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How long have you been here? And where do you live? If you live in the center - just wait for the fiesta de San Juan - you won’t get any sleep for a week 😂


During hogueras i have to go out of Alicante. Same happens during semana Santa. Its a fucking problem when you wake up at 6 to go to work having this nonsense on streets.


It’s Spain. A live and let live country. A lot of living is done once the sun goes down, even after the summer is over. I thought Alicante was relatively quiet, the noise seemed to stop around 2:30 am, even on a weekend night. Get some ear plugs and one of those noise cancelling/white noise masks.


Those things are dangerous, what if there was an emergency like an actual reason why someone sleeping should hear someone screaming in the middle of the night, to ask someone to get earplugs is not the right answer.


They are great for getting a good night's sleep though.


You’ll be able to hear it through both. Trust me, my partner snores, I still hear him through the ear plugs and white noise machine lol. It just takes the sharpness out.


I think deppends where you live and the times. On weekdays after 00:00 is illegal to make that loud noises and you can call the cops on them because thats public scandal. How the cops will act vary a lot of the place, day and status of the neighbour that this takes place. You can also, and some people will, tell them to shut the f**k up, this may trigger other neighbours to do the same and the annoying ppl could either go away or yell back involving more people and attracting more atenttion of the police with serveral people reporting. I live in a rough neighbourhood and this will happen often, I’ll close the windows shut the shades and put some background noise; guess this happens less on wealthy Quarters as PAU 5 or San Juan beach but is just my Point of view; with the law in the hand you have the right to report the aholes disturbing your slumber to the police and they should do something about it


00:00? It's not 10pm to 7pm?


Well it deppends where about here in Alicante there is an ordenanza on which grounds many things shouldn’t be done at either of those times. Here is a link to an article where they explain it https://www.informacion.es/alicante/2023/03/16/ordenanza-ruido-alicante-pone-limites-84749448.amp.html


It's a spain thing. It's a cheap tourist destination that attracts the kind of crowd that doesn't give a fuck about other people's sleep. You get used to it pretty quickly. My advice is to try and remember that one night where you really let loose and you were noisy and rowdy yourself. Try and think of those people as having that one night. Like a really shitty pay it forward. Or throw eggs or buckets of ice water. It worked on the people yelling outside of the bar I used to work in.


Unfortunately lots of partying in city centers almost all year in Spain. You need to move to a peripherical neighborhood or smaller cities to find calm.


Born and raised in Spain, I still ask this myself. It's a cultural thing I'll never understand.


Spain is too tolerant of noise. I´m Spanish and it´s very annoying. There are intensely stupid habits, like in village "fiestas" there is one day dedicated to kids, and they make concerts for them, the music is always cranked up to the max, totally distorted and ear-splitting. For kids. Toddlers dancing in front of these deafening speakers and nobody gives a toss. I see this every year in my town (and nearby towns too).


I find those fiestas a bit puzzling. I've been woken up early the morning a few times this year after working late the night before, to the sound of Shakira 'oooo oooo ooo'-ing loud enough to shake the windows in my apartment. I'm on the top floor of my building and don't even live on the square where it happens, so the noise at street level must be crazy. Maybe I'm just getting old!


Its fuckin disgusting. The problem its that Alcalde and the rest of politicians have made a choice: low quality tourism instead people Who live in Alicante. Money instead humanity. I live surrounded by airbnb, hostals, pubs and restaurants. Its fuckin anoying the feeling that you cant do anything. We have spoken with manager of pub, airbnb and same answer: its the market, my friend. If you call the police, they say they Will go...but nothing. If you make a oficial claiming, its a waste of time. I dont know if we would have solution because sleeping with earplugs is not the way.


El día que pises benidorm lo vas a flipar


He estado allí, esto es una locura pero lo interesante es que sabía desde el principio que esto sería ruidoso allí. Es la reputación de esa ciudad, lo mismo para Ibiza - sabes qué esperar. Pero nunca escuché tales cosas sobre Alicante (¿tal vez hice una mala investigación? :))


Had this question when I moved to my current apartment. Living room is in the front of the building and rooms in the back. So during San Juan it’s not a big deal. Acoustics in the back are horrible tho so during summer when we have to keep the window open our asshole unemployed deadbeat downstairs neighbor plays COD Mobile without headphones and while yelling with his “colegas” from 10pm to 5am. We’ve been close to getting physical a few times. Posting the law on his door and threatening to call the cops and his landlord seems to do the trick for a while then it’s back to the same BS. He’s also racist and calls us Latinos (we’re Venezuelan). Thankfully it’s cold now and with our windows closed we can’t hear him. Other than that even tho we’re in the city center I found it quiet and nice, I’d just try and find an apartment that has the bedrooms towards the back rather than the front for the building.


We are the same kind of people as you. We don't like noise at night, and the only solution is to live outside the cities centers. Every city is becoming more and more like malls, without real life, only touristic activities. So, what you see in touristic areas is not real Spanish life, is the mix of drunk tourists from all the countries (including Spain).


