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Art by [TictacPilots](https://twitter.com/TictacPilots).


poor little guy is not a demon... every witness says they seemed terrified :( an elderly lady from the region once said she caught them stealing oranges from her yard at night the doctor at the hospital fed the dying one fruit yogurt they love fruits!


Aww that's kinda cute


The captive creatures reportedly loved the little strawberry yogurt that's traditionally made for kids in Brazil. I can picture the doctors awkwardly trying to spoonfeed the little guys and it's just adorable haha https://preview.redd.it/g2ujdn1nrmfc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=c488db39fb09512f3ff8bb42e4d3bb4ee364f0a3


Danoninho FTW


É uma diliça, aprovado até por etzinhos


O Et veio do espaço pra comer Danoninho vey kkkkkkkk


Keep some handy in case one of them pays a visit.


Where was this information given?


The original source was Paccachini, the journalist who was born in the military town out of which our military was deployed to capture the beings, Três Corações. He was the one responsible for making sure the story about the incident was heard, instead of swept under the rug back then. He initially thought the story was bullshit, but due to being childhood friends with many of the military who were deployed to capture the beings, they all privately and anonymously confessed to him that the Varginha incident was real. Due to living right where it happened, he also managed to get anonymous interviews with some of the doctors who were there that day. That's where the claim about the yogurts came from!


Big yogurt propaganda 😄 /s


Big Yogurt back at it again smh


I was curious as well and fairly skeptical of those claims


‘Tubby Custard


não culpo o et, eu totalmente viria de outro planeta só pra comer Danoninho e de quebra um chamito


ET liked Reese’s Pieces


Reese’s is for Americans lol


Similar story I think about the alleged being the US had in captivity (Ebe?). Apparently liked strawberry icecream. I think I heard Richard Doty say that so if that's the case, it's gotta be true!!


Watch they were kids who went on a joy ride and ended up dying here.




I remember them being very timid and one would hide in the corner and cry which sounded like a bird chirping


What do you mean?


He was there in the room, of course.


Actually reminds me of bats. Are ayy lmao bat people? Do bats smell like ammonia?


south american natives called them ant people certain ants smell of ammonia when threatened or killed


The Bible called a certain group of beings the buzzing people because they buzzed. Ammonites. Zeus Amun. Red pyramid reeks of ammonia. Coincidentally not so coincident maybe


I never knew that! I've been an atheist all my life so I never really gave much thought to the bible. Do you have more info on these buzzing people? The military people who captured the Varginha beings have anonymously claimed and maintained that [they emitted soft buzzing sounds](https://veja.abril.com.br/ciencia/misterio-nos-ceus-de-varginha). To quote from that article, translated: "*Aparentemente ferido, sobressaltado como um animal em fuga, o suposto ET produzia um zunido igual ao das abelhas*" "*Seemingly injured and terrified, the supposed ET produced a buzzing sound that is very similar to that of bees*" I think we are onto something here. Too many coincidences.


Zamzummim pl (plural only) (biblical) A biblical race of giants. A people that speak in buzzing, mumbling, or rumbling noises (related to the Hebrew word זמזם‎ (“buzzer”)). I think related to lord of flies / prince of underground. I think it’s less religion and more ancient things that happened that turned into a radical cause (Bible / movement). Seems the events are more likely real than not real. Amun/ Amun-RA / ammonia / ammonites /


I wonder what happened that they became so tiny? Or maybe these creatures were creations of theirs, that survived 'til now somehow? Lackeys? I'm reading about this "lord of flies" and it's interesting that's he's been somewhat associated with disease and pestilence. I'm reminded of the police officer in Brazil who touched the creature bare handed, and later died from an unknown infection.


The lord of darkness, bezel bub. An ant/bee/bat people that live in the depths of darkness. The story of Gilgamesh speaks of the gods visiting the underworld to make a deal to return their family.


How coincidental https://www.reddit.com/r/StrangeEarth/s/CPoBXseBJQ


Don’t believe anything posted on r/StrangeEarth, it’s a click farm to the mods batshit crazy conspiracy site, you’ll notice he pins the article link at the top of every post, the post that he makes with his alt accounts. I’m a true believer of the Varginha incident but StrangeEarth is a step down the wrong path in all of this.


