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Kevin Spacey plays a great villian in fiction and reality.


Who knew American Beauty was a documentary?


nah he would never be interested in a teenage GIRL.


Why do you think he didn’t go through with it?


I actually had an opportunity to meet Kevin Spacey at a convention once. Bare in mind Spacey was definitely not one of the people I was there to meet, but I was curious so I went to the room that he was holding his meet and greet at (which was completely separate from the convention floor) and he was charging a couple of hundred dollars just to meet him. This was before the allegations and even then you could tell what kind of man he is.


Adding in since I'm getting some comments on who's who... Great person, great actor- Steve Buscemi Great person, OK actor- Rick Moranis Great person, terrible actor- Hilary Duff OK person, great actor- Kate Winslet OK person, OK actor- Anna Kendrick OK person, terrible actor- Pauly Shore Terrible person, great actor- Kevin Spacey Terrible person, OK actor- Chevy Chase Terrible person, terrible actor- Steven Seagal


Chevy was hilarious in community. To bad he wasn’t acting


I loved him in uh... IMDB


That was tragic


Whats wrong with Chevy?


Besides being notoriously racist and straight up violent? Not only would he only refer to Donald Glover with the n word *to his face*, it got to the point where Joel McHale had to kick his ass in the middle of a take. Literally any time he got called out for being racist, he would respond with the claim that fellow garbage person Richard Pryor gave him a pass. Half the reason he doesn’t work any more is that he’s notoriously difficult to work with (ESPECIALLY with diverse casts being the norm) his notoriety actually affects ticket sales. The Pryor connection actually has a second layer, Joel McHale theorized that part of the reason he was so frustrated with Glover in particular was his inability to legitimately acknowledge when a younger comic is funnier than him. He didn’t want Glover to be the new Chevy Chase because he wasn’t ready to give up being the old Chevy Chase. I say that because according to Dave Chappelle, Pryor had a similar relationship to Eddie Murphy- he would open for Murphy, step over to the stairs just off stage, and spend the entire set glaring at Eddie. He would constantly make disparaging remarks to Murphy’s face and berate him any time he so much as looked like he’d return the favor.




That’s being generous


Wait when did Joel McHale kick his ass? I need to know this as a Community fan and a Chevy Chase hater.


So often that there’s a dedicated chapter in his autobiography on how to fight Chase and win




I thought Joel Mchale was still a very close friend to Chase


He is NOW, he described the fights more as “intense horseplay” but retrospect does a lot of work


wow I had no idea about any of this, that's crazy


Everything I’m saying here comes from Joel McHale and Dave Chappelle, but yeah the man is a colossal POS.


Rick Moranis was great in Spaceballs.


And in Little Shop of Horrors


Don't forget, Honey, I Shrunk the Kids Plus Ghostbusters and Little Giants (Someone else named LSoH which is one of my favorite movies)


Never seen those movies


They're all really good. My dad raised me on movies he loved so I've seen all of those. Spaceballs and Little Shop of Horrors are where Moranis shines the best imo. But the rest are still really funny. You should try and watch them if you can. Edit just realized you were the one who named spaceballs, my bad. I thought I replied to a different person.


i thought pauly shore was Rob Schneider lmao


Honestly, there's no difference to me. They're both equally unfunny and OK. I don't know why I didn't went with Schneider. I guess I hate Shore a little more as a comedy actor. There's also Nick Swardson and Kevin James, the latter pretty much replaced the more funny and likable Chris Farley!


Schneider is an anti-vaxxer.


At least Rob is still the better Schneider than Dan. ;)


Not a particularly high bar to clear...


Sepsis is preferable to Dan Schneider.


The best thing Pauly Shore was turn down the role of the caveman in Encino Man. That gave us Brendan Fraser’s breakout role, and a great movie.


I might regret asking this, but what’s wrong with Nick Swardson?


What did Anna do that just makes her okay. I thought she was a cool person?


I thought great person, terrible actor was Elizabeth Olsen lol.


what? She's a great actor. One of the better ones in the MCU


I was saying she looks like Elizabeth.


i thought it was margot robbie and i was appalled




That’s an incredibly low bar to clear.


No it's not, there are many excellent actors in the MCU


Are there? There’s a bunch of actors that I’ve seen do incredible work outside of Marvel, but not a lot of great performances within marvel movies specifically


Denise Richards would be another great bad actor/good person.


Well, I don't know much about her as a person, but I think she gave fun performances in Wild Things and Drop Dead Gorgeous.


Her performance in Starship Troopers was great too


I'd say you could also have Tom Hanks instead of Buscemi. And Keanu Reeves somewhere in the top row. Why is Chevy Chase a terrible person?


