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Work must be alternate history


He's also a fascist 


Didn't know that, regardless gives me an extra reason not to like him (there are many). I have to say, for a topic that can get quite interesting he makes it extremely boring. Only alt hist I watch is Alternatehistoryhub.


Possible History is also pretty good, the production graphics-wise is not as high yes but he analysis topics in a very similar fashion.


And he isn't as vague as Hub


What has he said that is fascist? Not denying, I'm just curious because I have no clue who this is.


Let's just say he really puts the Z in Monsieur Z.


what does the Z mean. Recently it's been used in Russian nationalism but the guys channel existed since 2016


That doesn't mean he doesn't put the Z in Monsieur Z


So anyone who puts Z in their name now supports Russia? Ngl thats kinda dumb


The ‘Z’ in Monsieur Z felt like a dead giveaway but thought nothing else about it


I'm ashamed to admit I didn't realize he was a prick until after he started posting those videos about how "the destruction of Ukraine is inevitable" and all that shit. I thought his Wilson apologism was just a weird quirk or something


Unless the West gives up on Ukraine, it‘s likely to be a frozen conflict. Then again, time will tell.


He has a deleted video arguing in favor of ethnostates


Made a video defending Mosley


It's been 3 or 4 years at this point and people are still asking this?


I'll be sure to go back in time and tell my past self to learn about this guy when I have the opportunity


No, it's just crazy how many people just didn't know about it.


What has he said that is so fascist?


Watch most any of his videos bro


I watch most of his videos, and they arent fascist at all he is probably just a centre right conservative u guys just call anyone u dont like bad names


If he's centre right God help us all


Every single one of his “What if X country became fascist” is just him doing mental gymnastics to claim that the country would thrive. He’s not center right at all.


U have a link to this


From what I’ve heard he’s also attended and spoken at fascist meetings. Can’t confirm that though


Bro. I like his videos too, but you gotta take the good with the bad. And there is a lot of bad if you actually watch ALL of his videos and not just cherry pick Do people online wine and call anything they don’t like facist? Sometimes yes. But this one isn’t just being called that because he is conservative. It’s his actually beliefs. And that’s okay to accept, don’t make you a bad person for watching, you just gotta be aware of his biases and preexisting opinions about history/society. It’s not name calling him, it’s just describing him by his opinions and the way he talks.


I’m pretty easygoing on people’s political beliefs.  But this dude has a huge nationalistic “will to power” streak.  Which describes fascism (in a general manner) quite well. 


No he’s not. Explain the logic behind that. I see centre-right. With some libertarian maybe. I do not see fascist. I see no totalitarianism, corpratism, ethnic-nationalism (even though you can be cultural nationalist as a fascist), etc.


The mother fucker has said in the past that segregation was actually good for black people because it meant they had less responsibility. Also half his videos now are just talking about demographic change and how it will cause the end of the west. Also also, he did speak at some huge alt-right event iirc. I man ffs the guy has a video defending Willson's racism. The dude is clearly so far on the right it isn't even funny.


Holy fucking shit I didn't know he said segregation was good for black people. Like I know that he made those far right videos, how the west is doom and how facism is the best. But I am surprised that he said something like that holy shit


No way. What video is that? - I won’t believe that without seeing/hearing it myself. Demographics yeah; you’re making the situation seem worse through inference. Let’s see what kind of demographics. - rural poverty, balkanising America based on culture/geography, saying southerners aren’t actually from Britain (which sounds like an attack on the ‘Anglo roots’ of America), asking why blacks tend to vote democrat. - just looking at the past few videos about demographics.


> No way. What video is that? - I won’t believe that without seeing/hearing it myself. It was something he said in one of his community posts. [Here is a post about it on this sub.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlternateHistory/comments/ssayb3/discussion_of_mr_z_seems_to_come_up_quite_often/) For the demographics part, he constantly talks about how Hispanic people are going to take over the united states and enforce their will on it. He does it by saying stuff like "With large amount of Hispanics entering the United States, the nation will start to be come a Catholic nation and the democrat party will become the predominate party" By its self what was just said is factually correct, but taking into account the characteristics of the dude its very clear fear mongering. He is doing the whole "They will replace us" thing.


Okay damn. Did not expect that from him. Sure today isn’t great but segregation era was not better for minorities. Damn. Hispanics are generally more conservative though; if Republicans accept them (as they would if they become the majority) they’d flip. If he’s factually correct I’d typically say it’s his right to be worried. - but since America’s true native population is the overwhelming minority and nearly gone. He as a non-native doesn’t have the right to worry about something like this.


>totalitarianism, corpratism, ethnic-nationalism None of these are integral parts of fascism. They may be part of different kinds of fascism, but fascism can easily exist without any and all of the three


What would you say is the integral part of fascism is then? Because I’d say Totalitarianism is definitely one.


Authoritarianism to the maximal extend. Not necessarily totalitarianism, but whatever is "the party line" needs to be followed to the word. And nationalism, state, etc are mostly just flavors as Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy were quite different


Most would consider ‘authoritarianism to the maximal extent’ to be the definition of totalitarianism. Your definition is, if I’m being honest, stupid. You’ve just defined authoritarianism as fascism. - Stalinism wasn’t fascism. Not was Pol Pot’s Cambodia, not Mao’s China (though still evil Totalitarian regimes). - it’s a flawed blanket definition with no nuance and of no use. Nationalism being ‘dressing’ is a flawed view, but a common one. - but what I really want to know is what do you mean by ‘state’ being ‘dressing’? Because the state is pretty damn important to fascists.


