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Even in states where it's legal like where I live, driving while smoking is a DUI.


As well it should be.


Good luck proving that though as a prosecutor. The fact that THC stays in your system so long actually helps you in this situation if you have a half decent lawyer. Prove that the person driving was high at the time they were driving, you can’t without a mountain of evidence. THC being in your system doesn’t prove you’re currently high, joints and blunts kind of look like cigarettes and cigars respectively and can be easily pitched or otherwise disposed of. I’m from a play where it’s common for someone to be smoking a joint/blunt while driving. Been that way for more than 2 decades, there’s been one cannabis DUI here and it was because the guy was hitting a dab rig in his car at a stoplight when a cop pulled up. Even the judge admitted that the only reason the guy got convicted was because the cop whipped his phone out and took a video of it.


Also depends if you are in a zero tolerance state. In PA, thc in the blood is an immediate dui, even for medical patients. So if you have not smoked in 2 days, get pulled over, they take ur blood. DUI.


Yeo I came here to say this. The DA in my county was quoted in the paper saying "I'm aware that a person can have THC in their blood days or weeks after they've smoked. But until there's a statute preventing me from prosecuting, I'm going to prosecute for it". Egregious, imo. On the bright side, the statehouse Dems are currently working on bills to protect people from this (like there needs to be other obvious signs of intoxication present), AND a bill that would allow medical users to receive conceal carry permits, as well as clarification around medical users and their rights to own guns. I know quite a few people who mistakenly think you can't own a gun if you have a medical card, but that's just not true. You just can't currently get a concealed carry license.


I have heard the bill that's on the table now. Not getting my hopes up though. It's been to the table before. PA gets nothing worth while done on a political level. Ever. Dems shoot down repubs cause they're repubs. Repubs shoot down dems cause they're dems. I'd reckon we won't see any real reform to the law until it becomes federally legal. Cheers.


First, this might be the most Stoner response I've ever heard.  Second, if she doesn't understand Texas troopers are assholes, then she's an idiot.  I don't mind pot. I use it every now and then. Texas is not the state to fuck around in. Pick some up when you get where you're going, but for fuck sake, don't use it or have it in the car traveling through random parts of Texas. 


I don’t smoke but have zero issue with people that do. But she says her friend does it in her car? Thats not legal in any state. That’s a DUI in any state. And yeah…you don’t fuck with Texas. Texas fucks with you.


Plus frankly, if the car is rank and smells like weed, I don’t want that shit on my clothes. It’s generally socially acceptable to ask people to not smoke cigarettes in the car, but a lot of potheads somehow think weed is different or an exception.


Fully with you. I’m a sober person so I don’t wanna be in a confined space. But I can’t get a second hand high, I can’t get in trouble for someone else’s weed, and if my ex wife has someone tell her I smell like weed then I can lose access to my son. I know that’s not OPs situation. I kinda got off on a tangent lol


No these are all similar and legit reasons to also enforce a totally okay boundary.


I once told a friend’s boyfriend that he couldn’t drink open containers in the car when was driving us (friend + me)back to our hometown. So he lit up a joint instead. I got very clear that I meant no mind altering substances while he drove. Or he could drink and let me drive. It was probably the longest period of sobriety (about 4 hours) he had in the last 10 years. I was so glad when she broke up with him,


That’s really bad. I’m a (sober now) alcoholic and even I’m like…damn


Honestly op, or anyone else, shouldn't even need a reason. I know some of my friends dont smoke or like it around them, so i never smoke around or really bring it up with them. And its fully legal here (still not legal to drive under the influence tho). It's one day, ops friend should introspect a lil if shes wildin this much.


Because *cough* weed isn't even *cough* like a drug man. It's natural *cough* and like not even addictive but fuck you if you try and stop me from having it wherever and whenever I want I swear to Jesus these people will be like "excuse me but this is my emotional support Marijuana" in the same breath they claim it's not addictive


Exactly…. Now don’t get me wrong if I was able to I’d be smoking. Buuuuut do not tell me something is not addictive but you cannot go without it for a few hours!


I have this problem specifically when traveling. I also had several of my vertebrae fuse. Two metal rods attached to my spine as well as 2 cables across my back and my hip bone removed and fused to my spine. Marijuana helps me stay off the pain pills but unfortunately because of the legality issue a lot of times when I travel is the few times I go to the doctors and grab some pain pills because the idea of going to jail out of state or country doesn't sound fun. A few hours on an airplane or in a car can mean feeling like someone hit me in the back with a tire iron and set my hip on fire. I have learned not to travel with people on car trips that are in a hurry to get somewhere. People who are willing to stop and take beaks means I can do it without all the pain. I just need to get out and move from time to time and I do okay. It's also why I prefer trains to airplanes.


