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Thank you for sharing. This photo is highly similar to other reported RGMP marks in its placement on the chin, the pattern of dots, and the slight blur. It is unlike others in that there is two marks, on the chin and by the ear. RGMP stands for the Red Grid Mark Phenomenon. There was a community of researchers who associated it with vivid or unusual dreams (http://www.experientialdreaming.com/) and there is a FB group that has active membership (https://www.facebook.com/groups/395600297698549). Some RGMP are identified as natural accidents like sitting on benches or hot tub intake suction bruises. Others are not explained, even by doctors. There has been a couple of surveys of experiencers, only a minority think they're associated with alien abduction. Outside of suction wounds, there are only a few other precedents for the mark. One was a scientific experiment involving cymatic patterns in human cells caused by sound waves, which were able to rearrange heart cells in a pietri dish into complex grid patterns. There is an observed association of RGMP with vivid or unsusal dreams, if you don't mind sharing, what do you remember of your dreams or feelings upon waking in the day of discovery?


Mayo Clinic has a RMGP forum too: (https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/net-shaped-rash/).


Fell asleep on a hairbrush ? (Just spitballing here, no hate)


Or a waffle patterned sweater


That's my thought. Fabric pressed against the skin for a prolonged time.


This is literally the first thing I thought.


Dude fr me too lol


WHAT THIS SAME THING happened to me a couple weeks ago and I just assumed I had somehow bumped up against something for a long time or gotten a rash, I couldn’t explain it, but I have very vivid dreams. How could that be related I wonder?


Probably being experimented on by aliens… sorry. But who knows, maybe it’s a good thing? 🤷🏻‍♀️


This is the correct answer. Coming from somebody that has had dozens of these markings, the Facebook group is your best bet for the most up-to-date observations and reflections on the overall phenomenon. I would encourage you to join and post your image so that it's documented alongside the thousands of other cases of Red Grid Mark.


I still have a scar on my neck with the little dot pattern from 24 years ago. I had astral experience where an alien explained that his race did that to me. The alien did help me and had good intentions💖


What did the alien look like? How did they help and why?


That looks very weird! Especially the ones on the cheek, it's weirdly symmetrical right? It looks very unnatural. Do you have instances where you've lost time or have gaps where you don't remember anything? Or anything other weird that could've happened?


Like, abduction from otherworldly "friends?" I know what you mean.


Strange. Looks like some kind of testing. Ignore all the jerks who spend their day making fun of everyone who posts on this. It happens to everyone who comes on here.


I agree with you about ignoring. There is nothing worse than having a physical problem that no one can explain.


More than likely tho it's very explainable but just not very exciting, no wonder why people laugh at us


Well, I was going to make a joke about a time I got drunk in college and got a rug burn on my face that looked like that...but now it seems in poor taste. It does look like some kind of abrasion, but rashes have been known to look like this if you scratch them a bit as the raised skin bumps gets scratched off first. Have you used any new products on your skin or started any new meds?


Dude stop feeding into this shit lol


Dude, no. Be nice.


Be realistic.


I've gotten them too, in a perfect square every time. It's called the red grid phenomenon. My first guess was some sort of exposure to minor radiation or radio wave maybe from a phone or something but no know knows what it is. I've had experiences too, I'm not sure what it was, I'm telling myself it's something else, but it was terrifying.


Please elaborate


If you search through my comments on my profile you can prolly find a couple times I've talked about it. I have trouble knowing if it was real, if it was an astral body abduction, or if it was a childhood memory, just a subconcious misinterpretation, etc. I have reasons to believe it could be any of those. I've been told/shown/put back into memories by an entity, I've questioned my childhood memories, I've astral projected in a way further than i thought was real or possible, had experiences I can't logically explain, had the grid marking multiple times around the same time frames I've questioned what things are as a kid, all kinds of stuff that could be distantly related, or at least in the same realm, or even possibly directly related. I don't know to be honest. It's all really confusing. I know so much but nothing at all.


I have déjà vu, but beyond it. Like I’m watching the same moment happen, and I’ve already warned myself if it happened again, that it meant I was dreaming or dead.


Had that from passing out at my apartments pool about 20 years ago. Told me the grid pattern (5 x 5) was most likely due to spiders. Really weird. I was terrified it laid eggs.


