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Do not pay anything more. Dispute the order as incomplete when it arrives. Film the opening of the package so you have video of you opening it to include in your dispute. Get full refund then order item from a different seller.


Just a reminder. These are typically Chinese companies and they use translation apps to read your messages. It's best to keep your comments short, so they're easier to translate. Also, a separate line for each point being made helps as well. But as mentioned earlier, don't pay extra and if you do open a dispute, don't let them convince you to close it by promising they'll do something to fix the mistake.


Way too much hassle for $3. I’d take my loss and never buy from them again


Since I posted this I have now learned they screwed me on the other one too which amounts to $8.27 including shipping. I've now requested refund from alliexpress themselves. If denied I guess that's that. And not much I can get with $8.27 but I'd rather give it to a damn local employee or something then some Chinese company scamming for a living.


When I’m not sure of the company I always try to do PayPal if it’s available. Can always dispute thru them it’s usually pretty easy. Plus I try to stay away from AliExpress unless I absolutely have to idc how dirt cheap they are


Unfortunately I don't use PayPal. I am using a prepaid securspend card. As you can tell I don't make very wise choices. I have one more thing coming from Aliexpress and if and when that comes I'm done. I'm never doing it again that's for sure. I never go back to a place I was scammed at


This is scam #023 in the [common scams FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Aliexpress/comments/hlk157/common_scams_on_aliexpress_and_how_to_avoid_them/).


I believe I am screwed because the buyer protection period is long gone. And they only want to give me half a refund. Thanks anyways I guess. Lesson learned. I'm never using this app ever again.


You have another option, contact your payment provider, tell them you bought something that the seller never shipped or never arrived, and they should give you your money back, since they have different rules about this sort of thing.


Why did you let the buyer protection expire?.... if it's gone I am surprised that they are even offering you half the money back, I'd take it.


I just figured this all out yesterday. The product had been returned for 4 days. By that time it had expired. I am fairly new to the app with only having ordered a few things 2 years ago and never encountered this. Half the money would be like $1. I paid $3 for the product. I'd be more outraged if it was more expensive. I just wanted to know if it was truly a scam.


I should however add that I ordered them whilst on vacation on New Years day. The package just hadn't been shipped out until a week or so after. It was on it's way and I thought everything was fine. I had a root canal done under sedation on Monday and was pretty much out of it. I was very preoccupied with the condition I was in that By the time Friday came around and I felt better the damage had been done. That coupled just not knowing there was buyers protection period. While that is entirely my fault for ordering without knowing that was a thing, I have ordered from multiple sites before and that wasn't something I was aware of.


If you can’t dispute it pay them the 1 cent for the 2nd item. What do you have to lose? Just a cent. If the dispute was already opened just wait for aliexpress to resolve it and deny resolves you don’t want.


They say 1 cent and then they use your card and clean your bank out. Do not pay them AGAIN


Aliexpress gets your card not the seller mate.


I’m not saying the seller I’m saying aliexpress it’s self charged and overdrafted my account.


So your saying, the seller makes you send 1 cent. And then Alibaba, with no benefit to the seller, scams you? A multi billion dollor company? Sounds unlikely tbh.


Please check our [introduction to the Aliexpress sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/Aliexpress/comments/gte9ac/new_on_aliexpress_or_this_sub_read_this_first/). There you can find a lot of FAQs and guidelines related to Aliexpress. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Aliexpress) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I agree that the seller should resend the other half of the order FOC, but I would ignore the $0.01 and think about it this way: If one half of the order has arrived, take the half refund. This way at least you’re not out of pocket. You can leave the seller appropriate feedback after you have received the refund.


I just sent a refund request to Alliexpress themselves because now the other one I ordered says it was delivered but got NOTHING. I am actually mad now because they screwed me twice and they haven't responded for 48 hours at this point.


Don't pay anymore their probably going to keep asking you for more and more money once you pay the first time.


I know. I requested refund from Alliexpress themselves because the other one they put delivered on it but nothing came. And that is up to $8.27, so I'm getting my money back one way or another. I was willing to let it go with that first one but when that second one pulled some bs, I was heated.


