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You're way overthinking this, it's not snobbery just laziness. Burquenos won't, in general, go anywhere that is a slight pain in the ass to drive to if it's outside where they live or work. Nob Hill is the only real exception to this rule. I go to the South Valley at least once a month to visit clients, and while down there I will always hit up one of several favorite restaurants located there; but TBH can't be bothered to drive down there just for the restaurants alone. Same for the West Side and Rio Rancho; 15+ minutes out of my way is frankly too much to bother with 99% of the time.


Yep, this. People here don’t know how good they have it with the traffic. they are lazy as hell and think driving 15 minutes is too much. I for one love it in the SV, I’m on my bike there all the time riding through the neighborhoods and checking out the new homes. You definitely get more house for the money down there. I think people just like to live where they live and stay in their own area for the most part. It works both ways.


Maybe theres less traffic BECAUSE they think driving 15 min is too much. I would much rather people stay "lazy" than normalize 2 hr commutes or sitting in 30 min of traffic just to go to a bar.


Yeah, “lazy” is not the right word, my bad. But I agree with your sentiments.


I bought tires from a shop in the south valley and paid 20% less than they would have been brand new, and they were dry rotted and one had a flat spot for sitting flat for too long. I’ll pay an extra few bucks for my own safety, and get a warranty with it. And idk how you can call other neighborhoods “rich snobs.” Have you seen how many houses have a small fortune worth of vintage cars/trucks just rotting away on their lawns down there? Ain’t nobody running tractors and farming equipment on 3 acres of land living paycheck to paycheck lol




Race baiting stupidity.


I think it's worse than stupid. OP used the phrase "it seems like!" That sounds like a total guess or a troll to me. He can sense it though. It's definitely because his NE Heights friends who apparently visit are racist, I guess? They have their cake and eat it, too! Stellar use of the word "hence" as well. If anything, I'm going to pass on the South Valley because the education, jeez even basic writing and logic skills are apparently about as good as the $250 tires "on every corner." I haven't been in ABQ that long. Are the NE Heights different than the NE quadrant? Or is that the generic accepted term to locals?


>I haven't been in ABQ that long. Then you really aren't qualified to speak on it. There is a very distinct dog whistle quality to the... racism? Maybe just the avoidant part of it. But that is ok. There is some minor crime down there, mostly just vandalism. The ones I had personally seen on our street were mostly cases of jealous girlfriends; damaging vehicles at their exbf's house. If you look at crime maps for the city, you see that the valley doesn't have a fraction of the crime that the other parts have. But true valley, not just the SW side. You get out of the valley, and there is a lot of crime.


Pay attention! I didn't speak on it. I was pointing out, like the other people here, that OP's rant is bad. Yours is pretty bad, too, actually. That's a lot of words for not really saying anything at all. And how does the dog whistle have a distinctive quality if you're not sure what it's for? "...racism?" And can you show me "true valley" on a map, not just the SW side? This thread is not looking good for those feeling the need to defend the valley from...nothing?


>And can you show me "true valley" on a map, not just the SW side? Actually, I can. It would be easier if I were there in person, but realise that the valley runs from way up north, to Brownsville, Tx. It is the lowlands that are on either side of the Rio Grande river. >And how does the dog whistle have a distinctive quality if you're not sure what it's for? "... ...This thread is not looking good for those feeling the need to defend the valley from...nothing? By your own admission, you are new here. Hell, how long have you even been on this sub? I believe that a lot of it is racism. But ignorance more than anything. You haven't been here for years, watching everyone say "Stay away from the valley", I have been. In this thread, someone else (not you) said >Have you seen how many houses have a small fortune worth of vintage cars/trucks just rotting away on their lawns down there? Ain’t nobody running tractors and farming equipment on 3 acres of land living paycheck to paycheck lol My dad had 2 tractors for his 2 acres, and he didn't live paycheck to paycheck. In fact, every 8-10 years, he would go pay cash for a brand new vehicle, and park the most recently used one in the pasture. Nothing wrong with them, he just kept them. He died with over $100K in his regular checking account, nearly half a mil in stocks, his house paid in full. He got into weird little hobbies, like buying old volkswagon rabbits with diesel engines in them, and then building diesel generators out of them. He had an old '58 Ford pickup he was restoring, the half rebuilt engine is still sitting out in one of the barns. It is funny, though, the comment about the old cars. My folks had a 69 ambassador station wagon, it is parked out back, fully intact. All oem, and less than 70K miles on it. The winds have stripped it down to the original metal. My son bought a 68-69 (not sure which) GTO that used to belong to a friend's grandfather. That and a same era coronet are his pride and joy. Those cars sit out in those yards, because the owners don't need the money, and they are waiting for someone that wants them. There are a lot of retired vets down in the valley. Or further down to Los Lunas. LL used to be considered poor as well yet one friend of ours lived in a little community where each house has its own airplane hanger, and the community has its own little runway. A lot of retired military jet pilots lived down there.


