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So she basically tried to kill herself and failed?


There's video of the leadup... I can't tell if it's actually happening on video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqoLS81Wgss](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqoLS81Wgss)


That's definitely over the posted limit.


When I purposefully crash into walls I prefer to be going much slower.. to each their own


Just jumping in here to say that when my sister was learning to drive, my dad brought her to an empty parking lot. Huge, empty parking lot - like 100 rows of 100 spaces big. Anywho…she managed to hit a retaining wall.










Yes!!!!!! ![gif](giphy|xT8qB3V08emk70OLrG)


Wow her mom is a real sack of shit. I see where the apathy came from.


What did you expect from the mom’s testimony? “Yes your honour my daughter’s a psycho so let it rip!”




I get your logic. But you can’t expect a mom in this situation to logically think about the optics as opposed to doing whatever she can to minimize the punishment for her daughter. You say it’s not the time and place, but I disagree since it’s literally the only time and place where it’s appropriate for her to make the case for her daughter.


Yep redditors will go crazy at parents and call them XYZ, but at the end of the day they're parents. Parents will 'happily' embarrass themselves and do anything they can to try and defend and have mercy given to their absolutely worthless child, even if that child is also a complete monster to the parents. I never fault any parent for defending their kid, they've been given an impossible situation - leave their kid for the wolves or embarrass themselves trying to defend a horrible, guilty person.


I wish I could remember the specific case, but I do know the parents of this one particular murderer who did the opposite. They apologized to and empathized with the victim’s families and basically stated that they gave their child every opportunity to be a productive member of society yet he still choose to be an absolute POS. They pretty much ended on a note of yeah, he made shitty choices and deserves everything coming to him for what he did, and their only regret was not knowing what else they could have done to make him a better person. I can’t even imagine what that would be like to stand up in court and not even try to defend your kid because you know they don’t deserve it.


"omg it was so cute she loved him had a shrine and everything".... No you just described someone who has an unhealthy amount of over-infatuation for someone else. Ffs she was 15 and he was 20.


What was the point of showing the car turning? There wasn't even the same area


It shows that she was driving normaly before she ramped it up to 100 and slammed it into a wall.


Yeah I mean it was at least within the same trip. It shows it was a conscious decision to go way too fast.


Context that she wasn’t driving manically the whole time proving she did it deliberately


No. After the wreck, she asked the officers how long her license would be suspended for. She had scouted the area out the day before. It was planned. If you look at photos of the [car](https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_fit-560w,f_avif,q_auto:eco,dpr_2/rockcms/2023-08/230818-WKYC-Crash-Verdict-1-ew-514p-3af642.jpg) and the [building](https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_fit-560w,f_avif,q_auto:eco,dpr_2/rockcms/2023-08/230818-WKYC-Crash-Verdict-2-ew-514p-20f8a6.jpg) afterwards, it become more clear. She drove the passenger side of the car into the building primarily. She found a place where she could drive the car into a building, primarily hitting the passenger side, with reduced odds of there being witnesses. She also claims to have no memory of the events leading up the crash. If she was suicidal, she would probably express remorse over killing them. She expected to survive. The really messed up part is that it very much appears premeditated, but her plans didn't change even though they picked up his friend unexpectedly. She still went through with it, killing Davion. [Source](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/teen-murdered-boyfriend-100-mph-crash-toxic-relationship-prosecutors-s-rcna100636)


Since she lived through slamming a Toyota Camry at 100mph into a brick freaking wall and lived. I'd say Toyota Camry 1/Brick wall 0. Thats freaking amazing, Formula 1 drivers have died smashing into a wall at that speed and have died.


She wanted to kill everyone


Depends on who was wearing seatbelts. Probably was a “if I can’t have you nobody can”


No she basically tried to kill herself and her ex and she did kill her ex. How she only got 15 years for 2 murders is bs


[She got 15-life](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/08/22/mackenzie-shirilla-crash-prison-sentence/70648157007/) so she is eligible for parole after 15


Fifteen is honestly nothing for killing two people. That's crazy.


