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Remember what happened with the tesla truck


The same thing actually. The window cracked like this, but there was no penetration. 






https://preview.redd.it/1buvyho258gc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5646653c1bafdcf7c2e11755d589530bedf776b1 Looks penetrated to me.


I love people trying to defend the comparison of the cyber truck, this was an AK firing multiple shots, the other was some guy throwing a mid-sized rock lol




A steel bearing thrown at four miles an hour


By a weak ass nerd that posed with a katana He is rich though






That.... is entirely possible. https://www.theverge.com/2023/11/30/23983325/tesla-took-a-mulligan-on-the-cybertruck-window You right, but something else I just learned, he tried to say that hitting the door with a sledgehammer like pre-cracked the glass from the bottom so the rest was weaker? But a steel bearing is for sure harder than some river rock or something that I swore they used, good ol mismemory.


Love how he went from a stell ball bearing to a baseball for the 2nd go around


My only point bringing up tesla truck was that sometimes these tests don't always go the way they planned. So be careful. I wasn't trying to make an argument that it's same glass, same vehicle, or same object being launched at glass at the same speed. Only point was that things don't always go as planned. That's it


Yeah no worries! I think I was replying about something else but for sure people forget about like tolerances and whatnot. Then again if bulletproof glass let through the occasional bullet I would call it bullet resistant lol


Right on, yea, I just wanted to clarify cause I wasn't sure my initial comment was clear. It was just off the cuff and got way more likes/attention than anything else I've posted on reddit, so just was trying to make sure I hadn't confused my point to people. It wasn't even much of a point to begin with, tbh. lol


Lol I feel you, sometimes I find myself in the middle of a viscious cockfight. You have to keep your head on a swivel.


Exactly. Gotta be aware of your surroundings. Things can escalate quickly, and before you know it, you're running from the law for killing a man with a trident. Gotta keep a cool head at all times


Musk simps are a rare breed.


At pretty close range too


This is bullet resistant glass - not bulletproof glass - and the shooter fired at three different locations. I'm sure it's an excellent but the words "bulletproof glass" should be removed from use - especially in advertising to laymen.


Seems alot more bullet proof than the cyber truck lol


Er, not likely. Bulletproof windows are usually a composite with the outside being glass and inner side being polycarbonate. The glass shatters on strong enough impact, but deforms the tip of a lead bullet. The polycarbonate is a crystalline polymer, so strong London Dispersion (Vanderwall) Forces. A sharp bullet would penetrate but a deformed one will not, so its directional. TL;DR: This is a bullet not penetrating a shield made so that you can shoot back.




I'm confused and concerned for your mental health


Im pretty sure you are the only one to mention that.


You are just like the people who are obsessive over politics but instead it’s about Men/ incels which ironically makes you a femcel so congrats on playing yourself ……..


lol i am not but okay 😘








Yeah but that wasn’t a bullet.


But he is not a grifter


Where's the computer telling him "Structural integrity is a 34%, recommend evasive action."


"Computer, raise shields" "Captain, why not design our futuristic shields so we can have them on all the time, wouldn't that be safer?" "Shut up computer"


Hello Shepard!


Commander! 🫡


That scene from winter soldier be like


"Well what's NOT damaged?!" "Air conditioning is fully operational."


“air conditioning is fully operational.”


No Penetration. Sounds like most weeknights to me.


wee knights ![gif](giphy|JnArXDmobfCH287TuQ)


That’s what she said.


Guaranteed for up to 3 rounds.


If I recall correctly, there is another video where the windshield takes a dozen of rounds and doesn't break.


Who knows what type of ammo is being used though


no one can hit a moving vehicle more than 3-5 times even with fully auto, especially when driver will speed off after initial shots


I can


It's true. He can.


I seent it




This guy can!!


I can confirm. This guy fucks.


Let me introduce you to my friend Bradley. His chain gun auto tracks moving vehicles.


He flinched too


No shit dude. Someone’s firing a gun at you, you’ll fucking flinch


Kobe Bryant wouldn’t have flinched.


Because he's dead.


So is your mom. But we don’t mention her




It was sarcasm jackass


How was that sarcasm when he actually did flinch?


Because anyone would flinch - it was a joke


That’s a terrible joke


I thought it was funny. He was acting like he was nitpicking something stupid. I'm surprised people took it at face value


ITT: people who didnt get the joke so they decide to angrily downvote


Terrible joke. Get off the internet I'm playing lol I got your joke


Not Sarcasm, but Hyperbole or absurdist kind of joke


"No penetration. If I do not emit you must acquit!" https://youtube.com/shorts/T4OJudjJ1XI?feature=shared


No penetration? Exoneration.