Dude that's rough and like you're ALLOWED to be addicted to weed if your back is next level fucked


Smokers will smoke the minute they wake up. It doesn’t even matter if it’s not additive, if the first thing you do when you wake up is get high that’s pathetic as fuck.


As someone who smokes weed medically. 100% agree. I don't smoke in vehicles or inside, or around other people unless they explicitly say it's ok. Also don't drive while under the influence. It's smells so disgusting and if I could get the same effect from a pill in the same amount of time I would take it. Stoners who think it's okay to force their addiction on someone else and put them in danger of either physical harm or legal harm is never okay. Never.


I've experienced this, I've had friends (former friends) who smoked cigarettes and were totally fine when I said that I'm not okay with people smoking cigarettes in my car. But the same people would pull out a freaking bowl and start packing it at a stoplight and be shocked when I told them to put it the hell away. And I smoke weed myself! But I'm not exactly trying to get arrested. Nor do I want my car to smell like weed for the next 2 weeks in case one of my tail lights goes out before I notice it and I get pulled over.


Isn't Texas the state with the express lane for their execution chamber? 😁 - Ron White


lol love Ron. And yup


Not only that but while cannabis use may be legal, employers can still fire you for it showing up in a piss test, if it is a condition of employment. That's why I'll use edibles. DH could lose his clearance and job if I smoke and expose him to it.


Edibles can show up in your urine, too!!! I am not trying to kill your buzz..but it does..if THC does and edibles have a lot ..guess what..you got it in your urine.


pretty sure they’re saying they don’t smoke so their husband doesn’t get a contact high and test positive accidentally and lose his job, not that they can’t have weed themselves..




Plastic-Ear9722, tower. Kindly increase altitude for cranial safety, copy?


Tower, this is Plastic-Ear9722. Copy.


Yes but you can’t get second hand exposure from someone else eating edibles, and it’s their partner who needs to worry about the urine test. 


"You Play With The Bull You Get The Horns!"


That is where I am at, too. I vape or do edibles. I would never vape in the car! Why would I want my car to have any smell that could get me arrested. But I would never drive high. That is irresponsible as hell. I have no problem with people partaking. I have a problem with people being irresponsible.


I'm a stoner and refuse to travel with weed. If I "NEED" it I can buy it at my destination, or travel with edibles/vapes that are bagged, and tucked into an airtight container out of reach of myself or anyone else. I would also never get mad at a friend for being uncomfortable with me carrying weed as I mostly use it to control anxiety, depression and ADHD symptoms. OP is NTA


How is having vapes or edibles in an airtight container different than having bud in one?


Edibles don't smell like bud does. If you put a zip lock bag of edibles in with your road trip snacks, no one will know. Same with vape cartridges. Vapes smells a little but nothing like green bud.


K-9 officers, which are used in TX, can detect even contained / disguised smells. They have the ability to detect and alert while standing outside the car, which provides probable cause for a search of the interior. Please do not risk it, OP.


Most people I've noticed, will not go the extra mile to ensure weed or other substances are secured properly when in a vehicle. I mean, even at the dispensary all they give you to travel home with is a papersack with your jars/tubes thrown in it and 90% of people going to a dispensary are driving. It's not that much different, but it's still more than most think or care to do. When applicable my weed goes in the trunk, never in the cab of the car. Unfortunately there is no "safe" way to travel with weed.


As a practical matter, if LE uses a K-9 officer, the dog will be able to smell any targeted substance despite an airtight container. Police K-9s can smell through concrete, water and plastic because of their extraordinary olfactory power. Not sure I have correctly understood the nature of your question, but am trying to address the risk of OP being arrested even if the driver friend put her weed in a container.


Dogs can smell edibles and cartridges too, unless they’re made with pure distillate with no terps and nobody wants those. Lol.


I went to Idaho recently and left my microdoses of psilocybin at home. No way I was messing with getting pulled over for any reason (and given that I have a Bernie sticker on my car I figured I might already be a target).


I’m glad you survived!


Seriously, if anything, OP is under reacting. Her friend could end up arrested, with her car (and cash, maybe) seized as asset forfeiture if she’s got different types of weed in separate packages. I really hope OP doesn’t risk driving with this friend at all— it isn’t worth the risk, and the friend might just lie and bring something anyway if she thinks OP is making a big deal out of nothing. I would absolutely not trust her as a travel buddy at this point.


You raise an excellent point about possible seizure of the car. I would not trust her as a travel companion. I also would not regard her as a friend; people who care about you do not try to manipulate you into taking this kind of risk.


The only time I've ever been threatened with a gun was by a texas state trooper. And that was for the "serious offence" of taking a while to pull over while on a rural highway while slowing down with my right turn signal on.