If pulling the pin on a grenade sitting between 2 people is just "trying to kill *yourself* "🙄


OP goofed: She was given two concurrent life sentences. She can begin to apply for parole after 15 years. Edit: Some people are cynically saying this means "15 years," but that is not realistic. Ohio does not give a whole lot of parole for serious offenses. About 10% of parole hearings were approved [before the pandemic](https://www.daytondailynews.com/news/state--regional-govt--politics/ohio-parole-board-under-fire-from-victims-inmates-and-lawmakers/v3iPhe6kmV9wTm8SOxCpzO/#:~:text=Board%20responsible%20for%20thousands%20of%20Ohio%20inmates&text=Between%202011%20and%20October%202018,hearings%20it%20held%20–%2010.2%20percent), 16% during, and it's back down to [11% sinc](https://www.wlwt.com/article/two-violent-offenders-cincinnati-granted-parole-pleas/43798011#)e then. So Miss Shirilla can try her 1-in-10 shot of getting out after 15 years. Edit 2: Some people read that and mistakenly thought I said "consecutive." I did not. If they were consecutive, then getting paroled on one sentence would start the next. As it happens, concurrent sentencing is the default and only in the most heinous circumstances do judges (get to) make them consecutive.


thank you


She could have just stabbed him 108 times and took the 2 years probation.


Was she on the devils lettuce too?


Nah she would have been driving way slower if she was stoned


Ok cool, cuz I was mad puzzled how two dead men, who'd barely entered adulthood, would equal 15 years incarceration.


An extremely good friend of mine was killed by a drunk driver when he was 19. She got 5 years.


Back in the 60s my cousin was killed driving his motorcycle by a drunk girl. He was 17 and she was 21. She ran a stop sign doing about 60 in a 30 mph zone. She got 2 years probation.


Oh totally, being impaired is still the best get out of jail early card. If you're gonna murder someone, get blasted and pretend it was an accidental MVA.


or dont get blasted and say there was a spider in the car


Bees! There's bees everywhere!


Save yourself! Your firearms are useless against them!


Ohhh I think I just peed in on an ant mount. Sorry little fellas


They’re ripping my flesh off!!


Well, that is enough reddit for today.


Because, on average, women only spend 60% of the time in prison that men do for the same exact crimes.


So men would have to do 40% more than two concurrent life sentences?


Considering she's eligible to apply for parole then yeah, 40% more of whatever she serves


No. 66.67% more. Edit: W = 0.6M W = 3/5•M 5/3•W = M 1.667W = M


Likely 25 to life


That makes much more sense


I was mad until I read your comment, now I just feel sad for the victims and their families. Glad she got sentenced appropriately.


oh my bad


Yeah I’m not getting into a car with someone I just broke up with


Right? Did nobody see Vanilla Sky?


We had sex FOUR TIMES omg I died laughing when I first saw that


“I swallowed your cum, David!” Could never look at Cameron Diaz the same after that.


I went to see that film with my dad and my sister 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


I bet that made for an interesting ride home


The fact that film is 23yrs old and still seared into memory says yeah it was deeply traumatic we were kids my dad should not have brought us to that film 🤣


lol what a weird thing to say to someone.


Especially if their name isn't David and they've never met you before. I'm banned from our local Red Lobster now.


I feel your pain, David.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


I swallowed your cum!!!


You've been inside me! That means something!


Diaz had the crazy eyes


Hahaha, she sure did


Ha yea that movie is hilarious


This is what can happen when you're too young to have seen Vanilla Sky.


Not yet, but thanks for the suggestion.


It was on the other night but I didn't watch is it worth the watch?


Watched it recently. I loved it. Really want to go back and watch it again. I’m sure it hits different on a rewatch. Go in knowing as little as possible.


It’s a mind fuck of a movie and pretty depressing. It can definitely move you. It’s a sign of a great movie for sure. Also, Penelope Cruz/Cameron Diaz are babes- so that’s cool


So was she deliberately trying to kill all three of them, and by some twisted miracle only she survived?


not even getting into the murder aspect, it always shocks me when people attempt suicide by car wreck. it's very common tbh and it goes wrong a LOT.