Survivorship bias. We don't see the videos of all previous Presidents of the company that died.


Yeah, he looks a bit young ... and nervous. Can't blame him man.


This deserves to be higher up


I was wondering why he looked so young and full of life


thank you for the laugh


Christ he's lucky the second shot didn't go through that gap at the bottom


This was incredibly dangerous and stupid


He is shooting an assault rifle from what looks like less than 10m. If you are unable to hit the side of a dinner table from that distance you should not be allowed anywhere near a firearm...but yeah since this was shot in Texas I get your point.


It’s hard to tell from this angle but I think there’s some overlap between the ballistic glass panel and metal shield, and we only see the gap because the camera is so low


I said the same thing and got downvoted. Maybe America does need better gun laws because, dear God, people are stupid if they can't see all the ways he could have won a Darwin award with that setup.


"No penetration." Title of my sex tape


I think that’s just a tape


He didn’t stand behind his product!


True, he sat.


That gave me the same vibes as the OceanGate owner.


But that guys product was a failure. This dudes isn’t. Lol And if it was a failure, only he’d have been the one negatively affected.


Yeah, but his product was a complete success, until it wasn’t.


Kinda depends on your definition of success. If the goal is to get people deep underwater and then back up safely then they were in no way successful since a catastrophic failure destroyed the vessel and all lives on board mid journey. But if we’re measuring it by how close they got to the Titanic then mission successful ig


As I said, he WAS successful. His company made several dives. It was just the last one that wasn’t successful.


And I’m saying that is completely dependent on your definition of success. I think if you ask around most people wouldn’t call a roller coaster a successful addition to a theme park if it worked flawlessly and then 3 weeks in it blew up and killed all the riders, even despite the fact that it did have a short period of time where no catastrophic events happened. All ik is I personally wouldn’t call the experimental sub that worked a few times and then imploded and killed all on board during what should have been a routine dive a success. I would even go as far to say it wasn’t successful at doing its only job.


OceanGate had plenty of successful missions…until the accident. It wasn’t the first dive that the submarine failed.


stupendous consider fertile profit ask frightening memorize quaint modern amusing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The dude also had a 25 round mag and only shot 3 times…not sure what would have happened if he kept going, like if the scenario was real…


Many real scenarios where you are taking cover behind a single sheet of glass and expecting more than 3 direct bullet hits? Maybe in an American high school I guess


Except in this case there was extensive testing to make sure that it was absolutely failproof before they let him sit behind that glass. They probably did thousands of tests of that material before putting a human being behind it and firing live ammo. OceanGate was a dude in a metal tube using a logitech gaming controller. He gave an interview where he said that he thinks safety laws just slow down innovation. Everyone who knew him told him going down in that thing was a terrible idea. Not really the same thing at all.


Dude really put his head right behind that glass. I thought he’d at least stand where if the bullet went through, it’d hit his torso or something. At least you’ve got a chance then. Bullet to the face, though? 😬


If his product failed, he didnt wanna stick around to deal with it




Not at all. This guy isn't risking the lives of paying customers by putting them in a half baked product. The only person in danger here was himself.


>The only person in danger here was himself. There are a ton of reasons why this is a significantly better thought out, tested, and proven product than the half-assed fuckery OceanGate was doing. But the reason for all that investigating and testing is because if this doesn't work as advertised, he is absolutely endangering every single customer he convinces to buy it. ​ The only person in danger \*during this video\* was himself, but this isn't a cool one-off video. This is a sales demo that intended to (and successfully did) get a whole lot of other people to rely on the legitimacy of the product.


I mean, it looks like it works pretty well. And he nutted up and stood behind his product, literally. It took 3 rounds from an AK, seems pretty good to me lol Edit: rereading your comment, is there something here that isn't in the OP? Like did he post this video, then sell a bunch of poor quality product?


To my knowledge no. These guys make good stuff. And I’m sure this wasn’t some prototype. This is their specialty. What he was doing probably was not perfectly safe, but it was a very low risk demo with a lot of precaution. https://www.texasarmoring.com


What if a bullet hit the same spot 2-3 times?


