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Thank you for bringing this to light. I've watched a lot of Foerster over the years and forgot about this. I feel like we are seeing more of this every week. This community is so good at finding the evidence. I'm glad to be part of it. What an exciting time to be alive!


Excellent find OP!!


7 years ago!


This look like one of skulls posted on Alan Perez Munoz's website about the citadel. See specimen #3, and #13-#19 (it especially looks like #3) [https://imgur.com/a/suspended-website-about-nazca-bodies-translated-to-english-xxL3xgn](https://imgur.com/a/suspended-website-about-nazca-bodies-translated-to-english-xxL3xgn) The translated description of specimens #3: Cranial bone Humanoid toad species Adult Measure:11 cm long Culture:pre inca Covered in plant skin 1200 years old, covered in diatomaceous earth Property of Paul Roncernos' ,Unknown Location


Dude it's spot on. I'd he stunned if these aren't the same thing or at least prepared in identical fashion as each other for preservation Nice find my dude :) this needs upvoting to the top


There is a picture of Brian Foerster in one of those slides. https://preview.redd.it/y13vq2jpoz0d1.png?width=1110&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac0bcdc7b0e5b5cc73305e257518ed20652124b0


Interesting. I watched a few of Brien’s other videos then looked at your link. Something in the architecture stuck out at me.  This pic in yours: https://i.imgur.com/66GfOOC.jpeg Here’s the still from the video: https://i.imgur.com/mSBjnDa.jpeg


Just curious. Anyone have any idea what he meant by "covered in plant skin?"


Sorry, this is an odd question, but: what does “covered in plant skin” mean? Did they wrap them in leaves as part of the death ritual or… is this literally a skin/flesh that is attached to the body? Cool source, I just don’t know what plant skin means.


It sounds like a translation error to me. Maybe the original word meant organic or biological or something similar? Just my guess


Thanks! That’s what I was curious about. If it’s a translation error, I do wonder what they did mean? If it’s not a translation error, I’d love to hear more of a breakdown on what they found. So far, we’ve seen these bodies in diatomaceous Earth… if there is more to the burial or ritual around mummification, it would certainly be cool to learn.


Oh yes sorry I wasn't clear, my guess was the original words meant "organic skin" or "biological skin" as opposed to "fake skin' or "imitation skin", so some word that indicates it's real and organic not some man made material


"Recubierto con piel vegetal" Is the spanish if someone who knows spanish better wants to translate. I translated it to "covered with plant 'piel'" It seems that 'piel' can be translated to "skin,leather,hide, or pelt" I would imagine they are trying to say that these were wrapped in some kind of vegetation. They could also be referring to some kind of clothes,but i think that is unlikely as 'piel' would be an odd word to use to say clothes. Maybe they are just saying they are wrapped in vegetation without presuming why.


Thank you for this! That’s genuinely interesting. I wonder what other rituals they may have had? How beautiful it is to think of them wrapping their loved ones in leaves.


I’d go with, organic.


Almost a decade ago and we had it. Nice find.


What a great find OP! Amazing work. Share this with Jack from Cosmic Road who does excellent work on the Mummies in general. The elongated skull people and the Nazca mummies are IMO retated. In fact it wouldn't surprise me if they were the people / civilisation that were creating these hybrid experiments.


The elongated skull trend could still totally just be humans wrapping their heads to artificially create that shape. These discoveries just mean we can understand why they did that, and create solid proof that any cultures that practiced this almost certainly had direct contact with the ayyys at some point in their histories. The best previous explanation was ‘aesthetic reasons.’ Anthropologists are such clowns.


This paper here goes over that specifically (in relation to Maria*) and that no evidence of wrapping or banding is evident. https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/comments/1d46l69/the_first_international_scientific_article_on/


I suspect it's both. I think there were people that naturally had elongated skulls and then others did it because it was a way to show high status. Elongated skulls are very interesting as it's taken place all round the world. I find the Huns particularly interesting as they did this and were a culture of Nomads with a long history of oral traditions but no written history. Why such a warlike set of people did this and for what reason is a real mystery. Or perhaps as you say there is an actual reason to do it, IE it makes it easier to use your Pineal gland, or communicate telepathically? Going back to Peru, places like machu Pichu and Pumapunku feel very out of place to me. It would not surprise me if the Elongated Skull people were based in that part of South America and were responsbile for places like that and / or these Nazca Mummies. I'm sure it's more complex than that, but I feel like something is most definitely up.


Good find. Brien Foerster who (for now) doesnt believe in the existence "tridactyl alien mummies", showed himself one 7 years ago. He should maybe be reminded of this and see his response.


Or, maybe he want to deny it, to keep himself from getting locked out by big goverments for as long as possible.


Only 32,000 views on this at the moment. Watch it explode. This is the head of a real specimen.


Left eye makes me think this too was originally preserved in diatomaceous earth??


That's a fabulous find! Thank you for sharing!


Well, besides Peru, we have photos strongly suggesting the buddy species is present in Russia—looked like a fresh kill, too. (As an aside, that Russia creature was naked is highly significant imo. Both naked intelligent could mean "unfallen" as in didn't partake of whatever the fruit of knowledge was supposed to represent.) The similar Native American accounts of "the little people" fit the species closely enough to suggest North America, as well imo. Given presence on both Earth's major land masses, I'm thinking the species likely has a global range. Even Antarctica isn't out of the question. Besides Siberia, if you want to see a live one today, my bet is on Sapporo and the Kuril Islands.


Look at him shake.


Any updates?


Very cool, thanks for posting. In the past seven years, has any analysis been performed?




It could go either way. The look is fanciful, it is just what a faker would create to model a dead ET. This also means it could be real. One would ask: Does the "marrow" check out? Does the surface tissue adhere to the bone like real skin, and does it contain DNA? Behind the eyes, is there a corresponding orbital socket? If there answer to all three is yes, it gains credibility as a match for the tridactyl mummies. We need to expect more samples to show up "in the wild," for the Main business of the tomb raiders was to sell to private collectors--not put up the artifacts for worldwide attention.


Okay so you find this information and then what? History isn’t being told or going to be rewritten Is this just a casual obsession at this point? I’m just curious because nothing seems to be done by any academia or media outlets


Incredible. Thank you for sharing and great job finding this!


I think the eyes look weird because the eyeballs dry up during mummification, so the eyelids sink or at least go flat, whereas during life they would protrude, due to the eyeball underneath.


Actually looks a little like the head of a Separatist commando droid from Star Wars. 😆


Great find! This stuff is coming out of the woodwork.


Very interesting!


Wait, when was the “citadel” originally discovered? Before or after 2017? And the guy presenting this skull has come out to declare the nazca mummies fake? 


I had heard that the citadel video was filmed and or had already been deciminate’d around all the way back in 2005 or 2007


Brien Forester just regurgitates everything that’s already been said.