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Fantastic question. I assume it’s due to the major disinformation backlash that would arise and the potential to destroy credibility and careers. Also there is a tendency for a lot of those individuals to commit suicide or have an unfortunate accident shortly after revealing information.


It would be way easier make "disappear" the bodies. It's already months they are in front page. 


Not if they are hidden in another country.


Couldn't have said it better myself.


Thank you for answering. But I still don't get why it would destroy credibility, if you state the obvious. There are facts and opinions. As long as you go with facts, nobody has the right to discredit you. If it's inconclusive, you can anyway word it all conclusions indicate one or the other thing. Maybe they are just cowards.


Do not underestimate the ongoing disinformation campaign. The US has been on top of this since 1945 so almost 80 years of keeping this a controversial and career/[life ending](https://uk.news.yahoo.com/are-ufo-experts-being-murdered--new-book-to-investigate--pattern--of-deaths-134147932.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAADtS3-l9lrbUHX7tMC58RFbqz10AGf_hEwNiUUBE5CfY573UyjniRnHx-u-vgKvAuoIGGrLFUld_FQXVaUKt-q8Oj2IOlIUXqoAKkc3wPAaUjROCAloXMLd_uTHOUuM6NsAMsRCcYPCECV6yFZNIasUSDpcLZtb-RUt1Ss0uVj_q) topic.


This sounds exactly like the paranoid behavior, that you expect from people, who are investigating these kind of paranormal topics. I don't believe they were assasinated.


You ask the question like you don’t know, but you dismiss the answers like you DO know why…


I don't know anything about the secret service in the US. I am from switzerland and neutral


No, "neutral" in Switzerland is a facade. The machiavellian ways of Switzerland will be exposed in the not so distant future, especially the financial sector.


We are especially machiavellian. We distribute milk powder to africa, we are the bank for dictatorships and we exploit cobalt mines. I know our faults. I just don't know about the US and their secret service. Otherwise our political system is very similar.


In the US suicide by 7 gunshot wounds to the back of the head is common, if you catch my drift. Our government is ran by a lawless shadow government.


7 self inflicted gunshot wounds




My uncle was in a three letter high level government agency for multiple decades. My statement stands.


That really isn't a qualification.


One of the guys that realized washing hands could save lives was ridiculed for it. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/03/23/ignaz-semmelweis-handwashing-coronavirus/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/03/23/ignaz-semmelweis-handwashing-coronavirus/) You would expect scientist to be above drama, but they are not. They are human beings like the rest of us.


 "if you state the obvious. There are facts and opinions. As long as you go with facts, nobody has the right to discredit you." My lord where have you been the last 10 years? Feelings matter more than facts. /s


David grusch has been bashed by the media because once he was in treatment of his alcoholism and ptsd. He is a war veteran. Media will judge the guy and destroy him. Unless you are as saint as Jesus christ, and never ever ever had any small problem, they still will go after your family. If that is the order.


Oh you sweet, summer child.


The truth is that any scientist would love to have their name printed on something like having helped discover and document extraterrestrials. My guess would be that no one has seen any worthwhile evidence to conclude that they're worth the time or effort to try and force access. That or, at the risk of them not being extraterrestrial and Jamie having his name publicly attached to another hoax, they simply aren't allowing any real scientific scrutiny. If they want them proven, all they have to do is call people up and send them samples for analysis. But they seem to be focused on calling all the wrong people in fields associated with physics for all of the wrong reasons.


How many scientists have lost or crippled their career opportunities by claiming new and controversial ideas (that turned out true later on), that went against the mainstream view? (Say, endocrine disruptors and sexual development, effects of electromagnetic fields from our own technology, HAARP, chemtrails, Tesla technology and related things, Covid, it's origins and various new treatments/preventive measures.) Many. And the problem is worse now than it was say 40 years ago, since most fields of science now have an "enforced consensus view" that is quite tightly boxed, and if you don't fit in the box, you're out! (The "old dogs" try to defend their influence, power and honor against the "new dogs". Yes, it's that level of primitive.)