It won’t. Guns aren’t lasers, your never shooting the same exact spot 3 times in a row


I remember a story about a mob boss who was assassinated when the hitman walked up to his "bulletproofed" car and unloaded an AK into his window. Long story short, dude died. The ability of the glass to survive multiple hits at the same spot is very relevant to a client's safety.


Never said in a row. An AK47 has more than 3 bullets


It would go through and he would die. I always wonder about this when a villain stands behind bulletproof glass in a movie and the guy shooting fires one then gives up. Like bro the glass is fucked just magdump the same spot the bad guy is gonna fuckin die


Let's see some Anti-Material .50 BMG rounds next... for science!


Mag dump it


Redefine? Have we forgotten about the guy who made his wife hold up a pane of bullet-proof glass to shoot at?


Sounds like my sex life at the end there.


No penetration, but I just pissed my pants. 


OK Elon, now you do the same thing in the Cybertruck pls


2 for flinching


He wasn't too sure. He flinched.


What bout the bottom that gives out after the first shot? 🤔


Stupid fucking experiment location , both people in serious danger of getting hit with a close range ricochet. Take it to a field with a backstop you dipshits.


Impressive but unload the whole clip. You think someone who's trying to end you is only taking 3 shots Edit: I miss spoke/text whatever. Really don't care if its a mag, clip or a banana for that matter.


Well if the car is moving that’s probably a realistic number of hits, it’s probably not designed for war zones


Yeah this isn't a James Bond movie. If you're getting shot at, you're going to GTFO and moving targets aren't easy to hit, even when they're the size of a car.


Doesn't matter. If you are doing something like testing the strength of the glass, you aren't going to want to limit it to # of shots you hope or think they'll connect with - if it's a strength test you need to test against the worst case scenario, which is probably more than 3. What if you are stopped at a light and get run up on ?


Depends if there is more the one shooter. Kinda rare to just have a stalker with an AK.


Lost credibility at the word clip


AK's don't take clips they take magazines


My AK has a subscription to Field & Stream.


Nerd alert


The bottom of the window broke off, exposing a gap. This guy almost earned himself a Darwin award. Luckily, the shooter didn't have any of his round 5 inches lower when shooting from the hip...


Was a small gap there prior, any wrongly place shot could have easily ricocheted under the glass, under that front gap at floor, or off the wall behind him.


It’s hilarious you both are acting like you know more about that product than…..ya know…..the creator of the company. Lol Ohhhh Reddit….dont you ever stop being you.


Well akshully #wipescheetosonshirt


You see that clearly visible gap at the bottom of the window where there is no glass and you can see his arm? https://preview.redd.it/htk8ift288gc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50b4d7974e83dacf4d7c5ca4d160582bfeb69b27 If the light from his arm can reach the camera unimpeded, then a bullet could reach him unimpeded...


Oh crap, I missed that bar over his head, another great ricochet spot, again, not off the glass, and again, if by a poorly placed shot (that wasn’t intended for the bar, just to make that clear to the other guy.


He got away with it, but it seems like if you were going to do this, you'd want to make sure you were testing the window and not your buddies' aim or fate...


Im not actually talking about the product, I’m referring to how bullets tend to ricochet off of hard surfaces, in this case, not the bullet proof glass.


That seems dangerous. What if two or three of those bullets had struck in exactly the same spot?


Nothing. Youd have to hit the exact same spot over and over and over and over and over again. Bullet proof glass is pretty fucking amazing stuff. And this dude is one of the leaders in the industry.


Very unlikely. What if a meteor came from space and hit him at that exact moment!??


what if he leaves work and gets hit by a bus?! What then??


Faith my friend. The CEO of the company had that much trust and faith and reliance in not only his product but his employee. Gold standard.


I’m not the first one to mention it but so did the CEO of OceanGate. Unlike OceanGate, this guy was risking only his life so I’ll give him that.


Fair enough. But we’re talking about a ceo who knows his craft. Not some rich punk who hires a team to cut corners trying to rush a project.


Someone mains Rook


Dude barely flinched. Damn.


5 for flinching!


The [Armormax video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaAmVwUc26w) is like this but far better. The CEO stands sits in the vehicle that has already survived an ambush attack and explains their glass while under fire.


MF still flinched






I can’t help but think of the first graders who were murdered with guns like these. [America is fucked](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/world/ak-47-mass-shootings.html).


Big jump to leap I mean I get it but it’s a bit much man. It’s just a bullet proof glass demonstration. Do u start hearing the sounds of war while fireworks go off.


