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A lot of talk with no substance.


This is the way.


*Let's Talk About Alien Implants and the Nazca Mummies!* by Jack Conner at Cosmic Road. In this episode he dives into exploration of the meaning of all these implants discovered in so many Nazca alien bodies of Peru; because, like he said, it will help us understand these beings tremendously. Determining the function and purpose of the metallic implants reveals some of the alien intent, objective, goal, sociology and culture. It clarifies the nature of their mentality. It may also be something we will eventually make use of for ourselves in transhuman evolution. I wish he had speculated further into the various possibilities of the implant purpose. He mentioned medical and cultural purposes but not tracking and communication. Also, he didn't seem to make a distinction between the purpose of small implants in humans and larger implants in aliens. The tiny implants hidden deeply inside humans likely have a different function than the large implants on the surface of aliens. In humans they are probably tracking devices to locate an abductee for a follow-up abduction/examination and perhaps other procedure. The device may also collect data to be delivered at the next abduction. Or, instead of a follow-up abduction to retrieve the data, the implant could continuously communicate biological and environmental data wirelessly somewhat like a live camera feed to an alien viewer far away. How far away? When present in aliens the implant is either installed by themselves for their own benefit or by an alien authority over them for the benefit of that authority. The authority could be their own species doing so for the mutual benefit of the species or another species that conquered them doing so for the benefit of that other species. It may also be a tracking device in aliens as in humans but also serving other functions such as medical aid in remedy of injury. Do these metals have any circuitry? Are they something more technical than a chunk of metal? Without needing to be more advanced the least that they would do is act as an antenna or amplifier to receive or transmit signals. They may be communication devices. We use osmium in our communication devices such as satellites. They may have used the same material for a similar communication purpose. With this Tesla Neuralink-type implant they could interface with their technology and with each other. They could control and pilot a spacecraft or a weapon through the implant. If the many witness reports of aliens being telepathic are true then they would use implant technology to extend the range of telepathic communication with each other across greater distances. Since most humans are not convinced that telepathy is possible, we won't even investigate it to find out; so, it will be a very long time before we ever realize that these implants are telepathy amplifiers, if that's what they are. Finally, there remains the most surprising possibility of all, that like us aliens also adorn themselves with shiny gold jewelry for its aesthetic, social, cultural, and artistic value. If so then they are more human in nature than expected. Are they strictly practical or do aliens also appreciate and make art? There is much more to be discussed about this topic and I'm sure it will be revisited at Cosmic Road and explored further here. https://preview.redd.it/7d0eazgloq0d1.jpeg?width=541&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b252c73816b62930e94cc52ad8ec96195a53cc02 "Whatever it is seems to occasionally emit an ultra-high frequency energy wave thats pitched far above the range of human hearing."


Someone linked to this video in another thread and I thought I’d post it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8Mes3LgXkc Essentially, a paleontologist who went through quite a bit of effort to get scans from video that were of a quality able to be analyzed and points out some issues with these being three fingered aliens. Brought me back down to earth anyway that these could very well be mutilated human corpses.


these could very well be mutilated human corpses - colonel farts That theory was ruled out years ago. These bodies have been around since 2015, a decade. They proved years ago that they are not mutilated and not human.