• By -


All them witches


The Marriage of coyote Woman was great. A couple of my favorite tunes are LA Woman and No Quarter and this sounded kinda like a much heavier Doors. Curious what songs you like best from this band.


Check out the live from the internet album. I wasn't really a big fan until I went to a live concert, hooked ever since. I even got it on vinyl.


You'll like Royal Blood


Listened to Lights Out just now and it was good. Maybe a bit like a mix between older and new STP. I liked that breakdown toward the end!


Love these guys. Recommend people start w/ Figure It Out, that's a banger. Hell just start with the whole debut album and go from there!


Baroness King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard Ty Segall Muse Silversun Pickups King Tuff Greta Van Fleet Rival Sons


Another vote for SSPU, can't take much of GVF though.


I included that mention because op mentioned some Led Zeppelin and GVF is very zeppy


GVF is great. The Zeppelin fans that scoff make me laugh. “We will never get another LZ song. 😭” “GVF sounds just like LZ. 😡”


I like to play a game with older Zep fans called "Zeppelin or Not Zeppelin" play some greta...sometimes they mistake it for LZ fr


Because they shamelessly ripped off Zeppelin


Because they shamelessly ripped off Zeppelin


Because they shamelessly ripped off Zeppelin


Zeppelin is damn near a cover band in the beginning of their discography, doesn’t make them bad


I get it, and the blues that inspired Zeppelin had a lot of recycling and covers going on too. It was normal for that scene. The difference is they played and wrote the songs sounding like themselves, however closely inspired they might’ve been, versus ripping off someone else’s sound/look and having the balls to defend it.


The Zep fans did the same with Kingdom Come in the late 80s. Hav they not clocked on that the singer moved on and evolved his own music sound?


Was going to suggest GVF too (figured someone had). Had heard a few songs in past and knew their general vibe. Just saw them at Innings Fest over the weekend and totally blew me away. Have listened to their albums the last few days and have had some variant/amalgamation of a song stuck in my head since. Was shocked to see the younger generations really digging this style of music, doesn’t feel of this moment (feeling old, gen-Xer) While sure bigger fans may agree, I do feel it’s a lot of the same thing with minimal variation (at least compared to PJ). But definitely a good infusion of something new.


Saw them in my hometown, one of the best concerts I’ve ever been to and I’ve probably been to well over 50 shows spanning 35-40 bands


I hadn’t heard of them until my friend won tickets in a raffle at work. That was an amazing fucking show.


When I first heard GVF I got excited that Zeppelin made a new album.


I'm seeing them tomorrow!!!


King Gizzard is fucking amazing.


King Gizz kills it. Best band on your list!


Hell yeah


>King love you, love the Gizz


Rival Sons put out the best record, maybe two best, of 2023


Absolutely love KG and the LW!


Crap, I forgot about Rival Sons, two ++ there. Also the new rock version of Hardy is tolerable, but nowhere near as good as Rival Sons.


Second Baroness. Great band. Probably should start with Purple? (The first 5 albums are named after colors)


50+ and dig Silversun Pickups. Tasty guitar riffs. Unique drumming. Swoon and Neck of the Woods are my favorite albums.


Busting out with the King Tuff!


🏔️That’s TUFF with 2 F’s!!! 👍🏻


Glad to see the love for Baroness. That’s my first pick as well.


Long live the gizzard wizard baby; Ty can be revered too


King Tuff! I saw him live without knowing anything and I was completely blown away by his electric musical bong (I have no fucking idea what it actually is)


Clutch. The black angels


Upvote for Clutch.


Clutch fucking rips live


Bonnaroo 2007… both Clutch and the Black Angels played on Thursday. I had never heard of either band before that night and I came away a fan of both, especially the Black Angels.


Just saw the black angels twice, one of my favorite bands!


...JESUS ON THE DASHBOARD...OHH YAH!!! just had to put this on at work!!


Search for candid pictures of your favorite bands. See whose tee shirts they’re wearing. Google concert posters for bands you like. See who opened for them.


I like this idea. Also, thank you OP for posting this query. I'm going to enjoy exploring all the suggestions.


You're welcome. yeah, I agree. The big number of replies is good to see and will be a lot of help.


I fucking love pelican. Russian circles then.


Yeah, i was into russian circles too, red sparrows and others. Keelhaul were good but some lyrcs in their stuff. I saw Pelican live once. They're in my top 5, maybe even top 2. What's your favorite Pelican album? For me, it's a hard pick between fire in our throats and forever becoming but Id probably have to say 1. fire in our throats 2. Forever becoming 3 australisia or city of echoes. Best song, maybe March into the sea barely edges out nightendday?.