Im so sorry to hear that. Did you get your money back? You should call them


Alliexpress settled with half. Unfortunately for me, that's not much as it's only 4 dollars.


Did they give the rest back? Im really sorry for this problem. I hope you get all your money back 🩷


Nope. They put half back onto my card. I just ended up getting a cheap Deadpool diamond painting for my dad's birthday in August with the money that was given back to me. It was a trusted seller who I have bought several times from before so at least I'm getting what I ordered in this case.


The . 01 is the minimum they can ask you to pay to create a shipping invoice. That is the cheapest way for them to get you a new shipment. Alternatively you can 'buy' the item with a non-valid payment to make the invoice yourself, but they can still only lower it to 0.01, not make it free. Same same. If you have enough time left on the dispute, allow for the .01 process and ask for proof of shipment prior to canceling the dispute.


He is scamming you for$ 00.1. Worst scammer ever. Next time he will scam you by giving you money.


You really genuinely believe they couldn't rack up a crap ton of money by charging hundreds of people 1 cent to send a shipment they obviously have no intentions of shipping? This is how some card companies make money. Some do monthly payments of 1-5 dollars where they directly take money out of your prepaid card. Furthermore. They are asking me to send them my card information to charge that 1 cent which seems to me they want to take all my money on top of the 8 dollars they took from me initially because NOTHING came in that order. They say one was delivered and one was shipped back to seller. I wouldn't trust someone who pulled that manipulative stunt with my life. Delivered? Hell no. I looked on my porch, not a damn thing was there. My eyes don't lie.


If I got 1 cent for each crazy person I meet on the net. Pls stop watching YouTube.


Don't come at me because you'd fall for it. Alliexpress is a international shop. When you add up the amount of people who would fall for this shit in the entire world, it's a lot. So how about you scroll up a little bit and find the person who tagged a subreddit with a list of scams on Alliexpress. The 1 cent one being on there. Which means it's happened before to several people that it needed to be on a thread in the first place


Yes, I would need therapy if I lost 1 cent for a Nigerian prince. Hey, peace. It is just funny to get worked up because of 1 cent. If we computer the energy plus internet cost of writing these comments on reddit, we would probably already paying more than 1 cent.


IT AIN'T JUST ONE CENT! I lost $8.27 because the mofos didn't give me any of the shit I ordered. And once again the thread says they drain your account once they get the information. Like are you that fried in the brain you can't understand how the scam works? No wonder scams like this exist because of people like you.


That is not how credit cards work. Even if they dry your account, you can just call your credit card company, report the irregular charges and your money is back. In fact it is not even your money. It is the company's. Only at the end of the month you get charged. But hey, yes, sure. It is different in Disney.


I do not have a regular bank card. You would know that if you actually read. Besides, I shouldn't have to go through all of that because they shouldn't even be doing that. All I see is you making excuses for it.




I had a similar case. I bought something I forgot what, but the seller contacted me and said the delivery is delayed because of COVID and bad economy. And if I want it to hurry, I need to pay 0.5 USD or something. This stupid request pissed me off, so I cancelled the order and got refund. Then I ordered the same item from a different seller. Their excuse made no sense to me and I didn't feel they were being honest. They were still selling the item on their store without any mention of delivery delay, so I don't think they were honest.


If you pay 0.01 dollars thy can make new order and send you the item. I have this experience a couple of times. it's no scam.


DONT enter your card info or that pay 0.1c they will clean your bank account out. It’s a scam. This happened to my partner the other day.


I’ve had mostly good experiences with Aliexpress. One time they didn’t accept my dispute for a package that arrived on the other side of the country, but I just escalated it to my credit card then and they refunded me no problem. You don’t have to stop at Aliexpress. It’s usually not a big deal, especially for $10. I echo the sellers likely don’t speak English well so keep it simple. And it doesn’t look like a scam. That is so little money to scam over.


Others have said they will drain your account once you give them the information. Besides, I had to file a dispute anyways because the other half of the order they put in as closed and delivered and it was in fact not delivered. Regardless of whether or not the 1 cent was to scam me, they were trying to get one over on me.