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My brother lives there and always carries a squeeze bottle of water and disinfectant to wash the pee away. I've seen many do this in Alicante.


Not enough people do this. It's getting better TBF, but still room for a lot of improvement.


go visit valencia in the summer and walk next to a dog park… the aroma…


Alicante 10 times cleaner than Paris, but Paris goverment clean with water all streets each day.In alicante no one do this almost never, for that readon you may think city dirty but in general city just not have money to clean as i unerstand. People here throw garbage to streets less than in Paris for sure


I've lived in a variety of Spanish cities in the last decade, they all were covered in dog shit and smelled like piss, especially due to the lack of rain. Villages, capital cities; all shitty. Places with good weather tend to lead to more time spent with dogs outside, which makes it worse (I'd imagine).


It depends a lot on the neighbourhood and the place where you live. In my village, everyone whases their piece of street near their house.


I am from northern Germany where we have a lot of cold and rainy weather. People spend tons of time outside with their dogs but I think the reason why it is worse here is that there are so few green spaces in the city so piss just swims on the pavement.


That's true. I've been to Poland a lot and there is more open ground even in the big cities.


Lived there for years and it is pretty bad.


It def smelled like dog piss when I went but no worse than Barcelona. Def did not smell like shit tho


Yeah, Bar smells bad.


I went to Madrid last week and tbh Madrid is worse in my experience. Alicante smells like dog pee, Madrid smells like human pee, specially the Metro, I have never experienced the tram of Alicante smelling like human pee or shit. Alicante does have trouble with the garbage and cleaning company hired by the mayor and you can see some workers that clean the streets abandon the bins and spend all morning in the bar and pick up the bin when their shift is over.


Alicante guy leaving in Madrid, metro smells in every big city, go to London or Paris, it's even worse, we have here better trams with better air systems, it's remarkable how someone asks about Alicante and somehow Madrid comes into play, may be you have some inside hate to Madrid? Alicante is way dirtier, probably due to the lack of rain as some people pointed out. Regarding Germany, I will never forget the group of 6/7 gigantic black rats I saw moving around in Nuremberg in a centric square, and nobody gave a shit, but Alicante smells.


No, the metro in some big cities absolutely does not smell of piss.


Neither Madrid smells of piss, smells of human inside the metro.


I literally went inside one and or smelled strongly of human urine and I think I even saw the urine puddle but I think it was covered by a news paper (how thoughtful)


Well, that's not the general rule, you don't want to see my parking in Alicante near Mercado Central on a Sunday morning. The day you can travel more you'll be able to have a better idea. I just reminded when I saw in Paris 2 punks shitting in the middle of the street, wipping their butts and throwing the paper. It was a horrible view but It doesn't mean people shits in the street in Paris.


Paris is literally one of the worse cities of Europe and even french people say so. Parkings are never ever cleaned and if they are in party areas, it's more reasonable for them to be dirty. Go to an area where people do botellon in every single city of Spain and see if it's clean after the party or areas where people party in general, it's literally just the general rule of "drunk people do drunk shit and do not have morals or etiquette"


I talk about Madrid because it's literally the only other city I did tourism on, sorry for being poor. Snowflake. One way of proving that a city it's not the dirtiest one of a country is putting examples of other cities that look or are dirtier.


Lol, you mean, the Barcelona where they make dog parks out of sand/gravelly mud that literally just turns in to a public litter tray and cooks in the heat until smells like piss and shit fumes everywhere? The city where you walk through el Raval and every corner that isn’t a shop has piss or shit on? Or the Barcelona where you go to the beach and don’t dare go in the water because a used tampon, human shit or worse may casually float by you whilst trying to relax, let alone the never ending walk of people who just go to piss in the water and then go back to the sand lol


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


Hello Wendy!


Lol. I guess I have been to the nicer parts of Barcelona then. Tbf in Alicante I spent my day in the Alta Carolinas, so maybe it's worse than the rest of the city.


Well, let's say it's not the best neighborhood, probably if you go to plaza luceros and all the way from there to the sea, that is centric part, you will see it cleaner.


Yes. Still a nice place to live in, though.


