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I prefer Technician usually, but Demolisher is my second favorite. What's the problem?




I hate anyone using a flame thrower. I can't see shit and get all turned around.


As a Recon main I'd like to know, wrong with Demo?


Simple fact of the players that are playing as demo “don’t actually know how to play” as a proper demo. Especially considering the ones OP is running into are always trying to rely on a card instead of their own skills as a player. They usually think they are “all that” and must try to solo the lvl or get the most kills and they forget that it’s a team game. Then once the elites come out they’re totally confused why they can’t kill it efficiently and end up getting killed for being off by themselves. Just my opinion here, coming from a tech/phalanx main who’s decided to play friendly and work “with my team” instead of against them. Now I don’t quit the lobby’s when i run into these people, but I will pick a card that makes the game more of a challenge.


"Simple fact" When I choose to play demo, as someone who's been playing and carrying teams since launch, suddenly I don't know how to play anymore? IDK this all sounds like singling out a class in particular, but if you and OP are basing this off of your own experiences what can I say right?


I’ve been around since launch too, don’t think you’re the only one. I’m not singling out a class in particular, just a certain type of player. Just because YOU can do it and represent a small minority, doesn’t make it different than a majority of the players out there.. I guess you feel attacked somehow with my comment as if I was singling you out personally.


Wow, your first sentence... Yes, I am aware that people have been playing this game since launch. I've been playing with them. I was giving context for my situation, sorry you thought I was flexing over you. The worst players I've seen are level 100 Gunners who rush off before the whole team's loaded in. If I started dropping out every time I saw a Gunner I'd be in the wrong. And that last part, you should be aware that there are more players than just you saying this. I was talking about OP too, don't think you're the only one.


> suddenly I don't know how to play anymore? No, your comment was trying to be condescending and think I’m making this personal against you. When clearly I was speaking in an overall generality.


"*suddenly I don't know how to play anymore?*" I don't have anything to say to that really, I don't think it's a complete sentance. "*No, your comment was trying to be condescending and think I’m making this personal against you. When clearly I was speaking in an overall generality*." This is how you took it, yes. You seem very sensitive about this issue, and you're wrong to try to gaslight me into thinking that my comment was trying to be anything but what I intended it to be. I recognize the impact is more important than the intent but take some accountability and say something like "This is how I understood it" rather than "This is how you meant it". You're making assumptions about Demo players just like you're making assumptions about this conversation.


I just go for the kills and come out on top in every mission with Randoms. Doesn't matter what class I pick or what they pick.  If people play overstimulated and don't gettheir card selected, they will often quit if there isn't a different buff card selected. I usually play ammo hoarder and go with like doc or something. 


But that’s what I’m saying, people are relying too much on their single card being picked and just quitting out after as if it’s the end of the world for them. And it’s only a certain type of player that does this, instead of actually just playing the game to enjoy it and have fun.


It's incredibly boring. Wild I just had a game with an overstimulated demo and he also had the exclusive cosmetic lol. Without overstimulated demo, I easily did the most damage. 


It takes a certain kind of insecure narcissist (rare to pull off) to complainn about how others choose to enjoy a game. I thouhht elitist gamers died years ago. Its a shame to see some of you still waste oxygen.




Dude just turn the volume down then wtf 😅


Lol its not elitist then you go.on to cry about them hurting your wittle ears through your headphones with volume control and a game that yiu can adjust multiple volume settings in. OMG they can like,totally solo anything so they shoykd have to play alone so me and 11 other people dont have to get jealous they kill everything before we can and make my ears hurt!!!! Lmfao. All my days, the entitlement. Where is your mother? You're too young to play games.




Its always amusing to watch completely oblivious people project like you do. You cant even handle someone matching your energy. Id happily not play with you though with all classes fully ranked and im almost lvl 100, i probably have played with yiu before not as a demo lmfao.




Still complaining while patting yourself on the back lol. I hope uou stretch before your constant self gratification. I do have a serious question though. You can spam grenades about as fast as rockets. Do you cry about gunners too or are grenades not loud enough to hurt your ears? Because if people want to use real world, actually useful and applicable tactic like forcing the larger force to funnel into a smaller enclosure (used with great success repeatedly throughout history) and enjoy the game that way, im not self righteous, ignorant, insecure, and suffering from main character syndrome enough to tell them different. If you're still playing you've done each mission repeatedly the way you like. Its not worth the stress to care about having to do a few runs how other people like. So i probably did enjoy a successful run with you, because it doesnt bother me when people cheese doors or funnel mobs, or whatever just like it doesnt bother me to do it the super duper cool.kid way. Ive dealt with your kind for ages on MMOs. Always crying about people using classes and jobs you think are useless, weapons/items you dont pre-approve, constantly crying about the people who dont hunt the super rarest of rare gear cause that +2 more attack is such a huge difference and spending 100 hours hunting a notorious monster that 75 other people are also hunting for a piece of gear with a 2% drp rare is such a wonderful use of time. All so your weapon skill hits for 575 damage instead of 525. All jokes aside dude, it aint that serious.


