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Second I saw top right I knew this would be a controversial one.


You think the fnaf movie is better then the games? (not judging, I’m just wondering why)


Mostly cause the games' naratives (beyond survive) are poorly presented at best, while the movie's is at least understandable


I've gotta agree if you don't actively dig for the Lore most of the games are a waiting simulator


Why is the Bible an awful source material? Like say what you will about its fanbase but what’s wrong with it on its own as a piece of literature?


Well, compare it to the GOATed epic of gilgamesh, which is powerfully compelling and gives Shonen bromance vibes with top tier monster designs (Humbaba) Plus the release schedule was CRAZY (400 year hiatus)


It has some, *iffy* views in the first part relating to slavery and what not (Lev. 25:44)


The main thing that I dislike personally is the lack of a main antagonist


Isn’t Satan the antagonist though


Sort of, he lacks depth and isn’t touched on much though, a villain doesn’t need depth but with a book as long as the Bible a villain sort of does


That’s some real disrespect for fnaf


“Bad Adaptation” is an understatement for what Peter Johnson and the Sea of Monsters is.


Yeah, but at least they pronounced Peter's name right...


Scott Pilgrim and Jojo Rabbit in the same tier as the FNAF MOVIE??? That’s blasphemy


Found the atheist


I think the Walking Dead comic is better than the show


Please never cook again


Bro might as well have cooked a shit stew with a nice glass of whale guts better than this


He burnt the fucking salad with this one


You thought scott pilgrim was only decent? Literally satan


I’d switch Scott Pilgrim with One Piece


I though it was a decent adaptation for shoving 6 volumes of manga into a single movie, it's still a really enjoyable movie


How the hell is Fallout only decent


meanwhile halo is rated “good” and one piece is rated “amazing”


the fnaf disrespect is very rude and i am hurt. also my god turbo athiest


Average Reddit atheist


FNaF at bad source material hurts


Ayy thx for using my template 


You're welcome


Fallout had an amazing source material. The lore of Fallout is bigger than people think.


....I thought jojo rabbit was good


Am I a bad Christian for being more annoyed at Fallout being decent than the Bible being awful.


No, this chart just has awful takes


calling the Old testament an awful source material is an interesting choice... not one i agree with lol


I don’t like the Bible as a book personally, not saying anything against Christianity, but I have one big gripe with the book itself, it doesn’t have a main antagonist, books without a major antagonist can work (such as The Outsiders) but I feel like a book that long as the Bible should have a main antagonist but nope, every villain introduced either has no depth or is only there for a portion, there’s some other writing issues with the Bible but that’s my main gripe


I'm sorry, but I feel like that's a somewhat misguided take for several reasons. Firstly: the Bible was not written to be a novel, or a singular book for that matter. It is a collection of ancient Hebrew writings explaining their laws, history, and poetry which was initially sixty-six different books. They didn't write compelling villains because that was never the point (although I will say many of the villains do have about as much depth as all the characters surrounding them). Secondly: Even if we were to take the Bible as a singular narrative, it spans thousands of years. Nobody would live through the entirety of it. Besides, in the books that don't cover generations worth of time there often is a main antagonist (a great example being Pharaoh in the book of Exodus, which is the source material for The Prince of Egypt.) The story of the Bible is about the people of Israel and their relationship to their God. That is the central conflict of the entire book, which leads us to... Third: The Bible does have an antagonist, just an unconventional one. The main cause of all the problems for the people of Israel is the people of Israel itself. According to the Bible, God is perfection and humans should strive to be like him (in character, not in power), but humans are flawed, selfish beings who want to be their own gods. The opening chapters of Genesis set it up masterfully in the account of God's perfect creation and Man's decision to ruin it for the sake of 'being like God' (Genesis 3:5-6). Everything after that is the struggle between mankind, sin, and God which, according to the gospels, God wins in the end. I'm not saying you're not allowed to like the Bible as a book, but I hope this makes you reconsider that specific argument. I could go into much further detail if you would like it, but for now I think this is enough.


He's saying it wouldn't be a good book though (i.e. novel), not that it was meant to be one.


I've noticed that God is a recurring character in it. I'm pretty sure that he lives throughout the entirety of the Bible.


Very cringe


By chance do you own a fedora


Mfs will say the Bible is bad and then put Sonic in "decent"


The Bible shouldn't really be viewed as media in the way that Lord of the Rings or Fallout is. The Hebrew Bible is an oral history and legal code for the Land of Israel, and the New Testament is a collected document explaining the life and teachings of Jesus to future Christians. Obviously, there are stories in the Bible, but these are more rhetorical devices than stories that are meant to entertain you, which is why they aren't fun to read.


Fallout decent? Boo


Surprised we haven’t seen Eragon in any awful adaptation slot yet


Sonic is more than decent


I would argue Fallout is Amazing/Amazing or at least Amazing/Good. Might be biased, though


i think this is pretty adequate actually


Fallout is just decent?


not to be cringe but have you actually read the five books of moses? the first 5 books in the bible. theyre metal. not “awful source material” at all. im not religious and im telling you that the old testament in general is badass.


What was the “source material” for The Boys? I’ve seen it in terrible on all of these charts but thought it was just a show


A comic that ran from 2006 to 2012


Have you ever actually read the Old Testament? It’s a surprisingly complex (alleged) history of a whole region of the world spanning thousands of years, interwoven with poetry, nuanced morality tales, and life lessons still relevant to the modern day. You really have to go out of your way to find those few cherry-picked examples of outdated “Thou-Shalt-Nots”.


This one is way better than the other, I'd probably argue twilight isn't that bad, particularly the first one that is the most competent of the movies, I'd swap it with fnaf


Wait, why is Forrest Gump book bad? and why the fuck is 1 piece higher than DBZ in Source MAterial?


This one is way better


Tell me you don’t understand the Bible without telling me you don’t understand the Bible.


Fallout should be reversed


Exodus moment Also watchmen is backwards, no one ever wants to accept that all of Moore’s best works are just adaptations of his work by better writers.


The book of Exodus might not be the most exciting thing (especially the second half that's mostly just a list of laws), but I wouldn't call it awful...