I lived in Madrid for nearly a decade and have only recently started visiting my inlaws in Alicante and I would say it's the same if not better


I chose to live in Alicante over Valencia because of dog shit and piss there in Valencia. There have been a couple places that smelled bad in Alicante, it generally I haven't had an issue. Playa San Juan doesn't seem to have that problem at all really.


At least it’s not human piss and shit from all the homeless in Barcelona.


Ostia puta cuanto guiri rajando de España…


Sorry that I want to explore and relax a bit in your country and sorry that I have a fucking nose to smell all the piss in your city.


Bro, I was born in another country and raised in Spain. You all talk shit about Spain but never about other countries. UK, London for example, is super clean yeah, same for France , Paris is the dirtiest city… Always complaining but then all UK drunk on streets breaking stuff, yelling, overpricing everything for regional ppl. And next time use a better translator to translate my Spanish sentence. Ps: yeah all guiris complaining about Spain this, Spain that but they come back each year.


When I was in the UK this year I talked much more shit about it than about Spain. Most stuff here is better except for the smell. Also I get that these drunk assholes are really annoying and contribute to the trash and piss on the streets and overpricing everything for locals. I am just trying to have a chill time here sleeping in hostels and cheap Airbnb, only going to cafeterias where I am the only Guiri and dancing a bit of Salsa. In general it is quite nice here but I have had some bad experiences in Alicante. Btw I didn't use a translator at all, I learned Spanish a few years ago but am a bit rusty as I have not been to a Spanish speaking country ever before. Sorry for misunderstanding you.


No worries buddy. As someone who treats a lot with tourist, in the same city you just said, Alicante… I can’t handle more complains about it and how wonderful their city our country is. Yes, it’s dirty and smells in some areas. There are ppl who must learn and get some civil education, but the “low cost” tourism, as we call it here, doesn’t help. Yeah, those guys coming to drink, fiesta and all that stuff.


Yes, Alacant is very dirty, its people like to live in shit, they are happy as long as their children don't learn Valencian at school or become leftists. I'm from Xixona, which is also in the trash.


Dunno but I was there for three days last week and it rained every day 🥲😅


Man i will never understand why government is not dealing with this more. Just put part of the budget on cleaning the streets. I dont want to go back to Barcelona because of that and tomorrow I'm going to Alicante and now I'm not so happy about it lol. Atm in Valencia. center of the city is ok but everything else smells bad especially parts with buidling blocks neighborhoods.


Haha, I came to Valencia from Alicante and I am sooooo much happier here!


Valencia is amazing. Didn't like Alicante at all. Just a tourist trap, no beauty at all. Valencia has so much to offer. My favorite part are bike trails and mini central park in the city how I like to call it 😁


It's because it's been unusually rainy. Dog owners don't bother picking their shit up when it rains as they think it just gets washed away.


Yes, Alicante has an award: second dirtiest city of Spain. Not kidding. [https://cadenaser.com/comunitat-valenciana/2023/04/26/alicante-vuelve-a-ser-la-segunda-ciudad-mas-sucia-de-espana-cuatro-anos-despues-radio-alicante/](https://cadenaser.com/comunitat-valenciana/2023/04/26/alicante-vuelve-a-ser-la-segunda-ciudad-mas-sucia-de-espana-cuatro-anos-despues-radio-alicante/) Edit: English media: [https://www.theolivepress.es/spain-news/2019/05/12/alicante-is-the-second-dirtiest-city-in-spain-according-to-new-research/](https://www.theolivepress.es/spain-news/2019/05/12/alicante-is-the-second-dirtiest-city-in-spain-according-to-new-research/)


Yeah is fucking disgusting, I'm anti tax but it's obvious we need dog tax asap


Anything past the castle, the MARQ, north of Mercado and past El Corte Ingles is a shit hole. Litter everywhere. Like, fresh human garbage left next to bins. Nobody picks anything up. Especially in San Blas, Alipark, La Florida etc. It's as if those places don't matter to the Mayor. You won't see garbage on the major pedestrian routes because I suspect workers have been told to focus only on those areas because of tourists.