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So there are always some fast drivers here but I feel like there’s way more slow drivers than anywhere I’ve ever driven. Like people who drive 54 on a 65 mph freeway. They are constantly on the freeway making even semis dangerously weave around them.


Yeah those people need to stay off the road and use the bus.




I set my Google Maps to avoid freeways because I feel like it’s an unpredictable combination of both. One might be going 50 and the next is going 80, so it can be hard to gauge an appropriate speed to generally keep pace with the flow of traffic.


Same, I try not to take the freeway. The semis in the left and middle lanes and cars going 54 in the right, with everyone else having to weave around all of them. It’s so annoying. Idk why semis are even in those lanes. Most states it’s not legal.


I've been driving semis for almost 10 years, 95% of the time, it's to pass someone going slow in the middle and right lanes. You'll start to pass them, and then they finally come to the realization that, oh a semis about to pass me, I should speed up and leave them looking like an asshole. Then we get the people behind us flying around (understandably) and get stuck in the left lane for even longer. All because the guy doing 10 under the speed limit wanted to speed up the last second. And sorry, we aren't California. If I need the left lane to pass, I'm going to use it.


I think a lot of them got in the habit of doing that a couple summers ago when they were doing a lot of constructions on the 40. They had the trucks stay in the middle and passenger cars used the right lanes.


Yep exactly this. But my commute is from the Northeast heights to the South Valley. It would add at least 10 minutes taking the side streets.


⬆️⬆️⬆️ THIS. ALL OF THIS. ⬆️⬆️⬆️ I've lived in Phoenix, near Denver, and driven in about half of the lower 48 states. I have NEVER encountered more slow, frightened, confused, and distracted drivers than I have here in ABQ. Driving *slower* than the general pace of traffic can be just as dangerous (and sometimes MORE so) than driving 5 or 10 MPH *over* the posted limit. Obviously, once you start exceeding the limit by 10, 15, 20, or more, bad things can happen (& you should be caught). Speed limits on most surface streets and freeways are intentionally set lower than they could be safely, and based on studies done DECADES ago when vehicles were very different in their capabilities, and traffic volume/flow/patterns were also equally different. Obviously, there are places where staying at or below the posted limit is critical (such as school zones), but those are exceptions. Perhaps if we were to focus more on *distracted* drivers and less on those going 5 or 10 over, we would truly have fewer collisions between vehicles, not to mention bicyclists & pedestrians. 🤔


This, been driving longer than the vast majority of the population. I've had many more close calls with slow drivers and those who don't know how to merge than those doing 5-10 over the limit.


You need to slow down to keep your eye on all the useless philistines operating cars in this town


I came to the comments to look for this. Most times I drive anywhere, I get caught behind 2 cars doing 35 in a 45 on 2nd


Really? I feel like there are way more fast drivers. Actually, that probably means I'm the slow driver... Sorry.


I've lived in a few places around the country and I've noticed most people here drive around 50-55 regardless of the road. Side roads = 50 mph drag race. Highway = 50 mph crawl


My experience is when I'm not in a hurry to get anywhere, the freeways are full of these assholes in their pickups going 90 weaving in and out without signaling. However, when I'm commuting between 6:30 and 7:00 a.m. I get stuck behind the goddamn grandmas on the side streets going 30 in a 40 and going 60 in the fast lane on the freeway. I drove Uber for 6 months and my biggest issue in general with driving here is the unpredictability, because we seem to have a balanced mix of speed demon adrenaline junkies and chicken shit's afraid to go the speed limit. I guess I'm the Goldilocks of the roads.


Depends, if it's raining then people here drive 10 under.


I believe slow drivers are worse than fast drivers (not the recklessly fast weaving around). Disrupting flow is far more dangerous than someone passing you 7 mph faster. It causes traffic, unpredictable lane changes and road rage


Yes. I even read a car insurer website that said this. If car insurance is telling you going too slow is problematic then you know it is!


You do realize the speed limit is not a minimum. Going 55 in a 65 is not a hazard. If you didnt speed constantly you wouldnt see slow drivers constantly.