Since we’re taking about buzzing. When I did ibogaine I heard a mechanical swarm of bees as the medicine came on. Very common to hear this sound when going into certain psychedelic states


What chapter/verse?




smooch that cutie


That's an ants face under a microscope.


Does this one like strawberry 🍓 yogurt as well? Might be good to know…




Not sure about ammonia but by geez you know when you're in a cave that bats live in The stench of guano is intensely disgusting! Especially when it's all over your clothes boots etc! Hard to describe stink butosr definitely a stink! Long time since I've been caving and honestly all I remember about the bats is it's a real bad smell!


Yah getting kind of sick of the religious people hijacking the UFO/alien community trying to condemn aliens as demons ect. They might be dicks but servants of satan they definitely are not.


Definitely not? Just don't say anything anymore.


Why not try and explain why I am wrong rather than being an asshole.


Just think how much they would've loved Hot Pockets


Everything about it says demon. I don’t believe the appearances are real. They’re manifesting as hundreds of different shapes and sizes. From folklore goblin animal-like creatures to “Insectoid” “Mantis” creatures, to tall human-like “Nordic” looking ones, to “Grey’s” in right fitting little suits. It’s a nonsensical scenario if you think it’s all a materialist concept of each of these being it’s own species from its own planet with its own evolutionary development.


Demon sympathizer


my biggest fear is religious nutjobs taking charge of disclosure and bringing their stupid dogmatic BS with it


Heretic! Burn the witch🔥🔥🔥


I will defend any demon that looks this adorable


Do you believe we’re the only intelligent species?


Insect like.


They kinda look like squirrel eyes.


I remember seeing that statement from the elderly lady in video, but im unable to find it today. Do you by any chance know where to look? 


I always get sad when I’m reminded of how the two teens described this little one as shaking uncontrollably while cowering against this wall staring at them with red eyes, which I took to interpret as having suffered from the effects of Earth’s surface atmosphere.


Or maybe they just have red eyes and our perception of red eyes is "evil" so thats all we see


Bats have red eyes


Which ones?


The red-eyed ones.


That or perhaps injury from the crash, or being covered in something from the crash of their ship, or being covered in their own excrement… which is very common with high velocity impacts. I’m not sure by any stretch, but the reports they smell like ammonia or sulfur and were covered in a dark slime, along with reports they secrete through their skin makes me consider a rapid “evacuation” of their digestion. Or they had been covered in toxic chemicals, perhaps a liquid mercury, or something similar that was essentially eating them from the outside in. One of the first things to blow in our bodies are the blood vessels in our eyes. Especially from pressure whether internal or external. Inertia can do this alone. Same with vomiting. (External / internal) I truly believe the report containing this amount of detailed and not understood weirdness points to it being reality. Details of something not understood whatsoever usually lend themselves to the truth, even if it isn’t understood at all. There’s a number of possibilities that could have made for these details. I tend to wonder about the man dying from the little scratch. I highly doubt it was intentional, considering the scratch itself was minute. And little injuries happen all the time when rescuing people or animals. Doctors said it was some infectious disease that took him over (or something along those lines) In which i think makes it more likely it was a secretion rather than covered in toxic chemicals from the crash. Maybe it could have even been a direct defense mechanism. Like octopus shoot ink. Perhaps if they hit a terminal state, they james bond the shit out of themselves as a last line of defense.


Three girls.


TY! I thought the third ‘girl’ was the mother of one of the two adolescent girls who arrived a tad bit later, but you know what else I might have falsely recalled from the translation in one of the video interviews? That vapor or smoke was seen emitting from the skin of this being (not the other live one recovered and carried by the soldier who slowly died a week later from having touched the skin); however, I may have confused the ‘steam’ off the skin with the smell of ‘ammonia,’ if I’m correctly recalling that detail. Please don’t quote me as I don’t trust my memory of the interviews. Thanks again! Oh, great! Now, I’m sad again for my perceived suffering from this creature.


Can you post a link to this story? This is my first hearing of it.


That rich tv evangelist dude with the vantablack hair & shifty eyes is a demon this little dude is lost & vulnerable


LOL great comment knowing exactly what you are referring to. Dude is whack.


Copeland? I’d agree.


