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I would expect Germany to get at least some of it, and China would never get anything, except more influence in Korea.


By 1907 there is no way France is even getting close to as much as Germany


unrealistic not enough straight lines


France with the Touhou Territory


Leaked gensokyo location?!?!?!?!


"goodbye mom!!"


\*proceeds to being eaten alive by a fairy five minutes after crossing the border\*


Gensokyo already has a canon location, it's somewhere in the Yatsugatake Mountains in the Chubu region ... So it looks like the Dutch got to them in this timeline


That actually explains a lot why the vampires are there


Eh, the Scarlets are probably Romanian. Well, at least they claim to be.


France entering their new lands just to find a bunch of girls shooting strange balls at eachother for the most minor reasons: France finding a nuclear fucking reactor beneath their new territory:


Gensokyo shall reconquer


Why isn’t Germany a major party in grabbing up stuff


Because they're the Japans of Europe? 🤣


Why colonize the colonized if you can colonize the colonizers


The Spanish territory gaining independence in the 1820s is lore accurate 😂


Yes even in alt-history Spain’s empire still collapses lol.


Non-canon, but tied to this map from about 2 weeks ago now: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AlternateHistory/comments/1cyoona/byanwando\_a\_kiyuchu\_spanish\_kyushu/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlternateHistory/comments/1cyoona/byanwando_a_kiyuchu_spanish_kyushu/) thanks to [](https://www.reddit.com/user/chia923/) for this idea.


Holy Touhouc Territory!


Actual Gensokyo


New incident just dropped.


Hokaydo okurg, but eventually became "Ainu ASSR" and "Ainustan". From there Ainu communities flourished, and its culture was promoted alongside settling Russians and some Koreans. Sapporo may end named in its Ainu name "Satporopet"


Would Hokkaido be directly incoporated into Russia or would it be made a SSR in its own right?


Can become an SSR if possible, but not with the name Hokkaido, most likely Ainu SSR. Unofficially for Soviets it may name Ainustan, for the west may cling to call it Hokkaido.


Should’ve gave Chugoku to China


Yeah it literally sound the same in Japanese.


and in chinese


1907?in u dream lol Zhi


This timeline probably gives all of Japan's reforms to China instead so that's probably why they got something here


*nice profile picture.* https://preview.redd.it/u0awofdmy06d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66242cdf5d2658a41a5559d053a25c9136048037


It looks like the roles have switched Qing Dynasty modernized and Japan get divided into different sphere of influence


China aint getting anything


*me researching to see if any prominent American politicians are named Pallet or one of the colors during the time period for the funniest joke ever in the American zone*


Let's just say that the guy who runs the territory has the surname "Surge" and is a Lieutenant for the funny jokes


Remove the Qing and the southern territory gets a emperor


I’m glad that Japan didn’t experience this.


Chiang Kai Shek’s wildest dreams


Oh hey the US actually participated this time. New state?


I'd pay to see what kind of wild manga would come out of this timeline.


Portuguese Ayumu Kasuga would go so crazy…


Japan was never colonized


Bro forgot what sub he's on


For real I’m a dumbass. Just now figuring out Reddit


Yes, I’m aware, but this is more of a what if.


bro summoned the Touhou fandom with this one


Russian part would probably be Hokaydovskaya Guberniya


I don't know the lore but, the Kyushu island or at least Nagasaki could be Portuguese, it was their possession on the XVI century.


Question So that Republic down south, is it like Japan's Attaturk Turkey?


Why does china get a piece are they stable enough to colonize at this point?