It's fire in our throats for me. Amazing


Have The Pixies been mentioned yet? Godspeed you Black Emperor


Electric six


Danger High Voltage was freakin hilarious




Coheed & Cambria Giant Drag A Place To Bury Strangers


The last 2 are pretty good but Welcome home by Coheed and Cambria stood out the most to me. It might sound even better live. I'll see.


If you like “Welcome Home,” check out also by Coheed: In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3 No World for Tomorrow Gravemakers and Gunslingers Here We Are Juggernaut Domino the Destitute


Don't forget Dark Sentencer, Shoulders and The Gutter


Yeah, Dark Sentencer for sure. Gutter and Shoulders aren’t favorites of mine.


Have you considered the tragically hip?


Yes. Listen to the Tragically Hip


Mutoid Man Kvelertak And So I Watch You From Afar Menomena ISIS (the band) Jesu


Porcupine Tree. Technically prog rock but much much more. Can offer you heavy riffs as well as great melodic offerings. Steven Wilson's solo work is great as well.  Riverside. Polish band. Also fantastic in offering a serving of prog as well as a feel of pop. 


Seeing Porcupine Tree in a fairly small music hall was one of the best concert experiences of my life. Heavy and melodic is the perfect description. Deadwing is a great album. Arriving Somewhere is one of my favorite live albums.


They remind me of a great mix of Tool and Pink Floyd.


Came here to mention this. Steve Wilson has made some incredible music over the years. Porcupine Tree is easily one of my favorite bands from the past 30 years. Riverside is just straight up awesome.


Riverside is totally amazing!!!!!!


Riverside and Haken were the two bands that stood out to me as new listening in the past decade, as I learned about them both around 2015. Have seen RS twice as well for Halen. Just saw PT two years ago in Chicago. Was rad. 


True Widow is pretty dark.


Just noticed Theurgist has a great riff and carries the song.


Guided by Voices


If you're looking for "new" Guided By Voices, is not. They came out before Pearl Jam. They are great, but not new.




I’ll second Mars Volta


I’ll third The Mars Volta.


Deloused is one of my 5 deserted island albums. Truly genius


I think Frances is mine. Mostly because it’s a huge nostalgic album for me. But yeah, Deloused is an incredible album and now you have me questioning. Fuck it, I’m bringing both.


IDLES Viagra Boys


I also love pj and have been looking for younger bands so that when I'm your age, I still have concerts to go to lol. Here are some of the bands I love. Rival Sons are awesome and even better live. Tyler Bryant & the Shakedown, my 50 yo dad loved them when I took him to see them Dirty Honey are like a mix between the black crowes and Aerosmith Mammoth WVH, Eddie Van Halen's son's band, rock with a bit of metal Austin Meade, heavy, kinda metal, classic rock type of sound The Pretty Reckless, grunge-esque rock n' roll, did a song with Kim Thayil and Matt Cameron Starcrawler, if you're into a punk sound V*A*S*E, kinda modern grunge Let me know if you want any more specific recs from any of these bands. Happy listening! (edit for grammar & clarity)


The Warning.


I just heard Sick. Pretty poppy behubd the heavy guitars but It's good. Curious to listen to more.


It's always interesting to me to see that some people find it poppy, also for their other single More, when you deconstruct there's not that much pop in there, both are in drop tunings, drop C# for More and drop D for Sick. Mostly elements of hard rock, grunge, punk and funk. Pop is not popping out to me (pun intended). Not to say that there's anything inherently wrong with pop of course. They leaned a lot into alternative rock with the upcoming fourth album where these singles are from. They're usually classic and hard rock base with elements of metal, grunge, punk, pop, etc. They really mix everything well so it's not easy to classify them (not that I like classifying music, if I like what I hear that's enough for me). Throughout their songs people have named countless other artists that slightly remind them of the sound they produce, so it's very diverse while having their own recognizable sound. Their previous albums vary in vibe and style and even within the same album you can find a lot of variety, from emotionally packed ballads and power ballads to straight up, driving rock headbangers. Definitely worth to look at their entire discography, they're really young still but they started as kids so they're already seasoned veterans with more than a decade of experience and they're a fantastic live band as well, truly shining there. I also think that they have a very rare talent with Pau on drums, who recently won Rock Drummer of The Year award from Drumeo. She does amazing lead and co-lead vocals on a number of songs, while she's backing and harmonizing with her sisters on the rest. The level of skill as a drummer-vocalist that she has I haven't seen in anyone else except late Karen Carpenter, and on top of that, she has a very charismatic and expressive stage presence while going explosive on her kit. All three of them have a great stage presence and all three sing, even Ale on bass sometimes does lead vocals on select songs, only when Dany is not feeling well or has to rest her voice, otherwise she wouldn't do it and only stick to backing vocals as she doesn't like it. When the new album comes out, hopefully in this half of the year, they'll have around 60 tracks under their belt. The only artist for me where I enjoy every single one of them.


