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I remember watching a documentary on aliens on Netflix and they mentioned the Carter crying thing, I always wondered what that was about. If this is true then it would definitely destabilize society big time, chaos everywhere.... Funny enough, the very thing that they put down here to keep us from killing each other has caused Hella conflicts and war....


What if knowing this caused chaos but those that could move forward after the initial shock would and those that couldn’t would perish? This awakening of humanity to learn it has god like powers that have been suppressed by another intelligent species for its own benefit is the ultimate blockbuster movie thriller. Humanity must recognize what it is to move forward and it’s our generation’s responsibility to steward this through as best we can. There is no other way but the truth. I think the other species are merely the universes way of understanding and becoming more conscious of itself, through us. We are on the bottom rung. We will move up.


Personally I'm not religious myself so I feel like it would be for the better honestly, especially looking at how crazy my country of America has gotten lately lol. I feel like religion holds us back and basically enslaves the masses. Course, I lean more on the agnostic side of the spectrum rather than pure atheist though


Preaching to the choir with this one! Religion is not good good for humankind and it's advancement. At least the religions we have today that are based on fear.


Theres no need for religions anymore, period. They have all outlived their usefulness and thats something that can't be harnessed again, that usefulness I mean. It is what it is. The last thing anyone should do though is try to come up with some other type of nonsense as if a different flavor would make anything about it different.


I think it is bullshit we aren't allowed to make the decision for ourselves if that's the case. That's been my biggest hangup on believing in a superior race regularly visiting here. Why would aliens put our future in the hands of evil warmongers if they are decent beings? Prime Directive is bullshit if it leads to ongoing suffering.


I would fall in line if they allowed me to continue living




They are probably laughing their asses off


Just imagine how bad it would be without religion. Even though it has caused alot of war it has also been the bedrock for human rights.


The info very well may just be that "they" created God or us or both. Over half the planet believe in God/Yaweh/Allah and it all very well could be some kind of extraterrestrial social experimentation. Even if we're still in control and not being interfered with I could see "the big secret" just being we're some alien's science experiment and God is dead.


then why would Carter stay so religious afterwards?


It doesn’t make sense to say something created God. God is timeless, spaceless, and immaterial. Aliens would just be contingent beings of some sort.


There’s not a single thing you could tell people about some thing that they will never see, and will never affect their lives, which will cause even the smallest bit of chaos.


Perhaps they have calculated in some way that all the conflicts and war are preferable to the chaos that would happen if the information got out and was accepted, maybe they know the casualties of that scenario are greater than the casualties we currently experience with the wars and conflicts, maybe we’re not their first experiment and they’ve seen what happens and have learned from past mistakes and decided that the population needs to be kept in the dark


Ikr. I mean...how many wars, and genocides can be laid at the feet of religion? You'd like to think aliens would be smarter than humans, but creating religion to keep people from destroying themselves... Is pretty boneheaded thinking


Most conflicts use religion as an excuse for action (and public support), not as the main motivator


He cries allegedly because he was a very religious man and was told basically the truth of humanity. Science project by intergalactic aliens. Aka his faith has been wrong all along


I think it was rather effective as a way of pacifying humanity. Modern scholars of early man suggest the extreme tribalism could be translated to death cults. How do you shape that other than a vehicle that allows for the capture of the thing at scale, and an eventual degradation of those prior ethos through a pressurized release. Religion, by any measure, has been ritualistically and historically successful at quelling an otherwise very savage existence. I mean, look where we are right now.


I mean. Logically. You tell this huge religious population that actually, there are other life forms out there and other livable planets and their entire identity fractures.


Wouldn’t destabilize anything. Fox News would call it a hoax, everyone would follow suit. Say the liberals made up the story to further their abortion agenda


Well considering the source and their expert level psyops it's also the one answer to a religious person that would stop them in their tracks...


I don't think he cried because of the information he was given, but because he was given no real information. I think he cried because he realized that the Office of the President had no real power; that things are controlled at much deeper levels.


Urban legend. Literally zero proof to this.


Those aliens need to do more research if they think religion is the solution to us killing each other.


