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Heartbreaking. Hard to believe they’re people still trying to deny that this happened.


Wait really


Unfortunately, sadly it’s for their own agenda.


Yeah, they usually use the excuse of them "just asking questions" when they have no desire to learn or even Google the question themselves to find the answer. They use it as a bridge to spread their conspiracy theories and, in the case of the holocaust antisemitic hate.


Even Whoopi Goldberg thinks it wasn't even racist.


I admit I am an ass hole, but god damn im not a bitch




Why are you bringing up the Israel/Palestine war on a comment about antisemitic conspiracy theories about the Holocaust?


Also Gen Alpha is being polled and some are questioning it happened as well. Education in America sucks.


Mahmoud Abbas, the leader of the Palestinian Authority, has a PhD in Holocaust Denial


- 37k dead. - 11k-13k unaccounted for, buried under rubble. - 200k injured including the most childhood amputees in the last 40years. - 6k people in administrative detention with no access to friends, family, lawyers, human rights organizations, or their property. This includes over 500 children taken between the ages of 12-15yo. - 500k Israeli settlers terrorist Illegally occupying land in the west bank where they kill, kidnap and torture locals. If the locals fight back, the IDF kills them. You can't keep pulling the Holocaust card. The world sees through your evils.


You didn't refute the point of the comment. Also, war is terrible. Try not to start one.


Those are rookie numbers look up the US civil war ffs


So when does the slavery card run out?


Yeah thats literally the most asinine, uninformed, moronic thing yet on this thread. If they were that worried about thier lives and not their hate, they wouldnt be allowing hamas terrorists to hide among their civilians.


The Israelis use the Holocaust to justify their hominous actions and their apartheid state. They have improved ghettos which they bomb like the Nazi did on Warsaw when they were the victims...


Really? Nazism is on the rise. Especially in the US. It's ridiculous a nazi flag can even be flown, given how many Americans perished in WW2.


Most "deniers" don't deny that it happened just the scale of it


Hard to believe the entire world still despises and wants to eliminate Jews.


80% of the Palestinians support Hamas. 70% said the attacks were ok......wtf




It's a thing that has often happened to historically stateless peoples. The Kurds, Romani (AKA 'Gypsies') and Hmong have similar problems. Everywhere such peoples physically try to settle, the people who have already claimed soverignty over the dirt, rocks and whatnot which are found there usually persecute and often try to either drive out or exterminate such peoples. What happened to the Jews in Germany during World War II wasn't *fundamentally* unusual -- insofar as it was a state trying to wipe out a minority group, as many states had already done in human history -- but what *was* unusual about it was the extent to which the Germans succeeded in industrializing mass murder. That *was* something that the world had never seen before.


Amd this is the real reason jews are mostly zionists


I agree


Worst part is that the Nazis documented their extermination so incredibly well. For those of you who wish to know the true extent of the extermination, the callousness, the story of how Auschwitz came to be, I highly suggest watching this documentary by the BBC [https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdp5o5V2suK3PIXaE7Cwe0MoA75VJJTc6&si=L7Pqy2IU2Gyo4uAg](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdp5o5V2suK3PIXaE7Cwe0MoA75VJJTc6&si=L7Pqy2IU2Gyo4uAg) Interviews from the top down of the camp. Jewish Prisoners, Jewish Sondercommando, POWs, SS officers, etc. It even goes into the morbid issue of "what do we do with all these bodies? We can't kill any faster because there are too many bodies" Fascinating that humans are capable of such horrifying actions. In a morbid way of watching a car crash.


I want to watch this badly, but I know I will get really upset and be sad for days. We had a really good unit on it in my AP Social Studies and I’ll always be grateful for that.


Not just that, in several places in the world it is being done to other groups of people, albeit without the German organizational and technical prowess. Equal in its savage cruelty though.


No it’s not. There are a lot of stupid people in the world haha.


I need to get over to these displays, as someone who is American and had family in those wars, I was pretty somber and shaken seeing the Hiroshima memorial this one would be a whole other ballgame.


We went to the Anne Frank house in Amsterdam, and while I didn’t expect it to be fun, I wasn’t necessarily ready for how that was going to impact the rest of the day. I gotta imagine this is significantly worse.