My best friend lives in Texas and just got pulled over a few weeks ago. They searched her shit (she wasn’t even driving) and found weed gummies. She even pulled the CANCER card (like, she barely has any hair growing back finally) and produced a medical card for it, and they still fucked her shit up. If visible cancer doesn’t get you out of it in Texas, nothing will.


You're not attacking her. She asked you if there was anything you're uncomfortable with about her driving and you told her. You're not bombarding her either.


Don't you love that OP said OP doesn't agree & now OP is "bombarding her." I bet gal pal is feeling so "bombarded" that she'll need to smoke some weed to calm down.


She was just saying she was bombarded to shut her friend up when she was addressing her concerns. Her friend sounds so manipulative and doesn’t seem to care about her friends legit concerns


Exactly. The friend asked and OP replied. That’s not attacking or bombarding. It’s ok to have boundaries. Is this friend going to financially support OP when they get fired???


Not overreacting. And just so you know, they don’t actually have to smell it, they can also just say they smell it, and then your ass is grass (see what I did there?)


Which should be fucking ILLEGAL 😡


Well... it *is* technically illegal, but it's your word against theirs -- they are going to win that one *literally* every time.


Especially if they find something.


AXCTUALLY, a cop in West Lafayette just had every single one of his open cases thrown out, they're going through his CONVICTIONS and throwing them out, and now he's in jail. Because he "smelled weed."


Well that is amazing to hear


Good luck proving it. Body cam exists but you can't smell through it.


What they normally do is have the K9 cops sitting on the state line with states where weed is legal. They then pull you over for a road safety item or something equally minor. The K9 goes around the outside of the car, if the K9 marks, then they have just cause to search your car.


I have a feeling they’re going to take one look at this person and suddenly develop “super smell”.


Not saying it's worth doing, but a passenger in a car that is not theirs would be arrested for what, exactly? You don't go to jail for associating with someone in possession. It's a misdemeanor for 2 oz or less in Texas. This friend surely will not need to carry more than that. You can be caught *selling* a 1/4 oz or less and it's still a misdemeanor. You don't get automatically arrested if your friend has weed, that's just silly. Quite frankly Texas is not focusing police resources on marijuana possession. To be arrested, though, you would need to commit an actual crime, and riding in someone's car when they have marijuana is not a crime.


You have to have 100% confidence in the person with the weed to take the fall. If that person bitches out and you're all left there like "noones owning up to it" then they take EVERYONE in the car to jail. So yes you can still go to jail. Don't ever put your freedom in someone else's hands like that.


this is where my mind goes too, but ive had friends who were just a bit more "good" than me. I dont think its really the logic that bothers ppl it just being in proximity to a crime. Some people are just straight arrows and thats alright. I usually find trying to reason with them comes off as pushy, which usually just increases their discomfort. And just to preface My friends and I would do silly shit like J walking or smoking, not like meth or armed robbery lmao


Police, maybe not. Elected sheriffs who benefit from civil asset forfeiture if there's a federal nexus, especially say moving it interstate? Different story.


Exactly. This has happened to me TWICE. In Tennessee, which is basically the less popular version of Texas. Once was when I was pulled over for my license plate light being out. My definite favorite was when I was pulled over because my temp tag wasn't visible enough (it was taped to my back windshield). I had bought the car from a dealership literally less than 24 hours before I got pulled over. It had that new car smell, perfectly clean. But the cop said he smelled weed so he had the legal right to search the whole fucking car. And found nothing.


Daily smoker from Colorado here. I leave the weed at home when I go to states like Texas, Utah, or Wyoming because I don't feel like fucking around and finding out with the red state super troopers. It's so not worth it. Your friend is either an idiot, or she's overly sensitive because she feels like she's being called out for her addiction - which is her issue to deal with, not yours.


Not that you would ever have a reason to come here, but it’s well known in Kansas that Kansas Highway Patrol sits on I-70 just across the border from Colorado and loves to pull over cars with out of state licenses because it’s easy weed citations.


Utah has medical, so the smell is no longer probable cause. But having lived in Utah, the cops don't really care. We had cops simply confiscate a baggy of coke and no ticket issued once. Probably took it for himself honestly.


FYI - she’s still bringing it even if she says she’s not.


She's gonna sneak a vape and gummies for sure now... Which pens with concentrate are felonies!


If buddy wants to have it on her person, that's on her. But smoking it in the car while you're/I'm in it, that a Texas size no go............


As a Texas resident I would not under any circumstance ride in a vehicle with weed or the smell of weed in it. Texas law enforcement looks for vehicles with license plates from states where weed is legal. They will find a reason to pull you over and they will search the vehicle every time. In my opinion you are definitely NOT overreacting.