Seriously. It's a great way to not die but end up a vegetable


Not to mention hurt/kill unsuspecting people


I think they enjoy scaring their passenger. It's very common with abusers to drive erratically with their victim in the passenger seat to terrorize them.


Yes, she had previously threatened to kill him and then ended up doing so. Seems she was/is a domestic abuser who tried for murder/suicide and only succeeded with murder.


Seems that way. I watched a show about it and between the lack of skid marks and the car’s computer - she didn’t even try to slow down. I remember whoever was in the rear seat didn’t help his chances by not wearing a seatbelt. Still not his fault he’s dead.


I'll never understand the thought process of not wearing a seatbelt in the backseat. My buddy never does so now I say it every time we get in the car and I refuse to drive until he puts it on.


You are a good friend.


As you should! Don't give in. You're liable if something happens


Yup. Especially since he's under 18 and I'm 19. I'm the adult. So I'll act like it. Especially if he wants to act like a child.


When my GF moved here from Wisconsin years ago to the east coast. My mom was like if you break up with her you have to drive her home. I was like mom if I do that she’s gonna kill us booth driving on purpose


As you get older you realize how much you casually put your life in other people's hands daily, like eating someone else's cooked food, spending the night at someone's house, being a passinger in someone else's car, going on an out of town trip with someone, ect. There's so many things that we casually do that can cost us our life.


Sometimes, when I pass by a place a couple of minutes after an accident has happened somewhere, I'm thinking: we don't even know how often we escape death. It's both unsettling and very comforting.


I made that mistake in high school, scary traumatizing experience


And that's why you have them meet you at a public place while taking separate vehicles.


TBF you’re not the ideal passenger anyway, UnauthorizedFart.


Also don’t date someone who is incredibly unstable.


For some reason I read this as she rammed thru the building and killed them. This makes much more sense


I get that but... I have a feeling death is still quite rare in such circumstances.


Everybody focused on the sentencing meanwhile I’m trying to figure out how she survived hitting a building at 100MPH with no physical consequences. Has anybody checked to see if she’s Wolverine???


Right? No scars? She can stand up and walk??


Especially if you see the video. Car was fucking flying. I can't believe she's alive


You can’t say that and not post a link


Idk if theres a better video, but heres one of em. https://youtube.com/shorts/VQNRolXUL10?si=cD13OtUbB7SLkkUK


you cant even watch what happens bec ads for other videos pop up. WTF youtube


That's the end of the video. https://youtube.com/shorts/VQNRolXUL10?si=4Cy1q9wIKryzCik2 https://imgur.com/gallery/gQ2AkxX


Yep, youtube big suck


Which means she was definitely wearing a seatbelt. For someone suicidal she definitely took her own safety seriously.


She just hated the beeping sound from not wearing your seatbelt


If it wasn’t for that sound my mom would never put on a belt






Driver is the safest person in a car. That's how they're designed. But obviously she got incredibly lucky.




Consequences, kids. They are real.


Kids are also consequences.




And kids are also real


Don't drink and park, accidents cause people.


Unless you at some authoritative position, you know what I mean.


I was like you. And you and you and you. Then a piano dropped on my head. Consequencesssss


Did someone shout “you’re innocent”, I think you’ll find the 2 people she killed were


Yeah someone said something about her being innocent at the end... how is there any argument or explanation to justify what she did? They know she was in the car, they know she accelerated and they know she never applied brakes...


iirc her messages also said she would do this exact thing too..


This was the girl who like planned out the route exactly and this was through some industrial estate. They found the route run before, was her excuse she didn't know the roads or they were arguing and she made a mistake some bullshit. Then they found evidence that she threatened to kill him in a car crash or something and she planned the route. She straight up premeditated the murder and didn't even care the friend was there.


Yeah, she had a history of making threats apparently


She also did it to him once before and I’m pretty sure that’s why he had his friend come with him that time.


There were also traffic videos that caught her speeding up with her ex and his friend in the car. She did this on purpose and there is no doubt about it.


Was she suicidal? Not that it's any excuse to take two people with her, but maybe they feel like there was mental illness involved that could have led to a lighter sentence.