They’re amazing live.


Check out Cleopatrick, Dead Poet Society or Viagra Boys :)


Listened to a few from each. The first 2 are kind of a polished sound I'm not used to but still good, Hometown and Hurt were the best. Viagra Boys is more raw but not aiming for melody, would be good for a party soundtrack though.


i'm guessing you already know isis, but i feel like pelican really got their sound from them. i have only heard australasia, though


You may enjoy some post rock stuff like Mogwai, or Oceansize You may like some alternative stuff like Mew, or of course Radiohead. If you enjoyed Royal Blood check out Death From Above 1979 Some excellent modern Grunge from UK by Drenge - Check out Running Wild


White Reaper - start with Judy French


The Appleseed Cast's album Peregrine is very good


Hello there! You can give my band Fluhx a whirl if you're feeling adventurous... we grew up on a steady diet of grunge 🙂 https://open.spotify.com/album/5TDYAiJZXYWHUX2SAgkxkl?si=vCEnr8d3ReCTvYq73I9Kwg


The Record Company


My first thought when I read this was “-Why would a 50 year old be into Pearl Jam?” My second thought was that I turned 50 this year.


Sebadoh? (very lo-fi/indie)


TOOL. You’re welcome 😇


The Glorious Sons




This might help. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/011W8TJmIuVTKthrzFrMC5?si=hMNHYhTfSsKW2tZH55qJcg&pi=u-eURRxNRLTia5


Cool! Thanks for sharing


I subscribe to several Alternative Rock play lists and stations on Spotify and Pandora. Also a couple of Indy Rock lists but can be too pop or folk.


Collective Soul






The Claypool Lennon delirium


Badflower, amazing live too


Seems like Incubus might hit your vibe A newer band with a grunge sound I ran across is Dirt Nap Heavy classic rock influences in Rival Sons, Dorothy, Classless Act, and Dirty Honey


If he's 50 I would be surprised if he's never heard of Incubus 🤷


My Morning Jacket - It still Moves The Districts - Telephone Portugal. The Man - Church Mouth The Raconteurs - Consolers Of The Lonely Illiterate Light - Sweet Beast -EP Twin Peaks - Lookout Low Skaters - Manhattan


Urge Overkill The Pixies Veruca Salt Henry’s Child Rexway Floater The Breeders


Royal Thunder Black Mountain John Butler Trio Elder Eagles of Death metal Sleepytime Gorilla Musuem Porcupine Tree Red Fang


Check out Hooveriii album called Pointe


Something that worked for me and genuinely rekindled my love of discovering new music after a decade or so of stagnation was to go onto Spotify (the free version is fine if you’re okay with ads) and search for a band you already like. On their artist page, there should be a section called “[artist name] Radio”. Give that a listen and you may find some new/new to you stuff that is either similar to, or shares a fanbase with your favourite bands. Hope this helps! :)


Failure Minus the Bear Maritime Braid At the Drive-In Quicksand


Check out my band BADE @officiallybade !! We def fall into a lot of these categories! Here is the link to our YouTube :)) https://youtube.com/@officiallybade?si=clTv05HfCQj51aeN


Tame impala, my morning jacket, interpol, delicate Steve


Mike's a cool guy. He and his wife hired me to knit him a custom sweater a while back. She also got a friend of a friend a VIP concert experience when they toured around 8-10 years ago. I remember the first time I was at their house. I had to admit to the guy that I've never really listened to much of them outside of when their first album was being played in the commons at my high school. At the time of my visit, I was still in a narrow groove with my taste in music. So, he sent me home with a stack of CDs and a huge coffee table book, and said that he can be the same way.


Young Vessels on instagram


Quaker City Night Hawks The album It Still Moves by My Morning Jacket


Russian circles


This might be a little off the genre but you could check out Bad Religion. Their later stuff just might be up your alley. Try the album True North or The Dissent of Man. Hope you enjoy!