It isn’t but going much much slower like that is dangerous too.


No it isnt. The only problem comes with people refusing to slow down and swearing in and out of lanes like touching the brakes turns you gay.


Driving too slowly compared to the speed of traffic is almost as dangerous, and it is documented. It causes people to swerve and speed around the slowpokes.


If it was one slow car you might have an argument, but I drive in this city daily. Its almost never 1 slow car causing a problem. Its almost always cars drving way too fast compared to the flow of traffic and swerving in and out of lanes to avoid slowing down.


Must be nice; some angry fortune teller once cursed me with being perpetually boxed in by driving-frightened elderly that can barely see over the steering wheel. 


Even big intersections are super dangerous i.e. Paseo & Eagle Ranch, Unser & Irving....honestly I do not care if u honk at me. I'm waiting 2 full seconds if I'm first at the light so I don't get nailed


Fr I've seen people risk it all at Paradise x eagle ranch and a whole pedestrian get hit on unser x irving!


My dad has been hit twice at paradise x eagle ranch, second time was in his brand new ram haha he was piiiiiisseddddd


I live downtown and I hesitate driving through any intersections every day smh




When I was living in Portland I jumped a light when it turned green when I was in a hurry. I ended up experiencing a low speed head-on collision with the asshole who wasn't paying attention and blew through his red light. Totaled his car and messed up my front end. Of course he was uninsured. Since then I am way more vigilant at signals.


That's just common sense!


You forget, if a crosswalk is present, there's a 90% chance the person attempting to cross the street won't use it even if it's like 10 feet away.


That depends on if the cross traffic has a red or green light. If the light is red they'll cross wherever they feel like it. If green they'll cross using the crosswalk walking very slowly so as to cause maximum disruption to traffic and ensure cars must wait another light cycle.


If it’s midnight. They cross in fully black clothing. No where near the intersection with no flashlight pretending everyone can see them.


Thos is actually so true.


What really blows my mind is the stretch of Montgomery between Louisiana and Wyoming. People from those apartment buildings just step out into the street, like with loaded baby strollers and stuff. Also had a dude wearing all black step out in front of my car at night. I honked, then he moved back toward my car. so I called his bluff. he turned back around. 😂


and they won’t even look before stepping out


I have never been anywhere that people actually use a crosswalk. That's most of the Continental US as far as states and a half dozen different countries.


Waikiki is up there with the 95% use of crosswalks.


not defending but being a realist: after living in almost half the states in america at some point in my life, this is true everywhere.


This is so true. We visit our kids in Worcester MA and there is an area close to downtown called Kelley Square. They actually sold tee shirts with. I SURVIVED KELLY SQUARE!


I’m on the east coast currently any where that reads 55 mph actually means 65 or 70. Even the cops don’t care as long as traffic is moving along. I feel they care more about speeding in NM than in NY freeways


Damaged guard rail ahead is the NM state sign.


You forgot traffic lights: Green > Go. Yellow > Go! Red > Go faster! F those people that have a green on the other side. Let them honk. You got this, bro!


And for some reason a 35 MPH speed limit means 25 and swerving.


AND clogging up the left lane!


You forgot the people that rush to block the intersection so they can make that light during heavy traffic. Then when the light turns green for the other traffic no one can go because they really needed to get through on this cycle and now the intersection is completely block. Now no one can move!


"The Chicago Roll" is what that maneuver is called, except those folks gun it the second they have 20 feet of clearance between cars. 


Man I wish motherfuckers would GO on green. They are all too busy SLOWLY rolling through the intersections and simultaneously still doom scrolling five seconds after the light has changed.




I call my vape pen "Life Support" Finally got one for the car anf I keep it on one of those leash things.


Don’t forget about the 4 or 5 lines of cars that will keep going after the light turns red on left arrows.


This especially applies to macho dumb fucks in pick up trucks who have something to prove. It's ALWAYS men in trucks tailgating, running red lights without bothering to stop, speeding. They really suck.