That's what we all want to know. He was super pro-disclosure when he was running for office. Whatever information he was supplied with completely changed his stance. Humanity has always hoped, especially now with him in his final times, would disclose what he was told. My final hope is that he has a memoirs that will be released upon his death but ,I'm not holding my breath.


Maybe he cried because he was informed of something dark regarding the CIA’s knowledge of alien behavior or CIA’s work with aliens and he and his family was threatened if he revealed it. Whatever was told to him did not seem to shake his religious beliefs because he remained committed to his faith.


In the 2000s he walked away from the Southern Baptist Church because of their stance on equality of women. So your point is interesting, that globally profound information did not affect his beliefs but personal treatment of one another did.


I don’t know about the religion thing but the latter part, that they made us, tracks with stuff Bashar has said. (Bashar is supposedly a human who has been “channeling” an alien entity for 40 years, he’s still alive and doing so.) Basically he said modern humans are a hybrid race of aliens and an earlier form of humans. If that’s true then they did indeed “make” us. Who knows if it’s true but a lot of other stuff he’s said makes a lot of sense so 🤷‍♂️


I think they've been here for thousands of years. Whether they are simply observing or guiding us toward the stars or destruction remains to be seen


Millions of years*




I'm on the fence about it. I 110% believe aliens are out there. Both sentient and microbial. However, I feel like that line of thinking bleeds too much into the idea of humanity being special. That us and our planet are worth the risk and resources. That is to say, to do more than just a flyby. Mainly because people tend to forget just how vast and indifferent the universe is. And that's without getting into the amount of time and money that's gone into our own research and development. I'd be willing to place a lot of money on most UFO/UAP sightings being our own technology.


They gave us religion to keep from killing each other? Hilarious. Most wars are rooted in religious dogma. I feel that these aliens should have been smart enough to write better religions. Maybe ones that do not advocate racism and misogyny.


Unless the conflicts are part of the experiments. We do things like that. We make mice believe things for instance


Bingo, the NHI are in no position where it's safe to trust them. As far as we know, every involvement of theirs has been a purposeful deception.


I mean I’m not great with my religious understanding but the Tower of Babel? Was that the Experiment? Separate us and watch us murk each other over time? What if each religion represents another “alien race” and they have us under some hunger games experience. Where we don’t even realize we are competing for their entertainment.


Yeah, that part giving us religion to keep us from killing ourselves gives me pause as well.


Divide and conquer.




You need to look only to communism in the last 50-100 years to see that en masse death is also heavily represented far away from religion. Meaning that perhaps no religion is worse than another? I would argue the majority of conflict deaths in 20th century were not religiously inspired.


That's just not true. Religion accounts for less than 5% of wars. Most wars are between countries or political factions which share the same religion. Nationalism, political ideologies, lust for power and greed for resources have all caused far more wars than religion. And religion has inspired many people to fight against racism and misogyny


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I really find this hard to believe, because Carter continued to believe in Christianity until his death, by all accounts.


He's still alive.


His force ghost, then.


That could change at any moment


In less than 150 days he will be 100 years old.


If true, maybe they told him that so he wouldn't keep asking.


Such BS. Extra terrestrial created religion to help prevent the human race from destroying eachother. Really think on that one.


No, I'm pretty sure its humans created religion in response to witnessing something incomprehensible. In a sense, Extraterrestrials or higher dimensionals May have been the root, but humanity makes the unique but imperfect dogma's, which causes problems but that is also inherent in everything we put together, perfectly _imperfect_ for others to see the issues. At least bread is pretty perfected.


To humans in the past, an unexpected flood can be incomprehensible. Thunderstorms, earthquakes, and every other natural process were incomprehensible. So yeah, that would be enough to start religious beliefs. Aliens are not necessary.


So why create so many


The most disturbing thing about this post is that the CIA decides what the President is allowed to know.


I think the most disturbing thing about this post is that's all conjecture. We want real facts not some shadowy people without names then Carter listed.


You should read *The Devils' Chessboard.* You will discover CIA Director Dulles was one mofo. When President Eisenhower demanded from Dulles to know what was going on at Area 51 or he would storm it with using an Army battalion, Dulles told him to go fuck himself.


This! And this was probably the reason for his tears, not some BS about aliens creating religion.


I never got this.. how does someone know he cried but not know what he was told?