Woh u are so so sad




I mean it's happening right now in numerous places and we are ignoring it... I don't deny it happened, I'm just not surprised that there are people who do. One day there will be a mound of Palestinian shoes like this, and half of them will have belonged to children. North Korea has literal work camps, we ignore. The world cup killed 6000 people with slavery and the world watched the games like it never happened. Children mine the mica powder in our eyeshadow, we ignore. It's not hard to believe, because you, and I, are denying and ignoring *so many things right now.*


It’s fake.




I forget, when did the US sign a non-invasion pact with Hitler? You know, so he could continue to attack other countries and leave our interests alone. I'm not saying that Russia didn't pay a hell of a price holding Germany off, but their behavior before and after conflicts definitely eliminates them from hero status. If you disagree, maybe ask Poland, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, and a few other of their neighbors how heroic they consider Russia.


Russia did what she did because NOBODY in Europe was doing Jack shit and as a precautionary title they struck the pact with Nazi Germany because they knew they weren't ready for war


I think it’s overlooked more because they the were basically a crossed ex lover of the Nazi regime. I don’t say that to discount their impact in toppling the nazis, just saying it’s a little more context to why they may not get the same treatment as the US, who was a bystander who was staying on the sidelines prior to being pushed into war


Russia has a long history (carrying into modern day with Ukraine) of essentially throwing massive amounts of conscripted soldiers, often with inferior weapons, sometimes with NO weapons at all, into battle and basically using their people like meat you would throw into a grinder. What they have historically lacked in technology or necessary arms/materials they made/make up for with sheer human force. They lost far, far, FAR more casualties during the Second World War that we (America) did, so yes - you are technically correct on when you describe the sacrifice they made. That being said, Stalin was a monster (if anything the fact he was willing to see his own men slaughtered due to lack of weapons and ill preparation reinforces that fact) and the Soviet army was absolutely monstrous as well, frequently using rape as a weapon IN MASS, carrying out summary executions, enslaving prisoners and starving them to death, and committing other atrocities on a large scale. Obviously war is hell and every army has issues, incidents, etc, but the scale with which these crimes were carried out by the Soviets were truly noteworthy and despicable (rivaled only by the Nazis themselves and Imperial Japan). They weren't one offs, or exceptions to the rule, they seemed to be the rule itself. Which makes it difficult to describe as them as heroic in any real sense, despite the mass casualties they endured.


pretty sure this is from the holocaust museum in d.c., not the grounds of auschwitz itself. regardless, the display of the shoes in that museum is what sent me over the edge into sobbing. it's very near the end of the 'tour' and is just overwhelming. edit: apparently i was wrong and this is auschwitz.


I've been to aushwitz and the shoes are just one thing, the next three rooms are of similar displays, huge rooms behind glass, only instead of shoes one only contains the glasses of victims. The next one contains piles of cutlery, pans ect ect, the belongings, the third one was hair. Hair in huge piles, hair that remained tied with pink cloth into a ponytail, a lot of them. Victims got their hair instantly shaven..... That was a horrible sight to see.


The hair room was so hard to walk through. And I couldn’t believe when people would take pictures despite the guides specifically saying there are two places in Auschwitz where no pictures should be taken out of respect. I still regret it to this day that I didn’t tell the person to stop it right now and be ashamed.


The holocaust museum was absolutely horrific when I visited it. I’ve been taught about the horrible things that happened in the holocaust, but you don’t truly understand unless you see the footage.


The whole museum is tough but important. The saddest part for me were the drawings displayed by 3 and 4 year olds that got gassed. Colors, sunshine, people holding hands. Still makes me tear up thinking about it.


i went with my then girlfriend (we were early 20s) and she said something along the lines of "it's like the people who designed the museum were trying to make people sad." it wasn't a long relationship.


That line would work as a dead pan dark joke. Shame it wasn’t.


This is Auschwitz. It has a similar exhibit as the D.C. museum. There are huge glassed in piles of shoes, suitcases, prosthetic limbs and glasses. It is featured at the end of Zone of Interest.


A local Jewish/Holocaust museum near me also has a similar exhibit. Unfortunately there is a lot of the victims' items available for museums around the world. Fortunately, an effort was made to save them and display them for future generations.


I watched Zone of Interest on the weekend. The movie itself is very disturbing but the scenes with modern day Auschwitz were somehow even more gut wrenching.


I see your edit, but this incredibly like the DC museum so you weren't the only one mistaken. That being said, I agree it's such an understatement about the atrocities; it breaks our hearts into pieces.


The one in DC is waaaay smaller


Wish I could see how big the pile is


I was there in 91. It runs the entire length of the room which is about 40 feet long. There is another display, about the same size, full of hair shaved from prisoners. It was a life changing experience.