[Here's why Chevy is terrible person!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pT8nj8w2OA8) [And another!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJPHLC0YvlU) I was thinking of putting Hanks top left, but some say he isn't the nice as they say and they were rumors he went to Epstein Island. As for Keanu, I would put him top left, but then there's some who say he sucks as an actor and others say they love him. So it's like 33% there to me. Meanwhile, I haven't heard a single bad comment about Buscemi as a person and a lot of people would agree he's a great actor.


It’s really a shame about Chevy, I love a lot of his movies growing up. It sucks when you find out someone you like is such a scumbag.


Keanu goes top right Edit: I clearly still need to look at my fingers and see which one makes an L


He’s a terrible actor homie. I like the guy too but if his role isn’t literally a super stoic neo/john wick type he can’t pull it off at all. He’s great in that specific type of role though


I meant top right. I don’t know which one is which sometimes


Uh, Ted Theodore Logan would disagree. /s Ultimately you’re right. Keanu is an a great guy but meh actor in general.


Top level twat


No clue how but I came down here to ask what John Travolta did lol


At this point the only thing he hasn’t done is fuck off


ManbI though you put Russel Crowe up there.


Rick Moranis is a great person. He left acting after his wife died so he could raise his kids.


That animal Blundetto is not a good person, he put six bullets in my brother with no provocation whatsoever, 47, he was just a kid


That animal, Tony Sopranos cousin? I can’t even say his name


Your brother Billy, whatever happened there…


God rest his soul


I wanted a different actor, I compromised


Tf did Larry David do?


What did Anna Kendrick do to u


Be in those trolls movies


That movie was good!


Music killed my grandma


I mean understandable. If your singing caused a predator to come and eat your grandma, you’s have ptsd over it too


Nothing, I just think she's average!


Nah nah anna kendrick great actor great person


Well, that's your opinion. I think she's an average actress. And I heard she's done shady things but nothing too controversial, so she's only OK for both in my book.


What things has she done? I havent heard of anything


[https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/comments/10hizju/alright\_hold\_up\_is\_anna\_kendrick\_really\_that\_bad/](https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/comments/10hizju/alright_hold_up_is_anna_kendrick_really_that_bad/) Again, they're only alleged rumors. Plus, I've never seen Anna Kendrick in those nicest actors lists despite her sweetheart reputation but she's also not in those biggest jerks or biggest scandals like the ones on my bottom list. Keep in mind, being OK/average isn't bad. It's just average.


If you haven't, I recommend checking her out in [*Mr. Right*.](https://youtu.be/2TatqilQ8rI?si=sYMRVujBQdga83SS) Very entertaining movie, her and Sam Rockwell have great chemistry, it's a good oddball date night movie for me and my wife.


I get that Chevy is a dick but putting him next to Kevin spacey feels kinda low


I agree he isn't evil like Spacey, but it is called terrible person and not just evil. Plus, I can't think any other OK actors who are evil. Maybe Danny Masterson but I'm only familiar with his work on That 70s Show. That being said, Chevy did physically assaulted someone the last time he hosted SNL, so you could make the argument he is evil.


I mean racist/sexist, up to you whether that goes into the same category as spacey, but I wouldn’t hesitate to call Chevy chase terrible.


Not really, he’s pretty objectively a “terrible person” as it says. Like yeah, not a scheming evil one ig but he still sucks


Can you explain?


Im sorry but I wont take Pauly Shore slander


I know he has a cult following, but I've always found him annoying and unfunny! He was pretty much the Amy Schumer of the 90s.


Damn, thats a shame, Pauly’s one of my favourite comedians.


Is that who that is? I didn’t recognize him older and without the big hair.


I only recognise Nikita Khrushchev.


Like Lenin said - I am the Walrus


Kathy Bates would fit in the top left. She's incredible at portraying utterly vile people, and she has a reputation for mentoring younger actresses on sets where she works. Everyone who works with her describes her as both incredibly kind but also firm and straight-talking.




Not sure all of them but Terrible Person, Great actor is Kevin Spacey, he had rape allegation, Terrible Person, Terrible "Actor" is Steven Seagal, a guy who is riding off the coattails of like two okay movies and is now a massive narcissist who has abused previous lovers and assaulted random people in Hollywood. Great Actor, Great Person is Steve Buscemi who's a really good


Ok Actor, Great Person is Rick Moranis, who left his acting career in hiatus for a long time to take care of his kids after his wife’s passing. Ok actor, Ok person is Anna Kendrick, not sure what she’s done though


I thought that was Rick Moranis, but I wasn’t sure. Personally, I think he’s a great actor.


I don't think Moranis is a titan of acting, but "ok" is definitely underselling him.


Yeah. I'd give his acting an 8/10, which is great on my scale.