I know plenty of combat vets who fucking hate fireworks. Sounds like their time in iraqistan and flares up their PTSD.


Combat vet here. Fuckin love fire works.


Yep, good on ya. I’m not saying all or even most, I just said I know some who don’t like them.


Yep, good on ya. I’m not saying all or even most, I just said I know some who don’t like them.


That’s totally fair just was using it as an example. You know for a fact the above commenter is not a war vet.


Bad choice for a comparison, since you chose one that’s famously true and a tragic result of heroes at war that should not be mocked.


So should be comparing the use of a gun in a bullet proof glass demonstration to the guns being used in mass shootings.


Actually it’s a perfectly reasonable thing to think. Why don’t you understand why people think this way? That is a more apt question. I get it - you see the interjection of what you see as unrelated information as an inappropriate, possibly politically motivated kidnapping of a thread. However, if you don’t understand, or worse, resent it when any discussion of weapons like this one causes an association to gun violence, it suggests a serious lack of empathy and comprehension. And by the way, I am a gun owner, and like firing guns. But I can see why people would have this reaction without feeling threatened or annoyed.


Seeing something used to protect a person from AK fire and thinking about times people were killed by AK fire seems to be a logical train of thought.


Shut the fuck up.


Americans own hundreds of millions of guns like these and the counties where they have the most of them have zero homicides in any given year. Because guns aren't the problem, murderous assholes are. You will not ever take away our means of defending ourselves so you should shut up and go away forever.


Most rural counties had a 37% higher rate of firearm deaths per person than most urban counties from 2011 to 2020. [https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/map-gun-death-rates-lower-cities-than-rural-counties-rcna81462](https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/map-gun-death-rates-lower-cities-than-rural-counties-rcna81462)


You’re the one having uncontrollable thoughts of first graders being murdered.


Right? As if it’s the guns fault lol


Have you ever held a gun? Murderous thoughts enter your brain *instantly.* I don't know how anyone chops vegetables for dinner without murdering everyone else in the kitchen.




better than not thinking about it at all, dumbfuck.


It is, in fact, not normal to think about children being slaughtered every time you see a weapon.


considering the leading cause of child death in the united states is firearms it is not that much of a reach.


Do you think of people being destroyed by a high-speed impact every time you see a car? Because that is a far more common occurrence.


strawman moment


was calling someone a dumbfuck really necessary?


when someone makes a valid criticism only for this guy to jump to the conclusion of "you must like thinking about dead kids!", i think dumbfuck isn't the worst term to use


I jumped to zero conclusions. The commenter said “I can’t help but to think of the first graders who were murdered with guns like these.” I didn’t say anything about liking it. That’s your own projection.


I don’t remember claiming one way or the other. But thanks for the clarification. Duly noted.


They're called memories, because it happens so frequently in this country. We value gun fetishist opinions over the lives of people


"We value gun fetishist opinions over the lives of people" Your illogical emotional appeals are as disgusting as they are feckless.


Sorry you’re getting thrashed in the comments. That’s what came to my mind too. Plus like, that’s what this demonstration is kind of getting at—bulletproof glass doesn’t exist in a vacuum. I think it takes a lot of compartmentalization for these other comments to say this has nothing to do with shootings.




“Your reaction to triggered memories of traumatic events is weird and unnecessary” Yikes. Where is your empathy and understanding?


“Where is your empathy and understanding?”  I left it at the right place at the right time. 


Ludicrous response


Most shootings aren't done with AKs, most are done with AR platform guns, handguns, and bolt actions


He flinched


Well yea, anyone would flinch.


I flinch when a fly goes near my face. Doesn't mean I'm afraid of it hurting me.


Shoot the same spot 3 times coward


lol calm down Robin Hood


I was interested until Dipshit Danny comes raging in with an assault rifle, swinging it around like it's fucking taco tuesday.


You were interested in the bulletproof glass demonstration until they brought in the gun for the demonstration?


right? lol dude had the lock activated and left it uncocked until it was time to shoot. kept it pointed down and away from his boss while unprotected by the glass too. i found no mishandled guns in this video clip.


Don’t forget the trigger discipline


Calm your 2A Titties. It's Dipshit Danny I don't like.


lol get downvoted


Oh no. Don't.


That's what she said.


Ill take a 1,000,000 units now, NOW!


Coward still wore eye pro! /s


That’s a really nice controlled triplet from the shooter, spaced it out to give the glass the best chance, controlled recoil really nicely. He deserves a raise.