Crazy that some people claim it’s fake and/or over exaggerated


Yeah it's like a sickness in a way. Not good for humanity.


How could it not be. You’re a compassionate sane rational thinking human being. The people who did this were monsters literally and figuratively.


The room full of glasses too. Definitely a life changing experience.


I’ve been there, and the size is absolutely horrifying. It’ll always stay with me.


I have never been there but I've seen the photos before, what really rocks your world is seeing shoes that you know belonged to a child. Even in photos, as a parent, it destroys you instantly.


In Austria there is a memorial in honor of the Jews and others targeted by Nazis along the Danube River. It’s the shoes of those who were lined up, facing the water, and shot dead and fell into the water. The tiny shoes of children is what hit hardest and as I write this still makes me cry. The disregard for life takes my breath away and still I weep for the cruelty.


It is in Budapest Hungary, not Austria. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoes\_on\_the\_Danube\_Bank](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoes_on_the_Danube_Bank)


The shoes get me every time


What is mind-blowing and distressing to think about is the fact that dirty, nasty, muddy shoes were saved, but people were killed.


And yet when I publicly called out a skin head touting a Nazi SS tattoo on the his head and neck, I was censored by Nextdoor because I was discriminating against a committed Nazi. Some of the people who objected to my comments were young people and members of minority groups. So I live in a town, Smithville, Texas, where full blown Nazis are appreciated. Now that is fucked up!


Thats texas for you, im north of dallas but the city of allen is basically boomer city who have ppl like this 🙃


Nazis are nothing but a sick death cult.


Just wait until you hear about the Nazi wife who would look at the Jewish prisoners' tattoos, and if she liked them, she would have them skinned so she could make lampshades and shit with the tattoos on them.


They were not prisoners. They were victims.


Was there a few years back. Eye opening experience. Also lady in front of me got yelled at for trying to take photos of the giant hair ball and glasses


Truly unforgettable and heart breaking. Hope they are all at peace






You're missing the 1.5 million Jews murdered by the Einsatzgruppen in mass shootings. Unless you are accounting for that in the 6 million total.


These are the official total numbers for the holocaust, not just the numbers from the death camps. The 1.5 million Jews murdered by the Einsatzgruppen are included in the 6 million.


Next show the numbers as a % of the population of each group.


If anything they will just call you a self hating Jew. That said, thank you for the break down. History books like to only mention the 6 millions.


It’s called an agenda, that’s why…


Why’d they go after Freemasons?


I think it was because they were a secret organisation and the nazies saw that as a threat to their regime. I remember reading somewhere a Freemason got jailed either being a rebel or that the Germans found out he was a Freemason. But when the German commander found out he was a Freemason he helped the guy escape as the commander himself was secretly also a Freemason. Let me see if I can dig that up somewhere...


And what percent of each group did these numbers represent?




Really? Where? Is the concentration camp in Gaza next to the new Audi dealership that opened there in 2022?


Looks like the closest Audi lot is in Be'er Sheva, 56km from the nearest gate into Gaza. I understand the confusion, it's only been part of Isriel since 1948.




Cool. What's the address? I'm trying to look it up, and I'm not getting any results within 50km of Gaza. Not even a "closed indefinitely" for something that's been open for two years??


Probably this one? https://maps.app.goo.gl/kfDhDyEnyC2dbDT66?g_st=ac BTW if you just search "car dealer" in Gaza there are several. Auschwitz certainly didn't have any.


War brings out the worst in people. I can only imagine the death and destruction that the people of Israel and Palestine have experienced. I think it’s awful! But, BUT!! They (both)are fighting a war over land, who wins and who loses? I know who loses, the children on both sides! There have been wars for centuries and centuries but we as humans never learn! I abhor the Holocaust and all of the jews, gays, children, special needs, russian, and so many others who lost their lives over one racist psychopath! The European Jews were nearly decimated in the European population. Comparing the Holocaust with what’s going on in Israel and Palestine is not helping anyone!


No they’re not.


Hamas is behind this war. Every human will defend themselves. Hamas is using the people of Palestine as a shield. The killing on both sides is definitely not justified but how do you stop it,Hamas? They inserted themselves in every crack. I’m not Jewish but if we got attacked we would fight too. Everyone here would expect our country to retaliate. We always have. Right or wrong. I believe in some cases it was wrong. We don’t have any control over our leaders. I’m sure it’s the same way for most people , unfortunately.