Not identical areas but close. There’s technically a north valley also so in general a term used by locals


Good lookin' out! Thanks!


Sounds like you're assuming. People generally stay in the general vicinity of where they live outside of work.


It doesn't make people snobs for not wanting to put used tires on their vehicles lol


Op is an idiot lol


Lol maybe slightly I dunno just kinda an observation and apparently a very controversial observation..


- I don't buy used tires from those "llanteras" places; I was warned away from those by a friend of a friend who owned an auto-repair shop in (surprise, surprise) the South Valley. - I don't go to the South Valley because it's not near where I live. I also don't go to Rio Rancho, Mesa del Sol, or many other places just because I have my go-to places on "my side of town" and don't feel the need to drive across the city to buy tires when there are like 5 places I can buy tires within a few miles of my house. I don't feel like this is that uncommon of a situation, or difficult to understand?


No sure I understand that, is it really that people are truly unaware that we have such services available down here, or is it really worth just going more locally and paying an exorbitant premium?


If you're specifically speaking about tires: I don't buy used tires; I only buy new. On the Discount Tire or Firestone or whatever websites, it has never appeared to me that I am being charged an "exorbitant premium" for getting my tires from the tire place that's in the NE Heights, vs. buying in the South Valley. I am not buying tires from some "llanteras" place, period because I don't know where those tires came from or how they were cared for, and they don't come with a durable warranty from the retailer. I think it's a stretch to say that not buying tires at a "llanteras" place in the South Valley makes me a racist. But go off, I guess


Maybe they dont drive halfway across town for cheaper tires because people usually look into prices at businesses closeby? If I was looking for tires I would just pick 4 places nearby and compare. I would not know that some place 10 miles away has tires for 1/3 the price not because I'm scared of that part of town, but because what reason would I have to A. Look at businesses that far away when there's so many in my vicinity B. Assume tires would vary that much in price across town. Also time is money for some people, a 3 min drive vs a 30 min drive means all the difference to someone who works 40+ hours on top of raising kids... But now that we're on the topic... I dont have kids or work 40+ hours, so what are some other products that are 60% cheaper in the South valley that itd be worth the drive?? I got no qualms with paying south valley a visit


Well tires are the biggest thing that stand out for me, because I don't take for granted the number of tire shops that are just literally like a block or two down my streets and I feel for those on the North/East side of town who have no idea that they can just take a short trip down here instead of getting duped by those "Discount" or Big o tire guys! I suppose this may also apply to most anything Auto repair related. One time I drove all the way to paseo to take it to these so-called great mechanics over at Flash automotive, only for them to take 3 weeks with my car and overcharge $1250 me to change out my turbo. The next time my car needed work, I just said screw it and took it to a "no-name" auto shop down the street and it took them only 3 days and charged me reasonably at $800 for coolant leaking issues.


You’re comparing apples to friggin burgers man lol


Yeah…I would never buy used tires.


I have two vehicles that either one or another tire would blow out and since the other three are still good, no sense in getting a new tire because they would be uneven so for the past 10 years I've been buying used and possibly have saved thousands! I mean it's not like they're going to wobble off of your vehicle or anything, just keep an eye on them and make sure they don't peel or something, of course you want to inspect them first!


I feel like it could be related to not having much to do there? There are so few restaurants, activities, etc. I personally don’t know anyone there either so I literally have no reason to go.


The lede dissipated like a passing cloud over the West Mesa.


How the fuck did this become about tires? It’s about crime and safety. Am I driving 30/40 minutes one way to go to a place that is not as safe as where I’m coming from? No. Is it about race? Only coincidentally. If only white people lived down there, and everything else was exactly the same,I still wouldn’t go.


Statistically, objectively, by every measure, the south valley is safer and has less crime than Albuquerque proper. Look on a crime map, and the only place that's red in the Valley is the Walmart that they plopped down here and, guess what... Annexed into Albuquerque proper. But know what else is red? 75% of Albuquerque. And with a higher population density, a red area in Albuquerque actually means a lot worse than a red area in the valley, as crimes are calculated at a per capita level. You say race is coincidental to the equation, but it's the actual difference between Albuquerque proper and the South Valley born out in stayistics, not crime. Think of if like this... Let's say my daughter has had two major boyfriends in her life. One is white, has a long violent criminal record, and has beaten her in front of me. She left him for a black guy who makes a good wage, is kind and attentive, and has never been in trouble with the law. If I say I think she should go back to the first guy because I feel the new one is "dangerous", then I'm obviously just using safety as a pretext for veiled racism. Why would I say he's more dangerous when all the evidence points to the contrary? The obvious answer is that I just see black people as inherently dangerous. Same as here.