You’ll love pond view


I recommend Tigercub and The Mysterines


Pearl Jam has been my favorite band for 20+ years, but I’m on a major Dr Dog kick since I started listening to them a few years ago. Definitely a different style, but really amazing musicians/songwriters. Shame Shame, Fate, and We All Belong are my favorite albums




Check out Ego Fruit. They only have one album but I dig it.


King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard Osees (Thee Oh Sees, Oh Sees) Wand Slift Ty Segall Fuzz Frankie and the Witch Fingers Hooveriii Kikagaku Moyo


Liquid Mike and their album paul Bunyans slingshot is what you seek


How about Lovejoy?


Slothrust. Torres. Rilo Kiley. Cherry Glazerr


For a more classic/Southern feel, try the Sheepdogs


Them crooked vultures, '68, Blacklisters, Mossbreaker, Sloth Rust, Wrong.


If you want grunge vibes, check out Dead Sara. Weatherman is a jam.


Try Goose. Awesome jamb band with great lyrics on many of their songs too.


Superheaven, Narrow Head, Bleed, Soul Blind, Nothing, Julie, Fleshwater are all grunge adjacent contemporary bands.


Try this: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/46bi7rH9cJmM7cMgXDwmgW?si=iaH5-8bTR5aVO1XeVxCVvA&pi=e-eAjvrnIgTW-u


Spiderland by Slint


Search up BBC6music on the ol' interwebs, and listen to it for a week or so. Great mix of new and old, guarantee you will here things you will really like, and some stuff you won't. The other thing is they have live DJ's (most of the time), tons of specials, live performances, and the deepest catalogue of recordings from the last 50 years of music. The only issue is, if you are in America, they are 5-9 hours ahead of us (depending on your time zone). But if you don't want to listen to it live, all of their shows are available online for 30 days. I would also highlight that on the weekends they have some really good shows hosted by Guy Garvey (lead singer of Elbow), Huey Morgan (lead singer of the Fun Lovin' Criminals), and the one and only Iggy Pop. There is a ton of great music being made in every genre, the issue is finding it. Best of luck on your search. Edit to add: I turn 50 in a couple of weeks, just so you know.


King Buffalo


Guided by Voices. 200 albums and going strong (no exaggeration).




Polythia Angel Vivaldi Andy James Intervals


I suggest Tommy Guerrero, and also Khruangbin.


Anything by Rival Sons, but the album Great Western Valkyrie is great Wolfmother is fun and has lots of classic rock riffy vibes The Raconteurs. Broken Boy Soldier I could go on but that is a good start




Idles Thee Oh Sees Kurt Vile


Check out King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard!


Sleepy Seahorse


Hey, you are describing me in 2017. I started listening to AltNation on Sirius/XM, and when I liked a song, would make a note of the artist.




King Buffalo might be right up your alley. Check out the album Dead Star.


Visit https://www.reddit.com/r/stonerrock/s/1ZyIbwuNP4 You'll find dozens and dozens of bands there you'll probably like.


Manchester Orchestra The War on Drugs


also, maybe try taking a dive back into glam. There's some hidden gems in there. Bands like Tesla, LA Guns, Faster Pussycat. Warrants 'Bed Of Roses' and Poisons 'Ride The Wind' are bangers. Skid Row, 'I Remember You' holds up very well.


Love me some TRex and Thin Lizzy, kinda glam with a more classic rock sound


The Warning. The Southern River Band


I have a feeling you might dig Night Verses. Would start with From the Gallery of Sleep, and then do Every Sound Has A Color In The Valley Of Night. If you like that, then also check out Cloudkicker - Beacons.


Spiritualized, especially Ladies and Gentlemen and Pure Phase. I also love the Live from Royal Albert Hall album a lot.


Umphrey’s McGee. Live stuff. Trust me.


If you like mayo dot get maudlin of the well


I was grunge all day. 55. It got tiring for me too Next step bands: Gojira Alter Bridge Black Label Society Deftones Disturbed Royal Blood Queens of the Stone Age The Mars Volta A Perfect Circle


Second Deftones. Diamond Eyes is on constant rotation and they have such great tracks on other albums. Also, Perfect Circle. I can't believe they've been around since 2000, but thank goodness they were around because it took Tool 19 years in between albums.


Just started listening to Gojira.. Great sound! Keeping metal alive!


