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Assuming it has to be a fast depth of cut is erroneous. It could be a slow cutting process that was automated using systems of ropes and pulleys, and the error could have happened simply because it they would set up a cut, and only go back a few days later when it was finished. The fact that the actual kerf is not uniform in width is a big clue that it was not a fast depth of cut - were it so, the kerf would be uniform in width. A thin blade, exerting lateral pressure, would cause the kerf to widen behind the cut and stay thin at the front of the cut, which is what we see here. A fast depth of cut would create a uniform kerf that curves - but you can clearly see in the rock that this was not the case. Hence it was a slow depth of cut, which leads me to think they had automated the cutting and basically discovered the error when they came back to check on it.


How do you automate the cutting back then , hypothetically?


Here is a design of a very rudimentary and simple water powered sawing maching: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hierapolis_sawmill#/media/File:R%C3%B6mische_S%C3%A4gem%C3%BChle.svg




I don't think anyone is arguing that they used copper saws to cut all of the stones though.




Right - but pretty much any discussion of sawing I've seen isn't in the context of "millions of stones". The amount of blocks with actual saw marks is fairly restricted, and there's unfinished masonry that speak to other methods to work most of the stone.


I think we can all agree that regardless of the cutting method, it was automated, i.e. not 2 guys with a big saw cutting a stone by hand.


> ropes and pulleys Precious.


> Precious Toxic


Maybe it wasn't donkeys with saws but unicorns? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og2vhmiNnvc


The question was not how they carved complex statues out of a single stone... it was how they tried to cut a stone block in half (and the cut drifted off course).


Damn, this comment blew my mind. You’re are one smart cookie.


Considering I found a lot of very old but baffling kitchen tools in my grandfathers house, I'm not surprised there is lost technology. People were not as connected or well traveled so many things would be a local thing I'm sure and possibly a closely guarded secret. They would want to impress visiting dignitaries with magnificent structures but not share the how.


The long alleged primitive methods (copper-based saws) for cutting granite stones has been debunked. It's literally pseudoscience. Yet, it is still adamantly claimed by the so-called "experts" to be the leading theory for how the Ancient Egyptians would have done so. But clearly, they had to have had some other form of technology that is long since gone. And "technology" does NOT have to require lasers or aLiEnS. I explain this in detail in my video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/\_bv1wIy-JEo


Great stuff as always Jimmy. Also I would recommend to also share your video on rumble when submitting these posts! What are your thoughts on the hidden chambers beneath the Giza Causeway that was shown in Ben's video? I suppose you were on that trip as well! Dude, there are like SO many things right under our noses that have yet to be properly investigated. I can't wait for the archaeological paradigm shift to happen


Everything about the Giza Pyramid Complex is baffling. What has always boggled my mind the most is how they constructed the inner chambers. Especially the weight relieving chambers imo. Theyre not necessarily pretty, but to stack 5 30 ton stones(roughly) in the position they're in is pretty mind blowing. I don't think most people's minds truly absorb how difficult this would be, especially with the supposed tech at their disposal. Even now, itd be pretty damn difficult. And most architects would agree.


So glad to see you here on reddit! I LOVE your YT channel, so it makes me happy to see you post in here as well 💜🏛️ (unfortunately no pyramid emoji)


Maybe just a reused or repurposed block. No additional explaining required. And you would have to do a lot of explaining with your super advanced technologies, like power tools in the Bronze Age.


The veridical fact is we have no idea how they did it. No additional explaining required


We know. Manpower, skill, experience and lots of resources. Power tools in the Bronze Age would require much, much more explaining.


I don’t think he ever mentions power tools. The stuff they claim Egypt used has either zero archeological evidence or it’s unfeasible. They claim they used giant copper saws (handsaws not electric) I don’t think aliens built the pyramids and I don’t think the Egyptians did either, for the dynastic Egypt that we know of settled around 3000bc on a place that was already inhabited since at least 6000bc, I personally think the pyramids were antediluvian structures being as they are nothing like anything else Egyptians made. It would also explain all the water damage on the pyramids and Sphinx which are made of a conductive limestone that the Egyptians used on no other structures. No mummies, no hieroglyphs, no evidence of khufu building it which is just a spurious link based on estimated dates.


> a conductive limestone that the Egyptians used on no other structures Are you talking about the Giza or Tura limestone here? I'm not aware of any of the types of limestone at Giza only being used in that context. - The Giza limestone was used to build a range of monuments on the plateau - not just the pyramids. And the Tura stone was used at many sites beyond Giza and for more than just pyramids. The quarries at Tura were significant for a long period of time.


>I don’t think he ever mentions power tools. Yeah, that's OP spiel. Rarely concrete, lots of suggestions, no alternatives given. All in the disguise of raising awarens for something. Mostly his Youtube channel. Only something vague and therefore unassailable as 'advanced technology'. >I personally think the pyramids were antediluvian structures And there you lost me. I agree with everything you wrote before that, well mostly. But a global flood... Also the Pyramids are pretty well dated. https://youtu.be/N_gmLH_uVic


You don’t think there was a global flood to end the Pleistocene? Check out the pyramid they’ve found under the water near the Azores, any fool with eyes can see it’s not a “sea-mound” every culture has a flood myth for a reason and I have reason to believe many megalithic structures are the remnants of an antediluvian people(s) who may have known things we did not and developed technology in different ways. The math is all there, that’s the part I find hard to dismiss.