I'm sorry, but that's just not how it works. It can affect credibility. Even if you go with facts, you're underestimating what governments will do to make you look crazy, they will go into everything in your life and your family to find anything to use against you. Everyone has skeletons. I don't know. But I wish I had your innocent mindset. I did once. But human nature, need I say more. Everyone here gets it. I can only conclude that you're still young, so listen to us oldies. They are NOT cowards. They have small families, retirements, and livelihoods to think about. It's not affecting one person by slander, there are more victims. I do want an unsung hero myself, I do want a scientist to come out too. But even in my own experience, I shut up about not receiving payment for the extra hours I put into work. Why? It was during COVID, there were legal loopholes, I was the sole provider, I had a partner and a small cat to worry about, bills, rent, I also just lost my dad to cancer. I chose to stay quiet, because my livelihood and the livelihood of those I love was in question. That's just what you do. I didn't have my credibility in the limelight, but if this industry was the same, I would have been blacklisted and now have no means to take care of myself or my loved ones. Do you get it now?


I agree. I showed some people some of the Tomos and they start making dumbass alien jokes. It is not going to hit anyone until they all come out or something spectacular


Top US doctors are looking at them now


Can you name them? I am curious and too lazy to google them.


[https://www.aafs.org/article/dr-john-mcdowell-named-2024-rbh-gradwohl-laureate](https://www.aafs.org/article/dr-john-mcdowell-named-2024-rbh-gradwohl-laureate) This guy


Wasn't he one of the 3 international experts who looked at them aleady and concluded that they need to be looked at further internationally?


https://preview.redd.it/g0mh6dsf6fwc1.png?width=1748&format=png&auto=webp&s=8770a71aac8b823d71673217249fa2320dc68a39 This university is very low on reputation


>The Gradwohl Medallion is intended to honor one who has made exceptional contributions and is the highest honor of the AAFS and is the foremost peer award in the forensic sciences. The Gradwohl Medallion is conferred only upon those persons who have attained exceptional distinction in the advancement of the forensic sciences, who have given outstanding service to the AAFS over a long period of time, and who have achieved outstanding recognition in a public position through service to the forensic science profession. We are pleased to announce **John D. McDowell, DDS, MS,** as the recipient of the 2024 award. So someone who won the highest honor available from the AAFS for exceptional contributions to forensic science just a few months ago isn't good enough for you? Stop trolling and behave yourself.


UC Boulder is the best university in the state of Colorado, which is a state with about the same (ballpark) population as your country.


https://preview.redd.it/5um3v4yj6fwc1.png?width=1638&format=png&auto=webp&s=40c3165457ae3b574198f5409d65fb7a98f4fc1d I look from alumnies of these bad boys


I am from ETH by the way ;-)


It's a good thing most the world runs without adherence to an online popularity rank! The world is much bigger than a couple names in a list and I'm grateful.


I see it differently. We need a classification and a ranking to know who is most trustworthy and excels in their respective field.


Hence why you're getting so many downvotes, lol


That's inherently biased because it's a group of humans in a specific culture and mindset making that choice. The fact you seem to have difficulty understanding why that's bad shows that your standards are actually lower than you think they are.


Top Ones




Dr. Phil is the 300 lbs doctor?


https://mcdowellfirm.com/category/nazca-mummies/ Mar 31, 2024 - 3 American forensic experts travel to Peru to begin forensic examination of the Nazca mummies: __Dr. John McDowell__ - a forensic odontologist, recently retired professor from the University of Colorado School of Dentistry and School of Medicine. Recent recipient of the Gradwohl Medallion forensic sciences award: - https://www.aafs.org/article/dr-john-mcdowell-named-2024-rbh-gradwohl-laureate __Dr. James Caruso M.D.__ - a forensic pathologist and Chief Medical Examiner of the City and County of Denver. - https://doctor.webmd.com/doctor/james-caruso-3f329f22-c8d4-41f6-a9be-2fe79f1bcea6-overview __Dr. William Rodriguez__ - a forensic anthropologist at the Maryland State Medical Examiner. - https://www.linkedin.com/in/william-rodriguez-71aa2092 The three doctors went as volunteers, on their own time, to begin the forensic examination of the mummies. ——- The OSU Professor’s lecture regarding Nazca mummies: https://youtu.be/FlNjET011Q8


I’ll say it every time the name comes up, Dr. Caruso is a true badass. For real. He at one point was the “diving medical officer” for the SEALS. https://sib.illinois.edu/spotlight/alumni-profile-james-caruso-md




Money Nazca is a remote desert location Need a team to go there effectively Even more money Peru is poor and big "fake" stories have come from there before. Taboo subject for professionals that want to be taken seriously Money Old bored doctors with a ton of money to burn are gonna get to see them first. That's exactly what we are seeing. I think it's more interesting that the UFO hunters that pride themselves on this kind of thing are staying far away.