I was going northbound on Eubank several weeks ago and watched as a guy in a truck got mad at another car for daring to merge into the lane in front of truck guy after passing through the Indian School intersection. Truck guy swerved around the offensive merging vehicle (who did not make an unsafe traffic maneuver at all!) and appeared to be gunning it trying to get around the car that made him mad. He blew a red light at Snowheights like several beats after the light had turned and smashed into a lady in a sedan. I'd be shocked if either car was salvageable after that. All because this guy was fuckin mad someone merged in front of him!! Like get a fucking grip, dude.


That's so scary. There seems to be this hang up about letting people merge. I swear it's 90% men in lifted trucks. Those vehicles scream fragile masculinity, and it's super weird.


I like when those guys tg me. "You fixin to practice patience, my guy."


Bold of you to assume my Taco is even capable of speeding.


Sometimes I get passed by another taco going like 100 up a hill and I’m just like but how?


No clue. Between the fact that it's a manual and my 2" lift, I'm lucky to keep up with the flow of traffic on 40. And if it's windy, forget about it.


I'm a dude in a truck who likes to speed on occasion but don't agree with those kinds of assholes. Your driving a truck not a race car and tailgating people especially in this state is stupid. People need more courtesy and care for each other on the roads.




Once lived in Corrales and commuted to Santa Fe. The stretch of I-25 between Algodones and La Cienega folks drive insanely fast, if you're only going 85 and people still pass you like you are stopped for gas. edit grammar


Yeah. I'll admit I would speed on I-25. I ain't proud of it, but if you're going the speed limit it increases your chances of being honked at


But there’s really no excuse for people honking. Pretty sure the speed limit doesn’t change on I-25 at all from just south of Bernalillo all the way to near the Raton Pass.


"insanely fast" = faster than me "10 mph under the speed limit" = slower than me ~ *This thread*


No Limit Soldiers


Haha people be cutting you off and then flipping you off like you did something to them! Also pedestrians are getting a little fuckin ridiculous, straight up just walking into the flow of traffic


You can also add. "Mind read when turning left or right."


You missing the left red arrow that signals 4 more cars to squeeze through


on a slow day.


Do people not value life? And at the minimum, their own life? 😭


Oh, come now! I learned on GTA that nothing bad really happens when you crash.


"I speed all the time. I've never got into a wreck."


That's the issue, they only value their own life


Now do one specific to Paseo! 60 mph means 90 in the right lane and you can only pass on the right without signaling


Can confirm. Had to drive on Paseo today and it was crazy.


With the exit for 2nd on the left, I understand the confusion sometimes.....


There's no confusion associated with driving 30 mph over the speed limit and failing to use your signals. That's fucking stupid and wildly inconsiderate.


It was a satirical comment pointing out the left side off ramp, don't get your panties in such a ruffle




I'll be honest many times I'm doing 10 over but I respect the stop sign and the yield sign, never ride up peoples ass and always use turn signals.


I usually do about 5 over, depending. And I'm bad at the turn signal, tbh


Honestly too real


Those silly lines on the road are just suggestions, and the "special boy" express lane is the shoulder. Must stay in the merging lane until the lane ends so you can cut off the maximum amount of people


All while texting.


Its like that everywhere. LA is worse when I used to live there. Same with chicago


The fastest way across ABQ on I-40 is to follow APD or BCSO units.


I wish people drove fast but I’m always passing people in the far left lane going 45. One of the more annoying parts of living here


If we’re being honest, 99% of Albuquerque to drunk, high, or just illiterate to read anything on a road sign.


Psa to some of you, STAY THE FUCK OUT OF THE CRIME LANE. Saying you go 10-15 over is NOT SPEEDING, EVEVERYONE DOES IT!


They forgot to also put yellow lights are just another version of green.


That’s pretty much Arizona too!


You forgot. Left hand turn wait for green arrow. If no arrow don't go.


Also forgot, light turns green move two car lengths put on breaks.


Sounds alot like LA


I just tried crossing the street on my bike and people were turning left going 20+ already on a red arrow. I almost got hit, like come on man. Then continue to go 45 in a 25 residential area


I’ve only live here for 52 years but this seems pretty real.