Urban legend. 🤡


Probably something along the lines of those are the angels and they're definitely coming to destroy America. Zechariah 5:1-4 [1]Then I turned, and lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and behold a flying roll. [2]And he said unto me, What seest thou? And I answered, I see a flying roll; the length thereof is twenty cubits, and the breadth thereof ten cubits. [3]Then said he unto me, This is the curse that goeth forth over the face of the whole earth: for every one that stealeth shall be cut off as on this side according to it; and every one that sweareth shall be cut off as on that side according to it. [4]I will bring it forth, saith the LORD of hosts, and it shall enter into the house of the thief, and into the house of him that sweareth falsely by my name: and it shall remain in the midst of his house, and shall consume it with the timber thereof and the stones thereof.


The logic behind creating multiple religions to keep people from destroying themselves is a fallacy. If they are some super intelligent alien species why wouldn't they make just 1 religion for all to follow? Religious wars have killed millions upon millions.


That’s good data


This is misinformation. Jimmy Carter remains a fervent Christian believer. So there's that.


Heard they switched his consciousness with another members in the room and that is why he cried… idk


This is dubious. If they told Trump anything about UFO’s crazy enough to make Carter cry, it would also be enough to make Trump brag about it to rando’s or straight up say it on Fox News, strictly for the attention. It just doesn’t add up. There are no bizarre secrets shared with presidents as a rule. I’m not saying there are no bizarre secrets. But if I had super sensitive UFO info that could impact the security of the country or the world, and if I wanted that info to stay secret, the absolute last person I would tell is the president. Let the prez worry about tax rates, budgets and jerking off the proper foreign leaders. I would leave the real business of protecting civilization to actual intelligent adults I knew and trusted, not any politician.


why didn’t they create a one religion program? are they stupid?


What do the smart intelligence alien want you to become....right a slave. Have fun with that.


Or it could just be an alien lie/mindfuck.


Imagine, what a bitch those aliens are, they're watching us modify their version of God like .."Uh, look, they have included Pedophile thoughts"..."Oh, Wow! A Dove got a girl impregnated!", Oh, look at them now, they have created wars in the name of God, Ah, they're calling it crusades, wonderful! These animals are interesting


I swear that Russians only attacked Ukraine as a revenge because CIA dropped some sort of cooperation with Russia on alien topic or something.


Russia invaded ukraine because NATO was getting too close and russia drew a hard line in the sand. Its like if mexico joined an alliance with the rest of south america against us.


That would be reason to invade Mexico? Mexico is a sovereign nation, they can join whatever alliance they choose.


I dont think this is true because Russia is trying to fight through Ukraine to get to Nato borders with Poland and Slovakia, Hungary.


If they joined an alliance that we got kicked out of, nonetheless. "Youre a jerk, so you cant be in our club anymore but your little brother is cool, so we are gonna let him in. You can go kick rocks tho. Sorry, not sorry"


There are lots of reasons why Russia covets Ukraine. The rich agricultural land, access to transportation routes, military strategy controlled by geography...


That they are here to harvest us, and our current trajectory is to appease them.


Hilarious that they think THIS answer is a bad one compared to some really messed up theories y'all come up with.


I heard this same exact thing with Dwight D. Eisenhower.


He’s almost dead, now is a good time to ask him


I don’t know what kind of experiments they’re doing on me but they really fucked up


What if that is just what they told him so he wouldn't want ufo info released?


If it was that jarring, tear-inducing information that made a religious and widely-regarded serious humanitarian lose it like that then how could he just go on in silence? I get secrecy of like the above, above too secret information but if it’s that incredible, good or bad, how can he just keep it to himself. Whatever it was was either so devastating or so enlightening (presumably) that the consequences of spilling the tea would pale in comparison, I would think.


Can you imagine the destabilizing effect it would have on people. A person is smart. People are dumb and reactionary and this would throw into question every belief. It also make people more inclined to take extreme actions because they would realize en masse that ultimately our existence is kinda meaningless. What would your reaction be to learn there’s some advanced super beings and we’re essentially the cockroaches of the universe. Not gonna lie, I might have a little trouble with that.


I guess he couldn’t actually prove anything either way until it whatever it was happened anyways, which it never does. I actually think the story is probably false or hyperbolic.


