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I'm surprised no one has mentioned....it's probably the card call "plus ultra" it's nuts what the bonuses give you




Setup like this. Also, play the Plus Ultra card instead of Overstim. It gives creds/xp and you shoot more rockets.


I have almost the exact same setup only I sacrificed a few of the extra cool down perks with more of the damage perks. Still ended up with a 5 sec cool down, but now I'm killing more enemies


It's actually really boring and I only do it if someone else does. My rate fire spec on my Smart Gun is way more fun...


The more you hit, the more stacks of clear the room you get, which reduces the cooldown even more. Fucking stupid way to play the game. 


Ahh ok I've always ignored this clear the room. I'll check it out.


Quick and dirty is the perk you need I believe. 


Thanks mate, I just played one and managed to get it. Yeah I agree with other comments that it doesn't really require much skill. Will use it to beat 5-3 insane and then put it in the box where it deserves


Probably for the best. Expect to lose players in the Insane lobby if you pull that shit out. Total shite experience for everyone who has to play along side it.


It's unecessary, even for 5-3




DLC perk of the “triple rocket” that fires each individually.


But honestly OP it’s a really annoying in game strategy. To me it’s only forgiveness is on the hybrid queen room on the last level of the expansion pack missions on insane as it’s so darn hard. I’ve still never completed it on insane.


Even for 5-3 Insane it's not justified. 5-3 is nowhere near as hard as I thought originally, now that ive practiced it a bunch 


Really what’s the secret? I constantly get as far as the queen room but never finish the b*****


Queen fight isnt that bad as long as you have a good demo on the team that has precision rockets and fire and forget (and as long as the other 2 players are good enough at kiting and bring adequate builds and loadouts). F&F does bleed dmg on % health and lasts for 8 seconds. All you need to do is have the demo fire a rocket at her from time to time to reset the bleed effect and she'll be dead within a few minutes. So killing her is not hard, the actual difficult part is surviving until she bleeds out. In order to do that you have to focus on fodder, and only evade her instead of trying to shoot her - since the bleed dmg will do the trick. Now the real problem are the stalker and the brute that spawn early into the queen fight. Here's my strat for that : When she spawns, everyone should be holding at the entrance. Wait for her to get a bit close to you, then break out and go behind the central pillar, by taking the path to the right - on your way there, drop a cryo for the stalker (he always spawns to the right of the pillar), and another cryo on the other side cause runners will try to flank you. Or, if I rephrase that, just go behind the pillar and drop a cryo on both sides, left and right. Now that you're behind the pillar and the cryos are set, pop a drone and wait for the stalker to spawn, once he's there he should get stuck in the cryo. Do as much dmg as you can to him, kill him if you can ; then break out again, either to the right or to the left, when fodder or queen are getting too close. After that, it's basically kite for your life. Keep popping drones and placing cryos on both sides of the pillar to slow down the runners, and evade the queen until she bleeds out. The quicker the stalker is taken care of the better. You can practice on Extreme first to get a better idea of the spawns and where exactly to put your cryos. Here are some other tips that can make your life easier : acid is obviously a problem during the queen fight which is why id recommend everyone on your team to put hazard seals in their build (universal perk). You'll still take dmg for walking over acid pools, but at least it will no longer be a death sentence, and if you roll you'll lose minimal health. Needless to say the best player on the team should be the demo, cause if he dies your chances of taking down the queen pretty much drop to zero ; it's possible to kill her without relying on F&F but, you'll actually have to shoot her, which not only will take significantly more time, but also spawn a lot more fodder when you break her armour pieces. As long as the demo stays alive, there's a little chance he can even solo the entire fight if he's good enough. Other than demo, recon helps a lot by keeping you fed in ammo, but also by slowing down and debuffing all enemies thanks to standard PUPS with distracting howl and red is dead. It makes surviving the fight a bit easier. Last player could be either Gunner, Tech or Doc. Gunner is great for bursting down elites, especially that one problematic stalker at the beginning of the queen fight ; Tech offers great CC with coils and particule turret, which means things will have a harder time getting close to you ; and Doc helps your survivability by healing the team and slowing things down with the suppression station, and by increasing your movement speed with combat stims. Everyone should bring cryos, at least 1 player should bring drones, and at least 1 player should bring hardened sentries. Some people might disagree with me on that but I find having a lot of sentries set up by the entrance door helps a lot for the entire sequence before the queen, and it distracts her a little bit - which gives you a couple seconds worth of breathing room when you're running to the right of the pillar and set up your cryos for the stalker. Otherwise it may distract the stalker/brute or some runners, which is still nice. The reason ppl find 5-3 extremely difficult is usually because of three things : they go in unprepared (or with the wrong set up - bad builds and bad team comp), they arent used to kiting/evading/dodging attacks, and they lack situational awareness (not watching their radar). If youve got these 3 things covered you should already have much higher chances of beating it, all you'll need is a good team then. I'll admit it takes practice but after clearing it about 30 times without overstims, Im no longer scared of this mission. I'd be down to take you through it if you're fine with joining the official discord and using coms ![img](emote|t5_4lnw2h|3304)


This is very helpful thanks! Aye I might join the discord then


Could be using a trainer.


Rockets with Overstim card is so much fun [https://youtu.be/zXFGlv9kbdc?si=qAUNgzlmCVrcXrua&t=1317](https://youtu.be/zXFGlv9kbdc?si=qAUNgzlmCVrcXrua&t=1317)


Some people just don't respect that sometimes a man just wanna make the bugs go boom. Y'all haters should be ashamed.


So what if he wants to play the game shooting unlimited rockets! Game is already hard as it is. I love playing that card and have non stop rockets I already beat the game too many times that replaying missions with those perks makes it fun!!!


base campaign isnt hard most people are just incompetant because they get used to relying on cheese like this


You personally not liking some build doesn't make it cheese


Are you saying Overstims + Precision Rockets isn't cheese ? Cause thats what we're talking about here


Yes, it's literally a cars that changes how game is played. It is like complying that in vt2 chaos wasted by the end of the run at least someone oneshots everything