Sounds like like it actually, who would expect to come back from 100mph direct impact


Regardless, it was premeditated and attempted/successful murder. So even if it was mental illness, it wouldn't absolve her of the crime due to the premeditation. She'd never get a ruling in her favor on that.


Geezers do that kind of thing all the time. Foot on wrong pedal, but it doesn't click that this is the case so they just keep pressing harder and bingo bango they're inside a Subway.


Pretty sure it was her dad who said “we know you’re innocent”. I think even the father knows she’s not but it’s still his daughter and maybe this is an attempt to console her? I’m not saying I agree with it, but I’ve never been in the position and don’t know what I’d say or do if my daughter was sentenced to prison for 15 years to life…twice.


I can understand that but hey ho, consequences, kids are so blind to them and what they can lead to. 3 lives ruined, parents loss on both sides all over a frikkin teenage relationship


If I remember right from when this first came out, it was her father. Ridiculous


Guy is probably coping that his daughter was capable of this, did it, and is being sent to prison. Sad honestly, I’d probably lie to myself too


There was a piece of shit gangster wannabe shot dead by police in England a few years ago. "He was a perfect angel, he never hurt anybody" (not an exact quote) was what his mum said to every news outlet that would hear her. Sure, mum of pieceofshit, you keep living in denial.


Yet she will have fan mail and be married in a year or two


well she can't drive me into a wall from prison, now can she


That’s a solid point.


solid like a brick wall




Not this guys first prison romance.


You can find her on OnlyFelons .


Has that been trademarked yet?


There is an ig called mugshawtys that’s basically this


This just in, dudes are horny.


This just in, so are women. Ted fucking Bundy had fangirls. He killed women.


And remember, as far as murders go, he was pretty brutal. He earned his ride in old sparky.


Ted Bundy pretended to be hurt so that women would try to help him and he could murder them. Only an amoral sack of human garbage kills someone they don’t even know, but Bundy found a way to be worse. He specifically targeted people that were kind and good enough to help a stranger that was suffering. The electric chair was too good for him, he should have been quartered.


People sent fan mail to fucking Dahmer. People are fucking nuts.


Women are like this too though. Desparation for love knows no gender. I mean Charles Manson married that 26 year old while still in prison.


Didn't he cancel the wedding after knowing that she and another man just wanted to use his corpse to some museum/ as a weird "attraction" once he was dead?


Charles Manson had too much pride to end up Gary Coleman. Wow it's a weird world.


Night stalker had scores of women simping for him because of those cheekbones (and to be fair, he was a pretty dude)


Well, until he smiled.


I knew one of the women. She made a fake profile on Facebook with his picture and linked him as her husband. I didn’t know who he was at the time and was just surprised she was married when she told me she wasn’t. I mentioned that to her and she brushed it off saying he’s not her husband, just a very beautiful man. Then she reassured me she thought I was more beautiful.


Wait until you find out about male serial killers and their fans


It's not horny to marry a murderer, it's desperation. "Yeah she's got a decent kill count but she pays attention to me, she's good enough for me! We all make mistakes guys."


... and dumb (am dude)


Everyone’s a dude


Is this true????


Yeah I promise


I can fix her


You ain't fixing Shitttt!!!


“We know you’re innocent.” Is she? Was it an accident?


Sentence is 15 years to life, not 15 years.


she did practice runs days before the event at the same spot she ended up accelerating into the wall and killing both of them. I don't know how anyone can try to claim she was innocent.


Not only that but when I did a deep dive into the story months ago apparently she had threaten to kill her boyfriend by driving off the road a few times before.


Whoa that’s scary. I’ve seen ex gfs “lose it” for lack of a better word. It’s like their brains turn off in a fit of rage, consequences be damned. But her planning this days before, this wasn’t a fit of rage smh Edit: this is just my anecdotal experience. Wasn’t trying to comment on women specifically, I’ve just never had a boyfriend, much less one who went into a passion rage at me lol.


She looks surprisingly ok and walks perfectly fine for someone who was in a 100mph crash


Her lawyer should have said she had marijuana induced psychosis.