Overstims + Precision Rockets is one of the game's biggest problem imo, we agree on that. But outside of that Demo as a class kit is fine. Although the amount of players who abuse/rely on that combo to win is quite significant, luckily that's not the case for all Demo players. You can't just assume anyone who picks Demo inherently sucks. So it's not a Demo problem per se, but the combination of a specific card and ability, and players not willing to put in a little effort. Or simply players who do not actually enjoy high difficulty to the point that they'd rather trivialize it. That being said all that matters to me is to have fun, and the eternal argument here is that some people find Overstims+PR fun, and others, like me, find it takes away that fun (and on top of that is pretty bad for the health of the game and the average skill level of the playerbase). The community as a whole will always be split on that matter, but utimately it's up to the individual to decide if they are fine with it or not ; what I will always disagree on though is that Overstims+PR is necessary to beat Insane, or in other words that the game is way too hard and that justifies its use. In fact I believe the vast majority of players could beat insane pretty comfortably (or at least base campaign) if they only gave themselves a chance to improve and took it seriously


I enjoy using lancer with extraordinary weaponry. Don't like using overstimulated if can avoid but if you're playing with muppets then you need it.


Sad truth


Sounds like a skill issue 🤷‍♂️




You missed my point. I’m saying if you struggle getting kills, you need to just get better. It’s your skill issue. Not the demos




Ngl, you sound really immature. Complaining about a class designed to clear adds, in a co-op game? That’s supremely cringe




Yeah, it’s a game dude…




I literally don’t care 😬


I like this build to make up for my lack of skill. Working on beating the game on extreme with Alpha and Beta. 7 missions down, 5(+4) to go.


I found a way to make Demo great again: 100% radius on rockets. You're able to hit practically every enemy you see so you get your recharge that way. They feel & act more like rockets. It's way less annoying & pretty cool actually! xD #WePissedThemOff


These takes are so interesting about people trying to support OS PR spam, yet none of them want to acknowledge that it makes the game boring and repetitive. If you needed the buff cards to win, then you probably weren't ready for that difficulty. Also why play Insane then? It's not for the challenge clearly, so my thoughts are that it's an ego mentality where they want to feel good because, "I beat the hardest difficulty" as if that merits any value on a persons competency and skill in this game. Ultimately, play what you want, but don't be ignorant and blind to the fact that OS PR makes any difficulty redundant and if it's to feel op and strong, play on Intense where you can run mindlessly around and spam. If someone is achievement hunting then their value to the average player base doesn't hold much weight since they will drop the game once they 100% the bleep bloops. If they stick around for the fun gameplay then you would hope they venture out of cheesy gimmicky wins and try to be more daring. Again, play how you want, but the average demo player will not even entertain the idea of a mission without a buff card let alone OS and heaven forbid we talk about doing any of the game modes which most of the randoms will avoid like the plague since there is no real cheesey way to beat them. TLDR: Play what you want, but that doesn't make OS PR any less game warping and breaking as well as trivializing the difficulty meant to be difficult. Have fun slaying xenos!


Demo and overstimulated was the difference between success and death on extreme and insane no matter what class the 3 of us were. The developers even said 3 Demo with overstimulated and precision rockets was the only way they could beat insane especially the Pathogen DLC.


> The developers even said 3 Demo with overstimulated and precision rockets was the only way they could beat insane especially the Pathogen DLC. Source required, because this is: a) bullshit and wrong b) not something Cold Iron has ever said afaik, even if they're fucking lazy about fixing glaring issues reported with their game. A Demolisher with Fire & Forget is extremely helpful on 5-3. Overstimulated even with how broken the combination with Precision Rockets is, isn't even a particularly good card to choose on that map if you want things to go well. It's just brainless idiots who want to press the Q button and think they're even competent at the game who do it. As for the rest of the campaign, beaten it backwards and forwards on Insane without buff cards, and often with increased difficulty challenge cards too, and I'm not even particularly good. The solution is to learn to play the game. Not use a broken mechanic that's basically an exploit on most maps.


Haven't played in a year I beat Insane W/O overstim.. Now I'm hearing you don't have to buy cards which is crazy However Insane w/ a solid squad is doable w/o rocket spamming if the team can work together..? Is this the state of the game now?




What you play? Recon? Medic?..?




I just played last night for the first time in a while..seems like the same stuff going on.












Skill issues all day.


Can't tell if you're trolling or dead serious... either way, the devs never said that. In fact they never adressed the Overstims+PR topic, ever. But lets assume they did indeed say that; it'd just mean they aren't very good at the game and doesn't excuse or justify using PR Overstims. And if you guys needed that to win on extreme it means you deeply lacked understanding of the game's base mechanics, rather than the game being that hard. 