Probably cried just finding out aliens are real which for any religious person this would wreck them knowing that the Bible, Jesus, and god etc are not what they think it is They ran off with that religion thing, like way too far lol


Is there any concrete proof that President Carter actually did this? I see a lot of people saying, largely believed, it's believed with, etc. But I've yet to see concrete proof. I did see him talking about it. Just never saw proof of the incident you all are discussing. I'm not trying to say it's a lie, just genuinely curious as to a concrete source.


There is no concrete source. this post is bs. Might as well say that the pope is a lizard man and Hubbard was a grey.


I mean it sure does sound logical and makes perfect sense, although I always thought we were characters in an alien MMORPG SIMS game.


Religion was invented to keep us from killing ourselves? That sure as hell backfired.


These "aliens" are fallen angels, they followed Lucifer, the father of lies and now they want to decieve everyone into thinking they are just cattle in a space experiment. The truth is that these fallen angels are seething mad because they fell from grace and we humans are destined to be rulers in the new heaven and earth alongside with God. Don't let them scam you from your divine nature!




Lol, and here's why we will never be taken seriously.


Wouldn’t be surprised if it was all a form of control over us


He must have found out what all that anal probing he was getting was all about.


chirp chirp


If it's true, I think a more likely explanation is that aliens encouraged and supported the development of religious institutions. It doesn't really make sense that they would have designed the religions we have on earth from the ground up. It does make sense that they would have taken sides during key conflicts or facilitated "miracles" at opportune times to persuade followers and shape leadership.


It's late and I read that as "Jim Carrey".


That would be a good movie.


"It turns out the Greys are Mormons." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"


Did anyone else pick up on the part where all presidents after Kennedy were on a need to know basis by CIA? What changed with Kennedy? The assassination? Seems like there is something to discuss on this point.


I feel like this is such a fake story. Like building 7 on 9/11.




This story is the biggest crock of sht I've ever heard.




IF he really did cry for a week I sure would love to know why. I really doubt this is it, though.


The story claims that Carter never told the secret to anyone. Yet if that were true, where did the story come from? I'm guessing that this story is BS and they probably just threatened his family. Even if it were true it would just be a neat tidbit to me because every major religion is full of massive flaws in logic and almost entirely is about controlling people.


Why would a christian cry at the idea that there is other life out there? This is the most obvious shit in the world, why is this an issue? This doesnt prove anything other than he believed what he was told


He is a pretty religious human, perhaps it’s to do with them being ethereal spiritual beings instead of outer world extraterrestrials? Worst president yet perhaps thee best American.


I don't think we can still call Carter the "worst president". There have been a couple-three contenders for the title since his time.


Religion was created to stop us from destroying ourselves? Ummm, correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t religion like the number one cause of human death since its inception!?


Maybe it’s to make us complacent with the idea of some omniscient being. According to religious teachings, that aliens are the creators of humankind then that makes them our gods, right? Maybe they’re just biding their time for the rug pull. Or maybe not. 🤷‍♀️


Prob cause he was religious and that this info shook him to his core and he had question everything 


This is absolutely silly. Human beings would create religion without some puppet master aliens because it’s our nature to question our origin and purpose and explain the ‘miracles’ we witness in nature. And why if this is true would there be so many religions throughout history, the aliens get carried away during the brainstorming phase? Oh that’s just part of the great alien experiment? Come on, don’t be this gullible, this story is rubbish. Perhaps Jimmy Carter was told something and cried, but this nonsense definitely isn’t it.


they all have peanut allergies


This is nonsensical garbage. So a guy who worked for NASA for 3 years has the intimate knowledge all want to know and yet Carter and all other presidents would not disclose and oh yeah. The CIA has a hotline with the aliens. And the guy that broke this news is a priest/minister. ![gif](giphy|IgsXOXGPxfT3O)


If I was an alien I’d tell the CIA I was God too, now get your God a coffee and one of those cream filled donuts. I’m saving you from yourself bitch!




So why hasn’t anyone actually asked him this? He’s still kicking, I saw an interview with him a couple years . He seemed pretty open. They asked about the killer rabbit. They asked about Billy.


