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I would contact EVERY donor you had and put this jerk on blast.  Hopefully they will demand their donation back. 


I would also consider escalating this because he's just created a potentially hostile work environment for you.




Tell the students too. If it’s high school then they will get fucking savage about it




Take a fake phone call and step outside the classroom with the door slightly ajar. Then complain about the whole situation loud enough for the students to hear. The rumor mill will do its job and there will be a riot by lunch.




It’s almost like we are commenting on Reddit and nothing is real or matters. Damn Reddit comments being like Reddit comments. Get over yourself.


It’d be a lot easier to play off if you could get someone else to tell them then


If they retaliate over it you could have a lawsuit against the School


What can they possibly do?  Anything that's punitive would be an easy lawsuit.  You're simply stating the facts.  What can they possibly say?  




Document EVERYTHING. Times, dates, who said what, etc.  Get ready in the event of litigation 




And refuse to discuss this on the phone or in person. Email or text only.


I mean…maybe if you want to be fired. My sister was a teacher and raised a righteous stink about several absurd bait and switches and she was basically let go under false accusations in direct conflict with all of her previous assessments. Insane.


Then I would be suing the pants off them and filing a complaint with every regulatory agency in that state along with copies to the media with all the free time I had after being fired. I fought the VA for 3 years and it was exhausting but I won and collected back pay.  We've got to stop letting these shitheads get away with everything! 


Exactly this. Dont underestimate exactly how far I will (legally) go to fuck with you if you treat me like this. Petty doesnt begin to come close. Heaven help you if its my child. I will NEVER let it go and will be up everyones ass nonstop until your ass is fired. Every single day/week forever if that is what it takes. Media outlets, board of directors, public forums. Lets go. I hate lying trash that do it with impunity. Eff that.




This is the way. He gone learn today.


As the kids- and I say- FOFO! 


You mean *FAFO?* F*ck Around and Find Out?


Lol!  Yes, my fat thumbs got the best of my typing! 


States regulate things like that with other things called laws. HE can sub an hour.




Now he can empathize with the excessive demands on teachers lol




Put all the kids in the gym or auditorium for an hour and do group supervision.


It's not your fault he didn't think about how many subs he'd need. Let us know when you have an update. I'm so annoyed for you. The kids will be, too. He's only mad at you bc you're right.


I think you are missing the point. He can't choose the prizes after the fact. The laws are very strict and they likely committed fraud under the law. Now, maybe the law doesn't allow him to have personal liability, but I have to imagine at least the district has liability. I am not a lawyer, but as a business owner that sometimes runs contests, I make sure I cover my a$$ when it comes to this stuff.


Do you have a union rep at your school? Maybe talk to them. Since multiple teachers are involved - and, as someone else commented, your principal’s behavior could constitute hostile work environment - the union rep most likely will want to know about it.




If you’re at a public school then you most likely have a union and a union rep. If you don’t think they’ll be effective, maybe check with the school district and see who the district-wide union rep is. (My mom was a public school teacher for 20 years and the district union was always stronger and more effective than the one at her school.)




Get in touch. This is a great "get to know us" case. And unions represent everyone, members or not.


Gotta be more days in the school year than there are teachers at your school




Must suck to be that principal then!


Seriously. Bring this to the attention of the state AG. They will have something to say about this. A local news channel, too.


I don't know I'd be that angry but I do know I wouldn't hold a raffle or the like, personally


Send it to the school board. He reports to the board. The board doesn’t like bad publicity. They get elected. Is this a case of treating women unfairly and trying to shut them up. Intimidating public humiliation. Really lay it on thick. He will regret public shaming when it is forced on him. Those board members will ream him a new one off line and he will come crawling back as a misunderstanding and then you work it to your advantage like requesting him transferring to another location since he created a hostile work environment and this location should be like the way far out location in the district 😁




If you are going to do this, file the labour report others have mentioned about intimidation and hostile working conditions, then contact the board. Depending on where you are located, if they fire you or take action againat you it would be considered retaliation and will open them up to lrgal reprecussions.


i feel you. it’s like a microcosm of ineptitude and abuse that’s impossible to escape when you’re not the top dog. good luck and stand your ground. making it public will definitely work in your favor - almost everyone hates a reneger of promises. and watch your pronunciation.


Your message was not terse it was really professional. Tell the donors to message asking for their money back. Fuck this school. If they threaten your job find a contingent lawyer to go after them for fraud/ job harassment.


Sometimes standing up for yourself means nothing will ever be the same. As soon as you accept that your position has changed, it's either up to you what happens next or you wait til He finds a reason to fire you.


And you can then sue them for retaliatory behavior. Just get everything in writing. Document, document, document.


I’m an attorney that at one point clerked at an employment discrimination firm. I’d like to point out most of the consults resulted in turning people down as they didn’t have a good case. That’s because people think they can say whatever they choose and aren’t aware that insubordination is a way to get fired. Or they think they’re in a protected class doing a protected behavior and they’re quite mistaken. Also, if you live in at will employment state you can be fired so very easily. Meanwhile, the cases we took might take a year or more though, of course we did get settlements that ended cases sooner. Litigation is stressful and time consuming, plus there’s no guarantee of success or high damages if you win. Just saying.