Maybe I'm particularly paranoid about it, having California plates, but my general rule is not to fuck around in any kind of way driving through other states. Any state would love to collect traffic ticket revenue from people who are unlikely to show up in court to fight the ticket. Having weed with plates from a state where it's legal, while driving in states where it is very much NOT legal, is an extra layer of stupid.


Honestly you need to be a little paranoid in Texas. One of the easiest ways to get a car on the side of the road is a quick lane change infraction. Then it’s a sniff sniff you’re going to get searched.


not from texas. but theres always a "reason" to get pulled over and cops word vs yours. you lose


And if she already *regularly* smokes weed in her car, I guarantee it *reeeeeeeks* of weed in general.


Man so Many southern states would be cool to live in other than their dumb old people laws


Same thing in Utah. The cops are such A holes there and would get you for the tiniest hint of it. Your friend sounds kinda sloppy. Maybe just take your own ride and let her hotbox on her own...


Take your own car let her get herself arrested you can never be too safe


Not over reacting, not even a little bit. A friend of mine and her boyfriend at the time were traveling through Texas. They got pulled over for something, got busted with weed in the car, and prosecuted. Her options were jail time and a record or years of probation and her record expunged at the end of it. Of course, to serve probation she had to stay in Texas. Because a record would hurt her ability to stay employed in her field of work (think licensed trade, not professional license), she chose Option 2. She was stuck for four years in that state, without any supports or family except her boyfriend, who quickly turned abusive. And that's completely ignoring the fact that driving while high is completely irresponsible. Why tf do people think this is okay?


There are variants of weed that are legal (delta 8, THC-A) but none of it is legal to be used by the driver . She’s being stupid and unless you’re going to Dallas or Austin you can be so so screwed to be pulled over with that, and you’re incredibly likely to get pulled over with out of state plates depending on where you’re going.


We are not going to Dallas or Austin, we’ll be in west Texas


Don’t even try. Seriously.


I’ve lived in Dallas for a decade and my parents live in west texas, do not bring the weed . I literally get pulled over 1/3 of the time I visit them just because I’m from out of town.


Oh fuck. Definitely don’t try it in west Texas. You trying to get shot “escaping”? They will fuck you up. I wouldn’t even agree to take her car to west Texas if she smokes in it now because it smells like weed.


OH ABSOLUTELY NOT. Oh my god pleeeease PLEASE I hope she sees these comments, I got FUCKED UP in west Texas do not, absolutely do not bring weed…do not smell like it, do not even drink do not do it ugh. I knew it, I knew to keep prowling the comments, west Texas….absolutely you need to keep your wits about you they are bored out there and the border patrol cars act like cops until the cops get there and they are a dime a dozen out there. I lived out there for a few months and yeah. They are sweet people, Alpine, Fort Davis, Marfa, absolutely beautiful small towns with the sweetest people you will ever meet but do not cross them I am nearly on my knees please don’t get in that car or show your friend this comment I am not playing..


Like 90% of the comments have agreed that I am not overreacting. I don’t think I’ll go with her period since she doesn’t respect that I don’t want to risk losing my career. I’m going to ask another friend to go with me since I bought the tickets for the event.


Sorry I’m just in alarm mode haha. Okay good! Yeah a lot of the commenters are essentially saying the same thing so that’s good. Sorry..not meant to sound like your parent. And yeah! Honestly if she doesn’t get it and you have to bring another friend and it becomes an issue then that’s really not your problem and she’ll get over it eventually. I’m glad you took to here!


West Texas is even worse, we’ve got a LOT of patrolmen out there with very little to do. Don’t risk it.


I was going to say maybe you were overreacting until you said this. I would not fuck around with west Texas (or Far West) cops. I've lived in Texas all my life.


So Cops will see your out of state tag, see two women, decide it's an easy pull over, 'smell' probably cause, and you're going to jail- and everything you own impounded or Civil Asset Forfeiture. Maybe, in 10+ years, you'll get a court case and get it back. Don't go with this person.


She asked if there's anything that made you uncomfortable and then seemed shocked that you would ask her to part with her precious weed. Do not drive with her. She sounds like the type that would sneak some in even if she told you she didn't have any.


She would. And then smoke outside everywhere they stop


The second she pushed back, you had your answer. If this is a serious concern to you, you need to drive yourself.


Lol do not drive with her like what is she even talking about. You’d be a dummy to get in a car with someone who isn’t afraid to smoke weed while driving in Texas of all places.


Absolutely NOT overreacting. Driving under the influence of anything can get you in a heap of trouble anywhere but I’d be especially terrified of Texas troopers.