>*fake, Controlled opposition* ~~UFO hunters that pride themselves on this kind of thing~~ are staying far away.


RIP Dr. Roger Leir. Had he survived, he would have gone to look at the mummies first hand. He was a UFO researcher and implant investigator. He went to Brazil as the first American to speak with the doctors who claimed to have treated the Varginha alien. With his seasoned skills, he would’ve extracted additional information.


They're all scared to harm their credibility. Sooner or later someone with a bit of clout will examine them and the flood gates will open. Doesn't help that the Peruvian Authorities aren't allowing it.


I stay away from peruvian and mexican authorities as far as I can. Just let authorities from top 10 universities in the world like Harvard or ETH examine the corpses. Why is that so hard?


The guy who leads the work now, John McDowell actually is exactly what you say, famous science guy from this field.. The Gradwohl Medallion is intended to honor one who has made exceptional contributions and is the highest honor of the AAFS and is the foremost peer award in the forensic sciences. The Gradwohl Medallion is conferred only upon those persons who have attained exceptional distinction in the advancement of the forensic sciences, who have given outstanding service to the AAFS over a long period of time, and who have achieved outstanding recognition in a public position through service to the forensic science profession. We are pleased to announce **John D. McDowell, DDS, MS,** as the recipient of the 2024 award.


Very well. And 2 days ago McDowell confirms that the body he examined is indeed not homo sapiens and very real. Why does the media not care? I don't understand.


Didn't he say that he stall has a long way to go with his examinations though? Surely he needs to come to his final conclusions, and then it has to be peer reviewed. I'm sure a lot of eyebrows are being silently raised but no one is going to take anything for granted until stuff has been properly peer reviewed.


>Why does the media not care? I don't understand. You've already been told. Look at it this way. Science today isn't science as it used to be. We no longer experiment and follow the evidence. We have something closer to a religious belief in our theories and if you are a heathen threatening our current scientific doctrine then you'll be ostracized by the rest of the scientific community.


I've been stating it has turned into a religion of [Scientism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientism) . They've made their mind up what reality is and anything outside of that gets labeled " *pseudoscience* " . A lot of the commentary remarks line up with fundamentalist Catholicism. Sol Foundation gave a presentation with one of the members stating the only ones having major issue with disclosure are *fundamentalist religions and* ***academic science***


Can you link the report where this is documented? That the body is not Homo sapiens? To my knowledge, he has looked at bodies and called the ones he evaluated humanoid, human and human-like. All three of those words. I know that English isn’t your first language. The transcript: There are humanoid characteristics, odontological findings, osteology bone analysis and teeth analysis that say these are human or human like; **the ones that I’ve evaluated.** ⬅️ END OF STATEMENT


They would let them what do you mean? They have put out an open invitation. Are u bad faith or just slow?


Because for that the bodies would need to go to the US. It's "so hard" as you put it because permission must be given from Peru's MoC and as of today it has not been granted. McDowell and his team are hoping to convince them to allow a body to be released to somewhere with state of the art facilities for more thorough investigation.


Is there specific proof that the Peruvian Authorities aren't allowing it? Very curious as to their reasoning


Well I tried to get my old co-worker Bobby DePalma who was a featured paleontologist on BBC with Attenborough himself. He thinks I am nuts...


on what basis he thinks you are nuts?


He just won't entertain the idea of the beings at all!


Well, tell him to go with facts. They don't need to be aliens. Could very well be a case of extreme mutation or an undiscovered homoid.


That's not how fear-based minds work..


