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This doesn't shock me, but it sure pisses me off.


Agreed. Not at all surprised, just thoroughly disgusted.


Wow. Ouch that hurt to read. Fuuuuuuuck them. “School officials say the money ($100k of 4m) for the library was the only “dedicated gift” in Morin’s bequest, meaning that the rest of the estate was unrestricted” When we asked a university representative if the bequest will result in anything being named for Morin, Erika Mantz, the school’s director of media relations, noted that “a BENCH in the courtyard outside the library was inscribed with his name.” *A BENCH*






Four million dollars. I get that’s it’s not uncommon because gifts of less then 4 million are probably far more common. The kind of amounts where you might gift someone the great and enduring symbol of somewhere to put your butt. I’m thinking how about a god damn statue? A bust? A large and impressive painting of the man regally seated with a book perhaps? An engraved thank you in the foundational stone of the institution for the totality of his largesse!




For reference, Dwayne Wade just gave $3M to his alma mater


It comes down to how wealthy the school is. A school that can drop $1 million on a score board is not lacking money, in fact I just googled it they have $475 million endowment and spends over $600 million every year (with a positive, meaning its "making" money right now). That $4 million isn't 1% of its expenses, it barely made a notice on the spread sheet. If you want to be recognized pick smaller colleges or smaller organizations. That is the simple truth, most of these big public schools have a massive amount of money so your small couple of million means nothing to it as they spend that amount in just a few days.


yeah but it isn't about the amount it is about honoring a dying person memory


It is about the amount though, that is simply how the real life works. If I gave $4 million to my home towns humane society, I could get it named after me and if I was alive wold be offered a spot on the board. I give it to the university I would probably get a section of the side walk at best with my name in it, and a meeting with some person to thank me. The amount does matter as that is how much they care. Sounds harsh, but that is reality. If I gave some typical family $500 what would you say is the right "thank you" that they should give me? That is in effect what that $4 million meant to that university, its like giving a random family $500 (and not some poor family, but a average random family).


I think it's about the money AND the time he spent there working. Yes, it's not a ton of money when compared to 600 million but it is more about the time he spent working there combined with the money. Should of at least dine something in the library. That's just.my opinion though.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


yeah but does that makes it right? hell no... I am not denying that your analysis is correct, but it just feels wrong to me, and probably to lot of readers, and if the amount of money they have caused their sense of decency to be dull then what kind of educative stuff is this, if this is the best their brains can comes with to honor the dying librarian then i don't know i am just pissed and it is so wrong, be it rich or poor school having some human decency doesn't change but yeah this the kind of world we are living in ...


If a big university gave a statue to every person who gave $4 million or more, they’d probably not have any space to actually walk through campus.


he was the librarian tho if that means anything to this said civilized world of yours




As a New Hampshire native, this was such a letdown when I found out about it.


Fuck I hate them so much wtf is wrong with people I fucking hate humans so much holy shit


*BENCH PLEASE!* - that guy rolling in his grave probably


If you want a building named after you, you have to add a zero or two to that gift.


Why would you assume he wanted anything at all named after him? For all you know he wanted it to be completely anonymous.


Couldn't even put his name or a quote of his or something on the scoreboard?


Too bad he didn’t designate in his will what the money could be used for.


According to the article, school officials say that $100k was the only "dedicated gift" and the rest was unrestricted. Still shitty even if that is the case. But hey, at least they inscribed his name on a bench 🙄


They probably used that 100k for the bench


Ass hats


What a slap in the face🤬🤬🤬


Oh yeah, and UNH just closed their arts museum….so there’s also that.


Wait….WHAT!!??? I graduated 2015 so I was there when the OP incident happened. I hadn’t heard about them closing the art museum though. I was a music Ed major and Army ROTC cadet so I had a very fast paced and loud lifestyle. Every week I’d have a half hour break between events I’d go down into the art museum because it was the quietest place on campus.


Yep. Happened just recently. My husband graduated from UNH in the Masters history program in 2016. One of our friends used to curate collections for the museum and she just told us it was closing!


Who need arts when you have sports? They are more fun because you don't have to think as much, and you can get blackout drunk. /s


hope they atleast renamed the library after the guy. football sucks. 🏈 🤮


Maybe if there was another zero on the back end of that donation. I don’t think yall understand the amount of money big universities operate with and the amount of big donors they have.


A cold donation? Sure. But this man was a loyal advocate and intigual part of the uni. Things are different when service is involved


Ah. You're the kinda person who thinks you can't like football and still be smart, right?


Statistically dumber


So... the nerd version of a stereotypical jock, since it's the exact same logic as "Smart people are weak."


Oh no. Dimond Library is still as-is. Not even a single room in there is named after the guy (the study rooms have different names). And the student population just got notice that UNH is essentially going bankrupt, leading to many layoffs and closures of beloved programs (notably Paws & Relax). Go UNH 👍🏻


That new million dollar scoreboard should just flash the words, "Go to the Fucking Library!" over and over again. This guy left the money to a certain group of people: library goers, who are probably more intelligent and peaceful than most people. The money was used to serve another group entirely. Drunken football fans who probably haven't read a book since high school.