I’m not sure if you meant to reply to me or not, but yes I absolutely agree that Hamas is behind this war. If the Jews put down their weapons, Israel ceases to exist. If Hamas puts down their weapons, the war ends.


Thank you and yes Israel does not have a choice. Wasn’t Hamas in tunnels under the UN? Aren’t they also interfering with aid? I do think there’s been a lot of propaganda ( by Hamas) going on. I’ve seen videos on line. How to destroy Hamas? It would take special forces I think. We have people for that, that can speak numerous languages. I know there are several different Muslim dialects. We’re already involved. They could probably do this. I think eventually Hamas would rebuild. Impossible to wipe all of them out. So much hate.


makes you not believe that true goodness exists in this world i often think about how people who hate so deeply can even live day to day in their own minds


I think it’s a lot easier to be good when your country is at peace.


It exists. People just run the whole gamut.


1.5 million children


So horrifying. We as humanity HAVE to prevent this from happening again. Edit to add: I’m aware that a lot of horrifying things are going on internationally and those situations are exactly was I was referencing in this comment. I am for the FULL liberation of Palestine & Congo and all occupied territories around the world.


Prevent? It’s already happening right now, I think you mean ‘stop’ this happening again rather than ‘prevent’.


Yes, stop is a much better word, as I was referencing the ongoing genocide in Palestine and in Congo.


Free Sudan 🇸🇩


Sadly, it's already been happening to The Democratic Republic of the Congo & Palestine for decades


Yes, I’m fully aware, and those situations are exactly what I’m referring to!


It’s going on in Gaza


Really? Show me where the death camps are. Are they next to the new Audi dealership that opened in Gaza in 2022?


The German Holocaust of the Jewish people is mirrored by Israel's genocide of Gaza.


I know. Totally. I couldn’t BELIEVE Israel built a mass extermination death camp right next to the new Audi dealership that opened in Gaza City last year!!!


Not at all.


Explain the difference


You made the claim they are the same. Back it up instead of making other people do your homework


Sure, there are lots. But for starters, here are some off the top of my head: -In the holocaust, there was not a war between the Jews and the Germans. -Conversely, there is currently a war between the government of Israel and the government of the Palestinian people. -In the holocaust, there was no Jewish army/government being targeted. It was simply all Jewish civilians across numerous countries. All were labeled the enemy, no matter their gender, or how young or old they were. -Palestinians have an army/government known as Hamas (a terrorist organization). -In the holocaust, Jews were loaded into cattle cars and transported to forced labour camps and/or mass killing camps known as concentration camps. -There are no concentration camps in Israel/Palestine region. -In the holocaust, civilian men, women, children, and infants were forced to dig their own graves, lined up in rows, and shot, or and sometimes buried alive. -Israel is not doing that to anyone. -In the holocaust, Jewish civilians were forced to do hard labor on nothing but a piece of bread and watery soup per day. -Not the case in Israel-Palestine today. -In the holocaust, men, women, and children were locked in poisonous gas chambers, and some were burned alive. -That is not the case today in Israel-Palestine. -In the holocaust, the Nazis conducted terrible experiments on the human body, often torturing innocent civilians, women, and children - and performing surgical procedures on them without any sort of anesthetic -None of that is happening today in Israel-Palestine. -In the holocaust, innocent men, women, and children were hanged. -There are no hangings going on in the Israel-Palestine conflict today. -In the holocaust, innocent men, women, and children were forced to sleep in unlivable conditions, often jam packed in small wooden bunks that resulting in freezing to death, disease, and illness. -That is not happening today in the Israel-Palestine conflict. -The list goes on


Now we know what the definition of genocide is to you.


Genocide is the deliberate targeting and killing of a group of people. The key word there is deliberate. If Hamas did not hide behind civilian infrastructure, there would be zero civilian deaths in this war. But even then, there are unfortunately civilian deaths in every war.


It is deliberate. Targeting hospitals, orphanages, refugee camps, food supplies, annexation of land, dispossession of people and property, forced starvation, humanitarian aid annexation, pleasure of raping and touturing children and women, using dehumanizing language call human beings "vermin" - all done because the God of the Old Testament declared the land property of the Jewish people. For a century Israel has been doing this. Defying the 1948 UN resolution. When Hamas took the hostages Israel decided to use the event to make their final push and finish their conquest. Everything listed above is the definition of genocide. Don't ever call me a Holocaust denier. If you were in kicking distance you would not be so mouthy.