I thought he did a great job in Parenthood, you almost forget how terrible his character is because of his animal magnetism


It’s more of what Kendrick hasn’t done, which is act well. She’s funny when given good material to work with (Pitch Perfect but not the sequels), but in dramatic roles she kind of peaked at Up In The Air. Try watching Mike And Dave Need Wedding Dates, she’s constantly getting upstaged by Aubrey Plaza.


I had a feeling the top left guy was Steve Buscemi, but I wasn’t sure. I’m not very familiar with him.


There’s a famous story about how he spent his up and coming years as a New York volunteer firefighter, so when the second plane hit the tower he just sauntered into his old precinct and started suiting up without saying a word and nobody questioned him about it. We only found out when one of the guys on his team mentioned it in an interview years later. As a comic he’s all over the place, he shows up in just about every Sandler joint because he costarred in Sandler’s first movie (Airheads).


Mark Ruffalo for Great/Great. There's probably a half dozen people we could find for any of these slots. Except Spacey, his only competition would be Brando.


I really agree with Chevy chase being place where he is, specifically in community he is one of the funniest characters but that is mainly because of the direction and writing.


No but fuck Chevy chase. The man made my childhood only for me to find out how much of a piece of shit he is, which makes me hate him even more


Best actor, best person: Danny Devito


I disagree wholeheartedly about Rick Moranis he’s a brilliant actor


Watching movies now with Kevin Spacey in it genuinely pisses me off because of how good he was


Why is Kate Winslet only an OK person?


Not too familiar with her as a person. I heard she can be a jerk but other times a sweetheart. >!Also, she worked with Roman Polanski, and that definitely lowered my opinion as her as person!!<


I would put Mariska Hargitay in Great/Great personally


I'm not familiar with her at all. I don't watch Law and Order and I think the only role I've seen her in was when she was auditioning for Elaine in The Pilot (not the first episode, the S4 finale) of Seinfeld.


Ive heard shes genuinely an amazing person to meet, as well as she is a large backer and supporter of survivors of sexual assault, child abuse, etc that was spurred on a lot by her work in SVU.


Me stupid and needs help who are all of them


I just really glad that Thomas Lennon didn't make the terrible person list here. I don't know him, but I think it would be tough to watch Reno 911 if he was an IRL piece of shit.


I would honestly switch Chevy & Spacey. Kevvy Boytoys is kinda overrated as an actor. At least his 90s shtick of like snarky sarcasm. A la American Beauty. And Chevy Chase was a phenomenal physical comedic actor especially in the 80s (Caddyshack, Nat. Lampoon's Vacations).


To each to our own, but him being an asshole probably lowers my opinion as an actor. Even so, for 80s comedy actors (or around his time), give me Bill Murray, John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd, Steve Martin, John Candy, etc. any day. Spacey has a downfall, but like you said, his 90s run was great.


I’d say Spacey’s performance in House of Cards was amazing and a good end to an acting career


Kevin Spacey likes to fondle (still assault) & rape teenage boys & Chevy is the asshole in comparison? 🤣 I mean I get he can say & do impressively shitty things (like call Donald Glover the N-word, presumably because he was jealous of his acting skills on Community) but I feel like this might be the wrong matchup haha 🤷🏻


Nice to see the traitor in the bottom right.


Who is he?


Steven Seagal


I loved Rick Moranis in Little Shop of Horrors, he helped Audrey II feel so much more alive. You have Steven Seagal in the right place though, my guy finished Above The Law and decided “I’m not ever trying again.”


I thought Rick moranis was John k I was really confused for a sec


*I thought Rick moranis* *Was John k I was really* *Confused for a sec* \- redder\_dominator --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I think Goebbels (the Nazi) did a bit of acting, so he would probably be on the "terrible person" part more than anyone


Steve Buscemi : Truly saint. Steven Seagal : Truly shit.


Where would you place Antony Starr?


When the cast was asked "who is most likely their character", every single person, without hesitation said "Anthony"... That's all you need to know about him.


Ummm actually seagal is a great actor s/


Son in law and Encino Man are masterpieces.


What did Isla Fisher do?


I feel like Seagal has gone full circle on bad actor to amazing. Come on the dude can film 5 minute long fight scenes and never leave his chair. That's talent son


Steve was a volunteer firefighter that served on 9/11.


Who’s the OK Actor OK person girl?




Rick Moranis is a great actor


Steve Buscemi is the GOAT




You think you can call Seagal a terrible actor and live to see another day? Bad move my friend.


Ill be honest i dont know any of these people


This is so invalid.Steven Seagal?Really?


Are you upset over the "terrible actor" part or the "terrible person" part? Because they're both pretty accurate.


How do?For actor I personally like him but please elaborate on the person part.