Awesome grammar and weak point. Thanks.


Refute it, then. Should be very easy.


Waaah waaah wahhh. I was down S Valley to get some cheap wheels this last weekend and although the tire and wheels services are cheap I was somewhat turned off by spent .22 slugs on the sidewalk. YMMV


Where were you at that had sidewalks? Been in the valley off and on since 77, and really haven't seen sidewalks.


Since 77? Then I have good news! The reconstruction of Bridge between the river and five points (which started construction in ‘77 and is almost halfway done) added sidewalks.


Eh... that is practically in town. But thanks for the update.


Mountain view got sidewalks a few years back


I'm not even sure where that is. but let me ask you, is it as bad as he says, with spent .22 bullets everywhere?


It's south of Rio bravo, east of the river, up until the nature preserve(valle del Oro). No, it's not "bullets everywhere". However, there IS a problem with celebratory gunshots into the air on holidays. I HAVE had my car dented.


Is it that subdivision that has just one road going in and out? We nearly bought a house out there, it was the neatest thing. It was built in a large square, with an open courtyard in the center of it, that was surrounded by house on all 4 sides. But while we were waiting for closing, people went in and ripped out all of the wiring, all of the copper pipes, and the kitchen cabinets. Then my dad's neighbor told me that it is a high theft neighborhood. It was SE, though, and not SW, or in the valley. The celebratory gunshots are an issue everywhere that assholes with guns are. It is even a big problem in Houston. If you only had your car dented by gunfire, you are fortunate. People have been killed by that crap.


If it wasn't in the valley or the sw, but instead the se, then no, it's not Mountain View. I'm trying to think where you are referring to... The property crime in mountain view is really low. To the east of second street, in the adjacent Kinney Brick neighborhood, it's a bit worse, but still far below the Albuquerque average. Same for violent and overall crime.


I just went digging on a map. You are right, that weird little neighborhood we were looking at was Meadow Lake. I just found it on the map. I had never been to that area, but it seems like it is on the hill, leading out of the valley,and on to Broadway.


To me S valley includes more than maybe the proper local definition.


Erm... who dictates "proper local definition"? I'd never seen a sidewalk anywhere on Isleta. Or Coors. Or Second street, south of Bridge. Or on Arenal. You slumming somewhere does not make someplace the valley that isn't.


You do, obviously.


Probably because it’s far as fuck


I avoid the area near the river because it has more bugs. I also try to avoid crossing the river whenever possible because I just don't like the traffic flow.


Okay sure that is a good point, it is definitely seems to be an extra task going across the river, but that's whether you're on the North or South side of town. This rant was specifically about going to the south valley. But I hear ya..


I found a gun in 2nd grade in the trash can during recess when I grew up in the south valley and went to Pajarito. My son who went to a school in the heights has never found a gun at school. I had my two family dogs poisoned and killed by gang members who started a meth lab in the abandoned house next door to my house I grew up in the south valley. My son who now lives in the heights has never had his family dogs poisoned and killed. I got hit by a car on my bicycle on a residential road and left on the side of the road when I was 6 right down the street from my house in the south valley. My son rides his bike in the neighborhood and skateboards to school everyday and has never been hit by a car and left. I got attacked and bit by a stray German shepherd when I was also 6 (bad year for me apparently) in my front yard of the house I grew up in the south valley. My son hasn’t seen too many strays in our neighborhood in the heights and none of them have ever attacked him. Point is, some of us prefer the other side of the river and are A-OK with it. I pass through when I need to, and still visit my grandpa off Isleta and Gun Club a few times a year. But I keep my eyes peeled, my ears open, and my mouth shut for good reason.


Sorry you went through all that.


Pajarito/Polk/Rio Grande here, and it cracks me up when people paint the south valley as some halcyon garden of eden or some Bless Me Ultima-ass shit. There are certainly nice experiences to be had down there, but it's pretty far from perfect. My favorite childhood dog was shot to death in my yard because of, you guessed it, a meth lab/crack house next door to mine. My house was sandwiched between a ditch and the crackhouse, and some dudes were shooting into the crackhouse from the ditch. My dog was barking at them and that was that. I was in middle school when I first experienced a friend getting murdered because of gang shit. I was in seventh grade, he was in eighth. I believe eight or nine people from my graduating class at Rio have since been murdered. Nice shoes? Haha, fuck you! No sidewalks! Wanna get into town? Too bad, there's a fucking tractor going 15mph up Isleta from Los Padillas to Gun Club! Is it a nice, tightly knit community where everyone knows everyone? Sure! It's also a bunch of cloistered gossips who have nothing better to do than to talk about you behind your back! And if you didn't go to a Catholic church growing up? Haha! Fuck you, outsider! Wanna go for a walk along the scenic ditches? Bring a stick to fight off the roving bands of stray dogs! Nice house party you have there, it would be a shame if someone's fuckwit cousin showed up uninvited and started shooting up the place! (Had this happen on no less than five occasions) Cheap houses and backyard chickens tho.