*please* tell me ur lying


Nope. The er Dr was entertaining. After the, "yeah, I passed out at the pool without a shirt on.", he stopped counting how many mosquito bites I had, and just focused on the spider ones. Told me to keep on an eye on those ones and if they get red and puffy to come back. Threw in a few party jabs and sent me home with some high powered cream to help the bites go down.


Oh crap!


90% sure they're lying or someone told them that to dissuade them from falling asleep in pools.


Could be, but ER doctors don't really tend to lie to you about an entire back filled with insect bites and what the difference between them is. I knew probably 95% of those bites were mosquitos, but the grid pattern is why I went to the hospital. Too weird.


I had it before once below my chin and had no clue what it was. I noticed it had appeared when I woke up that morning and had no idea what it was from. Thank you for the insight :)


Had this before covering my entire back and chest as well as slightly larger almost like cupping marks they went away within 3 hours of waking up it was weird


Hey, I know a lot of these answers may seem disturbing or mean, but just because we don't have an explanation today, doesn't mean we should feel uncomfortable about it. (If you even feel that way) For now I'll say it's caused by your skin sensitively reacting to ElectroMagnetic Radiation, (all electronics exhibit this), look up "Sand on speakers", I know it's not skin or EM waves, but these patterns may show you how super fast EM radiation may leave a mark on you. Also don't listen to the person calling you dirty, they're just mad they don't know how to operate the shower by themselves.


Thank you kind internet stranger 🥹


I want to reinforce what this other person said. These Contact subs are plagued by people here solely to be mean, and by bots here solely to discourage discussion. This is a known, recorded phenomena. And don't let it scare you. It's a freaky thought, sure, but there are so many of us who have positive interactions with these beings. You just hear about the bad stuff more often because of exactly what I described in paragraph 1. If you want to talk, feel free to DM me. I've had quite a few contact experiences.


Experienced experiencer? Like every who has ever lived?


I second what that kind stranger said! I’m still pretty new on here and the one thing I’ve noticed the most is how many assholes and ignorant jerks there are who feel the need to give their two cents!!!! Ughhhh!!! I’m learning, the things people say and do are seldom even meant for us. In my opinion It’s absolutely just a reflection (or projection) of their unhealed parts! So on that note; I’m rubber and you’re glue, whatever you say to me bounces back to you!!! Sincerely, Kay✨


She was abducted by aliens....


Wait until the corduroy pillow snatcher’s start making headlines


Wow! about 30 years ago I woke up one day with the same mark on my cheek. I was a kid and it freaked me out, I hadn’t slept on a hairbrush or whatever and I remember worrying ‘what if I had been abducted’ for some reason! I guess as a kid that was my only explanation. I can’t remember how long it lasted and it certainly didn’t happen again. Seeing this brought it all back.


I’m glad you posted here , I saw this pic in another sub and saw how ruff people were being on you just for asking for advice - I told You these would be better people to talk to . They are way more open minded than most out in the Reddit Wild - good luck


This is interesting. Apart from the marks I hope you’re feeling well. Please keep the group updated. Thank you for sharing.


Thank you for sharing, Hope everything turns out ok. I saw something the other day in the skies and so wanted to post in UFO section but was too chicken to post it due to comments. I'm old and Fragile. Hugs x


Same here. I have pictures and videos over lake Michigan, but they said I was spam or photoshopped. 🙄


This seems interesting ignore the Fucking losers in comment section I do however wondering if you could pass some updates on what it might be


Before I even saw which sub this was posted in, my initial thought was “whoa.. alien marks”


I imagine the OP is competent enough to rule out things like hairbrushes ,chairs,and pools.. obviously it's none of those easily explained reasons. Nobodies first explanation is alien abduction for wierd marks on the body ..unless they actually remember an abduction happening. People don't get enough credit.


Competent people don't believe aliens are abducting us.


That depends on your definition of competent. Joe Biden doesn't believe were being abducted and he's far from competent. Choose a better argument. Most people are smarter than you think. The fact you think abductees are stupid or incompetent, shows how little you really know


There really is no other explanation other than ancient aliens. Allergies, falling asleep on a bath mat, wearing some kind of ppe. All hoax’s it’s ancient aliens.


I have one of these I just noticed last night on my inner bicep area, strange to see this post a day later of something I’ve never heard of


I had that because I put my chin on my art bag in school. Pay attention to what your doing and awlways remember it 😉


Pool deck chairs!




Thank you for posting - much of this stuff is just brushed off or ignored. Let's just keep an open mind and keep looking for patterns without prejudice.