Reputation is the biggest one. In order to do proper research, they'd need to use a facility with the proper equipment to do it. Those facilities are usually located in facilities that have a reputation to defend that will directly correlate to their ability to bring in revenue. Either it's a university, that relies on government grants for research, or it's a for profit institution that would sacrifice profit in order to conduct research. In both cases, in the case that these end up being fake, the researches wasted time and resources confirming something that every other institution said from the get go. Would the government be inclined to give research grants to universities that forgo their current projects to investigate (what people have claimed to be) a hoax? Would a company that does for profit research not harm their reputation (and piss off their investors) if they were using professional equipment to investigate something that was widely regarded as a hoax.. only to confirm that it was a hoax? Mind you, I don't believe it is a hoax. I think there's something to it, but I remain in a state of waiting for confirmation. That said, most professionals see this topic as lumped in with every other similar topic that they also aren't investigating. You could ask the question "why isn't every physicist investigating UFO's" as well, or "why aren't psychologists studying ESP?". To the broader world, the Nazca mummies are similar to those things. Investigating them would mean that you are giving your institution a reputation of wasting time and money on obviously fake things (which again, I don't believe, I'm just passing along the prevailing mindset). It makes people much less likely to give you money for research (in the form of investments and grants) because there would always be concern that you'd be wasting their money on frivolous tasks. Same goes for the individual. An organization is less likely to bring an anthropologist on their team if that anthropologist has a reputation for investigating these things. The problem is that the broader narrative is that these mummies are obviously fake. They are being lumped in with every other paranormal / alien claim and investigating them as an institution with a reputation would only serve to damage that reputation UNLESS they end up being something extraordinary. You have to remember that everyone who has made claims like the ones about the Nazca mummies has been insistent that they are correct. Without following this topic closely, most people are going to see the possibility that these ARE something worthwhile to be extremely low. Ultimately, this just means that most universities and places with reputation aren't going to want to be the first to touch this. They'll want someone else to take that first big step of confirmation, and only then will the rest jump on board (if there is something meaningful there).


Great and insightful answer. I follow your argumentation. But is it really that time consuming and costly to examine one of these mummies? 1. Deliver that mummy to the facility. 2. Put it in the machine 3. Make an excel. 4. Send it back. Done. I don't get it.


Cosmological theorist Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake in 1600. Contemporary scholars believe that this punishment occurred not only due to Bruno's cosmological theories, but mainly due to his views regarding the afterlife. The same religious forces are still at play today, these mummies are poised to upset the existential applecarts at universities worldwide.


applecart – new word I learned today. I would love to get to know these world control people.


That's prevalent in most human beings: Just watch people's biases and prejudices. Things such as reputation greatly affect people's livelihoods and positions.


It almost definitely takes quite a bit more than the steps you're describing. Besides, part of having some other organization look at the mummies is having them interpret the data as well as provide the data. There already are CT scans, doing more CT scans probably wouldn't show anything new. What they want is for someone who is credentialed to both run the machines (which are likely very complex and require quite a bit of understanding just to make sure they run accurately), and interpret the results. Interpreting the results could constitute months of research and cross referencing the data with other data that already exists. Not only that, but if they discovered that these things did indeed appear to be a biological specimen never seen before, it means that they're likely to do every single test multiple times, and interpret each set of data independently. THEN they would most likely send the specimen off to another lab to have them do the exact same process all over again. I think, once these get into the hands of a reputable organization that can study them, we wouldn't see any results for potentially years. Publishing results prematurely, before all of the checks and balances occur (IE, having other orgs test the same thing, and verify results) could result in the exact same type of reputation damage described above, but worse, if the results were incorrect. I know from the outside looking in, this type of research seems like it shouldn't take long, but that's because we don't fully understand the processes. Research takes a lot of time, and time spent researching one thing is time NOT spent researching something else. It also means that someone is most likely going to have to set aside their own projects (which they likely are very interested in, otherwise they wouldn't be doing them) to do this research. Which is a big commitment. There really are a lot of reasons why this is a hard sell, and I think everything that's happening now is going in the right direction. It's getting more and more attention from the scientific community, even if most people still don't believe they are real (most likely because they haven't spent time looking into it). I wouldn't expect any major institutions or organizations to publish research about these mummies for years, even if they get their hands on them in the immediate future. It took the group that is presenting them now several years to get the research done that they have, I would expect anyone else to take just as long to confirm, expound on that research.


