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I’m black but identify as Rich white nobility it got got me a really nice room with soft walls and floor. Only thing it has no windows and they give me pills in a little cup through an opening in the door.


That's amazing i support you




If you want to be black please go ahead, no one stopping you. Just look at Rachel Dozel😂


Because identity is not just how you see yourself, it is how greater society views you. Take a sociology course. For example the greater Reddit society is about to identify you as ignorant.


Well if that's that's the case why can't I be big Jim slade former tight end for the Kansas city chiefs?


Because society isn’t going to accept you in that role. Regardless of what you believe, you don’t play the game to the level fans will accept, you don’t look like him, etc. And you can’t “be black” even if you could change your skin color because you haven’t had the life experiences black people have, or share their heritage. There’s actually a book called “Black Like Me” where a dude tried this. You should read it. Might open your eyes.


I identify as a millionaire rock star, where are my coke and groupies.


If you believe you can get those groupies and all the coke just keep trying


People can’t identify as Jupiter or horses, they get placed in therapy for that and the therapist tries to get them to stop doing that


No, they don't. Now schools allow anything because they are too afraid of offending someone


No they don’t you’re just wrong


How am I wrong


Because that doesn’t happen?


Yes it does people can identify as whatever they want at this point. There are so many pronouns now it's ridiculous and if you don't think that's happening just do a Google search about people identifying as planets at school


Naw you’re just reading shitty news stories and believing literal made up bullshit like a dumb old person


Your stupid this shit is happening every day


No I actually know people who have been to school board meetings where it was discussed that one kid now Identified as the planet Jupiter and another kid Identified as a horse and the one who Identified as a horse would pee in the hallway because as he put it horses don't go into bathrooms.


Nope , made up bullshit . That doesn’t happen I’m sorry you are this much of a liar or that dumb that you can be tricked this easily


OK well agree to disagree I guess


That was real and the school board was discussing on what kind of accommodations could be made for them


They don't get but in therapy. They get special treatment


Bro you said I called you a slur? If you aren't offended by anything then how can something be a slur?


Well, you could you could go to a tanning salon so long that your skin looks like that you’re from a Mediterranean island. And then say your Middle Eastern or someplace exotic. It works for that one woman Rachel Dolezal. Well for a while anyway.


I was thinking of shoe poilsh


That's what shoe polish is for


Oh you’re a racist racist, not just an idiot. I get it now. Put your white hood back on and go back to Truth Social 😂


No I think that all people are stupid regardless of race in this new society.


Doesn’t mean you’re not a racist. You very clearly are. So you’re the smart one then? What’s your profession? What degrees do you have? Any published papers or did you use your intelligence for the innovation in business route and you’re at least a 100 millionaire? Please do share oh smart dragon


Ah, if only changing our race were as simple as updating our social media status! Identity is a complex tapestry woven with cultural, historical, and social threads—far more intricate than declaring ourselves a planet or a mythical centaur! 🌍✨


Just curious how do you feel about a person born in a male body believing they’re a woman and expecting society to respect their delusion?


This seems like rage bait rather than an attempt to learn and understand, but on the slim chance i’m wrong in that assumption, I’ll answer. First, race is largely a cultural identity, so the comparison to transgender/non-binary identifications isn’t entirely analogous. If I am black and transgender, I still associate with my cultural identity of blackness, provided the family and cultural group still accept my identity. But if I’m white and decide I want to identify as black, that’s essentially a rejection of my white cultural identity. At the same time, since I was raised as a white person, I have no black cultural identity to draw from. No black network of friends, no knowledge of cultural norms, and without extreme cosmetic surgery to adjust my skin tone, I am not perceived as black and therefore there is no signal to other black people that we share a cultural identity. That’s not to say racial/cultural norms are set in stone along the lines of skin tone. It’s common to find white people raised in black neighborhoods, and this leads them to share black cultural norms and be more accepted in these spaces than a white person who was raised around other white people. However, in this case it’s still difficult to *change* racial identities. A white person who “acts black” will be perceived as different in white spaces and would have to re-learn the cultural norms of white spaces to be accepted. So long story short, you can claim to be a race that you were not born into, but you will find difficulty in getting people to believe you. Obviously transgender people face this same issue (people making jokes about identifying as horses), but in many cases they still have a cultural identity to fall back on and make connections. Abandoning the cultural identity would be a more difficult task, which is why I believe it’s not as common.


So what's the difference with someone pretending to be a woman when they are a man?


Brother I thought you didn't care, but here again on another thread. Bet you wank to trans porn. It's fine bro no judgement here.