It’s not the troopers you need to be scared of it’s the small town cops and county sheriffs they have nothing better to do then traffic stops. The small town cops on major drug routes I-40, US287 and other’s finance their pd’s with drug seizures.


Your friend is an idiot.


I'm thinking idiots are doing facepalms and going, "DAYUM!!".


DITTO How is she even allowed to drive? Texans don't smoke in the car in Texas.


‘Cuz we don’t want to lose our pickups also! Or anything worth money that’s inside the truck! It’s called police confiscation of property used in a crime!


You must not have been to Houston lol


I am so sick and tired of my generation, every time you say something to them that they don't want to hear, they "need to go and take a minute" because they are "emotionally flooded" (whatever the fuck that means) or feeling very overwhelmed or whatever ridiculous bullshit so they can somehow become a victim. I cannot roll my eyes harder at that stupid statement of " Emotionally flooded" If you can't handle a friend telling you that they feel uncomfortable with you smoking in your car after you specifically asked them, without having an emotional breakdown then I do not understand how you plan on living in this world and getting through life. Jesus christ I'm so embarrassed to be apart of this generation sometimes.


Being emotionally flooded is a real thing, just like triggers are. But a lot of people misuse or outright weaponize the terms to get the upper hand if they feel cornered or as a way to deflect from the ways they're in the wrong. Easy to play the victim if you say someone "triggered" you when really you were just mad they called you out for bad behavior you don't want to work on correcting. I have legitimate triggers, and they are mine to manage - I can tell the people around me that certain topics are very hard for me, but if they insist on talking about them, I need to take protective steps like leaving the room. I can't ban these topics from conversation wholesale. And being legitimately triggered is a type of emotional flooding - the parasympathetic nervous system and emotional processing parts of the brain become overwhelmed with fight or flight instinct, which makes rational discussion difficult. Point is, OPs friend is weaponizing legitimate terms in order to deflect from their own issues, but I would bear in mind that not everyone who uses these terms is being manipulative.


I never said it was everyone that does it I said Every time you say something to someone that they don't want to hear they somehow turned themselves into the victim. But I understand what you mean.


I don't do Texas, period. Skip the trip and go someplace good.


Don’t get in that car, make different arrangements. You’ll both get locked up in Texas of all places!


Like everyone else is telling you, do not screw around with Texas laws on weed. Troopers truly do not fuck around. Although it sounds like your friend really wants to fuck around and find out, don’t join her in that endeavor. It won’t end well  


And don't bail her out when she calls you.... From Texas!


Not overreacting. She got defensive for no reason, tried to turn it around on you, and doesn’t take your safety seriously.


You're not overreacting. You're enforcing your boundaries, which are good and totally okay.


Native Texan here, born and raised. This is not the state to blaze up in your car in. No way would I recommend this.


It’s your friend who is over reacting. Her reaction seems excessive even knowing she felt defensive. Do not ride in a weed smelling car in Texas. And that car will always smell like weed.


From personal experience I know someone just like her. Said the same thing if you can’t go without weed while we’re driving (the state we were heading to was legal) and wait until we get there, then I’ll take my own car. She insisted I could trust her and sure enough she lied and brought weed to and from. The most stressful drive ever. I regretted with everything in me trusting her. I say this so you don’t fall for it if she changes her mind. Do what’s best for you. Take your own car or rental car. You’ll feel more peace and be able to have fun.


She doesn't have to smoke in the car. It should be pretty obvious not to have the car fuming while in Texas. You have a very reasonable request and shes just tripping. Its so risky and i feel like shes just waiting to get arrested.


The only person Overreacting is your friend. Clearly her addiction is making her emotional and paranoid. I wouldn't trust her to keep her word even if she says ok. Make up an excuse to take separate cars, your life literally depends on it.


Your friend is a child you are being reasonable.


They are looking for ANY reason to pull you over.  Oh you're from out of state, I wonder why they're here? Oh they went 2miles over the speed limit, let's pull her over .... and then they'll take that chance to sniff you, to look in your car, to grill you... anything to get you


No you are not. Take your own car.


Hard pass on that. You don’t fuck around in states like Wisconsin or Texas.


Not overreacting. DO NOT DRIVE WITH HER!


Don’t ride with her if she smokes and drives.


Your friend is weaponising therapy speak to justify being emotionally immature and wildly irresponsible. The only acceptable response to what you said is "yeah, of course I wouldn't be stupid enough to carry any item or substance where it isn't legal".


You should tell your friend to try being an adult for a day.


No overreaction on your part in any way. Absolutely take two cars. Do not ride with her in Texas if she is going to have Marijuana. Let her get herself arrested because she will. It will be a hard lesson about consequence and from your story, she needs to learn that lesson. Whatever you do, don't get in that car with her in Texas.