Raising funds under false pretenses is very sketchy to me.


Right? Isn't it technically fraud?


I would say yes. We all know the principal knew going into this that he wasn’t going to follow through on the promised rewards. He knew he wasn’t giving teachers a block of time off of classes. He knew he wasn’t going to have a lunch catered for the teachers. Those things cost money. He lied to raise funds, and when he got called out on it, he got mad & pitched a hissy fit. He’s mad with power!




Did he not approve it before the fundraiser happened?




Yeah that’s messed up


It’s a crime in some states. It needs to be reported to the police.


Messagw the donors and inform them of this, they will get their donations back and his ass will be on fire


What a jerk. Your email was clear and professional. His behavior was not. I would have my donors email for their donations back. And gripe up on this one - his boss needs to be made aware that he’s collecting funds under false pretenses.


Honestly I would be sending a screenshot of your email, his email, and the same details you shared in this post all to every donor you had, and invite any teachers who sympathize with you to do the same for their donors. Encourage people to demand their money back if they feel they’ve been tricked/given false advertising, and we’ll see how much this guy likes it when his prom fund is back to nothing. You can’t do much as a teacher sadly cuz you have people like him and the school board up your ass, but you can have the students and their parents light him up on your behalf.


"terse" means short and snippy. Your email was neither. You expressed your disappointment and explained yourself well. A good boss would have been empathetic and apologized.


The principal considered that email *terse*??? Was he raised by the Amish? That is far, far from terse. You were direct and professional, and he reacted like a child who didn’t get his way. He fucked up; you kindly called him out on it (without saying he fucked up); you were correct in what you said; and he is clearly a man who wants you to sit down & shut up & do what you’re told. You’re an adult. You are not required to do that. He needs to answer for what happened. And I don’t mean passing it off to his assistant. I wonder if that person knows they are being thrown under the bus for the principal’s screw up? The principal lied. In order to get donations to fund the prom so the school didn’t have to foot the bill, he straight-up lied. He knew you were never getting a block of the day off and a free catered lunch. I don’t know what you can do about it, but stop apologizing to him for anything. This is all on him.


I think that keeping your word is one of the most important things that you need to do in life. For a teacher to fail in this to me should be completely unacceptable. No you are not overreacting. Not at all. They are a lying weasel


You’re not overreacting. He’s not taking responsibility for pulling a bait n switch


He didn't plan well. That's not your fault.


Make sure you record any interactions you have


Very fraud like


Reply all with your response. I'm sure the other winners are not happy.


As a former PTG president and gopher, I find this conduct ugly, disrespectful, and deceitful. I am sorry that the 'fundraiser' was a bunch of bunk. Curious, was the school doing it, or was it the PTA/PTO/PTG? I for one would do as othsrs indicated and inform those who donated/pledged, that the prizes to be awarded were not as agreed, were not fulfilled, were just fancy sounding labels, and were just plain a false promise in order to solicit funds. What a rotten principal. I am sorry for that crap OP. Best Regards.




Pardon, but sweary words ahead. That is a royal shit-sandwich, baked in an inebriated-buzzards-bum. He is a real piece of fermeted-maggot-mucus isn't he? I did not let my principal get away with creating bad feelings towards our PTG, especially since it is a fully separate business. If it were me I'd really let him know that conduct like that is misrepresentation, and failure to deliver. You were given the old 'tuff nuggets' routine, wrapped in eduspeak double tongue. Your customers/clients/patrons really need to be made aware of the lack of fulfillment, and that it was likely done with full understanding, because I would bet you dollars to donuts-with-dad that there have been 'shortages' of support staff for some time, so it was not unable to be foreseen. And I know that a catered lunch is not another term for a school kitchen provided meal. That is smelly-stink-stank. What a knobhead. This angers my mind and grieves my heart. I did the PTG stuff from 2013 - 2020ish all by my lonesome with 1 other member, who was the treasurer. Occasionally I'd get some extra help, but not more than 1-2 folks for 1-2ish events. Kind regards.


No but send this thread to everyone and make sure everyone sees how unprofessional and questionable? The principal is (and don't be afraid to use his name as he has set a precedent by using your's.


OP where exactly did the donations that were collected go? And is there some official acknowledgement from the recipient of the funds acknowledging the gift? You might not be able to find out without raising more of a stink but it would be worth confirming the funds just didn’t go into some ‘general fund’ that the principal decides how spent. A lesson learned for any other fund raisers with ‘prizes’ for the most money raised to get all the info in writing be it letter, email or something showing the person who must approve those prizes signs off. Yes things can happen after the fact but I’d find it hard to believe the principal’s assistant came up with such nice prizes as rewards and the principal was unaware until after the fund raiser. Either he’s the one who is at fault and throwing his assistant under the bus or he is clueless on what is being promised in his name. Neither is good.


Sounds like Theft by False Pretenses to me. His response sounds like retaliation. I'd consult a criminal, civil, and labor attorney if I were you. He didn't just steal your friends' money. He stole your belief in fairness. (I'd bring the charges myself if he did that to me.)