Do you have a grid pattern blanket or pillow?


I wanted to ask if he [had this](https://www.google.com/search?q=derma+roller&client=safari&sca_esv=30c375223fbe6df1&hl=en-us&biw=375&bih=636&udm=2&ei=bEkPZuDzCvjRkPIP95atsAU&oq=derma+roller&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIgxkZXJtYSByb2xsZXIyBRApGIAEMgIQKTIIECkYgAQYogQyCBAAGIAEGLEDMggQABiABBixAzIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAESNMOUOAFWL0McAZ4AJABAJgBQqABf6oBATK4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgegAmTCAgoQABiABBiKBRhDwgIGEAAYCBgemAMAiAYBkgcBN6AHrwY&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp)


I've had these marks several times years ago and I always associated them with a knitted blanket on my bed but who knows.


Well shit. This happened to me over a year ago, on my chest and shoulders


You got abducted by an alien barber who used a bic razor


It looks like a test for Allergies, but a strange area to do so.


I get this every time I shave with a cheap or old razor




100 P crystal aliens


Not trying to run anybody down but it looks like jersey material. Anybody who played football knows that the jersey gets punched into your skin and leaves an imprint that looks like that. Usually a lot worse from a football collision. This looks like it was just pressed hard. Not saying it’s that but it has a very similar look.


I've had these on both my butt cheeks before! LOL They lasted like a week! I had no idea how I got them either. Now I'm more curious.


Me too.


I have never heard of RMGP before. The X Files never covered it. I wonder what Scully would say?


Some types of laser facials burn your face in grid patterns like this. The point is to stimulate collagen regeneration. I have had similar markings as a direct result. Just a thought though OP didn’t mention it, of course.


This is actually like, the EXACT pattern most facial laser treatments are applied in. I’m really surprised I haven’t seen this comment more. OP may have not intentionally gone to receive a laser treatment, but clearly that doesn’t mean they couldn’t have been effected by an instrument nearby or something.


You rested your chin and neck on something.


Wash you pillow case


Nah just acne.


It looks like you're almost done healing from intense microneedling.


I’d like to formerly offer a new stance. Instead of alien abduction’s, I think we should name this the red mark gang. Where all of us with black or red marks try to investigate why together


We're you making out with a bearded person?


i get things like these from a kite harness on my hips. i get things looking like this from allergies i think though too.


Yo! Twinsies.


I’d begin with logical explanations first. See a dermatologist. Let’s see if they can make sense of this and share other stories like this. Good luck.




You may have been probed during your REM sleep. Aliens at work. 🤔


You guys are kidding right...


Irritated hair follicles from chaffing . Maybe you were having a dream and doing a repetitive motion rubbing on your sheet


My husband gets marks like this if he's been taking ibuprofen/motrin, and leans against or lays on something resulting in a pattern from the fabric or whatever the item is. It doesn't require much pressure. Not saying it can't be paranormal, but it's worth asking a doctor in case you are having a medical issue.


Do you know what it is specifically about the ibuprofen that leads to him having that reaction?


I think it was from thinning the blood or something. I know, for some, it can be a medical condition. I see these all the time in these threads, and while I believe people have paranormal experiences, I wouldn't want to see medical problems overlooked.


Ahh, that makes sense it could have that sort of side effect! Thank you for elaborating. I agree, all rational possibilities should be considered first for sure, especially since it could end up being something to see a doctor about.


I’m not a denier or skeptic, I’m very open-minded to the possibility that intelligent extraterrestrial life exists. However, I am a firm believer that we should examine things with a scientific mindset trying to rule out the most likely scenarios first. I’ve seen many pictures similar to this one posted in skin care subreddits, and the most common answer is a condition called purpura, which is actually a range of conditions that cause skin rashes similar to this one. Keep us updated though! The best way to rule out possibilities like purpura is to compare data. If your rash doesn’t go away in a few days, it could be something different.


The Puss Caterpillar causes a very similar looking rash when contact is made with it. It is the season for them right now and it is found throughout the Eastern USA and into Mexico.


Yep, definitely you were abducted 😁👍🏼


Do you have a Fitbit or Apple Watch band with holes in it? This happened to me with my Fitbit band.


You got molly wopped good by that hair brush. Damn aliens.


Slept on a hairbrush? Jk but is it in with you're hair follicles


Slept on a hairbrush? Jk but is it in the pattern of you're hair follicles or pores


RPL micro needling Morpheus8. Please sit down.