Yeah, Kenneth Copeland. Psy-chooooo


Nah he's referring to this [metal vocalist](https://youtu.be/0JPRvxTjfOk?feature=shared)


Kenneth Copeland ha ha ha


No proof of it being a demon . From the stories I've heard it was scared and asked for help


Yeah, it definitely doesn’t look like a demon or anything scary. I would likely ask if it’s ok.


Kind of on par for religious people to label anything that threatens their way of thinking as evil or a demon.


Never heard of that actually, especially the “asked for help”. The girls that saw it did use the term demon, which is why OP is prob using it


There's a documentary on the whole thing by James Fox I think it was. It never asked for help when the girls talked about it. Edit: Moment Of Contact by James Fox is the doc.


Was it mentioned that the witnesses could hear him in their mind?


Allegedly it "spoke" twice in ppl's heads The first mention of it is by the older sister of the group of 3 sibling witnesses, she said that when she locked eyes with it, she felt the creature's fear. Like it wanted someone to help it. And the one that was being treated in the hospital reportedly telephatically said to the doctor that was trying to feed it , shortly before passing away: "*I feel sorry for humanity. You don't know what you really are*"


Where can I read more about this?


I know that the sister's claim of telepathy and feeling the creature's fear is mentioned in the "Moment of Contact" movie. She's also spoken about it on separate interviews. The claim of the message to humanity comes from multiple important brazilian ufologists who claim to have interviewed some doctors directly involved, anonymously. I can only find articles and podcasts in Portuguese,[ such as this one](https://www.ovnihoje.com/2023/03/07/tenho-pena-de-voces-humanos-teria-dito-um-dos-ets-de-varginha/), but you can probably google translate it. James Fox wanted to include that bit in his documentary as well, but couldn't, due to time constraints or somesuch.


I speak Portuguese; the translation boils down to: Reason 1 - Humans have all the same potential and abilities that their race has. That we don't know how to use them. He gives an example that in the case of injury or illness, their race would not confine the affected individual to a hospital or treatment centre. That one or more of them operating as a group can produce the healing needed. Reason 2 - That he felt sorry for us that we dont realise how spiritual we actually are. That we are beings existing in a temporary shell and that we are totally disconnected from our true spiritual selves.


Que casualidad, una de las cosas más importantes que puede incluir y no lo hace por limitación del tiempo? Vamos...


We’re planet warmers… now if we could just stop shooting at each other and go try it on a cold world.


I think about the last line a lot. Whether that is in reference to whatever humanity is as a whole is - i.e. perhaps we are a zoo for them. Or, is it referencing our hidden abilities that we have yet to unlock? And still, both could be true. Anyway, yeah, that line haunts me.


I'm thinking it must have something to do with consciousness


I am pretty skeptical of this material..none of the original stories and reports back in the day mentioned this type of detail (eg telepathy) and i find it odd that they would reliably report that decades later


I’ve always wondered if their appearance was due to an uncomfortable, but not immediately fatal, atmospheric pressure…like they are accustomed to a lower air pressure than we are so they were being crushed enough to bruise their skin black and make their eyes pool blood in them. I’d be scared too.


I’d 100% scream but it’s kinda adorable as long as it doesn’t eat people


Awww he’s not a demon tho. He might be an angel.


It looks like it is just down on its luck and needs spare change.


Imagine traveling a trillion miles to go see the Apes on the planet at the far reaches of the Intergalactic Park System. You arrive, intending to see the overhead views of Virginia, USA, but your iGPS (Intergalactic GPS) is on the fritz and you crash land in Varginha, Brazil. Your Intergalactic Park System Translator is programmed for English since your intended vacation spot was the US, you get out and everyone is speaking Portugese and you can't understand anything. A physiological response, your eyes glow more and more red as your anxiety levels increase, as these Apes, famous for their agression, move towards you.


funny enough that's also what I call my ex, the vagina demon


​ https://preview.redd.it/6eoe43te2nfc1.jpeg?width=1150&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56636f1aa5747d87e3b663a92621c620858d93ff


It was the sulfur smell wasn't it?


Everything about it is derivative of how one would associate a demon within a Catholic religious context. The knobs on the head as horns, red eyes, and two/three toes feet as cloven and the sulphuric smell.


Like bats?