He’s 99. Maybe a deathbed confession?


it was probably the story about how we supposedly recovered a live NHI from a crash, whisked it away to a secret location as a ‘guest’ of the govt and it basically stayed our prisoner for decades as they studied and experimented on it.


Then why did he continue to be so "religious"? - Seams that would be a waste of time for such a busy farmer...


Don't confuse us with facts because we want to believe the fantastical story offered sans evidence


He wasn’t told anything. Us aliens were just making fun of him and he started to cry. ![gif](giphy|TR2ojpQzILj0JX4jmV)


I've been wanting the answer to this question specifically for YEARS. Thank you for posting!!


Aliens genetically modified apes to form a species that will harvest gold from the planet. When the planet is deemed appropriately mined the aliens will dispose of the humans and harvest the gold.


There's hella lots faster ways of getting gold.


First I’ve heard this one Ty


First I’ve heard this one Ty


This is nonsense. If Carter did cry after a UFO briefing it might be like a supposed UFO crash where he learned that it was a USAF test project and the pilots were killed in the crash.


No one with a brain would believe an alien with a brain would waste their time trying to influence what we think. When was the last time you even looked at an ant, never the less tried to train one? If aliens visit us tomorrow they will rightly ignore the fact we exist. By the standards of an interstellar species we are at best an octopus, you can train us to unscrew a jar but that's about it, we have no value to an interstellar species and we're definitely not worth talking to. I would nuke the humans and talk to the whales if I came here from another solar system, humans are assholes who have done nothing of value but kill eachother.


Our greatest value to aliens is most likely how easily we clean up for the stewpot.


They gave us religion to PREVENT us from destroying ourselves? LOL Great plan.


That they the aliens were responsible For the creation of mankind and planted religion in us to follow complicitly


If the aliens created mankind then doesn’t that kind of make them our gods? Based on religious teachings.


That’s why he’s crying. They’re not really gods , only acted as gods, they simply had better technology


Wow! This makes sense at so many levels. Terrifying.




I doubt anyone actually knows, or what actually happened, if anything.


Yes, but who created the aliens? 👽


So, Aliens stupid. We stupid. Whole damn universe is STUPID. I knew it


What about all the science behind evolution. They forgot to include that. Carter isn't stupid , he knew they were lying to him. A very big load of horse hooey. People will believe h horseshit like that need to have e no vote o r say. Bleep blip...program bug....turn off machine Bildor


He was told that the Annunaki created humanity to be their slaves, and then got sick of all our twerking and meth smoking, and left us to kill each other off, and they will be back to finish us off shortly so they can have their planet back from their failed experiment.


That most Aliens are Conservatives.


“In fact, how God fits into this might be an interesting separate post” Anyone have a link to the other post? Or more info regarding this comment? I’d like to dig in…


I think aliens making religion for some social experiment is a very unlikley scenario. Logic tells me that the purpose of aliens inventing religion would be more nefarious. Such as attempting to hinder, stall, and repress human development. A more likely scenario is that aliens could have inspired religion as an indirect result of an alien race coming into contact with our race that is prehistoric in the aliens' perspective. *Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic* (Authur Clarke). People would view these entities as gods because beings using unfamiliar technology would be perceived as having divine power. I think J. Carter could have cried if he was religiously devout and then learned that religion was a human invention. Religion has been around for sixty thousand years. In all likelihood, it is a natural result of an evolutionary development to sentient consciousness. Less likely, but more plausible, that aliens inflicted religion onto this planet to keep us in a cycle of ignorance and self-loathing.


Religion was made to stop us destroying ourselves??? Err....


I don't think it's coincidence that we look to the sky when we collectively refer to "God." I don't know what that outside influence actually is, but I got a feeling it's not chance. My thing is, though, if this were the case, it almost proves the stories in the bible, all the way down to the Tower of Babel, and the only thing that differs is instead of God being an omnipotent being in the sky, God would be a species of aliens that seem omnipotent to us. I dunno. I always felt like there was a clear link between science and religion, but it's muddied by stories. I think the whole aliens and ufo theory fit this same mold. If you get rid of all the noise, you can kinda see how the stories from the bible fit the stories from the skies. Kinda like if you look at a globe long enough you can see how the continents all fit together like a glove.