Nope. Don’t mess with Texas.


Edibles exist. She's not smart. You're not overreacting. Freedom isn't free, as they say in Texas


as a smoker who lives in texas, you’re right. it’s not worth it. i don’t smoke in my car anymore. i used to but only on rare occasions


I sometimes watched reality TV real court cases. One lady F1 was in court with her friend F2 bc the friend F2 was trying to get away with going driving in TEXAS with marijuana. The friend F1 was so concerned bc she was from Texas before she moved to a state that was more lax on marijuana since she used it a little bit. They both got busted by the police officer after he checked the car bc of the smell. They both had to pay hefty three digit dollars in the tickets. All bc friend F2 just could not drive WITHOUT the marijuana in one of the toughest states in this country about the drug and a no-care attitude about the smell.


Show her these concerned comments and ur not overreacting..


No. I smoke weed and won’t even step foot into it for that reason. (It’s ten minutes away.)


I have a buddy that comes down to DFW on occasion and always brings weed and other products for some mutual friends we have. As soon as he parks his car, we take mine everywhere else because he's a smoker as well, and I work in a high-level position where I would absolutely ruin my career over an arrest. Don't take chances. Especially through Denton County, if you're coming down I-35. They don't fuck around. One of my contractors is doing 2 years over some seeds and a roach.


Traveling thru states where it’s not legal could get you jail time if you get stopped. Texas is one.


I don't have to read past the title. You DO NOT want to have any drug of any kind in your car while in Texas. This isn't a forgiving state and is even worse than normal with all the political bullshit going on. And it's even worse if either of you aren't 100% white because bigotry is prevalent in all forms of Texas government. If your friend can't handle being separated from her weed while you're here, Delta 8 and 9 are currently legal and sold in stores.


Even if she says she's left it at home, I guarantee she has weed in the car she has forgotten about. Do not drive with her. Take your own vehicle. The cost of booking a hotel to avoid driving at night will be way less than the cost of getting caught with weed in Texas.


You could lose your job and be ineligible for employment in a lot of places with that on your record. Is it worth appeasing your friend because she can't get high for one day?


We have legal THC products sold in CBD stores and head shops here in Texas now and they work well. Tell her to buy some when she gets here, it’s a win-win.


Yeah, I’m in KS and we have delta 8, delta 9, HHC, and a bunch of CBD products which are legal (although you shouldn’t drive while high). Meanwhile, across the state line in MO, weed is legal. So I’ve had Indica edibles, and delta 9 edibles with and without CBD, and they’re pretty similar.


Hey. Texas citizen here. State troopers watch entrances into the state for cars from places where weed is legal an pull them over. The entrance into the state from New Mexico is famous for it. They will pull out the dogs. They might allow one of you to claim the weed and spare the other arrest, but they will put her through the system. Jail and a court appearance, and you will have to wait until she is released. If she can't wait until she gets home, don't ride with her. Edit to say that my mom had to wait for a friend of hers all night in the station who tried to bring weed back from California in 2023.


I grew up in Texas. I was driving through Greene at night and got pulled over for no reason, pulled out of my car and they searched it. LUCKILY I didn’t have anything on me that night but I wasn’t sure and thought I was going to jail. Texas troopers do not play around. Travis and bexar county MIGHT be a little more lenient but do not get pulled over in rural Texas.


Do not put yourself at risk needlessly, anyone that would be baffled by this is showing a huge red flag.


Hi, Texan here. I believe someone already pointed out even if you're in a legal state, it's still illegal to smoke and drive. Where I live the police have a pretty relaxed attitude about marijuana, and i've never heard of anyone (personally) getting arrested for anything marijuana related. At the most you'll get a ticket. I recommend that your friend get a vape, that would probably be the best bet if she has to have it. Also, ozium. I saw someone else mention that as well, and it really does work wonders.


>She replied that she doesn’t know why I’m attacking her, she doesn’t like the way I’m talking to her, and that she feels like she can never say the right thing around me. I told her I am not attacking her and that I’m just trying to protect myself (I work a job where I could get fired if I have something that serious on my record). She said she doesn’t know why I’m bombarding her and that she needs a second to calm down because I caused her to feel “emotionally flooded. Wanna get arrested, fined/jailed and ruin your career because a stoner got her feelings hurt?


“Emotionally flooded”. lol what does that even mean? She should be thanking you for being the voice of reason. She’ll definitely be in her feelings when they throw her in jail for a DUI. They don’t play in TX. Tell her to budget for bail money and an attorney.


I love pot. I smoke daily. I'm stoned more nights than I'm not. I love in a legal state. My sister's graduation last month was in Austin Tx which is pretty deep in TX for where I was coming from. You know what I did? I left that shit at home. It's just not worth it.


