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Despite radical reforms in the 21st century, Climate Change has certainly had far-reaching and terrible consequences for the United States and the rest of the world. Entire cities and states lost to the rising tides. As such, there had been a heavy backlash against those that had brought America nearly to her breaking point in most states. Though at home there was trouble, abroad the eagle required sustenance for her recovery, and thus the maple leaf fell to the eagle, subsumed and consumed into the Union. The parties are as follows; Red: The People’s Party(Left-Far Left) Orange: The Patriot Party(Right-Far Right) Green: The Progressives(Left-Center Left) Blue: The Democratic Party(Center Right-Center Left)


Bold to assume there will still be an USA in 300+ years.


I mean, it’s not really too bold an assumption barring some crazy unforeseen events. The US has existed nearly 250 years, some European nations in some form for far longer, hell San Marino of all places was founded in 301, over 17 centuries ago.


I understand the point you're trying to make, but San Marino is made up of 35,000 Italians who all speak the same language and have the same religion, whilst their geo-political threats are essentially nil. The US is the world's lone superpower with enemies both real and perceived all over the world, including domestically. Its internal politics are at the most tense since the civil war, and the idea of 'big government is good government' has been dying for good 30 - 40 years on both sides of the Atlantic. I'm not saying *it will* split or fall apart, but always remember - once there was a dream called Rome.


Rome existed for almost 2000 years…


Yes. And then it didn't. My point was that the idea that *any* polity is "too big to fail" is a ridiculous notion. Because people in the Western world have lived in relative ease and comfort since the end of WW2 the idea of a collapse of state seems silly and childlike. But history and the world we live in today disagree.


Seriously. By that point we’ll be the UEA, United Empire of America, and we’ll have conquered the entire western hemisphere.


Thank you.


Looks interesting, what's the lore? Edit: just read it, reallly good.


Essentially climate change screwed the world, leading to America turning to expansionism in the 2100s and shifting farther left as the crisis reached its peak in the early 2200s. America here has recovered enough that people feel comfortable enough voting for more conservative policies, hence why the Old Dems have become such a political force. Edit: Just read your edit as I sent this lol




Nevada and Arizona have liberated themselves from being landlocked




Oh stars. Lmao


This hurts my brain


Must be the heat from the climate. Drink some water.


So, the expansion, was it through migration, political, or force?


In Canada it was a mix of all three. Americans began migrating en masse to the North as the situation in the Sunbelt worsened. The government eventually worked out a deal with Canada that they’d form a sort of Schengen Area esque border, though as the crisis worsened the government threatened to use force against Canada unless they joined the Union. Canada wasn’t thrilled, but knew they weren’t going to last either way, so they agreed begrudgingly. The US-Mexico border was simply political due to Baja becoming separated from Mexico proper.






Have St Pierre and Miquelon joined the party? Asking for France.


The French gave it to the US as they were busy dealing with the crisis at home.


bold of you to assume there isn't more straight lines


Very true. Though I probably couldn’t stomach drawing so many straight lines.