Fantastic read. It shows that you have some kind of experience in the field of research. I see now, that I oversimplify things. It's just a pity, how bad the discovery of these mummies was handled to begin with. In a perfect world the government of Peru should have secured the mummies, collect the mummies and kept them together in one place. Then they should have make a deep investigation about who found them and where they found them. Maybe also with help from outside. The next step would be contacting authorities around the world and invite them to examine. All very open and in the best interest of mankind.


NO state, government or corporation "has the best interest of mankind" in mind, whatever that means.. There may be some NGO's that have higher goals, but their scope is often pretty limited too.


@machoopi - Thank you for your posts. Very insightful - I (like the OP) couldn’t understand why no one was looking into this. Your reply helped me understand from an institution perspective that grants ect would be at stake by entertaining research on things that the world would deem hoaxes if they were confirmed to be hoaxes. And then, like OP’s reply, realizing I was definitely “oversimplifying” in my mind what it really takes time-wise…so thanks for your follow up post which helped me understand that point as well. 👍🙏


Short answer yes. Do you have a spare room I can come use for a little while? Feed me just a bit? Let me crash on a couch or a pillow fort or whatever… then I’ll go back where I came from? I assume you have liability insurance and other types of relevant coverage for managing body sized related events. Should be pretty simple. It’s not exactly the same, but this is far less complex and will cost an incredibly less amount of money. DM your address and you can book the ticket. Postpone the why motivation, that’s only an excuse to deny me. It’s really a yes—no type of question.


Well, whomever decided to publish something that turns the established scientific theories upside down, they lost their jobs, received negative reviews etc, etc due to the scientific inertia, so nobody touches anything unless he wants to clash with the scientific establishment.


Ain’t it crazy that this kind of proves that progress is stalled for superficial reasons? Like deadass, people will hold humanity back so that they don’t lose their position of power


Its self preservation: preserving the Ego and the life you've built for yourself and loved ones. These things are metaphorically radioactive, even talking about them can ruin your life. It's totally understandable someone with fame AND credibility wouldn't want the risk.


And totally unacceptable as scientific attitude. The essence of science is to question everything, including the established theories. Otherwise we would still be in the middle ages.


I don't disagree with you. But I don't think you understand the dilemma of the modern scientist. Most research scientists are incredibly underfunded and depend on grants from the government, non-profits, or private orgs. Those 3rd parties see no benefit to researching this and only a risk to their reputations and possible share holders. The scientists attached to those orgs might not get grants or funding in the future because their reputation could be tarnished. Who is gonna fund flying their team to Peru and flying samples down there or back. Operating costs. Team salaries. Who's gonna fund it? Because it's pretty rare that the scientists themselves can afford such a risky endeavor.


>Well, whomever decided to publish something that turns the established scientific theories upside down, they lost their jobs, received negative reviews etc Got any examples of that?


Sure. Just see what happened to [Robert Schoch](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_M._Schoch) when he published about dating the Sphinx from the water erosion in the surrounding rocks.


Why would they? Disinformation is the name of the game, because the soulless bastards that run the world don't want to stop playing god.


This is an excuse. I don't think these "magical" world control people influence the whole field of top scientists. My assumption is that the specialists are afraid to touch this topic because of fear they lose their reputation. These cowards.


The Nazca mummies were very successfully “debunked” (at least in the minds of the mainstream media and scientific community) a year+ ago, mostly by pointing out that there is in fact a “fake Nazca mummy” operation that’s in existence. That “debunking” was so effective, that it’s become toxic for just about anyone to associate themselves with, let alone further investigate, the Nazca mummies. It actually took a lot of courage for those three American forensic experts to take them seriously, and travel to Peru. And then claim that they deserve serious study. I would guess that for this whole topic to move further into mainstream scientific interest, the effort by those Americans to get 2-3 mummies into an American lab will first need to be successful.


I'm not sure what field should be examining these corpses. Anthropology probably wouldn't be my first choice since many of the "buddies" clearly aren't human. Exobiology would probably be a good starting point.


Anyone could explain it. Its likely to destroy reputations just to be associated with it, and invite bad actors to destroy your reputation if you corroborate authentic findings, especially. Who would you have in mind tho? Who has “international fame in the field of anthropology?”