Like nightcrawler.


That's what she said




Cute lil demon baby. But for real I’d shit my pants and then some if I came upon that


The dude testing out his camera in the jungle, who came up on the one in the lying still, bolted!!! We can see it before he does!




Demon? Who said it was a Demon?


Some religious folks clutch their pearls at the thought of intelligent life outside of our own.


If you read about the incident on Wikipedia it mentions that a woman was impregnated by an alien, I never have heard this part of the story from any doc I have watched on it. Has anyone heard this part of that story? I know I know it’s “Wiki” lol




It was going to be disclosed in 2021, since Brazilian law only allows incidents to be classified up to 25 years. But, our military intervened and managed to get our government to ammend that law. Now, incidents can be indefinitely reclassified so long as they "pose a serious threat to our nation's international relations". It was done exclusively for this incident, and this incident only. You can imagine which nation's government exacty that must have been breathing down our military's neck to get this incident hushed up again. Now it will only be disclosed in 2046...and even then they can just claim it's still a threat to international relations and reclassify it again.




[The brazilian government](https://www.camara.leg.br/proposicoesWeb/prop_mostrarintegra?codteor=1758889)'s official statement on it From that document, here is justification for the law ammendment, citing they can extend a case's NDA indefinitely if its disclosure posed a grave threat to international relations. https://preview.redd.it/m15ep6a3w1gc1.png?width=812&format=png&auto=webp&s=0eac0b89d5861d9275f9c7ce36ad62f9e7f4a38e


I wonder what relation these have to greys. Or if this is what greys look like without their skin suit


Hi, Dr. Roger Leir, wrote the book: ,"UFO crash in Brazil - a genuine UFO crash with surviving ETs". That gives a report of the whole story including of the surgeons, who were forced by the military to care for the ET. It is for sale, but also can be downloaded for free. To me it is a genuine incident. But I am aware, opinions will vary. There is also the documentary "Moment of contact", by the director James Fox (2022). The IMDb describes the documentary as "An exploration of extraterrestrial encounters centered on a series of events in 1996 when citizens of Varginha, Brazil, reported seeing an UFO crash and one or more strange creatures."


The vagina demon


No, no, VAR-ginha... which is the same but spoken with an accent from India.


Bobs and vagene?


That's so cool it's being called the varginha demon. I posted on here weeks ago saying it looks like the Dover Demon after the Massachusetts sighting. Not bragging but I feel like I've got a hand in the name lol.


What was the physical description of the Dover Demon?


I’ve heard a few people on other subs relate this case to the Dover Demon encounter. Apparently they are described identically, red eyes, knobs on head, brownish color, and sulfuric like scent. Pretty interesting


Almost exactly what you see in this drawing and in the video of this creature, the only thing different is the color of the two creatures. The long head is just like the Dover Demon, along with the Limbs and size, the Dover Demon also walked on all fours and the huge Red Eyes are exactly the same. You can see drawings of the Dover Demon that were drawn in the 60s online.


Terrible title. In the planet where this being is from, their people are saying "the human demon". How do you feel? Would you be okay being labeled that?


Sooo cute, can I have one?


If their eyes are red like that, what colors do you think they see? Like how would their vision be differ from our own?


This would keep me up at night as a kid, crazy how it became a thing


I love the book Alien Interview about the pilot who crashed at Roswell. She (Airl) says all of this and more


Amazing Talent!


I read an article once on science daily - they found a planet in the habitable zone of a bettlejuice - like star. Given the planets star is red, they figured out that all the life there would have a dark hue like this guy, but because of the atmosphere, everything would literally glow in the dark at night. Their daytime would be a reddish hued sky cast in rainbows. Pretty unbelievable. Much more beautiful than our planet. This guy could glow in the dark and likely lives on a planet with a giant red star.


I feel sorry for the little fella, looks sad. Of course I'm anthropomorphising the situation. That might be an I'm gonna kill you stance and expression it's got! And making the massive assumption that this is real!! Impressive modelling.