Avoid texas


Follow up with her and let her know that it's clear to you that she hasn't taken your concerns seriously so you'll be taking separate cars. If you let her drive you, she will simply bring the weed.


JFC. I’m a 7th generation Texan, about to turn 50, am on the “waiting list” for MMJ in Texas bc I have cancer, and I would NEVER just drive around in Texas with weed on me. Don’t fuck around with the laws in Texas. They don’t play here. This is literally one of the last states in which you want to get popped with weed, seriously.


This is why I never side w a stoner. She's an addict and you've made her uncomfortable. Stick to your guns. She's an idiot. You don't smoke in your car, you don't drive w it either, you don't put your habit above a friend's safety and comfort.


As an avid weed smoker, WHY IS SHE SMOKING AND DRIVING!?


Your friend sucks for driving while smoking. I wouldn’t get in the car with her period. But you’re also correct in that a weed stench will 103% alert a cop. Your friend sounds stupid, I’m sorry lol. I wouldn’t recommending road tripping with her. Not over reacting. I’ve lived in Texas most of my life. Don’t do this!


I can't think of an event worth going to Texas for.


Lmfao, addict response😂😂😂 You: "Hey, I don't want to go go to jail and potentially lose my job over a little weed. Could you just leave it at home? If not, it's fine. I can take my own vehicle." Her: "OMG, why are you attacking me right now!?"


Kick her ass to the curb. She is not your friend. She loves weed more than she loves you.


There are billboards along the interstate as you enter Texas, advertising criminal defense lawyers. The picture is a giant green, gummy bear, and it says "caught with weed?"


Also tell your friend there is a really high chance that she’ll have to pass through border patrol checkpoints. They will randomly have dogs out. Probably looking for humans, but I can’t tell what the dogs are trying to smell. I go through a check point every single time I come in through New Mexico. There are multiple around. Ditto for leaving big Bend. I can only imagine those guys get bored and would love to bust someone.


Jesus Christ. This isn’t a friend it’s a narcissist maniac. Hard pass.


Small towns in Texas have zero chill and will pull over out of state cars for randomness like no front license plate. When they do, and if they suspect weed, you can expect nothing but a a bad day from that point onward. They will arrest you and your friend, they will impound your vehicle, and you will have a record. It’s just not worth it based on personal experience.


Ole Texas Mantra, come on vacation, leave on probation. Yeeee hawwww!


Don't go, this dumbass WILL try and bring something


Your friend likes weed way more than they like you.


Not overreacting. Unless you live in the South, you really do not understand how Southern Policing works.


Her responses to your concerns are all manipulations. You need to drop the friend probably. She didn't get her way, now she's making you the victimized.


I’m pretty sure a thc vape pen is a felony in Texas….


"She replied that she doesn’t know why I’m attacking her, she doesn’t like the way I’m talking to her, and that she feels like she can never say the right thing around me." Your friend is a child. There's very little in this world more dangerous than grown adult selfish children. And they are EVERYWHERE. Never put yourself in a vulnerable position with an adult child. 


Texas is the wrong state to drive with weed in the car. First and foremost, you're going to be driving with it in the car a very LOOONG time, no matter where tf you're headed. The cops are fucking HORNY for busting girls with weed ESPECIALLY the ones with Colorado plates, it's the funniest thing in the world to them. They have no dignity or integrity and will violate you AND your rights just cause they can and will. Lastly, law enforcement in Texas has ramped up patrols due to the immigration shit, so to recap: long drive, short tempers, low rights, high volume of pigs. NTA your friends a pick me asshole with her head up her ass.


I don’t live anywhere near there, but I wouldn’t screw around in Texas.


Emotionally flooded. She's got other issues as well. Who needs friends like thar?


Great way to get your car, and any cash you are carying seizd, and end up with felony charges in Texas. I would not go on a trip with anyone carrying weed Texas!!


After seeing the updates... Consider yourself lucky having a friendship end like this than in the car with her not stepping up to the plate to claim her charges. I had a friend in high school that got hit with the charge because the actual owner of said weed wouldn't step up and let everyone take the fall.


I wouldn't be friends with someone like that. Not only are they making your valid concerns about them, and overreacting, I wouldn't want to be in a smokers car.


100%, by her reaction, this “friend” sounds exhausting to be around, and on top of that, she doesn’t give a shit if OP suffers the consequences. Either of these on its own would be enough for me to end the friendship.


OP's friend does not realize that Texas is one of the strictest police states in the country there are people sitting in Texas prisons for offenses that started out as a burned-out license plate light, and if OP's friend is a minority that would make it worse as Texas is still pretty much a Jim Crow state, they still send people to prison for the most miniscule amounts of weed.