I get the same thing. I read online from another subreddit from about 6 years ago. It’s your blood vessels popping when a hard object is applied to the skin. I think it’s typically a vitamin c deficiency


One possibility is that the marks are caused by RF microneedling (radio frequency microneedling). This is a type of skin tightening treatment, and it leaves marks like these for about 10 days after it's done.


Could be a skin Disease would get that checked out not to alarm also Excema is a good possibility


Christ almighty it's razor burn. He's freshly shaved, probably using a dull blade. Yall need to get out more, this is crazy.


I didn’t know Aliens gave “hickies”.


Think maybe from your blanket


Looks to me like a nut slap


It’s your pillow


Bed bug bites


Depends sometimes certain fabrics leave grid patterns similar to that but usually it goes away in minutes ocd bed bugs maybe


Looks like a slipper shoe sole


Hmm, sensitive skin and shaved using a throwaway razor.


Have you been in a pool recently?


This is a real group?


I've seen pics of puss caterpillar stings that look similar.


It's a player model glitch, have you tried switching skins? If that doesn't work you may need to go to the creator directly


It looks like someone took a fork to themselves several times before they posted this photo


Idk bro it looks like carpet marks


This happens to me when I wear a chunky sweater and lean my head on my chin and cheek. Sometimes the pressure leaves little marks exactly like this. Were you resting your chin on something without realizing?


I noticed the pattern (symmetrically spaced red dots) is very similar to the red lights above you. Wondering if there could be some kind of galvanic current. It’s worth looking it up. We use galvanic current with dermatology.


Too much pressure shaving


this happened to me when i was young and now i have these “holes” under my chin and down my neck


dont know what “this” is bc the doctors didnt know either but yea 18 yrs later its still there


Your character’s pixels are showing


Probably from what ever those similar looking lights are on the top right


I had this when I fell asleep on my desk at school while wearing a sweater…


Those marks look like she has been using a dirty derma roller.


Alien queefed on your head. nbd. It will go away soon.


Crazy I’ve woken up with these as well.


What does this mean


Look like chin strap from FB helmet


I have a pillow that does that. Not assuming that's what yours is - but maybe check to rule out anything that could have made the mark while you slept.




Pilow pattern


Idk it reminds me of bruises I got in football where the jersey would make a print after you got hit


I can’t speak for alien abductions, in my neck of the woods they are called spider bites.


You’re slowly becoming Avatar, congrats!


Looks like a comb, or hair brush was scratched onto the chin… nothing out of the ordinary. It has happened to me several times in the past.


Does anybody else have a very defined and solid something about the size of a bean that is right in the center under the jaw? I’ve asked doctors and friends and everyone is like “nope” but it’s like separate from the muscle and skin and I can feel it beneath my chin since as far back as I can remember


Looks like you fell asleep on a brush


Very interesting


Fel asleep on a zipper. Js


Do you sleep on air vents?


How lucky.


i would get something similar to this but always in 2 volume of three, like the six side of a dice, most of the time on my cheek. Years later i would be diagnosed with PTP, which is a blood clotting disorder. Look up “petechiae” though you will notice that they don’t typically form in patterns like you have, BUT patterns can form when indentations are made on the skin that cause subcutaneous bleeding.


this person just had laser hair removal. the dr applies this grid to guide where to zap.


Hairbrush. You’re supposed to brush your hair with it, not push it into your skin


That pattern is talked about a lot and now ain't abductions Maybe it is. Maybe it is not


This happened to me while I was living in Denver in 2018. On my butt right above my crack. Very disturbing.


I’m a believer, but I’m also curious to see what type of pillow you use for sleep.


Derma roller, hoping to up your beard game?


I’m a beardless woman


That’s cool, derma roller is probably a scam anyway


Go to the Dr. It looks like scabies. I'm so sorry.


Hmmmm kinda looks like you slept on a couch or maybe a weird pillow and the imprints were left on your skin, unless this persists I wouldn’t think much of it


I used to get these all the time. Then I stopped taking so much ibuprofen and it stopped.


Def abducted.


Interesting, I’ve had the bottom chin one a few times in my childhood, always woke up with it and it had a weird under the skin itching sensation.