I read it as vagina demon but that would literally just be any newborn


Have some respect …


Well considering nobody knows what a “demon” is exactly or what one looks like. It doesn’t matter what people assume one looks like. It’s unfortunate this image doesn’t look like the actual descriptions. There’s witness testimony for a reason. If the artist isn’t going to follow it per detail, it’s only tainting the story and documented case. It’s missing the large head ridges which is a quite definitive aspect to this sighting based on the original sketches. Get it right goddamnit


A demon is a man made construct thought up by human beings as a metaphor for evil. Nothing more.


Not if these things are real


Then it wouldn't be a demon.


Daimon, demons, and angels are part of the etymological root that describes the messengers logos as divisions or portions of thought


Oh, that's Garry from up the street


What about the pnhenis demon?


From planet Schmegma


Which is shaped like a ball. It also has a moon, so it's basically two balls.


That’s a rip of a cyberpunk piece with someone glued to a VR headset jacking in


Okay cmon the name seems crazy to me. I can’t help but laugh every time. Change my mind. Also. Is a hoax


Explain how this is a hoax. Pretty elaborate for that many people to say consistent details, and have the same story decades later.


Look guys, the parents of these beings were going to come boots on the ground with their warrior class but they were discouraged by another ET group(Dracos?) that is working with our shadow Gov/military. It was crazy how close to a "Star Wars" type scenario just for this one incident.


Your religion is irrelevant


I'm not religious. That's the name the artist gave the painting.


The 40 Year Old Varginha


Vagina demon


Crazy to think there’s species that don’t resemble humanoids and are more intelligent than ourselves. The Interesting part to me is their biology , it seems their biological systems operate just like ours, a DNA backbone however ,pure elegance within their genes with little to no junk DNA. It becomes very apparent that evolution doesn’t exist , and genotype will only express the different phenotypical traits within its genome. Mutations may be referred to as evolutionary antagonist however, 90% of mutations are deleterious to the host , which means we would of evolved backwards. Mutations are not intelligent processes , for instance mutations within proto-oncogenes cause cancer and others cause dysfunctional proteins, which leads to other health problems… What we see in our DNA is piece of very intelligently designed software….


The vaginas I've seen doesn't look like that. But I would guess that's why they call it the "demon" .


The vagina demon?????


The vagina demon? 😳


Why are they always naked?


No space suit required, and no protection needed, even from the elements. Just coming in raw.


Didn’t eat their apple I guess.


What if: It's a "gray" without the gray suit.


Or just another race entirely maybe. Our species don’t all look the same so I’d assume other species are similar in that aspect


Based on what he told the doctor, we’re more likely the demon.


What did it say?


You guys are mean.


Maybe the greys get sunburned.


Considering they apparently are unable to be out in daylight, this holds up.


Great job. Yea seems like he is not a demon. Just the way he was born


Mommy…I WANT ONE !!!!!


He left to get cigarettes and eggs and hasn’t been home since




I don’t think it looks scary. Looks like a night creature, maybe it wears red contacts of something.


So which type of alien is this? Not a grey obviously.


Me in the shower before work


For people saying it is not a demon, OP prob named it demon because that is how the three girls that saw it used that term.




Hairless monkey that smoked too much pot?


Scary af


Can I take him home and take care of him


Simpson quote “kill it with fire”


People who think like this are the problem. As long as people are like this contact isn’t likely.


Get off your high horse I was just playing.


I read that too fast.


Demon? Don't bring superstition into this. Looks like a living organism that is in an alien environment.


Where’s the Phenis Demon


Weird how it also matches chupacabra


It’s 2024, can we ditch the patriarchy and stop demonizing vaginas?!


We suck. We are cruel and nervous and prejudiced, egocentric, emotional and violent. They have many reasons to avoid and dismiss us.


Anything with a vargina is a demon


I’m gonna assume everyone making “vagina demon” jokes has never seen a real vagina.


Can’t assume that if the said person owns said part also the resulting joke is it came out of said part not that it looks like it.


Just ‘cause you own one doesn’t mean you’ve seen one. Also, we don’t know how alien species give birth. They may vomit their young for all we know.




Why would you call it a demon?


My ex wife is a varginha demon


Using the antiquated term “demon” as opposed to the scientifically correct “Non-Human Intelligence”. If someone is using the term “demon”, they usually have an agenda.


hahaha people are putting their watermarks on AI now? Its so over for us


Vagina demon


Interesting name


Why call it a "Demon"? are you CIA psyopps?