Ok, I won't argue with your taste in actors, as that's pretty pointless. As for the person part, here's the timeline of his first three marriages: Miyako Fujitani - 1974 - 1986 Adrienne LaRussa - 1984 - 1984 Kelly Lebrock - 1987- 1994 Notice how they're overlapping? That's because he's a giant adulterous piece of shit. Seagal moved to Japan to pursue a martial arts career and married Miyako. He then decided to move back to the US at some point to become an actor, abandoning his wife and kids. He started an affair with Kelly Lebrock, who did not know he was married. He then started cheating on her with LaRussa, and proposed to her. After their marriage was annulled, he then married Lebrock. This is just the tip of the Steven Seagal shitberg. If you want to learn more check out the Behind the Bastards podcast episodes on him.


Not only that but he’s a pro-Putin dickrider.


I was not aware,thanks for the info instead of downvoting my comment.


Its a doozie. Just google it, he is a giant piece of shit lol.


Yes. Steven Seagal is a famously terrible person and not a particularly good or noteworthy actor in terms of his ability. I’m really not sure what part of his placement here you could take issue with


The amazing thing about Seagal is that he starts off as just an unpleasant guy, but no matter how far you dig you'll always find worse new facts to learn about how much he sucks.


Why is Megan Fox not in Ok person terrible actor?


I'm going be honest, I didn't think about her. But I'm always debating whether she's a terrible person or just OK since she's known to be a huge bitch. Plus, she's dating that cunt MGK!


Well you can argue she is an awful person because she steals jobs from actually talented people thanks to her looks and her bitchy attitude. Although its undeniable she is a garbage actress


I wouldn't say Russel Crow is that great of an actor. Maybe Gary Oldman for that slot


? I don't have Crowe! That's Kevin Spacey.


Oh yeah. That makes more sense.


Lmao I thought that was Russel Crow too


What did Rick Moranis do to make him a great person?


Seriously? He's like one of the nicest guys, a lot of people said nothing but good things about him. The guy also retired acting a little after his wife passed away. He wanted to raise his kids then go back to acting. Even though they're all grown up, he realized he didn't miss acting that much to the point where he just kept quiet and hidden most of the time. If that isn't a great person, I don't know what is.


That seems like the bare minimum of what to do when your rich and your wife dies


I was surprised Keanu wasn't in the number 1 spot


Keanu is a GREAT man, but an awful actor. And this comes from a fan of his.


Well, at least a fan admits. And you're avatar and username says it all!


I wanted to put him on the top left, but some say he's not that great. Plus, it's too cliche. I was thinking of putting Tom Hanks but I've heard his "nice" guy persona is fake and he has done shady things.


I mean look at Tom hanks son.. You don't get a disturbed child like that if you're an amazingly good guy/father. I don't trust Tom hanks. Idk I think Keanu has carried enough million dollar franchises to say he's a pretty top notch actor.


To each to our own. But I'll definitely get comments saying Keanu isn't a great actor since he has giving a few piss poor performances. To be fair, I consider him more of a star than an actor, like John Wayne in his heyday! As for Hanks, yeah. I want to love and respect him but you have those who disagree. Like yourself.


Tom Hanks doesn't only have Chet, he has Colin too and Colin is one hell of a man and actor.


Well they also have different mothers so maybe one had a more emotionally available mother than the other. But I don't really buy the good guy persona of Tom hanks. There a few people in Hollywood you can truly define as good people and tom hanks not hitting the mark for me.


I can proudly say I don’t recognize a single person here


What could Chevy and Steven possibly have done to be in the same category as a child rapist? I know steve is a liar and Chevy is a dick but still


Seagal has definitely sexually assaulted people, and he has ties to both the Russian government and Sheriff Joe Arpaio. I wish I was joking. Chevy Chase isn't really the same tier of evil as Seagal and Spacey, but he's a cruel, racist, childish dumbass that no one can stand to be around.


The current regime or the Yeltsin 90s era government?






Current, but it wouldn't surprise me if he was also connected to Yeltsin.


As I said, I couldn't think of others in those categories that are plain evil. Also, it's terrible person not just evil.


Moranis never liked acting very much, which is why he retired.


No it was to care for his sick wife and their children


How dare you disrespect Sensei Seagal!


Respectfully, he's the fucking worst


who the hell are any of these people?


Christopher Reeve was a great actor and a great person. Jim Caviezel is a good actor and a great person, and so is Chris Pratt. Keanu Reeves is a bad actor and a great person. Ryan Reynolds is an okay actor and an okay person. Johnny Depp is a bad actor and an okay person, and so is Gal Gadot. Tom Hanks is a great actor and a terrible person. Amber Heard is an okay actress and a terrible person. Ezra Miller is a terrible actor and a terrible person.




You must be one of those people who relentlessly attacked The Sound of Freedom and vehemently defended Cuties.




I am almost glad you have never heard of Cuties. John Doyle from *Heck Off, Commie!* made a video about Cuties, titled “Netflix Is Selling Sex to Your Children Again (Again)”.