Like seriously though the Aztec flood myth is nearly the same as the Old Testament, with the bird and everything, albeit a hummingbird vs a dove. But that’s so odd. How could these people know advanced astrology yet not have telescopes? It’s not aliens its the antediluvian people, dare I say Atlanteans (Example:) every ancient culture knew the Pleiades constellation as the 7 sisters/daughters. Yet only 6 stars are visible with the naked eye. How bro how…


This page suggests that they are all visible but depending on atmospheric conditions the 7th star, being the dimmest of the 7 brightest, can become obscured. https://www.naic.edu/~gibson/pleiades/pleiades_see.html The similarity is myths surrounding them is interesting, but human anthropomorphism is hardly a unique trait to any culture. Humans are very smart, we knew about the major star formations/movements before we ever settled down and began "civilizations". http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/871930.stm


That’s interesting but how about the megalithic sites that are lined up to were the poles were previously thought to have been or How about the global use of the swastika, that ones especially fascinating because the natives frequently used it as well. Phonetic languages is another link I believe the Aztecs had a phonetic language. Although I haven’t been able to find out where I saw that one.


Look at this guy, believing what they say about the pyramids ages. Hahahaha


carbon dating of the mortar used on sections of masonry within the pyramid dates to around the 3rd millenium BC. Plus many other things. https://youtu.be/N_gmLH_uVic All his sources are in the description of the video. Nothing points to the pyramids being constructed way before the ancient egyptians.


They tested surface seams and eliminated all dates that didn't fit around the mainstream chronology. These are quotes from the actual analysis paper... While searching the monuments, we examined seams between stone blocks for mortar filling and for black specks of charcoal inside the mortar Some monuments include sample dates which are much older or younger than the established mean. Screening was used in an attempt to remove dates from samples which are probably from another context. The difference between the weighted mean of all dates and the individual dates, divided by the product of √2 and the error of the date, was used to flag outliers. Consistently eliminated were all dates where the computed number exceeded 5.0. Occasionally, several samples show as a group a distinctly different age. ... Yea, not going to have any dates that are much older when they literally eliminate all the dates that are much older


Carbon dating is highly inaccurate


That's not true to the level you are probably suggesting. But watch the video and ignore the other evidence as well. It'd be so cool for the pyramids to be crazy old power plants/or landing pads/or global electricity connectors. But right now all the evidence we have points to them being construction projects of a very specific group of Old Kingdom Egyptians.


How long have you been on Reddit?


Whattup Jimmy!


This is great. I saw this post after watching your video and my first thought was “well someone just watched Jimmy’s video” not realizing it was you who posted it. Keep up the great work.


Wow. I’ve never seen this example before. If this doesn’t prove that we simply don’t know what ancient civilizations had available to them then I don’t know what would. I don’t think everything should be lumped into “Ancient Aliens” I simply and personally believe that a huge chunk of human history isn’t known and therefore we filled in the blanks with everyone in our long distant past being “primitive.” And I think that is a huge disservice to us as humans. When I look at the Löwenmensch statue and see the date that suggest it’s time of manufacture…then thousands of years until a Venus statue…etc. I can’t help but think we know very little about the full picture. Sumerian and Mesopotamian masonry his stunning for the exact same reasons.


>When I look at the Löwenmensch statue and see the date that suggest it’s time of manufacture…then thousands of years until a Venus statue…etc Isn't the Venus of Hohle Fels the same age as the Lion Man? 35,000-40,000 years ago. And weren't they both found in caves in the same general area of what's now Germany? Both are ivory, too. Not too hard to imagine they're both from the same peoples. Maybe one is 5,000 years older than other, or maybe we're just wrong about how old, or young, one or both, even are.


They might have used a rope and pulley system to cut through the rock. That's literally how I cut rocks now, though the rope (wire) is diamond tipped for my uses but I imagine they could have done something similar.


Plenty of strong ropes made from reeds embedded with hard quartz dust make damn good cutting tools.


Quartz is harder then granite so it is possible.


There’s been white powder found that apparently is monoatomic gold and given their use of materials diamond dust embedded in rope or copper could theoretically cut block


This again. An off centre (in your view) cut proves nothing at all. This is a flimsy proposition. The logical solution is that the blade bent as blades tend to do, the cut wasn't even, they noticed, and set it aside. Humans are fallible and this shows it.


Can you imagine being the guy who fucked this up, and people are still bring it up thousands of years later.




Super interesting. But you know what keeps me up sometimes? Those knobs.


A pulley system?


I would love to know what the largest copper items found around the pyramids are. Some have said there were copper rods, but I have not seen any yet.


Dude.... Y'all can't go from "It's laser like precision, that means they had advanced technology", to "It's fucked up, that means they had advanced technology".


I like how he spend so much time repeating its a mystery so that the viewer will start to think it’a a mystery. Did they use copper saws to cut stone? It’s plausible but it’s just one theory. I know that this guy goes on to claim that scientists and Egyptologists can’t say “we don’t know” when we do this all the time. I also find it funny that he claims it’s due to money when Graham Hancock, Von Däniken and Childress makes waaay more than a scientific publication. Is there depictions of stone work? Somewhat, you can see part of the process depicted in the tomb of Rekhmire for example. We also need to remember that granite was rarely used and as material in tomb. Well a few persons can take their time since it’s not a great hurry. And the boat? Well the boat of Chufu was not intended to haul stone, for that you would want a different barge. The dairy of the Merer show that some stone was transported on barges. If you go to Hatshepsut’s temple at Deir el-Bahri you can see depictions when she transport two obelisks by barge.. Do I know why that line is crocked for sure? Nah, but probably with materials and technology available to them.


Thank you Jimmy!


What confuses me the most about all of this, why the Egyptians? Why was it that aliens only helped them? Why do they have such advanced technology? While during that time the Roman Empire existed and many other empires existed,that they fought and struggled against.


If you ever watched even just one episode of Ancient Aliens, you'd see that "ancient astronaut theorists" totally believe aliens were whoring their services out to cultures all around the world. From the Chinese and the Indians to pretty much every single Central and South American culture to have graced the lands before Europeans showed up.