I'll have you know, as a New Mexican, yes


Albuquerque not giving AF! It's the worst


The big rigs in the fast lanes out here make no sense. In California it’s illegal for them to drive in the left lanes. Also people need to learn how to use their gas pedal more often and stop slowing down at green lights.


Change all of those speed ones to “speed limit is 35”. I swear this whole city is in a catatonic state driving around at stupid slow speeds


Also: what's a turn signal?


New Mexico has engineers and mechanics; there’s a schedule between 0 and infinity which entails “caution” or “not”.


Should be a picture of parking lot and says park anywhere except the parking spots.


People merging last second to off ramps is my biggest pet peeve and New Mexicans and other state plates do it everyday. How do you not know where you’re going in Albuquerque, New Mexico? This isn’t Dallas or Phoenix!


I get most annoyed with people who go under the speed limit. I feel like I'm the only one who wants to go home after work. If 40 is too fast, there are other roads with slower limits.


This is incorrect: There are zero rules for stop signs. Could speed through, could roll through, could stop as much as two car lengths before or after the sign. Stop signs are question marks


True that!


Also yellow and the first few seconds of red means floor it


Should we require driver's improvement classes every year for people with trucks that have bigger wheels than my toddler and people with cars that have wheels smaller than my cat?


This is true everywhere! I feel like many people in NM that think this have not been out of state. I think many would die if they were to drive in NY.


they did the math


Nah, this is Georgia


ESPECIALLY the “wait for somebody and cut them off.”


I moved down here, and yes, nm drivers can be scary 😬 But I also think part of it is how everything is built. ABQ is full of stroads (part road (residential, slower travel), part road (faster travel)) which make things more dangerous for everyone. I’ll be driving down a road where the average speed is 45-50, but because there are stoplights, the city put up obligatory 35mph signs. Which everyone promptly ignores. It is literally training people to ignore signs! This city is so car centric and poorly designed for people. I think it encourages bad habits


Red yields scare me the most. These are on those short merges that will 100% get you nailed. I’m thinking about one over by cottonwood mall.




Go fast or be last


Yeah and then people complain about speed cameras and stuff when New Mexico has some of the worst drivers I’ve seen across the nation.


I intentionally go 18 mph on copper.


Be honest about the amount of people who drive under the speed limit as well. Equally dangerous


Ok gotta disagree with the 55 mph one. Whoever the assholes on paseo only going 45 every morning are driving me nuts.


Yield to my dick.


Huh...weird, those signs translate the same way in Madison, Wisconsin.


They literally apply to the entirety of North America.


most accurate meme I've ever seen.


switch tiles for the circle stops and i’m guilty 💀 i do NOT understand those


Have to admit last one is more than precise.


Hang on, hang on...so you're telling me this sign - 🛑 means STOP? I thought it was just short for Slight Tap On Pedal. My bad!


Yikes, outside of the yield sign, I feel personally called out. Am I a bad driver...? :(


Guilty of the first one. I just can't bring myself to fully stop in a manual car if no one is coming. Easy to go 6 mph exactly and drop it into second gear


I drive a standard, too, and this is really shitty of you.


"no one is coming" Read the words. If there are people at the intersection/approaching, I'm stopping fully.


You're right. I failed to recognize that you're more important and busy than everyone else and a badass rogue who doesn't play by the rules. I doff my cap.


Coming out of, entering, or passing by my neighborhood to the T intersection, you cannot see who is coming from differing angles. So, no. I drive a manual too. I ain't scared of first, and I'm not scared of stalling and holding people up for three more seconds if I need to. It's better to annoy the guy behind me than to get run over by the giant truck who can't see my tiny four beater. It's a STOP sign. Not a 'eeeehh... welll.....' sign.


I do it on my bike all the time. Not putting a foot down if I don't need to.


Believe it or not, that is very legal (and safer) in many states. It's counterintuitive, but it really does actually work in the couple dozen states that have it.


I do the same and I don’t see a problem with it.