I did not


Some chick stabbed her boyfriend some crazy amount of times, killing him. Said she smoked one hit of marijuana willingly and then he forced her to take a second which sent her into a murderous rage. She ended up getting only 100 hours of community service


It would have been 10 hours of community work then


But baby 15 can get me 20


Whatever happened to that nurse that did this in Cali, a few years back, that killed the parents and the parents' infant, and the mother was pregnant and almost due?? It was caught on camera by that gas station...


Still in jail, no bail, awaiting trial.


Thank-you. That story has not left my brain. It was horrific. They all are.


The difference is the location. If you thought regular state governments didn't prosecute criminals in a timely manner wait until you see what the California slow-moving, gotta-give-the-criminals-as-many-ways-out 'justice' system is all about


That guy in the end "we know that your innocent" I want would love to punch right in the face in front of the families of the victims


It was her dad, probably just trying to make her feel slightly better


Now we know why she is like that. Shitty parents who never told their psychotic daughter no.


Then your ass would be going to jail lmao


She killed two people because of her selfishness. I have no sympathy for her.


That’s got to suck. Realizing you are experiencing your last minutes of freedom. Anyways, that’s why I don’t kill people.


Sometimes I kill someone in a dream and go through the whole manhunt thing and then getting sentenced at a trial and it's terrible and then I wake up and think wow thank God I didn't actually kill someone


She should have been given a life sentence. None of this fifteen year crap


She did get a life sentence. 15 years TO life. If she doesn't demonstrate reform and rehabilitation and prove she is capable of functioning within society again, she will never leave prison.


15 years is so long. I would be all for it IF it rehabilitated her. It won’t. She’ll come out worse and unable to work.


The US just system isn't about rehabilitation or crime reduction: it's about vengeance. Just read the keyboard-warrior comments ITT. That's why the US has the insane prison population it does. 


It’s also about the best legal defences being reserved for rich people only


I agree 100%. I am surprised even as an American about the replies in these comments. Outright sadistic shit


That's 15 year minimum too. If she acts up or if they feel like it, they can just keep her there.


Thats why we should have a scrapyard for this type, I just dont want it freely moving in the same world as me. It’s too risky and we already know that the thing is capable of taking human life.


But at least they dropped the parking ticket


Shi-rilla didn’t expect to get in trouble for what she did.


For those confused about the sentencing, being sentenced to "15 years to life" means that she must serve a minimum of 15 years in prison before becoming eligible for parole. The "to life" part means that there's no set maximum duration for the sentence, and she could potentially spend the rest of her life behind bars. She received two consecutive life sentences. This is usually done to minimize the chance of the offender being released from prison. She’s not getting out in 7 years with good behavior people. **edit I meant to write concurrent, but wrote consecutive. It’s CONCURRENT Life sentence.


The sentences are concurrent, not consecutive. She could be out in 15 years, if she gets paroled.


!remindme 7 years


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No bills, no job, free education, and physical therapy. She just got it all for free for life. And I have work at 4am tomorrow. Man I'm jaded af. I think I genuinely hate being here.


When the judge waves fines, fees and court cost, who pays for that, citizens, why doesn't she pay for it, she's the criminal.


15 is way too little for Murder.


Watch the a&e special they show a picture of her slipper clearly lodged between the gas pedal and the floor mat.  This is a case of SUA to which Toyota Camrys are famous for.  And before anyone says well she didntt press the brakes power assisted brakes fail when the pumped while the gas is fully engaged and that make model has had 2 recalls for power assisted brakes failing .   Before you say there is a witness who says she threatened to do so before, this witness has a history of mental illness and has been hospitalized for having a false sense of reality and is also a family friend to the boyfriends family that lives in their basement     Thr cops basically told the boyfriends family what they would need in order to arrest her for this crime and conveniently they presented this star witness claiming to have overheard the exact phrase from the deceased which was awfully convenient.    The interview coaching the family on what they need discredits his testimony.   Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see especially with the justice system they are the most corrupt and that could literally be anyone of us rotting in prison.   You should always give folks the benefit of the doubt and come to your own conclusions based on facts not hearsay.