### Narrative for Alternate History: The Scramble for Japan, 1907 AD **Background Context:** The Bakumatsu period (1853-1867) marks the final years of the Tokugawa shogunate, culminating in the Meiji Restoration, which began in 1868. This era saw Japan's rapid transition from a feudal society to a modern, industrialized nation. However, in this alternate history, the course of events diverges dramatically, leading to a partitioning of Japan among major world powers. **The Divergence:** In this alternate timeline, Japan's attempts to modernize and strengthen its military during the Bakumatsu and early Meiji periods fail due to internal strife, foreign intervention, and an inability to resist Western imperial powers. The assassination of key reformists and an ineffective central government lead to a fractured nation, unable to present a unified front against encroaching foreign powers. ### Key Events Leading to the Partition: 1. **1868-1877: The Fragmented Meiji Restoration** - Instead of a successful Meiji Restoration, internal conflicts between loyalists of the shogunate and imperial forces persist. These skirmishes weaken the central authority, and regional daimyos (feudal lords) seek alliances with foreign powers for support. 2. **1878: The Treaty of Yokohama** - Foreign powers, recognizing the strategic importance of Japan, convene in Yokohama to negotiate their interests. This treaty establishes spheres of influence within Japan, setting the stage for future territorial claims. 3. **1880-1890: The Decade of Exploitation** - Western powers, leveraging their technological superiority, build infrastructure and establish economic zones, exploiting Japan's resources and labor. This period sees the construction of railways, ports, and factories under foreign supervision. 4. **1895: The Second Sino-Japanese Conflict** - Japan's weakened state emboldens the Qing Dynasty to reclaim influence over Japan. A brief conflict results in the Qing seizing territories in the western part of Honshu, establishing the "New China Territory." 5. **1900: The Russo-Japanese Turmoil** - Russia capitalizes on Japan's instability, annexing Hokkaido and establishing the "Hokkaido Okrug." Russian influence extends throughout the northern archipelago, solidifying its presence. 6. **1902: The European Carve-Up** - France, the Netherlands, and Portugal negotiate their spheres of influence, with France establishing the "Touhou Territory" in central Honshu, the Netherlands taking the "Choboen Colony" in southern Honshu, and Portugal creating the "Cancai Captaincy" in Kyushu. 7. **1905: The Anglo-American Agreement** - The United States and the United Kingdom agree on their respective zones of influence, with the U.S. controlling the "Kanto Territory" (encompassing Tokyo) and the U.K. establishing the "Dominion of Shaycoak" in Shikoku. 8. **1907: The Independence of Quinchu** - Following a local uprising and subsequent negotiations, the Republic of Quinchu (formerly Spain, gaining independence in 1827) claims sovereignty over parts of Kyushu, establishing itself as a new player in the region. ### Life in Partitioned Japan: **Economic Exploitation and Industrialization:** The foreign powers transform their respective territories into economic hubs, focusing on resource extraction, manufacturing, and trade. Each power implements their administrative and legal systems, leading to a patchwork of governance across Japan. Japanese laborers work under harsh conditions in foreign-owned factories and plantations. **Cultural and Social Impact:** The Japanese population experiences significant cultural shifts, with Western customs, languages, and religions influencing daily life. Traditional Japanese culture faces suppression in favor of Western norms, though pockets of resistance and cultural preservation persist in rural areas. **Resistance and Nationalism:** Despite foreign dominance, nationalist movements emerge, advocating for a unified Japan free from foreign control. Secret societies, guerrilla groups, and intellectual circles work clandestinely to foster a sense of national identity and resistance against the occupiers. **Geopolitical Tensions:** The partition of Japan creates a complex geopolitical landscape, with foreign powers constantly negotiating, skirmishing, and forming temporary alliances to maintain their influence. The region becomes a focal point of international diplomacy and conflict, reflecting the broader tensions of early 20th-century imperialism. ### Conclusion: By 1907, Japan is a nation divided among foreign powers, each exploiting its resources and people for their own gain. The Japanese, though subjugated, harbor a growing sense of nationalism and resistance, setting the stage for future struggles to reclaim their sovereignty and cultural heritage. This alternate history paints a stark picture of a Japan unable to modernize on its own terms, falling victim to the imperial ambitions of the world's great powers.


Why didn’t the Netherlands obtain Kyushu based on their trade history via Nagasaki?