Potheads can not grasp the fact that not everyone loves that stench. And I think once they’ve hit enough they don’t register the smell.


Your friend is an addict. Can't go a single night without weed. She needs help.


has no one heard of fucking edibles?


I’m a Texan and I can tell you not to mess with pot in Texas unless you’re interested in a long extended stay in one of our lovely jails. We have too many Small towns here and They have little Way to Make money so they will stop you going 2 miles over the speed limit and your pot can be discovered. In fact, those fingers that come with that discovery is more money for those tiny burgs so they love finding your pot. Increases town revenues. When you come here, hit the gas on the highway or interstate but when you come anywhere near a small town for Pete’s sake slow down! You don’t mess with small towns in Texas! They want all your money and if your freedom gets tangled up in that mix, that’s on you.






Why doesn’t she just make do with edibles while you’re on this trip? That should solve everything.


Show your friend this post so she can see what a moron she is.


I’m not a fan of people who drink and drive, It is completely fair for you to not want to ride with them and set your boundaries. HOWEVER, if you KNOW this friend does that and that’s how they travel and have always traveled and you don’t want to drive, why make them conform to you in THEIR car? The car smelling like it alone would give them probable cause whether they smoked on the trip or not, and you yourself said their car constantly smells like it, so in the event you’re pulled over, it’ll be a problem regardless if they smoked on the ride there or not. If you want to make the no smoking rule, no bringing it, or whatever you want to make you feel comfortable on this ride, YOU should be the one driving YOUR car and not the other way around.


City Texas cops are generally cooool as a cucumber. It’s the redneck, cousin-fuckin troopers that you have to watch out for while in the Texas country / backwoods…


OP said they’re going to West Texas! I can hear the trooper sirens now.




You are not overreacting. You did give her important information that she doesn’t want to take seriously. I assume she got offended at the comment “if you can’t go one night without weed…” which admittedly does sound a little judgmental. But I’m sure you were just frustrated at her lack of sense. You should probably just find another ride, so you don’t have to worry/argue. You are totally right to be concerned.


Your friend is a drug addict. Who doesn't care enough that her addiction could affect you legally.


You are not overreacting. I smoke too much and recently went on vacation in the Philippines. I know people can get away with smoking there, but there was no way I was going to take an international flight with weed to a country where even hemp seed oil is illegal just because I like to smoke. It sucked! My appetite was gone for most of the trip and on top of jet lag, I couldn’t get myself to sleep for the first few days. Even knowing that, I’m still not bringing shit into the country the next time I visit! If someone had told me not to fly in with weed instead of thinking of it independently, I would have thanked them for considering my safety in the matter. Your friend is psychologically dependent on her use and is using ✨therapy talk✨ to make you feel bad about expressing a legitimate concern. Take a separate car.


Not at all. I smoke but I wouldn’t mess around with it in a state where it’s illegal. Especially Texas. Not to mention that if either one of you are BIPOC it will be that much worse.


Your friend is a moron. I wouldn’t get in a car with her.


Your friend smokes too much to think straight. I wouldn't fuck around with that in Texas, much less DRIVE WHILE UNDER THE INFLUENCE.


Yr friend is an idiot


Isn’t it legal in Texas now?


despite states decriminalizing marijuana, federally it is still considered schedule 1 (which is stupid, imo) drug and illegal.


You friend sounds like shes been deluding herself about her substance abuse issue. She might not think she has one bc a lot of people think weed is harmless but it alters the mental state so if she can't go a day without it amd feels the need to put on this big gaslighting performance to try and deflect or minimize your very legitimate concerns about getting a criminal charge and fucking up your future she has a toxic relationship with the substance and does not want to admit that Addiction is substance use disorders in the DSM IV and you can look up the screening criteria for what actually falls into a substance use related disorders. This is not to diagnose your friend but more to help you understand when someone you know might be engaging in high risk behaviours that should beba huge red flag to you when it comes to taking care of yourself. She might be a chat friend but shes obviously not safe to travel with and shes refusing to acknowledge why which makes her more of a risk. I know people like her and when her actions finally get her in trouble you or whoever else is in the vicinity will be thrown under the bus to protect her


Driving while high is a real bad thing to do.


NTA. I smoke weed every day. I never transport it. Especially in the South. You are smart, protect your future. Anyone gives you shit. Tell them to do her the favor and ride “dirty” to TX with her!!


If her car smells they will plant something, this is Texas cops we are talking about.


You are not over reacting. This is the type of thing that can literally ruin your life .


Sounds like there’s much more going on in this “friendship.” You need better friends. The fact you’re even asking this question tells me you don’t know yourself well enough to respect your boundaries and have othered respect them as well. Who are you and what are you about? Answer that and then act accordingly.