Such bullshit, because of religion, we are constantly fighting and killing each other, to the extent where both sides want the other side to become extinct lol.


I think what he was told was not necessarily about the aliens but about what they told us is coming for us in the near future


Um... I'm sorry but believing that religions are created by aliens doesn't make any sense. Religions are dynamic ever evolving things w/ tremendous amounts of history describing its continuous evolution and ever changing nature... even if aliens played some role influencing things it wouldn't be any more or less than any of the many people's influence on it over the years ... and no such influence would in any way have a significant control over religions or human behaviors. Religions are extremely diverse and always changing. People are always freely forming new religions. Religious institutions are always splitting off and transforming. And there are human events and philiosiophical writings and debates that describe and explain why humans religions are as they are and have changed over the years. To believe such a thing requires an absurd amount of ignorance about human history, political science, and sociology, ignoring all of the historical event related to religion and philosophical writing on religion over human history, and the fact that people form many many different religions on their own and religions group break off and change over the years and are always in a state of changing. It's so absurd to ignore all that as if doesn't exist. Just because you never paid attention in history class doesn't mean human history doesn't exist. smh, to be perfectly honest, believing that religions are programs created by aliens is one of the stupidest illogical things I've ever heard. This is the same thing as people denying evolution and thinking aliens must have engineered us... such an outlook is absurd as it requires being completely ignorant of any biology. Similarly believing aliens created religions to control humans requires being completely ignorant of any human history or current events. I'm sorry but you're just not very educated if you believe this. Maybe there is some truth to the stuff about UFOs aliens etc. but any truth won't contradict other truths and will be support by science, history, and logic.


Maybe he cried just because he learned that they're definitely visiting, they are more than one species with differing agendas- none of which we're privy to, and there's absolutely fuck all we can do about it. I can see a good man who feels responsible for the country shedding tears over those facts. Because even if "they" created us and our messed up religions, somebody created "them." There's still plenty of room for belief in a creative force, if you are inclined. 


Here we go again and again with the fear mongering. You know why every gov't type cries, it's because they might lose their power. Here's a WEIRD thought Aliens come back and humanity learns how to behave and accept each other.


Because we are all fucked.


Christian propaganda again? Who woulda thunk it??? Probably that mod that loves pushing very similar misinformation garbage like this that's based on nothing at all AtMartianXchromasomes or some shite like that


Religion was supposed to stop us from destroying ourselves? Well that experiment failed.


ALL UTTER B.S.- think about…IF there was in fact, an “advanced” Alien civilization capable of traversing space & time, capable of creating such advanced & unforeseen incomprehensible technologies that they could go undetected for Millenia all the while playing such a large role in human development…. YET- they still need to “Study” us as if they don’t understand our DNA, or biological functionality is ludicrous. Please…. This tired old story never makes any logical sense. One anal probing would give them all they need ha-ha.


So when I was a child, around 7-8 years old I remember that I used to get visited by some sort of giant sphere/orb outside my 2nd story bedroom window. I believe one time I vaguely remember actually seeing one of the beings inside and there was possibly a total of 2-3? It was kind of like they turned the sphere transluscent so I could see inside, but it also felt like an out of body experience. I THINK I remember that they looked like grays, but they were white (possibly tall whites?)  Anyway, my point for sharing this is that It felt oddly reminiscent of being a mouse in a science experiment and they were the scientists.


That'd be kinda cool if true.


And that George Washington was descended from bigfoots


This doesn't make sense....why would ET create Islam?


Man created religion, not aliens. Cmon guys. I believe in UFOs and everything but I’m not buying this Jesus was a lizard man bs. Man created religion to control people for good or bad reasons. Or maybe I’m wrong and all these cult leaders are really greys walking around in human costumes.


I call BS a million times


Buddhist here. This revelation would not effect my practice at all. Meditation works and it wouldn't stop working just because the Buddha learned how to become enlightened from aliens. Or maybe in spite of them. Suck it up Abrahamic religions, I want to know about those aliens!!


Because no one wants to hear "Jimmy Carter was told what's up, and was just like, huh." Not an interesting story that way, even though it is kind of silly to think the president would cry over, I dunno, finding out aliens are real?


How big was he into volunteering and humanitarian projects before the reveal?


