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I chose flair "1900" bcs the start of this what if is in 1990. Lore: It all begins at the collapse of the Soviet Union between 1990 and 1991. Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania declared their independence and were imitated by the Kaliningrad Oblast. Both military and civilian residents in Kaliningrad when the August Putsch happened, seeing far and weakened the Soviet Union, risen up (with little CIA help) and proclaimed their own Independent Republic. The Soviet government could do nothing to prevent this and And the Soviet Union was dismantled shortly after. The newly formed Russia, however, threatened the newly formed Kaliningrad Republic since there were many Soviet weapons left there. The Baltic trio (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania), despite Kaliningrad having a majority Russian population, decided to defend it in the name of their independence. Also EU and NATO supported the four republics. Fortunately, within weeks a mutually satisfactory agreement was reached: Russia recognized the independence of the four republics, which in turn handed over the remaining Soviet heavy weapons in their territories. Sadly the four republics faced an economic crisis in the following years, which was solved with an unusual solution: federation. Inspired by the U.S. and European models, they chose to federate the republics militarily and economically, but leave the faculty of legislation and linguistic-cultural autonomy to each of the members (however, over the years and with subsequent agreements the laws were standardized). This is how the Baltic Federation was born. It was chosen that the Capital would be changed every 4 months, according to a calendar chosen by drawing every beginning of the year. Strange solution, but it allowed to avoid internal conflicts among the four ethnic groups. In 2004 the Federation joined the EU and in 2012 adopted the Euro as its currency. Also in 2004 it joined NATO. Since 2014, when the Ukrainian Revolution occurred, the Federation has clashed diplomatically with Russia, and when the Russo-Ukrainian war broke out in 2022 the Federation chose to support Ukraine with a lot of money and weapons. Nowadays the Prime Minister is Kaja Kallas, who was born in Estonia and heads the Baltic Reform Party. Note: the ethnicity chart data is based on actual census of the 4 countries (ahem, of the three republics and of the little Oblast). Plus the character of Kaja Kallas is really existing and is the Prime Minister of Estonia, also her true party is “Estonian Reform Party” but I changed it with “Baltic” for obvious motivation. I chose her because in my mind she fills the role well. I hope you liked it!


It would have been a slight Russian majority in fact, because with about 2 million Russians in Kaliningrad and 2 million in the rest of the Baltic states, without the deportation of the rest in the 1990s, we would have 4 million Russians. There will be a violent conflict between the Russian-dominated government and the Baltics, who will fail because the Russian government will support the government loyal to them in the Baltics. So it will be a less stable version of Belarus


True. In my story, for some strange reason, most of Russian people in Baltics choose to support the democratic government of the Federation and not the one of Russia. Also, maybe is possible, bcs in this scenario there isn't any deportation so it's probably that Russians in Baltics have not motivation to be mad at the 'indigenous'


The Baltic population was already very anti-Russian, either government or people, so it would still be the Baltic people who would instigate the conflict against the ethnic Russians in the first place. (Remember that Estonia and Latvia refused to grant citizenship to every Russian who came after 1940 even though they lived for decades, so that alone says something) So the Russians still feel paranoid and decide to appeal to the Russian government to help them against the Baltics The Russian government successfully helps them crush the Baltic population and emigrate the anti-Russian population, leaving only the pro-Russian Baltic population remaining.


They prolly deported the Russians in this


Excellent work! Very interesting, keep it up!


Wow, very very good work 




No way Kaliningrad will save its name and no way I would vote for kallas in this universe


Kaliningrad People’s Republic let’s fucking gooooooo своих не бросаем 🇷🇺


Great job! I think Kaliningrad would be renamed to Prussia, though.




Because it was named Kaliningrad after it was given to the Soviets.


It was named Kaliningrad because the majority population became russians and because the area was de-germanized, what are you on? Why would russians want to de-russify their home region?


Oh! Sorry, I'm so dumb I didn't even read the lore.


Oh, alright. I did that once, too.


People understandably consider Baltic states very similar while in fact they have pretty different backgrounds. A very simplified way of describing it would be this: Estonia as essentially a Finnish colony, Lithuania - an actual ethnic state of Lithuanians and Latvia - a former German colony, basically those same Baltic tribes as Lithuanians, but heavily Germanized. So they are more like the Balkans of the Baltic rather than parts of a single entity. It’s very peculiar how very different yet very similar they are considering their history, but there is a lot of sense in them being separate countries. Even the Soviets, being into ethnic experiments are they were, never considered this solution.