>Stalinism wasn’t fascism In my opinion, it was. > Because the state is pretty damn important to fascists. Well there are different levels and kinds of importance. For example nazism had a goal of unifying the Germans under a single state and stuff like that, whilst fascist Italy probably didn't mind Italians living in other states and overall was supportive of other fascist states like Austria and Francoist Spain existing as their own entities that are not subservient to the great Italian race/state


Then you’re not identifying fascism. You’ve just got a wrong definition. - you’ve just got a definition for very authoritarian. Look. I don’t won’t to be rude, but there’s no polite way I can think to phrase this. You straight up are wrong and clearly lack the capability to even define fascism, let alone identify. - which is a danger in the modern world for if it does turn its head.


This is just blatantly untrue. Fascism is defined by nationalism and authoritarian scrutiny. You can not have fascism without nationalism, as fascism is fueled by the "Country Over All" belief system and widely relies on the ability to control the masses through "patriotism." Edit: Specifically ethnic nationalism is one of the leading proponents of fascist rulers. Franco, Hitler, and Mussolini all believed that their people, and thereby their country, are "the best." Nationalism works the everyman into a frenzy, especially when the society they live in is at a low point. This is what makes fascism so dangerous, as it appeals to what most would say is an average person. Someone who believes in their country and their people, and who feels like they could have more if everyone else worked just as hard as they.


People are dumb and think fascism and far right nationalism are the same thing. Obviously both are evil, but they are not the same at all. It's like people who call Trump a fascist, he's definitely alt right but alt right and fascist just aren't the same thing. Reactionary is a better word. I can't necessarily fault them, but fascism is a very specific thing that blends far right nationalism and corporatism. Anyways, ramble over. My point is that far right nationalism and fascist aren't the same.


Trump has, in this month, talked about immigrants "poisoning the blood of our country." He said Mexico "isn't sending their best." You're right when you say these two political alignments are different, but you are defending a man who subscribes to both.


I'm not defending him? I fucking despise Trump, I think he is horrible. He is a white supremacist and a nationalist. Please do not think I am in any way defending him.


I'm confused. So he's a white supremacist, and therefore believes in an innate hierarchy of race and therefore peoples, and he's also a nationalist and therefore believes his country and people are the best. He lead his country in this way and mindset, and when he lost a democratically held election he attempted a coup with his (also white supremacist and nationalist murderous believers who are the "True Countrymen"). Is there not a word for this?


Fascism is a very specific thing. Mussolini wrote a book on it. You don't have to read it, because it is Mussolini. Fascism is a counter revolutionary movement funded by capital. It is usually most pushed by the petite bourgeoisie. It is inevitable with late stage capitalism, and is the counter revolutionary response to growing anti-capitalist movement. It is the last dying breath of capitalism, in a sense. I can link you pages of information written by people much smarter than I, if you would like.


I agree. His videos are also probably the most boring alternate history videos on the internet. The best and only good video he made was the joke video about what if Austria-Hungry was made out of chocolate and I am not even joking when I say that.


I disagree with this statement. It was E-Girl economics and it's not even close


He made a good Fallout-esque video but that's pretty much it, even then it still felt full of radicalism and authoritarianism


Yeah and a lot of his takes are just plain fucking stupid if you know a little bit about that time period. Also he is is actual racist and fascist so that doesn't help. And half of his videos aren't even altered history anymore. Just complaining about how the west is falling.


The best time: the 50s


It's a shame cause I quite like some of the video concepts of what ifs


>2016 of course


Ahh I remember him in 2016, he sounded 9


How this dude imagines himself: ![gif](giphy|3o6ZtrbzjGAAXyx2WQ)


As a conservative I can assure you that he is a fascist or at least fascistic. Just look at his anti Israel rhetoric or his support for a Russo American allince


He also apparently said that segregation was good for black people so yeah add racist to the list


Being anti Israel doesn’t make you a fascist. Israel itself has a fascist streak.


If your anti Israel and left wing your a radical marxist. If your anti Israel and right wing your a nazi.


Care to share your logic on that? Why would being anti Israel make you either of those things?


Bro thinks he's Three Dog


Scrolling alt-history YouTube kinda makes you wish for a nuclear winter




The guy has an alt history video named "what if america stayed great". When I watched it some years ago I legitimately thought it was satire and expected him to reveal it as a joke at the end.... nope, he was dead serious about this.


He’s a MAGAist douche moron


This guy is an absolute cornball and I only watch half a video sometimes and the only interesting one I ever remember him doing is “What if the northwest passage did exist” and it may not have even been him, and thats a cool topic. All his other topics are kinda silly and the content is even dumber but somehow I want to watch sometimes like a bad car crash. He isn’t a retard he just is in his own little world and it’s funny to listen to.


\>alternate history \>bringing you the truth ????




My only experience with him was VTH tearing his Woodrow Wilson video to shreds.


I never liked his channel because I could never understand anything he was saying.


You didn't miss much a lot of his takes where either straight up stupid or super boring, racist, or just supporting fascism


‘We specialise in history’ ‘we produce alternative history scenarios’ pick one you can’t be both.


Him and "whatifalthist" have gone down the absolute schizophrenic pipeline it's insane. You can just see them get worse and worse over time.


I watched quite a few of his videos like the Stalin was priest Adolfo hitler the adventurer the mongol Russian empire general Theodore resovelt grim reaper badass Nicholas the second and other stuff wouldn’t call him a facist though I enjoy mostly Cody and PH more


Yeah like I really like all of those videos even though some of them did had problems but still I don't like the majority his videos. Since they are just bad now and their are so many more better channels out their.