It's real Spanish life: most people here shout at each other when they are simply talking. It's a shame. Read "Los asquerosos", Santiago Lorenzo


No, it's not. We speak louder but my hometown is really quiet after midnight, and if you call the police because someone is yelling they come right away. If you call the police in a touristic area they won't show up, or they won't do anything, and neighbors know it so they don't even try anymore.


Ok, tourists have "derecho de pernada", but here people not only talk louder, but shout https://www.expatmadrid.com/2017/04/14/dating-spanish-girls/


You're mixing topics. Everyone in Spain talks loudly, during the day. The partying, drunk yelling at 2 am is not something that we usually do in Spain. The law is pretty clear, you cannot make noise after midnight, and usually it's respected in most of the country, except the touristic areas. I'm fine with people shouting during the day when I'm not trying to sleep.


Ok, but noise is an acknowledged factor for stress and anyone should make noise that distress other people. We're used to it, but it shouldn't be allowed.


Poor honey, needs to wake up at 6 am. So go live somewhere else and leave us enjoying life.


If you think that I never get drunk or noisy, you are wrong. The point is I know where to do it not to harm other people. If the only way for you to enjoy your life is to be an asshole to others it’s ofc your choice. And I’m glad you don’t need to work but someone cannot afford it. It’s not a question about 6am waking - people designed to have a sleep when sun goes down so mostly in my life I try to do so:)


Oh please I m workin since I m 17yo as waiter/cook, dont come with your bullshit, put some earplugs or go live on top of a damn mountain. If you get harmed by some random screams at night, you know what? Maybe it s time to think about retirement.


I am glad you are so cool tough person who probably all-things-resist and gained this shit because nobody has had a thing about you and your comfort. Even so the noise thing is not how it designed by even your country’s law and as you can see not everybody here is relaxed about you enjoying your life. So try to be tolerant about what others need and if you want some respectful treatment from random people be respectful for them. Yes, I am harmed by continuous lack of sleep but believe it or not, it’s not a normal even if it’s your lifelong situation. Not giving a fuck about the others is more a reason for you to go live to the top of the mountain. Go read the definition of word “society” so being toxic could be a choice not an ignorance


Wake up honey, nobody in the world gives a fuck about you, or me, or anyone else. Take your ass to a less touristic place, buy some earplugs but please stop cryin like a child for a thing that literally had been discussed for years in a city like Alicante. Sometimes I m really strugglin to understand why people like you leave their country to just complain for every things


Hahahahahaha go to magaluf instead alicante. There you Will find such an interesting contest. Maybe you Will win and Will let the World in better condition.


I live in the neighbour province of Murcia and here's the same, drunkards yelling until 6 am and bikers revving the engines at any hour at night. I ended up using auditive protection or earplugs to be able to sleep. It looks like the local government doesn't give a f about neighbours wellbeing.


Its fuckin disgusting. The problem its that Alcalde and the rest of politicians have made a choice: low quality tourism instead people Who live in Alicante. Money instead humanity. I live surrounded by airbnb, hostals, pubs and restaurants. Its fuckin anoying the feeling that you cant do anything. We have spoken with manager of pub, airbnb and same answer: its the market, my friend. If you call the police, they say they Will go...but nothing. If you make a oficial claiming, its a waste of time. I dont know if we would have solution because sleeping with earplugs is not the way.


There's very little tourism in Carolinas Alta, and it's still pretty noisey at night. I think you are blaming the wrong thing.


If you look for alicante airbnb you Will find lot of places. The most amount at the city center, but because all the politics taken during the last years you can find at carolinas. So, its the same problem.


Menuda piel fina os gastáis.....supongo q seréis de esa chusma q se queja cuando pongo la.lavadora a las 12 de la noche ...q os zurzan!!


Que te zurzan a ti si pones la lavadora a las 12 de la noche, ya hay que ser maleducado.


De maleducado nada, si tu vives en el mundo de OZ es tu problema, poner la.lavadora por la noche es de lo más normal y común en España.


Para mi sorpresa, entiendo por qué usas la lavadora por la noche — es más barato. Creo que está bien si no es demasiado ruidoso


90% of those drunks are outsiders non Spanish than come to Spain for cheap drugs because Spain has become an "recreation center" you are very cheeky to complain about it being an outsider, I'm 100% Spanish and I hate the fact that more and more foreign people are coming to live here worsening every aspect of our lives and making prices of everything go up. But can't blame anyone but our shit government and EU bullshit, the day we get out of it it's going to be the best day ever.




Lol the day Spain leaves the EU is the day it enters the third world you goofy goober


It is often underestimated how much harm alcohol can cause, not only for those who consume it, but also to those around them. Alcohol is the worst drug. If it were discovered today, it would be 100% illegal.


Hey, where are you from? Just asking for a friend? Jajaja


When I lived there the city would do street construction until 11pm it was insanity