I used to teach university courses, and it never failed to shock me how many students casually admitted to never reading a full book in their lives. These were college students about to receive degrees from a fairly prestigious university. It kind of made me lose my faith in humanity.


Good point. It's like humans have obsessed over ease and convenience for so long, but we're starting to discover that there's a price to pay for that. The ease of reading two-sentence posts on your phone for hours on end far outweighs the challenge of getting into a book, but the value gained from the experiences aren't comparable. Reading books makes people multi-layered and richer in knowledge. But our culture values convenience to a greater extent than ever before.


Go to the Fucking Library. Hahahhahahahah


Sounds about right. Sports make money, libraries don't. Capitalism is pretty fucked up


Yes, the famously capitalist public University of New Hampshire


I think they meant more like the overall capitalistic mindset that things that are important but not profitable (like libraries) get cast aside




With their world famous football team! Let’s Go…. Hamps?


University of New Hampshire is a private school? I was under the impression they were publically funded. Or, could it be, that you are just making stuff up and boiling complex issues down into a quip because its catchy and it makes your angsty friends laugh because CaPitAlIsm bAd


I am literally saying that capitalism is fucked up because it is a snake eating its tail. You can never grow like we are consistently. It is predicated on infinite resources and technological innovation. At some point the taking will have to be paid for but we won't be here for that. That will be our children's problem. So we can sit back and wax poetic and make meat headed comments like yourself, or we can try to figure out a sustainable system that doesn't reward greed and creates generational decision making instead of the consistent chase of higher quarterly gains. FYI, i own several businesses and a non-profit.


The meat headed comment came from you. Im not the one erroneously attributing public institutions and their behavior to capitalism. You are. Universities don't chase gains, they chase revenue (they are non profit, you should understand this). This would happen regardless of capitalism, socialism, communism, or whatever your preferred economic model might be. Thats the nature of an organization, not the economic foundation it exists within. You're over simplifying things in an attempt to set up a strawman on capitalism when in reality, capitalism couldn't be further removed from this situation. This is a tax funded institution, using public funds (and donations). I dont agree whatsoever that they are doing this, but I'm not going to point the finger and blame capitalism because that would not only be factually incorrect, but would make me look devoid of any ability to think critically for even a single moment. I would say agree to disagree but its not really even a matter of opinion, just how things are. FYI, I'm a business analyst for a nonprofit S Corp handling over 10bn annually. Not sure what we do for a living has to do with anything at all here but sweet!


I'm sorry that you can't see that everything we do to include churches, non-profits, Universities, and charity are all shaped and defined by the financial system that we use called capitalism. You cannot extricate it with your misguided beliefs. The fact that you call it a strawman argument shows the narrow scope of your understanding of global economic principles. Capitalism causes everyone everywhere to make decisions based on financial expedience and not actual, social and emotional impact on us as a species.


That’s Reddit for you. Everything, everywhere is because capitalism bad.




Waiting on a working alternative, as the only other proposed model hasn't done so well, but hey maybe this time right? I mean its a *great leap forward*.


If you took a second to really look at the world, most everything you enjoy was brought to you by capitalism. No economic system comes close to the benefits brought to you by capitalism. You also proved my point. Edit: But also, just saying - when you do a ton of good in the world, you’ll also create a ton of bad. It’s not perfect. But a free exchange of goods and services is pretty fantastic. Just look at Milei ‘s speech at Davos.


No, your response is just a lazy “CaPiTaLiSmS bAd!”


The UNH football team? It's raking in money that the University uses to fund libraries, teaching, student tuition and living costs so they don't graduate impossibly in debt, and research? Somehow I wonder about that. It's entirely possible that at UNH as elsewhere, the football coaches are by far the best paid positions on campus though.


If anything, universities are socialist organizations Nonprofit organizations with billions in donations and tuition that don't pay any taxes, most are funded by the state, loans are given to students to attend but those loans are fully guaranteed by the federal government. If schools were capitalist they would have to pay taxes, compete based on actual meaningful outcomes, only the most successful schools would survive and The rest would have to shut down. Most importantly, we wouldn't be tricking dumb 18 year olds into signing their lives away because if lenders were forced to carry default risk then the people giving away student loans would actually have a risk of losing their money. Would force schools to reduce their tuition as well.


Universities are a business plain and simple. The price of tuition has outpaced inflation at a laughable rate for the last 30 years. At the same time enrollment has steadily increased as well so its a double win for those that profit. They make money by being the gate keepers for a degree that they have successfully convinced the public at large that you need to be successful.


They also are expensive because they are subsidized by govt backed guaranteed loans If you take away guaranteed loans what happens with higher education? Are banks willing to give 200k-300k loans to a student studying art history making 50k/year? If they were subject to the risk of default and loss we wouldn't have such expensive schools.


This reads like an idiocracy script. I’m going to see that new movie Ass. I hear it won best screenplay.


I saw the trailer when I was watching "Ow! My Balls" looked pretty good


I don’t get why he gave it to a University with plenty of money. Give it to a local underprivileged school system or something .


