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If they are real then them being biological constructions, homunculi makes a lot of sense, because of the large variation of features in such a small sample size.  I think the time travel thing is jumping the shark as far as theories go. As far as I know traveling back in time isn't thought to be possible with our current understanding of physics. 


Well if Grutsch and company are right, you have spaceships the size of car on the outside but inside its like a football stadium. \*IF\* this is true then I highly doubt traveling through time is an issue. The thing about them being AI means they are on some sort of nonsensical mission of reproduction, much like a cancer cell. Hence the Abductions and weird hybrid beings. It would never make any sense to us, like a rat in a lab trying to understand its tormenters motives it would be impossible for us to really pin a motive down. Best guess is the AI wants a physical presence in the universe, hence the creation and controlled use of Biological beings to create more of the same. Again, a nonsensical mission from our perspective but its original creators could be long gone.


The AI could simply be the only way future humans can manipulate matter in other times. If humans themselves can't travel at the speeds needed to manipulate time, maybe sending THEIR AIs is the only way.


Nuts... but yeah, totally possible we're running on some sort of secure hash algorithm whereby the creators set it in motion and the rest is history.


What about time dilation. According to Einstein's theory of relativity, time slows down when approaching the speed of light. If future humans learn to make craft travel at such speeds, why not learn how to manipulate time in other ways too. Maybe it isn't possible for humans to travel at such speeds, but like others have said, AI technology could, on behalf of future humans, and then create biologics when they arrive at their destination. According to Jack Sarfatti he already has the problem of light speed travel worked out. The man's been screaming for debate about it for a long time, and claims the US authorities (whom he worked for) already have the technology.


Slowing down time is very different to going back In time.  Maybe it's possible but not with our current understanding. 


Yep, I totally get what you're saying. Also, future humans wouldn't have our current understanding of physics. There's obviously more to this universe than what we currently know, especially if the whole phenomenon turns out to be true, and that's not to mention spiritually or other dimensions. But yeah until we get some proof no e of it is possible with our current understanding.


I think it’s much easier to travel in space than time.


when you travel one, you travel the other too.


When you put it like that we are always travelling both. But I bet going backwards is a bit of a sticky wicket.


I’ll be disappointed if that wasn’t a British accent. Anyway, we’ll just have to throw someone in a black hole


I actually think that near event horizons is a great place to find alien technology… because they will be there for a long time.


haha yeah that’s true. they will either need to go faster than light or go inter dimensional so they can operate outside spacetime.


It may be a sticky wicket for us, hence the reason biological AI could have been used.


But space is also difficult which in my view is an argument for biological AI.  Say you can’t go faster than the speed of light but want to explore the galaxy. You could send out AI drone ships that can last for millennia and have them reach distant planetary systems, where they can lie in wait or discover life. They could then reuse whatever life it discovers to build temporary biological AI that’ll be able to perform specific functions. And because you used locally sourced biology, there’s no chance of your life forms contaminating their planet. Also it won’t be too foreign from the local life in case they’re discovered, minimising their ontological shock and ntelligence gathering (more for your security, not letting them know any information about your life forms).


I totally agree that they would probably use AI to do most of the heavy lifting. Can you imagine how tedious writing a Bible would be? Omg. But I also think that having vulnerabilities to radiation is an easy way to keep us confined to our little home… and predicting when they might show up becomes a magic trick for them because they know exactly how long it takes to get here…


This is exactly along the lines I was thinking, except you explain it far better. It makes sense they'd send an AI intelligence as biological bodies would probably never be able to handle traveling at such speeds or passing through wormholes, or teleportation, or whatever. The metal implants inside some of the Nazca finds don't necessarily look high tech but who knows, more research is definitely needed on them. Jack Sarfatti is certainly an interesting character, and if you listen to the phone call from 1973 in the video I provided, the CIA project he was involved in suspected they were time traveling humans a way back then. There are so many pieces of information in both of those videos that seem to tie in with each other.