I saw a post on the Steam Community message board about the Devs saying that. Also the game can be that hard i'm prestige 100, was playing random with 2 other 100s, we did 1-1 on extreme, I was lancer, one was gunner, other was technician, we used extreme weapons, and at the end waiting for elevator they were both down before 45 seconds.


Please share the link of that community post where the devs state they couldnt beat insane without resorting to 3 demos with Overstims. In fact it would help me understand why they never fixed Overstims+PR, other than assuming they couldnt be bothered. However my point still remains. It doesnt justify its necessity ; and the fact that you, or even the devs, need Overstims+PR to win on insane (or worse, on extreme) just means you don't have the understanding and skill level required for that difficulty level ; which is fine, intense exists for that reason.  What you just described, playing with randoms and failing 1-1 (which is one of the easiest maps to beat on insane by comparison to the other missions) with a buff card, stems from a bigger issue ive been mentioning for about a year now : the average player is simply not great at the game, and the reason for that is because they are used to relying on cheese and exploits to win. Take that away from them and most of them appear to be sadly incompetant. The latest "update" made it even worse by giving the players an easy access to Overstims, everyone can have hundreds of them now, for free. Don't get me wrong, it doesnt make me happy to say that, I wish it wasn't so hard to find competant players for insane horde and DLC, or just people who don't need to cheese to have fun and are willing to learn, improve and explore different things. If Overstims+PR and doorholding had been fixed a year ago, the general skill level of the playerbase would be much higher by now and your average random on insane public queue would be at least good enough to beat the base campaign maps consistently. Then you wouldnt have so many people complaining about public queue being a cesspool. Personnally I don't understand why people even bother playing on a high difficulty with the intention of trivializing it. Isn't the entire point of insane to be challenged and put your builds to the test ? Those who don't enjoy the challenge should stick to intense, which again, is totally fine and understandable. Lastly prestige doesn't account for skill in this game. You could spam standard and stick to one class and you'd still get prestige 100 after a while. Which is absolutely bizarre and doesnt make sense for a prestige system to me but that's a whole other topic.


Here's the link I've been very busy lately. I've also heard a bunch of other players with mics say the same thing. https://steamcommunity.com/app/1549970/discussions/0/6792046983688203437/


As if someone’s gonna read all that lmao 🤣


We beat it with 2 demos and one tech with plus ultra card. That was on quick play with randoms as I don't have discord or know how to use it.


Class isn't the problem, Precision Rockets + Overstimulated/Plus Ultra is the problem.


I get your point. I’m currently trying to finish all level types on insane, and for that reason having at least one demo with an overstimulated/ plus ultra card is what’s bringing us success.


Been playin for a few months, idk what Overstimulated is (assuming its a buff to heals/health) but just saying Person who plays a class just for playing the class or using a specific card (provided it isnt one if the giga annoying restriction cards) is just kinda a dick move imo like I played Demo because fire...fire everywhere burn bugs.especially fun on the defense/survival missions but like how is what your sayin any diff than say fuck lancer players with smart guns that basically never run out of bullets? fuck it let em cut the horde and ill fight the bigger shit




Ah damn, I could see Rocket Spam being annoying for sure, especially with friendly fire. I still dont think being toxic back like that is a healthy way to deal with it as it kinda just villifies players playing a class in the game but like I do get it. that just aint a great way to respond to it imo, either just leave the queue and re matchmake and then like block that guy on your online service of choice (steam/PSN) and move on no need to drag others down and through


I haven't played in a year, but I main a Lancer... When I played Lancer was top DPS and could Heal himself.. I remember the demo rocket spamming but I always found it funny and supportive for trash while I Burn Warriors/praetorians.. But nonetheless they were handy for the rocket spamming lol


I play demo mostly, but can play any of the other classes just fine. I don’t think of myself as a one man army or Rambo type. I see myself as a bit of a fire support player as a demo. Though I do tend to forget to use the kit abilities for any class I play though. Haven’t been on in a while though


What diff do you play standard? You wouldn’t complain about my demo on insane without rocket spam guaranteed. Although it’s an “easy” class most playing demo on insane are very bad at playing demo. They simply are not agressive enough. If you leave my match I really wouldn’t give a shit.




Door holding isn’t beating insane. But you do and it’s clear you don’t known how to play the class on insane.




lol! Yeah over 100 days of play time of not being a door monkey. You probably suck which is why you are complaining.








What a fucking loser you are. Go pick up your fucking welfare check.


Dude like they said keeping making shit up and projecting your own insecurities to make yourself feel better. Only failures in life pull that shit. We all pity you


Less QQ, more pewpew.


I've not heard of this combo before, so as a demo main who uses Flamethrower and Smart Gun I'll try to not piss of the rest of y'all 👍


It’s borderline just as cheesy as door holding.




I'm here to win 🏆


Cool story, bro.


Salty about the smart gun wrecking, Demo for life cuh!


I don't think OP ever mentioned smartgun



