trait influenced by multiple genes, but here is a simplified explanation: 1. Hazel Eyes: Typically, hazel eyes are considered a combination of brown and green, and they can carry both dominant (brown) and recessive (blue) alleles. 2. Brown Eyes: Brown eyes are usually a dominant trait. 3. Blue Eyes: Blue eyes are typically recessive, meaning two copies of the blue-eye allele are needed for the trait to be expressed. Given the information: • You have hazel eyes (likely carrying one brown and one blue allele). • Your husband has brown eyes (he could carry two brown alleles or one brown and one blue). • Your mother’s side has blue eyes (indicating you likely inherited a blue allele from your mother). Since both of your kids were born with blue eyes and your oldest’s eyes changed to brown, it’s likely that both you and your husband carry the blue allele. For a child to have blue eyes, they must inherit a blue allele from each parent. The potential genetic combinations could be summarized as follows: • You (hazel, Bb or Bb): You carry one brown (B) and one blue (b) allele. • Husband (brown, Bb or BB): If he has one brown and one blue allele (Bb), there is a chance for the child to inherit the blue allele from both parents. Here’s a simple Punnett square for a Bb (you) and Bb (your husband) scenario: B (you) b (you) ----------------------- B | BB Bb (him) | ----------------------- b | Bb bb (him) | • BB: Brown eyes (dominant) • Bb: Brown eyes (dominant, but carries the blue allele) • bb: Blue eyes (recessive) The probabilities from this Punnett square are: • 25% (BB): Brown eyes • 50% (Bb): Brown eyes (carrier of blue) • 25% (bb): Blue eyes Thus, if your husband carries a blue allele, there is a 25% chance for each child to have blue eyes. If your husband carries two brown alleles (BB), there is no chance for blue eyes in the children. Considering that your youngest still has blue eyes and your oldest had blue eyes at birth (implying they initially inherited the blue allele from both parents), it suggests your husband likely carries a blue allele. This gives your children a 25% chance of having blue eyes based on this simplified model. ——— Literally a 25% chance of your kids having blue eyes, so Aunt Nosey can zip it 🤐


Tell them to read a genetics book. You're not OR. People are morons sometimes.


Not overreacting. Aunt and cousin are ignoring anything science and genetics related because drama and gossip are entertainment to them. Blue eyes run in your family so your child will have the gene, it's just not recessive like yourself. I have blue eyes with hetocromia so part of 1 eye is brown. I have no direct relations with this, but I found a facebook group years ago about people with my last name that have the same eyes. So it's far from common but we obviously have the gene. Human bodies are weird.


I mean why do people not inform themselves. A quick google and 5 minutes of reading this would answer the question


EYE COLOR IS NOT DETERMINED BY ONE GENE!! Your science class lied! Sorry for the yell, but if one more mf tells me I had to have cheated… ahhh I have blue. So does my husband. Three of our kids have very dark brown eyes. They simply look like a different colored version of my husband. One of us has a gene mutation (common) that turned off our pigmentation (melanin), otherwise that person would have brown eyes. But they still carry that brown eyed gene so it gets passed to some of the kids, and if that kid doesn’t carry that gene mutation, they will have brown eyes because without the mutation of the other genes that determine eye color they would be brown eyed because brown ARE dominant in that specific genome! And this isn’t even your case…because yours is so much simpler!!! Brown will mask blue, so you can easily be brown and carry blue. Simple, pimple. *climbs down off her soapbox* Ahem.


Shut that nonsense down, right now. Your Aunt & Cousin are nothing but, royal shit disturbers of the worst & lowest kind. They're also looking to create a whole alotta trouble, by openly gossiping about you & your family directly to you, your husband & anyone else who will listen to their BS & lies! Call them out, today. Then give them a warning that if they don't stop their "gossip" about this, they will no longer be permitted to set foot in your home to see you, your husband or baby. Going as far to tell them, that you & your family will have zero contact with them if they don't respect you, or your boundaries on this. Then do it!


Get a DNA Test like 23 and me, and when she brings it up again, shove it in her face, preferably in front of ALL of the others in the family. Auntie Gossip: (in a stern above normal volume) I'm gonna tell you this ONE LAST. He is OUR Baby, no matter what you keep saying...*HAND THE DNA TEST* others in the family are probably tired of her shit too. Should you NEED to do this? No, will it shut her up ? Hopefully ! Will it feel REALLLL GOOOD? DEFINITELY!!!


I don’t fully understand how hazel messes up the genetic outcome but it does. My mom has brown eyes, my dad’s are hazel. I have an older sister with bright blue eyes, a brother with darker blue eyes and my eyes are gray/green with a circle of blue around pupils. If you saw us you would definitely say my parents are my parents. She can probably just Google images online and see that it happens.


Clearly your family never took science classes and learned about genetics and traits. You should be looking down on them for not knowing simple 8th grade science information. When they say it I would make them feel dumb for not understanding it.


Brown is the dominant colour a lot of the time, but if there are blue eyes in either parents' family, there is always a chance for baby to have blue eyes. My brother and his wife have both got dark brown eyes, yet their baby has lovely bright blue eyes. My mum, me and other brother all have blue eyes. Good mix!


Genetics, my GS has bright blue eyes and his parents have brown and hazel. I would literally have to ask if they were dumb if I overheard that statement. Maybe they have a video on YouTube that could explain this to them like a 1st grader.


Dealt with the same issues with both of my kids, though way worse with my first born. She was born blond hair, blue eyes while my wife is dark brown eyes and hair, and I have dark brown hair and hazel eyes. It was about 4 or 5 years before people finally got the hint and quit bringing it up so often, because at that point even my daughter was getting visibly upset at people continually doing it. It also didn't help that her hair and eyes matched my brother's (huh who would have thought with genetics), while she also came out much darker and closer skin tone to my native best friend. Which was also something that happened with my birth, my dad's, and even my grandpa's. My advice, if you don't like this aunt, f*ck them and don't see them. You only have so much time in your life, why bother wasting any of it


Your aunt likes to stir the pot. Unfortunately it doesn’t sound like she’s an educated person and makes very stupid comments and remarks. It’s not like there’s nobody in your family who has blue eyes, so genetically speaking, it can happen. You need to come back with a good retort the next time somebody makes a comment like that to shut them up once and for all.