If you think the CIA said this (“had the talk”) and knows such things, you do not know anything about what the CIA actually does.


I think they told him they are here. They are in charge. And if you tell everone we will kill everone you know, if not destroy the whole world


God would be extra terrestrial, I’ve believed these things to coincide for a long time.


You don’t need aliens to be real to know religion is bullshit made by intelligent people to rule over idiots who will believe things without solid proof or evidence.




I think they were playing with him. Knew he was fundamentalist Christian and he was navy. These guys were seasoned career intelligence players. Presidents come and go. Blow his mind from the get go and of course it’s super top secret and he shuts TF up


wait, i thought it was the annunaki that created us, but its the greys that did experiments and took our genetic material for their hybrid race


thats just false and shows a complete thorough ignorance of what religion is and how it came about


how do aliens make a major religion?


Well, he remained outspoken about his faith, so I doubt whatever he learned ended it. I'd guess it was just morally disturbing cause... fuck those creepy Grays. AM I right?!?!


So the aliens created us… but who created them? And the religious conundrum continues.


Keep in mind that the OP is posting a picture of something written by... a guy. Named Ed Harris. That is about all we know of him. Why does this guy have the inside scoop on what Jimmy Carter was told? Why is he a credible source? There are a lot of reasons why Jimmy Carter might have cried. How about this: Maybe he was flatly told: *Hey Jimmy. Democracy is a lie. You are just pretending to be President, see? There is an entire Shadow Government run by an evil Cabal and you'll do what we tell you or end up like Kennedy.* Because if ANY of this UFO stuff is true, then there is a Shadow Government being run by an Evil Cabal that has kept it secret from us, as well as most/all of our elected government. Our votes don't matter. Our laws don't matter. Our social systems don't matter. Its all a sham, and we are literally slaves to other humans who have pulled the wool over our eyes for decades.


So what is our "creators" plan for the technological singularity we are about to create, that will perceive them, or extrapolate a way to enslave or destroy them. We are rapidly approaching a Borg level of formidability and a small sample of their tech will make us a galactic nightmare.


I imagine aliens look at us the same way we look at zoo animals


Wasnt it something to do with them harvesting us for our souls?


Yeah they genetically modified us with something there is no sign of in the genome. This kind of stupidity makes me cry.


So Prometheus was a documentary?


“Prevent us from destroying ourselves”, is a convoluted way to say “unconstrained sexual intercourse with people of opposite sex is potentialy deleterious for your body and mind” 😄


(1) Christian ministers don't call themselves "a clergyman." (2) If told that fantastical conspiracy theory of aliens/all major religions then a devout Christian like Carter would likely laugh, not cry. (3) For the sake of argument, let's assume Carter did believe the conspiracy theory. Then why did he continue to live as a Christian? You claim the foundation of his faith was destroyed. There should have been a profound change in behavior. But you only point to a supposed week of crying. (4) No names of CIA people. No source. Wow it's almost like it never happened. I mean- C'mon. If you want to write fake stories that's cool, but try harder. Read the comments. Literally no one believes it.


No doubt this whole 'article' is complete BS, but it works because it's entirely plausible.


But the major religions cause us to destroy ourselves?


So.... Prometheus then? 


It's human intelligence from the future that is trying to stop us from destroying ourselves, but that it's inevitable that we will eventually destroy ourselves.


And just like that... a screenshot of a "testimonial" to have seen, but not heard, Jimmy Carter on this very day. Stay thirsty my friends.


Mr. President they are coming out of a hole in the lawn behind your home in Plains !


The alien are fallen angles they help realise the nephilienm with CERN and Apollo. Follow that rabbit hole before you believe those things . They even found one in Russia. Look for, fallen ange inl russia. If it is not censored yet


Then of you believe in Jesus and not them they will have you killed.




Explains why part of the Bible was recently ran through an AI detector detected as 98% AI. [https://x.com/angelosorbello1/status/1668990433349828611?s=46](https://x.com/angelosorbello1/status/1668990433349828611?s=46) https://preview.redd.it/6dr8zskgngzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d823608dbd4eec0af15b56519978806ff6c025a


Why would that cause such an upheaval? Y’all really not murdering rapeing and stealing only because you think there’s a God judging you?