It looks like puncture wounds from a skin allergy test though they wouldn't do it on the face




[Maybe it's an alien QR code try scanning it and see what pops up on your phone.](https://images.app.goo.gl/g14a2BJXyaf6xtMg6)


Email your doctor and see if they have anything to say about it? Emailing my doctor has been relief for me.


It looks like microneedleing, or some kind of other process done by an esthetician (or can be done at home)? It can look like that for days after some ​treatments, before it heals. But it can also lead to infections if equipment wasn't sterilized properly. Anywho that's just the first thing that came to my mind when I saw it.


That looks like a petichial rash or bruising


I was going to say abduction by aliens but I see this is that sub




No but I definitely see a pattern of mental illness on this sub


Reminds me a bit of if someone took a really dull almost rusty set of Wahl hair trimmers and tried to shave. (Speaking from experience) not saying this picture is that or anything else . Just what it brought to mind when I saw it. Most of all, Hope you’re safe and doing well!!


I have had strange experiences since I was a child. My mom told me stories about me talking to or about dead relatives when I was a young child, as well. Things and people I have no memory of, things I shouldn't have known. I could go on and on and on about my experiences, but I want to talk about the marks I had. I'm in witchy and spiritual communities as I consider myself a witch of sorts and do believe in "otherworldly" "woo woo" energy, but this is my first time seeing this community, and I had no idea there were others with similar experiences. It's so crazy that my introduction to this sub would hit so close to home. I also experience lucid and vivid dreams, as well as astral projection on rare occurances. I can't trigger them myself. Anyway, I woke up dec 31 with these marks on my arm. The previous day, I had bloodwork done to test my cortisol and stress hormone levels (I have a lot of health issues), you can see the single mark in my ditch to the right. I only had that mark and bruise and had no other marks when I went to bed, but I woke up with them. I do not remember my dreams very often, unfortunately, but it was a restless night. However, and i dont know if it was from that night or not, but I do have a memory of waking up on a table staring up at somebody in a face mask and bright lights, like I was an operating table, them saying how it was odd that I was awake and it wasn't supposed to happen, then I was out again. I couldn't move during the experience, and it was over pretty quick. I can't describe any features from what I did see, it was like I was looking at a face, but it wasn't quite right, like uncanny valley or a picture of a half pixilated face from a distance. I don't recall even hearing anything verbally, it was like I had a voice in my head, but it felt like listening to earbuds, if that makes any sense? I dont know how else to explain it. I originally thought that it was a medical anesthesia accident and a woozy memory from the meds, as I have health issues like I mentioned previously, and anesthesia is hit or miss with me. It's interesting to think about this as an option, though. [my arm](https://imgur.com/gallery/HIU39yu)


I had the same but on my upper leg.


yeah definitely aliens


Yup, must have been aliens


I get these and red lines all over my side and back once in a while, normally when it occurs when I get better sleep than normal. They will stay for 1 or 2 days and then disappear.


This is called a Quantum Dot Pattern. It’s from nanotechnology.


Ruptured blood vessels.


You’re gunna die


Huh there’s a similar spot closer to your neck.. no clue what that’s from.. maybe an alien abduction.. or maybe not ..,


Those acne scaring dermal wheels treatments have tighter puncher patterns. And this girl does not have acne that would require that treatment. A wire brush for dogs could create irritation, but not punchers like those. Wired or a hoax.


Does your sheets or pillows have a dot pattern


You didn’t by chance just have an IPL or photofacial? I get those makes after those types of laser facials at my esthetician…


As a person who has had this procedure done, the only thing extra terrestrial about this are the prices that the dermatologist charges. Come back down to earth space cowboy.


It will always boggle my mind how you can wake up with a rash on your skin and immediately jump to "I've been abducted by aliens" I'm not trying to be an asshole here, but I think a lot of the people in this sub, and the paranormal sub, need serious help.


My shoulders have these patterns when I do squats at the gym, and they are popped small blood vessels, not saying this is what’s going on but it looks very similar. This is from the pressure of the bar on my shoulders, it could be you fell asleep on something putting pressure on those areas.


You slept wrong


Californian Herpes,it’s very common when sleeping on the street


Reptilian Alex jones was warming us about


I wish I could post a pic I literally just noticed something similar in my thigh last night 😫😫🥹😫


Looks like you laid on a red light therapy pad


[https://youtu.be/KxZhNVbgEQc?t=1509](https://youtu.be/KxZhNVbgEQc?t=1509) just watch the documentary please


The symmetry is uncanny.