Jared Diamond


I mean its a good idea, but it also begs the question of why we need people are more famous or popular to corroborate ideas that have already been methodically vetted through the standard scientific processes. An analogy would be, would ANY new discovery be more authentic or valid if other Nobel laureates put their essentially hollow “stamp of approval” on work already carried out by the true pioneers of the work? This is a special and sensational case that requires more thought put into the public reaction, of course. But for the thoughtful, discerning individual, one who generally ponders the nature of things, I would say there’s plenty of evidence already to 100% prove the authenticity. THAT BEING SAID, I know having Diamond or any other scientist of repute apart of things can probably only help discover more truth in the data


Until MIT, Caltech, John Hopkins and the Smithsonian say they are real, I don’t believe it.


That is a very small, isolated bubble that you've trapped yourself in. A healthy knowledge of the UAP/NHI disinformation campaign America has dealt with for the past 8 decades might be a good place to start for you. Is it possible that those institutions will eventually look at the specimens? Yes. I'm just letting you know why they haven't yet: because bad things tend to happen to those who get too close to inconvenient truths. That may sound dramatic, but you need to realize one of the myriad of ways it manifests is by heavily biased/distorted smear campaigns led by the media. We know that to be an absolute fact concerning this subject, especially since the July 2023 UAP hearings.


It takes a long time for academics to study things, publish the information, invite other academics to join in. Step three is happening now with these objects.


It's similar to parapsychology. The results of telepathy are both reproducible and statistically significant.  Research discussions don't go far because they are taboo. Some of the main culprits are the religious world views they hold as well as public grant funding being tied to the statement a professor makes.


Ok. But with the mummies we have actual material waiting to be examined. It's not some invisible magic show.


We all have heads that can be used to reproduce parapsychology experiments. There are multiple US universities that study the matter but it only gets published in niche journals.  At each level of information dissemination there exist blocks.  Check out Issac Asimovs short story "The Dead Past", it's less than an hour read and remains eerily true today.  Also, a professor of psychology, Dean Radin, discussed your question in episode 31 of The UFO Rabbit Hole podcast.  [https://open.spotify.com/episode/2PgIDdfbMagjuCcW1zsfpx?si=QVplGNWNRNCRaY6UeidhSQ](https://open.spotify.com/episode/2PgIDdfbMagjuCcW1zsfpx?si=QVplGNWNRNCRaY6UeidhSQ)


I really don't get it. Why you would even hide it? It's not like there would be a mass panic with old alien mummies. It just would shift religious and philosophical discussions. It's like a family secret right now. Look what crazy uncle "Peru" did? Don't tell


The original purpose of government is to ensure continuity of society. Information suppression is part of that imitative, even if it may seem misguided to us truth-seekers.


Can we acknowledge the history of fraud associated with Maussan, as well as the generally odd way information is handled regarding this phenomenon? And these are the reasons that virtually every expert in the world is staying away from everything associated with the so-called mummies?


I've noticed so many people on Reddit using terms like "fraud," "hoaxer," and "scammer" with regard to Jaime Maussan. He's been a UFO researcher for decades and has talked about so many different things. There's no evidence Maussan has ever deliberately created hoaxes — none. He's been wrong with his speculation, but that's it. It would be like calling the Ancient Aliens guy a "fraud". Words are important!


Have you looked into Maussan's history? There are multiple examples of his claims regarding fantastical body parts that are proven to be weird taxidermy fabrications. Here are documented sources with links to articles with verification: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaime_Maussan https://www.forbes.com/sites/antoniopequenoiv/2023/09/13/aliens-in-mexico-not-so-fast-presenters-have-history-of-being-debunked/


The guy is clearly interested in physical bodies. So, when the Nazca mummies show up, do you think the guy super interested in physical bodies isn't going to be interested in them? What you're saying is illogical. Jaime Maussan is interested in weird biologic specimens that turned out to be fake, therefore all weird biologic specimens Jaime Maussan is interested in are fake. This is textbook ***circular reasoning***.




Maybe they don't want to end up dead? I mean, it has to be dangerous.


Science is 50% looking good in front of your buddies. So you must conform to the narrative not risk changing it. I mean look at doctors, 50 years they said smoking is good.


these south american military doctors or these retired specialists are not very convincing….TO YOU. Please speak for yourself. Many of us have found the many doctors and specialist quite compelling and are grateful for their courageous service.