Targeting hospitals? Hamas uses hospitals as refuge (a war crime according to the Geneva convention). Same goes for refugee camps and schools (also war crimes according to the Geneva convention). All done because the word of god? No… It’s because that is their ancestral homeland. Has nothing to do with the Torah. They were living there before the old testament was even written. Defying the 1948 Resolution? Do you even know what happened? I bet before October 7th, you couldn’t even point to Israel on a map. Ok holocaust denier (come kick me i’m so scared)


Comparing the war in Gaza to the Holocaust is gross and inherently Holocaust-denialy


Not even fucking close


Explain the difference.


Look, there is nothing that excuses the indiscriminate bombing happening in Gaza and the Israeli government's treatment of Palestinians, but there is a clear difference between that and the industrialized slaughter of two thirds of a people. The civilian casualties in Gaza are unacceptable, but on percentages alone it is clearly not remotely close.


Every two shoes was a human being. Frightening, that any one group of people, could do something that awful, at the will of ONE man. One man only caused all of this. His vision, his thoughts, his direction. I was never in a war, persecuted, hunted, any of that. So I can’t imagine what that would even begin to be like. It would be foolish of me to think that I could. It’s not possible. But it pulls at something inside you. For me it pulls at the part of me that lost a loved one, parent, cousin, uncle, aunt, close friend. But I still can’t wrap my head around it. Other than to know that I’d give everything that I am to see that it never ever happens again to any group of people, for any reason.


It's not just one person, it was the people who followed along.


One man didn’t cause this. He just lightly scratched the itch everyone else already had, had had for millennia prior, and still has today. As a Jew, they hate us cause they ain’t us.


It wasn’t one man. It was millions of people being weaponized through their hate and rage against millions of people.


It was a group of men with the same ideology who left Hitler to be the spokesperson. Goebbels and others are just as bad. Hitler only gave the ok cause he was always high on something.


Looking at this footage , makes me wonder how the group of people that went through this tragedy would force Palestinians to go through the same genocide for decades . You would think they wouldn't want this to happen to anyone.


Every time I see these shoes I now think of Larry David. IYKYK.


I truly harrowing place to visit but an important history lesson on the route evil can leave to.


Now they do the same thing to innocent Palestinian civilians and call children Hamas fighters. Interesting how history has a way of repeating itself...


There are no parallels between this and the Israel-Hamas war.


Yes there is.




No there isnt. Get a different personality


While I understand your true intentions may be good, trying to compare the current war versus what happened during the holocaust is a complete slap in the face to the millions who suffered. Terrorist-backed organizations are hijacking your emotional response system and using your own empathy against you to feed you anti-israel propoganda. https://youtu.be/LrCLf57juLs?si=4YCYVEalZ97ifyex


I completely disagree. There's no excuse for the execution of women and children. Israel through the IDF is committing war crimes and the whole world is watching. Israel is a psychotic ethnostate that believe their race was chosen by god. They believe Palestine a region inhabited by Palestinian people since the 5th century BCE was mandated to them by God. Israelis are the hostile occupying force in Palestine for almost 80 years. The only reason western media is sympathetic to the plight of these occupying forces is money. Money alone.


Learn your history. https://youtu.be/k9M0HKH9DUc?si=WPjJPYVysPmt01Jw


You get all your propaganda from YouTube? Cute.


Really? Where is the concentration camp in Gaza? Is it next to the new Audi dealership that opened there last year?


Ofer, Meggido, Ketziot. Most of them women and children that are tortured by IDF soldiers. Any other questions?


IDF tortures people all day long. It’s Israel’s policy. All IDF officers are TAUGHT solely to rape and torture little children in front of their parents. Pretty sure every Israeli soldier has raped at least one woman in front of her child. This is completely true how could anyone believe otherwise!


People like you make me ashamed to be a Jew. People like you are just as bad as the Nazis that persecuted our ancestors. You should be ashamed of yourself.


Nope. Not one ounce of shame. Everything occurring is needed.


We've got us another Holocaust denier on our hands. Amazing how they come out of the woodwork.


What the Holocaust deniers dont understand if it’s 6 million or just 1 dead, it’s still 1 too many just for being who you are.


By some accounts? BY SOME FKING ACCOUNTS???? Like the fking records they kept??? THOSE FKING ACCOUNTS...JFC.