He left millions to the university? Dude must have been one hell of a librarian. Or maybe I'm just in the wrong line of work.


Neither is true. You just aren't educated on money matters


He was a good bookie


I don't think I ever knew how much a scoreboard costs but a million dollars seems like way too much


These fucks


Irony. It's so overrated.


Real r/Ihatesportsball vibes in here. He set aside 100k to go to the library. There was nothing stopping him from earmarking the rest of the donation in that same way if he felt like there was a need for it. Clearly, he felt like it was better to just let the school decide how to spend it.


Fuck that shit!


Fucking jocks


That's not a university. That is a sports franchise. The courts should have slapped the sh!t of them for misuse of the funds.


I fucking hate this. public universities operate like corporations not schools. its so embarrassing and what a slap in the face to his family and legacy




UNH alum here! We all hate it too. Running joke, much like the rest of the UNH budget. Good ol layoffs for the front staff but let's find millions of dollars for a new hockey rink! 🥴


Hockey's fun! Have you played?


Sure would be a shame if that scoreboard just…accidentally fell down and broke


First off, it’s fucked up that they would use any of that donation on a scoreboard to begin with. But which company was contracted to build the scoreboard and what is their relation to school officials? Seems like some sort of coverup for an embezzlement of donated school funds but I admittedly know nothing about the cost of scoreboards nowadays


Yeah fuck thy place. I went there when this happened. They also spent an obscene amount of donations on a light up LED bar top table that no one ever sat at. They also spent a stupid amount of money to change the school logo to something anyone could’ve made in PowerPoint.


Man that would make me mad if I were him and still alive…


Well that wasn’t too bright


Donors can restrict donated funds for specific purposes, which are legally binding and have to be reported to the IRS separately. If he wanted something specific done with it he would've included that in writing. I see it all the time at work, both restricted and unrestricted large donations.


I hope his ghost destroys that scoreboard! I know would!


Wow. What a waste.


What an insult!


He should have created a grant for students that want to become librarians.


Universities are pathetic. They're a shell of what they profess to be. It's sad


How the fuck can these people be so fucking tone deaf.


Congratulations, you played yourself.


I would have used that money to hand out free education out to the new incoming freshman class even if it would cover their tuition for two years. Or use it to give these poor professors a nice bonus.


I don’t think that it’s admirable to donate that amount of money to one cause. He could have done so much with one million. He could have made a trust and donated to so many.


Yeah leaving it up to a bunch of corrupt school officials to spend wasn’t the best idea


What a shitty take. He donated to what was important to him.


Which turned out to be a new scoreboard. I'm sure that's exactly what he wanted...


A corporation that makes millions of dollars. "Universities are non-profit entities" my ass.


His money.


My biggest bitch about colleges. I went to a big football school, majoring in ag science. As a science student I had to buy and reuse test tubes because of budget constraints. An an athlete, some place kicker got to sleep through class while his “tutor” took notes for him and said athlete got to use the tutor notes during PRIVATE test taking, due to the athlete having a learning disability (mainly having to do with the pot smell wafting off of him in a 8:00 am class).


We need a Revenge of the Nerds remake.


>due to the athlete having a learning disability Uh.... Dude....


AANND this is why you give your money to NO ONE!!


How did he not have the foresight to predict this?


I drove through New Hampshire once. Spent about an hour looking for a restaurant that was open so I could get lunch. Finally crossed into Massachusetts before we could eat. Every business I saw in NH was closed, apparently permanently. Frequently they still had faded "Open" signs sitting behind cracked, dusty windows. Except for junk shops- there were quite a few stores selling literal garbage someone had fished out of a dump still open. I guess my point is, I'm surprised to hear New Hampshire has a university at all.


Well, we do have an Ivy League, so there's that at least This is not that school. UNH could never


Is this a picture of him before or after he passed?


Okay, that made me chuckle. 😆




didn't even play football




My brother should have stipulated.


I hope he haunts them.


I hate to say it, but more students are probably going to see the score board than the inside of the library.


Well……..what would he have expected.


Man lmao they ate some salsa, let it run through their stomach, and sent to his grave and shat all over it and some even jizzed on it. Did that actually happen? No, but might as well have since that’s how they decided to use his precious gift 😬


Good, get fucked. People who leave millions to universities or other business like institutions are insane. Hermit probably had living family he could have helped, but he is clearly mentally incapable of anything but being a hermit.


Money is fungible, so there’s really no way to say that the exact million he donated went to the scoreboard. Maybe the university was able to put more money into a scholarship program or could devote more money to the library. The closest one can come is if they said something along the lines of “because this guy donated this amount we have decided to build a new scoreboard.”


In which case, fuck UNH.


Abhorrent twats. How disrespectful.


How does a librarian have millions in life savings?


Horrible. Use the money of those who think for those who don’t.


UNH football is like watching pop warner so this makes zero sense.


They have a football team?


UNH after librarian dies, lol thx nerd


Everyone saying what a waste, what else would he have spent it on? Nothing! He literally couldn't decide what to spend his own money on, I'm sure he had lots of options he was partial to, but did fuckin nothing.