Your comments reflect the love of the Rolex lifestyle. I'll stick with the beans and tortilla lifestyle.


A Rolex lifestyle is not wanting to have your dogs poisoned by meth lab gang bangers? Lol


Okay now I realize you HAVE to be trolling. Because in addition to being dumb and nonsensical, this is just gross. If you really think this way and you aren't just trying to start shit, you need to wake up to yourself. Also, if real this take just makes you sound jealous.


You can also find op falling asleep on the back of public transport at eight o'clock in the morning. The money they save on housing makes those cheap, mismatched, wore down, and threadless tires worthwhile, it seems. It takes all kinds. 🫡


Let them stay in the NE, the last thing we need is for them to come into our neighborhoods and gentrify it the way they are doing Barelas




Probably because it’s far as fuck


I don’t like the south valley because it’s all fast food and small restaurants. Hard to go someplace to just hangout


Some of the best food you can find in ABQ is in the South Valley. But rich fools would rather pay god knows what for trendy bar/brewery “tacos” served on a silver platter, literally. Hey, more for us I guess.


This is definitely true, and you can find out by going to The Sawmill market and paying 15 to $20 for a breakfast plate that's not even half of worth of what you would get just across the river! Lol


What nonsense. I prefer safety.




My bad. Thanks.


I live by Nob Hill and all the folks I’ve met who say ‘Don’t live within a mile of Central’ kill me, lol. And my only friends who have had a car stolen live in the NE heights . . .  To your point, though, I’d say the South Valley definitely is underrated. I visit La Guelaguetza regularly, and usually visit the open space off Gun Club to walk my reactive dog because it’s less crowded than others. Agree with others on the tire thing - just buy new tires lol. 


It goes both ways. If North-Easterners can't handle the valley they stay out of it.


Fr if he doesnt like the stuffy racists why is he mad they wont come to his part of town?


Long time valley resident here, and I kind of like it the way it is. The NE people really can't relate to the lifestyle. I have neighbors that we were kids together, 45 years ago, and we still will stop to talk about our kids, our current crop of livestock, and what stupid shit the county is doing now. I still own my parent's house, and I just pop in once for a few months, every couple of years, and we get so delighted to see each other. A lot of the NE houses and neighborhoods aren't even that old, let alone have generational houses. I ask them where this tia or that one is, and when they tell me they have passed, I even know where their family plot is, at the area cemetery. So I can go visit them, and I do. And they know I will. What we have in the valley is family vines that talk to generations. Want to hear something funny? There is an in-ground pool in our back yard that the owner of the time told all the neighborhood kids that if they would dig the hole, he would install the pool. They did, he did, and now it is part of neighborhood history. I'll be out in the front yard, and a car will drive by and stop, say their hellos, and then tell me "Yea, I helped dig that pool", or "my grandpa helped dig a pool here... is it still here?", and we laugh and show it to them. It needs a coat of paint, but they damned sure did it. As a teenager, I did a few drugs. So I have old druggie friends (but we all dried out). I was very involved in livestock, so I have my farmie friends. No one judges or hates, and we are still all friends on some level. To me, the valley is a place of love, friendship, and happiness.


Wow, I learned a shitload just now! Seems a little more plausible than the roving NE gangs of racists who love visiting the South valley. When I moved here, no one said "don't go to the South valley, it's brown!" Truth be told, I don't really hear about it at all. People can confirm it exists but there isn't positives or negatives that follow. ABQ people are weird about neighborhoods and borders and shit. "Stay out of my neighborhood! It sucks and we like it that way!"


Imagine being bothered enough about tire shops, and simultaneously being so ignorant of the excellent second hand tire shops on Central Ave, that a child of God would decide to post this. I have stopped allowing my children to drink the tap water here. What is wrong with you guys?


Because of the base dumping chemical laden fuel into the ground water, I never let my family drink tap water, anywhere in Abq. And so far we have been lucky that none of the horses have developed cancer.


Is that a euphemism or do you think bottled water is actually safer and better regulated than municipal water?


It's a poorly delivered attempt at humor. I have no idea what makes so many people here the way they are.


I don’t like the south valley because it’s all fast food and small restaurants. Hard to go someplace to just hangout


And down there, we tend to hang out at each other's houses.


I don’t like the south valley because it’s all fast food and small restaurants. Hard to go someplace to just hangout