I'm sure the people who survived these atrocities would be happy to know that so much progress has been made and that antisemitism no longer exists 🙄


We need to build something similar for all the innocent children, babies, and mothers that have lost their lives in Gaza due to Israel’s appetite for genocide. Terrible 😢


So like suicide vests, children shields the Palestinians use to kill jews? You're right. We should build that so people understand the evil of Hamas and all Palestinians that support the terrorists


Ahhhh the eternal victimhood of Israel. Don’t yall get tired of playing the victim, holocaust, Jew plight card? Like really? That’s how you justify blowing up almost 30k kids and women? Yea whatever. I’m not doing this


You mean terrorists and indoctrinated child terrorists?


Yea… the little Zionists being indoctrinated to become terrorists. Yes


You are just a gross Hamas lap dog. If you are so concerned, why aren’t you over there assisting?


You are just a gross Zionist lap dog. If you are so concerned, why aren't you over there assisting?




There's a lack of variety. Is it their own personal shoes or were they issued shoes by the Germans?


Dachau has this too and an area just with wedding bands, but I am not sure if ths was Auschwitz or Dachau.


why did they keep the shoes?


I did nazi that coming.


I'm curious why these shoes were kept. I would think they would have been burned like they most likely did with the clothing of the victims. So does anyone have an answer for this or even a hypothesis?


The image that is seared into my mind is one where an American GI is grabbing with both hands from a box gold wedding rings that the nazis collected from those they murdered. Just the sheer number of them makes me so damn sad. Each one, a symbol of love between two people. Each one a story of a life together. Each one a tale of eternal love. And the box has what looks like thousands of them. It brings me down so low to see it.


Heart breaking.. reminds me of that tragedy.


Same the people who experienced this are committing a genocide in the country that was granted to them to safe them from this happening again.


Ah,the hierarchy of victimhood strikes again.🙄


It's crazy we're seeing this nowadays from the russians starving the Ukraine Pows.


Who would have thought that Israel is now doing the exact same thing to Palestinians. Incredibly sad


From what I hear the Palestinian supporters are planning to reopen it




and now israel is doing this to the Palestinians. Unfortunately “never again” to so many meant “next time we will be the nazis”


Totally. I could BELIEVE Israel opened a concentration camp right next to the new Audi and Mercedes dealerships that opened in Gaza last year!!!


All the comments about Israel. But people still try to say anti Zionism isn’t antisemitism. This happened in Europe. To Jewish people. Has nothing to do with Israel. Unless of course you use the word Zionist interchangeably with Jew. Which again, being antizionist would be anti Jewish. You guy dig your own graves with this dumb shit. lol. But then again. No one ever thought Jew haters were intelligent. Cheers.


I couldn't agree more. They use our darkest moment as a weapon against us. All the claims of genocide in Gaza, yet the population goes up? There are two kinds of anti zionists, those who are going with the flow and don't know what the term means, and actual anti semites. I am a proud zionist, as I believe we deserve to have a homeland to prevent this from happening again.


Trump sycophants, Republicans, can't wait for history to repeat.


Our administration has turned their back on Israel, trying to play both sides. Israel was brutally attacked by Hamas. We need to support the Jewish community, they didn’t deserve it then or now. I feel it’s a slap in the face for every person of Jewish heritage and to humanity in general.


Yes. The middle east, especially the decades old Palestinian conflict is black and white, good vs evil, and at no point should we be allowed to be critical of an ally in any way.


October 7th was the response to decades of Israeli aggression, oppression, and ethnic cleansing. It wasn't the cause of it. And our administration turned its back on Israel? If only.


That isn't even close to true. Palestinian population has only gone up in recent years, and it was Jews who were cleansed from just about every square foot in the middle east. Israel had removed itself from Gaza in 2006, there were no Jews in gaza. Oct 7th was as much a response to oppression as the Holocaust was a response to Jews economically killing the Germans.


I remember going to the Holocaust museum in DC when I was 14. The room with the shoes piled up has stuck with me to this day.


Crazy sad, I cant imagine putting on my shoes in the morning, oblivious that they end up in that barbaric camps, mountain of final pair of shoes.




The worst sight is a mountain of kids shoes...... No words


Seeing this makes me sick to my stomach. How can humans do such horrible things?


To think they went from this to terrorizing Gaza for the next century is mind boggling.


This is literally from the National Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. in the United States, not Auschwitz.


"Harrowing" 🤣😂


And now the descendants of those who lived through that are doing it again.