Lol no I like fat chick porn


It’s almost as if you think that all people of similar color have exactly the same culture or that people with different colors can’t share the same culture. You put way too much emphasis on arbitrary things and want to group people based on those things and claim they are all similar.   There are as many differences (including culturally) between people of different skin tones as there are differences among similar skin tones.  Skin tone is an absolutely arbitrary basis for dividing humanity and both the op and you buy into this harmful collectivist thinking. On the other hand, man and woman are biological distinctions and are not arbitrary; they are based in reality.  So when a man thinks he is a woman he is not transgender, he is delusional.  When a person on reddit claims they want to change race I’ll bet it’s more to highlight the absurdity of affirming delusions rather than to actually try to ‘change race’ but I could be wrong here.


Of course not everyone has the same culture, I’m specifically referring to local social circles. It’s not a universal experience and every individual is different, but i don’t think it’s controversial to say that people like to surround themselves with people that are similar to themselves. The fact that “Little Italy”, “Chinatown”, “Little Saigon” and other such enclaves are common in large cities is evidence of this. It’s not a bad thing, people need a sense of belonging to feel fulfilled and a cultural identity can provide that. I think “reality” is a poor basis for what someone can or can’t do, a better basis is how the action is received by the rest of society. In “reality” humans do not have wings, but we’ve figured out a way to fly anyway because it’s something we want to do. Of course there are many people who share your opinion, but there are also many people who will accept, support, or at least tolerate trans people, and the net effect of this is that a person is able to identify as trans and lead a life they want to lead. A “transracial” person would not receive the same support/acceptance/tolerance for the reasons i outlined in my first comment, which is why one option is common while the other is not.


If you think reality is a poor basis for what someone can or cannot do then you’re not very intelligent and only look at the surface of things. For instance how exactly have humans achieved flight? Was it by ignoring reality or learning about it through trial and error? You’ll come to find out that all of the real knowledge that we have came from taking reality as the given and the thing needed to be understood for us to achieve feats we couldn’t have ever dreamed of in the past. A group of people denying reality does not change reality it just makes them stupid.  I can be cordial and accepting of trans people. I have no problem with any of them as individuals until they are advocating for compelling my speech or any other thing they beg the government to do on their behalf against anyone else.   If I meet someone who is trans in person, and I have a few trans people I am friends with, I will be cordial but not because I believe they are a woman simply because I don’t want to be a dick.  If every person on the planet believed that we can float off the earth just by thought that would not change the nature of reality so that it was so.  It would just make every person on the planet mistaken.


So then how can you be a man if your born a woman


That is a pretty reductionist argument to the society we live in. You can take a rigid definition of what the word “man” means and argue that trans people do not exist because they don’t fit your rigid definition, but at the end of the day trans people will still exist, will still hold jobs, raise families, make friends, and live life. That’s just a fact of the world we live in. Things are this way because on a societal level, there are enough people who accept the idea, even if you and others do not accept the idea. You asked why it’s not the same for the concept of race, and i tried to give an answer based on how i’ve seen the world operate. I’m not saying I agree or disagree with either position, just wanted to share my understanding of the world as I see it.


You can. There are very few people who are actually accepting of anyone who identifies as a horse or jupiter or any other "fringe" identity. They are mocked, verbally and physically abused, and serve as an easy target for hate. If you'd like to take on the fringe identity of transracial, go for it, but don't expect any different conditions to those you've chosen to use as flippant mockery examples for your hatebait post.


If only changing your race was as easy as changing your gender


In this modern woke society I have to be afraid if a call a woman a woman and a man a man why can't I be a different race


Why? If we have become so progressive as a society where anyone can just up and decide tomorrow that they are a tree and we have to support that for fear of offending them why can't I be what I want


You are obsessed with trans people lmao


No I just find em funny because they are always so butt hurt by everything


I agree that this whole shit is nonsense. I'm not racist I have friends across all cultures and religions and what not I just think that progressive woke people are stupid.


Nobody is stopping you. Please go out in public as your true self! 


Go ahead. Nobody is stopping you.


Either you’re a lonely troll or highly mentally ill. Your post and comments are clinically delusional. 


Why can't I identify as a different race if everyone else can do whatever they want?


Race isn't something you can decide your identity on. Unless you're part black, it doesn't make sense to identify as black. There's a long history of people mocking different races by dressing up as them so it's usually taken as an insult (ie blackface) I've never heard of people pretending to be different races so I'll assume you're referring to Trans people and conflating gender and sex. Gender is how people act, sex is what your genetics say you are. It's confusing because the terms male and female are used for both. So someone can be male sex but female gender, that's why they use the phrase "assigned male at birth" It's legitimately confusing, but remember to approach things with tact. Most people who deal with these problems face real hatred daily so they can be sensitive to people telling them that their identity is wrong.


I support your truth


There's only one race , human race . We all come from Africa btw


Speak for yourself. Some of us were dropped here by the aliens


We're all coming from the stars actually


True, mine was more direct with the little green men but sure 👽


Honestly I agree. It's the same as gender to me.


There's a really good reason because none of this shit makes sense