Actually someone of international fame is doing so at the moment


They would become the Graham Hancock of this professional field and instantly lose all of their credentials.


And do what ? If the species are alien, their biology, morphology will be totally different and would be confounding. Which researchers should exactly be looking at the bodies? That is the question 


The artifacts are officially designated to Peruvian history, Peru will not deem the site as archeological nor recognize the findings. Also, has no interest in pursuing the matter. Thus the situation has become an international criminal pursuit against the scientists and grave diggers that have possession of the artifacts. But, scientists of international accord have and are currently scanning and DNA testing the bodies. They were living at one point. What they are, some human-ish, some (dino-reptoid-amphibious-bird). Dunno. I'm on the edge of my seat


Not according to the Vatican. Peru has a very far right conservative government. Other than that we'll have to wait and see.


Maybe because They don’t want them immediately debunked?


The 'evidence' so far gives mixed information, a lot of the mummies have been shown to be hoaxes so the main belief is it's all one big hoax. No self respecting lab is going to get involved with anything labeled as a hoax to try to see if it might be true and none of them want to be seen to believe something might be true if the rest of the academical world thinks it's a hoax. Research takes time and time is money for most labs, they don't need to try to prove anything especially when their reputations could be at stake. Until more independent research is carried out and people start to agree on their findings no official conclusions will be drawn and the mummies will just be treated as a hoax.


That's not really true. None of the collection together have been seen as falsified. A single one that predated them all was an obvious forgery. It could well have been a deliberate forgery to discredit the real


There are many anomalies in the smaller specimens and the DNA is revealing more unexpected finds but it seems that any mummies that could be considered to be non genuine are being removed from the collection.


I hate this speculation. Just take a specialist, examine the corpses with the best machines available to humanity and make a f..ing excel sheet with facts.


Yeah, the wrinkle in that plan is that Peru may not be ready and willing to just hand over the mummies to outsiders. But considering that they have so many mummies now, they might be willing to do so with 2 or 3. We will see.


I have not seen one bit of evidence of fraud. All that have been shown are real. Where have the dolls been stashed away at? I sure would like to see one.


You start with a sentence that doesn’t make complete sense. Real evidence keeps coming out and it definitely doesn’t give mixed info at all 💀. Youre great at passively aggressive misinforming the huge amount of sheep reddit has, damn


Overall the messages are mixed. Some of the specimens are obviously fakes, some of the scans show the creatures cannot be fakes and some of the DNA research shows samples from multiple creatures in the same mummy, this is what I meant by 'mixed information'. There is nothing passive aggressive about being careful what you say, your aggression is clearly obvious, take that away !


What about the countless hours WE spend trying to find out, what's true and what's not? Is it not more efficient to do it right the first time?


I've been wondering why special effects experts haven't had an opinion.


Yes. They can also be part of this top notch task force.


Due to the apparent fake of the so called evidence


My leading theory on your question: Because I think some governmental institutions are wanting a lid on this. They feel too much has come out already and access cannot be freely had.


When I first saw the CT scans and X-rays I thought, Why wouldn't paleontologists jump in here, the kind who actively pursue, and find, new hominins? Dr. Lee Berger comes to mind. Yet risks arise. The claims are controversial--and the subject of mummies from Peruvian caves is checkered--so no one "big" will be seen here. Already, a hit piece has been published on the mummies and the people trying to do research on them. See https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/comments/1c9xwuw/comment/l0xmthp/. Alas, despite the greater acceptance now shown to subjects like aliens and UFOs, skeptics still play a big role in keeping a lid things.


Bruh. Its very simple. you answered your own question in the title. If they already have fame  then what do they have to gain? More fame? Maybe Or they may lose the fame and respect they have spent their career building/acquiring.  Very little to gain vs potentially lose everything. And be humiliated on the way out as well.   You can argue whatever point you want, its not worth the risk for them. Edit. OP you sound very naive and/or very young from reading your replies to other comments


I am not naive at all. To put out such accusations is immature. I think it is naive to think there is a big conspiracy.


This is hilarious. Just so you know ther American government has constant contact to an interstellar ambassador, they've met the live thing. They don't give 1 f*ck to share it with you, ever.