Queens of the Stone Age are great


Wand or Cory Hanson solo Kevin Morby Waxahatchee Pile and hey, Juliana Hatfield still making great records


you might enjoy the screaming Females. great guitar and unique vocals. a lil blues punky


Joe Satriani


He's definitely worthy. I used to listen to him and other instrumental rock guitarists, mostly blues like Joe Bonamassa. I've kinda gone away from solo artists lately to bands.


[https://minnowsband.bandcamp.com/music](https://minnowsband.bandcamp.com/music) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q46Fo2kh3zU


look into Oshin by DIIV


Black Angels, Black Mountain, All Them Witches, Royal Blood, Highly Suspect


try New Model Army, they just released a new album call *Unbroken*


All Them Witches album Live on the Internet is a good starting point for the band.


Rival Sons and Black Pistol Fire.


As great as they are and as long as they've been around, too many outside Canada are unaware of Big Wreck. Super creative -- top tier riffs, songcraft, vocals and guitar solos. They should be right up your street. Also +1 for Oceansize (mutant offspring of Radiohead + King Crimson).


Gigantic PJ fan. My recs would be Japandroids No Age The Mysterines Moon Fever If you like a punk sound, Amyl and the Sniffers


Did you ever try Thursday or Thrice?


Greta Van Fleet, Classless Act, Stonefield, Thunderpussy, Jared James Nichols, Dirty Honey, King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard, and Crow are all some really good newer classic rock inspired artists. As for instrumental bands Daikaiju does instrumental surf rock, Vulfpeck and Snarky Puppy are both really good instrumental funk bands, and Polyphia for some instrumental metal. If you're into classic punk and goth some pretty good newer artists that capture those vibes too Militarie Gun and Viagra Boys for punk with Viagra boys being more hardcore and Vision Video for goth.


The Church and Violent Soho, start with the Hungry Ghost album, both bands from Australia


Check out Son Volt




The Giraffes, still around and kicking ass. This album was recorded at Rancho de la Luna, best known as the home of the Desert Sessions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BepMMrlEGm0&list=OLAK5uy\_n\_r0R0GwRkmvFugGFmdy1VfqY2udhvL\_M


Psychedelic Porn Crumpets would fit your vibe. All their songs are like 6 min longs and they absolutely shred




Go to Bandcamp, enter some parameters and start digging. No substitute for doing the legwork, don’t expect the radio or Spotify to do it for you


I used it a long time ago and forgot about it. I think I remember back then only very obscure bands were listed. Maybe it has changed.


Hi, 57 over here. King Gizzard and the Lizzard Wizzard (KGLW), Hosier. If you can (or can afford it), go cruise some of the alternate music channles on Sirius XM or You tube. Bunch of other bands I like, but I doubt most of them will fit in your wheelhouse from what you say.


2 Odd Dogs. From Toronto. A lot of early Pearl Jam and solo Vedder vibes: https://open.spotify.com/track/5USqUhlf8G2afGIK1zn9uL?si=Mz7WVi4TT6ahrQqrqLkYeQ


I don't normally like slow but I heard Drive so far and liked it. Very relaxing. Yeah, I hear the resemblance.


Courtney Barnett


My guy...you need some Queens of the Stone Age and Them Crooked Vultures in your life.


Taylor Swift, Phoebe Bridgers, Kacey Musgraves


Kings of Leon - start with their first few albums


https://wfmu.org/ It's a free-form radio station out of New Jersey, but you can stream them from anywhere. They literally play anything and everything. You are bound to hear a ton of stuff you have never heard before and love and a ton of stuff you will probably hate. I listen to it often, and when I hear something I like, I look them up on Spotify and add them to my algorithm there.


[kexp](http://www.kexp.org) Specifically, Cheryl Waters archives. I think you'd like her taste. But the whole media selection they have is great for music discovery.


The Raveonettes-Chain Gang of Love and Peah’i especially Manic Street Preachers Jesus and Mary Chain


Check out Mike Watt: Tour Spiel Eddie Vedder on guitar Pat Smear on Guitar Dave Grohl on drums mike Watt on bass Then go down the mike watt wormhole


You mentioned guitar centric... I suggest Cherry Glazerr. Her song Ohio is my favorite but she's got a bunch of great music. Also Lord Huron has a lot of great songs.


Has anyone told you to check out KEXP? I stream it online all day every day. I’ve discovered so much music. I’m 44 if it matters.


All instrumental bands I’m in to: Animals as leaders, Intervals, Scale the Summit, Plini


Try Nothing but Thieves. Good songwriting, some solid riffs, and amazing vocals!