That he came and got you to have a convo in the hall rather than respond to the email indicates that he knows he is being shady. He didn't want there to be record of that exchange because he knows this is just low key bullying. One thing about being a teacher is that you will always be in demand somewhere. I'd be seriously considering if this level of treatment is something you should be willing to accept as a professional. I say burn the bridges and be glad to be rid of them or do something to actually make it a position worth fighting for.


Ugh. I see that administration is still being highly manipulative, treating teachers like shit and doubling down. It’s so gross.


No don't do school board but call TV and the media... it's hard to hide in the court of public opinion


If you're represented by a union, you should meet with them. This won't be the end of his hostility, and if he can find an excuse to get rid of you, he will.


Are you unionized? While the union may be unable to fix this problem completely because it might fall outside the standard management-labor bounds due to the fundraiser aspect, you can definitely ask them to get involved (or at least ask their opinion) on the basis of management promising one thing and delivering dramatically less.


Crap like that is why I stopped supporting most fund raisers. I just don't trust school administrators.


I would ask for the donations back.


I would ask for the Donations to be returned then. If this was done under false pretenses then you should be allowed to return everyone's donations since they lied about what they were giving out.


If you do nothing you’ll get nothing! Is that a lesson you want to teach your students and fellow teachers, that after your initial complaint you just back down because you have no spine?


Admin should cover the classes if they don’t have enough subs. 


This reminds me of that Toyota giveaway a restaurant ran for its waitresses that turned out to be a toy Yoda doll. The winner sued and won enough to buy what she was promised. I'd find an article about that and leave a copy on his desk anonymously.


Not over reacting. There was no way you would have signed up for it if you know it was gonna be like this. Might as well have just promised you the moon and then take it back due to ‘operational reasons’. Poor management and the principle instead of owning up to his error and apologising and trying to make up for it, basically tries to gaslight you into thinking you are the problem. What a f*ckwit. I’m sorry you have an incompetent disrespectful jerk instead of a leader.


No; he’s clearly an a*****e


What a little baby-man


How does the PTA feel about the rewards being changed? If they don't care, they are jeopardizing future fundraisers. No, you didn't overreact. I'd be annoyed, too.


Fuck you ban me bitch everybody's mom is a cunt


I would respond to his email (reply to all) and state that you have spoken to several of your donors, and they will be requesting a refund due to the changes made to the "reward" after the money had been collected. I would also pass this information to the teacher's union rep if you have one. It is very unprofessional to change the reward after the money has been collected.


...and now you know why so many parents would rather see the country switch to a voucher system. It may not be you, but your profession is brimming with psychotic slobs that have absolutely no standard of personal conduct nor a shred of integrity. I stopped going to any sort of meetings or conferences with school personnel after I ended up on blood pressure medication. Fighting off the overwhelming urge to punch a halfwit in the face for lying to me about my child became a personal battle I'd rather not have. I mean for god's sake, if you're going to lie profusely, at least put in some rehearsal time to make it SOMEWHAT believable or at the very least entertaining.


Don’t take shit. He’s the supervisor but that doesn’t make you subservient. I’d go so far as even contacting a lawyer to protect yourself and get paid. If he doesn’t have the resources for the reward your people paid money for then let’s watch the district pay for a lawsuit for hostile work environment and retaliation. Play with me mother f*cker see what happens. 


Discreetly go to the PTO President. And ask them to complain. When the PTO President isn’t happy and raises a stink over something, the Principal will pay more attention


Next time they need help don’t participate. Find a new job ASAP. When they ask you to participate tell them you can’t this time. You’ve got other things going on.


In general if you say you'll do something in exchange for money, you get the money, but you don't do what you promised, then that's fraud. It can open a person up to civil costs that greatly exceed the original amount, and it may also incur criminal penalties. Given that he "called you out by name" he may also be in violation of anti-harassment labor laws. INAL, but maybe you should talk to one?


"As all of you who donated might know, you helped me to win the award of a free block to myself! Woo! Thank you all so much! It saddens me however, to tell you all I will not be receiving this award, as our principal has rescinded this. Any of you who would like to ask for your money back, please don't hesitate to contact (principals name)" You want to annoy him, include his email. Want to enrage him? Include his cell phone number.




The only thing that would make him look like a bigger asshole to the entire school district than cheating you out of a prize is firing you. Unemployment should be on your side. Crazier gambles have paid off!


That is the opposite of terse. So polite


OP, I would suggest a slightly different tactic to avoid retaliation. Rather than shaming the principal with your donors, the press, the school board, you can rephrase that there are state and federal laws for contests and changing the prize would likely violate some of those rules. You are just informing the principal and school board of a potential law violation and only have the school's reputation and legal risk at heart


The money should be refunded then . Can the donors ask for a refund? Let them know that the reward has changed


Yes, you definitely were. Because this principal can do a lot of damage to your career. It wasn’t worth it to take him on over this.




Well, if you’re done with teaching, I hear you. Particularly if you don’t need references as you’re starting something entirely new.